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Μελέτη πολυμορφισμών στα γονίδια Hf του συστήματος του συμπληρώματος και LOC387715, που ενέχονται στην ηλικιο-εξαρτώμενη εκφύλιση της ωχράς κηλίδας στον ελληνικό πληθυσμόΜαριόλη, Δήμητρα 02 November 2009 (has links)
Η υψηλή συχνότητα εμφάνισης της ηλικιακής εκφύλισης της ωχράς
κηλίδας σε συνδυασμό με τις σοβαρές επιπτώσεις της στην υγεία των ασθενών
και την αδυναμία πλήρους θεραπευτικής αποκατάστασης της όρασης,
καθιστά αναγκαία την διερεύνηση των παθογενετικών μηχανισμών της με
στόχο την ανάπτυξη νέων προληπτικών και θεραπευτικών προσσεγγίσεων.
Είναι ευρέως αποδεκτό ότι η ηλιακή εκφύλιση της ωχράς κηλίδας είναι
μια πολυπαραγοντική ασθένεια στην εμφάνιση της οποίας ενέχονται τόσο
αλληλεπιδράσεις περιβάλλοντος-γονιδίων όσο και αλληλεπιδράσεις
γονιδίων-γονιδίων. Η αναγνώριση γονιδίων και γενετικών πολυμορφισμών
που συμβάλλουν στην επιδεκτικότητα για την εμφάνιση της ασθένειας
μπορούν αφενός να συμβάλλουν στην διαλεύκανση της μοριακής
παθογένειας αφετέρου να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως γενετικοί δείκτες αυξημένου
κινδύνου εμφάνισης οδηγώντας σε νέες προληπτικές και θεραπευτικές
Στόχος της παρούσας εργασίας είναι να διαπιστωθεί εάν οι
πολυμορφισμοί Y402H του γονιδίου CFH και A69S του γονιδίου LOC387715
είναι μοριακοί δείκτες επιδεκτικότητας για την ηλικιακή εκφύλιση της ωχράς κηλίδας στον Ελληνικό πληθυσμό της Νοτιοδυτικής Ελλάδας. Η κλινική
μελέτη συσχέτισης στην οποία περιλαμβάνει 100 ασθενείς με προχωρημένη
AMD και 115 μάρτυρες από τον γενικό πληθυσμό. / -
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Interação de proteínas de membrana de Leptospira com os reguladores Fator H e C4BP do sistema complemento humano. / Interaction of Leptospira membrane proteins with human complement regulators Factor H and C4BP.Mónica Marcela Castiblanco Valencia 12 September 2014 (has links)
Diferentes mecanismos têm sido mostrados por estar envolvidos na evasão à morte mediada por complemento. Neste estudo, demonstramos que a aquisição do FH pela Leptospira é crucial para a sobrevivência das bactérias no soro e que estas espiroquetas interagem com FH, FHL-1, FHR-1 e C4BP. Nós também demonstramos que a ligação à estes reguladores é mediada pelas proteínas leptospiral immunoglobulin-like (Lig). FH se liga as proteínas Lig via short consensus repeat (SCR) principalmente pelos domínios 5 e 20. Ensaios de competição sugerem que FH e C4BP têm sítios de ligação diferentes nas proteínas Lig. Além disso, FH e C4BP ligados nas proteínas Lig mantêm a atividade de cofator, mediando a degradação de C3b e C4b pelo FI. Nós demonstramos que a aquisição de FH e C4BP pela L. biflexa transgênica para LigA e LigB exercem um papel de proteção na sobrevida destas bactérias. Análise por citometria de fluxo também confirmaram a capacidade das leptospiras transgênicas para controlar a deposição de C3, C4 e MAC. As proteínas Lig também foram capazes de ligar plasminogênio, o qual foi ativado em plasmina e esta enzima foi capaz de degradar fibrinogénio, C3b e C5. Estas clivagens inativam C3b e C5, evitando a progressão da cascata, e bloqueando as três vias de complemento. / Different mechanisms have been shown to be involved in evasion of complement-mediated killing. In this study, we demonstrate that acquisition of FH on the Leptospira surface is crucial for bacterial survival in the serum and that these spirochetes interact with FH, FHL-1, FHR-1 and C4BP. We also demonstrate that binding to these regulators is mediated by leptospiral immunoglobulin-like (Lig) proteins. FH binds to Lig proteins via short consensus repeat (SCR) domains 5 and 20. Competition assays suggest that FH and C4BP have distinct binding sites on Lig proteins. Moreover, FH and C4BP bound to immobilized Ligs display cofactor activity, mediating C3b and C4b degradation by FI. We demonstrated that acquisition of FH and C4BP by the LigA and LigB transformed L. biflexa have the protective role, being crucial by bacterial survival. Analysis by Cytometer fluid also confirmed the ability of L. biflexa expressing LigA and LiB to controller the deposition of C3, C4 and MAC. Lig proteins were able to bind plasminogen, which was activated to plasmin and this enzyme was able to degrade the fibrinogen, C3b and C5. These cleavages inactivate C3b and C5, preventing progression of the complement cascade and blocking the three complement pathways.
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A Novel Mode of Action of C-reactive Protein in Protecting Against Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection and Synergy with AntibioticsNgwa, Donald 01 May 2020 (has links)
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a part of the innate immune system, is synthesized in the liver, its blood level increases in inflammatory states, and it binds to Streptococcus pneumoniae. The conformation of CRP is altered under conditions mimicking an inflammatory milieu and this non-native CRP also binds to immobilized/aggregated/pathogenic proteins. Experiments in mice have revealed that one of the functions of CRP is to protect against pneumococcal infection. For protection, CRP must be injected into mice within two hours of administering pneumococci, thus, CRP is protective against early-stage infection but not against late-stage infection. It is unknown how CRP protects or why CRP does not protect against late-stage infection. The hypotheses are that the protection requires complement activation by CRP-pneumococci complexes and that CRP cannot protect if pneumococci have time to recruit complement inhibitor factor H on their surface to become complement attack-resistant. To test these hypotheses, we generated CRP mutants by site-directed mutagenesis: a mutant that binds to pneumococci but does not activate complement and a mutant that binds to immobilized factor H. We found that mutant CRP incapable of activating complement was not protective against infection and that mutant CRP capable of binding to factor H was protective against both early and late stage infections. Additional experiments showed that CRP enhances the effects of the antibiotic clarithromycin in reducing bacteremia in infected mice. Moreover, we observed that mutant CRP capable of binding to factor H bound to several proteins immobilized on plastic, suggesting that CRP recognizes a pattern, probably an amyloid-like structure, on immobilized proteins. Indeed, mutant CRP, after binding to amyloid b peptides, prevented the formation of pathogenic amyloid fibrils. Lastly, employing a hepatic cell line, we investigated the mechanism of CRP expression in response to pro-inflammatory cytokines. We found that the transcription factor C/EBPb and two C/EBP-binding sites on the CRP promoter were critical for inducing CRP expression. We conclude that complement activation is necessary for CRP-mediated protection against infection, that CRP functions in two structural conformations, that CRP and clarithromycin act synergistically, that CRP has anti-amyloidogenic properties, and the increased CRP expression requires C/EBPb.
