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Nonlinear dynamic interactions between a rigid attachment bolted to a thin-walled sheet metal structureKolhatkar, Tanmay 01 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Posture and Space in Virtual Characters : application to Ambient Interaction and Affective Interaction / Posture et Espace chez les Personnages Virtuels : application à l'Interaction Ambiante et AffectiveTan, Ning 31 January 2012 (has links)
La communication multimodale, qui est primordiale dans les relations interpersonnelles, reste encore très limitée dans les interfaces homme-machine actuelles. Parmi les différentes modalités qui ont été adoptées par les recherches en interaction homme-machine, la modalité posturale a été moins explorée que d’autres modalités comme la parole ou les expressions faciales. Les postures corporelles sont pourtant indispensables pour interpréter et situer l’interaction entre deux personnes, que ce soit en termes de contexte spatial ou de contexte social. Les briques de base que sont les dispositifs et les modalités d’interaction (par exemple la kinect ou les avatars) sont pourtant disponibles. Il manque cependant des modèles informatiques reliant ces médias et modalités aux fonctions de communication pertinentes dans les interactions interpersonnelles comme celles liées à l’espace ou aux émotions.L’objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir un premier modèle informatique permettant d’exploiter les postures dans les interactions homme-machine. Cela soulève plusieurs questions de recherche : comment représenter symboliquement des postures exprimées durant des interactions interpersonnelles ? Comment spécifier les comportements posturaux de personnages virtuels ? Quelles doivent être les caractéristiques d’un modèle d’interaction corporel permettant des interactions entre un personnage virtuel et un utilisateur dans différents contextes physiques ou sociaux ?L’approche proposée consiste dans un premier temps à prendre comme point de départ des corpus vidéo filmés dans différentes situations. Nous avons défini un schéma de codage pour annoter manuellement les informations posturales à différents niveaux d’abstraction et pour les différentes parties du corps. Ces représentations symboliques ont été exploitées pour effectuer des analyses des relations spatiales et temporelles entre les postures exprimées par deux interlocuteurs.Ces représentations symboliques de postures ont été utilisées dans un deuxième temps pour simuler des expressions corporelles de personnages virtuels. Nous nous sommes intéressés à un composant des émotions particulièrement pertinent pour les études sur les postures : les tendances à l’action. Des animations impliquant deux personnages virtuels ont été ainsi conçues puis évaluées perceptivement.Enfin, dans un troisième temps, les expressions corporelles d’un personnage virtuel ont été conçues dans une application mixte faisant intervenir un personnage virtuel et un utilisateur dans un cadre d’interaction ambiante. Les postures et gestes du personnage virtuel ont été utilisées pour aider l’utilisateur à localiser des objets du monde réel.Cette thèse ouvre des perspectives sur des études plus spécifiques de l’interaction corporelle nécessitant par exemple des annotations automatiques via des dispositifs de capture de mouvement ou la prise en compte des différences individuelles dans l’expression posturale. / Multimodal communication is key to smooth interactions between people. However, multimodality remains limited in current human-computer interfaces. For example, posture is less explored than other modalities, such as speech and facial expressions. The postural expressions of others have a huge impact on how we situate and interpret an interaction. Devices and interfaces for representing full-body interaction are available (e.g., Kinect and full-body avatars), but systems still lack computational models relating these modalities to spatial and emotional communicative functions.The goal of this thesis is to lay the foundation for computational models that enable better use of posture in human-computer interaction. This necessitates addressing several research questions: How can we symbolically represent postures used in interpersonal communication? How can these representations inform the design of virtual characters' postural expressions? What are the requirements of a model of postural interaction for application to interactive virtual characters? How can this model be applied in different spatial and social contexts?In our approach, we start with the manual annotation of video corpora featuring postural expressions. We define a coding scheme for the manual annotation of posture at several levels of abstraction and for different body parts. These representations were used for analyzing the spatial and temporal relations between postures displayed by two human interlocutors during spontaneous conversations.Next, representations were used to inform the design of postural expressions displayed by virtual characters. For studying postural expressions, we selected one promising, relevant component of emotions: the action tendency. Animations were designed featuring action tendencies in a female character. These animations were used as a social context in perception tests.Finally, postural expressions were designed for a virtual character used in an ambient interaction system. These postural and spatial behaviors were used to help users locate real objects in an intelligent room (iRoom). The impact of these bodily expressions on the user¡¯s performance, subjective perception and behavior was evaluated in a user studyFurther studies of bodily interaction are called for involving, for example, motion-capture techniques, integration with other spatial modalities such as gaze, and consideration of individual differences in bodily interaction.
