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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensino de química na perspectiva investigativa em escolas públicas do município de Castanhal - Pará

Rocha, Carlos José Trindade da January 2015 (has links)
Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Maisa Helena Altarugio / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa De Pós-Graduação em Ensino, História, Filosofia das Ciências e Matemática, 2015. / O debate sobre o ensino investigativo nas escolas públicas vem se intensificando nas últimas décadas. Ao mesmo tempo um dos desafios que está posto no ensino de química no momento atual é identificar mecanismos que possibilitem a integração do professor em sala de aula, de forma eficaz e com características que promovam melhorias no ensino e aprendizagem. Todavia, os professores trazem consigo uma série de crenças e imagens, baseadas em suas experiências prévias, que influem na forma como enfrentam a complexa tarefa de sala de aula. O ensino com caráter investigativo é uma estratégia, entre outras, que o professor pode utilizar para diversificar seus atos de ensino no cotidiano escolar, ampliando de forma eficaz sua concepção de letramento científico. O problema desta investigação põe em discussão a atuação docente em química, potencializando o ensino investigativo na educação básica, com o objetivo de caracterizar a atual situação do ensino de química na perspectiva investigativa em escolas públicas, através das concepções, práticas e elementos limitantes e facilitadores, bem como as possibilidades no contexto escolar do município de Castanhal (Pará). Para enveredar neste estudo, buscou-se referência teórico-metodológica em autores que discutem a formação e eficácia de professores peritos (Vaillant e Marcelo, 2013; Baca, 2014) e ensino investigativo (Carvalho, 2004), dentre outros que, na evolução deste trabalho, subsidiaram a construção da compreensão do objeto de estudo perspectivado. O estudo caracteriza-se como natureza qualitativa, com ênfase na análise do conteúdo, sendo os dados coletados por meio de três etapas, constituídas inicialmente pela aplicação de questionário ao universo de dezoito professores com criação de indicadores de ensino investigativo (EI), para seleção da amostra de pesquisa mais aprofundada. Na segunda etapa, a partir da amostra selecionada de três professores realizou-se a observação presencial de aulas, gravadas em áudio e vídeo, análise de atividades escritas propostas pelos sujeitos; e a terceira etapa, com entrevista dos mesmos gravada em áudio. Na primeira etapa de pesquisa identificou-se que os professores possuem qualificação em área específica para o ensino de química, em fase de experimentação e diversificação, caracterizada por atitudes gerais de mudança, revisão e ativismo, cheias de interrogações peculiares da carreira. Possuem indicativos para o ensino investigativo, buscando esforço de integração, interesse e reflexões em suas concepções de ensino. Na segunda etapa, quando investigou-se a os aspectos de integração de aula desses professores, observou-se em seus atos de ensino, eficácia no controle dos aspectos de clima, organização e disciplina, com limitações quanto ao aspecto da instrução em sala de aula. Quanto às características de EI, destacaram-se características generativas, desenvolvimento de argumentos, motivação e mobilização dos estudantes na utilização de estratégias experimentais demonstrativas e não experimentais em sala de aula. No entanto, os professores apresentaram dificuldades em propor aulas com a característica de conter problemas investigativos. Nas atividades escritas, quanto ao grau cognitivo proposto aos alunos, predominou a mera exigência de informações, com baixo nível cognitivo. Durante o processo de ensino, os professores envolvem proposições de intepretações e intenções de interações discursivas. Na terceira etapa, as entrevistas complementam os resultados das etapas anteriores, onde também se detecta que seus atos de ensino advêm de suas vivências profissionais, assumindo necessidades de uma melhor formação inicial e continuada. Assim, como