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Vital Hepatic Lymphoma Residuum or Excessive Immune Response? Challenging Treatment Decisions in a Patient With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Liver-Dominant Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: Case ReportKurch, Lars, Georgi, Thomas W., Monecke, Astrid, Seehofer, Daniel, Borte, Gudrun, Sabri, Osama, Kluge, Regine, Heyn, Simone, Pierer, Matthias, Platzbecker, Uwe, Kayser, Sabine 05 April 2023 (has links)
A 28-year-old female patient with active and difficult-to-treat systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE) was diagnosed with liver-dominant diffused large B-cell
lymphoma. Repeated response 18F-FDG-PET studies showed persistently high, and,
despite intensified immunochemotherapy, further increasing metabolic activity of one of
the hepatic lymphoma residuals, whereas all other initial lymphoma manifestations had
achieved complete metabolic remission. As biopsy of the 18F-FDG-PET-positive liver
residual turned out to be inconclusive, complete resection was performed. Subsequent
histopathological examination, however, revealed only necrotic tissue. Thus, no further
lymphoma treatment was scheduled. The patient undergoes regular surveillance and is
disease-free 13 months after resection. Similarly, treatment of SLE is no longer required
due to lack of activity already after the first two cycles of lymphoma treatment. The case
shows how closely SLE and diffused large B-cell lymphoma can be connected and
stresses the importance of interdisciplinary treatment approaches. In the future, artificial
intelligence may help to further classify 18F-FDG-PET-positive lymphoma residuals. This
could lead to an increase of the positive predictive value of interim- and end-of-treatment
18F-FDG-PET. The patient’s point of view enables another instructive perspective on the
course of treatment, which often remains hidden to treating physicians due to lack of time
in clinical routine.
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Tomographie par émission de positons au 18F-fluorodesoxyglucose et carcinome épidermoïde des voies aérodigestives supérieures réfractaire au traitement / 18F-fluorodesoxyglucose positon emission tomography for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma refractory to treatmentAbgral, Ronan 14 November 2013 (has links)
Nous avons initialement réalisé une étude prospective évaluant l’intérêt de la TEP-TDM au FDG pour le diagnostic de récidive infra-clinique des carcinomes épidermoïdes des voies aéro-digestives supérieures. Nos résultats ont montré d’excellentes performances de l’examen en surveillance systématique, permettant notamment le diagnostic de récidive chez environ 1/3 des patients cliniquement asymptomatiques 1 an après la fin du traitement. Nous avons ensuite étudié le bénéfice d’une évaluation thérapeutique précoce par TEP-TDM au FDG à 2 cures d’une chimiothérapie néoadjuvante par TPF précédant une radiochimiothérapie sur une cohorte de sujets porteurs d’un cancer localement avancé (stade IIIIVA). Nos résultats ont montré une corrélation statistiquement significative entre la réponse métabolique et la survie sans récidive, suggérant l’intérêt d’un examen intermédiaire pour cibler de façon précoce les patients réfractaires au traitement. Nous avons ensuite analysé prospectivement l’impact pronostique de la TEP-TDM au FDG réalisée en situation préthérapeutique dans le but de sélectionner encore plus précocement cette population à risque de récidive. Les résultats de nos 2 études ont prouvé que l’utilisation de paramètres volumétriques ou cinétiques de la captation intra-tumorale du FDG était prédictive de la survie globale, avec une valeur pronostique indépendante et supérieure à celle du SUVmax. Cette thèse ouvre ainsi des perspectives de nouvelles indications de la TEP-TDM au FDG dans la prise en charge des carcinomes épidermoïdes des VADS, soulève des problématiques de recherche avec notamment l’émergence des nouveaux traceurs permettant de caractériser au mieux la cellule tumorale et s’inscrit dans une volonté actuelle d’une médecine préventive et prédictive personnalisée. / We initially conducted a prospective study evaluating diagnostic interest of FDG PET-CT for head and neck squamous cell carcinomas subclinical recurrence. Our results showed FDG PET-CT high performance in systematic monitoring, especially for the diagnosis of recurrence in about one third of clinically asymptomatic patients 1 year after the end of treatment. Secondly, we studied the benefits of early treatment evaluation by FDG PET-CT after 2 cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy by DCF (docetaxel, cysplatin, 5-fluorouracil) before chemoradiotherapy in a cohort of patients with locally advanced cancer (stage III-IVA). Our results showed a statistically significant correlation between metabolic tumor response and recurrence-free survival, suggesting the interest of an interim PETscan to early target patients refractory to treatment. Then, we prospectively analyzed the prognostic impact of FDG PET-CT performed at initial staging in order to select earlier this population at risk for recurrence. The results of our two studies proved that the use of volumetric or kinetic parameters of intratumoral FDG uptake was predictive of overall survival, with an independent prognostic value and a higher performance to SUVmax. Thus, this thesis opens new perspectives indications of FDG PET-CT in the management of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, raises research issues such as the emergence of new tracers to characterize at best the tumor cell and falls within a current commitment to move towards a personalized preventive and predictive medicine.
