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Dynamique structurelle ultra-rapide lors de la transition solide-plasma dense et tiède produite par laser / Ultrafast structural dynamics during the laser-driven solid-warm dense plasma transitionLeguay, Pierre-Marie 19 December 2013 (has links)
La matière dense et tiède (WDM pour Warm Dense Matter) est caractérisée par des températures proches de celle de Fermi et des densités proches du solide. Cette thèse présente des études expérimentales de la WDM éventuellement hors équilibre électron-ion, à l'aide de la spectroscopie d'absorption X près des seuils (XANES) résolue en temps. Nous avons développé un dispositif expérimental de XANES résolu en temps, basé sur un spectromètre à deux cristaux de Bragg, qui permet d'obtenir d'une part le signal émis par la source X utilisée, et d'autre part le signal transmis à travers un échantillon fin d'aluminium. La comparaison de ces deux grandeurs permet de mesurer l'absorption absolue de l'échantillon. L'échantillon est excité par un faisceau laser ultra-bref afin d'atteindre les conditions thermodynamiques attendues.Le dépôt laser étant réalisé sur les électrons de l'échantillon, les ions restent froids pendant l'interaction. L'équilibration thermique qui suit a une durée attendue de l'ordre de quelques picosecondes. Lors d'une première expérience, nous avons étudié la dynamique des transitions de phase subies par une feuille d'aluminium de 100 nm d'épaisseur, chauffée par un laser de 120 fs, avec un flux relativement élevé (6 J/cm²). La transition solide-liquide a lieu sur une échelle de temps plus faible que la résolution (environ 3 ps). La transition liquide-vapeur atomique a lieu après une vingtaine de picosecondes, en accord avec des simulations hydrodynamiques. Afin d'observer plus précisément la transition solide-liquide, nous avons réalisé une seconde expérience avec des flux plus faibles (< 1J/cm²). La feuille d'aluminium reste dans un état localement structuré aux temps longs. L'observation de la diminution progressive des modulations XANES, correspondant à une perte partielle d'ordre local, permet de déterminer la dynamique de l'augmentation de la température ionique. La comparaison des résultats expérimentaux avec des simulations hydrodynamiques, et de dynamique moléculaire quantique, a montré que le XANES est un diagnostic pertinent de la température ionique pendant et au delà de la fusion, permettant de suivre l'équilibration thermique électrons-ions. Nous avons constaté un temps caractéristique de l'équilibration significativement plus long qu'attendu, ce qui questionne la détermination du taux de collisions électrons-ions dans le régime dense et tiède. Ce même diagnostic a été exploité lors de deux expériences où nous avons étudié la silice comprimée par un choc laser jusqu'à des densités atteignant plus de deux fois celle du solide. Nous avons ainsi pu suivre l'évolution des structures électronique et ionique de la silice. Pour obtenir une meilleure résolution temporelle, nous avons réalisé deux autres expériences en utilisant une source X bêtatron et un laser X à électrons libres. La faisabilité d'expériences de XANES avec des résolutions femtosecondes a ainsi été démontrée. / Warm Dense Matter (WDM) is characterized by temperatures near the Fermi one and densities close to the solid. Experimental studies of WDM eventually out of electron-ion equilibrium are presented in this thesis with the help of time-resolved X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy(XANES).We have developed a time-resolved XANES set-up, based on a two-Bragg-crystals spectrometer, allowing to record in one hand the X-ray source emitted signal, and in the other hand the transmitted one through a thin aluminum sample. The absolute absorption of the sample is measured comparing these two signals. The aluminum sample is heated by an ultrafast laser beam in order to reach the required thermodynamical conditions. Note that the energy is deposited on the electrons, whereas the ions keep cold during the interaction. The thermal equilibration follows with an expected picosecond time scale. We performed a first experiment with the aim of studying the phase transitions undergone by a 100 nm depth aluminum foil, heated with a 120fs laser with a high fluence (6 J/cm²). The solid-liquid transition occurs on a time-scale shorter than the experimental resolution (about 3 ps). Le liquid-vapor transition occurs after about 20 ps, consistent with hydrodynamical simulations. In order to study more precisely the solid-liquid transition, we performed a second experiment with the same set-up but lower laser fluences (< 1 J/cm²). The aluminum foil stays in a locally-structured state even after long delays. The dynamics of the ionic temperature increase can be followed watching the progressive lessening of XANES modulations, corresponding to a partial decrease of the local order. Then one can reach the thermal electron-ion equilibration dynamics. The comparison of experimental data with hydrodynamics and quantum molecular dynamics simulations have revealed the relevance of XANES measurements in order to follow the ionic temperature during and above melting. The precision of the measurements allow to notice a significantly longer equilibration time-scale than expected, questioning the electron-ion collision rate determination in the warm dense regime. The same diagnostic has been operated during two experiments in order to study laser-shock compressed silica up to densities doubling the solid one. We have been able to follow the evolution of the electronic and ionic structures of silica. In order to reach a shorter time resolution, we performed experiments with two other X-ray sources : betatron and a X-ray free electron laser. The feasibility of femtosecond time-resolved XANES experiments have been demonstrated.
