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Contribution of FDG-PET and MRI to improve Understanding, Detection and Differentiation of DementiaDukart, Jürgen 22 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Progression and pattern of changes in different biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) like [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been carefully investigated over the past decades. However, there have been substantially less studies investigating the potential of combining these imaging modalities to make use of multimodal information to further improve understanding, detection and differentiation of various dementia syndromes. Further the role of preprocessing has been rarely addressed in previous research although different preprocessing algorithms have been shown to substantially affect diagnostic accuracy of dementia. In the present work common preprocessing procedures used to scale FDG-PET data were compared to each other. Further, FDG-PET and MRI information were jointly analyzed using univariate and multivariate techniques. The results suggest a highly differential effect of different scaling procedures of FDG-PET data onto detection and differentiation of various dementia syndromes. Additionally, it has been shown that combining multimodal information does further improve automatic detection and differentiation of AD and FTLD.
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Einfluss des Vigilanzniveaus während der [18F]FDG-PET-Untersuchung auf den regionalen zerebralen Glucosestoffwechsel: Einfluss des Vigilanzniveaus während der [18F]FDG-PET-Untersuchung auf den regionalen zerebralen GlucosestoffwechselGünther, Thomas 02 September 2013 (has links)
Einleitung: Die Untersuchung des regionalen zerebralen Glucosestoffwechsels mittels [18F]-2-Fluor-2-desoxy-D-glucose Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie ([18F]FDG-PET) ist ein etabliertes Verfahren der molekularen Bildgebung in der Diagnostik kognitiver und affektiver Störungen. Zwischen verschiedenen Untersuchungen kann es zu intra- und interindividuellen Unterschieden im Vigilanzniveau kommen. Das Ziel dieser ersten Machbarkeitsstudie war die Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs von aktuellem Vigilanzniveau und regionalem Glucosestoffwechsel während der [18F]FDG-PET.
Methoden: 14 ältere Patientinnen und Patienten mit depressiver Episode oder leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung (MCI, mild cognitive impairment) wurden mit simultaner Elektroenzephalographie und [18F]FDG-PET unter Ruhebedingungen untersucht. Der Zusammenhang von Vigilanzniveau und regionalem Glucosestoffwechsel wurde mittels voxelweiser einfacher linearer Regression analysiert.
Ergebnisse: Der Hauptbefund war eine Zunahme des regionalen zerebralen Glucosestoffwechsels mit abnehmendem Vigilanzniveau während der [18F]FDG-PET-Untersuchung in räumlich ausgedehnten frontalen und temporalen Kortizes.
Diskussion: Vigilanzbezogene Veränderungen des Glucosestoffwechsels finden sich in vergleichbaren Hirnregionen und Effektstärken wie Veränderungen des Glucosestoffwechsels bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit depressiver Störung oder MCI gegenüber Gesunden. Der Einfluss des Vigilanzniveaus auf den Glucosestoffwechsel während der [18F]FDG-PET-Untersuchung sollte in kontrollierten Studien gesunder Personen validiert werden.
