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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Field to Furnace - A Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of Growing Switchgrass on Inactive and Underused Farmland in Nova Scotia for the Residential Heating Market

Duff, Ryan 24 August 2012 (has links)
Energy crops may present an opportunity to reduce Nova Scotia’s Greenhouse Gas emissions by offsetting fossil fuel use and provide economic benefits for farmers. They have also received government policy support. To investigate this opportunity, I conduct a partial social cost-benefit analysis using non-equity weighted monetary valuation of growing switchgrass on inactive and underused farmland in Nova Scotia for local residential heating. The private net benefit for farmers, processors and consumers is estimated between $24.9 million and $209.9 million. I estimate that the external net benefit to society from the potential reduction in GHG emissions (at $50/tonne CO2E) ranges from $11.3 million to $72.2 million. This must be taken with caution as the analysis does not account for the entire ecological footprint of the project. While a net benefit to society is suggested, the paper also points to a need for more research surrounding the life-cycle emissions of energy crops.


游貞蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
由於經濟快速發展及國際化、自由化的趨勢,導致城鄉發展的重新結構,也面臨愈來愈多非都市土地開發及農地變更的外來壓力及需求。農地除具有保障糧食安全功能外,尚具有保護自然生態環境、維持生態體系平衡、調和整體土地利用等「外部效益」,世界各國包括美國各洲、德國、日本等,均積極致力於農地保育,嚴格管制農地不得任意轉用;反觀我國土地使用管制及變更制度,自1930年土地法立法至1976年訂定非都市土地使用管制規則,農地係採取積極保護政策;然自1980年代起,由於積極發展工商業,致農業在國民經濟中之重要性日見下降,1995年宣佈實施「農地釋出方案」後,是為農地由分區管制之保護方式走向自由化之起步。2000年修正農業發展條例,放寬農地自由買賣,更將農地進一步推向自由化,然農地自由化仍有其限制,且應建立在嚴格的土地使用管制基礎上。 農地管制政策的放寬,讓許多標準農業區優良農田間,充斥著工廠及加油站、廢棄物處理廠等特定目的事業用地,形成環境污染的隱憂;雖為配合工商業及經濟發展所需,得釋出部份農地,然農業用地劃定或變更為非農業使用,仍應以「不影響農業生產環境之完整」為前提,基於「農地保護」觀點,為確保優良農田不受產業變更或經濟發展所帶來的衝擊或破壞,並維持完整之農業生產環境,確保糧食生產及農業之永續經營,對現行農牧用地變更使用問題,及其規範對現有農業生產環境之影響,實有探究之必要。 目前相關研究多就都市計畫農業區或整體農地資源(包括都市計畫內及非都市土地)之變更法制、管理制度面及回饋機制進行探討,惟就非都市土地農牧用地變更審議相關法令規範及各種型態包括不同面積、不同區位之變更審議規定之差異、後續管制方式及其對於農地資源保育、農業生產環境之影響並未有完整的「實證分析」,當前不同型態農牧用地變更規範,是否合理性?是否均能在「不影響農業生產環境」之前提下進行變更?對周邊農業生產環境之影響有何不同?亦未深入探討,本研究藉由桃園縣個案的實證分析、相關課題的探討及對公私部門及專家學者的深入訪談,以探析我國非都市土地農牧用地變更使用制度及農地保護措施;並以國外之農地保護政策為借鏡,進一步提出農牧用地變更使用制度及農地保護措施之建議改善策略,以別於其他研究。 / Due to fast economic development and the trends of globalization and liberalization, urban and rural development has been completely restructured, and there is a growing need for development of non-urban lands and conversion of farmlands. In addition to maintenance of food sufficiency, farmlands also have other “external benefits”, including preservation of the natural ecological environment, maintenance of an ecological balance, and balancing of overall use of lands. Many nations around the world, including the US, Germany, and Japan, have been devoted to preservation of farmlands through strict control of conversion of farmlands. In an overview of the domestic regulations on land use control and conversion, it can be found that since legislation of the Land Act in 1930 and Regulations on Non-Urban Land Use Control in 1976, our government had been engaged in protection of farmlands. After 1980, the importance of agriculture for the national economy gradually decreased due to promotion of industrial and commercial industries. In 1995, the “Farmland Release Policy” was implemented, ushering in liberalization of farmlands. In 2000, the Agricultural Development Act was amended to lift the ban on free trading of farmlands. The amendment of this act further liberalized the use of farmlands. However, liberalization of farmlands was bound to certain limitation and should be based on strict control of land use. The relaxation of the farmland control policy has made many standard agricultural zones filled with lands used for specific businesses, such as factories, gas stations, and waste processing plants, and caused public worries over environmental pollution. Although release of a portion of farmlands is necessary for commercial and economic development, planning of farmlands or conversion of farmlands for non-agricultural use should be carried out on the condition that “completeness of the agricultural production environment is unaffected”. Based on “farmland protection”, the impact or harm of agricultural changes and economic development on farmlands should be avoided, and the completeness of the agricultural production environment should be maintained, so as to ensure sustainable development of food production and agriculture. Therefore, investigation of issues concerning conversion of farming and grazing lands and regulations governing the impact of such conversion on the agricultural production environment is indeed necessary. In the present, most studies of related issues are focused on regulations on conversion, management, and feedback mechanisms of agricultural zones in urban plan or holistic farmland resources (including non-urban lands in urban plans). However, there is no comprehensive “empirical analysis” of regulations on review of conversion of non-urban farming and grazing lands, difference in regulations for various types of lands (including lands of different sizes and in different regions), subsequent control mechanisms, and the impact of the conversion on preservation of farmland resources or the agricultural production environment. Besides, issues such as whether the regulations on conversion of different types of farming and grazing lands is feasible, whether these lands can be converted on the condition that “the agricultural production environment is unaffected”, and whether conversion of these types of lands causes different effects on their surrounding agricultural production environments, have not been thoroughly investigated so far. Therefore, through an empirical analysis of cases in Taoyuan County, investigation of related issues, and interview with experts and public/private departments, this study aimed to explore the domestic regulations on conversion of use of non-urban farming and grazing lands and protective measures for farmlands. Further, based on farmland protection policies adopted in foreign nations, this study further proposed strategies for improving the current system and protective measures to distinguish itself from other existing studies.

