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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Relationship Between Childhood Invalidation and Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms Through Rejection Sensitivity and Experiential Avoidance

Stadnik, Ryan D. January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Detecting Learning Styles in Video Games

Cooley, Benjamin 01 March 2015 (has links)
Video games are increasingly becoming more intelligent, able to adapt themselves to the individual gamer. Learning styles are a set of models used to categorize people into different types of learners to explain why some people learn better through different methods. Since learning and exploration are such fundamental parts of the video game experience, it is interesting to consider the possibility of applying these learning style models to video games, allowing the video game to adapt to its player, providing a better experience. To consider such adaptation, the game must first be able to detect that learning style from how the player has interacted with it. Simple metrics collected during game play of an instrumented game (opensource Supertux) are compared to the results of the Hay Group’s Kolb Learning Style Inventory, a paper test designed to determine one’s learning style. A relationship between recordable game play metrics and the academic model for learning would allow a game designer to potentially infer that model from game play and use it to adapt the game to that type of learner.

Los ExPros y su relación con la fidelización de clientes de barberías clásicas, dirigido a hombres de 18 a 35 años residentes de Lima Metropolitana / The ExPros and their relationship with the loyalty of customers of classic barbershops, aimed at men from 18 to 35 years who live in Metropolitan Lima

Lozano Campos, César Antonio 30 November 2019 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación busca analizar de una manera elemental la relación entre los proveedores de experiencia (ExPros) personal y entorno espacial con la fidelización en el sector de barberías de Lima, Perú. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene carácter de una investigación no experimental y de corte transversal. Se utilizaron instrumentos cuantitativos (SPSS) y cualitativos para recolectar información y data numérica representativa. Se realizo un análisis descriptivo sobre el público objetivo que son hombres de 18 a 35 años. Se encontró que entre los dos ExPros investigados, el personal tiene mayor relación con la satisfacción, a comparación que el entorno espacial, siendo la satisfacción la variable intermedia ara llegar a la fidelización del cliente. Finalmente se mencionan las posibles futuras investigaciones que se pueden realizar teniendo en cuenta lo descubierto en el trabajo de investigación elaborado. / The objective of this research work seeks to analyze in an elementary way the relationship between personal experience providers (ExPros) and space environment with loyalty in the barbershop sector of Lima, Peru. This research work has the character of a non-experimental and cross-sectional investigation. Quantitative and qualitative instruments (SPSS) were used to collect information and representative numerical data. A descriptive analysis was carried out on the target audience that are men between 18 and 35 years old. It was found that between the two ExPros investigated, the people has a greater relationship with satisfaction, compared to the spatial environment, with satisfaction being the intermediate variable to reach customer loyalty. Finally, the possible future research that can be carried out is mentioned, taking into account what was discovered in the research work prepared. / Trabajo de investigación

Combining Experiential and Didactic Methods of Teaching Group Counseling: The Value of the Process, Useful Structures, and Ethics

Bitter, James 01 October 2011 (has links)
Presenters will describe an approach to teaching and learning group counseling. Emphasized is the value of experiential approaches as a way for students to become actively involved in learning how groups function. Some of these experiential methods include: observing live demonstrations by the instructor with students in the group course; viewing and discussing video programs on group counseling; opportunities to co‐lead a small group with supervision as part of the course; and by appropriately dealing with studentsʹ personal concerns that might enhance or inhibit their ability to function as group counselors. Emphasized are ways to provide supervision and feedback for students, as well as methods of evaluation.

Storytelling in the Accounting Classroom

Freeman, Michelle, Burkette, Gary 01 January 2019 (has links)
Under what conditions and in what situations is the telling of personal history and other stories an effective teaching tool?Storytelling has been used by many of the greatest teachers throughout history. Plato, Jesus and Gandi, used stories, parables and personal histories to educate students (Zabel 1991). In fact, storytelling has been referred to as the foundation of the teaching profession (Abrahamson 1998). In recent years, the use of storytelling has received attention from academic researchers and has been studied in several academic disciplines. It has been suggested that the use of storytelling in higher education settings increases student performance and recollection (Bryant & Harris 2011). However, few students have considered the potential for the use of storytelling in the accounting classroom.This archival research seeks to describe the value of storytelling as a pedagogical tool across academic disciplines, review the literature regarding the use of storytelling in other academic disciplines in higher education, synthesize the findings of existing research and describe the uses, benefits and difficulties with using storytelling in various accountancy classes across the curriculum, and suggest possible uses for storytelling in accountancy classes.