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Feasibility study of FDG PET as an indicator of early response to aromatase inhibitors and trastuzumab in a heterogeneous group of breast cancer patientsKurland, Brenda, Gadi, Vijayakrishna, Specht, Jennifer, Allison, Kimberly, Livingston, Robert, Rodler, Eve, Peterson, Lanell, Schubert, Erin, Chai, Xiaoyu, Mankoff, David, Linden, Hannah January 2012 (has links)
BACKGROUND:In breast cancer endocrine therapy, post-therapy Ki-67 assay of biopsy material predicts recurrence-free survival but is invasive and prone to sampling error. 18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) has shown an early agonist or 'flare' response to tamoxifen and estradiol, but has not been tested in response to estrogen-lowering aromatase inhibitors (AIs). We hypothesized that decreased agonistic response to AIs would result in early FDG uptake decline. We also measured early response to trastuzumab (T), another targeted agent for breast cancer with differing mechanisms of action. Our study was designed to test for an early decline in FDG uptake in response to AI or T and to examine association with Ki-67 measures of early response.METHODS:Patients with any stage of newly diagnosed or recurrent breast cancer were eligible and enrolled prior to initiation (or resumption) of AI or T therapy. FDG PET and tissue biopsy were planned before and after 2 weeks of AI or T therapy, with pretreatment archival tissue permitted. Cutoffs of greater than or equal to]20% decline in standardized uptake value (SUV) as FDG PET early response and less than or equal to]5% post-treatment expression as Ki-67 early response were defined prior to analysis.RESULTS:Forty-two patients enrolled, and 40 (28 AI, 12 T) completed serial FDG-PET imaging. Twenty-two patients (17 AI, 5 T) had newly diagnosed disease, and 23 (14 AI, 9 T) had metastatic disease (5 newly diagnosed). Post-treatment biopsy was performed in 25 patients (63%) and was either refused or not feasible in 15. Post-treatment biopsy yielded tumor in only 17/25 cases (14 AI, 3 T). Eleven of 14 AI patients with post-therapy tissue showed FDG PET early response, and there was 100% concordance of PET and post-therapy Ki-67 early response. For the T group, 6/12 showed an FDG PET early response, including 2/3 patients with post-therapy biopsy, all with Ki-67 >5%.CONCLUSIONS:Substantial changes in FDG PET SUV occurred over 2 weeks of AI therapy and were associated with low post-therapy proliferation. SUV decline was seen in response to T, but few tissue samples were available to test association with Ki-67. Our results support further investigation of FDG PET as a biomarker for early response to AI therapy.
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Modélisation ubiquiste pour l'interaction d'échelles : application à la prédiction de la réponse d'une tumeur sous traitement en radiothérapie / Ubiquitous modeling for scales interaction : application for tumor response prediction during radiotherapyApeke, Kodjo Séna 10 December 2018 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans le cadre de cette thèse ont porté sur la modélisation mathématique de la réponse d’une tumeur en traitement par la radiothérapie. Le but étant de fournir aux médecins un outil numérique d’aide pour diagnostiquer le cancer. Comme par exemple, suivre l’évolution du volume de la tumeur pendant et après le traitement, réadapter les stratégies thérapeutiques, etc. Dans un premier temps, nous avons proposé un modèle discret stochastique basé sur une approche multiéchelle. Dans ce contexte, nous nous sommes concentrés sur trois différentes échelles de modélisation tumorale : l’échelle microscopique (les cellules dans un voxel), l’échelle mésoscopique (population de cellules dans un voxel) et l’échelle macroscopique (tissu tumoral), avec des interfaces de transition entre ces trois échelles. Au niveau cellulaire, la description est basée sur des probabilités de transfert de phase dans le cycle cellulaire. À l’échelle mésoscopique, nous représentons les populations de cellules selon les différentes étapes d’un cycle cellulaire. Enfin, à l’échelle macroscopique, la description tumorale est basée sur l’utilisation des images médicales PET FDG. Ces trois échelles existent naturellement : les données biologiques sont collectées au niveau macroscopique mais le comportement pathologique de la tumeur est basé sur un cycle cellulaire anormal à l’échelle microscopique. L’introduction d’une échelle mésoscopique a été essentielle pour réduire l’écart entre les deux extrêmes, en termes de transition entre eux. Nous utilisons le modèle multiéchelle discret pour prédire l’évolution temporelle du nombre de cellules tumorales. Par contre, ce modèle n’est pas bien adapté pour prédire l’évolution du volume de la tumeur. Aussi, avons-nous proposé dans un second temps, un deuxième modèle qui est biomécanique et basé sur une équation d’advection