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Dispositifs expérimentaux pour la caractérisation spatio-temporelle de chaines laser femtosecondes haute-puissance / Experimental devices for the spatiotemporal characterization of femtosecond high-power laser chainsGallet, Valentin 26 September 2014 (has links)
Un des avantages des lasers femtosecondes de haute puissance (TW-PW) est de pouvoir obtenir, au foyer d'une optique focalisante, des intensités très élevées atteignant jusqu'à 10^22W.cm^-2 soit un champ électrique de 2.7 PV.m^-1. Pour cela, ces chaînes lasers délivrent nécessairement des faisceaux de grands diamètres (jusqu'à 40 cm) et des impulsions très courtes (de l'ordre de la dizaine de femtosecondes). En conséquence, les propriétés spatiales et temporelles de l'impulsion ne sont généralement pas indépendantes. Ce type de dépendance, appelée couplage spatio-temporel, a pour conséquence d'augmenter la durée d'impulsion et la taille de la tache focale, ce qui peut conduire à une diminution notable de l'intensité maximale au foyer. Les dispositifs de métrologie couramment utilisés sur ces chaînes lasers femtosecondes de haute puissance ne permettent de mesurer les profils spatial et temporel de l'impulsion que de façon indépendante.L'objectif de cette thèse était de développer des techniques permettant de mesurer les couplages spatio-temporels afin de pouvoir quantifier leur effet et de les corriger dans l'optique d'obtenir l'intensité maximale au foyer. Ainsi, nous avons tout d'abord adapté une technique de caractérisation spatio-temporelle existante à la mesure de lasers TW. Afin d'éviter les contraintes induites au foyer, comme celles liées aux fluctuations de pointé, les mesures ont été réalisées sur le faisceau collimaté. Ajouter une source de référence en parallèle du dispositif initial, nous a aussi permis de prendre en compte les artéfacts de mesure dus aux variations thermiques et mécaniques affectant l'interféromètre. Grâce à cette amélioration, il est possible de reconstruire le profil spatio-temporel complet du faisceau, en particulier son front d'onde.Cependant, les limitations induites par cette technique, nous ont conduit à développer un nouveau dispositif de mesure. Basé sur une corrélation croisée, cette technique consiste à faire interférer le faisceau laser à caractériser avec une partie de ce dernier, suffisamment petite pour ne pas être distordue spatio-temporellement. Nous avons également mis en œuvre une variante de ce dispositif permettant une mesure mono-coup selon une dimension transverse de l'impulsion.A l'aide de ces différentes techniques, nous avons pu caractériser, pour la première fois, plusieurs chaînes lasers TW. Les mesures réalisées ont mis en lumière l'existence de couplages spatio-temporels résiduels conduisant à une baisse significative de l'intensité pic au foyer. Ces résultats montrent qu'il est indispensable de caractériser spatio-temporellement des chaînes lasers femtosecondes de haute puissance dans l'optique d'obtenir l'intensité maximale au foyer. / One of the advantages of high-power femtosecond lasers (TW-PW) is to obtain, at the focus of a focusing optic, very high intensities up to 10^22W.cm^-2 (i.e. an electric field of 2.7 PV.m^-1. Therefore, these lasers chains necessarily deliver beams with large diameter (up to 40 cm) and very short pulses (of the order of tens of femtoseconds). As a consequence, the spatial and temporal properties of the pulse are generally not independent. Such dependence, called spatial-temporal coupling has the effect of increasing the pulse duration and the size of the focal spot, which can lead to a significant reduction of the maximum intensity at the focus. Metrology devices commonly used on these high-power femtosecond lasers allow retriving the spatial and temporal profiles of the pulse only in an independent manner. The aim of this thesis was to develop techniques for measuring spatiotemporal couplings in order to quantify their effect and correct them in order to obtain the maximum intensity at focus. First of all, we adapted an existing technique of spatio-temporal