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Caractérisation de l'hétérogénéité tumorale sur des images issues de la tomographie par émission de positons (TEP)Tixier, Florent 30 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le cancer est chaque année responsable de 7,6 millions de décès dans le monde. L'amélioration des traitements constitue donc un enjeu majeur de santé publique. Il a été démontré que l'association d'un diagnostic précoce et d'un traitement efficace était associée à un impact significatif sur la survie des patients. De nombreux facteurs pronostics de la survie ont été identités et sont actuellement utilisés en routine clinique. Ce diagnostic est souvent réalisé en partieà l'aide de l'imagerie de Tomographie par Emission de Positons (TEP), cette dernière s'étantavérée être un outil très performant pour l'identification des tumeurs et métastases dans uncertain nombre de modèles de cancer. La TEP fait partie des modalités d'imagerie fonctionnelleet a donc le potentiel de fournir des informations liées à la biologie sous-jacente des cancers.Toutefois, du fait de sa faible résolution spatiale, elle n'avait que très peu été utilisée avec cet objectif.Ce travail de thèse a consisté à étudier des paramètres quantitatifs pouvant être extraitsde ces images, plus spécifiquement ceux permettant la caractérisation de l'hétérogénéité intratumorale. Nous avons pu identifier un ensemble de paramètres issus de l'analyse de texture quisont reproductibles, robustes aux effets de volume partiel et à la méthode de segmentation, etvraisemblablement liés à la physiologie tumorale. Nous avons également pu mettre en évidencele potentiel de ces paramètres extraits d'images de diagnostic, pour contribuer à la prédiction dela réponse thérapeutique ainsi que comme facteur pronostic. Ces nouveaux indices quantitatifspourraient à relativement court terme venir compléter les facteurs de référence courammentutilisés aujourd'hui en oncologie pour la prise en charge thérapeutique des patients.
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Coxiella burnetii : de la culture aux manifestations cliniques / Coxiella burnetii : from culture to clinical manifestationsEldin, Carole 07 February 2017 (has links)
C. burnetii est une bactérie intracellulaire strcite. Récemment, un milieu axénique, nommé ACCM 2 a été développé, et permet la culture de cette bactérie en atmosphère microaérophile. Nous avons testé si l’ajout d’acide urique dans le milieu de culture pouvait permettre une culture en milieu aérobie. Nous avons observé une croissance de C. burnetii incubée en conditions aérobies dans le milieu ACCM2 enrichi en acide urique. A Cayenne, en Guyane Française, les pneumopathies causées par C. burnetii sont fréquentes et sévères. Nous avons analysé le génome d’une souche isolée à Cayenne. Ce travail a mis en évidence une délétion de 6105 pb intéressant le gène du système de sécrétion de type 1 (T1SS). Cette réduction de génome est probablement impliquée dans l’hypervirulence des souches de Cayenne. Enfin, nous avons testé la sensibilité aux antibiotiques de 6 souches isolées à partir de patients vivant à Cayenne. Ces souches étaient toutes sensibles à la doxycycline et résistantes aux macrolides. Dans une troisième partie nous avons analysé l’apport du TEP scanner dans le diagnostic des infections à C. burnetii. 167 patients atteints d’infections à C. burnetii ont bénéficié d’un TEP scanner. Nous avons retrouvé une proportion élevée de fixations ostéo-articulaires (21) et ganglionnaires (27), et nous avons proposé de nouvelles définitions pour ces localisations. Nous avons ensuite étudié l’impact du traitement chirurgical chez les patients atteints d’infections vasculaires. Une analyse rétrospective de 86 patients atteints d’infections vasculaires a montré que la chirurgie était associée à une diminution de la mortalité à 2,5 ans et à une meilleure évolution sérologique / C. burnetii is an intracellular bacterium. Recently, an axenic medium, named ACCM 2, has been developed and allows the culture of this bacterium in a microaerophilic atmosphere. We tested if the addition of uric acid in the medium could allow an aerobic culture. We observed growth of C. burnetii incubated under aerobic conditions in the ACCM2 medium enriched with uric acid. In Cayenne, French Guiana, pneumonia caused by C. burnetii are frequent and severe. We analyzed the genome of a strain from Cayenne. This work revealed a 6105 bp deletion in the gene of the type 1 secretion system (T1SS). This genome reduction is probably involved in the hypervirulence of Cayenne strains. Finally, we tested the antibiotic suceptibility of 6 strains isolated from patients living in Cayenne. These strains were all susceptible to doxycycline and resistant to macrolides. In a third part we analyzed the contribution of PET scanner in the diagnosis of C. burnetii infections. 167 patients with C. burnetii infections benefited from a PET scan. We found a high proportion of osteo-articular (21) and lymphadenitis (27) fixations, and we proposed new definitions for these locations. We then investigated the impact of surgical treatment in patients with vascular infections. A retrospective analysis of 86 patients with vascular infections showed that surgery was associated with a lower mortality at 2.5 years and a better serological outcome