conclusão final, entende-se que o controle de eficácia dos professores na construção de gerar e gerir os seus processos formativos pode ser um diferencial na integração de sala de aula, dando-lhes possibilidades de promover reflexões no campo teórico/prático da formação de professores, e em especial promover o ensino por investigação. / The debate on the investigative teaching in public schools has intensified in recent decades. At the same time one of the challenges that are put in chemistry teaching at the present time is to identify the mechanisms that enable the integration of the teacher in the classroom effectively and with features that promote improvements in teaching and learning. However, teachers bring with them a set of beliefs and images, based on their previous experiences, which influence the way they face the complex classroom task. Teaching with investigative character is a strategy, among others that the teacher can use to diversify their acts of education in the school routine, effectively expanding his conception of scientific literacy. The problem of this research brings into discussion the teaching activities in chemistry, increasing the investigative teaching in basic education, in order to characterize the current state of chemistry education in investigative perspective in public schools, through the concepts, practices and limiting elements and facilitators as well as the possibilities in the school context of Castanhal city (Pará). To embark on this study, we sought theoretical and methodological reference for authors who discuss the formation and effectiveness of expert teachers (Vaillant and Marcelo, 2013; Baca, 2014) and investigative teaching (Carvalho, 2004), among others. The evolution of this work was supported on the construction of understanding of the envisaged object of study. This a qualitative study, focused on content analysis, the datas were collected through on three stages. This study is initially constituted by applying a questionnaire to eighteen teachers with creating investigative educational indicators (EI), for selection of further research sample. In the second stage, from the selected sample of three teachers, there was held a classroom observation, recorded in audio and video, it was analyzed the written activities proposed by the teachers; and the third stage, with the same interview recorded on audio. In the first stage of research identified that teachers are qualified in a specific area for chemistry teaching in phase of experimentation and diversification, characterized by general attitudes change, review and activism, full of career doubts. They have indicative for investigative learning, seeking integration effort, interest and reflections on their teaching concepts. In the second stage, when it was investigated the of integration class of these teachers, it was observed in their acts of teaching effectiveness in controlling climate aspects, organization and discipline, with limitations on the education aspect in the classroom. Regarding the EI characteristics, stood out generative characteristics, developing arguments, motivation and mobilization of students in the use of demonstrative and experimental non-experimental strategies in the classroom. However, teachers had difficulties in offering classes with investigative problems. In the written activities it was predominated the mere requirement of information, low cognitive level. During the teaching process, teachers involve interpretations, propositions and intentions of discursive interactions. In the third stage, the interviews complement the results of the previous steps, which also detects that their teaching acts come from their professional experiences, that shows that it is necessary a better initial and continuing education. So, as a final conclusion, it was understood that the effective control of teachers to generate and manage their training processes can be a difference in the classroom integration by giving them opportunities to promote reflection in the theoretical / practical of teacher training, and particularly promote education for investigation.

