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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Some aspects of the geometry of Lipschitz free spaces / Quelques aspects de la structure linéaire des espaces Lipschitz libres.

Petitjean, Colin 19 June 2018 (has links)
Quelques aspects de la géométrie des espaces LipschitzEn premier lieu, nous donnons les propriétés fondamentales des espaces Lipschitz libres. Puis, nous démontrons que l'image canonique d'un espace métrique M est faiblement fermée dans l'espace libre associé F(M). Nous prouvons un résultat similaire pour l'ensemble des molécules.Dans le second chapitre, nous étudions les conditions sous lesquelles F(M) est isométriquement un dual. En particulier, nous généralisons un résultat de Kalton sur ce sujet. Par la suite, nous nous focalisons sur les espaces métriques uniformément discrets et sur les espaces métriques provenant des p-Banach.Au chapitre suivant, nous explorons le comportement de type l1 des espaces libres. Entre autres, nous démontrons que F(M) a la propriété de Schur dès que l'espace des fonctions petit-Lipschitz est 1-normant pour F(M). Sous des hypothèses supplémentaires, nous parvenons à plonger F(M) dans une somme l_1 d'espaces de dimension finie.Dans le quatrième chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la structure extrémale de $F(M)$. Notamment, nous montrons que tout point extrémal préservé de la boule unité d'un espace libre est un point de dentabilité. Si F(M) admet un prédual, nous obtenons une description précise de sa structure extrémale.Le cinquième chapitre s'intéresse aux fonctions Lipschitziennes à valeurs vectorielles. Nous généralisons certains résultats obtenus dans les trois premiers chapitres. Nous obtenons également un résultat sur la densité des fonctions Lipschitziennes qui atteignent leur norme. / Some aspects of the geometry of Lipschitz free spaces.First and foremost, we give the fundamental properties of Lipschitz free spaces. Then, we prove that the canonical image of a metric space M is weakly closed in the associated free space F(M). We prove a similar result for the set of molecules.In the second chapter, we study the circumstances in which F(M) is isometric to a dual space. In particular, we generalize a result due to Kalton on this topic. Subsequently, we focus on uniformly discrete metric spaces and on metric spaces originating from p-Banach spaces.In the next chapter, we focus on l1-like properties. Among other things, we prove that F(M) has the Schur property provided the space of little Lipschitz functions is 1-norming for F(M). Under additional assumptions, we manage to embed F(M) into an l1-sum of finite dimensional spaces.In the fourth chapter, we study the extremal structure of F(M). In particular, we show that any preserved extreme point in the unit ball of a free space is a denting point. Moreover, if F(M) admits a predual, we obtain a precise description of its extremal structure.The fifth chapter deals with vector-valued Lipschitz functions.We generalize some results obtained in the first three chapters.We finish with some considerations of norm attainment. For instance, we obtain a density result for vector-valued Lipschitz maps which attain their norm.

Estudo de algoritmo evolutivo com codificação real na geração de dados de teste estrutural e implementação de protótipo de ferramenta de apoio / Study of real-coded evolutionary algorithm to test data generation and implementation of prototype tool

