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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensinar ciências fazendo ciência : uma experiência na educação básica do semiárido brasileiro

Ferraz, Diorminda de Lima January 2016 (has links)
Propõe-se com essa pesquisa avaliar a metodologia da investigação científica Ensinar Ciências fazendo Ciência no contexto da prática, numa perspectiva de construção de paradigmas de ensino na educação básica. Trata-se de um estudo de caso realizado nos cursos de Férias, patrocinado pelo Espaço Ciências, com professores e gestores do sistema municipal de ensino, e, estudantes do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas do Centro de Ensino Superior do Vale do São Francisco. Participaram também desta pesquisa 25 tutores que aplicaram essa metodologia em suas aulas no ensino Fundamental e Médio. Os resultados demonstram aprovação da metodologia, sendo avaliada pelos participantes do curso de Férias como excelente por 76% dos gestores, 57% dos professores e 100% dos estudantes do curso de Ciências Biológicas. Corroborado por 100% dos tutores que aplicaram essa metodologia no ensino fundamental e Médio, como boa (nota 9) e excelente(10). Em relação à metodologia investigada foram avaliadas as seguintes categorias: participação dos estudantes, aprendizagem, quantidade e qualidade de conteúdos, competências e habilidades mobilizadas pelos estudantes da educação básica, bem como a percepção dos ministrantes quanto às vantagens e desvantagens na aplicação da metodologia para os respectivos níveis de escolaridade. / It is proposed in this research was to evaluate the methodology of scientific research Teaching Science doing science in the context of practice, from the perspective of construction of educational paradigms in basic education. This is a case study in Holiday courses , sponsored by the Science Space, with teachers and managers of the municipal school system , and Bachelor's Degree students in Biological Sciences Higher Education Center of San Francisco Valley. Also participated in this study 25 tutors who applied this methodology in their classes in primary and secondary education. The results show approval of the methodology being evaluated by Holiday course participants as excellent by 76% of managers, 57% of teachers and 100% of the undergraduate students of Biological Sciences. Supported by 100% of tutors who applied this methodology in elementary school and high school, as good (note 9) and excellent (note10). Regarding the methodology investigated the following categories were evaluated: student participation, learning, quantity and quality of content, skills and mobilized skills by students of basic education, as well as the perception of worshipers as the advantages and disadvantages in the application of the methodology for their levels of education.

Inserção dos princípios da Química Verde em uma disciplina experimental sob o enfoque Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade / Inserting the principles of green chemistry into a experimental discipline under the science-technology-society approach