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Etude des effets des labels du commerce équitable sur le consentement à payer des consommateurs : application au cas du chocolat / The effects of fair trade labels on consumer willingness to pay : application to case of chocolateMichrafy, Mohammed 11 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’étudier le consentement à payer (CAP) accordé au label ducommerce équitable. Elle se structure en deux volets : le premier vise à identifier le prix maximum quele consommateur est prêt à consentir pour l'achat de produits labellisés « équitable » et à situerl'importance du label « équitable » par rapport à d'autres attributs tels que la qualité intrinsèque et leprix du produit. Le deuxième volet s'attache à déterminer l'influence de quatre catégories de variables(sociodémographiques, de personnalité, de valeurs personnelles et attitudinales) sur le consentement àpayer les produits équitables.Pour répondre à ces questions, nous avons mené deux enquêtes sur le chocolat dans le cadre de deuxapproches méthodologiques différentes : l’expérimentation économique et l’analyse conjointe. Lesrésultats montrent que le label « équitable » accroît significativement le CAP moyen desconsommateurs. De même, la qualité intrinsèque du chocolat influe sur le CAP équitable.L’importance du label « équitable » dans la préférence du consommateur moyen est comparable àcelle de la qualité intrinsèque du produit et est inférieure à celle du prix. Enfin, les déterminants duCAP équitable diffèrent selon la qualité intrinsèque du produit. Il s’agit, dans le cas d’un chocolat debonne qualité, de variables sociodémographiques (sexe, CSP et niveau d’études), de personnalité(matérialisme, générosité, convictions de contrôle interne, libéralisme et évaluation morale del'argent), de valeurs personnelles (d'ordre individuel et social) et des variables attitudinales(connaissances des produits équitables, attitudes envers les produits labellisés « commerce équitable »,confiance dans la labellisation « équitable » et implication vis-à-vis des produits labellisés« équitable»). / The objective of this research is to examine the willingness-to-pay (WTP) granted to the fair tradelabel. The study consists of the two parts: the focus of the first one is to identify the maximum pricethe consumer is willing to accept to buy products labeled "fair" and to define the importance of thelabel "fair" compared with other attributes such as the intrinsic quality and price. The second part aimsto determine the influence of the four categories of variables (socio -demographic, personality,personal values and attitudinal) on the consumer willingness-to-pay for fair trade products.To answer these questions, we have conducted two surveys on chocolate products using two differentmethodological approaches: economic experimental study and conjoint analysis. The results show thatthe label "fair" significantly increases the average WTP of consumers. Similarly, the intrinsic qualityof the chocolate affects the equitable consent of the WTP. The importance of "fair" label of theaverage consumer' preference is comparable to the intrinsic quality of the product and is lowercompared to the price. Finally, the determinants of the equitable consent of WTP vary depending onthe intrinsic quality of the product. It relates, in the case of a good quality chocolate, to the sociodemographicvariables (gender, educational level and WTP), variables related to personality(materialism, generosity, internal control beliefs, liberalism and moral evaluation of money), personalvalues (individual and social) and attitudinal variables (knowledge of fair trade products, attitudestoward products labeled "fair trade", confidence in the fair labeling and involvement with respect toproducts labeled "fair").