Buzzo, André Vinicius 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Eliane Martins / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T01:12:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Buzzo_AndreVinicius_M.pdf: 3473272 bytes, checksum: e3da091fcaa16f3245465636a77cfad0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: A geração automática de dados de teste pode ser abordada como um problema de otimização e algoritmos evolutivos se tornaram um foco de muita pesquisa nesta área. Recentemente um novo tipo de algoritmo evolutivo chamado GEO (GEO - Generalized Extremal Optimization) tem sido explorado em uma grande classe de problemas de otimização. Neste trabalho é apresentado o uso do algoritmo evolutivo GEO com codificação real - GEOreal - na geração de dados de teste. O desempenho deste algoritmo é comparado com diversos outros algoritmos e para melhor avaliar os resultados, duas funções objetivo - que mapeiam o problema de geração de dados em um problema de otimização - foram utilizadas. O algoritmo GEOreal combinado com a função objetivo Bueno e Jino obtiveram os melhores resultados nos problemas abordados. Um protótipo foi desenvolvido implementando todos os conceitos envolvidos neste trabalho e o seu desempenho foi comparado com outras ferramentas já disponíveis no mercado. Os resultados mostraram que este protótipo superou as ferramentas comparadas ao minimizar o tempo dispendido no esforço de gerar os dados de teste / Abstract: Automatic test data generation can be approached as an optimization problem and evolutionary algorithms have become a focus of much research in this area. Recently a new type of evolutionary algorithm called GEO (GEO - Generalized Extremal Optimization) has been explored in a large class of optimization problems. This paper presents the use of evolutionary algorithm with real coding GEO - GEOreal - in test data generation. The performance of this algorithm is compared with several other algorithms and to better compare the results two objective functions - that map the problem of generating data in an optimization problem - were used. The algorithm GEOreal combined with the function Bueno and Jino had the best results in the problems addressed. A prototype was developed implementing all the concepts involved in this work and its performance was compared with other tools already available. The results showed that this prototype was better than the compared tools when minimizing the time spent in the effort to test data generation / Mestrado / Ciência da Computação / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

Modelagem estatística de extremos espaciais com base em processos max-stable aplicados a dados meteorológicos no estado do Paraná / Statistical modelling of spatial extremes based on max-stable processes applied to environmental data in the Parana State

Ricardo Alves de Olinda 09 August 2012 (has links)
A maioria dos modelos matemáticos desenvolvidos para eventos raros são baseados em modelos probabilísticos para extremos. Embora as ferramentas para modelagem estatística de extremos univariados e multivariados estejam bem desenvolvidas, a extensão dessas ferramentas para modelar extremos espaciais integra uma área de pesquisa em desenvolvimento muito ativa atualmente. A modelagem de máximos sob o domínio espacial, aplicados a dados meteorológicos é importante para a gestão adequada de riscos e catástrofes ambientais nos países que tem a sua economia profundamente dependente do agronegócio. Uma abordagem natural para tal modelagem é a teoria de extremos espaciais e o processo max-stable, caracterizando-se pela extensão de dimensões infinitas da teoria de valores extremos multivariados, podendo-se então incorporar as funções de correlação existentes na geoestatística e consequentemente, verificar a dependência extrema por meio do coeficiente extremo e o madograma. Neste trabalho descreve-se a aplicação de tais processos na modelagem da dependência de máximos espaciais de precipitação máxima mensal do estado do Paraná, com base em séries históricas observadas em estações meteorológicas. Os modelos propostos consideram o espaço euclidiano e uma transformação denominada espaço climático, que permite explicar a presença de efeitos direcionais, resultantes de padrões meteorológicos sinóticos. Essa metodologia baseia-se no teorema proposto por De Haan (1984) e nos modelos de Smith (1990) e de Schlather (2002), verifica-se também o comportamento isotrópico e anisotrópico desses modelos via simulação Monte Carlo. Estimativas são realizadas através da máxima verossimilhança pareada e os modelos são comparados usando-se o Critério de Informação Takeuchi. O algoritmo utilizado no ajuste é bastante rápido e robusto, permitindo-se uma boa eficiência computacional e estatística na modelagem da precipitação máxima mensal, possibilitando-se a modelagem dos efeitos direcionais resultantes de fenômenos ambientais. / The most mathematical models developed for rare events are based on probabilistic models for extremes. Although the tools for statistical modeling of univariate and multivariate extremes are well-developed, the extension of these tools to model spatial extremes data is currently a very active area of research. Modeling of maximum values under the spatial domain, applied to meteorological data is important for the proper management of risks and environmental disasters in the countries where the agricultural sector has great influence on the economy. A natural approach for such modeling is the theory of extreme spatial and max-stable process, characterized by infinite dimensional extension of multivariate extreme value theory, and we can then incorporate the current correlation functions in geostatistics and thus, check the extreme dependence through the extreme coefficient and the madogram. This thesis describes the application of such procedures in the modeling of spatial maximum dependency of monthly maximum rainfall of Paraná State, historical series based on observed meteorological stations. The proposed models consider the Euclidean space and a transformation called climatic space, which makes it possible to explain the presence of directional effects resulting from synoptic weather patterns. This methodology is based on the theorem proposed by De Haan (1984) and Smith (1990) models and Schlather (2002), checking the isotropic and anisotropic behavior these models through Monte Carlo simulation. Estimates are performed using maximum pairwise likelihood and the models are compared using the Takeuchi information criterion. The algorithm used in the fit is very fast and robust, allowing a good statistical and computational efficiency in monthly maximum rainfall modeling, allowing the modeling of directional effects resulting from environmental phenomena.