Pereira, Kamila Medeiros, (92) 98151-9535 20 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Kamila Pereira (mila_kmf@hotmail.com) on 2018-12-13T01:13:45Z No. of bitstreams: 5 Dissertação - versão final.pdf: 1874256 bytes, checksum: e85dfdfc3a1644054a4451574b6a30b3 (MD5) Ficha catalográfica.pdf: 1855 bytes, checksum: c537865571033a471b9a2461846ee0cd (MD5) Folha de aprovação da dissertação.pdf: 1507094 bytes, checksum: e073d45966b683e25d1336b9aed16a63 (MD5) Ata de defesa.pdf: 1584924 bytes, checksum: ebe5146dd12ac1b858ad25b7e5530e7c (MD5) Carta para deposito na biblioteca.pdf: 1641154 bytes, checksum: c84a05d97448d1f010f9f73ef2e3a951 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by PPGQ Química (ppgqsecretaria@gmail.com) on 2018-12-14T15:08:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 5 Dissertação - versão final.pdf: 1874256 bytes, checksum: e85dfdfc3a1644054a4451574b6a30b3 (MD5) Ficha catalográfica.pdf: 1855 bytes, checksum: c537865571033a471b9a2461846ee0cd (MD5) Folha de aprovação da dissertação.pdf: 1507094 bytes, checksum: e073d45966b683e25d1336b9aed16a63 (MD5) Ata de defesa.pdf: 1584924 bytes, checksum: ebe5146dd12ac1b858ad25b7e5530e7c (MD5) Carta para deposito na biblioteca.pdf: 1641154 bytes, checksum: c84a05d97448d1f010f9f73ef2e3a951 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-12-14T18:20:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 5 Dissertação - versão final.pdf: 1874256 bytes, checksum: e85dfdfc3a1644054a4451574b6a30b3 (MD5) Ficha catalográfica.pdf: 1855 bytes, checksum: c537865571033a471b9a2461846ee0cd (MD5) Folha de aprovação da dissertação.pdf: 1507094 bytes, checksum: e073d45966b683e25d1336b9aed16a63 (MD5) Ata de defesa.pdf: 1584924 bytes, checksum: ebe5146dd12ac1b858ad25b7e5530e7c (MD5) Carta para deposito na biblioteca.pdf: 1641154 bytes, checksum: c84a05d97448d1f010f9f73ef2e3a951 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-14T18:20:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 5 Dissertação - versão final.pdf: 1874256 bytes, checksum: e85dfdfc3a1644054a4451574b6a30b3 (MD5) Ficha catalográfica.pdf: 1855 bytes, checksum: c537865571033a471b9a2461846ee0cd (MD5) Folha de aprovação da dissertação.pdf: 1507094 bytes, checksum: e073d45966b683e25d1336b9aed16a63 (MD5) Ata de defesa.pdf: 1584924 bytes, checksum: ebe5146dd12ac1b858ad25b7e5530e7c (MD5) Carta para deposito na biblioteca.pdf: 1641154 bytes, checksum: c84a05d97448d1f010f9f73ef2e3a951 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-20 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The proposal of this study came from the need to popularize Green Chemistry through the insertion of its principles in experimental activities into an introductory practical topic of the Chemistry course in a Public Higher Education Institution in Manaus- AM. Besides investigating the possible contributions of the experiments adapted to Green Chemistry, applied and approached through the Science-Technology-Society - STS approach to the teaching-learning process of the students. Thus, four experiments were selected in the teaching plan of the General Experimental Chemistry, where they were duly adapted to the principles of Green Chemistry, from the substitution of reagents for less harmful ones, as well as a reduction of the quantities used in the analyses. In order to guarantee that the experiments were adapted to Green Chemistry, a tool of evaluation of the green degree of the experiments was used, the called metrics of the Green Chemistry, in this specific case, the metric of the Green Star. Previous to the execution of the experiments by the students, a contextualization of environmental problems present in the daily life was carried out, related to the characteristics of the experiment. It should be stressed that this study was based on the qualitative approach, and on the action-research method. The analysis of the data obtained through questionnaires, annotations, among others, was interpreted by the technique of content analysis. Therefore, the results obtained and analyzed showed that the use of the theme of Green Chemistry allied to the Science-Technology-Society approach in experimental activities contributed in many aspects, such as the promotion of contextual and dynamic experimental activities, where it favoured the learning of conceptual contents, procedural and attitudinal. And also for the feasibility of developing didactic experiments in the practical disciplines of the chemistry courses of the Higher Education Institutions of the State of Amazonas, based on the principles of Green Chemistry in order to direct and empower future citizens and professionals, to design and work with the chemistry of a more conscious and sustainable way. / A proposta desse estudo surgiu da necessidade de popularização da Química Verde, por meio da inserção dos seus princípios nas atividades de experimentação em uma disciplina prática introdutória do curso de Química de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior pública de Manaus-AM. Além de visar também, investigar as possíveis contribuições dos experimentos adaptados a Química Verde, aplicados e abordados por meio do enfoque Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS), ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos estudantes. Assim, foram selecionados quatro experimentos presentes no plano de ensino da disciplina de Química Geral Experimental, onde foram devidamente adaptados aos princípios da Química Verde, a partir da substituição de reagentes por outros menos nocivos, assim como diminuição de suas quantidades empregadas nas análises. De forma a garantir que os experimentos foram adaptados a Química Verde, foi utilizada uma ferramenta de avaliação do grau verde dos experimentos, as denominadas métricas da Química Verde, nesse caso em específico, a métrica da Estrela Verde. Anterior a execução dos experimentos pelos alunos, era realizada uma contextualização de problemáticas ambientais presentes no cotidiano, relacionadas a características do experimento. Ressaltasse que referido estudo foi pautado na abordagem qualitativa, e no método de pesquisa-ação. A análise dos dados obtidos por meio de questionários, anotações, entre outros, foram interpretados pela técnica de análise de conteúdo. Portanto, pelos resultados obtidos e analisados, constatou-se que o uso da temática da Química Verde aliada ao enfoque CTS nas atividades experimentais, contribuiu em muitos aspectos, tais como, pela promoção das atividades experimentais contextualizadas e dinâmicas, onde favoreceu a aprendizagem de conteúdos conceituais, procedimentais e atitudinais. E ainda pela viabilidade de desenvolvimento de experimentos didáticos nas disciplinas práticas dos cursos de química das Instituições de ensino superior do Estado do Amazonas, embasados nos princípios da Química Verde, de forma a direcionar e capacitar os futuros cidadãos e profissionais, a conceber e trabalhar com a química de uma forma mais consciente e sustentável.

