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Podnikatelské prostředí v Ruské federaci? Stabilita, potencionální výhody pro ČR / Business environment in Russian Federation, stability and potential advantages for Czech RepublicPolata, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze historical development, current situation and potential trends of future development of business enviroment in Russian Federation. This thesis shall provide sufficient information base especially for small and medium-sized Czech enterprises, that are deciding whether to export to the Russian market, or act on it directly. The thesis is also focussing on possible advantages of Czech enterprises in export to Russian market, as well as on various kinds of support, that are provided to them by governmental and non-governmental organizations in Czech Republic.
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Česká ekonomická diplomacie jako podpora exportu do Německa / Czech Economic Diplomacy as Support of Export to GermanyFaltusová, Ludmila January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the Czech economic diplomacy. The aim is to assess the role of the Czech economic diplomacy, especially in terms of support of the foreign trade with Germany. The thesis is divided into five chapters, the first chapter contains the theoretical notion, the second chapter deals with the development of economic diplomacy in the Czech Republic from 1989 until today, the third chapter describes current model of the Czech economic diplomacy. The fourth chapter examine Czech network of export promotion in Germany and the fifth chapter is devoted to case studies of two Czech export companies.
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La participación de los brokers que influye en las exportaciones indirectas de uva fresca de las pymes en la Región Ica - Perú periodo 2014 – 2018 / The participation of brokers that influences indirect exports of fresh grapes from SMEs in the Ica Region - Peru period 2014 – 2018Sanjinés Chávez, Paola Lucia, Peña Mendoza, María Isabel 20 May 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación se enfocó en analizar la participación de los brokers y su influencia en las exportaciones indirectas de uva fresca de las pymes en la Región Ica en el periodo 2014 – 2018, la investigación fue de un enfoque cuantitativo deductivo correlacional y por las características de este estudio, también se utilizó un enfoque de investigación cualitativa. Para el enfoque cuantitativo se estudiaron 33 pymes utilizando estadística descriptiva, usando el software estadístico SPSS IBM; para el enfoque cualitativo, se utilizó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, aplicando una entrevista semi-estructurada, usando el programa Atlas ti 8. Los resultados arrojaron que los brokers si han influido en las exportaciones de uva, entendiendo que gracias los mismos se obtienen grandes beneficios, ya que promueven el libre comercio entre países lo cual ocasiona una suma positiva de ganancias económicas. / This research focused on analyzing the participation of brokers and their influence on indirect exports of fresh grapes from SMEs in the Ica Region in the period 2014 - 2018, the research was a correlational deductive quantitative approach and due to the characteristics of This study also used a qualitative research approach. For the quantitative approach, 33 SMEs were studied using descriptive statistics, using the SPSS IBM statistical software; For the qualitative approach, a non-probability sampling was used for convenience, applying a semi-structured interview, using the Atlasti 8 program. The results showed that the brokers have had an influence on grape exports, understanding that thanks to them they obtain large benefits, since they promote free trade between countries which causes a positive sum of economic gains. / Tesis
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Factores inhibidores de exportación influyentes en la internacionalización de las pymes con subpartida nacional 6109100031 en Lima Metropolitana hacia Estados Unidos del 2012 al 2018Alegría Alcedo, Mario Alberto, Chang Villa, Andrea Victoria 21 August 2020 (has links)
Las pequeñas y medianas empresas del subsector confecciones en el Perú representan la actividad manufacturera más importante para el país, siendo Lima Metropolitana la ciudad con mayor porcentaje de empresas confeccionistas y exportadoras con el producto estrella “t-shirt de algodón”. No obstante, la participación de estas pymes ha sido volátil entre los años 2012-2018, debido a distintas limitantes que acechan a éstas, por lo que es necesario identificar el modelo de internacionalización que han utilizado para llegar al mercado internacional y hallar aquellos factores que han inhibido a que no logren una exportación sostenible en el tiempo; de tal forma, colaborar con empresas que desean incursionar en dicho sector y quieran empezar a exportar o, en todo caso, mantener y consolidarse en el mercado internacional. En ese sentido, el objetivo de la investigación es identificar y analizar los factores inhibidores de exportación que influyeron en el grado de internacionalización de las pymes del subsector confecciones en Lima Metropolitana hacia el mercado estadounidense, en el periodo 2012-2018.