réaction. Enfin, les modèles discrets multiéchelle et biomécanique ont été associés pour former un modèle hybride. En effet, le modèle discret est utilisé pour estimer les trajectoires des pressions partielles d’oxygène dans l’environnement tumoral, ces pressions sont ensuite mises en entrée du modèle continu (biomécanique) pour la prédiction de l’évolution du volume tumoral. / The work presented in this thesis focused on the mathematical modeling of tumor response during treatment by radiotherapy. The goal was to provide for doctors a digital tool to help cancer diagnose. For example, monitoring tumor volume during and after treatment, rehabilitating therapeutic strategies, etc. In a first step, we proposed a discrete stochastic model based on a multiscale approach. In this context, we focused on three different scales of tumor modeling :microscopic scale (cells in a voxel), mesoscopic scale (cell population in a voxel) and macroscopic scale (tumor tissue), with transitional interfaces between these three scales. At the cellular level, the description was based on probabilities of phase transfer in the cellular cycle. At the mesoscopic scale, we represented cell populations according to the differents stages of a cell cycle. Finally, on a macroscopic scale, tumor description was based on the use of FDG PET medical images.These three scales naturally exist : the biological data were collected at the macroscopic level but the pathological behavior of the tumor is based on an abnormal cell cycle at the microscopic scale. Introduction of a mesoscopic scale was essential to reduce the gap between the two extremes, in terms of transition between them. We used the discrete multiscale model to predict the temporal evolution of the tumor cells number. On the other hand, this model was not well adapted to predict the tumor volume evolution. Thus, we had proposed a second model which was biomechanical and based on an advection reaction equation. Finally, the discrete multiscale and the biomechanical models had been combined to form a hybrid model. Indeed, the discrete model was used to estimate the oxygen partial pressures trajectories, in the tumor environment. These pressures were then input to the continuous (biomechanical) model for the tumor volume evolution prediction.
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Quantification du métabolisme glycolytique cérébral en imagerie TEP au 18F-FDG : caractérisation de l’impact du vieillissement et de sa composante accélérée d’origine vasculaire / Quantification of glycolytic metabolism in brain FDG PET imaging : characterization of the impact of aging and its accelarated vascular componentVerger, Antoine 11 December 2015 (has links)
La tomographie par émission de positons au 18F-Fluorodésoxyglucose (TEP au 18F-FDG) est une technique d’imagerie permettant de quantifier le métabolisme glycolytique cérébral. L’objectif de nos travaux de thèse était d’essayer de caractériser au mieux les modifications cérébrales liées au vieillissement, y compris la partie possiblement liée à des dysfonctions vasculaires, grâce à une analyse quantitative tridimensionnelle voxel-à-voxel des images de TEP au 18F-FDG. Nos travaux montrent, tout d’abord, qu’il existe un intérêt pratique à utiliser un logiciel de normalisation spatial particulier (BM : Block Matching) pour l’analyse quantitative cérébrale, au moins pour la fabrication de modèles anatomiques (« template ») adaptés à chaque population étudiée. Cet intérêt a été tout d’abord montré pour localiser des foyers épileptiques temporaux, puis pour quantifier l’impact de l’âge sur le métabolisme cérébral (détermination plus précise des aires cérébrales affectées). Avec cette méthode, il est possible d’observer une diminution du métabolisme cérébral tout au long de la vie, en particulier dans certaines aires frontales. Nous avons essayé de déterminer la composante du vieillissement cérébral qui est possiblement liée à une dysfonction vasculaire et qui serait donc susceptible d’être traitée ou prévenue par des thérapeutiques vasculaires appropriées. Dans ce domaine de recherche, nous avons pu montrer que les anomalies micro-vasculaires de la substance blanche, appelées leucoaraïose, étaient associées à une diminution du métabolisme de la substance grise, en particulier au niveau frontal. Cet effet était indépendant de l’effet spécifique de l’âge et du phénomène d’atrophie corticale. Enfin, dans une population de patients âgés et à forte prévalence d’hypertension artérielle, nous avons montré que la pression artérielle était étroitement corrélée au remodelage métabolique cérébral, en particulier lorsque cette pression est mesurée au niveau central et lorsque l’on tient compte de la pression différentielle, avec alors une valeur seuil de 50 mmHg. Le vieillissement cérébral global et l’accélération qui peut être liée à des facteurs vasculaires sont des données qui peuvent être estimées en TEP au 