Mecanismo para integração de comutadores openflow na infraestrutura do testbed emulab. / Mechanism for integration of openflow switches in emulab testbed infrastructure.

Marcos Felipe Schwarz 10 June 2014 (has links)
O Emulab é um ambiente de experimentação que permite a emulação de redes com topologia arbitrária definida pelo usuário, em um ambiente controlável, previsível e reproduzível. Tal topologia definida pelo usuário é provisionada no ambiente físico de forma automatizada, por meio de nós físicos instanciados com o sistema operacional e os endereços IP solicitados e um conjunto de comutadores configurados dinamicamente para emular a topologia de rede desejada. A abordagem utilizada para a configuração dos comutadores, baseada em SNMP, impõe requisitos que limitam os modelos de comutadores que podem ser usados para a construção de um ambiente Emulab e, ao mesmo tempo, exige a criação de módulos específicos para cada novo modelo de comutador a ser suportado. Este trabalho propõe a utilização do protocolo OpenFlow no ambiente Emulab, como alternativa ao modelo atual baseado em SNMP, criando, para esse fim um modulo OpenFlow para ambiente Emulab. Esse módulo utiliza OpenFlow como interface padronizada para configurar comutadores de diferentes modelos e fabricantes que suportem o protocolo OpenFlow, removendo, dessa forma as restrições citadas anteriormente e adicionando suporte a novos modelos de comutadores. Foi efetuado um conjunto de testes para analisar o funcionamento e desempenho do uso de comutadores OpenFlow no Emulab, que comprovaram que a solução proposta adiciona suporte a diferentes modelos de comutadores OpenFlow de forma unificada e com desempenho comparável a comutadores convencionais. / Emulab is a emulated network testbed that provides user-defined network topologies in a controllable, predictable, and repeatable environment. The topology defined by the user is provisioned in the physical environment in an automated manner by means of physical nodes instantiated with the desired operating system and IP addresses and a set of switches dynamically configured to emulate the desired network topology. The approach used for switch configuration is based on SNMP and currently imposes requirements that limit the switch models that can be used to build an Emulab facility and at the same time requires the creation of specific modules for each new type of switch to be supported. This work proposes the use of the OpenFlow protocol for configuring switches in Emulab as an alternative to the current model based on SNMP. As result, it was created an OpenFlow module for Emulab environment, which uses OpenFlow as a standardized interface for configuring these devices. This new OpenFlow-based approach makes it possible to configure switches of different models and manufacturers that support the OpenFlow protocol through a single mechanism, removing thus the restrictions mentioned above, and adding support for new types of switches. A set of tests were performed to analyze the operation and performance of OpenFlow switches in Emulab, which showed that the proposed solution adds support for different models of OpenFlow switches in a unified manner with comparable performance to conventional switches