Géométrie systolique extrémale sur les surfaces / Extremal systolic geometry on surfaces

Yassine, Zeina 16 June 2016 (has links)
En 1949, C. Loewner a demontré dans un travail non publié l'inégalité systolique optimale du tore T reliant l'aire au carré de la systole. Par la systole on désigne la longueur du plus court lacet non contractile de T. De plus, l' égalité est atteinte si et seulement si le tore est plat hexagonal. Ce résultat a donné naissance à la géométrie systolique. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions des inégalités de type systolique portant sur les longueurs minimales de différentes courbes et pas seulement la systole.Dans un premier temps, nous démontrons trois inégalités géométriques optimales conformes sur la bouteille de Klein reliant l'aire au produit des longueurs des plus courts lacets noncontractiles dans des classes d'homotopie libres différentes. Pour chaque classe conforme, nous décrivons la métrique extrémale réalisant le cas d'égalité.Nous établissons ensuite des inégalités géométriques optimales sur le ruban deMobius muni d'une métrique de Finsler. Ces inégalités géométriques relient la systole et la hauteur du ruban de Mobius à son volume de Holmes-Thompson. Nous en déduisons une inégalité systolique optimale sur la bouteille de Klein munie d'une métrique de Finsler avec des symétries. Nous décrivons également une famille de métriques extrémales dans les deux cas.Dans le troisième travail, nous démontrons une inégalité systolique critique sur la surface de genre deux. Plus précisément, il est connu que la surface de genre deux admet une métrique Riemannienne plate à singularités coniques qui est extrémale parmi les métriques à courbure nonpositive pour l' inégalité systolique. Nous montrons que cette métrique est en fait critique pour des variations lentes de métriques, cette fois-ci sans hypothèse de courbure, pour un autre problème systolique portant sur les longueurs des plus courts lacets non contractiles dans certaines classes d'homotopie libres données. Ces classes d'homotopie correspondent aux lacets systoliques et deux-systoliques de la surface extrémale / In 1949, C. Loewner proved in an unpublished work that the two-torus T satisfies an optimal systolic inequality relating the area of the torus to the square of its systole. By a systole here we mean the smallest length of a noncontractible loop in T. Furthermore, the equality is attained if and only if the torus is flat hexagonal. This result led to whatwas called later systolic geometry. In this thesis, we study several systolic-like inequalities. These inequalities involve the minimal length of various curves and not merely the systole.First we obtain three optimal conformal geometric inequalities on Riemannian Klein bottles relating the area to the product of the lengths of the shortest noncontractible loops in different free homotopy classes. We describe the extremal metrics in each conformal class.Then we prove optimal systolic inequalities on Finsler Mobius bands relating the systoleand the height of the Mobius band to its Holmes-Thompson volume. We also establish an optimalsystolic inequality for Finsler Klein bottles with symmetries. We describe extremal metric families in both cases.Finally, we prove a critical systolic inequality on genus two surface. More precisely, it is known that the genus two surface admits a piecewise flat metric with conical singularities which is extremal for the systolic inequality among all nonpositively curved Riemannian metrics. We show that this piecewise flat metric is also critical for slow metric variations, this time without curvature restrictions, for another type of systolic inequality involving the lengths of the shortest noncontractible loops in different free homotopy classes. The free homotopy classes considered correspond to those of the systolic loops and the second-systolic loops of the extremal surface

Metody odhadu parametrů rozdělení extrémního typu s aplikacemi / Extreme Value Distribution Parameter Estimation and its Application