Plan de negocio para un Agrolodge en la provincia La Convención - Cusco / Business plan for an Agro Lodge in the province of La Convención - Cusco

Cardoza Moreno, Jessica Elvira, Garcia Lazo, Tedhy Alexander, Miranda Garcia, Roxana Margarita, Vega Escobedo, Leandro Luis 06 December 2019 (has links)
En los últimos años el turismo se ha convertido en una fuente importante para la economía peruana debido a los reconocimientos que ha logrado el país por su comida, historia y arqueología, es así que los turistas siempre están ávidos a conocer todas nuestras costumbres y tradiciones a través del turismo vivencial. Con lo antes mencionado, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo diseñar un plan de negocio para la implementación de un Agrolodge en la provincia de la Convención – Cusco, este será un lugar donde se le brindará al turista un hospedaje con todas las comodidades para que pueda descansar y relajarse de la rutina, así como también aprenderá de todas las costumbres relacionadas a la agricultura inca, como arar la tierra, sembrar y cosechar diversos cultivos; todo esto estará acompañado de una alimentación con productos orgánicos. Cusco es la ciudad con los índices de turismo más altos convirtiéndola en la segunda ciudad más visitada del Perú y su provincia La Convención es la más idónea para la instalación del Agrolodge por poseer tierras y climas aptos para una gran cantidad de cultivos; así como también por estar cerca de centros arqueológicos más importantes. Luego de haber realizado el estudio del proyecto vemos que este es viable en un horizonte de 10 años, obteniendo flujos siempre positivos a partir del séptimo año de operación, con un VAN de US$ 835,671.09 y una TIR de 24.53% en un escenario moderado. La inversión total del proyecto asciende a US$ 2´693,190, la cual estará financiada por una hipoteca para la adquisición del terreno valorizado con US$ 1’500,000, un préstamo bancario de US$650,000 y capital de los socios de US$ 543,190. / In recent years tourism has become an important source for the Peruvian economy due to the recognition that the country has achieved for its food, history and archeology, so tourists are always eager to know all our customs and traditions to through experiential tourism. With the aforementioned, this work aims to design a business plan for the implementation of an Agrolodge in the province of the Convention - Cusco, this will be a place where the tourist will receive accommodation with all the comforts so that he can rest and relax from the routine, as well as learn from all customs related to inca agriculture, such as plowing the land, sowing and harvesting various crops; all this will be accompanied by a diet with organic products. Cusco is the city with the highest tourism rates, making it the second most visited city in Peru and its province La Convención is the most suitable for the installation of Agrolodge because it has land and suitable climates for a large number of crops; as well as being close to major archeological centers. After having carried out the study of the project, we see that this is viable in a 10 years horizon, obtaining positive flows from the seventh year of operation, with a VAN of US$ 835,671.09 and a TIR 24.53% in a moderate scenario. The total investment of the project amounts to US$ 2’693,190, which will be financed by a mortgage for the acquisition of land valued at US$ 1’500,000 a bank loan of US$ 650,000 and capital of the partners of US$543,190. / Trabajo de investigación

Bringing Reality to “Real Options”: An Experiential Exercise

Turner, Craig, Turner, Kyle Dean 03 April 2015 (has links)
Issues surrounding the contextual environment in which strategic decisions are made are difficult concepts to grasp, particularly for undergraduate students with little business experience. They are also problematic for graduate students that have not been called on to make such decisions within their career. The authors propose an exercise that blends many elements of decision making under uncertainty and risk. Students are placed in an environment in which their own choice may differ from that of the team, but in which the team's performance will have explicit implications on their individual performance and rewards. The exercise incorporates team dynamics and problem-solving capabilities in a temporally and competitively constrained environment.

Hur påverkas villkor för lärande av distansarbete? : En intervjustudie vid avdelningar som bytt kontoret mot köksbordet / How working remotely effects the conditions for learning : A Study on how to change the Kitchen Table into a Home Office