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Avaliação do recesso do nervo facial e cóclea no osso temporal de cadáveres de recém nascidos natimortos com vistas ao implante coclear percutâneo / Evaluation of the facial nerve recess and cochlea on the temporal bones of cadaveric newborns and its applicability in the percutaneous cochlear implant techniqueBraga, Gabriela Pereira Bom 23 January 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A literatura evidencia as diferenças anatômicas do osso temporal em crianças quando comparadas à adultos. Mais e mais a literatura enfatiza a importância de que as crianças com surdez congênita devem ser implantadas cada vez mais precocemente. Estudos anátomo-radiológicos são importantes para o desenvolvimento de técnicas cirúrgicas que possibilitem implantar crianças recém natas. Técnicas de implante coclear percutâneo (através de robótica) tem sido desenvolvidas na Universidade de Vanderbilt. Criamos então nossa principal pergunta \"Seria possível implantar crianças recém natas através de implante percutâneo?\" e procuraremos respondê-la no curso desse trabalho. OBJETIVO: Aferir as medidas do recesso do nervo facial e sua relação com a cóclea visando simular o trajeto da broca através desse recesso, para realização da cocleostomia, objetivando o implante coclear percutâneo. CASUÍSTICA E METODOLOGIA: Estudo experimental realizado com 9 espécimes de natimortos com idade gestacional entre 32 e 40 semanas, submetidos à tomografia computadorizada com individualização e reconstrução do nervo facial, cadeia ossicular, membrana timpânica, cóclea e labirinto, seguido da definição da trajetória da broca até a escala timpânica, utilizando o software Improvise. RESULTADOS: As medidas da trajetória da broca até o nervo facial, variaram de 0.58 a mais próxima e, 1.71 a mais distante; quando analisamos os resultados obtidos para cadeia ossicular, temos uma variação que vai de 0.38 até 1.49. A membrana timpânica se encontra entre 0.85 e 1.96 de distância da trajetória simulada da broca. A trajetória da cortical do osso temporal até a escala timpânica, variou de 5.92 a 12.65. CONCLUSÃO: As medidas da relação, entre a broca e as estruturas anatômicas da orelha média e, a simulação da trajetória, mostraram que é possível executar com segurança a técnica de implante coclear percutâneo em crianças a partir de 32 semanas de gestação / INTRODUCTION: Literature shows changes in the temporal bone anatomy in children when compared with adults. More and more literature emphasizes the importance of children with congenital deafness should be implanted increasingly early. Anatomical radiologic studies are important for the development of surgical techniques that allow implanting new born. Percutaneous cochlear implant technique (through robotics) was developed in Vanderbilt University. So we created our main question \" Is it possible to implant new born children using the percutaneous technique? \" and we\'ll try to answer it in the course of this work. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Experimental study done in 9 stillbirth specimens with 32 and 40 weeks of age, submitted to CT study followed by reconstruction of the facial nerve, ossicular chain, tympanic membrane, labyrinth and cochlea. The CT evaluation and reconstruction was done with Improvise software, also used for measurements of the distances and in the simulation of the drill\'s trajectory (mm). RESULTS: The drill trajectory measurements to the facial nerve, ranged from 0.58 the nearest and the farthest 1.71, when we analyzed the results for ossicular chain, we have a range that goes from 0.38 to 1.49. The tympanic membrane is between 0.85 and 1.96 away from the simulated drill path. Cortical trajectory of the temporal bone to the scala tympani, ranged from 5.92 to 12.65. CONCLUSION: The measures of the relationship between the drill and the anatomical structures of the middle ear and the simulated trajectory, showed that it is possible to use safely the percutaneous cochlear implant technique in children of 32 weeks/old
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Etude expérimentale des phases denses d'un liquide de disques durs actifs / Experimental study of the dense phases of an activ liquid of hard discsBriand, Guillaume 20 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse nous avons étudié expérimentalement les phases denses de disques polaires vibrés, un bon modèle de liquide actif.L'expérience consiste à mettre en vibration des disques durs designés avec deux pattes avant et arrière différentes. Cela leur confère une polarité et sous l'effet de la vibration les disques avancent avec persistance dans la direction de leur polarité.Il a été montré que ce disque polaire est un bon modèle de particule active. Par ailleurs, il a été observé que ces disques forment un liquide polaire ordonnée pour des fractions surfaciques autour de 0.40.Au cours de cette thèse nous avons travaillé à plus haute densité pour étudier la cristallisation de ce liquide actif. Nous avons observé une dynamique fortement intermittente au cours de laquelle des agrégats denses