Holešovský, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on extreme value theory and its applications. Initially, extreme value distribution is introduced and its properties are discussed. At this basis are described two models mostly used for an extreme value analysis, i.e. the block maxima model and the Pareto-distribution threshold model. The first one takes advantage in its robustness, however recently the threshold model is mostly preferred. Although the threshold choice strongly affects estimation quality of the model, an optimal threshold selection still belongs to unsolved issues of this approach. Therefore, the thesis is focused on techniques for proper threshold identification, mainly on adaptive methods suitable for the use in practice. For this purpose a simulation study was performed and acquired knowledge was applied for analysis of precipitation records from South-Moravian region. Further on, the thesis also deals with extreme value estimation within a stationary series framework. Usually, an observed time series needs to be separated to obtain approximately independent observations. The use of the advanced theory for stationary series allows to avoid the entire separation procedure. In this context the commonly applied separation techniques turn out to be quite inappropriate in most cases and the estimates based on theory of stationary series are obtained with better precision.

The State Space of Complex Systems

Heilmann, Frank 14 October 2005 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird eine Beschreibung von Monte-Carlo-Verfahren zur Lösung komplexer Optimierungsaufgaben mit Hilfe von Markov-Ketten durchgeführt. Nach einer kurzen Einführung werden Lösungsmenge solcher Aufgaben und der physikalische Zustandsraum komplexer Systeme identifiziert. Zunächst wird die Dynamik von Zufallswanderern im Zustandsraum mit Hilfe von Master-Gleichungen modelliert. Durch Einführung von Performanzkriterien können verschiedene Optimierungsstrategien quantitativ miteinander verglichen werden. Insbesondere wird das Verfahren Extremal Optimization vorgestellt, dass ebenfalls als Markov-Prozess verstanden werden kann. Es wird bewiesen, dass eine im Sinne der genannten Kriterien beste Implementierung existiert. Da diese von einem sogenannten Fitness Schedule abhängt, wird dieser für kleine Beispielsysteme explizit berechnet. Daran anschließend wird die Zustandsdichte komplexer Systeme betrachtet. Nach einem kurzen Überblick über vorhandene Methoden folgt eine detaillierte Untersuchung des Verfahrens von Wang und Landau. Numerische und analytische Hinweise werden gegeben, nach denen dieser Algorithmus innerhalb seiner Klasse wahrscheinlich der Optimale ist. Eine neue Methode zur Approximation der Zustandsdichte wird vorgestellt, die insbesondere für die Untersuchung komplexer Systeme geeignet ist. Abschließend wird ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Arbeiten gegeben.

Photometric Methods for Autonomous Tree Species Classification and NIR Quality Inspection

Valieva, Inna January 2015 (has links)
In this paper the brief overview of methods available for individual tree stems quality evaluation and tree species classification has been performed. The use of Near Infrared photometry based on conifer’s canopy reflectance measurement in near infrared range of spectrum has been evaluated for the use in autonomous forest harvesting. Photometric method based on the image processing of the bark pattern has been proposed to perform classification between main construction timber tree species in Scandinavia: Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris). Several feature extraction algorithms have been evaluated, resulting two methods selected: Statistical Analysis using gray level co-occurrence matrix and maximally stable extremal regions feature detector. Feedforward Neural Network with Backpropagation training algorithm and Support Vector Machine classifiers have been implemented and compared. The verification of the proposed algorithm has been performed by real-time testing.

Detekce kauzality v časových řadách pomocí extrémních hodnot / Detection of causality in time series using extreme values

Bodík, Juraj January 2021 (has links)
Juraj Bodík Abstract This thesis is dealing with the following problem: Let us have two stationary time series with heavy- tailed marginal distributions. We want to detect whether they have a causal relation, i.e. if a change in one of them causes a change in the other. The question of distinguishing between causality and correlation is essential in many different science fields. Usual methods for causality detection are not well suited if the causal mechanisms only manifest themselves in extremes. In this thesis, we propose a new method that can help us in such a nontraditional case distinguish between correlation and causality. We define the so-called causal tail coefficient for time series, which, under some assumptions, correctly detects the asymmetrical causal relations between different time series. We will rigorously prove this claim, and we also propose a method on how to statistically estimate the causal tail coefficient from a finite number of data. The advantage is that this method works even if nonlinear relations and common ancestors are present. Moreover, we will mention how our method can help detect a time delay between the two time series. We will show how our method performs on some simulations. Finally, we will show on a real dataset how this method works, discussing a cause of...