Conocimiento Especializado de los profesores de matemática para la enseñanza de problemas de adición y sustracción / Specialized knowledge of mathematics teachers for teaching addition and subtraction problems

Nieto Castillo, Ana Lucía, Pflucker Guzman, Karina Flor 09 July 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo describir el conocimiento especializado de un profesor de matemáticas experto, que enseña el tema de la resolución de problemas de adición y sustracción a los estudiantes. Realizamos un análisis de contenido de los 22 documentos seleccionados en la matriz, empleando un sistema de categorías dentro del subdominio de Conocimiento de los Temas (KoT) del modelo de Conocimiento Especializado del Profesor de Matemáticas (MTSK). / The aim of this study was to describe the specialized knowledge of an expert math teacher while teaching the topic of solving addition and subtraction problems to students. A content analysis of 22 documents was performed by using a category system within the subdomain of Knowledge of Topics (KoT) of the model Mathematics Teacher's Specialized Knowledge model (MTSK). / Trabajo de investigación

L’évolution des pratiques de lecture à haute voix d’enseignantes expertes et leur influence sur le développement de l’habileté des élèves du préscolaire à faire des inférences

Dupin de Saint-André, Marie 08 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche collaborative vise à étudier les pratiques de lecture à haute voix d’enseignantes expertes et leur influence sur le développement de l’habileté des élèves du préscolaire à faire des inférences. Plus précisément, nous décrivons les interventions, lors des lectures à haute voix, de quatre enseignantes expertes que nous avons formées pour travailler la compréhension inférentielle et les comparons à celles de deux enseignantes expertes non formées (objectif 1). Puis, nous examinons l’influence de leurs pratiques de lecture à haute voix sur le développement de l’habileté à faire des inférences de leurs élèves (n=92) (objectif 2). Enfin, nous nous intéressons, à titre exploratoire, au potentiel de la recherche collaborative comme voie de développement professionnel des enseignants (objectif 3). Afin d’atteindre nos objectifs, nous avons observé les enseignantes à quatre reprises, lors de lectures d’albums de littérature de jeunesse. Les données obtenues à partir de ces pratiques observées ont été complétées par celles issues des pratiques déclarées des enseignantes pour toute la durée de la recherche (neuf semaines). De plus, nous avons évalué l’habileté à réaliser des inférences des élèves de ces six enseignantes à deux reprises, au début et à la fin de la recherche. Finalement, les enseignantes ont rempli deux questionnaires écrits sur l’impact de cette recherche sur leurs pratiques, l’un à la fin de la recherche et l’autre deux ans après celle-ci. Nos résultats indiquent que si toutes les enseignantes travaillaient les inférences, il existe cependant des différences notables dans leur façon de mener ce travail. Trois des enseignantes formées (enseignantes 1, 2 et 3) ont majoritairement privilégié la co-élaboration du sens des épisodes implicites et se sont montrées très efficaces pour soutenir leurs élèves dans ce travail de construction du sens. L’autre enseignante formée (enseignante 4), en raison d’une appropriation difficile du contenu de la formation, n’est pas parvenue à offrir à ses élèves un étayage adéquat, malgré ses nombreuses tentatives pour les amener à faire des inférences. Les enseignantes non formées (enseignantes 5 et 6) ont, quant à elles, misé plus fréquemment sur la transmission du sens des épisodes implicites et ont également soutenu moins efficacement leurs élèves dans l’élaboration du sens. Ces différences dans la façon de travailler les inférences se sont répercutées sur la progression des élèves entre le début et la fin de la recherche. Ceux des enseignantes 1, 2 et 3 obtiennent des résultats significativement supérieurs à ceux des trois autres enseignantes. Ainsi, il ne suffit pas de travailler les inférences lors des lectures à haute voix pour assurer la progression des élèves. D’autres facteurs revêtent aussi une grande importance : le choix d’oeuvres de qualité, l’engagement des élèves dans les discussions pour co-élaborer le sens et l’étayage adéquat de l’enseignant. Enfin, il semblerait que l’activité réflexive suscitée lors d’une participation à une recherche collaborative et le soutien offert par l’étudiante-chercheuse aient donné aux enseignantes la possibilité d’apporter des changements durables dans leurs pratiques. En ce sens, la recherche collaborative paraît être une voie prometteuse pour contribuer au développement professionnel des enseignants. / This collaborative research is an attempt to study expert teachers' reading aloud practices and their impact on the development of preschool students’ ability to make inferences. First, the interventions of four expert teachers specifically trained to work inferences while reading aloud are described and compared with those of two non trained expert teachers (objective 1). Next, the impact of all teachers’ practices on the development of their students’ ability to make inferences (n=92) is examined (objective 2). Finally, we look into collaborative research as a way to support professional development for teachers (objective 3). In order to attain our objectives, we observed participant teachers four times while they were reading children’s books. Data gathered from those observations were completed with other data provided by the teachers about their practices over a nine-week period. Moreover, the ability of the students to make inferences was assessed twice: once at the beginning and once at the end of the research. Teachers also completed two written questionnaires, one at the beginning and the other 2 years after the end of this research, concerning the impacts of their participation in this research on their practices. While all teachers worked inferences with their students, our results showed that there are significant differences in the way they do it. Three of the trained teachers (number 1, 2, and 3) predominantly put emphasis on co-elaboration of the implicit episodes’ meaning and gave their students appropriate scaffolding. Because she found it difficult to assimilate training contents, the other trained teacher (number 4) failed - not without numerous attempts - to offer the same kind of scaffolding. As for the two non trained teachers (number 5 and 6), they gave preference to the transmission of the implicit episodes’ meaning, and supported their students less efficiently when they tried to elaborate it. The differences in how the work on inferences was done had an impact on students’ progression from the beginning to the end of the research. Three of the trained teachers’ students had significantly superior results in comparison to the others’. Therefore, a specific work on inferences only does not ensure that students will make progress. There are other important contributing factors: choosing quality books, students’ involvement in discussions in order to co-elaborate the text’s meaning, and appropriate scaffolding from the teacher. Finally, according to our results, a participation in a collaborative research, which promotes reflexivity and offers coaching, seems to give the teachers the opportunity to bring about long-term changes in their practices. In consequence, a participation in that type of research appears to contribute to teachers’ professional development.