et ordonnés se forment mais se fragmentent sans cesse. Ce régime perdure jusqu'à la fraction surfacique de 0.83, la plus élevée que nous ayons pu atteindre dans un premier temps.Pour étudier l'existence éventuelle d'une phase cristalline stable, nous avons réalisé des expériences dans une enceinte hexagonale, où il est possible d'imposer des fractions surfaciques de l'ordre de 0.89 proche de celle de l'empilement hexagonal compact. Nous observons un cristal dans le cas où l'enceinte est totalement remplie, en revanche lorsque que l'on retire quelques disques le cristal se met à tourner de manière spectaculaire tout en conservant un ordre positionnel.Enfin, nous avons réalisé des expériences de mesures de pression mécanique. Nous avons observé que la pression mécanique exercée par les disques polaires dépend de la nature des murs de l'enceinte. On conclu que la pression mécanique n'est pas une variable d'état pour ce système. / During this thesis, we studied experimentally the dense phases of vibrated polar disks, a good model of active liquid.The experiment involves vibrating hard discs with two different front and rear legs. This provides them with a polarity such that they perform persistent directed motion when they are shaken vertically.These polar discs has been shown to be a good active particle model. Moreover, it has been observed that these disks form an ordered polar liquid for surface fractions around 0.40.During this thesis we worked at a higher density to study the crystallization of this active liquid. We observed a highly intermittent dynamics during which dense and ordered aggregates form but are constantly fragmented. This regime lasts until the surface fraction of 0.83, the highest that we have been able to reach at first.In order to study the possible existence of a stable crystal phase, we carried out experiments in a hexagonal arena, where it is possible to impose surface fractions of the order of 0.89 close to that of the compact hexagonal packing. We observe a crystal in the case where the arena is completely filled, however when removing a few discs the crystal flows and rotates spectacularly while maintaining a positional order.Finally, we carried out mechanical pressure measurement experiments. We have observed that the mechanical pressure exerted by the polar disks depends on the nature of the walls of the arena. We conclude that mechanical pressure is not a state variable for this system.
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Posture and Space in Virtual Characters : application to Ambient Interaction and Affective InteractionTan, Ning 31 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Multimodal communication is key to smooth interactions between people. However, multimodality remains limited in current human-computer interfaces. For example, posture is less explored than other modalities, such as speech and facial expressions. The postural expressions of others have a huge impact on how we situate and interpret an interaction. Devices and interfaces for representing full-body interaction are available (e.g., Kinect and full-body avatars), but systems still lack computational models relating these modalities to spatial and emotional communicative functions.The goal of this thesis is to lay the foundation for computational models that enable better use of posture in human-computer interaction. This necessitates addressing several research questions: How can we symbolically represent postures used in interpersonal communication? How can these representations inform the design of virtual characters' postural expressions? What are the requirements of a model of postural interaction for application to interactive virtual characters? How can this model be applied in different spatial and social contexts?In our approach, we start with the manual annotation of video corpora featuring postural expressions. We define a coding scheme for the manual annotation of posture at several levels of abstraction and for different body parts. These representations were used for analyzing the spatial and temporal relations between postures displayed by two human interlocutors during spontaneous conversations.Next, representations were used to inform the design of postural expressions displayed by virtual characters. For studying postural expressions, we selected one promising, relevant component of emotions: the action tendency. Animations were designed featuring action tendencies in a female character. These animations were used as a social context in perception tests.Finally, postural expressions were designed for a virtual character used in an ambient interaction system. These postural and spatial behaviors were used to help users locate real objects in an intelligent room (iRoom). The impact of these bodily expressions on the user¡¯s performance, subjective perception and behavior was evaluated in a user studyFurther studies of bodily interaction are called for involving, for example, motion-capture techniques, integration with other spatial modalities such as gaze, and consideration of individual differences in bodily interaction.