characterization to the measurement of TW lasers. To avoid the issues induced at the focus, such as those related to jittering, measurements were performed on the collimated beam. By adding a reference source to the original device, we managed to take into account the measurement artifacts due to thermal and mechanical variations affecting the interferometer. With this improvement, it was possible to reconstruct the complete spatio-temporal profile of the beam, particularly its wavefront. However, the limitations imposed by this technique led to the development of a new measurement device. Based on a cross-correlation, this technique consists of making the laser beam to interfere with a part of itself, small enough not to be spatiotemporally distorted. We have also implemented a variant of this device for a single-shot measurement along one transverse dimension of the pulse. Using these techniques, we performed the very first characterization of several TW laser chains. The measurements have revealed the existence of residual space-time couplings leading to a significant decrease of the peak intensity at focus. These results show that it is essential to spatio-temporally characterize high power femtosecond laser chains to obtain the maximum intensity at focus.
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Nanostructuration par laser femtoseconde dans un verre photo-luminescentBellec, Matthieu 05 November 2009 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de l'interaction d'un laser femtoseconde avec un support photosensible particulier: un verre phosphate dopé à l'argent appelé verre photo-luminescent (PL). Une nouvelle approche permettant de réaliser en trois dimensions dans un verre PL des nanostructures d'argent aux dimensions bien inférieures à la limite de diffraction est tout d'abord présentée. La mesure des propriétés optiques et structurales pour différentes échelles (spatiales et temporelles) a permis de proposer un mécanisme de formation des structures photo-induites qui est basé sur un jeu subtil entre les phénomènes d’absorption non-linéaire et de thermo-diffusion. La deuxième partie de cette thèse sera orientée sur les propriétés optiques (linéaires et non-linéaires) et les applications des ces nanostructures d’argent. En particulier, l’exaltation des propriétés non-linéaires des agrégats d’argent sera exploitée pour stocker optiquement de l’information en trois dimentions. / The aim of this work is the study of the interaction between a femtosecond laser and a special photosensitive medium: a silver containing phosphate glass, also called photo-luminescent (PL) glass. A new approach allowing to write, inside the PL glass, 3D silver nanostructures with feature size down to the diffraction limit is presented. Based on optical and structural measurments at different time and spacial scales, the mechanism of the formation of these nanostructures is described. A subtle interplay between nonlinear absorption and thermo-diffusion effects is found to be the key of the mechanism. The second part of this work relies on the optical properties (linear and nonlinear) and few applications of the silver nanostructures. More particulary, the enhancement of their nonlinear properties is used for three dimentional optical data storage.
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Chemical Reaction Dynamics at the Statistical Ensemble and Molecular Frame LimitsClarkin, OWEN 12 September 2012 (has links)
In this work, experimental and theoretical approaches are applied to the study of chemical reaction
dynamics. In Chapter 2, two applications of transition state theory are presented: (1) Application of
microcanonical transition state theory to determine the rate constant of dissociation of C2F3I
after π∗ ← π excitation. It was found that this reaction has a very fast rate constant
and thus
is a promising system for testing the statistical assumption of molecular reaction dynamics. (2) A general
rate constant expression for the reaction of atoms and molecules at surfaces was derived within the statistical
framework of flexible transition state theory.
