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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Des concepts et méthodes associés à la co-circulation des virus dans les populations naturelles d’hôtes à la nécessité d’interdisciplinarité : l’exemple du chat et de ses virus / From concepts and methods associated with viruses’ co-circulation in natural populations to the need for interdisciplinarity : the example of the cat and its viruses

Hellard, Éléonore 06 April 2012 (has links)
De nombreux parasites circulent dans les populations naturelles. Au sein d’un hôte, souvent pluri-infecté, ils peuvent interagir, augmentant ou réduisant le risque d’infection et les symptômes d’autres pathogènes. L’étude de ces interactions commence seulement dans les populations naturelles. Les enjeux sont cruciaux : détecter les interactions d’intérêt, estimer la probabilité de coinfection, comprendre la cocirculation des parasites. La détection des interactions sur le terrain est compliquée par la nature des données (e.g., présence-absence) et les facteurs confondants créant des associations statistiques (fausses interactions). Ce travail visait à mener une réflexion transversale sur ces interactions et le multiparasitisme, avec des applications à des données sérologiques pour 4 virus félins suivis dans des populations rurales de chats domestiques. De nouvelles méthodes de modélisation dynamique et statistique ont été développées pour prendre en compte les facteurs générant de fausses interactions (effet cumulatif de l’âge, facteurs de risque communs) et évaluer le biais des méthodes classiques. Des synergies entre 3 couples de virus félins ont été révélées. On a aussi identifié des caractéristiques comportementales et physiologiques (modes de vie, niveau de testostérone), qui, en modulant l’exposition et la sensibilité aux pathogènes, génèrent une forte hétérogénéité entre les hôtes. Enfin, une vision intégrative des systèmes hôte-parasites est indispensable pour appréhender la complexité des communautés et évaluer l’impact de la multitude d’hôtes, de parasites et d’interactions sur la coévolution, la conservation des espèces et la gestion des maladies infectieuses / Numerous parasites circulate within natural host populations. Within a host, often pluri-infected, parasites can interact, increasing or decreasing the infection risk and/or symptoms’ severity of other pathogens. Studies of such interactions only start in natural populations. Their stakes are high: detecting interactions of interest, estimating coinfection probabilities and understanding the cocirculation of parasites. The detection of interactions in the field is however complicated by the nature of data (often presence-absence) and the existence of confounding factors that can create statistical associations (false interactions). This work aimed at having a cross-cutting reflection on those interactions and on multiparasitism, with applications on a rich dataset of four feline viruses followed in rural populations of domestic cats. New dynamical and statistical modeling methods were developed to take into account factors generating false interactions (cumulative effect of age, shared risk factors) and evaluate the biases of classical methods. Synergies between three pairs of feline viruses were revealed. In addition, we identified behavioral and physiological factors (e.g., way of life, testosterone levels) that, by modulating exposition and/or susceptibility to pathogens, generate strong heterogeneity between hosts. Finally, a more integrative approach to host-parasites systems is proposed. It now appears necessary if one wants to deal with communities’ complexity and further evaluate the impact of multiple hosts, multiple parasites and their interactions on their coevolution, species conservation and infectious diseases management

Desenvolvimento de petiscos para gatos: do produto ao mercado consumidor / Development of snacks for cats: from product to consumer market