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Regional metabolic changes related to brain plasticity: a positron emission tomography study of glucose consumptionTrotta, Nicola 26 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Le cerveau humain adhère à deux principes organisationnels fondamentaux et complémentaires, l'intégration fonctionnelle et la spécialisation fonctionnelle, selon lesquels des aires corticales anatomiquement éloignées et spécialisées dans des tâches très spécifiques sont liées via la connectivité effective. Le rôle fonctionnel joué par une population neuronale spécialisée est défini par ses connexions avec d'autres régions corticales: la formation de ces réseaux distribués, à travers des interactions dynamiques, est la base de l'intégration fonctionnelle. Ces connexions sont soumises à des changements qui participent au processus de plasticité cérébrale ;l’étude de cette plasticité permet d’étendre nos connaissances sur la signification fonctionnelle des réseaux cérébraux intégrés, chez le sujet sain et au cours d’affections neurologiques. Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l’investigation de la plasticité du cerveau dans des conditions physiologiques et pathologiques. Il fait appel à des mesures régionales du métabolisme du glucose, grâce à la tomographie par émission de positons (PET) et à un traceur du métabolisme glucidique, le 18F-fluorodésoxyglucose (FDG-PET). Dans une première étude, les changements de l'intégration fonctionnelle ont été abordés du point de vue physiologique, en testant leur évolution en fonction de l'âge. Une augmentation de la connectivité effective a été mise en évidence entre diverses structures cérébrales entre l’âge de 6 ans et l’âge de 50 ans. L’évolution la plus importante touche les relations entre le cortex cingulaire antérieur et le cortex temporal, l’hippocampe, le thalamus et le cervelet. Une deuxième étude a concerné les changements de connectivité dans l’épilepsie mésiotemporale associée à une sclérose hippocampique unilatérale. Dans l’hémisphère opposé au foyer épileptique, des modifications de connectivité ont été démontrées entre diverses structures corticales frontales, temporales et cingulaires. Dans une troisième étude portant également sur une population de patients atteints d’épilepsie mésiotemporale associée à une sclérose hippocampique unilatérale, une relation a été démontrée entre les performances mnésiques attribuables à l’activité de l’hémisphère sain (testées lors d’une injection hétérolatérale d’amobarbital) et l’activité métabolique mésiotemporale dans cet hémisphère.En conclusion, ce travail démontre une réorganisation de l'intégration fonctionnelle cérébrale entre l’enfance et l’âge adulte, en relation probable avec le développement des fonctions cognitives. Des changements induits par l'épilepsie dans l'intégration fonctionnelle représentent un corrélat neuronal des troubles cognitifs, émotionnels et décisionnels fréquemment présentés par les patients atteints de cette maladie. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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18F-FDG PET cannot predict expression of clinically relevant histopathological biomarkers in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: a meta-analysisSurov, Alexey, Pech, Maciej, Eckert, Alexander, Arens, Christoph, Grosser, Oliver, Wienke, Andreas 02 May 2023 (has links)
BackgroundHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is a common cancer. Positron emission tomography (PET) with 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) is a widely used imaging modality in HNSCC.PurposeTo provide evident data about associations between 18F-FDG PET and histopathology in HNSCC.Material and MethodsThe MEDLINE database was screened for associations between maximum standard uptake values (SUVmax) derived from 18F-FDG PET and histopathological features in HNSCC up to May 2020. Only papers containing correlation coefficients between SUVmax and histopathology were acquired. Overall, 23 publications were collected.ResultsThe following correlations were calculated: KI 67: 12 studies (345 patients), pooled correlation coefficient (PCC): 0.23 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.06–0.40); hypoxia-inducible factor-1α: eight studies (240 patients), PCC: 0.24 (95% CI 0.06–0.42); microvessel density: three studies (64 patients), PCC: 0.33 (95% CI 0.02–0.65); vascular endothelial growth factor: two studies (59 cases), PCC: 0.27 (95% CI 0.02–0.51); tumor suppressor protein p53: four studies (159 patients), PCC: 0.05 (95% CI –0.41 to 0.51); epidermal growth factor receptor: two studies (124 patients), PCC: 0.21 (95% CI 0.05–0.37); tumor cell count: three studies (67 patients), PCC: 0.18 (95% CI –0.06 to 0.42); tumor cell apoptosis: two studies (40 patients), PCC: 0.07 (95% CI = –0.85 to 0.99); B-cell lymphoma-2 protein: two studies (118 patients); PCC: 0.04 (95% CI –0.65 to 0.74); glucose-transporter 1: 10 studies (317 patients), PCC: 0.20 (95% CI 0.10–0.30).ConclusionSUVmax derived from 18F-FDG PET cannot reflect relevant histopathological features in HNSCC.