In Chapter 4, a computationally efficient TDDFT approach was found to
produce useful potential energy surface landscapes for application to non-adiabatic predissociative dynamics
of the molecule CS2 after excitation from the ground state to the singlet C-state. In Chapter 5, ultrafast
experimental results of excitation of CS2 to the predissociative neutral singlet C-state is presented. The
bandwidth of the excitation laser was carefully tuned to span a two-component scattering resonance with each
component differently evolving electronically with respect to excited state character during the quasi-bound
oscillation. Scalar time-resolved photoelectron spectra (TRPES) and vector time-resolved photoelectron
angular distribution (TRPAD) observables were recorded during the predissociation. The TRPES yield of
photoelectrons was found to oscillate with a quantum beat pattern for the photoelectrons corresponding to
ionization to the vibrationless cation ground state; this beat pattern was obscured for photoelectron energies
corresponding to ionization from the vibrationally excited CS2 cation. The TRPAD data was recorded for
two general molecular ensemble cases: with and without a pre-excitation alignment laser pulse. It was found
that in the case of ensemble alignment (Chapter 6), the “molecular frame” TRPAD (i.e. TRMFPAD) was
able to image the purely valence electronic dynamics of the evolving CS2 C-state. The unaligned ensemble
TRPAD observable suffers from excessive orientational averaging and was unable to observe the quantum
Engineering efforts were also undertaken to eliminate scattered light background signal (Chapter 7,
Appendix A) and improve laser stability as a function of ambient pressure (Appendix B) for TRMFPAD
experiments. / Thesis (Ph.D, Chemistry) -- Queen's University, 2012-09-11 22:18:20.89
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In vitro Studies of Improvement in Treatment Efficiency of Photodynamic Therapy of Cancers through Near-Infrared/Bioluminescent ActivationLuo, Ting 22 May 2015 (has links)
Cancer is a leading cause of death that affects millions of people across the globe each year. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a relatively new treatment approach for cancer in which anticancer drugs are activated by light at an appropriate wavelength to generate highly cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) and achieve tumor destruction. Compared with conventional chemo- and radiotherapy, PDT can be performed with minimal invasiveness, local targeting and reduced side effects. However, most of the currently available PDT drugs mainly absorb in the visible part of the spectrum, where light penetration depth into human tissues is very limited. Therefore, increasing the treatment depth of PDT has been considered to be an important approach to improve the effectiveness of PDT for treating larger and thicker tumor masses. In this thesis, we present our investigation into the potential of two-photon activated PDT (2-γ PDT), combination therapy of PDT and chemotherapy, and bioluminescence-activated PDT as a means to increase the treatment depth of this modality.
In 2-γ PDT, the photosensitizing agents are activated through simultaneous absorption of two photons. This approach allows the use of near-infrared (NIR) light that can penetrate deeper into tissues and thus, has the potential of treating deep-seated tumors and reducing side effects, while the non-linear nature of two-photon excitation (TPE) may improve tumor targeting. We have evaluated the PDT efficacy of a second-generation photosensitizer derived from chlorophyll a, pyropheophorbide a methyl ester (MPPa), through both one- and two-photon activation. We observed that MPPa had high one-photon (1-γ PDT efficacy against both cisplatin-sensitive human cervical (HeLa) and cisplatin-resistant human lung (A549) and ovarian (NIH:OVCAR-3) cancer cells when activated by femtosecond (fs) laser pulses at 674 nm. At a low light dose of 0.06 J cm-2, the MPPa concentration required to produce a 50% cell killing effect (IC50) was determined to be 5.3 ± 0.3, 3.4 ± 0.3 and 3.6 ± 0.4 μM in HeLa, A549 and NIH:OVCAR-3 cells, respectively. More significantly, we also found that MPPa could be effectively activated at the optimal tissue-penetrating wavelength of 800 nm through TPE. At a light dose of 886 J cm-2, where no measurable photodamage was observed in the absence of MPPa, the IC50 values were measured to be 4.1 ± 0.3, 9.6 ± 1.0 and 1.6 ± 0.3 μM in HeLa, A549 and NIH:OVCAR-3 cells, respectively. We obtained corresponding LD50 (the light dose required to produce a 50% killing effect) values of 576 ± 13, 478 ± 18 and 360 ± 16 J cm-2 for 10 μM MPPa, which were approximately 3-5 times lower than the published 2-γ LD50 of Visudyne® and 20-30 times lower than that of Photofrin®. These results indicate that MPPa may serve as a photosensitizer for both 1- and 2-γ activated PDT treatment of difficult-to-treat tumors by conventional therapies.