Ideals generated by 2-minors: binomial edge ideals and polyomino ideals

Mascia, Carla 11 February 2020 (has links)
Since the early 1990s, a classical object in commutative algebra has been the study of binomial ideals. A widely-investigated class of binomial ideals is the one containing those generated by a subset of 2-minors of an (m x n)-matrix of indeterminates. This thesis is devoted to illustrate some algebraic and homological properties of two classes of ideals of 2-minors: binomial edge ideals and polyomino ideals. Binomial edge ideals arise from finite graphs and their appeal results from the fact that their homological properties reflect nicely the combinatorics of the underlying graph. First, we focus on the binomial edge ideals of block graphs. We give a lower bound for their Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity by computing the two distinguished extremal Betti numbers of a new family of block graphs, called flower graphs. Moreover, we present a linear time algorithm to compute Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and Krull dimension of binomial edge ideals of block graphs. Secondly, we consider some classes of Cohen-Macaulay binomial edge ideals. We provide the regularity and the Cohen-Macaulay type of binomial edge ideals of Cohen-Macaulay cones, and we show the extremal Betti numbers of Cohen-Macaulay bipartite and fan graphs. In addition, we compute the Hilbert-Poincaré series of the binomial edge ideals of some Cohen-Macaulay bipartite graphs. Polyomino ideals arise from polyominoes, plane figures formed by joining one or more equal squares edge to edge. It is known that the polyomino ideal of simple polyominoes is prime. We consider multiply connected polyominoes, namely polyominoes with holes, and observe that the non-existence of a certain sequence of inner intervals of the polyomino, called zig-zag walk, gives a necessary condition for the primality of the polyomino ideal. Moreover, by computational approach, we prove that for all polyominoes with rank less than or equal to 14 the above condition is also sufficient. Lastly, we present an infinite class of prime polyomino ideals.

