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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aldosteron syntáza u arteriální hypertenze a možný vliv polymorfismu jejího genu na hypertrofii levé komory srdeční / Aldosterone synthase in arterial hypertension and possible influence of its genenetic polymorphism on left ventricular hypertrophy

Heller, Samuel January 2013 (has links)
Part I. The aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2) polymorphism T-344C in blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy. BACKGROUND: Aldosterone is a key cardovascular hormone, it significantly influences volume, pressure and electrolyte balance. Aldosterone plays an important role in development of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and myocardial fibrosis. The aldosterone synthase gene (CYP11B2) is an important candidate gene region in essential hypertension. DESIGN AND METHODS: We assessed the influence of the T-344C polymorphism of aldosterone synthase - the rate-limiting enzyme in aldosterone biosynthesis - on the structure of the left ventricle in young normotensive men. The population included 113 normotensive mid-European Caucasian men aged 18-40 years (mean 27 +/- 5 years). We also studied the association of -344T/C polymorphism of the CYP11B2 gene with the presence and severity of hypertension in 369 individuals, of whom 213 were hypertensive patients (139 controlled hypertensive, 74 resistant hypertensive) and 156 were healthy normotensive subjects. The genotype was assessed using polymerase chain reaction with subsequent cleavage with restriction enzyme HAEIII (restriction fragment length polymorphism method) and visualization with ethidium bromide. Plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma...

Die funktionelle Modifikation der proinflammatorischen M-DC8+ dendritischen Zellen durch zyklisches Adenosin-Monophosphat