投機活動對都會地區農地價格的影響之研究-以台北都會區為例 / The Influence of the Speculation on the Farmland Price in Taipei Metropolitan

詹有順, Chan, Yu Shun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來研究台灣農地價格的文獻顯示,都市周圍農地價格有暴漲的情形,靠近都會區的農地價格較高,農地收益無法適當解釋農地價格高漲的現象。至於投機活動對都會地區農地價格的影響為何?此乃本研究動機之所在。   本論文係以文獻歸納、訪談調查、統計分析的方式,嘗試探討投機活動對都會地區農地價格的影響,研究目的有三:一、分析影響農地價格的因素。二、分析都會地區農地投機活動對農地價格的作用是否大於都市發展負外部性的影響。三、對於以農地價格作為農地釋出指標之說法的合理性,依分析結果提出看法。   研究分析之結論,要述如下:   一、分析都會地區影響農地價格的因素,農業生產收益因素已不易解釋都會地區之農地價格。以距離因素來看,農地價格受至最近之都市計畫區發展界線距離顯著的影響。農地投機活動指標變數明顯影響農地價格,且為正向關係,故農地投機活動可能會促使都會地區農地價格的上升。   二、農地投機活動對農地價格的影響大於都市發展之負外部性效果。農地價格上漲可能不利於農業經營,因純粹欲農耕而購地者支付高於生產價值之地價,且農業使用的報酬較低,可能不易回收農地價格成本。   三、以農地價格作為農地釋放的指標,應斟酌再三。   本論文之檢討評估,要點如下:   一、農地投機活動之定義宜更明確。   二、有擴大樣本數的必要。   三、應再考量其他影響都會地區農地價格之可能因素。