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Differential impact of body mass index and leptin on baseline and longitudinal positron emission tomography measurements of the cerebral metabolic rate for glucose in amnestic mild cognitive impairmentWeise, Christopher M., Chen, Kewei, Chen, Yinghua, Devadas, Vivek, Su, Yi, Reiman, Eric M. 06 February 2025 (has links)
Introduction: Several studies have suggested that greater adiposity in older adults is associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) related cognitive decline, some investigators have postulated that this association may be due to the protective effects of the adipose tissue-derived hormone leptin. In this study we sought to demonstrate that higher body mass indices (BMIs) are associated with greater baseline FDG PET measurements of the regional cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (rCMRgl), a marker of local neuronal activity, slower rCMRgl declines in research participants with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). We then sought to clarify the extent to which those relationships are attributable to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or plasma leptin concentrations.
Materials and methods: We used baseline PET images from 716 73 ± 8 years-old aMCI participants from the AD Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) of whom 453 had follow up images (≥6 months; mean follow up time 3.3 years). For the leptin analyses, we used baseline CSF samples from 81 of the participants and plasma samples from 212 of the participants.
Results: As predicted, higher baseline BMI was associated with greater baseline CMRgl measurements and slower declines within brain regions preferentially affected by AD. In contrast and independently of BMI, CSF, and plasma leptin concentrations were mainly related to less baseline CMRgl within mesocorticolimbic brain regions implicated in energy homeostasis.
Discussion: While higher BMIs are associated with greater baseline CMRgl and slower declines in persons with aMCI, these associations appear not to be primarily attributable to leptin concentrations.
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A tomografia por emissão de pósitrons - 18F-fluorodesoxiglicose-PET e a PET-CT no estadiamento e tratamento do câncer do esôfago / Positron emission tomography - 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET and PET-CT in staging and treatment of esophagus cancerMarson, Allan Garms 21 September 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O câncer do esôfago é uma das neoplasias do aparelho digestivo com maior gravidade e que apresenta grande morbimortalidade, mesmo quando o diagnóstico é precoce. A maioria dos pacientes é diagnosticado nos estágios avançados. O tratamento depende do estadiamento da neoplasia que avalia a profundidade de invasão do tumor (T), a disseminação linfonodal (N) e a presença de metástases a distância (M) e segue as orientações da União Internacional Contra o Câncer (UICC). Nas últimas décadas o estadiamento era realizado convencionalmente pela tomografia computadorizada (TC) e atualmente com a utilização de equipamentos que avaliam o metabolismo glicolítico do tumor como o 18F-FDG-PET e o PET-CT. Este estudo teve como Objetivo avaliar a relação entre a tomografia computadorizada e os métodos metabólicos como o 18F-FDG-PET e PET-CT, no estadiamento e tratamento do Adenocarcinoma e do Carcinoma Espinocelular (CEC) do esôfago. Método: Foram avaliados 331 pacientes com diagnóstico de Adenocarcinoma e CEC do esôfago entre 2008 e 2014. Destes, 55 pacientes (16,6%) apresentaram Adenocarcinoma e 276 (83,4%) apresentaram CEC. A idade variou de 38 a 92 anos, com média de 62,9 (+/- 9,8) anos. Inicialmente foram submetidos ao estadiamento com TC e proposta de conduta cirúrgica curativa ou tratamento paliativo. Posteriormente foram avaliados com a inclusão do 18F-FDG-PET ou do PET-CT e foi definida a conduta final. Resultados: A proporção de linfonodos positivos (N+) na tomografia foi de 71%, enquanto que nos métodos metabólicos foi de 70,1% (p=0,834), contudo, com pequena concordância (Kappa=0,339). A proporção de metástases (M1) encontradas na TC foi de 44,1% e no PET-CT 47,1%. Para metástases, o teste Kappa mostrou que os dois métodos apresentam uma concordância regular (0,452), apresentando mudanças de estadiamento em 36,5% dos indivíduos, sendo 