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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Zatezalo, Kayla M. 16 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Att (s)kapa en identitet : En kvantitativ analys av rekonstruktiv arkeologi och dess etiska aspekter / Creating an identity : A quantitative investigation of reconstructive archaeology and their ethical aspects

Jansson, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen studerar vilka individer som forskare utför en ansiktsrekonstruktion på och vilka etiska aspekter som kan ligga till grund för arbetet. Syftet är att ta reda på vilka personer som det är vanligast att göra en rekonstruktion på samt hur forskare ställer sig till etiska problem. Studien utgår ifrån att etik är ett problematiskt begrepp och att det inte alltid är lätt och självklart hur vi ska förhålla oss till det Fallstudierna utgörs av publikationer mellan 2019–2024, vilket är totalt 16 stycken fallstudier med 27 individer. Ytterligare begränsning har gjorts då fallstudien i fråga måste kunna svara på individens ursprungliga geografiska placering, datering, fyndkontext, ålder och kön. Status är ännu en kategori som används, men där har inte alla fallstudier konkretiserat vilket skikt individen tillhör och därför har det i några fall, med hjälp av fallstudien gjorts en egen tolkning. Generellt visar det sig vara vuxna män, samt individer från nyare tid med ursprunglig geografisk plats i Europa. De flesta visar sig också vara av låg status som återfunnits på en gravplats. Fallstudierna analyseras också efter om de har några etiska reflektioner, vilket fyra av 16 fallstudier har. / This essay studies which individuals’ researchers perform a facial reconstruction on and which ethical aspects that might form the basis of the work. The purpose is to find out which people are the most commonly reconstructed, and how researchers approach ethical. The study assumes that ethics is a problematic concept and that it is not always easy and obvious how we should relate to it. The case studies consist of publications between 2019–2024, which is a total of 16 case studies with 27 individuals. A further limitation has been made as the case study in question must be able to answer the individual’s original geographical location, dating, find context, age and gender. Status is yet another category that is used, but not all case studies have specified which stratum the individual belongs to and therefor in some cases, with the help of the case study, an interpretation has been made. Generally, it turns out to be adult men, as well as individuals from more recent times with an original geographical location in Europe. Most also turn out to be of low status found in burial sites. The case studies are also analyzed according to whether they have any ethical reflections, which four out of 16 case studies have.

Potentiel et limites de l’approximation faciale forensique sur un crâne sec assistée par le phénotypage d’ADN

Durand-Guévin, Ariane 08 1900 (has links)
La reconstruction faciale permet d’approximer un visage sur la base d’un crâne, lorsque des restes humains sont retrouvés. En science forensique, elle est l’un des outils utilisés dans un but d’identification post-mortem. Les procédures actuelles d’approximation ne sont pas standardisées et constamment revisitées. Il est également possible d’obtenir des prédictions du phénotype d’un individu (caractères physiques apparents) à partir de son ADN, qui pourraient être ajoutées aux reconstructions pour maximiser les chances de reconnaissance. Cette recherche vise à étudier l’approximation faciale à des fins de reconnaissance et l’apport du phénotypage par l’ADN à cette pratique. Le crâne et le relevé biologique d’un donneur du laboratoire d’anatomie de l’UQTR ont été utilisés. Six praticiens ont approximé son visage à partir d’une copie de son crâne et de ses données phénotypiques et anthropologiques. Les résultats corroborent qu’il existe un manque de standardisation des méthodes et techniques, menant à différents résultats selon le praticien. Des tests de reconnaissance et de ressemblance ont été effectués à l’aide d’un échantillon de 46 participants. Malgré la variabilité des approximations, elles ont toutes été reconnues au moins une fois lors des tests de reconnaissance, soulevant la possibilité que la reconnaissance d’un visage est idiosyncratique. Les caractéristiques qui semblent influencer davantage la reconnaissance sont la forme, la taille et la position des yeux, de la bouche et du nez. Finalement, au regard des incertitudes propres à la méthode et du rôle investigatif de l’approximation faciale, il est recommandé que le phénotypage accompagne l’accompagne par écrit. / Facial reconstruction is a process by which a face is approximated from a skull when human remains are found. In forensic science, it is one of the many tools used for the purpose of post-mortem identification. The current approximation procedures are not standardized and are always revisited. Nowadays, it is possible to obtain phenotype (apparent physical traits) predictions from an individual’s DNA. These predictions could be added to facial approximations to maximize the chances of recognition. This research aims to study facial approximation for recognition purposes and the plus-value of DNA phenotyping to facial approximation. The skull and biological material from one donor of the UQTR’s anatomy laboratory were used. Six practitioners approximated the donor’s face using a copy of his skull, and phenotyping and anthropological data. The results corroborated the lack of standardization regarding the approximating methods and techniques, which leads to different resulting approximations depending on the practitioner. Recognition and resemblance tests were carried out with a sample of 46 participants. Despite the wide variability of the approximations, they were all recognized at least once during the recognition tests, raising the possibility that the recognition of a face is idiosyncratic. The characteristics that seemed the most important to recognition were the shape, size and position of the eyes, the mouth, and the nose. Finally, with regard to the uncertainties specific to the method and the final investigative role of facial approximation, phenotyping would benefit in feeding a spoken portrait.

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