O cinema como prática de si : experiência e formação

Almansa, Sandra Espinosa January 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata das relações entre cinema e formação, em que se faz um diálogo sobre e com narrativas da experiência cinematográfica, a partir da voz de sujeitos que mantêm práticas relacionais com o cinema, a princípio, como espectadores de filmes. O corpus empírico é constituído por entrevistas, a partir das quais as narrativas em questão trazem à superfície pontos de vista, efeitos de sentido, considerações, perspectivas e valorações sobre a prática de ver filmes e a experimentação cinematográfica, bem como sobre os desdobramentos de tais movimentos na vida mesma de cada participante. Problematiza-se, na descrição das práticas, o processamento extensivo e intensivo de que são feitas, e os modos pelos quais a experimentação cinematográfica se constitui como terreno de subjetivação e aprendizagem; enfim, problematiza-se a potencialidade educativa do cinema, a qual passa pela noção de formação. Trata-se de pensar, sobretudo, com base no pensamento tardio de Michel Foucault, sobre o cultivo de tais práticas e com o que nelas acontece na experimentação fílmica, a presença de um exercício do sujeito sobre si, ao qual por sua vez se agencia um movimento processual de formação de si mesmo, como prática de liberdade. É inspirador ainda o pensamento de Gilles Deleuze, especialmente no que concerne às noções de encontro e acontecimento e ao modo pelo qual o autor compreende a experimentação; e ainda o pensamento de Alain Badiou, ao problematizar o cinema como experimentação filosófica. Em face das narrativas empíricas, e junto ao referencial teórico utilizado, o cinema é elevado à condição de prática de si, na medida em que com ele se operam modulações de caráter ético e estético, de onde se depreende a relevância deste estudo no campo da educação. / This research deals with the relationship between cinema and ethical-aesthetic education; we dialogue with narratives of experience, from subjects that maintain relational practices with cinema, at first as film viewers. The empirical corpus consists of interviews, from which the narratives in question bring to surface views, meaning effects, considerations, prospects and valuations on the practice of watching movies and cinematic experimentation, as well as the ramifications of these movements in the very life of each participant. It is observed and problematized, in the description of the practices, its extensive and intensive processing, and the ways in which cinematographic experimentation constitutes itself as grounds for subjectivity and learning, the educational potential of cinema, which involves the notion of formation. It is thought, based mainly in the later thoughts of Michel Foucault, in the cultivation of such practices and what happens in them in them filmic experimentation, the presence of an exercise of the subject on itself, which in turn is arranged with a procedural movement of self formation, as a practice of freedom. It's also inspiring the thoughts of Gilles Deleuze, especially in relation to the notions of meeting and event, and the way it understands experimentation, and yet the thought of Alain Badiou, to discuss the cinema as philosophical experimentation. In the face of the empirical narratives, and with the theoretical framework used, cinema is elevated to the condition of self practice, in that it operates with ethical and aesthetic modulations, from which we infer the relevance of this study in the field of education.