L’évolution des pratiques de lecture à haute voix d’enseignantes expertes et leur influence sur le développement de l’habileté des élèves du préscolaire à faire des inférences

Dupin de Saint-André, Marie 08 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche collaborative vise à étudier les pratiques de lecture à haute voix d’enseignantes expertes et leur influence sur le développement de l’habileté des élèves du préscolaire à faire des inférences. Plus précisément, nous décrivons les interventions, lors des lectures à haute voix, de quatre enseignantes expertes que nous avons formées pour travailler la compréhension inférentielle et les comparons à celles de deux enseignantes expertes non formées (objectif 1). Puis, nous examinons l’influence de leurs pratiques de lecture à haute voix sur le développement de l’habileté à faire des inférences de leurs élèves (n=92) (objectif 2). Enfin, nous nous intéressons, à titre exploratoire, au potentiel de la recherche collaborative comme voie de développement professionnel des enseignants (objectif 3). Afin d’atteindre nos objectifs, nous avons observé les enseignantes à quatre reprises, lors de lectures d’albums de littérature de jeunesse. Les données obtenues à partir de ces pratiques observées ont été complétées par celles issues des pratiques déclarées des enseignantes pour toute la durée de la recherche (neuf semaines). De plus, nous avons évalué l’habileté à réaliser des inférences des élèves de ces six enseignantes à deux reprises, au début et à la fin de la recherche. Finalement, les enseignantes ont rempli deux questionnaires écrits sur l’impact de cette recherche sur leurs pratiques, l’un à la fin de la recherche et l’autre deux ans après celle-ci. Nos résultats indiquent que si toutes les enseignantes travaillaient les inférences, il existe cependant des différences notables dans leur façon de mener ce travail. Trois des enseignantes formées (enseignantes 1, 2 et 3) ont majoritairement privilégié la co-élaboration du sens des épisodes implicites et se sont montrées très efficaces pour soutenir leurs élèves dans ce travail de construction du sens. L’autre enseignante formée (enseignante 4), en raison d’une appropriation difficile du contenu de la formation, n’est pas parvenue à offrir à ses élèves un étayage adéquat, malgré ses nombreuses tentatives pour les amener à faire des inférences. Les enseignantes non formées (enseignantes 5 et 6) ont, quant à elles, misé plus fréquemment sur la transmission du sens des épisodes implicites et ont également soutenu moins efficacement leurs élèves dans l’élaboration du sens. Ces différences dans la façon de travailler les inférences se sont répercutées sur la progression des élèves entre le début et la fin de la recherche. Ceux des enseignantes 1, 2 et 3 obtiennent des résultats significativement supérieurs à ceux des trois autres enseignantes. Ainsi, il ne suffit pas de travailler les inférences lors des lectures à haute voix pour assurer la progression des élèves. D’autres facteurs revêtent aussi une grande importance : le choix d’oeuvres de qualité, l’engagement des élèves dans les discussions pour co-élaborer le sens et l’étayage adéquat de l’enseignant. Enfin, il semblerait que l’activité réflexive suscitée lors d’une participation à une recherche collaborative et le soutien offert par l’étudiante-chercheuse aient donné aux enseignantes la possibilité d’apporter des changements durables dans leurs pratiques. En ce sens, la recherche collaborative paraît être une voie prometteuse pour contribuer au développement professionnel des enseignants. / This collaborative research is an attempt to study expert teachers' reading aloud practices and their impact on the development of preschool students’ ability to make inferences. First, the interventions of four expert teachers specifically trained to work inferences while reading aloud are described and compared with those of two non trained expert teachers (objective 1). Next, the impact of all teachers’ practices on the development of their students’ ability to make inferences (n=92) is examined (objective 2). Finally, we look into collaborative research as a way to support professional development for teachers (objective 3). In order to attain our objectives, we observed participant teachers four times while they were reading children’s books. Data gathered from those observations were completed with other data provided by the teachers about their practices over a nine-week period. Moreover, the ability of the students to make inferences was assessed twice: once at the beginning and once at the end of the research. Teachers also completed two written questionnaires, one at the beginning and the other 2 years after the end of this research, concerning the impacts of their participation in this research on their practices. While all teachers worked inferences with their students, our results showed that there are significant differences in the way they do it. Three of the trained teachers (number 1, 2, and 3) predominantly put emphasis on co-elaboration of the implicit episodes’ meaning and gave their students appropriate scaffolding. Because she found it difficult to assimilate training contents, the other trained teacher (number 4) failed - not without numerous attempts - to offer the same kind of scaffolding. As for the two non trained teachers (number 5 and 6), they gave preference to the transmission of the implicit episodes’ meaning, and supported their students less efficiently when they tried to elaborate it. The differences in how the work on inferences was done had an impact on students’ progression from the beginning to the end of the research. Three of the trained teachers’ students had significantly superior results in comparison to the others’. Therefore, a specific work on inferences only does not ensure that students will make progress. There are other important contributing factors: choosing quality books, students’ involvement in discussions in order to co-elaborate the text’s meaning, and appropriate scaffolding from the teacher. Finally, according to our results, a participation in a collaborative research, which promotes reflexivity and offers coaching, seems to give the teachers the opportunity to bring about long-term changes in their practices. In consequence, a participation in that type of research appears to contribute to teachers’ professional development.

