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3D-printingFramtidens läkemedelstillverkningAlkhado, Fidan January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Tredimensionell printing (3DP) är en teknik som använder en digital fil för att producera ett 3D-objekt, exempelvis en läkemedelstablett, genom en så kallad additiv process, vilket innebär att byggmaterialet läggs på successivt lager för lager. Syfte: Denna studie har ett tvådelat syfte, dels att presentera två 3D-printingstekniker, laserbaserade system (SLA) och smält deponeringsmodellering (FDM) som idag används för läkemedelsframställning samt göra en metodjämförelse, dels att ge exempel på samt beskriva några olika tabletter som framställts med hjälp av dessa tekniker. Metod: Studien genomfördes i form av en systematisk litteraturstudie och använde i första hand databasen PubMed för att hitta relevanta vetenskapliga artiklar i ämnet. Resultat: Resultatet redovisas i två delar. Första delen jämför de två viktiga 3DP-tekniker laserbaserade system (SLA) och smält deponeringsmodellering (FDM). Andra delen beskriver olika typer av tabletter som kan framställas med 3D-printing. Slutsats: Utifrån resultatet framgår det att 3D-printing är en framväxande teknik som skapar nya, intressanta terapimöjligheter. Dessutom framgår det att FDM lämpar sig bättre än SLA som framställningsteknik inom läkemedelsvärlden där det ställs höga krav på kostnadseffektivitet men också på grund av dess förmåga att generera formuleringar med olika frisättningsprofiler och på så sätt producera individanpassade läkemedel.
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The processing of a 3d-printed biocomposite : A material driven study conducted in collaboration with Stora EnsoZettersten, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
This is a material driven study that explores how post-processing of a 3D-printed biocomposite may increase its utility in the public furniture industry. The study thereby aims to contribute insights in material development and inspire a shift in practices that pushes the industry towards a more sustainable design process. By studying theories on sustainable development, biocomposites, and additive manufacturing, the surface defects in large-scale 3D-printing are put in relation to the industry-specific requirements placed on public furnishings. The potentials for the biocomposite to satisfy these demands are assessed using the four actions steps of material driven design. This includes hands-on exploration of several post-processing methods to minimize the material’s distinctive surface roughness. The most effective surface treatment, a combination of subtractive and additive processing, is subsequently applied in a product development phase to exemplify the feasibility of these methods in the context of furniture. This resulted in a design concept which, although a time-consuming process, proves the possibility of post-processing to influence the ability of the material to meet the requirements for public use. The increased material utility achieved in this study should, however, be considered relative to the economic and ecological consequenses associated with biocomposite processing.
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Printing on Objects: Curved Layer Fused Filament Fabrication on Scanned Surfaces with a Parallel Deposition MachineCoe, Edward Olin 21 June 2019 (has links)
Consumer additive manufacturing (3D printing) has rapidly grown over the last decade. While the technology for the most common type, Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), has systematically improved and sales have increased, fundamentally, the capabilities of the machines have remained the same. FFF printers are still limited to depositing layers onto a flat build plate. This makes it difficult to combine consumer AM with other objects. While consumer AM promises to allow us to customize our world, the reality has fallen short.
The ability to directly modify existing objects presents numerous possibilities to the consumer: personalization, adding functionality, improving functionality, repair, and novel multi-material manufacturing processes. Indeed, similar goals for industrial manufacturing drove the research and development of technologies like direct write and directed energy deposition which can deposit layers onto uneven surfaces.
Replicating these capabilities on consumer 3-axis FFF machines is difficult mainly due to issues with reliability, repeatability, and quality. This thesis proposes, demonstrates, and tests a method for scanning and printing dimensionally-accurate (unwarped) digital forms onto physical objects using a modified consumer-grade 3D printer. It then provides an analysis of the machine design considerations and critical process parameters. / Master of Science / Consumer additive manufacturing (3D printing) has rapidly grown over the last decade. While the technology for the most common type, Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), has systematically improved and sales have increased, fundamentally, the capabilities of the machines have remained the same. FFF printers are still limited to depositing layers onto a flat build plate. This makes it difficult to combine consumer AM with other objects. While consumer AM promises to allow us to customize our world, the reality has fallen short.
The ability to directly modify existing objects presents numerous possibilities to the consumer: personalization, adding functionality, improving functionality, repair, and novel multi-material manufacturing processes. Indeed, similar goals for industrial manufacturing drove the research and development of technologies like direct write and directed energy deposition which can deposit layers onto uneven surfaces.