Carneiro, Aline Duarte de Souza 18 September 2017 (has links)
O mercado de petisco para gato é pouco explorado tanto no meio acadêmico quanto pelas indústrias, pela sua complexidade, uma vez que os gatos são carnívoros restritos, o que torna o desenvolvimento de produtos mais difícil. Para maximizar a chance de sucesso, algumas estratégias para o lançamento de novo produto podem ser aplicadas, como a prospecção de mercado e os testes de palatabilidade (preferência e aceitabilidade). O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar estudo exploratório sobre o mercado de petiscos para gatos, desenvolver e testar dois biscoitos (um à base de farinha de trigo e outro à base de carne) com alta fibra para gatos através dos testes de aceitabilidade e preferência. Para isso, foi realizado uma prospecção de mercado, questionário foi aplicado (utilizando-se a mídia digital como veículo) em busca do perfil dos tutores, o perfil dos gatos e a opinião sobre petiscos para seus animais. Foram confeccionados dois tipos de biscoitos, um à base de farinha de trigo (acrescido de palatabilizante) e outro à base de carne. Para o teste de aceitabilidade e de preferência foram utilizados 32 gatos adultos, alocados em gaiolas metabólicas, por um período experimental de cinco dias consecutivos. No teste de aceitabilidade, os produtos foram fornecidos individualmente por três minutos, e no teste de preferência os produtos foram fornecidos simultaneamente, durante três minutos. O teste de prospecção de mercado obteve 127 respostas, distribuídas em 11 estados brasileiros, com predominância dos tutores do sexo feminino, de escolaridade de nível superior, poder aquisitivo médio e que consomem produtos com características funcionais. Em relação aos gatos, a maioria convivia com outros animais (maioria cães), foram adotados e não tinham raça definida (SRD). Com relação aos tutores, 60% compravam petiscos para seus gatos, e utilizavam como critério para compra a sequência, indicação veterinária, marca, preço, facilidade para encontrar, condição financeira. Os tutores estavam dispostos a experimentar novos produtos, desde que, sejam saudáveis. No teste de aceitabilidade, não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre o consumo dos biscoitos, sendo que 58,19% dos gatos consumiram o biscoito à base de carne e 59,32% consumiram o biscoito à base de farinha de trigo. No teste de preferência, não foi observado efeito (P>0,05) para a primeira escolha, sendo que a frequência de escolha de ambos foi de 59,05%. O mercado de alimentos para gatos é receptivo a novos produtos com apelo de funcionalidade, desde que apresente preço convidativo, de fácil acesso e seja aceito pelo gato. Gatos não diferenciaram os produtos à base de carne ou farinha de trigo, possibilitando a utilização de ambos. / The cat snack market is underexplored by both academics and industries because of its complexity, since cats are restricted carnivores, which makes the product development more difficult. In order to maximize the chance of success, some strategies to assist launching a new product can be applied, such as market prospecting and palatability testing (preference and acceptability). The aim of the present study was to conduct an exploratory study about the cat snack market to develop and test two biscuits (one based on wheat flour and another based on meat) with high fiber for cats through the tests of acceptability and preference. For this, a market survey was carried out, a questionnaire was applied (using the digital media as a vehicle) to seek the cat\'s profile, the tutor\'s profile, and opinion about snacks for their animals. It was made two types of biscuits, one based on wheat flour (with a palatabilizer) and another based on meat. For the acceptability and preference test, 32 adult cats, allocated in metabolic cages, were used for an experimental period of five consecutive days. For the acceptability test, the products were supplied individually for three minutes, and in the preference test the products were delivered simultaneously for three minutes. The market survey obtained 127 responses, distributed in 11 Brazilian states, predominantly female tutors, college-educated, medium purchasing power and who consume products with functional characteristics. In relation to cats, the majority lived with other animals (mostly dogs), were adopted and had no defined breed. With regard to the tutors, 60% bought snacks for their cats, and used as a criterion for purchase, the sequence: veterinary indication, brand, price, facility to find, financial condition. The tutors were willing to try new products as long as they are healthy. In the acceptability test, there was no difference (P>0.05) between the consumption of biscuits, and 58.19% of the cats consumed the biscuit based on meat, and 59.32% consumed the biscuit based on wheat flour. In the preference test, no effect (P>0.05) was observed for the first choice, and the frequency of choice of both biscuits was 59.05%. The cat food market is receptive to new products with appeal for functionality, whereas it offers an attractive price, easy access, and it is accepted by the cat. Cats did not differentiate products based on meat or wheat flour, allowing the use of both.