19,3% com sobre estadiamento e 17,2% com subestadiamento. Entretanto, apenas 63 pacientes (19%) apresentaram mudança de conduta final e esta foi maior nos pacientes com sobre estadiamento (67,2%) (p < 0,005). Nos pacientes com Adenocarcinoma, observou-se um número maior de subestadiamento (32,7%), comparado àqueles com CEC (15,4%) (p < 0,0001), entretanto, sem apresentar diferença estatisticamente significativa quando avaliada a mudança de conduta. Avaliando individualmente os 140 pacientes estadiados com 18F-FDG-PET, 52,9% apresentaram linfonodos positivos (N+), valor semelhante à tomografia (p=0,053), entretanto com concordância pequena, cerca de 32,9% destes com metástases (M1) (p=0,749) e com concordância regular entre os métodos. Após o estadiamento, ocorreu uma mudança de conduta de 23,6% quando avaliado por equipe multidisciplinar. Com o uso do PET-CT, a proporção de tumores T4 foi de 27,2% (p=0,071), porém, com concordância boa com a tomografia (Kappa=0,616). A proporção de linfonodos positivos (N+) foi de 82,7%, com pequena concordância com a tomografia (Kappa=0,392). A proporção de metástases (M1) no PET-CT foi de 57,6%, com concordância regular (Kappa=0,465). Apresentaram mudança de estadiamento 34% dos indivíduos, sendo 19,3% com sobre estadiamento e 14,7% com subestadiamento. Entretanto, dos 191 pacientes, apenas 30 (15,7%) apresentaram mudança de conduta final, sendo que 67,6% ocorreu nos casos com sobre estadiamento, quando comparada aos casos com subestadiamento (17,9%) (p < 0,005). Pacientes com Adenocarcinoma apresentaram um número maior de subestadiamento (30%), comparado àqueles com CEC (11,8%), (p < 0,0001), entretanto, sem apresentar diferença estatisticamente significativa. A sobrevida global, quando avaliados com PET-CT, foi em torno de 30% após 30 meses, sendo semelhante tanto no grupo de pacientes em que houve mudança de conduta quanto no grupo em que esta mudança de conduta não ocorreu. Conclusão: Conclui-se, portanto, que no estadiamento tomográfico com 18F-FDG-PET e com PET-CT foi identificado um número expressivo de pacientes em estágios avançados, entretanto estes achados muitas vezes diferem entre si. A mudança de conduta ocorre em número expressivo de pacientes e geralmente nos casos em que ocorre sobre estadiamento. Embora o Adenocarcinoma apresente um número maior de casos de subestadiamento que o CEC, esta mudança de estadiamento não se reflete na mudança de conduta quando comparados. Torna-se importante, portanto, a avaliação multiprofissional em serviço de excelência no momento de decisão sobre a melhor terapêutica. Por fim, observamos a mesma curva de sobrevida entre aqueles pacientes em que há certeza da conduta a ser tomada e aqueles em que a conduta foi mudada após o uso do PET-CT, o que corrobora a necessidade da utilização em conjunto desses dois métodos / Introduction: Esophagus cancer is one of the most serious neoplasms of the digestive tract that presents great morbidity and mortality even in early diagnosis. Most patients are diagnosed in advanced stages. Treatment depends on tumor staging, which evaluates the depth of tumor invasion (T), lymph node spread (N) and the presence of distant metastases (M) and follow the guidelines of Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). In the last decades, staging was performed conventionally by computed tomography (CT) and currently with the use of equipments that evaluates tumor glycolytic metabolism such as 18F-FDG-PET and PET-CT. This study has as main Objective to evaluate the relationship between computed tomography and metabolic methods such as 18F-FDG-PET and PET-CT in the staging and treatment of Adenocarcinoma and Spinocellular Carcinoma (SCC) of the esophagus. Method: A total of 331 patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and esophageal SCC were evaluated between 2008 and 2014. 