3D numerical techniques for determining the foot of a continental slope

Pantland, Nicolette Ariana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) provides an opportunity for qualifying coastal signatory states to claim extended maritime estate. The opportunity to claim rests on the precept that in certain cases a continental shelf extends beyond the traditionally demarcated two hundred nautical mile (200M) Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) mark. In these cases a successful claim results in states having sovereign rights to the living and non-living resources of the seabed and subsoil, as well as the sedentary species, of the area claimed. Where the continental shelf extends beyond the 200M mark, the Foot of the Continental Slope (FoS) has to be determined as one of the qualifying criteria. Article 76 of UNCLOS de nes the FoS as ". . . the point of maximum change in the gradient at its base." Currently Caris Lots is the most widely used software which incorporates public domain data to determine the FoS as a step towards defining the offshore extent of an extended continental shelf. In this software, existing methods to compute the FoS are often subjective, typically involving an operator choosing the best perceived foot point during consideration of a two dimensional profile of the continental slope. These foot points are then joined by straight lines to form the foot line to be used in the desk top study (feasibility study). The purpose of this thesis is to establish a semi-automated and mathematically based three dimensional method for determination of the FoS using South African data as a case study. Firstly, a general background of UNCLOS is given (with emphasis on Article 76), including a brief discussion of the geological factors that influence the characteristics of a continental shelf and thus factors that could influence the determination of the FoS. Secondly, a mathematical method for determination of the surfaces of extremal curvature (on three dimensional data), originally proposed by Vanicek and Ou in 1994, is detailed and applied to two smooth, hypothetical sample surfaces. A discussion of the bathymetric data to be used for application introduces the factors to be taken into account when using extensive survey data as well as methods to process the raw data for use. The method is then applied to two sets of gridded bathymetric data of differing resolution for four separate regions around the South African coast. The ridges formed on the resulting surfaces of maximum curvature are then traced in order to obtain a foot line definition for each region and each resolution. The results obtained from application of the method are compared with example foot points provided by the subjective two dimensional method of computation within the Caris Lots software suite. A comparison of the results for the different resolutions of data is included to provide insight as to the effectiveness of the method with differing spatial coarseness of data. Finally, an indication of further work is provided in the conclusion to this thesis, in the form of a number of recommendations for possible adaptations of the mathematical and tracing methods, and improvements thereof. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Verenigde Nasies se Konvensie oor die Wet van die See (UNCLOS) bied 'n geleentheid aan kwalifiserende state wat ondertekenaars van die Konvensie is om aanspraak te maak op uitgebreide maritieme gebied. Die geleentheid om op uitgebreide gebied aanspraak te maak berus op die veronderstelling dat 'n kontinentale tafel in sekere gevalle tot buite die tradisioneel afgebakende 200 seemyl eksklusiewe ekonomiese zone (EEZ) strek. In sulke gevalle het 'n suksesvolle aanspraak die gevolg dat die staat soewereine reg oor die lewende en nie-lewende bronne van die seevloer en ondergrond verkry, sowel as die inwonende spesies van die gebied buite die EEZ waarop aanspraak gemaak word. Die voet van die kontinentale tafel (FoS) moet vasgestel word as een van die bepalende kriteria vir afbakening van die aanspraak waar die kontinentale tafel tot buite die EEZ strek. Artikel 76 van UNCLOS defineer die FoS as ". . . die punt van maksimale verandering in die helling by sy basis." Die mees algemeen gebruikte rekenaar sagteware wat openbare domein data aanwend om die voet van die helling te bepaal, is tans "Caris Lots." Die metodes wat in die program gebruik word om die voet van die helling te bepaal, is dikwels subjektief en berus tipies op 'n operateur se keuse van die beste afgeskatte punt van die voet van die helling uit 'n oorweging van 'n twee dimensionele profiel van die kontinentale tafel. Die berekende voet-punte word dan deur middel van reguit lyne verbind om 'n hellingsvoetlyn te vorm. Hierdie voetlyn kan dan in die Suid-Afrikaanse lessenaarstudie (doenlikheidstudie) oor die bepaling van die voet van die kontinentale tafel gebruik word. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n semi-outomatiese en wiskundig gebaseerde drie-dimensionele metode te beskryf vir die vasstelling van die FoS, deur as 'n gevallestudie van Suid-Afrikaanse data gebruik te maak. 'n Algemene agtergrond van UNCLOS, met beklemtoning van Artikel 76, word eerstens gegee. 'n Kort bespreking van die geologiese faktore wat die kontinentale tafel beïnvloed en wat gevolglik 'n invloed kan hê op die vasstelling van die voet van die helling, is ingesluit. Tweedens word 'n wiskundige metode, wat oorspronklik in 1994 deur Vanicek en Ou voorgestel is, vir bepaling van die oppervlaktes van maksimale kromming (gebaseer op drie-dimensionele data) in detail bespreek en 'n voorbeeld van 'n toepassing op twee gladde, denkbeeldige oppervaktes word beskryf. Die faktore wat in ag geneem moet word wanneer omvattende dieptemeting data gebruik word, en die metodes wat gebruik word om die rou data te verwerk, word ingelei deur 'n bespreking van die aard van die dieptemeting data wat gebruik is. Die metode word dan toegepas op twee stelle geruite dieptemeting data van verskillende resolusies vir vier afsonderlike streke om die Suid-Afrikaanse kus. Die riwwe wat op die resulterende oppervlaktes van maksimale kromming gevorm word, word dan nagetrek ten einde 'n lyndefinisie van die voet van die kontinentale tafel vir elke streek teen elke resolusie te bepaal. Die resultate verkry uit toepassings van die metode word vergelyk met hellingsvoetpunte soos bepaal deur die subjektiewe twee dimensionele berekeningsmetode in die "Caris Lots" rekenaar-program. 'n Vergelyking van die resultate vir die verskillende data resolusies word ingesluit om die doeltreffendheid van die metode met betrekking tot die hantering van verskillende ruimtelike data resolusies te ondersoek. 'n Aanduiding van verdere werk, bestaande uit 'n aantal aanbevelings vir moontlike aanpassings en verbeterings van die wiskundige en natrek metodes, word ten slotte in die gevolgtrekking van die verhandeling verskaf.

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