Estudo retrospectivo do hipertiroidismo em gatos domésticos no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de São Paulo (2002-2007) / Retrospective study of hyperthyroidism in domestic cats from the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Sao Paulo (2002-2007)

Taranti, Leila 16 July 2008 (has links)
O hipertiroidismo em felinos começou a ser diagnosticado a partir de 1979 e atualmente é uma endocrinopatia de grande ocorrência em muitos países. Devido a este fato, foi realizada a determinação dos hormônios tiroidianos (T3 e T4) dos felinos domésticos atendidos no HOVET/USP no período de 2002-2007. Foi utilizada a técnica de radioimunoensaio para a determinação de T4 total, T4 livre e T3 total. A amostragem compôs-se de 234 felinos, dois quais 26 (11,1%) foram diagnosticados com hipertiroidismo, pelo aumento de T4 total. Destes animais, apenas dois (7,7%) apresentavam suspeita para a doença na ocasião da consulta. Dentre as principais manifestações clínicas pôde-se observar: anorexia/disorexia, êmese, perda de peso, poliúria e polidipsia. Os valores de T4 livre e T3 total não foram significativos para o diagnóstico da doença neste estudo. A doença renal crônica foi observada em 46,2% dos felinos que apresentavam hipertiroidismo. Deve-se ter maior atenção ao exame físico do paciente felino idoso em relação à palpação da tiróide. / Recognised with a great occurence nowadays in many countries, hyperthyroidism in cats was first diagnosed in 1979. Due to this fact, thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) were measured in domestic felines assisted on the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of São Paulo - Brazil, during 2002 through 2007. Total T4, free T4 and total T3 values were obtained by a radioimmune assay. Samples of 234 felines were analysed, and 26 (11,1%) were diagnosed with hiperthyroidism, having an increased total T4. Hypethyroidism was suspected in only two (7,7%) animals of this group. Anorexia/disorexia, vomiting, weight loss, polyuria and polydipsia were the main clinical signs observed. In this study, free T4 and total T3 values were not significant in diagnosing the disease. Chronic renal failure was observed in 46,2% of the felines with hyperthyroidism. In conclusion, a low suspicion of hyperthyroidism by the clinitians was noticed and thyroid palpation during the physical exam of the elder feline may be deficient and omissive.

Métodos de imunoensaio não radiométricos - enzimaimunoensaio (EIA) - e radiométricos - radioimunoensaio (RIA) - na avaliação dos metabólitos fecais de glicocorticoides em gatos domésticos que vivem sozinhos e em pequenas colônias / Immuneassay non radiometric - Enzime immuneassay (EIA) and radiometric - Radioimmune assay (RIA) methods - evaluation of faecal glucocorticoids metabolites in singles housed cats and cats from small colonies

Fragoso, Priscila Luzia 11 July 2013 (has links)
A avaliação dos níveis de estresse nos animais tem importância tanto na área médica, econômica e de bem-estar, assim estudos vem sendo cada vez mais difundidos neste quesito. Os gatos são animais de companhia que tem progressivamente conquistado espaço no mundo moderno, dessa forma vem sendo mais observados e estudados, demonstrando-se bem mais sociais do que anteriormente se acreditava. Zelar pela qualidade de vida dos mesmos é dever do veterinário, e não somente pela questão médica em si mas também pelo bem-estar, já que se sabe, por exemplo, que condições estressantes podem levar a alterações orgânicas deletérias. A mensuração do cortisol, ou de seus metabólitos, tem sido utilizada para avaliar de forma fisiológica o bem-estar dos animais, tanto domésticos quanto selvagens. As técnicas para tal mensuração também vem sendo aperfeiçoadas, buscando-se assim ensaios mais precisos, seguros e baratos. No presente trabalho pretendemos comparar quantitativamente e qualitativamente dois imunoensaios radioimétrico (radioimunoensaio) e enzimático (enzimaimunoensaio) - utilizando amostras fecais de gatos domiciliados que vivem sozinhos ou em pequenas colônias. Sua importância deve-se ao uso de uma nova técnica, mais barata e segura, porém ainda pouco difundida no nosso país. / Evaluation of stress levels among animals has both medical and welfare importance and studies regarding this matter have been increasingly published. Cats are companion animals achieving a special position within modern societies they have been carefully observed and studied thus demonstrating that they are much more social than previously thought. Taking care of cats´ life quality is a veterinarian duty not only because it constitutes a medical issue per se but also due to its welfare implications: it is well known, for instance, that stressful conditions can lead to deleterious organic diseases. Measurement of cortisol levels (or its metabolites) has been used as a physiological parameter for investigating the welfare of both domestic and wild animals. Laboratory techniques used for such measurements have been under improvement in order to achieve more precise, safe and cheap assays. In the present study we aim at comparing quantitatively two assays radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay by using domestic cats faecal samples (single and in-group housed cats). The relevance of this study lays on the use of a pioneering technique, cheap and safe, besides the establishment of a scientific cooperation with a leading university´s laboratory one of the few existing which deals with faecal hormonal dosages.