Ebling, Annette 14 July 2005 (has links)
In this work, the influence of the second messenger cAMP on the functional plasticity of M-DC8+ dendritic cells (DC) was examined. The marker M-DC8 defines a population of native DC first described in blood. After their isolation, M-DC8+ DC acquire a mature CD83+ phenotype during a short culture ex vivo. After a challenge with LPS and IFN-g, M-DC8+ DC secrete large amounts of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-12(p70) and TNF-a surpassing by far other DC populations and monocytes. Due to their preferential induction of TH1-dominated T cell responses, M-DC8+ DC might play a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. Different cAMP-elevating agents suppressed the proinflammatory cytokine production and enhanced the secretion of anti-inflammatory IL-10. Activity of phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4, the most important cAMP-hydrolysing enzyme in immune cells, was detected and RT-PCR revealed the expression of PDE4 subtypes 4A, 4B and 4D in M-DC8+ DC, whereas 4C was not detectable. The PDE4-specific inhibitors AWD12-281 and Roflumilast were then used to elevate cAMP concentrations. These substances have been proven to be efficient in anti-inflammatory therapies. In the presence of PDE4 inhibitors, the LPS/IFN-g-induced production of IL-12 and TNF-a was decreased by 90 % and 60 %, respectively, whereas the IL-10-release was doubled. These effects were only observed, if the PDE4 inhibitors where present from the beginning of the culture. The inhibition of the IL-12 secretion was reverted using an a-IL-10-receptor antibody. PDE4 inhibitor-treated M-DC8+ DC showed a reduced capacity to polarize TH1-cells, which was demonstrated analysing culture supernatants by ELISA and by single-cell analysis detecting intracellular IFN-g und IL-4. These results suggest that PDE4 inhibitors may not only be useful in the therapy of TH2-mediated diseases but also in TH1-dominated indications such as multiple sclerosis and Crohn´s disease. Despite the shift of the cytokine profile, the in vitro maturation of M-DC8+ DC was not affected by PDE4 inhibitors. The expression of CD83, CD80, CD86, MHC-molecules as well as CD54 and CD58, was assessed by FACS analysis. Correspondingly, in the presence of AWD12-281, M-DC8+ DC efficiently stimulated the proliferation of allogeneic CD4+CD45RA+ T-cells. In the second part of this study, the effects of an inhibition of cAMP-synthesis in M-DC8+ DC were analyzed. Two adenylyl cyclase (AC) inhibitors, 2,5-Dideoxyadenosine and SQ22536, clearly hampered the in vitro maturation of M-DC8+ DC. The expression of the DC maturation marker CD83 could be reconstituted using the stable cAMP-analogon 8-Br-cAMP. Measuring the intracellular cAMP concentration in M-DC8+ DC, initially low cAMP-levels were observed, but within 30 min the concentration raised and returned to original levels within 2 hrs. Blocking the cAMP synthesis by AC inhibitors, the LPS/IFN-g-induced production of IL-12, TNF-a and IL-10 was strongly reduced. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that M-DC8+ DC can only release IL-12 after a transient elevation of cAMP, i.e. they acquire a "license". Such a regulation of the IL-12 production has not been described before. Protein kinase A is an important effector molecule of cAMP. Inhibiting its activity resulted in a reduced expression of the DC maturation marker CD83 and a lower cytokine production underlining the importance of cAMP-signalling for the activation of M-DC8+ DC. In conclusion, this study provides evidence for a new concept of the immune-regulatory function of cAMP. Here, cAMP is essentially involved in the initial activation and maturation of DC and enables them to secrete large amounts of IL-12 and TNF-a upon stimulation with a TLR ligand. Conversely, a long-term elevation of cAMP-concentrations inhibits the proinflammatory effector functions of M-DC8+ DC and can induce anti-inflammatory responses by enhancing the secretion of IL-10. / In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss des second messengers cAMP auf die funktionelle Plastizität von M-DC8+ dendritischen Zellen (DC) untersucht. Der Oberflächenmarker M-DC8 definiert eine zunächst im Blut beschriebene Population nativer DC. Nach ihrer Isolation erlangen M-DC8+ DC während einer kurzen Kultur einen maturen CD83+ Phänotyp. Nach Stimulation mit LPS und IFN-g produzieren native M-DC8+ DC deutlich höhere Mengen der proinflammatorischen Zytokine IL-12(p70) und TNF-a als andere DC-Populationen oder Monozyten. Dies resultiert in einer Programmierung TH1-dominierter T-Zellantworten. M-DC8+ DC könnten daher an der Pathogenese entzündlicher Krankheiten beteiligt sein. Unterschiedliche cAMP-erhöhende Substanzen supprimierten die proinflammatorische Zytokinproduktion und verstärkten gleichzeitig die Sekretion des anti-inflammatorischen IL-10. In M-DC8+ DC konnte die Aktivität von Phosphodiesterase (PDE) 4, dem wichtigsten cAMP-hydrolysierenden Enzym in Immunzellen, nachgewiesen werden. Durch RT-PCR wurde die Expression der PDE4-Subtypen 4A, 4B und 4D gezeigt, nicht aber 4C. Zur Erhöhung der cAMP-Konzentration wurden dann die PDE4-spezifischen Inhibitoren AWD12-281 und Roflumilast eingesetzt, deren klinische Effizienz bei anti-inflammatorischen Therapien belegt ist. Auch diese Substanzen verringerten die LPS/IFN-g-induzierte Produktion von IL-12 und TNF-a durch M-DC8+ DC um 90 % bzw. 60 %, während die IL-10-Freisetzung etwa verdoppelt wurde. Diese starken Effekte konnten nur erzielt werden, wenn die PDE4-Inhibitoren von Beginn der Kultur an eingesetzt wurden. Die Hemmung der IL-12-Sekretion wurde in Gegenwart eines a-IL-10-Rezeptor-Antikörpers aufgehoben. Unter dem Einfluss von PDE4-Inhibitoren war die TH1-Programmierung durch M-DC8+ DC deutlich reduziert, was sowohl durch die Analyse der Zellüberstände mittels ELISA als auch auf Einzelzell-Ebene durch intrazelluläre Detektion von IFN-g und IL-4 nachgewiesen wurde. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass PDE4-Inhibitoren nicht nur für TH2-vermittelte Erkrankungen sondern auch für TH1-dominierte Indikationen wie Multiple Sklerose oder Morbus Crohn von Nutzen sein könnten. Trotz der starken Modulation des Zytokinprofils blieb die in vitro-Ausreifung M-DC8+ DC unbeeinflusst von PDE4-Inhibitoren. Untersucht wurde die Expression von CD83, CD80, CD86, MHC-Molekülen, CD54 und CD58 mittels FACS-Analyse. Entsprechend induzierten M-DC8+ DC auch in Anwesenheit von AWD12-281 die Proliferation allogener CD4+CD45RA+ T-Zellen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie sich die Blockade der cAMP-Synthese auf M-DC8+ DC auswirkt. Zwei Adenylatcyclase-Inhibitoren, 2,5-Dideoxyadenosine und SQ22536, hemmten die in vitro-Maturation von M-DC8+ DC deutlich. Die CD83-Expression wurde mit 8-Br-cAMP rekonstituiert. Messungen der intrazellulären cAMP-Konzentration in unbehandelten M-DC8+ DC zeigten initial niedrige cAMP-Spiegel, die innerhalb von 30 min anstiegen und nach 2 h wieder auf das Ausgangsniveau abfielen. Die LPS/IFN-g-induzierte Produktion von IL-12, TNF-a und IL-10 wurde durch AC-Inhibitoren deutlich vermindert. M-DC8+ DC erhalten nur nach einer transienten cAMP-Erhöhung die "Lizenz" IL-12 freizusetzen. Eine derartige Regulation der IL-12-Sekretion ist bisher nicht beschrieben. Eine Hemmung des cAMP-Effektormoleküls Proteinkinase A resultierte in der reduzierten Expression des DC-Maturationsmarkers CD83 und einer verringerten Zytokinproduktion. Dies unterstreicht die Bedeutung von cAMP für die Aktivierung M-DC8+ DC. Zusammenfassend gibt diese Arbeit am Beispiel nativer humaner DC Anhalt für ein neues Konzept der immunregulatorischen Funktion von cAMP. Hierbei ist cAMP wesentlich an der Ausreifung von M-DC8+ DC beteiligt, woraufhin diese große Mengen IL-12 und TNF-a sekretieren können. Dagegen wirkt eine langfristige cAMP-Erhöhung durch die Induktion von IL-10 anti-inflammatorisch.

