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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


FERNANDO GOMES MATTAR 21 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese é composta de três capítulos. Nos dois primeiros, eu estudo como decisões de fertilidade e a presença de filhos no domicílio afetam a oferta de trabalho das mulheres na margem intensiva e sua alocação entre diferentes tipos de trabalho: formal, informal e conta-própria. Tal análise é feita utilizando dados do mercado de trabalho brasileiro, devido à relativa rigidez da legislação trabalhista no Brasil, a alta prevalência de trabalho informal e a escassez de empregos com jornada em meio-período no setor formal. No primeiro capítulo, eu especifico um modelo dinâmico de escolha discreta, em forma reduzida, para a decisão sequencial de oferta de mão-de-obra e trabalho no setor formal. O modelo é estimado utilizando dados longitudinais da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua de 2012 a 2017. Os resultados mostram que, entre as mulheres com educação secundária ou inferior, as variáveis observadas de fertilidade são endógenas com respeito à decisão de trabalhar no setor formal e a presença de filhos no domicílio tem um impacto negativo sobre a probabilidade de ter um emprego formal condicional à participação no mercado de trabalho. Nenhum efeito desta natureza é encontrado para as mulheres com ensino superior completo. Em face destes resultados, no capítulo seguinte eu desenvolvo um modelo estrutural estimável de decisões de oferta de trabalho e fertilidade no ciclo de vida. Este modelo é estimado com dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios e da Pesquisa Mensal do Emprego de 2002 a 2015. São realizados exercícios contrafactuais utilizando o modelo estimado de modo a isolar o efeito da fertilidade sobre a informalidade entre as mulheres e para analisar os efeitos de equilíbrio parcial de se aumentar a disponibilidade de trabalho meio-período no setor formal e de se aumentar a duração de licença maternidade. No terceiro capítulo, eu proponho uma nova abordagem ao problema de condições iniciais em modelos dinâmicos de escolha binária com heterogeneidade individual não-observada. Eu avalio o desempenho deste método utilizando dados artificiais e mostro que seu desempenho é satisfatório relativamente a outras abordagens existentes. / [en] This thesis is comprised of three chapters. In the first two I analyze how fertility decisions and the presence of young children in the household affect the labor supply of women on the intensive margin and their labor market allocation across different types of work such as formal, informal and self-employment. To do so, I use Brazilian data, motivated by the relative rigidity of the labor legislation in Brazil, the high prevalence of informal work and the scarcity of part-time jobs in the formal sector. In the first chapter I specify a reduced-form, dynamic discrete choice model of sequential labor supply decisions in two margins, labor force participation and work in the formal sector. I use longitudinal household survey data representative of the Brazilian population for the years 2012-2017 to estimate the model. The results show that, among low-education women, observed fertility is endogenous with respect to the decision to work in the formal sector, and that the presence of children in the household has a significant negative effect on the probability of having a formal job conditional on labor force participation. No such evidence is found for college-educated women. In light of these results, in the following chapter I develop an estimable structural model of life-cycle labor supply and fertility decisions and estimate it using data for the years 2002-2015. I then perform counterfactuals on the estimated model in order to isolate the effect of fertility on female labor market informality and to show the partial equilibrium effects of increasing the availability of part-time work in the formal sector and of increasing the duration of maternity leave. In the third chapter, I present a new approach to handle the initial conditions problem in dynamic binary choice models with individual unobserved heterogeneity. I assess the performance of my method relative to existing approaches using a set of simulation experiments and show that it displays relatively better precision and only slightly worse accuracy.