Efeitos da adição de IgY anti Porphyromonas gingivalis na dieta sobre diferentes parâmetros bucais em gatos adultos acometidos por doença periodontal / Effects of addition of IgY against Porphyromonas gingivalis in oral diet on different parameters in adult cats suffering from periodontal disease

Oba, Patrícia Massae 10 June 2014 (has links)
A doença periodontal é o problema de saúde oral mais comum nos gatos adultos, cuja prevalência está estimada em até 70% dos animais. Dentre as principais etiologias, destaca-se a Porphyromonas gingivalis, importante patógeno frequentemente detectado em lesões ativas de periodontite. Nesse contexto, a imunoterapia associada ao emprego de imunoglobulinas anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis (IgY-PG) surge como alternativa promissora frente aos convencionais métodos preventivos e terapêuticos. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a eficácia da adição de IgY - PG em dietas extrusadas sobre diferentes parâmetros relacionados a saúde oral de gatos. Foram empregados 20 gatos adultos, sem raça definida, idade média de 7,92±1,98 anos e peso corporal médio de 4,55±1,11kg. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais de 10 gatos cada. O estudo seguiu delineamento crossover, com a duração de 40 dias em cada período experimental. Todos os animais foram previamente avaliados, para a confirmação da presença da PG na microbiota bucal pelo emprego de técnicas moleculares. Os parâmetros avaliados foram índice de placa, índice de cálculo, índice de gengivite e contagem bacteriana bucal nos momentos T0 e T40 dias após o início do estudo. Os animais alimentados com a dieta adicionada de IgY-PG apresentaram redução significativa dos índices de placa (P=0,05) e cálculo dentário (P= 0,06), achados que demonstram melhora da saúde oral dos gatos estudados. / Periodontal disease is the most common problem of oral health in adult cats, whose prevalence is estimated at up to 70% of the animals. Among the main causes, there is the Porphyromonas gingivalis, an important pathogen frequently detected in active lesions of periodontitis. In this context, immunotherapy associated with the use of IgY against - Porphyromonas gingivalis (IgY - PG) has emerged as a promising alternative to conventional preventive and therapeutic methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of adding IgY - PG in extruded diets on different parameters related to oral health in cats. Twenty adult cats, mixed breeds, with 7.92±1.98 years old and a mean body weight of 4.55±1.11 kg were used. The animals were divided into two groups of 10 cats each. The experiment followed crossover design, with each period lasting 40 days. All animals were previously evaluated to confirm the presence of PG in the oral microbiota by using molecular techniques. The parameters evaluated were plaque, calculus and gingivitis index, and oral bacterial count in times T0 and T40 days after the start of the study. Animals fed the diet added IgY - PG significant reduction of plaque index (P=0.05) and dental calculus (P=0.06), findings that demonstrate improved oral health of cats studied.