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Culture and social learning in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and children (Homo sapiens)Spiteri, Anthony January 2009 (has links)
Culture involves the handing down of information, traditions, knowledge and skill, views and ideals from one individual to another and across generations by means of social transmission expressed in manufactured objects and behaviour. The evolution of cumulative culture, a human specific capacity, makes possible an inheritance system that is governed by the same Darwinian principles as biological evolution. Cumulative culture has made possible the build-up or ratcheting effect of knowledge and traditions that when put together allow for advanced technology, medicine, education and other highly advanced cognitive processes that characterise humans from non human animals. This dissertation dedicates the first chapter to review the literature pertaining to this topic; describing various types of social learning processes and methodological approaches that are used to query and broadly describe the process of culture in various animals. The following two chapters (2 and 3) present three experiments that provide methodical and systematic exploration of the social transmission process which occurs in chimpanzees; using 3 artificial foraging devices, the 3 studies systematically demonstrate that chimpanzees have the capacity to transmit culture from one individual to another and serially across neighbouring communities- providing laboratory evidence of behavioural variation analogous to that observed in the wild. Chapter 4 then goes on to describe an experiment that tests a number of hypothesised biases in cultural transmission. Looking specifically at social dynamics at play during the transmission of skill within ape groups - I systematically analyse the effects of directed social learning; focusing on kin and status based strategies that are characteristic of group living apes. Chapter 5 is an original, empirical and methodically comparative analysis of hierarchically organized behaviour in human children and chimpanzees using a hierarchically organized artificial fruit. The final chapter (6) discusses the findings of each of the five experiments and compares the results to findings at other captive and wild research sites. I then broaden the topic to explore how the findings relate to broad issues in literature and provide a framework for future research and for understanding the complex mechanisms of intelligent systems.
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Viabilidade espermática e geração de metabólicos reativos do oxigênio(ROS) no sêmen ovino criopreservado em diluidor aditivado de lauril de sódio (OE), trolox-C e catalaseMaia, Marciane da Silva [UNESP] 18 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
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maia_ms_dr_botfmvz.pdf: 678528 bytes, checksum: 3bcfd108f831025fba94f0aefc916387 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O Objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito da adição do surfactante lauril sulfato de sódio (Orvus es Paste OEP) e dos antioxidantes Trolox-C (6- hidroxi-2, 5,7,8-tetrametilcroman-2-acido carboxílico) e catalase ao meio diluidor, na motilidade espermática, integridade de membrana plasmática, acrossomal e mitocondrial, estádio de capacitação e geração de radicais livres no espermatozóide ovino pós-descongelação. Para isso, foram realizados dois experimentos. No Experimento 1, avaliou-se o efeito da adição do surfactante ao diluidor. O sêmen de 10 carneiros foi coletado por meio de vagina artificial e diluído para uma concentração final de 400x106 espermatozóides/mL no meio Tris-gema contendo OEP (0; 0,5 e 1%) ou no diluidor glicina-gema-leite (controle). A motilidade foi determinada pelo sistema computadorizado de análise de sêmen (CASA), a integridade de membrana pela combinação dos corantes fluorescente iodeto de propídio e diacetato de carboxifluoresceína (IP+DIC) e o estádio de capacitação pela técnica da CTC. Houve efeito significativo do tratamento em todos os parâmetros da motilidade, na integridade de membranas e na capacitação espermática. A adição de 0,5% ou 1% de OEP ao diluidor TRIS-gema aumentou significativamente (P<0,05) a motilidade, a integridade de membranas e o percentual de espermatozóides não capacitados, comparado ao controle. O diluidor TRIS 1 foi selecionado para utilização como meio base para o experimento 2. No Experimento 2, foi determinado o efeito da adição dos antioxidantes ao diluidor. O sêmen foi coletado e os seguintes tratamentos foram aplicados: T1- TRIS (controle), T2- TRO+ (diluidor T1 + Trolox, 50mM/108 espermatozóides), T3-CAT+ (diluidor T1 + catalase, 50mg/mL), T4- TRO/CAT+ (diluidor T1 + Trolox e Catalase, nas mesmas concentrações utilizadas no T2 e T3)...(Rsumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / The aim of this study was to determine the effect of addition of surfactant sodium lauryl sulfate (Orvus es Paste OEP), and antioxidants, Trolox-C (6- hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-carboxilic acid) and catalase to an extender on the motility, plasmatic and acrosomal and mitochondrial membrane integrity, capacitation status and free radicals generation of post thaw ram spermatozoa. Two experiments were performed. In Experiment 1, the effect of addition of surfactant was evaluated. The semen was collected from ten rams by artificial vagina and it was diluted to a final concentration of 400x 106 sperm/mL in egg yolk-Tris extender containing OEP (0, 0.5 and 1%) or glycinegg yolk-milk extender (control). The sperm motility was evaluated using a computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA); the membrane integrity was verified using the fluorescent stains (propidium iodide and carboxyfluorescein diacetate) and the capacitation status determined by CTC technique. There was a significant treatment effect in all parameters involving sperm motility, membrane integrity and spermatic capacitation. The addition of OEP 0.5% or 1% to the egg yolk-Tris extender improved (P<0.05) the motility and membrane integrity and the percentage of uncapacited spermatozoa compared to the control. Then, the TRIS 1 extender was selected to be used at experiment 2. Experiment 2: the Exp 2 aimmed to determine the effect of antioxidants addition to the extender. Semen was collected and these treatments were applied: T1 - egg yolk-Tris extender (control), T2- TRO+ (T1 extender +Trolox, 50mM/108 spermatozoa), T3- CAT+ (T1 extender + catalase, 50mg/mL) and T4 TRO/CAT+ (T1 extender + trolox and catalase on the concentrations used in T2 and T3). Motility was determined by CASA system, plasmatic and acrosomal 4 membrane integrity and mitochondrial function were evaluated with PI, FITCPSA and JC-1 association...(Complete abstract, click electronic address below)
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Avaliação dos mecanismos de ação interceptiva e/ou embriotóxica do extrato aquoso de Plectranthus barbatus Andr.(bolbo-brasileiro) administrado a ratas prenhez no período de pré-implantação /Alvarenga, Cláudia Maria Domingues. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Ione Pellegatti Lemonica / Banca: João Lauro Viana de Camargo / Banca: Márcia Guimarães da Silva / Banca: Silvana Lima Górniak / Banca: Regiane Kawakami / Tese não possui um resumo geral, possue um resumo para cada capítulo / Resumo : O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar, experimentalmente, o possível mecanismo pelo qual o extrato aquoso de Plectranthus barbatus (boldo-brasileiro), planta utilizada popularmente como abortiva, atua sobre o organismo materno ou sobre o desenvolvimento do concepto durante o período de pré-implantação, correlacionando sua ingestão com possíveis alterações no transporte e desenvolvimento embrionário ou com alterações hormonais maternas...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract : The present study was conducted to determine the possible mechanism by which the aqueous extract of Plectranthus barbatus (brazilian-boldo), a plant used popularly as abortive agent, can lead to early loss of pregnancy, correlating this possible effect with morphological alterations in the embryo, oviductal motility dysfunctions or maternal hormonal level modifications...(Complete abstract, access undermentioned electronic address) / Doutor