18F-FDG, avec une méthode d’analyse quantitative voxel-à-voxel adaptée. Cette identification pourrait peut-être guider la prescription de traitements vasculaires appropriés et aussi, aider à différencier ces atteintes liées à l’âge ou d’origine vasculaire des autres maladies cérébrales. / 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (18F-FDG PET) is a brain-imaging technique allowing brain glycolytic metabolism to be quantified. The aim of this doctoral thesis work was to try to better characterize the aging-related changes in brain metabolism, including the part with a possible vascular origin, thanks to a three-dimensional voxel-based quantitative analysis of 18F-FDG PET images. Our work shows firstly that there is a clear advantage to use a particular spatial normalization software (BM: Block Matching) for the brain quantitative analysis, at least for the providing of templates adapted to each study population. This advantage was shown, initially, for the localization of temporal epileptic foci and thereafter, for quantifying the age-related changes in brain metabolism (enhanced determination of the involved brain areas). With this method, a decrease in brain metabolism could be documented throughout the life especially within certain frontal areas. In addition, we tried to determine the component of cerebral aging, which might be of a vascular origin and thus, susceptible to be treated or prevented by vascular treatments. In this research field, we have shown that microvascular abnormalities, setting within white-matter and called leukoaraiosis, were associated with a decrease in the grey-matter metabolism, in particular within certain frontal areas. This effect was independent of the inherent effect of age and of cortical atrophy. Finally, in a population of older patients with a high prevalence of hypertension, we showed that the blood pressure level was correlated to a brain metabolic remodeling, especially when this pressure was measured at central level and when considering the pulse pressure and a threshold value of 50 mmHg. The global cerebral aging and its acceleration in relation to vascular factors may be assessed by 18F-FDG PET when using an adapted voxel-based quantitative method. This assessment could potentially be useful for the monitoring of vascular treatments and for differentiating the aging- and vascular-related metabolic changes to those corresponding to brain diseases of other origins.
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A tomografia por emissão de pósitron com 18F-fluoro-desoxi-glicose (PET-FDG) na avaliação de resposta precoce à quimioterapia em pacientes portadores de linfoma de Hodgkin / Positron emission tomography with 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-desoxy-D-glucose assessing response after 2 cycles of chemotherapy in Hodgkin lymphomaJuliano Julio Cerci 08 July 2010 (has links)
Pacientes com linfoma de Hodgkin (LH) tratados com poliquimioterpia com adriamicina, bleomicina, vincristina e doxorrubicina (ABVD) apresentam resposta terapêutica distinta. Para aprimorar a avaliação prognóstica e a abordagem terapêutica em LH objetivamos avaliar o valor prognóstico da PET-FDG após 2 ciclos de ABVD (PET2) em pacientes com LH. Foram incluídos nesse estudo prospectivo 115 pacientes com diagnóstico recente de LH no período de agosto de 2005 a dezembro de 2007. Os pacientes foram estadiados com exame clínico, laboratorial, tomografia computadorizada e PET-FDG (PET0). Todos os pacientes foram tratados com ABVD e aqueles com massa tumoral extensa foram tratados com radioterapia associada. Após dois ciclos de ABVD os pacientes foram submetidos a PET2. Nenhum tratamento foi alterado baseado na PET2. Foi avaliado o valor prognóstico dos fatores clínicos, Índice Prognóstico Internacional (IPI) e PET2 em relação à sobrevida livre de eventos (SLE) em três anos. Dos 104 pacientes que foram avaliados, 82 atingiram remissão completa e 22 pacientes apresentaram falha de tratamento durante a mediana de 36 meses de acompanhamento. A SG e SLE em três anos foi de 94,2% e 74,2% respectivamente. A SLE em três anos da PET2 positiva foi de 54,3%, enquanto da PET2 negativa foi de 90,5% (p< 0.001). Na análise de subgrupos de pacientes com estádio precoce, avançado, IPI baixo e alto risco, a PET2 também apresentou correlação estatisticamente significativa com o prognóstico. Concluímos que a PET2 é o melhor fator prognóstico independente na avaliação de pacientes com LH / Patients with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) treated with poliquimioteraphy with adriamycin, bleomycin, vincristine and doxorubicin (ABVD) have distinct therapeutic response. In order to improve the prognostic assessment and therapeutic approach in HL we have evaluated the prognostic value of FDG-PET after 2 cycles of ABVD (PET2). Were included in this prospective study 115 patients with newly diagnosed LH in the period of August 2005 to December 