Avaliação citológica, histológica e imunoistoquímica do linfoma alimentar em felinos domésticos / Cytological, histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation of feline alimentary lymphoma

Barriga, Viviana Molero 10 July 2013 (has links)
O linfoma alimentar é a forma anatômica mais frequente nos felinos e é o tipo de neoplasia que mais acomete o intestino delgado nessa espécie. É caracterizado pela infiltração de células linfóides neoplásicas em órgãos do trato gastrointestinal, com ou sem comprometimento de linfonodos mesentéricos. Seu diagnóstico pode ser considerado desafiador em muitos casos, devido às manifestações clínicas muitas vezes inespecíficas e às limitações da citologia e histopatologia. A imunoistoquímica, embora ainda pouco difundida, pode ser utilizada para confirmar o diagnóstico de linfoma alimentar, bem como determinar o tipo celular predominante. Objetivando-se caracterizar o linfoma alimentar felino, foi realizado estudo utilizando-se 40 casos de gatos com diagnóstico de linfoma alimentar (grupo 1), confirmados por meio da imunoistoquímica, no qual se avaliou os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, citológicos, histológicos e imunoistoquímicos. Também foram avaliados 20 casos de felinos com doença inflamatória intestinal (grupo 2), confirmados segundo exame imunoistoquímico, quanto aos aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos. E com o intuito de verificar a acurácia diagnóstica relativa dos exames de citologia, histologia e imunoistoquímica, foram utilizados os resultados dessas análises de ambos os grupos. Foi observado entre os felinos com linfoma alimentar estudados uma média de idade de 10,8 anos e as manifestações clínicas de maior ocorrência foram emagrecimento (55%), êmese (40%) e alterações nas fezes (40%). Entre as alterações ultrassonográficas observadas, as mais prevalentes foram linfonodomegalia mesentérica (86,11%) e espessamento de alças intestinais (80,55%). A maioria dos felinos estudados apresentou sorologia negativa tanto para FIV quanto para FeLV e apenas 14,28% e 8,57% foram positivos para FIV e FeLV, respectivamente. A correlação entre citologia e imunoistoquímica apontou sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e negativo e razão de verossimilhança positiva e negativa de 93,3%, 65%, 66,6%, 92,85%, 2,65 e 0,10, respectivamente. O coeficiente de concordância Kappa de Cohen e a acurácia diagnóstica relativa foram de 0,55 e 77,14%, respectivamente. A correlação entre histopatologia e imunoistoquímica revelou sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e negativo e razão de verossimilhança positiva e negativa de 89,74%, 60%, 81,39%, 75%, 2,22 e 0,18, respectivamente. O coeficiente de concordância Kappa de Cohen e a acurácia diagnóstica relativa foram de 0,52 e 79,66%, respectivamente. A associação entre sorologia para FIV e FeLV e tipo celular do linfoma alimentar não pode ser observada. O presente estudo permitiu concluir que a combinação de citologia, histopatologia e imunoistoquímica é necessária para o correto diagnóstico de linfoma alimentar, e o tipo celular de maior ocorrência foi o de células T. / Alimentary lymphoma is the most common anatomical form of feline lymphoma and is the neoplasm which more affects small intestine of this specie. It is characterized by infiltration of the gastrointestinal tract with neoplastic lymphocytes, with or without mesenteric lymph nodes involvement. The diagnosis of this illness can be challenger in several cases because of unspecific clinical signs and cytological and histopathological limitations. Immunohistochemistry is required where these evaluations were not definitive in addition to establish the cell phenotype T or B lymphocyte. The aim of this study was to characterize feline alimentary lymphoma. For these purpose, 40 cats with a diagnosis of alimentary lymphoma (Group 1) by immunohistochemistry were evaluated clinical, epidemiological, cytological and histologically, in addition to immunophenotype of the neoplasm tissues. Relative accuracy was performed using the results of cytology, histopathology and immunohistochemistry evaluation of 20 cats with inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis. The average age of the cats with alimentary lymphoma was 10.8 years and weight loss (55%), vomiting (40%) and fecal alteration (40%) were the most common clinical signs. The most prevalent ultrasonography abnormalities were mesenteric lymph nodes enlargement (86.11%) and intestinal wall thickening (80.55%). The majority of alimentary lymphoma cats were FIV and FeLV negative and 14.28% and 8.57% were FIV and FeLV positives, respectively. The cytology and immunohistochemistry correlation presents sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratio tests of 93.3%, 65%, 66.6%, 92.85%, 2.65 and 0.10, respectively. The Cohen´s kappa test and the relative accuracy were 0.55 and 77.14%, respectively. The histopathology and immunohistochemistry correlation presents sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, positive and negative likelihood ratio tests of 89.74%, 60%, 81.39%, 75%, 2.22 and 0.18, respectively. The Cohen´s kappa test and the relative accuracy were 0.52 and 79.66%, respectively. Association of FIV and FeLV result tests and alimentary lymphoma phenotype was not observed. In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that cytology, histology and immunohistochemistry combination is necessary for a correct diagnosis, and T cell alimentary lymphoma is the most common phenotype.