55 of these patients (16.6%) had adenocarcinoma and 276 (83.4%) had CPB, ranging from 38 to 92 years, mean age of 62.9 (+/- 9.8) years. Initially they underwent staging with CT and it was proposed a curative surgical management or palliative treatment. Lately they were evaluated with the inclusion of 18F-FDG-PET or PET-CT and then the final management was defined. Results: The proportion of positive lymph nodes (N +) on the CT scan was 71%, whereas in the metabolic methods it was 70.1% (p=0.834), however, with a fair agreement (Kappa=0.339). The proportion of metastases (M1) found in CT was 44.1% and in PET-CT, 47.1%. For metastases, the Kappa test showed that the two methods presented a moderate agreement (0.452), presenting staging changes in 36.5% of subjects, being 19.3% with upstaging and 17.2% with downstaging. However, only 63 patients (19%) showed changes in the final management and this was higher in upstaging patients (67,2%) (p < 0,005). In patients with Adenocarcinoma, a greater number of downstaging was observed (32.7%), compared to those with CPB (15.4%) (p < 0.0001), however, without any statistically significant difference when the change of management was evaluated. Evaluating individually the 140 patients staged with 18F-FDG-PET, 52.9% presented positive lymph nodes (N +), data similar to tomography (p = 0.053), however with fair agreement, about 32.9% of these had metastases (M1) (P=0.749) and with moderate agreement between the methods. After the staging, a conduct change of 23.6% occurred when evaluated by a multidisciplinary team. With the use of PET-CT, the proportion of T4 tumors was 27.2% (p = 0.071), but with good agreement with tomography (Kappa=0.616). The proportion of positive lymph nodes (N+) was 82.7%, with fair agreement with the tomography (Kappa=0.392). The proportion of metastases (M1) in PET-CT was 57.6%, with moderate agreement (Kappa=0.465). 34% of the individuals presented staging change, 19.3% with upstaging and 14.7% with downstaging. However, only 30 (15.7%) out of 191 presented a final change of behavior, 67.6% of which occurred in cases with upstaging when compared to cases with downstaging (17.9%) (p < 0.005). Patients with adenocarcinoma had a greater number of downstaging (30%) compared to those with CPB (11.8%), (p < 0.0001), however, with no statistically significant difference. Overall survival when staged with PET-CT was around 30% after 30 months, being similar both in the group of patients where there was change of management and in the group where this change of management did not occur. Conclusion: It was concluded that in the tomographic staging with 18F-FDG-PET and with PET-CT an expressive number of patients in advanced stages was identified, however these findings often differ from each other. The change in management occurs in an expressive number of patients, and usually in cases where upstaging occurs. Although Adenocarcinoma presents a greater number of cases of downstaging than CPB, this change in staging is not reflected in the change of management when both are compared. It is important, therefore, the multiprofessional evaluation in service of excellence when deciding on the best therapeutics. Finally, we observed the same survival curve between those patients in which there is certainty of the management to be taken and those in which the management was changed after the use of PET-CT, which corroborates with the need to use these two methods together
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Hibernoma – two patients with a rare lipoid soft-tissue tumourDaubner, Dirk, Spieth, Stephanie, Pablik, Jessica, Paulus, Tobias, Laniado, Michael, Zöphel, Klaus 24 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Hibernomas are rare benign soft-tissue tumours arising from brown fat tissue. Although imaging
characteristics are not specific certain imaging features, common locations and patient demographics may suggest
hibernoma as a differential diagnosis.
Case presentation: We report on two 48-year-old male patients with hibernoma. The tumour presented with local
swelling of the inguinal region in the first patient and was an incidental imaging finding in the second patient. Imaging
included magnetic resonance imaging in both patients and computed tomography as well as 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose
positron emission tomography-computed tomography in the second patient. In both cases histological diagnosis was
initially based on excisional and needle core biopsy, respectively. Complete surgical resection confirmed the diagnosis
of hibernoma thereafter.
Conclusion: In soft tissue tumours with fatty components hibernoma may be included into the differential diagnosis.
Because of the risk of sampling errors in hibernoma-like tissue components of myxoid and well-differentiated liposarcoma,
complete resection is mandatory. This article also reviews the current imaging literature of hibernomas.