Replicating these capabilities on consumer 3-axis FFF machines is difficult mainly due to issues with reliability, repeatability, and quality. This thesis proposes, demonstrates, and tests a method for scanning and printing dimensionally-accurate (unwarped) digital forms onto physical objects using a modified consumer-grade 3D printer. It then provides an analysis of the machine design considerations and critical process parameters.
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Karakterizacija proizvodnih parametara alata za utiskivanje izrađenih tehnikom 3D štampe / Characterisation of manufacturing parameters of embossing dies produced by 3D printing techniqueBanjanin Bojan 09 November 2018 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji su predstavljena istraživanja uticajnih parametara u procesu izrade alata za utiskivanje tehnikom aditivne proizvodnje, tačnije tehnikom deponovanja istopljenog materijala (FDM). Izrađena je kontrolna grupa alata za utiskivanje konvencionalnom tehnikom hemijskog nagrizanja i SLA tehnikom 3D štampe. Cilj istraživanja je definisanje optimalnih procesnih parametara izrade alata za<br />utiskivanje FDM tehnikom štampe. Ustanovljena je metodologija za karakterizaciju proizvodnih parametara koja se može primeniti na ostale tehnike aditivne proizvodnje. Analizom dobijenih rezultata i zaključaka istraživanja ustanovljena su ograničenja i mogućnosti zamene konvencionalnih alata za utiskivanje alatima izrađenim tehnikama 3D štampe.</p> / <p>The study of the influencing parameters in the production process of embossing dies using Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) additive manufacturing technique, was investigated in this dissertation. Embossing dies, produced using conventional chemical etching and vat photopolymerization technique, were developed as a control group. This research aims to define the optimal process parameters of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) in embossing dies manufacturing. A new methodology for the characterisation of production parameters, which can be applied to other additive production techniques, has been established. By analysing the results and the conclusions of this research, the possibility of replacing<br />conventional embossing dies produced using 3D printing techniques has been established as well as its limitations.</p>
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Spojování 3D FDM tištěných dílů z ABS / Bonding of 3D FDM printed parts from ABSHalabrín, Marek January 2021 (has links)
The thesis focuses on comparisons of usability of distinct types of glues to attach specimens. The specimens were glued using 4 types of glue: BISON Power Adhesive, BISON Epoxy Universal, PATTEX Repair Epoxy 5 min and a mixture of acetone with diluted ABS plastic as the last. The specimens underwent tensile and impact tests. For the tensile test, the specimens were made in 3 variants: blunt frontal joint, bevelled joint and gradually folded joint. For the impact test, the specimens were made in the form of a rod with a V-shaped notch. All variants of the joints consisted of 5 specimens with 3 unglued specimens for reference. The testing was conducted on the ZD 10/90 tensile strength machine and a Charpy impact test machine from the WPM company. The thesis contains technical-economic evaluation of the results of the tests with comparisons of the individual glues and forms.
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Input shaping in a cantilever 3D printer : Construction and evaluation / Precision how en Cantilever 3D skrivare : Konstruktion och utvärderingAchrén, Albert, Bårdén, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
FDM 3D printing is an additive manufacturing technology that is widely used, mainly for rapid prototyping. It is also one of the cheapest and most accessible AM technologies for consumers. FDM printers, and especially cheaper alternatives, can have problems with creating high quality prints. Reasons include poor design, inaccurate construction, cheap components, and improper tuning. Input shaping is a control technique that may help mitigate defects caused by poor mechanical design or construction. The “ringing” defect may be eliminated by applying this solution. To perform an evaluation in sub-optimal mechanical conditions a 3D printer was constructed with a cantilever design mainly using plastic prints for mechanically important parts. Printing tests were done with and without input shaping. The results that were produced showed a direct effect of input shaping in 3d printers. / FDM 3D-printing är en additiv tillverkningsteknik som är mycket använd, främst för snabb prototypering. Det är också en av de billigaste och mest tillgängliga AM-teknikerna för konsumenter. FDM skrivare, och särskilt billigare alternativ, kan ha problem med att skapa högkvalitativa utskrifter. Orsaker inkluderar dålig design, konstruktionfel, billiga komponenter och felaktig justering. Input shaping är en kontrollteknik som kan hjälpa till att mildra defekter som orsakas av dålig mekanisk design eller konstruktion. "Ringning" defekten kan elimineras genom att tillämpa denna lösning. För att utföra en utvärdering i dåliga mekaniska förhållanden konstruerades en 3D-skrivare med en fribärande design som använder plastutskrifter för mekaniskt viktiga delar. Utskriftstester gjordes med och utan input shaping. Resultaten som framställdes visade på en uppenbar förbättring av print kvalité som en direkt effekt av input shaping.