Estruturação e padronização do banco de sangue para felinos no hospital veterinário da Universidade de São Paulo / Structuring and standardization of feline blood bank at the veterinary hospital of São Paulo University

Botteon, Karin Denise 18 December 2012 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, registra-se um importante crescimento da população felina no Brasil semelhante ao que vem ocorrendo nos países desenvolvidos. Desta forma, houve uma elevação considerável do diagnóstico de doenças oncológicas e infecciosas em decorrência da maior sobrevida desta espécie. Consequentemente, os casos de anemias, coagulopatias e hipoproteinemias vem aumentando acompanhando esta evolução requisitando como tratamento suporte a transfusão sanguínea. As pesquisas na área de medicina transfusional nesta espécie são escassas no Brasil com ausência de artigos que documentem a implantação de bancos de sangue. Assim sendo, o projeto teve como objetivos: a viabilização do banco de sangue de gatos com a comparação de três métodos de coleta de bolsas de sangue em doadores felinos em sistema fechado, determinação dos grupos sanguíneos de raças puras e sem raça definidas de gatos domésticos mais comuns no Estado de São Paulo e avaliação do protocolo de sedação para doadores felinos. Para determinação do método de coleta foram empregados 45 gatos doadores de diferentes raças distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos de 15 animais cada. Nos animais do Grupo 1 a coleta de sangue foi realizada através de \"kit\" comercial importado com sistema de seringa; no Grupo 2 a coleta de sangue foi realizada pelo método gravitacional empregando-se para tanto bolsas de sangue manufaturadas a partir de bolsas destinadas a transferência de sangue humano e no Grupo 3 empregou-se a mesma metodologia do Grupo 2, mas com uso do aparelho a vácuo. Os diferentes grupos foram cotejados quanto ao tempo para realização de cada coleta, valor de hematócrito e de pressão arterial antes e depois da coleta, e praticidade do sistema. Em relação à tipagem sanguínea foram utilizados 220 gatos e a análise do tipo sanguíneo foi realizada por meio do teste de aglutinação rápida em cartão importados (Rapid Vet, DMS laboratories). Para a sedação dos doadores empregou-se protocolo composto pela associação de acepromazina, diazepam e midazolam administrados pela via intramuscular. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos a análise estatística. Como resultados verificou-se que a melhor técnica de coleta de sangue no que tange a praticidade de coleta foi o sistema de coleta com seringa, principalmente pela disponibilidade de materiais semelhantes nacionais, permitindo a montagem e esterilização do sistema sem necessidade de importação. A associação proposta para a sedação não acarretou diminuição significativa da pressão arterial com exceção no grupo de animais nos quais se empregou o aparelho a vácuo (grupo 3) para a retirada de sangue nos quais se verificou valores significativamente menores de pressão arterial quando comparados ao grupo 2. Tanto a frequência cardíaca quanto a respiratória, mantiveram-se estáveis durante o estudo. O grau de sedação obtido foi considerado adequado para a manipulação dos animais permitindo a doação de sangue excetuando-se 5 animais, excluídos do estudo. Com relação a tipagem sanguínea verificou-se que 204 gatos (92,7% ) eram do tipo A, 14 gatos (6,4%) eram do tipo B e apenas 2 gatos (0,9% ) do tipo AB. Os gatos sem raça definida demonstraram prevalência de 95% (62/65) de sangue do tipo A e 5% (3/65) do tipo B. Entre as raças testadas, os da raça Ragdoll foram os que apresentaram maior