Indocyanine green (ICG), a dye having an absorption maximum near 800 nm, has been considered to be a potential NIR PDT agent. However, the PDT efficacy of ICG has been found to be very limited probably due to the low yield of cytotoxic ROS. In the present work, we have evaluated the combination effects of ICG-mediated PDT with conventional chemotherapy mediated by two types of chemotherapeutic drugs, namely the type II topoisomerase (TOPII) poisons etoposide (VP-16)/teniposide (VM-26) and the platinum-based drugs cisplatin (CDDP)/oxaliplatin (OXP). Synergistic enhancement of cytotoxicity and increased yields of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) were observed in HeLa, A549 and NIH:OVCAR-3 cancer cells treated with the combination of ICG-PDT and VP-16. The presence of VP-16 during the laser irradiation process was found to be critical for producing a synergistic effect. An electron-transfer-based mechanism, in which ICG could increase the yield of highly cytotoxic VP-16 metabolites, was proposed for the observed synergistic effects, although direct spectroscopic detection of the reaction products was found to be very challenging. Moreover, we observed a much lower degree of synergy in the human normal fibroblast GM05757 cells than that in the three cancer cell lines investigated. Synergistic effects were also observed in A549 cells treated with the combination of ICG-PDT and VM-26 (i.e. an analog of VP-16). Furthermore, the combination of low-dose CDDP/OXP and ICG-PDT was demonstrated to produce an additive or synergistic effect in selected cancer cell lines. These preliminary results suggest that the combination of ICG-PDT with VP-16/VM-26 or CDDP/OXP chemotherapy may offer the advantages of enhancing the therapeutic effectiveness of ICG-PDT and lowering the side effects associated with the chemotherapeutic drugs.
Bioluminescence, the generation of light in living organisms through chemical reactions, has been explored as an internal light source for PDT in recent years. This approach, in principle, does not suffer from the limited tissue penetration depth of light. In the present project, we have evaluated the effectiveness of luminol bioluminescence in activating the porphyrin photosensitizers meso-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine dihydrochloride (TPPS4) and Fe(III) meso-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine chloride (FeTPPS). The combination treatment induced significant killing of HeLa cells, while additive effects were observed in two normal human fibroblast cell lines (GM05757 and MRC-5). Our observations indicate that bioluminescence of luminol may generate sufficient light for intracellular activation of PDT sensitizers. Furthermore, the combination treatment may have intrinsic selectivity towards cancerous tissues.
In summary, we have demonstrated effective killing of cancer cells by MPPa-mediated 1- and 2-γ PDT, combination of ICG-PDT and VP-16/VM-26 or CDDP/OXP chemotherapy, and bioluminescence of luminol activated PDT mediated by TPPS4/FeTPPS. These positive preliminary results indicate that all these three approaches have the potential of increasing the treatment depth of PDT and facilitating the development of more effective PDT treatment strategies.