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The Protective Function of Human C-Reactive Protein in Mouse Models of Streptococcus Pneumoniae InfectionAgrawal, Alok, Suresh, Madathilparambil V., Singh, Sanjay K., Ferguson, Donald A. 01 December 2008 (has links)
Human C-reactive protein (CRP), injected intravenously into mice or produced inside mice by a human transgene, protects mice from death following administration of lethal numbers of Streptococcus pneumoniae. The protective effect of CRP is due to reduction in the concentration of bacteria in the blood. The exact mechanism of CRP-dependent killing of pneumococci and the partners of CRP in this process are yet to be defined. The current efforts to determine the mechanism of action of CRP in mice are directed by four known in vitro functions of CRP: 1. the ability of pneumococcal C-polysaccharide-complexed CRP to activate complement pathways, 2. the ability of CRP to bind to Fcγ receptors on phagocytic cells, 3. the ability of CRP to bind to immobilized complement regulator protein factor H which can also be present on pneumococci, and, 4. the ability of CRP to interact with dendritic cells. CRP-treated dendritic cells may well be as host-defensive as CRP alone. An interesting condition for the protective function of CRP is that CRP must be given to mice within a few hours of the administration of pneumococci. CRP does not protect mice if given later, suggesting that CRP works prophylactically but not as a treatment for infection. However, full knowledge of CRP may lead to the development of CRP-based treatment strategies to control pneumococcal infection. Also, because CRP deficiency in humans has not yet been reported, it becomes important to investigate the deficiency of the mechanism of action of CRP in CRP-positive individuals.
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Implicações do polimorfismo Y402H de fator H para a concentração plasmática de proteinas do sistema complemento e do perfil lipídico em pacientes com degeneração da mácula relacionada a idade. / Implications of complement factor H polymorphism Y402H for plasmatic levels of complement proteins and lipidic profile in patients with age-related macular degeneration.Silva, Aldacilene Souza da 26 November 2009 (has links)
A Degeneração da Mácula Relacionada a Idade (DMRI) acomete pessoas com mais de 50 anos, comprometendo gravemente a visão. Desde 2005, têm-se sugerido uma correlação entre DMRI e o polimorfismo Y402H do Fator H (FH). Os mecanismos pelos quais a proteína FH participa da etiopatogenia dessa doença têm sido alvo de muitos estudos, desde então. Neste trabalho, investigamos a correlação entre esse polimorfismo e a expressão de proteínas da via alternativa e parâmetros do perfil lipídico de pacientes com DMRI. As concentrações de FH, Fator B, C3 e Proteína C-reativa foram semelhantes entre os grupos controle e paciente. As concentrações de Fator D e os autoanticorpos encontravam-se reduzidos nos pacientes; enquanto Fator I e os demais parâmetros do perfil lipídico estavam aumentados nesses pacientes. A variante Y402 aparentemente aderiu melhor à superfície das leptospiras (superfície ativadora da via alternativa) em relação à variante H402, mas não houve diferença entre as variantes em relação à ligação a células endoteliais (superfície não ativadora). / Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) affects people over 50 years, and severely prejudice the vision. Since 2005, it has been suggested a correlation between AMD and the Y402H polymorphism of Factor H (FH). After this, the mechanisms by which FH protein participates in the pathogenesis of this disease have been extensively studied. In this study, we investigated the correlation between this polymorphism and expression of proteins of the alternative pathway and lipid profile of patients with AMD. The concentrations of FH, Factor B, C3 and C-reactive protein were similar between the control and patient groups.Factor D concentrations and autoantibodies levels were reduced in patients, while Factor I concentrations and the levels of the other parameters of lipid profile were increased in these patients.Apparently, Y402 variant displays better adhesion to the surface of Leptospira (alternative pathway activating surface) than the H402 variant, but no difference between the variants of the linkage to endothelial cells (non-alternative pathway activating surface).