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Challanges In Constructing Large Frame FDM 3D Printers / Utmaningar Vid Konstruktion Av Stora FDM 3D SkrivareEmericks, Isak January 2020 (has links)
This project was initiated by Postnord who wanted to develop their own large frame FDM 3D printer, mainly for two reasons. The first reason was to be able to use the collaboration between Postnord and KTH to present how Postnord are promoting domestic production in the same time as portraying themselves as leaders in the field of additive manufacturing in Sweden. The second reason was to get a machine with the ability to print both small- and large-scale prototypes and products to be used in an industrial environment. The targeted goals and desired outcome of the PP3D (PostPaper3D - project name) was to construct a large frame FDM 3D printer, with a build area of 1 square meter and (if possible) a printing volume of 1 cubic meter, capable of printing parts for industrial applications. This would be achieved by using industrial components and state-of-the-art open source 3D printing control systems. Sensors for filament run-out detection and automatic printer bed levelling was also desired. On top of these goals KTH-IIP wanted the project work to focus on the construction of large frame FDM 3D printers, what challenges appear in scaling up the technology, to further the internal vision of developing strategic competencies in the field of additive manufacturing - as requested by the industry. The result of the project was a FDM 3D printer with a build volume of 1000x1000x950 [mm] that comes with dual independent extruders - meaning it may either print two copies of the same part simultaneously or utilize both printer heads to work on a single component. The top tested speed (printing) was 100 [mm/s] and the top tested movement speed was 250 [mm/s]. The theoretical accuracy of the machine is 50 [μm] but this has not been tested in this project. In the scope of the master thesis all prototype-symptoms were not eliminated, where the most considerable issue being the motors occasionally skipping steps (and losing their location) during rapid accelerations and changes in velocity. When this happens, it will most likely result in a failed print. The proposed solution for this is to further adjust the firmware to allow for finer, more regulated accelerations and speeds. Another possible solution is to replace the motors with stronger ones. In delivery the machine operates using state of the art components and software, from prominent Swedish and international producers. An interview of Isak Emericks alongside the printer can be seen in Appendix B, in the form of a newsletter. / Det här projektet initierades av Postnord som ville utveckla en egen storskalig FDM 3D printer, huvudsakligen på grund av två anledningar. Den första för att kunna använda samarbetet med KTH för att visa hur Postnord främjar inhemsk produktion samtidigt som de själva är ledare och initiativtagare inom additiv tillverkning i Sverige. Den andra anledningen var för att få tag på en maskin som har möjligheten att skriva ut stora- och småskaliga prototyper och produkter som kan användas i en industriell miljö. De uppsatta målen och önskvärda resultatet med PP3D (PostPapper3D - projektnamn) var att konstruera en storskalig FDM 3D skrivare, men en byggarea på 1 kvadratmeter och (om möjligt) en byggvolym på 1 kubikmeter, kapabel att skriva ut delar för industriella tillämpningar. Det här skulle uppnås genom att använda industriella komponenter och toppmoderna kontrollsystem för 3D skrivare. Sensorer för att upptäcka när utskriftsmaterialet var på väg att ta slut och automatisk utjämning av byggytan var också önskvärt. Förutom dessa målsättningar så ville KTH-IIP att arbetet skulle fokusera på konstruktionen av en storskalig FDM 3D skrivare, vilka utmaningar och problem som uppstår när tekniken skalas upp, för att fortsätta den interna visionen om att utveckla strategiska kompetenser inom additiva tillverkningsmetoder - vilket industrin efterfrågade. Resultatet av projektet var en 3D skrivare med en byggvolym på 1000x1000x950 [mm] som kommer utrustad med två (individuellt styrda) utskriftshuvuden - som antingen kan skriva ut två identiska kopior av samma objekt eller som kan arbeta tillsammans för att bygga upp en komponent mer effektivt. Den högsta testade utskriftshastigheten var 100 [mm/s] och den högsta testade hastigheten för rörelse var 250 [mm/s]. Den teoretiska upplösningen hos maskinen är 50 [μm] men det här har inte kontrollerats i det här projektet. Inom omfattningen av ett examensarbete (civilingenjör) så hann inte alla prototyp-symptom elimineras, där det mest betydande problemet var att motorerna bitvis missar steg (och förlorar sin positionering) under hastiga accelerationer och förändringar i rörelseriktning. När detta händer så resulterar det oftast i misslyckade utskrifter. Den presenterade lösningen för det här är att fortsätta justera mjukvaruinställningarna tills finare och mer kontrollerade rörelsemönster uppnås. En annan tänkbar lösning är att byta ut motorerna mot starkare varianter. Vid leverans så nyttjar maskinen toppmoderna komponenter och mjukvara, från framstående svenska och internationella producenter. En intervju med Isak Emericks tillsammans med 3D skrivaren hittas i Bilaga B, i formen av ett nyhetsbrev.
