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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors Affecting Recogntion of Expriential Learning in Nepal

Dhungel, Dhruba Prasad 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Access to opportunities for better life through education and training has been in debate among stakeholders of education and social scientists for a long time. This study has attempted to understand how recognition of individuals' prior experiential learning might be instrumental to widen the access to higher education. The perceptions, experiences, and opinions to recognition of prior experiential learning of stakeholders of the education system in Nepal have been the basis to understand the phenomena in this study. This is a descriptive study that used sequential mixed method design (QUAN emphasized). The purpose of the study was to identify factors affecting the implementation of a system for assessing RPEL in Nepal. A pragmatic paradigm guided the collection and analysis of data (survey and interview). A researcher-developed survey (.719, Chronbach alpha index) containing 20 statements facilitated data collection for the quantitative phase of the study followed by interviews of individuals for the qualitative phase. The population of the study was comprised of the stakeholders of the education sector in Nepal covering various strata that includes university teachers, Ministry of Education personnel, workers who have a skills certificate and want to move on to higher education, and personnel of international development agencies working on human resource development in Nepal. A total of 80 individuals responded to the survey questionnaire and six individuals were interviewed. Quantitatively, the survey results of the stakeholders of the education system in Nepal showed some factors were influential on implementing Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL) in Nepal. There were no consensuses among the groups regarding the identified factors on degree of influence on recognition of prior experiential learning with the factors that emerged from the survey, thus indicating that there is a mixed attitude towards RPEL. Qualitatively four themes were identified during the course of data analysis: a) recognizing non-formal and experiential learning is not common practices in Nepal, b) there are no common factors that influence recognition of prior experiential learning, c) mechanism/procedures/structure for prior experiential learning are in infant stage, and d) policies regarding non-formal learning along with experiential learning are concerns of debate in education arena. The qualitative portion of the study provided categories that confirmed existing categories in the survey, which provided clarity and specificity to existing categories, as well as provided new categories. Participants had favorable attitudes towards RPEL regarding the widening the access to higher education.

Informella lärandet på arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ studie ur ett medarbetarperspektiv / Informal learning in the workplace : A qualitative study from the employee perspective

Gorham, Klara January 2021 (has links)
Den här studien har undersökt det informella lärandet på arbetsplatsen ur ett medarbetarperspektiv.Tidigare forskning har visat att det informella lärandet är majoriteten av det lärande som sker påarbetsplatsen och därför har den här studien, genom semi strukturerade intervjuer, studerat de faktorersom påverkar informellt lärande på arbetsplatsen. Sex medarbetare har intervjuats och det empiriskamaterialet analyserades genom tematisk analys. Resultatet redovisar de teman som analysarbetetutformade och avslutas med en del som diskuterar huruvida resultatet stämmer överens med tidigareforskning och teoretiska ramverk. Resultatet belyser några av de faktorer som möjliggör det informellalärandet. Arbetsklimatet, relationer till sina kollegor, organisationens struktur och tilldelning avarbetsuppgifter är några av de faktorer som har konstaterats i den här studien. Den här studien visarbetydelsen av ämnet och än en gång att det informella lärandet på arbetsplatsen bör uppmärksammas. / This study aims to research the informal learning in the workplace from the employee’s perspective.Research has shown that informal learning is the major part for learning in the workplace and thereforthis study will, through semi structured interviews, investigate the impacts of informal learning. Theresults confirm the influencing factors from previous research. The results shows that factors like workenvironment, relationships to your colleagues and the structure of the workplace are all important forthe ability of learning in the workplace. The end of this paper discusses the different theoretical factorsand how they relate to the result of this study. Also, this study shows the value of the subject and whyit should be prioritized when it comes to workplace learning. / <p>Betygsdatum 2021-07-01</p>

The Role Of English Proficiency Level, Personal And Affective Factors Predicting Language Preparatory School Students

Aydin, Gokcen 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated the role of demographic factors, English proficiency level, personal and affective factors in predicting language preparatory school students&rsquo / academic success. Participants of the study were 415 Department of Basic English students (158 pre-intermediate level, 158 intermediate level and 99 upper-intermediate level students) from a state university in Turkey. As data collection instrument, demographic information form, College Learning Effectiveness Inventory and Affective Characteristics Questionnaire were used. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to find the significant predictors. The results indicated that 53 % of the total variance was explained with the model. Among the predictor variables, English proficiency level, classroom communication, stress and time press and English self concept were found to be significant predictors of language achievement. The findings showed that students who had high proficiency level, better communication skills within the class, high English self concept and felt more stressful through the studies achieved higher scores in English Proficiency Exam.