Participants' perceptions of a high school substance use prevention programme

Washkansky, Gail January 2001 (has links)
Magister Psychologiae - MPsych / There are many theories as to why adolescents engage in substance abuse. These theories have formed the basis of various substance abuse prevention programmes aimed at reducing this problem. Evaluation of these interventions is needed in order to assess their effectiveness and to improve on future prevention strategies. The literature highlights tensions and differences between the primary preventative approaches to substance abuse and the harm reduction model. It also suggests that psychosocial or life skills programmes and interventions employing a harm reduction approach tend to be viewed as more suitable for adolescents than other approaches. This study focuses on a high school intervention programme running since 1996, which has not yet been evaluated. It aimed to identify the programme's strengths and weaknesses, as well as participants' perception of the intervention. A qualitative research method was used, employing focus groups as the tool for data gathering. The sample for the study was made up of 30 volunteers from three grade 10 classes that completed the programme two years prior to this study. Data was transcribed verbatim and analyzed using thematic analysis. Links were made to the two approaches referred to above. Analysis of the data indicated that although stories used to warn and frighten people were shown to have a shocking impact on the participants, pupils found it difficult to make the connection between the speakers' horrific stories and their own experimentation with drugs and alcohol. It was found that participants appreciated the fact that they were being informed about the dangers of substance use, and that they were encouraged to take responsibility for their own decisions regarding this behaviour. The informal, non-judgemental stance of the speakers served to reinforce this message. In conclusion, the study indicated that the different methods used in the various prevention programmes are in fact not altogether different. It is suggested that the various models are potentially compatible, and can perhaps work together to establish an effective preventative strategy.

Expérimentation d'un dispositif de justice restaurative pour mineurs : les difficultés de l'implantation d'un nouveau modèle / Experimentation of a justice restorativedevise for minors : the difficulties of implementing a new model

Djoman, Otangba Jean Philippe 12 December 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche décrit et analyse le processus de mise en œuvre d’un dispositif de justice restaurative au sein du système de justice des mineurs. Le projet s’inscrit dans la politique générale du Ministère de la justice et particulièrement de celle de la Direction territoriale de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse (DTPJJ). Il est l’un des premiers à être expérimenté sur le plan national avec pour objectif la tenue de conférences restauratives, c’est-à-dire des rencontres en face à face entre infracteurs et victimes, accompagnés de leurs proches et en présence d’un facilitateur ou médiateur. L’expérimentation a associé deux entités du Ministère de la justice, le tribunal de grande instance de Caen et le Service Territorial éducatif de milieu ouvert (STEMO) et trois entités du milieu associatif que sont l’ACJM, le CIDFF qui sont des services d’aide aux victimes et l’Association de thérapie familiale systémique (ATFS).L’expérimentation n’a pu déboucher que sur une seule conférence restaurative entre un jeune, auteur d’un vol avec effraction dans une école et la directrice de cet établissement. Elle a abouti à la conclusion d’un plan de réparation proposé par le mineur et accepté par la victime puis consigné dans un rapport et validé par le médiateur.Le présent travail restitue les enseignements d’une immersion par participation active aux différentes phases du projet, depuis la signature du protocole initial jusqu’aux différentes réunions de bilan du processus. Cette implication, assise sur les enseignements tirés de ma participation antérieure à un programme de justice restaurative en Côte d’Ivoire, m’a permis d’effectuer une enquête ethnographique approfondie.Après avoir situé les enjeux socio-politiques liés à l’implantation internationale de pratiques de justice restaurative et restitué les enseignements de mon expérience Ivoirienne, j’analyse le déroulement de l’expérience caennaise dans un cadre théorique ouvert référé à la sociologie de la traduction et aux économies de la grandeur.Cet ensemble vient selon moi documenter la question suivante : peut-on, malgré les lenteurs et difficultés inhérentes à l’instauration d’une innovation sociale telle que la justice restaurative parier sur les effets bénéfiques d’une rencontre médiée entre les protagonistes d’une infraction ? / This research describes and analyzes the process of implementing a restorative justice system within the juvenile justice system. The project is part of the general policy of the ministry of justice and particularly that of the Direction territorial de la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse (DTPJJ). He is one of the first to be experimented at the national level with the aim of holding restorative conferences, in face to face meetings between offenders and victims, accompanied by their relatives and in the presence of a facilitator or mediator. The expert appraisal involved two entities of the ministry of justice, the hight court of Caen and the Service territorial éducatif de milieu ouvert (STEMO) and three associations that are Association de contrôle judiciaire et médiation (ACJM), Centre d’informations sur les droits des femmes et des familles (CIDFF) which are victim support and Association de thérapie familiale et systémique (ATFS).The experiment was only able to stop at a single restorative conference between a young person who had broken into a school and the director of that school. It led to the conclusion of a repair plan proposed by minor and accepted by the victim then recorded in a report and validated by the mediator.The present work presents the lessons of an immersion through active participation in the various phases of the project from the signing of the initial protocol to the various review meeting of the process. This involvement based on the lessons learned from my previous participation in the program of restorative justice in Côte d’Ivoire allowed me to carry out an in depth ethnographic survey.After having located the socio-political issues related to the international implementation of practices of restorative justice and restituted the lessons of my Ivorian experience, I analyze the unfolding of the Caen experience in an open theoretical framework refered to the sociology of translation and economic of greatness.This set comes in my opinion to document the following question: Can one despite the delays and difficulties inherent in the establishment of a social innovation such as restorative justice bet on the beneficial effects of a mediated meeting between the protagonists of offense?