2007. The patients were staged with physical examination, laboratory, CT and PET-FDG (PET0). All patients were treated with ABVD and those with extensive tumor were treated with radiotherapy associated. After two cycles of ABVD patients underwent PET2. No treatment was changed based on PET2. We assessed the prognostic value of clinical factors, international prognostic score (IPS) and PET2 in relation to event-free survival (EFS) in three years. Of the 104 patients who finalized the evaluation, 82 achieved complete remission and 22 patients experienced treatment failure during the median of 36 months of follow-up. The EFS at three years was 74.2%. EFS in three years of PET2 positive was 54.3%, while the PET2 negative was 90.5% (p <0.001). In subgroup analysis of patients with early stage, advanced, low and high risk IPS, PET2 also showed significant correlation with the prognosis. We conclude that the PET2 is the best independent prognostic factor in the evaluation of overall patients with LH, or in subgroups of early, advance; low and high risk of HL
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A tomografia por emissão de pósitron com 18F-fluoro-desoxi-glicose (PET-FDG) na avaliação de resposta precoce à quimioterapia em pacientes portadores de linfoma de Hodgkin / Positron emission tomography with 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-desoxy-D-glucose assessing response after 2 cycles of chemotherapy in Hodgkin lymphomaCerci, Juliano Julio 08 July 2010 (has links)
Pacientes com linfoma de Hodgkin (LH) tratados com poliquimioterpia com adriamicina, bleomicina, vincristina e doxorrubicina (ABVD) apresentam resposta terapêutica distinta. Para aprimorar a avaliação prognóstica e a abordagem terapêutica em LH objetivamos avaliar o valor prognóstico da PET-FDG após 2 ciclos de ABVD (PET2) em pacientes com LH. Foram incluídos nesse estudo prospectivo 115 pacientes com diagnóstico recente de LH no período de agosto de 2005 a dezembro de 2007. Os pacientes foram estadiados com exame clínico, laboratorial, tomografia computadorizada e PET-FDG (PET0). Todos os pacientes foram tratados com ABVD e aqueles com massa tumoral extensa foram tratados com radioterapia associada. Após dois ciclos de ABVD os pacientes foram submetidos a PET2. Nenhum tratamento foi alterado baseado na PET2. Foi avaliado o valor prognóstico dos fatores clínicos, Índice Prognóstico Internacional (IPI) e PET2 em relação à sobrevida livre de eventos (SLE) em três anos. Dos 104 pacientes que foram avaliados, 82 atingiram remissão completa e 22 pacientes apresentaram falha de tratamento durante a mediana de 36 meses de acompanhamento. A SG e SLE em três anos foi de 94,2% e 74,2% respectivamente. A SLE em três anos da PET2 positiva foi de 54,3%, enquanto da PET2 negativa foi de 90,5% (p< 0.001). Na análise de subgrupos de pacientes com estádio precoce, avançado, IPI baixo e alto risco, a PET2 também apresentou correlação estatisticamente significativa com o prognóstico. Concluímos que a PET2 é o melhor fator prognóstico independente na avaliação de pacientes com LH / Patients with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) treated with poliquimioteraphy with adriamycin, bleomycin, vincristine and doxorubicin (ABVD) have distinct therapeutic response. In order to improve the prognostic assessment and therapeutic approach in HL we have evaluated the prognostic value of FDG-PET after 2 cycles of ABVD (PET2). Were included in this prospective study 115 patients with newly diagnosed LH in the period of August 2005 to December 2007. The patients were staged with physical examination, laboratory, CT and PET-FDG (PET0). All patients were treated with ABVD and those with extensive tumor were treated with radiotherapy associated. After two cycles of ABVD patients underwent PET2. No treatment was changed based on PET2. We assessed the prognostic value of clinical factors, international prognostic score (IPS) and PET2 in relation to event-free survival (EFS) in three years. Of the 104 patients who finalized the evaluation, 82 achieved complete remission and 22 patients experienced treatment failure during the median of 36 months of follow-up. The EFS at three years was 74.2%. EFS in three years of PET2 positive was 54.3%, while the PET2 negative was 90.5% (p <0.001). In subgroup analysis of patients with early stage, advanced, low and high risk IPS, PET2 also showed significant correlation with the prognosis. We conclude that the PET2 is the best independent prognostic factor in the evaluation of overall patients with LH, or in subgroups of early, advance; low and high risk of HL
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Optimising Radiotherapy in Rectal Cancer PatientsRadu, Calin January 2012 (has links)