prevalência do tipo sanguíneo B e AB (16,7% ou 3/18 e 5,5% ou 1/18, respectivamente). Os gatos da raça Persa tiveram prevalência de 7,6 % (4/53) do sangue tipo B e 92,4% (49/53) do sangue tipo A, enquanto que os gatos da raça Maine Coon apresentaram prevalência do tipo B de 6,9% (4/58) e AB 1,7% (1/58). Os gatos da raça Britsh Shorthair, tiveram 100% (26/26) de prevalência do tipo A. Estes dados enfatizam a necessidade da realização da tipagem sanguínea, tendo-se em vista a importante diferença entre as raças. / The Brazilian feline population has increased considerably in the last few years following the same trend that has already occurred in developed countries. This growth leads to improvement in the diagnosis of some important diseases such as oncologic and infections processes. As a consequence, cases of anemia, coagulopathies and hypoproteinemias have become more common requiring blood transfusion. Researches in feline transfusion medicine in Brazil are still reduced, lacking scientific papers about blood banks in general. The objective of this project was to create a cat blood bank in order to research comparative closed blood collection systems in cats, determination of blood group prevalence in domestic cats of different pure and mixed breeds in São Paulo state, and finally to establish the safest and most appropriate anesthesic protocol for feline donors. Forty-five cats were enrolled in the study of blood collection system. The cats were divided in tree groups with 15 animals each. All cats were anesthetized with the same protocol, an association of acepromazine, butorphanol and diazepam given by intramuscular injection. In the first group, we performed a blood collection using a imported kit with serynge (from Animal Blood Resources International); The group 2, were submitted to the blood collection by gravity using manufactured pediatric transfer human bags with afferesis needle (similar as used by Penn\'s Blood Bank, University of Pennsylvania) and the group 3, the collection was performed with the same bags as group 2, but the collection used a vaccum chamber equipament. All groups were analysed concerning the collection time, hematocrit and arterial blood pressure before and after the collection. We also evaluetd the practicality of each system. Regarding the blood typing of cats, 220 cats were selected and the test was performed by using blood cards (Rapid Vet Feline DMS laboratories). All results were submitted to statistical analysis. The blood collection system more viable considering practicality was the syring kit, since there is nacional materials available in the country in order to manufacture it in the future. The anesthesic protocol was a good choice since there was no significant impact on arterial blood pressure or hematocrit of the donors, except in the group 3, when comparing with the group 2, had lower arterial blood pressure after collection. The sedation status was adequate and the animals allowed manipulation and the collection procedure, exception by 5 cats whose were excluded from the study. Frequencies of blood types A, B and AB were 92,7% (204/220), 6,4% (14/220) and 0,9% (2/220), respectively. The mixed breed cats shown a prevalence of 95% type A and 5% type B. Regarding the pure breed cats, the Ragdoll have shown the highest prevalence of B and AB blood types (16,7% e 5,5%, respectively). The Persian cats were 92,4% type A and 7,6 % type B blood and the Maine Coons shown a prevalence of 6,9% and 1,7% of B and AB blood types. Britsh Shorthair, were all type A blood. This prevalence study shown the importance of blood type for cats, especially in pure breed cats.