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Avaliação de conjuntos de testes funcionais no contexto de programas orientados a objetos e programas orientados a aspectosLevin, Thiago Gaspar 08 January 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-01-08 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Context: Software testing play an important role to reveal faults and increase the quality of developed products. Structural-based testing has shown to be important in the evaluation of both the quality of the software and the quality of the test set itself. Objective: This work reports on the results of an experimental study that aimed to evaluate the quality of test sets which were originally built for a given programming paradigm, when such test sets are adapted and applied to a different paradigm. Besides this, this we also measure the effort to migrate test sets from one paradigm to another. In this work, we considered the object-oriented (OO) and aspect-oriented (AO) paradigms. Method: We evaluated the quality of test sets by analysing the code coverage yielded by test sets within both paradigms; to evaluate the effort required to adapt test sets across paradigms, we performed comparisons of code-related metrics applied to test code. In total, we analysed 12 small-sized applications and one medium-sized application. Results: The achieved coverage for distinct groups of applications did not show expressive differences across the paradigms, particularly for small-sized applications. Only for the medium-sized system tests yielded higher code coverage in the OO implementation. In respect with the test set adaptation effort, migrating OO tests to the AO paradigm required more code additions, whilst migrating AO tests to the OO implementations required more code changes and removals. Conclusion: With the achieved results, we cannot state that there is a difference in the quality of the test sets, in terms of structural coverage, when both paradigms are taken into account. Only for a single application the coverage difference was evident. In regard to the process of migrating tests from one paradigms to another, OO tests have shown to be more concise (in terms of lines of code) and more reusable than OA tests. / Contexto: O teste de software é uma atividade importante para revelar defeitos e aumentar a qualidade nos produtos desenvolvidos. Testes estruturais tem se mostrados bastante importantes para a avaliação da qualidade do software ou mesmo do conjunto de testes utilizado para testá-lo. Objetivo: Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental para avaliar a qualidade de conjuntos de testes criados para um paradigma em específico, quando adaptado e aplicado em outro paradigma, avaliando também o esforço para adaptar conjuntos de testes quando ocorre a migração de um paradigma para outro. Os paradigmas considerados são o paradigma orientado a objetos (OO) e o paradigma orientado a aspectos (OA). Metodo: Para a avaliação da qualidade dos conjuntos de testes adaptados foi analisada a cobertura de código atingida em ambos os paradigmas; para a avaliação do esforço na adaptação dos conjuntos de testes, métricas de código foram comparadas em relação a implementações dos testes em cada paradigma considerado. No total, 12 aplicações de pequeno porte e uma aplicação de médio porte foram avaliadas. Resultados: A cobertura de código atingida para diferentes grupos de aplicações não resultou em diferenças expressivas entre os paradigmas, em particular para as aplicações de pequeno porte. Somente no sistema de médio porte o codigo da implementação OO foi mais coberto do que na implementação OA. Em relação ao esforço na adaptação dos conjuntos de testes, os testes OO migrados para as implementações OA necessitaram de mais incrementos de código, enquanto os conjuntos de testes OA migrados para o paradigma OO necessitaram de mais decrementos e modificações. Conclusão: Com os resultados alcançados não e possível afirmar que um conjunto de testes adaptado de um determinado paradigma possui maior qualidade em relação a outro paradigma, com exceção de uma aplicação, em que o conjunto de testes OO se apresentou com qualidade superior ao conjunto de testes OA. Em relação a migração de conjuntos de testes entre paradigmas, os testes OO apresentaram-se mais enxutos (em termos de linhas de código) e mais reutilizaveis do que os testes OA.
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