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Crosstalk Between Activated Platelets and the Complement SystemHamad, Osama A. January 2010 (has links)
Several studies have shown that complement and thrombotic events co-exist. Platelets have been suspected to act as the bridge between the two cascade systems. To study the platelet-induced complement activation we developed a system in which platelets were activated by thrombin receptor activating peptide (TRAP) in platelet rich plasma (PRP) or whole blood anti-coagulated using the specific thrombin inhibitor, lepirudin. TRAP-activated platelets induced a fluid-phase complement activation measured as generation of C3a and sC5b-9, triggered by released chondroitin sulphate-A (CS-A) which interacted with C1q and activated the complement system through the classical pathway. Complement components C1q, C3, C4 and C9 were also shown to bind to TRAP-activated platelets but this binding did not seem to be due to a complement activation since blocking of complement activation at the C1q or C3 levels did not affect the binding of the complement proteins. The C3 which bound to activated platelets consisted of C3(H2O), indicating that bound C3 was not proteolytically activated. Binding of C1q was partially dependent on CS-A exposure on activated platelets. The abolished complement activation on the surface of activated platelets was suggested to be dependent on the involvement of several complement inhibitors. We confirmed the binding of C1INH and factor H to activated platelets. To this list we have added another potent complement inhibitor, C4BP. The binding of factor H and C4BP was shown to be dependent on exposure of CS-A on activated platelets. The physiological relevance of these reactions was reflected in an elevated expression of CD11b on leukocytes, and increased generation of platelet-leukocyte complexes. The platelets were involved in these events by at least two different mechanisms; generation of C5a which activated leukocytes and binding of C3(H2O)/iC3(H2O), a ligand to the intergrin CD11b/CD18 on their surface. These mechanisms add further to the understanding of how platelets interact with the complement system and will help us to understand the role of the complement system in cardiovascular disease and thrombotic conditions. / Platelet Mediated Complement Activation
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Analyse und Expression der Komplementproteine Faktor H und Faktor I der Ratte / Analysis and expression of the rat complement proteins factor H and factor IDemberg, Thorsten 05 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Implicações do polimorfismo Y402H de fator H para a concentração plasmática de proteinas do sistema complemento e do perfil lipídico em pacientes com degeneração da mácula relacionada a idade. / Implications of complement factor H polymorphism Y402H for plasmatic levels of complement proteins and lipidic profile in patients with age-related macular degeneration.Aldacilene Souza da Silva 26 November 2009 (has links)
A Degeneração da Mácula Relacionada a Idade (DMRI) acomete pessoas com mais de 50 anos, comprometendo gravemente a visão. Desde 2005, têm-se sugerido uma correlação entre DMRI e o polimorfismo Y402H do Fator H (FH). Os mecanismos pelos quais a proteína FH participa da etiopatogenia dessa doença têm sido alvo de muitos estudos, desde então. Neste trabalho, investigamos a correlação entre esse polimorfismo e a expressão de proteínas da via alternativa e parâmetros do perfil lipídico de pacientes com DMRI. As concentrações de FH, Fator B, C3 e Proteína C-reativa foram semelhantes entre os grupos controle e paciente. As concentrações de Fator D e os autoanticorpos encontravam-se reduzidos nos pacientes; enquanto Fator I e os demais parâmetros do perfil lipídico estavam aumentados nesses pacientes. A variante Y402 aparentemente aderiu melhor à superfície das leptospiras (superfície ativadora da via alternativa) em relação à variante H402, mas não houve diferença entre as variantes em relação à ligação a células endoteliais (superfície não ativadora). / Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) affects people over 50 years, and severely prejudice the vision. Since 2005, it has been suggested a correlation between AMD and the Y402H polymorphism of Factor H (FH). After this, the mechanisms by which FH protein participates in the pathogenesis of this disease have been extensively studied. In this study, we investigated the correlation between this polymorphism and expression of proteins of the alternative pathway and lipid profile of patients with AMD. The concentrations of FH, Factor B, C3 and C-reactive protein were similar between the control and patient groups.Factor D concentrations and autoantibodies levels were reduced in patients, while Factor I concentrations and the levels of the other parameters of lipid profile were increased in these patients.Apparently, Y402 variant displays better adhesion to the surface of Leptospira (alternative pathway activating surface) than the H402 variant, but no difference between the variants of the linkage to endothelial cells (non-alternative pathway activating surface).
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Rôle des composants de surface dans la pathogenèse de l’infection causée par Streptococcus suisRoy, David 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification and Characterization of a Burkholderia pseudomallei Factor H-Binding ProteinSyed, Irum 11 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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