Analýza návrhových prvků okružních křižovatek v závislosti na nehodovost / Analysis of roundabout design parameters and their impact on accidents.

Novák, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation deals with the analysis of roundabout design elements and their impact on accidents. The analysis objective was to identify the important elements of roundabouts that have impact on accidents. In order to achieve this goal, the multifactorial statistical safety assessment method was used on the basis of a representative sample of data, by developing several safety performance functions, verifying them and interpreting the result. Several design elements, which from the point of view of the traffic accident mechanism belong to the infrastructure factor, have been identified: AADT, average diameter, entrance width, entry angle, direct passage angle, location and many others. The original sample contained about 1200 roundabouts, which were reduced to 200 based on data availability. Accident frequencies were monitored between 2009 and 2016, i.e. for eight years, resulting in total 2674 roundabouts accidents. The result is an accident prediction model, developer based on roundabout approach design elements, and map of critical roundabouts, identified based on empirical Bayes estimate of accident frequency. Following approach parameters were identified: AADT, entry angle, distance between collision points, deviation of angles between approaches, presence of apron, presence of bypass, entry type, presence of pedestrian crossing and surrounding area type.

Confidence bands in quantile regression and generalized dynamic semiparametric factor models

Song, Song 01 November 2010 (has links)
In vielen Anwendungen ist es notwendig, die stochastische Schwankungen der maximalen Abweichungen der nichtparametrischen Schätzer von Quantil zu wissen, zB um die verschiedene parametrische Modelle zu überprüfen. Einheitliche Konfidenzbänder sind daher für nichtparametrische Quantil Schätzungen der Regressionsfunktionen gebaut. Die erste Methode basiert auf der starken Approximation der empirischen Verfahren und Extremwert-Theorie. Die starke gleichmäßige Konsistenz liegt auch unter allgemeinen Bedingungen etabliert. Die zweite Methode beruht auf der Bootstrap Resampling-Verfahren. Es ist bewiesen, dass die Bootstrap-Approximation eine wesentliche Verbesserung ergibt. Der Fall von mehrdimensionalen und diskrete Regressorvariablen wird mit Hilfe einer partiellen linearen Modell behandelt. Das Verfahren wird mithilfe der Arbeitsmarktanalysebeispiel erklärt. Hoch-dimensionale Zeitreihen, die nichtstationäre und eventuell periodische Verhalten zeigen, sind häufig in vielen Bereichen der Wissenschaft, zB Makroökonomie, Meteorologie, Medizin und Financial Engineering, getroffen. Der typische Modelierungsansatz ist die Modellierung von hochdimensionalen Zeitreihen in Zeit Ausbreitung der niedrig dimensionalen Zeitreihen und hoch-dimensionale zeitinvarianten Funktionen über dynamische Faktorenanalyse zu teilen. Wir schlagen ein zweistufiges Schätzverfahren. Im ersten Schritt entfernen wir den Langzeittrend der Zeitreihen durch Einbeziehung Zeitbasis von der Gruppe Lasso-Technik und wählen den Raumbasis mithilfe der funktionalen Hauptkomponentenanalyse aus. Wir zeigen die Eigenschaften dieser Schätzer unter den abhängigen Szenario. Im zweiten Schritt erhalten wir den trendbereinigten niedrig-dimensionalen stochastischen Prozess (stationär). / In many applications it is necessary to know the stochastic fluctuation of the maximal deviations of the nonparametric quantile estimates, e.g. for various parametric models check. Uniform confidence bands are therefore constructed for nonparametric quantile estimates of regression functions. The first method is based on the strong approximations of the empirical process and extreme value theory. The strong uniform consistency rate is also established under general conditions. The second method is based on the bootstrap resampling method. It is proved that the bootstrap approximation provides a substantial improvement. The case of multidimensional and discrete regressor variables is dealt with using a partial linear model. A labor market analysis is provided to illustrate the method. High dimensional time series which reveal nonstationary and possibly periodic behavior occur frequently in many fields of science, e.g. macroeconomics, meteorology, medicine and financial engineering. One of the common approach is to separate the modeling of high dimensional time series to time propagation of low dimensional time series and high dimensional time invariant functions via dynamic factor analysis. We propose a two-step estimation procedure. At the first step, we detrend the time series by incorporating time basis selected by the group Lasso-type technique and choose the space basis based on smoothed functional principal component analysis. We show properties of this estimator under the dependent scenario. At the second step, we obtain the detrended low dimensional stochastic process (stationary).