Patel, Neel R. 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Att hantera elevers olika förutsättningar i matematikundervisningen / Dealing with students different qualifications in mathematics teaching

Johansson, Anne January 2011 (has links)
Studien syftar till att beskriva hur lärare i matematik upplever att de praktiskt hanterar elevers olika förutsättningar i sin matematikundervisning. Undersökningen genomfördes som en fallstudie av två lärare i matematik i grundskolans senare år. Det empiriska materialet består av fyra klassrumsobservationer, som analyserades för att identifiera olika typer av individualisering, samt fyra intervjuer, för att belysa lärarnas upplevelser av och tankar kring individualisering. Det framkom att det förekommer flera olika typer av individualisering. En del individualisering var ett resultat av lärarens medvetna val, men det förekom även individualisering som lärarna delvis var omedvetna om. / The study aims to describe how teachers of mathematics feel that they practically handle student differences in their mathematics teaching. The survey was conducted as a case study of two teachers of mathematics in secondary school. The empirical material consists of four classroom observations, which were analyzed to identify types of individualization, and four interviews, to highlight the teachers' experiences of and thoughts about individualization. It was found that there are several different types of individualization. Some individualization was the result of the teacher's conscious choice, but there were also individualization as teachers in part, were unaware of.

Tėvų požiūris į vaikų išsilavinimą, mokymąsi, mokyklą / Influence of parents’ education on children learning

Valečkaitė, Liana 24 September 2008 (has links)
Visi piliečiai, nepriklausomai nuo jų socialinės padėties, gyvenamosios vietos ar amžiaus, turi galimybę mokytis jiems patogioje aplinkoje: švietimo institucijose, darbe, namuose. Toks pagrindinis Mokymosi visą gyvenimą strategijos siekis, kur švietimas įvardijamas kaip neatskiriamas žmogaus palydovas nuo jo gimimo iki gilios senatvės. Svarbiausi per paskutinius 10 metų atlikti tyrimai liudija apie didelį šalies visuomenės bei mokslininkų dėmesį vaikų išsilavinimui ir jį įtakojantiems vidiniams bei išoriniams veiksniams. Jau nuo XX amžiaus Lietuvos bei kitų šalių sociologai nuolat akcentavo, kad būtent tėvų išsilavinimo (ir bendras sociologinis-kultūrinis) lygis dažniausiai lemia jų norą bei pasirengimą suteikti vaikams aukštąjį išsilavinimą. Darbas reikšmingas teoriškai ir praktiškai, nes tėvų išsilavinimo, kaip vieno svarbiausių veiksnių, lemiančių mokinių mokymąsi, įtaka ( svarba, reikšmė?) Vilniaus miesto Užupio gimnazijoje netyrinėta. / All citizens independently from their social status, residential area or age have a possibility to study in comfortable surroundings: educational institution, work, home. This is the main objective of life-long learning where education must go along with a person from his/her birth to old age. The most important research done in ten years time shows our society and scientists’ great attention to children education and inner and outer factors which affect it. Since the 20th century Lithuanian and foreign sociologists have emphasized that parents’ education (and general socio-cultural) level often affects their wish and readiness to give their children higher education. The work is significant both theoretically and practically because the influence of the factors has not been studied in Vilnius Užupis high school.

Factors affecting the achievements of intellectually gifted children / Intelektualiai gabių vaikų pasiekimų veiksniai

Šimelionienė, Aida 31 January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the study - to analyze the main factors of learning achievements of intellectually gifted children. The sample consists of 16 - 18 year old students (N = 54), whose Reasoning Total (RT) scores in Intelligence Structure Test 2000R (I-S-T 2000 R, Amthauer R., Brocke B., Liepmann D, Beauducel, 2001) are 90 percentile or higher. This thesis analyses the peculiarities of intellectual activity of intellectually gifted 16- 18 years old students, their learning achievements and has the objective to determine individual and environmental factors of their learning achievements. The results show that Intellectually gifted 16 - 18 year old students have unique intelligence structure when fluid intelligence (Gf) is higher than crystallized intelligence (Gc) and numerical abilities are higher than verbal abilities. Part of older intellectually gifted students are underachievers and their learning achievements are not related to their intelligence. Learning motivation, study/organizational skills and gender are the most important factors of learning achievements of intellectually exceptionally gifted and gifted 16 - 18 year old students and they not depend on the level of their intellectual abilities. / Disertacijos tikslas – išanalizuoti intelektualiai gabių vaikų pasiekimų veiksnius. Tyrime dalyvavo 16–18 m. mokiniai (n = 54), kurių Bendrieji samprotavimo gebėjimai, tirti Intelekto struktūros testu (I-S-T 2000R) (Amthauer ir kt., 2007) atitinka 90 ir didesnį procentilį. Tyrime įvertinti mokinių intelektinės veiklos ypatumai, mokymosi pasiekimai bei mokymosi pasiekimų individualūs ir aplinkos veiksniai. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais nustatyta, kad intelektualiai gabūs 16–18 m. mokiniai pasižymi savita intelekto struktūra, kai fluidinis intelektas (Gf) yra aukštesnis už kristalizuotą intelektą (Gc), o matematiniai gebėjimai yra didesni nei verbaliniai. Dalis intelektualiai gabių vyresnių klasių mokinių mokosi prasčiau nei geba ir tokie jų mokymosi rezultatai nėra susiję su jų intelekto ypatumais. Mokymosi motyvacija, mokymosi įgūdžiai ir lytis yra svarbiausi itin gabių ir gabių 16–18 m. mokinių mokymosi pasiekimų veiksniai ir nepriklauso nuo jų intelektinių gebėjimų lygio.