Lindström Karlkvist, Jenny January 2022 (has links)
When the pandemic, which has yet to end, began in 2020, the Swedish public health authority strongly recommended employees to set up work from home. Instead of meeting colleagues and coworkers face to face at the office or in-person meetings elsewhere many employees moved such meetings to a variety of digital platforms. In addition to serving as a primary means by which organizations function, these meetings foster their growth and development. Before the pandemic a variety of office meeting places, including boardrooms, lunchrooms, cubicles, hallways and water fountains served as important contexts for organizational learning. After all, places both formal and informal where information and ideas were shared, shape organizations´ shared experiences and common understandings. Teleworking moved many activities to new contexts, including digital platforms. In this study, I examined how various employees at two departments of education perceived how shifting to digital platforms affected workplace dynamics, especially on tasks that involved communication, collaboration, experiences and feedback which are all conditions for learning and in that sense contributed to prior research on the topic. The study was informed by previous research on teams that worked remotely before the pandemic. My contribution involves participants who had little or no experience of teleworking nor had they choose that structure of working. The theoretical framework deals with theories of organizational learning, including experiential learning and team learning. The study largely confirmed a number of shortcomings that teleworking may have in terms of learning conditions, such as informal and spontaneous communication and the feeling of social presence, issues that may affect problem solving and common understandings and a risk of ideas “falling between the cracks”. However, the study shows that in some cases the habit of using a digital platform contributed to creating a greater feeling of social presence between employees, especially for those who had not worked in the “same corridor” nor in close proximity to each other. In general, the study shows that the option to meet via digital platforms creates future opportunities by allowing the precise nature of specific tasks to determine the optimal contexts for collaboration. That is, digital platforms might serve as the optimal context for some task whereas in person- meeting might be preferable for others.

Development and Validation of a Rubric to Evaluate Diabetes SOAP Note Writing in APPE

Andrus, Miranda R., McDonough, Sharon L.K., Kelley, Kristi W., Stamm, Pamela L., McCoy, Emily K., Lisenby, Katelin M., Whitley, Heather P., Slater, Nicole, Carroll, Dana G., Hester, E. Kelly, Helmer, Allison Meyer, Jackson, Cherry W., Byrd, Debbie C. 01 November 2018 (has links)
Objective. To develop and establish validity for a grading rubric to evaluate diabetes subjective, objective, assessment, plan (SOAP) note writing on primary care (PC) advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs), and to assess reliability and student perceptions of the rubric. Methods. Ten PC APPE faculty members collaborated to develop a rubric to provide formative and summative feedback on three written SOAP notes per APPE student over a 10-month period. Correlation analyses were conducted between rubric scores and three criterion variables to assess criterion-related validity: APPE grades, Pharmaceutical Care Ability Profile Scores, and Global Impression Scores. Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability testing were completed using Cohen's kappa and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC). Student perceptions were assessed through an anonymous student survey. Results. Fifty-one students and 167 SOAP notes were evaluated using the final rubric. The mean score significantly increased from the first to second SOAP note and from the first to third SOAP note. Statistically significant positive correlations were found between final rubric scores and criterion variables. The ICC for inter-rater reliability was fair (.59) for final rubric scores and excellent for intra-rater reliability (.98 to1.00). Students responded that the rubric improved their ability (84.9%) and confidence (92.4%) to write SOAP notes. Conclusion. The rubric may be used to make valid decisions about students' SOAP note writing ability and may increase their confidence in this area. The use of the rubric allows for greater reliability among multiple graders, supporting grading consistency.

La experiencia del consumidor y su relación con la satisfacción en la categoría de restaurantes temáticos / Marketing experiential and its impact on satisfaction in the category of thematic restaurants

Torres López, Fiorella Alexandra, Vargas Castro, Carolina 10 June 2020 (has links)
Los restaurantes temáticos son establecimientos que permiten que los clientes puedan experimentar distintas emociones, sentimientos, pensamientos y acciones. Desde la perspectiva de la satisfacción, la variable del marketing experiencial tiene una gran influencia en los consumidores. Puesto que debido a los cinco elementos que tiñen: relevancia, sentidos, emociones, pensamiento y acción, permite diferenciarse un restaurante del otro. Por lo tanto, esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar cuál de los elementos tiene mayor influencia en la satisfacción de los consumidores. Esta investigación se caracteriza por ser descriptivo cuantitativo y se utilizó un cuestionario con una escala Likert de siete puntos. Para recopilar los datos se utilizó Google Docs en el mes de abril y mayo de 2020. / Themed restaurants are able to allow customers to experience different emotions, feelings, thoughts and actions. From the perspective of satisfaction, the variable of experiential marketing has a great influence on consumers. Since it is due to the five elements that stain: relevance, senses, emotions, thought and action, it makes it possible to differentiate one restaurant from the other. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the elements of the elements that have the greatest influence on consumer satisfaction. This research is characterized by being descriptive quantitative and it is considered a questionnaire with a seven-point Likert scale. To collect the data, consult Google Docs in April and May 2020. / Trabajo de investigación

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