En cuanto a la metodología, esta tesis presenta un enfoque cualitativo, concertada por entrevistas a expertos y pymes del subsector confecciones de T-shirt para conseguir información valiosa que aporte al estudio.
Como resultado, se validó que las barreras de conocimiento, recursos, procedimiento y exógenas sí influyeron negativamente en la exportación de las pymes con partida arancelaria 6109100031 en Lima Metropolitana hacia el mercado estadounidense, en el periodo 2012-2018. Con ello, se brindará las recomendaciones para los involucrados del subsector como para futuros investigadores. / Small and medium sized companies in the garment sector in Peru represent the most important manufacturing activity for the country, being Metropolitan Lima the city with the highest percentage of garment companies and exporters with the star product "cotton t-shirt". However, the participation of these SMEs has been volatile between the years 2012-2018, due to various limitations that lurk in them, so it is necessary to identify the model of internationalization that they have used to reach the international market and find those factors that have inhibited them from achieving sustainable exports over time, so collaborate with companies that want to enter this sector and want to start exporting or, in any case, maintain and consolidate in the international market. In this sense, the objective of the research is to identify and analyze the factors that inhibit exports and influence the degree of internationalization of SMEs in the garment sector in Metropolitan Lima to the U.S. market in the period 2012-2018.
As for the methodology, this thesis presents a qualitative approach, agreed by interviews with experts and SMEs in the clothing sub-sector of T-shirt to obtain valuable information to contribute to the study.
As a result, it was validated that knowledge, resource, procedural and exogenous barriers did negatively influence the export of SMEs with tariff item 6109100031 in Metropolitan Lima to the US market, in the period 2012-2018. This will provide recommendations for those involved in the subsector and for future researchers. / Tesis
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A comparative study of specific performance provisions in the United Nations Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods /Boghossian, Nayiri. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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International product liability law and uniform sales lawSewerin, Diana. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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The expansion of manufactured exports in developing countries with special reference to Brazil, South Korea, Singapore /Phillip, Dennis. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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How to Succeed in Export : A comparative Study of Export & Marketing Strategies Among the Winners of the Export-Hermes/ Stora ExportprisetLindsten, Carl-Johan, Isefjord, Mattias January 2006 (has links)
Background International trade has dramatically increased during the last half of the 20th century and it is now of significant importance to most eco-nomies. International trade is especially crucial to countries such as Sweden, with a small domestic market. It has been said that a com-pany needs to have a committed management, as well as a strategy for it’s export and it’s marketing to reach long-term success. Never-theless, companies sometimes use a “strategy of least involvement”, leaving the international marketing strategy decisions in the hands of foreign agents and distributors. Purpose The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how the export and marketing strategies have been developed and implemented by suc-cessful Swedish export companies. Method Winners of the Export-Hermes Prize and Stora Exportpriset have been used as a sample of successful export companies. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with four of them were conducted to col-lect the empirical data. Conclusion The export companies in this study showed great differences con-cerning their original export ambitions, the methods they used to se-lect foreign markets, the modes that they used to enter new markets and the pace in which the international expansions were carried out. There were however strong similarities between the successful ex-port companies in other areas. All four companies had owners and top management who had been, and in most cases still were, highly involved and driving forces in the export activities. The companies also shared a belief in working with clear goals and having a strict control over subsidiaries and intermediaries. The authors are of the opinion that this control and monitoring are crucial for the success of the implementation of the export and marketing strategies.