Set-Based User Interaction

Terry, Michael Andrew 13 July 2005 (has links)
This work demonstrates specific ways that the design of computer user interfaces can influence how individuals structure the problem solving process. In particular, an observational study of expert users of an image manipulation application indicates that current user interfaces make it difficult to explore sets of alternatives in parallel, despite this being a common problem solving practice. As a consequence, individuals tend to engage in highly linear problem solving processes. To address this problem, this work introduces the concept of a set-based interface, or an interface that facilitates the generation, manipulation, evaluation, and management of sets of alternative solutions. The concepts of a set-based interface are demonstrated in two tools, Side Views and Parallel Pies, both designed for use in the domain of image manipulation. Side Views automatically generates sets of previews for one or more commands and their parameters, enabling side-by-side comparison of alternatives. Parallel Pies streamlines the process of forking, or the act of creating new, standalone alternatives, and provides a visualization to evaluate results. Two controlled laboratory studies and a third think-aloud study reveal that these tools lead to users more broadly exploring the solution space and developing more optimal solutions for some types of tasks. These studies also show that the ability to broadly explore can initially be overused, adversely affecting solution quality if not enough time is spent maturing a single solution instance. This enthusiastic use of exploration tools is especially notable because such features are entirely optional to developing a solution. As such, these results suggest the need to further research ways user interfaces can support individuals in rapidly generating sets of alternative solutions. To support future research in this direction, this work contributes a set of metrics for quantifying breadth and depth of exploration; backtracking; and dead-ends in the problem solving process. A visualization called a process diagram aids in communicating these concepts.


Beslioglu, Bahar 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This study is a critical inquiry into the changes of the conceptualisations of the term &ldquo / program&rdquo / in architectural discourse, particularly after the 1960s and early 1970s. The aim of this thesis is to benefit from the difficulty of defining &ldquo / program&rdquo / in architecture as a fruitful, pragmatic and intellectual source. Although several terms, such as &ldquo / function,&rdquo / &ldquo / use,&rdquo / &ldquo / occupation,&rdquo / &ldquo / activity,&rdquo / and &ldquo / event&rdquo / fulfil some aspects, none of them suggest an exact definition of the term &ldquo / program&rdquo / in architecture. Neither does the introduction of the existence of the terms &ldquo / temporary activities,&rdquo / &ldquo / spontaneity,&rdquo / &ldquo / coincidence,&rdquo / &ldquo / hybridisation,&rdquo / and &ldquo / interface spaces,&rdquo / which consider the emergence of &ldquo / temporality&rdquo / as a more considerable variable in contemporary architecture, provides an adequate definition for the term. Therefore, in this research &ldquo / program&rdquo / in architecture is problematized as a &ldquo / weakly&rdquo / defined phenomenon. This study introduces the idea of &ldquo / programmatic experimentation&rdquo / by exploring and re-reading the work of Gordon Matta-Clark, in which &ldquo / experimentation&rdquo / led to the evaluation of &ldquo / program&rdquo / as &ldquo / concept.&rdquo / &ldquo / Program&rdquo / is re-conceptualised under two theoretical statements defining the general framework of this study: &ldquo / Concept&rdquo / and &ldquo / Experimentation&rdquo / . &ldquo / Concept,&rdquo / as introduced by the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, produces a direction towards thinking to allow a new understanding by constructing multiple situations rather than constricting program&rsquo / s definition with specific terms. &ldquo / Experimentation&rdquo / suggests that the consequences of the experimental attempts of the 1960s and early 1970s are more than just technological possibilities inserted into architecture, revealing a shift in architectural &ldquo / program.&rdquo / In the end, the implementation of the constructed togetherness of the two terms is traced through the work of Matta-Clark as a radical criticism of the established conventions of architectural discourse.