CD8+ T cell antiviral activity: mechanism of induction and the suppression of emerging feline immunodeficiency virus strains

Phadke, Anagha 17 September 2007 (has links)
In the present studies, the essential role of inducer cells for the induction of soluble anti-viral activity against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) was investigated. Induction of suppression of FIV replication was found to not strictly require autologous cells and was probably not FIV specific. Suppression was maximum when the inducer cells and the effector CD8+ T cells were in contact with each other, suggesting a potential role for membrane antigen interactions and/or cytokines in the induction process. Additionally, flow cytometry analysis demonstrated a significant increase in the percentage of CD8+ B7-1+ T cells in the peripheral blood of chronically FIV infected cats as compared with uninfected cats. Examination of the FIV V3-V4 envelope sequences from PBMC, lymph nodes and spleen from six cats chronically infected from three to six years with the molecular clone of FIV-PPR did not demonstrate viral variants specific for the tissues examined, emphasizing the critical role of the initial diversity and virulence of the infecting virus inoculum. Additionally, in vitro CD8+ T cell antiviral activity demonstrated by four of the six cats could have led to the control of virus replication in vivo, resulting in the uniform viral variants observed. Infection of specific pathogen free cats with FIV-TX53, an FIV isolate that belongs to an emerging subtype more closely related to FIV clade B, demonstrated an acute stage infection characterized by lymphoadenopathy and a viral dose dependent decline of CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratios below 1 by 11 weeks post infection. Interestingly, an expansion of CD8 low population of CD8+ T cells was observed in the infected cats. The soluble antiviral activity generated from inducer T cell stimulated CD8+ T cells from FIV-A-PPR infected cats also suppressed in vitro replication of the emerging FIV-TX53 and FIV-TX078 isolates. This is the first report demonstrating that the CD8+ T cell antiviral activity is inter-clade effective among FIV strains. As the success of a FIV vaccine could be hampered by occurrence of highly divergent viral variants in the fields, the exploitation of this innate, soluble anti-FIV activity could contribute to the design of novel, safe and complementary anti-FIV therapeutic strategies.

CD8+ T cell antiviral activity: mechanism of induction and the suppression of emerging feline immunodeficiency virus strains

Phadke, Anagha 17 September 2007 (has links)
In the present studies, the essential role of inducer cells for the induction of soluble anti-viral activity against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) was investigated. Induction of suppression of FIV replication was found to not strictly require autologous cells and was probably not FIV specific. Suppression was maximum when the inducer cells and the effector CD8+ T cells were in contact with each other, suggesting a potential role for membrane antigen interactions and/or cytokines in the induction process. Additionally, flow cytometry analysis demonstrated a significant increase in the percentage of CD8+ B7-1+ T cells in the peripheral blood of chronically FIV infected cats as compared with uninfected cats. Examination of the FIV V3-V4 envelope sequences from PBMC, lymph nodes and spleen from six cats chronically infected from three to six years with the molecular clone of FIV-PPR did not demonstrate viral variants specific for the tissues examined, emphasizing the critical role of the initial diversity and virulence of the infecting virus inoculum. Additionally, in vitro CD8+ T cell antiviral activity demonstrated by four of the six cats could have led to the control of virus replication in vivo, resulting in the uniform viral variants observed. Infection of specific pathogen free cats with FIV-TX53, an FIV isolate that belongs to an emerging subtype more closely related to FIV clade B, demonstrated an acute stage infection characterized by lymphoadenopathy and a viral dose dependent decline of CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratios below 1 by 11 weeks post infection. Interestingly, an expansion of CD8 low population of CD8+ T cells was observed in the infected cats. The soluble antiviral activity generated from inducer T cell stimulated CD8+ T cells from FIV-A-PPR infected cats also suppressed in vitro replication of the emerging FIV-TX53 and FIV-TX078 isolates. This is the first report demonstrating that the CD8+ T cell antiviral activity is inter-clade effective among FIV strains. As the success of a FIV vaccine could be hampered by occurrence of highly divergent viral variants in the fields, the exploitation of this innate, soluble anti-FIV activity could contribute to the design of novel, safe and complementary anti-FIV therapeutic strategies.

Mechanisms of fibrosis in feline chronic kidney disease

Chakrabarti, Shubro January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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