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A tomografia por emissão de pósitrons - 18F-fluorodesoxiglicose-PET e a PET-CT no estadiamento e tratamento do câncer do esôfago / Positron emission tomography - 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-PET and PET-CT in staging and treatment of esophagus cancerAllan Garms Marson 21 September 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O câncer do esôfago é uma das neoplasias do aparelho digestivo com maior gravidade e que apresenta grande morbimortalidade, mesmo quando o diagnóstico é precoce. A maioria dos pacientes é diagnosticado nos estágios avançados. O tratamento depende do estadiamento da neoplasia que avalia a profundidade de invasão do tumor (T), a disseminação linfonodal (N) e a presença de metástases a distância (M) e segue as orientações da União Internacional Contra o Câncer (UICC). Nas últimas décadas o estadiamento era realizado convencionalmente pela tomografia computadorizada (TC) e atualmente com a utilização de equipamentos que avaliam o metabolismo glicolítico do tumor como o 18F-FDG-PET e o PET-CT. Este estudo teve como Objetivo avaliar a relação entre a tomografia computadorizada e os métodos metabólicos como o 18F-FDG-PET e PET-CT, no estadiamento e tratamento do Adenocarcinoma e do Carcinoma Espinocelular (CEC) do esôfago. Método: Foram avaliados 331 pacientes com diagnóstico de Adenocarcinoma e CEC do esôfago entre 2008 e 2014. Destes, 55 pacientes (16,6%) apresentaram Adenocarcinoma e 276 (83,4%) apresentaram CEC. A idade variou de 38 a 92 anos, com média de 62,9 (+/- 9,8) anos. Inicialmente foram submetidos ao estadiamento com TC e proposta de conduta cirúrgica curativa ou tratamento paliativo. Posteriormente foram avaliados com a inclusão do 18F-FDG-PET ou do PET-CT e foi definida a conduta final. Resultados: A proporção de linfonodos positivos (N+) na tomografia foi de 71%, enquanto que nos métodos metabólicos foi de 70,1% (p=0,834), contudo, com pequena concordância (Kappa=0,339). A proporção de metástases (M1) encontradas na TC foi de 44,1% e no PET-CT 47,1%. Para metástases, o teste Kappa mostrou que os dois métodos apresentam uma concordância regular (0,452), apresentando mudanças de estadiamento em 36,5% dos indivíduos, sendo 19,3% com sobre estadiamento e 17,2% com subestadiamento. Entretanto, apenas 63 pacientes (19%) apresentaram mudança de conduta final e esta foi maior nos pacientes com sobre estadiamento (67,2%) (p < 0,005). Nos pacientes com Adenocarcinoma, observou-se um número maior de subestadiamento (32,7%), comparado àqueles com CEC (15,4%) (p < 0,0001), entretanto, sem apresentar diferença estatisticamente significativa quando avaliada a mudança de conduta. Avaliando individualmente os 140 pacientes estadiados com 18F-FDG-PET, 52,9% apresentaram linfonodos positivos (N+), valor semelhante à tomografia (p=0,053), entretanto com concordância pequena, cerca de 32,9% destes com metástases (M1) (p=0,749) e com concordância regular entre os métodos. Após o estadiamento, ocorreu uma mudança de conduta de 23,6% quando avaliado por equipe multidisciplinar. Com o uso do PET-CT, a proporção de tumores T4 foi de 27,2% (p=0,071), porém, com concordância boa com a tomografia (Kappa=0,616). A proporção de linfonodos positivos (N+) foi de 82,7%, com pequena concordância com a tomografia (Kappa=0,392). A proporção de metástases (M1) no PET-CT foi de 57,6%, com concordância regular (Kappa=0,465). Apresentaram mudança de estadiamento 34% dos indivíduos, sendo 19,3% com sobre estadiamento e 14,7% com subestadiamento. Entretanto, dos 191 pacientes, apenas 30 (15,7%) apresentaram mudança de conduta final, sendo que 67,6% ocorreu nos casos com sobre estadiamento, quando comparada aos casos com subestadiamento (17,9%) (p < 0,005). Pacientes com Adenocarcinoma apresentaram um número maior de subestadiamento (30%), comparado àqueles com CEC (11,8%), (p < 0,0001), entretanto, sem apresentar diferença estatisticamente significativa. A sobrevida global, quando avaliados com PET-CT, foi em torno de 30% após 30 meses, sendo semelhante tanto no grupo de pacientes em que houve mudança de conduta quanto no grupo em que esta mudança de conduta não ocorreu. Conclusão: Conclui-se, portanto, que no estadiamento tomográfico com 18F-FDG-PET e com PET-CT foi identificado um número expressivo de pacientes em estágios avançados, entretanto estes achados muitas vezes diferem entre si. A mudança de conduta ocorre em número expressivo de pacientes e geralmente nos casos em que ocorre sobre estadiamento. Embora o Adenocarcinoma apresente um número maior de casos de subestadiamento que o CEC, esta mudança de estadiamento não se reflete na mudança de conduta quando comparados. Torna-se importante, portanto, a avaliação multiprofissional em serviço de excelência no momento de