Tenure security in relation to farmland

Dhliwayo, Priviledge 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Section 25(6) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 guarantees legally secure tenure to persons whose tenure of land is insecure as a result of past racially discriminatory laws and practices. The Extension of Security of Tenure Act 62 of 1997 (ESTA) and the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act 3 of 1996 (LTA) were enacted to give effect to section 25(6), read with section 25(9) of the Constitution, with the aim to improve and strengthen tenure security in rural areas, including farmland. However, the general opinion amongst scholars is that these efforts to strengthen tenure security have generally failed to ensure legally secure tenure on farmland. To this effect, the Draft tenure security policy and Draft Land Tenure Security Bill (2010) were formulated to introduce new measures to improve tenure security on farmland. This gives a clear indication that eighteen years after the government embarked on an all-encompassing land reform programme, its intended goals have not yet been achieved, resulting in the continued challenges faced by farm dwellers. The thesis discusses the inherent challenges associated with tenure security on white-owned commercial farmland, with specific reference to government‟s obligation to improve tenure security; the nature of farm dwellers‟ rights; and the shortcomings of the existing policy and legislative measures. A historical overview explains the effects of the apartheid land holding system that underpins the need for tenure reform, while an analysis of constitutional and international law sets out the guiding principles on tenure security. An analysis of the applicable policy and legislative measures establishes the causes of continued tenure insecurity on farmland, which include shortcomings in the main legislative measures; failure by the legislature to translate policy into legislation; misinterpretation and misapplication of legislation by the courts; and lack of effective implementation. The thesis considers the impact of the Draft tenure security policy and the Bill in light of the challenges facing farm dwellers and concludes that tenure security in relation to farmland remains insecure and government still falls short of the appropriate solutions to address the tenure security challenges on farmland. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Artikel 25(6) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 1996 waarborg sekerheid van verblyfregte vir persone wie se verblyfregte regsonseker is as gevolg van ras-diskriminerende wette en praktyke van die verlede. Die Wet op die Uitbreiding van Sekerheid van Verblyfreg 62 van 1997 (ESTA) en die Wet op Grondhervorming (Huurarbeiders) 3 van 1996 (LTA) is gepromulgeer om gevolg te gee aan artikel 25(6), saamgelees met artikel 25(9), van die Grondwet, wat daarop gemik is om die sekerheid van verblyfregte in landelike gebiede te verbeter en te versterk. Die algemene siening onder geleerdes is egter dat hierdie pogings om sekerheid van bestaande verblyfregte te versterk oor die algemeen ten opsigte van verblyfregte op landbougrond gefaal het. In verband hiermee is die Konsep beleid op sekerheid van verblyfregte (Draft tenure security policy) en die Konsep Wetsontwerp op die Sekerheid van Verblyfregte in Grond (Draft Land Tenure Security Bill) (2010) geformuleer om nuwe maatreëls voor te stel om sekerheid van verblyfregte ten opsigte van landbougrond te bewerkstellig. Hierdie ontwikkelings gee ‟n aanduiding dat die staat ná ‟n omvattende grondhervormingsprogram van agtien jaar nie die beoogde doelwitte bereik het nie en dat plaasbewoners steeds uitdagings in die gesig staar. Hierdie tesis bespreek die inherente uitdagings wat geassosioseer word met regsonsekere verblyfregte ten opsigte van kommersiële landbougrond, hoofsaaklik van wit grondeienaars, met spesifieke verwysing na die staat se plig om regsekerheid te versterk; die aard van plaasbewoners se regte; en die tekortkominge van die bestaande beleids- en wetgewende maatreëls. Die behoefte aan hervorming word beklemtoon met verwysing na ‟n historiese oorsig wat die uitwerking van die apartheid-grondbeheerstelsel verduidelik, terwyl ‟n analise van grondwetlike en internasionale reg die beginsels met betrekking tot die sekerheid van verblyfregte uiteensit. ‟n Analise van die toepaslike beleids- en wetgewende maatreëls dui op die oorsake van voortdurende onsekerheid van verblyfregte in landbougrond, wat die volgende insluit: tekortkominge in die primêre wetgewende maatreëls; versuim deur die wetgewer om beleid in wetgewing om te skakel; foutiewe uitleg of toepassing van wetgewing deur die howe; en ‟n gebrek aan die effektiewe uitvoering van wetgewing. Die tesis oorweeg die impak van die Konsep beleid op sekerheid van verblyfregte (Draft tenure security policy) en die Konsep Wetsontwerp in die lig van die uitdagings waarmee plaasbewoners steeds te kampe het, en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat verblyfregte ten opsigte van landbougrond steeds regsonseker is en dat die staat steeds versuim om geskikte oplossings vir die uitdagings daar te stel.