Changes in Workplaces and Careers

Håkanson, Christina January 2013 (has links)
Organizational Change and Productivity Growth − Evidence from Sweden This paper uses two different firm level surveys matched with employer-employee data to investigate both determinants and effects of different types of organizational change. The results support the competition hypothesis for inducing organizational change. Among the four measures of organizational change investigated in this paper, only delayering shows significant effects on subsequent productivity growth. Firms and Skills: The Evolution of Worker Sorting We document a significant increase in sorting by both cognitive and non-cognitive skill from 1986 to 2008 using data for 28 cohorts of Swedish men. The skill differences within firms have fallen in all major industries while differences in skill between firms have increased. Two main factors drive the increase in sorting. First, workers in high-skilled occupations, such as engineers, have moved to the IT and telecom industries. Second, assortative matching of workers by skill has become more positive. Trading Off or Having it All? Completed Fertility and Mid-career Earnings of Swedish Men and Women Earnings in mid-career and children are two fundamental outcomes of the life-choices of men and women. This paper explores how these outcomes have changed for Swedish men and women born 1945−1962 by documenting changes in education, assortative mating patterns, completed fertility and mid-career earnings and also how the association between children and earnings has changed over time. Solving the Puzzle − Hours Constraints, Technical Change and Female Labor Supply This paper extends the standard theory of labor supply to incorporate an important ingredient in the labor supply decision of today's women: the role of flexibility and time constraints. Using a life-cycle model, I formalize the notion that as technology allows jobs to become more flexible, time constrained individuals can supply more hours and may therefore find it attractive to opt for a more demanding career.

Immigrant Domestic Women Workers In Ankara And Istanbul

Celik, Nihal 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on the relationship between global economy and women&rsquo / s labor within a feminist standpoint by examining the personal and occupational experiences of immigrant women doing domestic work in Turkey. The main concern of this study is to investigate how working and living experiences of immigrant domestic women workers in Turkey are shaped by their illegal worker and immigrant status. The aim of this study is to listen to the personal experiences of immigrant domestic women workers from themselves, and understand their working conditions and social life experiences in Turkey. There emerged a trend in trading domestic workers between the poor and rich countries since 1990s where many parties, including governments, illegal recruitment agencies, and individual employers benefited. The high unemployment, poverty, shortfalls in living standards, and loss of government-sponsored public services due to the IMF policies implemented by the governments of developing countries severely affected poor and women. For their family survival, women of developing countries forced to migrate in order to seek domestic work in richer countries, where there is a high demand of middle class women for domestic workers. On the other hand, since domestic work is devalued as informal work, policy-makers do not pay sufficient attention, and provide a legal framework regulating the recruitment process and protecting the rights of immigrant domestic women workers. Therefore, immigrant domestic women workers are in a vulnerable position and open to exploitation due to their illegal and immigrant status. Turkey has been one of the domestic worker exporting countries since early 1990s mostly from post-Soviet countries. However, she neither has bilateral agreements with the sending countries nor a legal framework protecting the rights of immigrant domestic women workers. Hence, immigrant women are subject to arbitrary treatment and exploitation both in their workplace and outside, and remained invisible.

Changing Role of Women in the Economic Development of Taiwan / Changing Role of Women in the Economic Development of Taiwan

Shen, Yu-Ting January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of the thesis was to discover the relation between Taiwan economic development and women position with respect to the analysis of trade liberalization in Taiwan (especially after 1990) and its influence on Taiwanese economic status of women and their opportunity to participate in trade. The thesis uses descriptive analysis which is one of the quantitative method as a mean to interpret the selected data to discuss the changing role of women in the economic development of Taiwan. The conclusions from the thesis are as follows. The economic development of Taiwan has placed women at the important position. In just fifty years, Taiwan has experienced rapid economic development, which transformed the industrial structure to the service sector. After becoming officially a member of WTO in 2002, the female labor participation rate has continued to grow year by year up to more than 50% till today and most of the women participate in the service sector. Till 2014, average hourly payment of men has been 15% higher than the one of women, though the women reached higher level of education.The rising women position in the society affects that women not only postpone the age of getting married and having a baby, but also the fertility rate has been reduced to 1.1 in Taiwan.

An ecological examination of dropout rates and multiple level measures of social integration in Mississippi school districts 2005-2008: does career and technical education play a part?