Rectal cancer is the eight most common cancer diagnosis in Sweden in both men and women, with almost 2000 new cases per year. Radiotherapy, which is an important treatment modality for rectal cancer, has evolved during the past decades. Diagnostic tools have also improved, allowing better staging and offering information used to make well-founded decisions in multidisciplinary team conferences. In a retrospective study (n=46) with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) patients, unfit for chemoradiotherapy, patients were treated with short-course radiotherapy. Delayed surgery was done when possible. Radical surgery was possible in 89% of the patients who underwent surgery (80%). Grade IV diarrhoea affected three elderly patients. Target radiation volume should be reduced in elderly or metastatic patients. In a prospective study (n=68) with LARC patients, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 2-18F-fluoro-2-D-deoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) were used to determine if FDG-PET could provide extra treatment information. Information from FDG-PET changed the stage of 10 patients. Delineation with FDG-PET generally resulted in smaller target volumes than MRI only. Seven of the most advanced LARC patients in the above cohort were used for a methodological study to determine if dose escalation to peripheral, non-resectable regions was feasible. Simultaneous integrated boost plans with photons and protons were evaluated. While toxicity was acceptable in five patients with both protons and photons, two patients with very large tumours had unacceptable risk for intestinal toxicity regardless of modality. In the interim analysis of the Stockholm III Trial (n=303, studying radiotherapy-fractionation and timing of surgery in relation to radiotherapy) compliance was acceptable and severe acute toxicity was infrequent, irrespective of fractionation. Short-course radiotherapy with immediate surgery tended to give more postoperative complications, but only if surgery was delayed more than 10 days after the start of radiotherapy. Quality-of-life in the Stockholm III Trial was studied before, during and shortly after treatment using the EORTC QLQ-C30 and CR38 questionnaires. Surgery accounted for more adverse effects than radiotherapy in all groups. Postoperatively, the poorest quality-of-life was seen in patients given short-course radiotherapy followed by immediate surgery. No postoperative differences were seen between the two groups with delayed surgery.
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Deep Learning based Classification of FDG-PET Data for Alzheimer's DiseaseJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disease is a progressive disease that affects the brain gradually with time and worsens. Reliable and early diagnosis of AD and its prodromal stages (i.e. Mild Cognitive Impairment(MCI)) is essential. Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) measures the decline in the regional cerebral metabolic rate for glucose, offering a reliable metabolic biomarker even on presymptomatic AD patients. PET scans provide functional information that is unique and unavailable using other types of imaging. The computational efficacy of FDG-PET data alone, for the classification of various Alzheimer’s Diagnostic categories (AD, MCI (LMCI, EMCI), Control) has not been studied. This serves as motivation to correctly classify the various diagnostic categories using FDG-PET data. Deep learning has recently been applied to the analysis of structural and functional brain imaging data. This thesis is an introduction to a deep learning based classification technique using neural networks with dimensionality reduction techniques to classify the different stages of AD based on FDG-PET image analysis.
This thesis develops a classification method to investigate the performance of FDG-PET as an effective biomarker for Alzheimer's clinical group classification. This involves dimensionality reduction using Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis on max-pooled data and mean-pooled data, followed by a Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network which performs binary classification. Max pooled features result into better classification performance compared to results on mean pooled features. Additionally, experiments are done to investigate if the addition of important demographic features such as Functional Activities Questionnaire(FAQ), gene information helps improve performance. Classification results indicate that our designed classifiers achieve competitive results, and better with the additional of demographic features. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Computer Science 2017
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Diagnostik eines Milzbefalls bei pädiatrischen Patienten mit einem Hodgkin-Lymphom -Evaluation der Wertigkeit unterschiedlicher bildgebender Verfahren mit besonderem Fokus auf der F18-FDG-PET/CT -Nietzsch, Patrick 15 February 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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