Revegetation of Retired Farmland: Evaluation of Six Range Grasses Under Three Irrigation Regimes

Thacker, Gary W., Cox, Jerry R. 09 1900 (has links)
In July of 1986 and 1987, we seeded bufelgrass, kleingrass, 'Catalina' lovegrass, "Cochise" lovegrass, bottlebrush, and sideoats grama grass on retired farmland in the Avra Valley west of Tucson. We seeded these grasses under three irrigation regimes: no establishment irrigation, two establishment irrigations, and four establishment irrigations. Establishment irrigations significantly increased the forage production of the grasses in the first two years of the 1986 planting and in the first year of the 1987 planting. Buffelgrass, kleingrass, and the lovegrasses appear to be promising species for vegetative cover on retired farmland.

Revegetation of Retired Farmland: Response of Fourwing Saltbush to Establishment Irrigation and Weeding

Thacker, Gary W. 09 1900 (has links)
This is an experiment on seeding fourwing saltbush (Atriplex canescens) in 80-inch wide waterharvesting microcatchments on retired farmland west of Tucson. At 32 months after planting plots that received the establishment irrigation had more cover than unirrigated plots. Keeping plots free of competing weeds also gave some advantage. However, the coefficient of variation was very high, and none of these differences was statistically significant.

General Recommendations for Establishing a Permanent Vegetative Cover on Retired Farmland

Thacker, Gary W., Cox, Jerry R. 09 1900 (has links)
A permanent vegetative cover should be established on farmland before retirement. After four years of research, we recommend 1. Work with the fanner while he is still on the land; 2 Furrow the land into 38 or 40 -inch beds; 3. Plant adapted species; and 4. Apply establishment irrigations.

Revegetation of Retired Farmland: Evaluation of Eight Range Grasses

Thacker, Gary W., Cox, Jerry R. 09 1900 (has links)
In July of 1988, we planted eight range grass species on retired farmland in the Avra Valley west of Tucson. In November of 1989, Arabian yellow bluestem, kleingrass, buffelgrass, "Catalina" lovegrass, and bermudagrass all yielded over 1000 Kg /Ha of oven dry forage "Cochise" lovegrass yielded 889 Kg /Ha, sideoats grama grass yielded 126 Kg /Ha, and bottlebrush yielded 86 Kg /Ha.

Revegetation of Retired Farmland: Response of Range Grasses to Establishment Irrigations and Microcatchment Water Harvesting

Thacker, Gary W., Cox, Jerry R. 09 1900 (has links)
In July 1987, we began an experiment to evaluate the effects of water harvesting and establishment irrigations on range grasses on retired farmland In the first two years since establishment, we measured significantly higher forage production where we applied establishment irrigations. After three years, the difference from irrigation was no longer significant. We have not detected any significant differences in forage production due to water harvesting treatments.

Revegetation of Retired Farmland: Response of Range Grasses to Establishment Irrigations and Microcatchment Water Harvesting

Thacker, Gary W., Cox, Jerry R. 09 1900 (has links)
In July 1987, we began an experiment to evaluate the effects of water harvesting and establishment irrigations on range grasses on retired farmland. In each of the two years since establishment, we have measured significantly higher forage production where we applied establishment irrigations. We have not detected any significant differences in forage production due to water harvesting treatments.

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