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Från hinder till möjlighet : – En explorativ studie om hur små och medelstora svenska exportföretag hanterar upplevda exportbarriärerHenrik, Nordfält, Maja, Tinggren, Malin, Bendz January 2013 (has links)
Internationalisering innebär ett företags engagemang på utländska marknader, något som exempelvis kan ske genom export i allians med andra utländska verksamheter. Export delas in i direkt och indirekt export. I och med att det har blivit enklare även för små och medelstora företag att göra affärer över gränserna har det i sin tur medfört barriärer som hindrar eller hämmar företags möjligheter att exportera. Även om det inte verkar råda någon konsensus vad det gäller exportbarriärer så är det ändå ett välbeforskat ämne. Vad som däremot ter sig betydligt mer outforskat är hur små och medelstora företag tar sig över dessa hinder. De förklaringar som finns kring hur små och medelstora företag hanterar de barriärer som upplevs vid export är väldigt oklara. Oftast beskrivs processer och arbete i samband med expansion men inte det grundläggande arbetet som små och medelstora företag går igenom för att kunna utvecklas och expandera genom sin export. Med grund utifrån detta har författarna till denna studie kommit fram till ett syfte som lyder att; ”Syftet med denna studie är att explorativt undersöka hur små och medelstora svenska exportföretag hanterar upplevda exportbarriärer” Författarna till denna studie har använt sig av en kvalitativ studie med ett deduktivt synsätt där grunden har legat i teori kring interna och externa exportbarriärer, dessa har delats in i de olika undergrupperna informations-, funktionella-, marknadsförings-, administrativa-, statliga- , genomförandes- samt miljöbarriärer. Denna teori tillsammans med tre semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer med de ovannämnda företagen har analyserats, och utifrån denna mynnat ut i en slutsats. Slutsatsen beskriver att de exportbarriärer som företag upplever är situationsbetingade och beror på mer än en variabel. Beroende på vilket geografiskt område företaget har valt att exportera till kommer de också uppleva varierande barriärer och då behöva anpassa sina hanteringsåtgärder. Vilka barriärer som upplevts och hur de hanterats beror också på hur länge företaget varit verksamma med export. Det sätt som har möjliggjort ett internationellt verkande i stor mån är genom användandet av mellanhänder. Genom att små och medelstora företag använder sig av mellanhänder har de kunnat hantera många av de barriärer som uppkommit på ett sätt som medför färre och mindre finansiella följder för det enskilda företaget.
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How to Succeed in Export : A comparative Study of Export & Marketing Strategies Among the Winners of the Export-Hermes/ Stora ExportprisetLindsten, Carl-Johan, Isefjord, Mattias January 2006 (has links)
<p>Background</p><p>International trade has dramatically increased during the last half of the 20th century and it is now of significant importance to most eco-nomies. International trade is especially crucial to countries such as Sweden, with a small domestic market. It has been said that a com-pany needs to have a committed management, as well as a strategy for it’s export and it’s marketing to reach long-term success. Never-theless, companies sometimes use a “strategy of least involvement”, leaving the international marketing strategy decisions in the hands of foreign agents and distributors.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how the export and marketing strategies have been developed and implemented by suc-cessful Swedish export companies.</p><p>Method</p><p>Winners of the Export-Hermes Prize and Stora Exportpriset have been used as a sample of successful export companies. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with four of them were conducted to col-lect the empirical data.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>The export companies in this study showed great differences con-cerning their original export ambitions, the methods they used to se-lect foreign markets, the modes that they used to enter new markets and the pace in which the international expansions were carried out. There were however strong similarities between the successful ex-port companies in other areas. All four companies had owners and top management who had been, and in most cases still were, highly involved and driving forces in the export activities. The companies also shared a belief in working with clear goals and having a strict control over subsidiaries and intermediaries. The authors are of the opinion that this control and monitoring are crucial for the success of the implementation of the export and marketing strategies.</p>
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