Problémy začínajících učitelů / Problems of novice teachers

Poláchová, Magdaléna January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis with the title Problems of beginning teachers. This deals with the issues of beginning teachers during their first years of practice and it also points out the existing forms of support which are available to young teachers in their first years. The theoretical part describes who can be considered a beginning teacher and the preparations of beginning teachers in Czech Republic and abroad. It defines key pedagogical and professional competence problems that new teachers experience at the start of their career. It offers solutions on how to deal with common issues and it also points out the forms of support which is available. The empirical part analyses specific problems which can appear at the start of their careers. Methods used for this analysis consisted of a questionnaire of 70 new teachers and the interview of 2 new teachers from the same primary school. The objective of this method is to find out the problems facing new teachers which appear in the first 3 years of their practice and to see if these issues were the same as the concerns that they had before they started teaching. It also highlights whether new teachers were offered any kind of support, if this support was satisfying and if so in which particular areas. It also finds out the competencies that every teacher...

Evaluating Improvisation As A Technique For Training Pre-service Teachers For Inclusive Classrooms

Becker, Theresa 01 January 2012 (has links)
Improvisation is a construct that uses a set of minimal heuristic guidelines to create a highly flexible scaffold that fosters extemporaneous communication. Scholars from diverse domains: such as psychology, business, negotiation, and education have suggested its use as a method for preparing professionals to manage complexity and think on their feet. A review of the literature revealed that while there is substantial theoretical scholarship on using improvisation in diverse domains, little research has verified these assertions. This dissertation evaluated whether improvisation, a specific type of dramatic technique, was effective for training pre-service teachers in specific characteristics of teacher-child classroom interaction, communication and affective skills development. It measured the strength and direction of any potential changes such training might effect on pre-service teacher’s self-efficacy for teaching and for implementing the communication skills common to improvisation and teaching while interacting with student in an inclusive classroom setting. A review of the literature on teacher self-efficacy and improvisation clarified and defined key terms, and illustrated relevant studies. This study utilized a mixed-method research design based on instructional design and development research. Matched pairs ttests were used to analyze the self-efficacy and training skills survey data and pre-service teacher reflections and interview transcripts were used to triangulate the qualitative data. Results of the t-tests showed a significant difference in participants’ self-efficacy for teaching measured before and after the improvisation training. A significant difference in means was also measured in participants’ aptitude for improvisation strategies and for self-efficacy for their implementation pre-/post- training. Qualitative results from pre-service teacher class iv artifacts and interviews showed participants reported beneficial personal outcomes as well as confirmed using skills from the training while interacting with students. Many of the qualitative themes parallel individual question items on the teacher self-efficacy TSES scale as well as the improvisation self-efficacy scale CSAI. The self-reported changes in affective behavior such as increased self-confidence and ability to foster positive interaction with students are illustrative of changes in teacher agency. Self-reports of being able to better understand student perspectives demonstrate a change in participant ability to empathize with students. Participants who worked with both typically developing students as well as with students with disabilities reported utilizing improvisation strategies such as Yes, and…, mirroring emotions and body language, vocal prosody and establishing a narrative relationship to put the students at ease, establish a positive learning environment, encourage student contributions and foster teachable moments. The improvisation strategies showed specific benefit for participants working with nonverbal students or who had commutation difficulties, by providing the pre-service teachers with strategies for using body language, emotional mirroring, vocal prosody and acceptance to foster interaction and communication with the student. Results from this investigation appear to substantiate the benefit of using improvisation training as part of a pre-service teacher methods course for preparing teachers for inclusive elementary classrooms. Replication of the study is encouraged with teachers of differing populations to confirm and extend results.

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