Intelektualiai gabių vaikų pasiekimų veiksniai / Factors affecting the achievements of intellectually gifted children

Šimelionienė, Aida 31 January 2012 (has links)
Disertacijos tikslas – išanalizuoti intelektualiai gabių vaikų pasiekimų veiksnius. Tyrime dalyvavo 16–18 m. mokiniai (n = 54), kurių Bendrieji samprotavimo gebėjimai, tirti Intelekto struktūros testu (I-S-T 2000R) (Amthauer ir kt., 2007) atitinka 90 ir didesnį procentilį. Tyrime įvertinti mokinių intelektinės veiklos ypatumai, mokymosi pasiekimai bei mokymosi pasiekimų individualūs ir aplinkos veiksniai. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais nustatyta, kad intelektualiai gabūs 16–18 m. mokiniai pasižymi savita intelekto struktūra, kai fluidinis intelektas (Gf) yra aukštesnis už kristalizuotą intelektą (Gc), o matematiniai gebėjimai yra didesni nei verbaliniai. Dalis intelektualiai gabių vyresnių klasių mokinių mokosi prasčiau nei geba ir tokie jų mokymosi rezultatai nėra susiję su jų intelekto ypatumais. Mokymosi motyvacija, mokymosi įgūdžiai ir lytis yra svarbiausi itin gabių ir gabių 16–18 m. mokinių mokymosi pasiekimų veiksniai ir nepriklauso nuo jų intelektinių gebėjimų lygio. / The aim of the study - to analyze the main factors of learning achievements of intellectually gifted children. The sample consists of 16 - 18 year old students (N = 54), whose Reasoning Total (RT) scores in Intelligence Structure Test 2000R (I-S-T 2000 R, Amthauer R., Brocke B., Liepmann D, Beauducel, 2001) are 90 percentile or higher. This thesis analyses the peculiarities of intellectual activity of intellectually gifted 16- 18 years old students, their learning achievements and has the objective to determine individual and environmental factors of their learning achievements. The results show that Intellectually gifted 16 - 18 year old students have unique intelligence structure when fluid intelligence (Gf) is higher than crystallized intelligence (Gc) and numerical abilities are higher than verbal abilities. Part of older intellectually gifted students are underachievers and their learning achievements are not related to their intelligence. Learning motivation, study/organizational skills and gender are the most important factors of learning achievements of intellectually exceptionally gifted and gifted 16 - 18 year old students and they not depend on the level of their intellectual abilities.

Oportunidades de aprendizagem no nível grupal: um estudo de caso em uma instituição educacional

Takahashi, Cintia Yuri 06 September 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cintia Yuri Takahashi.pdf: 576472 bytes, checksum: 72a6c01f68fe6a3812d3ae924dd62b35 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-09-06 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / Despite the apparent consensus that group learning integrates the learning process from the individual to the organization (SENGE, 1990; KIM, 1993; ROUSSEAU; HOUSE, 1994; NONAKA; TAKEUCHI, 1997; EDMONDSON, 2002), our understanding about group learning remains limited (EDMONDSON; 1999). The general objective of this study is to identify and analyze the factors involved in group learning process of the participants of the Mediating Team Learning course promoted at Senac São Paulo. A qualitative study interviewing 11 participants and four of their colleagues was conducted in order to achieve the bjective. It was identified that it was easier for the participants to listen and concerning the factors that influenced group learning, three kinds of factors were identified: personal, structural and interpersonal. In the work environment such factors can either enable or be an obstacle to learning and it was found that they occur simultaneously and are interrelated. / Apesar do aparente consenso de que a aprendizagem em grupo integra o processo de aprendizagem do indivíduo ao da organização (SENGE, 1990; KIM, 1993; ROUSSEAU; HOUSE, 1994; NONAKA; TAKEUCHI, 1997; EDMONDSON, 2002), entendese que a aprendizagem nos grupos permanece limitada. (EDMONDSON; 1999). O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral identificar e analisar os fatores envolvidos no processo de aprendizagem em grupo, dos participantes do curso Mediando a Aprendizagem nas Equipes, promovido no Senac São Paulo. Para isso, foi conduzido um estudo qualitativo por meio de entrevistas, com 11 participantes, além de entrevista com quatro colegas dos participantes. Identificou-se que os participantes tiveram mais facilidade para ouvir e, quanto aos fatores que influenciaram a aprendizagem nos grupos, foram identificados três tipos: pessoais, estruturais e interpessoais. No ambiente de trabalho, nota-se que esses fatores ocorrem, simultaneamente, estão relacionados entre si e podem tanto facilitar quanto ser um obstáculo à aprendizagem.

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