decisão sobre a melhor terapêutica. Por fim, observamos a mesma curva de sobrevida entre aqueles pacientes em que há certeza da conduta a ser tomada e aqueles em que a conduta foi mudada após o uso do PET-CT, o que corrobora a necessidade da utilização em conjunto desses dois métodos / Introduction: Esophagus cancer is one of the most serious neoplasms of the digestive tract that presents great morbidity and mortality even in early diagnosis. Most patients are diagnosed in advanced stages. Treatment depends on tumor staging, which evaluates the depth of tumor invasion (T), lymph node spread (N) and the presence of distant metastases (M) and follow the guidelines of Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). In the last decades, staging was performed conventionally by computed tomography (CT) and currently with the use of equipments that evaluates tumor glycolytic metabolism such as 18F-FDG-PET and PET-CT. This study has as main Objective to evaluate the relationship between computed tomography and metabolic methods such as 18F-FDG-PET and PET-CT in the staging and treatment of Adenocarcinoma and Spinocellular Carcinoma (SCC) of the esophagus. Method: A total of 331 patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and esophageal SCC were evaluated between 2008 and 2014. 55 of these patients (16.6%) had adenocarcinoma and 276 (83.4%) had CPB, ranging from 38 to 92 years, mean age of 62.9 (+/- 9.8) years. Initially they underwent staging with CT and it was proposed a curative surgical management or palliative treatment. Lately they were evaluated with the inclusion of 18F-FDG-PET or PET-CT and then the final management was defined. Results: The proportion of positive lymph nodes (N +) on the CT scan was 71%, whereas in the metabolic methods it was 70.1% (p=0.834), however, with a fair agreement (Kappa=0.339). The proportion of metastases (M1) found in CT was 44.1% and in PET-CT, 47.1%. For metastases, the Kappa test showed that the two methods presented a moderate agreement (0.452), presenting staging changes in 36.5% of subjects, being 19.3% with upstaging and 17.2% with downstaging. However, only 63 patients (19%) showed changes in the final management and this was higher in upstaging patients (67,2%) (p < 0,005). In patients with Adenocarcinoma, a greater number of downstaging was observed (32.7%), compared to those with CPB (15.4%) (p < 0.0001), however, without any statistically significant difference when the change of management was evaluated. Evaluating individually the 140 patients staged with 18F-FDG-PET, 52.9% presented positive lymph nodes (N +), data similar to tomography (p = 0.053), however with fair agreement, about 32.9% of these had metastases (M1) (P=0.749) and with moderate agreement between the methods. After the staging, a conduct change of 23.6% occurred when evaluated by a multidisciplinary team. With the use of PET-CT, the proportion of T4 tumors was 27.2% (p = 0.071), but with good agreement with tomography (Kappa=0.616). The proportion of positive lymph nodes (N+) was 82.7%, with fair agreement with the tomography (Kappa=0.392). The proportion of metastases (M1) in PET-CT was 57.6%, with moderate agreement (Kappa=0.465). 34% of the individuals presented staging change, 19.3% with upstaging and 14.7% with downstaging. However, only 30 (15.7%) out of 191 presented a final change of behavior, 67.6% of which occurred in cases with upstaging when compared to cases with downstaging (17.9%) (p < 0.005). Patients with adenocarcinoma had a greater number of downstaging (30%) compared to those with CPB (11.8%), (p < 0.0001), however, with no statistically significant difference. Overall survival when staged with PET-CT was around 30% after 30 months, being similar both in the group of patients where there was change of management and in the group where this change of management did not occur. Conclusion: It was concluded that in the tomographic staging with 18F-FDG-PET and with PET-CT an expressive number of patients in advanced stages was identified, however these findings often differ from each other. The change in management occurs in an expressive number of patients, and usually in cases where upstaging occurs. Although Adenocarcinoma presents a greater number of cases of downstaging than CPB, this change in staging is not reflected in the change of management when both are compared. It is important, therefore, the multiprofessional evaluation in service of excellence when deciding on the best therapeutics. Finally, we observed the same survival curve between those patients in which there is certainty of the management to be taken and those in which the management was changed after the use of PET-CT, which corroborates with the need to use these two methods together
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