Über die szientometrische Bedeutung des Impact-Faktors

Nourmohammadi, Hamzehali 03 May 2007 (has links)
Auf der Basis des Impact-Faktors, entsprechend der Definition Eugene Garfields, werden die Implikationen dieses IF für szientometrische Überlegungen und deren Folgen für das Zeitschriftenwesen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen: Der Impact-Faktor ist ein Wert, der einen Hinweis auf den durchschnittlichen Bekanntheitsgrad eines Beitrags in einer vom SCI erfassten Zeitschrift gibt. Der Impact-Faktor ist ein Wert, der in hohem Maße vom Umfang des SCI bestimmt ist. Über die dort erfassten Zitationen wird ermittelt, wie oft eine Zeitschrift zitiert worden ist. Der Impact-Faktor ist in hohem Maße davon bestimmt, in wieweit die Quellen zugänglich sind, die zitiert werden. Der lineare Zusammenhang, den R. Rousseau und G.V. Hooydonk (1996) zwischen dem Impact-Faktor von Zeitschriften und der Zahl der darin erschienenen Aufsätze (Produktion) hergestellt haben, gilt nur in dem von ihnen untersuchten Bereich des Impact-Faktors 0,5 – 3. Bei höheren Werten kommt es zu einer Abflachung, bei Werten über 7 sogar zu einer Umkehr der Steigung. Es gibt einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Höhe des Impact-Faktors und seinem jährlichen Zuwachs im SCI. Je höher der IF, desto höher ist auch sein jährlicher Anstieg. Bei genauerer Analyse zeigte sich, dass der Zuwachs, zum Zeitpunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung, gegen einen Grenzwert von 0,42 ging. Die Impact-Faktoren von Zeitschriften und deren Preise für die Abonnements hängen statistisch nur schwach voneinander ab. Ob Zeitschriften erworben werden müssen ist weitaus stärker von den Zitationen abhängig, die diese Zeitschriften auf sich versammeln. Der IF steigt mit der Auflagenhöhe von Zeitschriften, wenn diese bereits einen höheren IF aufweisen. Für wissenschaftliche Autoren ist der Druck, in Zeitschriften mit einem hohen IF zu publizieren, beobachtsam. Je höher dieser allgemeine Druck ist, desto geringer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit für einen einzelnen Autor wiederholt in derartigen Zeitschriften publizieren zu können. / The current thesis investigates the Impact Factor (IF) in scientific journals and its consequences for scientometric considerations. The results are: The Impact Factor is a value for Journals listed in the Science Citation Index, which show the average degree of acquaintance in the scientific community. It is much less a sign of quality than often believed. The IF is highly determined by the degree of the extent of the SCI. The Impact Factor is also, to a considerable degree determined by the availability of the cited sources. Methodological the IF depends strongly on the topical adjustment of the SCI. A linear correlation, found by R. Rousseau and G.V. Hooydonk (1996) between the Impact Factor and the number of papers per journal, is only valid in the analysed range of 0.5 - 3 examined by these authors. At higher IF values it comes to a flattening, and for values greater 7 even to a reversal of the curve. There is an annual increase of the Impact Factor in the SCI, in which the annual rate is rising as higher the IF is. More exact analyses have shown that the increase had an upper of 0.42, at the investigated time. Impact factors of Journals and prices for their relations depend only on a weak statistic from each other. Whether Journal is acquired, depends by far more strongly on the citations, which meets these magazines on itself. The IF rises with the number of copies of magazines if these already exhibit a higher IF. A clear separation between a cause and effect cannot be recognized here. It would be both possible that Journals with high IF experience increased demand, so that the copy number thereby rises and that the IF rises, because the Journal enjoys a high interest. Scientific authors are under pressure to publish in journals with Ifs as high as possible. The higher this general pressure is the smaller is the probability for an author to publish in such journals repeatedly. Exceptions are the publishers or editors of these Journals.