Walker, Jacob Travis 11 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to conduct an ecological examination of the relationship between social integration and dropout rates at the school and community level, and the role of career and technical education in this relationship. This paper also attempts to determine if this relationship changes depending on how urbanicity is operationalized. This study adds to the existing research concerning the ecological relationships between dropout rates, community social integration, school social integration, and urbanicity in Mississippi. Three-year averaged event dropout rates for 2005-2008, multiple community and school measures of social integration, and three different operationalizations of urbanicity were used. Some expected relationships were found to be true while others indicate that social integration at both the school and community level are so intertwined in their effects on dropout rates that no clear pattern emerges. The varying results related to the role of urbanicity in this study provide support for the need to further examine the concepts of community and location as factors that impact educational outcomes such as dropping out of school. This is particularly important when one considers that most educational policies that are implemented in a state tend to be overarching treating school districts no matter what size they are the same. This study also highlights that there are factors that impact what one would traditionally expect to find in the relationship between dropout rates and social integration that do not hold true. For example, an inverse relationship between dropout rates and local funding was expected, but in this study the relationship was found to be positive. One possible explanation for this is related to the fact that local taxes for schools are mandated by the county government and not voted on by the people. This changes the theoretical expectations of this relationship leading to possibly false assumptions.

Analyse des déterminants de l'offre du travail des femmes en milieu urbain sénégalais / Analysis of the determinants of female labor supply in senegalese urban area

Faye, Abdou Diop 16 March 2012 (has links)
L‟objectif de toute analyse économique sur l‟offre de travail, est en général, de mieux cerner les problématiques liées à l‟emploi permettant de décliner des politiques en direction du marché du travail. Cette thèse n‟échappe pas à cet objectif bien qu‟elle soit orientée vers les femmes. A partir des analyses développées dans cette thèse, nous avons apporté un nouvel éclairage sur les facteurs déterminants qui poussent ou empêchent la femme sénégalaise à intégrer le marché du travail. Les approches théoriques développées, nous ont conduit à considérer la nature des relations conjugales, les différentes perceptions du travail et des obligations familiales correspondants à différents types de comportements féminins d‟offre de travail. Le comportement d‟offre de travail de la femme sénégalaise est ainsi influencé par des caractéristiques individuelles telles que l‟âge, le niveau d‟éducation, et des caractéristiques familiales courantes telles que la présence d‟enfant(s) de moins de 5ans dans le ménage, la présence d‟un conjoint (statut matrimonial), le revenu du conjoint, la taille du ménage, le statut monétaire matérialisé par la pauvreté, le versement de transferts à des descendants ou ascendants.Par le biais de la modélisation logistique dichotomique et multinomiale, nous avons montré que le niveau d‟éducation est positivement corrélé à la participation des femmes sur le marché du travail et constitue de surcroît, un ticket d‟entrée dans le secteur public. Contrairement au statut matrimonial (être mariée), la présence d‟enfants de moins de 5 ans et le revenu du conjoint ne semblent pas être un obstacle à l‟intégration des femmes sur le marché du travail, mais cette présence d‟enfant semble orienter les sénégalaises vers le secteur informel au détriment des autres secteurs (public et privé formel). Ce qui est souvent motivé par les conditions de travail plus flexibles dans ce secteur permettant aux femmes de concilier activités économiques et obligations familiales. Par ailleurs, les femmes appartenant aux ménages pauvres semblent être plus disposer à offrir du travail que celles appartenant aux ménages non pauvres, mais elles ont moins de chances d‟être dans le secteur public, le secteur privé formel et dans une moindre mesure dans les ambassades et ONG que dans l‟informel par rapport à celles qui ne sont pas pauvres. / The objective of any economic analysis of the elabor supply is generally to better understand issues related to employment allowing formulating policies towards the labor market. This thesis is not an exception to this objective although it focuses exclusively on women. From the analysis of the present thesis, we have shed new light on the main factors driving or inhibiting the senegalese woman to enter the labor market. The theoretical approaches developed have led us to consider the nature of marital relationships, the different perceptions of work and family obligations corresponding to different types of female behavior of labor supply. Through a dicotomous and multinomial logit model, we have shown that the behavior of labor supply of senegalese women is influenced by individual characteristics such as the age and education level, and standard family characteristics such as the presence of under 5 years old child/children in the household, the presence of a spouce (marital status), the income of the spouse, the householf size, the monetary status indicated by the poverty, the remittances to descendants or ascendants.

County level suicide rates and social integration: urbanicity and its role in the relationship

Walker, Jacob Travis 05 May 2007 (has links)
This study adds to the existing research concerning ecological relationships between suicide rates, social integration, and urbanicity in the U.S. Age-sex-race adjusted five-year averaged suicide rates for 1993-1997 and various measures of urbanicity are used. Some proposed relationships held true, while others indicate that social integration and urbanicity are so intertwined in their effects on suicide that no clear, unidirectional pattern emerges. The religious affiliation measure captured unique variations in the role religion plays in this relationship; depending on how urbanicity was measured. Findings suggest closer attention needs to be paid to how both urbanicity and religious affiliation are measured. Overall, vast regional variation exists in suicide rates and the role of urbanization can be misunderstood if not properly specified.