Three Essays on Trading Behavior

Clark-Joseph, Adam Daniel 08 October 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyzes trading behavior in financial markets from multiple perspectives. In chapter 1, "Exploratory Trading," I investigate the mechanisms underlying high-frequency traders' capacity to profitably anticipate price movements. I develop a model of how a trader could gather valuable private information by using her own orders in an exploratory manner to learn about market conditions. The model's predictions are borne out empirically, and I find that this "exploratory trading" model helps to resolve several central open questions about high-frequency trading. Chapters 2 and 3 focus on the trading behavior of individuals. Chapter 2, "Foundations of the Disposition Effect: Experimental Evidence," (co-authored with Johanna Mollerstrom), presents and analyzes results from a laboratory experiment intended to examine if and how "regret aversion"--aversion to admitting mistakes--affects people's trading decisions. Although the experimental results resolve little about regret aversion specifically, they reveal some novel and unexpected effects, most importantly that subjects radically changed their trading decisions when they were compelled to devote a minimal amount of extra attention. In chapter 3, "Price Targets," I analyze how rational investors who privately observe information of indeterminate quality use prices to learn about whether or not their private information is valuable. I derive implications about trading behavior that not only help to explain a variety of empirical puzzles, but also generate several new testable predictions. Although these three essays differ considerably in methodology and focus, they all address the same basic issue of understanding the foundations of trading behavior. / Economics

Computation experimental DIC hybrid strategy for robust 3D ductile plastic law identification

Muhibullah, . 27 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of the thesis is to formulate a strategy that gives a robust identification of constitutive law from full-field measurements taking into account 3D effects. Model validation from global response of samples or structures has shortcomings that can be overcome by the use of full-field measurement techniques. Full-field measurement techniques offer the opportunity to acquire large amount of experimental data that might be useful in the context of identification of constitutive law parameters. Among the full field measurement techniques the most popular is digital and stereo image correlation. The existing strategies to make use of full-field data like the Virtual Field Method, the Equilibrium Gap Method, the Constitutive Equation Gap Method and the Reciprocity Method were limited to 2D applications. However, for a specimen with finite thickness 3D effects must be included. Most importantly, for the case of plasticity, stress triaxiality plays an important role. Its effect must therefore be accounted for in the modelling of the constitutive behaviour of the material. Thus in this thesis we propose a method to identify the parameters of an elasto-plastic constitutive law in which the mechanical model can have 3D kinematics. The strategy has been shown to be noise robust, almost independent of initial parameter guess and mesh refinement and allows differentiating between constitutive models with same global response on the basis of mean correlation error. The identification is shown to be good for both single and multiple cameras. The strategy validation is done for stainless steel. The global identified load displacement response of the strategy for mono and stereo mechanical image correlation is very close to the experiments. Lastly, the material parameters have been identified with very different initial guess but all converge to the same final values which show the robustness of the proposed strategy.

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