Probing Electroweak Gauge Boson Scattering with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider

Anger, Philipp 07 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Electroweak gauge bosons as central components of the Standard Model of particle physics are well understood theoretically and have been studied with high precision at past and present collider experiments. The electroweak theory predicts the existence of a scattering process of these particles consisting of contributions from triple and quartic bosonic couplings as well as Higgs boson mediated interactions. These contributions are not separable in a gauge invariant way and are only unitarized in the case of a Higgs boson as it is described by the Standard Model. The process is tied to the electroweak symmetry breaking which introduces the longitudinal modes for the massive electroweak gauge bosons. A study of this interaction is also a direct verification of the local gauge symmetry as one of the fundamental axioms of the Standard Model. With the start of the Large Hadron Collider and after collecting proton-proton collision data with an integrated luminosity of 20.3/fb at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector, first-ever evidence for this process could be achieved in the context of this work. A study of leptonically decaying WWjj, same-electric-charge diboson production in association with two jets resulted in an observation of the electroweak WWjj production with same electric charge of the W bosons, inseparably comprising WW->WW electroweak gauge boson scattering contributions, with a significance of 3.6 standard deviations. The measured production cross section is in agreement with the Standard Model prediction. In the course of a study for leptonically decaying WZ productions, methods for background estimation, the extraction of systematic uncertainties and cross section measurements were developed. They were extended and applied to the WZjj final state whereof the purely electroweakly mediated contribution is intrinsically tied to the scattering of all Standard Model electroweak gauge bosons: Wγ->WZ and WZ->WZ. Three charged leptons and a neutrino from the decay of the final state bosons allow inferences about the scattering process. A distinct signature is provided by the two accompanying tagging jets as remnants of the incoming quarks radiating the initial electroweak gauge bosons. The cross section of the electroweak WZjj production was measured to σ(fiducial, observed) = (0.63 +0.32 -0.28 (stat.) +0.41 -0.24 (syst.)) fb and was found to be consistent with the Standard Model prediction at next-to-leading order in perturbative quantum chromodynamics, σ(fiducial, theory) = (0.31 +0.03 -0.05) fb. Unfolded differential cross sections of kinematic variables sensitive to models of new physics were derived. Anomalous quartic electroweak gauge couplings are introduced as dimensionless coupling parameters of additional operators within an effective field theory approach. Constraints on the parameters of operators with dimension eight were set employing a unitarization prescription based on form factors.

Nové biomarkery u pacientů s onemocněním ledvin / Novel biomarkers in patients with renal disease

Zakiyanov, Oskar January 2014 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and acute kidney injury (AKI) are major public health problems. It is important to be able to identify those at high risk of adverse outcome, CKD progression and associated cardiovascular disease. The aim of the thesis was to study novel promising biomarkers, their relationship to kidney function, chronic inflammation and/or cardiovascular risk - placental growth factor (PlGF), pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A), matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE), calcium binding protein S100A12 or extracellular newly identified RAGE binding protein (EN-RAGE), and high mobility group box protein-1 (HMGB-1) in patients with renal diseases including CKD, haemodialysis (HD), AKI patients, and healthy controls for comparison. First study revealed that PlGF is elevated in patients with decreased renal function. Second study demonstrated the association of MMP-2 and PAPP-A with proteinuria in patients with CKD. Moreover, serum MMP-2, MMP-9 and PAPP-A levels significantly differed in patients with various nephropathies. EN-RAGE levels are not elevated in patients with CKD, but are related to inflammatory status. PAPP-A, EN-RAGE and HMGB-1 levels are significantly elevated, but sRAGE and PlGF...