Economic consequences of motherhood - the role of job disamenities

Felfe, Andrea Christina 15 July 2008 (has links)
Esta tesis evalúa el papel de las características no deseadas del trabajo - llamadas disamenities - en el contexto del balance entre trabajo y familia. Particularmente, se plantean las siguientes preguntas: ¿es el descenso en el salario de las mujeres luego del nacimiento del primer hijo - llamado child penalty - acompañado por una reducción simultánea en las disamenities?; ¿cuánto salario están dispuestas las madres a sacrificar para reducir las disamenities?; ¿las disamenities propias del trabajo de las madres tienen algún efecto sobre el desarrollo cognitivo de sus hijos? En el capitulo I se describe empíricamente como las características del trabajo de las madres cambian luego del nacimiento del primer hijo y se testea la hipótesis de que si el child penalty se puede explicar como un diferencial salarial compensatorio. En el capitulo II se estima la disposición marginal a pagar de las madres para reducir las disamenities. La estrategia de identificación está basada en la baja por maternidad, la cual constituye un contexto que permite modelar más cabalmente la decisión sobre la participación laboral; y por consiguiente, mejora la metodología existente para estimar la disposición marginal a pagar por parte de las madres. Finalmente, en el capitulo III se investiga el impacto de las disamenities del trabajo de las madres sobre el desarrollo infantil. / This dissertation evaluates the role of job disamenities - job characteristics disliked by workers - in the context of work-family balance. In particular, the following questions are raised. Is the decrease in mothers' wages around first childbirth - the so-called child penalty - accompanied by a simultaneous reduction in job disamenities? How much wage are mothers willing to sacrifice in order to reduce job disamenities? Do disamenities involved in mothers' occupations go on to affect parenting behaviour and as a result harm children's cognitive development? Chapter I provides empirical evidence for changes in maternal working conditions around first childbirth and tests the hypothesis if the child penalty can be explained by a compensating wage differential? Chapter II estimates mothers' marginal willingness to pay to reduce job disamenities. The identification strategy relies on the framework of maternal leave, a setting which allows us to model mothers' decision to join the labor force accurately and hence to improve on the existing methodology to estimate the marginal willingness to pay. Chapter III investigates how disamenities involved in mothers' occupation go on to affect children's cognitive outcomes.

Stability of fertility preferences and intentions : A new angle on studying fertility behavior in Germany

Spath, Antonia January 2018 (has links)
Prevailing low fertility rates in several European states, such as Germany, have been studied widely in recent years. Findings include discrepancies between fertility preference and actual family size as well as between fertility intentions and fertility behavior; an ‘unmet need’ for children found on the individual and the societal level. Fertility preference is specified as the individual ideal number of children, and fertility intentions as the long- or short-term plans to have a child. Apart from investigating the rates of realization, these measures have been understudied. The objective of this study is to illuminate a new angle of low fertility rates in Germany by reviewing fertility measures previously considered to be stable predictors of fertility behavior. The aim is to investigate the stability of fertility preferences and of positive short-term fertility intentions of Germans in their reproductive age. According to the Theory of Planned Behavior and the life-course perspective, attitudes and experiences can influence fertility preferences and short-term fertility intentions. In this study, the suspected connection between unstable preferences and intentions and certain attitudes towards and experiences with the career, working life, and childcare situation is examined. These processes are expected to differ between men and women, and between childless individuals, parents with one child and parents with more than one child. Using data from seven survey waves of the German family panel pairfam, fixed-effects and random-effects regression models are run separately for women and men and for those of different parities. The results suggest that those with high career importance and those who expect or perceive a negative effect of children on the career are more likely to have unstable positive intentions. Although fertility preferences are shown to be somewhat unstable, no relevant relationships can be found. The differences between the findings on men and women regarding relevant determinants and direction of the relationships are unexpectedly small. Childless individuals are as likely to hold unstable preferences and intentions as parents.

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