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Otimização estrutural de protótipos fabricados pela tecnologia FDM utilizando o método dos elementos finitos / Structural optimization of FDM prototypes based on finite element analysis.Almeida, Wagner José de 21 September 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal a otimização dos protótipos fabricados pelo processo FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) em procedimento baseado na análise do comportamento estrutural dos protótipos variando as estratégias de preenchimento das camadas. Para atingir tal objetivo, corpos de prova com diferentes orientações de preenchimento foram ensaiados experimentalmente e os resultados foram verificados em análise estrutural por elementos finitos. Foram verificados o caráter ortotrópico do material do protótipo e a validade do uso da Teoria Clássica dos Laminados na simulação de seu comportamento. Os conceitos e metodologia de análise foram validados em estudos de casos, mostrando a viabilidade de sua aplicação na obtenção de protótipos funcionais / The objective of this work is to develop an optimization procedure for FDM prototypes. This procedure is based on the structural analysis of the prototypes within different slice filling paths. In order to reach this objective, experimental tests with different filling trajectories are conducted and the results are used in structural analysis by finite element method. The orthotropic behavior of the prototype material and the use of the Classical Laminate Theory in the numerical simulation were validated. The results were applied in different case studies, showing the viability of its application in the design of functional prototypes.
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Technické aspekty použití 3D tisku ve výuce na ZŠ / Technical aspects of the use of 3D printing in the education at elementary schoolCVRČEK, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis in the beginning deals with the history of 3D printing and its development. For better understanding the nature of 3D printing are the significant technologies that includes. Professional part includes work with the printer MakerBot Replicator 2X. Mechanical parts of the device are analyzed together with the operating software MakerBot DesktopThe following chapter is dealing with the limits and restrictions when it is printed on said 3D printer, except that describes important aspects when working on the printer. For the creation of electronic models are suggested appropriate programs for use in elementary school. A significant milestone is forming the problems of 3D printing, which can serve as a guide for the elimination of print quality problems, malfunctioning of 3D printers and others. Interesting models are designed for teaching physics and working activities that the students facilitate understanding of the substance of the response and act as activating element within lesson. It was created a list of important sites where you can find models suitable not only for teaching in elementary schools, but also for other purposes. The last chapter deals with the economic aspect of 3D printing.
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Vliv stupně a typu posturální zátěže na změnu parametrů v dynamické plantografii při stoji a chůzi. / The influence of the level and type of postural load on parameters of dynamic plantography during standing and walking.Svobodová, Jaroslava January 2018 (has links)
Bibliographic record SVOBODOVÁ, Jaroslava. The influence of the level and type of postural load on parameters of dynamic plantography during standing and walking. Prague: Charles University, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, 2018, 124 p. Supervisor Mgr. Michaela Opálková. Abstract The thesis deals with the reaction of body to postural loading during stance and walking. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on postural control and postural reaction during stance and walking. Particular attention is paid to gait cycle, dynamic plantography and Zebris FDM-T Rehawalk system, which has been used in the practical part of this thesis. Two chapter deal with postural loading, the first is focused on symmetrical loading (e.g. backpack) and second on asymmetrical loading (laptop back - ipsilateral, contralateral and held in hand). The practical part presents the examination of 32 volunteers who were either standing or walking on a dynamic plantograph. The volunteers were exposed to either symmetrical or asymemtrical 5 or 10 kg load. Subsequently, statistical tests were used to search for any change of dynamic plantography parameters depending on the level of loading, on the type of loading and in the comparison of the situation with and without loading. The results...
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