Měření parametrů piezoelektrických materiálů / Piezoceramics Measurements

Fialka, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with the piezoelectric coefficients, the resonance frequency and especially the piezoelectric constants verification. With the assistance of several devices, for instance LCR-meter HIOKI 3532, impedance analyzer Agilent 4294A and LCR-meter Agilent E4980A, the resonance and the anti-resonance frequencies as well as impedance and capacitance of samples are measured. The paper opens with the theory of the piezoelectric phenomenon and the difference between direct and indirect piezoelectric phenomenon, it also describes the basic behaviour of a piezoelectric ceramic element during mechanical straining or applied voltage. Further, the paper concerns the description of various piezoelectric constants and their calculations. Subsequent part of the paper is devoted to the temperature dependence of the main piezoelectric parameters of PZT ceramics. The materials coefficients are delineated as a function of temperature of the piezoelectric charge coefficients dij, relative permittivity r, electromechanical coupling factor kij and frequency constants Ni. One of the chapters also determines the piezoelectric charge constant d33 of PZT ceramics by laser interferometer and compares it with the value measured by resonance methods. The surface displacement was measured by a single-beam interferometer Polytec OFV-5000. The results of measurements of piezoelectric charge coefficients d33 acquired by the first and the second method are identical. The last section of the paper is focused on different methods of experimental studies on the characteristics of heat transfer by diffusing heat through conduction between the silver-plated surface of cylinder made of PZT ceramics. The effect on the resonance and the anti-resonance frequencies is monitored. There after, the real heat, determined by thermo camera and the physical model of heat transfer created in program COMSOL Multiphysics, is analysed.

Vliv obtokového součinitele na návrh a geometrii přímého výparníku pro chladící jednotku / The Effect of the Bypass Factor on Design and Geometry of the Evaporator for the Cooling Unit

Vytasil, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on effect of the bypass factor on design and geometry of the evaporator for the cooling unit of data centre. Effect of the bypass factor on individual design parameters is solved in detail. All dependendecies are captured by using graphs in which s placed a cement on that parameter. In part C, mathematical and physical solutions are demonstrated calculations and processes leading to the design of the exchanger. In the end, evaluation of the calculations is done and there is also showed possible improvements for the practise.

Probing Electroweak Gauge Boson Scattering with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider

Anger, Philipp 01 September 2014 (has links)
Electroweak gauge bosons as central components of the Standard Model of particle physics are well understood theoretically and have been studied with high precision at past and present collider experiments. The electroweak theory predicts the existence of a scattering process of these particles consisting of contributions from triple and quartic bosonic couplings as well as Higgs boson mediated interactions. These contributions are not separable in a gauge invariant way and are only unitarized in the case of a Higgs boson as it is described by the Standard Model. The process is tied to the electroweak symmetry breaking which introduces the longitudinal modes for the massive electroweak gauge bosons. A study of this interaction is also a direct verification of the local gauge symmetry as one of the fundamental axioms of the Standard Model. With the start of the Large Hadron Collider and after collecting proton-proton collision data with an integrated luminosity of 20.3/fb at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector, first-ever evidence for this process could be achieved in the context of this work. A study of leptonically decaying WWjj, same-electric-charge diboson production in association with two jets resulted in an observation of the electroweak WWjj production with same electric charge of the W bosons, inseparably comprising WW->WW electroweak gauge boson scattering contributions, with a significance of 3.6 standard deviations. The measured production cross section is in agreement with the Standard Model prediction. In the course of a study for leptonically decaying WZ productions, methods for background estimation, the extraction of systematic uncertainties and cross section measurements were developed. They were extended and applied to the WZjj final state whereof the purely electroweakly mediated contribution is intrinsically tied to the scattering of all Standard Model electroweak gauge bosons: Wγ->WZ and WZ->WZ. Three charged leptons and a neutrino from the decay of the final state bosons allow inferences about the scattering process. A distinct signature is provided by the two accompanying tagging jets as remnants of the incoming quarks radiating the initial electroweak gauge bosons. The cross section of the electroweak WZjj production was measured to σ(fiducial, observed) = (0.63 +0.32 -0.28 (stat.) +0.41 -0.24 (syst.)) fb and was found to be consistent with the Standard Model prediction at next-to-leading order in perturbative quantum chromodynamics, σ(fiducial, theory) = (0.31 +0.03 -0.05) fb. Unfolded differential cross sections of kinematic variables sensitive to models of new physics were derived. Anomalous quartic electroweak gauge couplings are introduced as dimensionless coupling parameters of additional operators within an effective field theory approach. Constraints on the parameters of operators with dimension eight were set employing a unitarization prescription based on form factors.

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