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Acoustique picoseconde dans une cellule biologique individuelle / Picosecond ultrasonics in a single biological cellDucousso, Mathieu 22 October 2010 (has links)
L’acoustique picoseconde est une technique qui permet de générer et de détecter des ondes acoustiques de longueur d’onde submicrométrique par l’utilisation d’impulsions lumineuses ultrarapides (100 fs). Si la technique commence à être appliquée industriellement pour le contrôle non-destructif de films solides micrométriques, comme les microprocesseurs, très peu d’études concernent son application aux milieux liquides ou mous, malgré son potentiel unique pour les mesures acoustiques très hautes fréquences (supérieur à la dizaine de GHz). Ce travail de thèse dresse un premier panorama d’applications possibles de la technique d’acoustique picoseconde pour l’étude d’une cellule biologique unique, dont l’épaisseur peut être d’une centaine de nanomètres à quelques micromètres. Les résolutions atteintes permettent des applications pour l’imagerie et la tomographie acoustique d’une cellule unique par la détermination locale de ses propriétés physiques. Un modèle de simulation analytique est développé pour aider à la compréhension des signaux détectés et pour la résolution du problème inverse. La génération acoustique est simulée en résolvant les équations couplées de diffusion de la chaleur et de la propagation acoustique. La détection optique est ensuite étudiée en résolvant l’équation de Maxwell où les phénomènes thermiques et acoustiques perturbent l’indice optique du matériau. Pour les besoins expérimentaux, une enceinte biologique, étanche et thermostatée, est conçue. De même, le montage laser est adapté pour permettre une détection bicolore de l’onde acoustique se propageant dans la cellule. Enfin, un microscope combinant la visualisation des cellules par épifluorescence au dispositif laser expérimental est développé. Ce dernier permet de localiser précisément les éléments subcellulaires de la cellule, pour ensuite les étudier par acoustique picoseconde. La démonstration du potentiel de la méthode pour l’imagerie cellulaire et l’évaluation de sa sensibilité est faite sur cellule végétale. Ensuite, une mesure quantitative des propriétés viscoélastiques de cellules ostéoblastes (MC3T3-E1), adhérentes sur un matériau mimant une prothèse de titane, est réalisée. Puis, l’effet du peptide RGD et de la protéine BMP-2 sur les propriétés viscoélastiques de la cellule ostéoblaste est quantifié. Ce travail est réalisé en partenariat avec une équipe de recherche en bio-ingénierie et reconstruction tissulaire, l’U577. / The picosecond ultrasonics technique is well suited to generate and to probe acoustic waves of submicromic wavelength using ultrafast light pulses (100 fs). If the technique starts to be used for non-destructive testing in industry, for micrometric solid films (microprocessor) for example, very few applications concern liquids or soft media, despite its unique potential for acoustic measurements at very high acoustic frequencies (up to ten GHz). This PhD study gives a first comprehensive overview of the applications of the picosecond ultrasonics technique for the study of a single biological cell, the thickness of which can be from around 100 nm to a few µm. Measurement accuracy is high enough for imaging a single cell and for evaluating its local physical properties. To understand the detected data, an analytical model is developed. This model is used too for the inverse model resolution. The acoustic generation is simulated solving the coupled equations of heat diffusion and of acoustic wave propagation. Optical detection is then studied solving the Maxwell equations where both thermal and acoustic phenomena perturb optical index of the media. For experiments, a biocompatible sample holder, leakproof and thermocontrolled, is built. In the same way, the optical experimental setup is adapted to allow a two color probing of the ultrafast photo-acoustic response in a single cell. Finally, a microscope combining cell fluorescence visualisation and the picosecond ultrasonic laser setup is developed. It allows to localize precisely the cell sub-components and to probe them by the picosecond ultrasonics technique. The demonstration of the technique for the single cell imaging and the evaluation of its accuracy is performed on vegetal cells. Then, a quantitative measurement of the viscoelastic properties of single osteoblast cells (MC3T3-E1), adhering on a bone substitute material (Ti6Al4V), is performed. RGD peptide and BMP-2 proteins effects on the cell osteoblast viscoelastic properties are quantified. This work is performed with a tissue or bone substitute engineering research team.
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Fonctionnalisation de surfaces par microstructuration laser / Surfaces functionalization by laser microstructuringHairaye, Camille 16 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la fonctionnalisation de surface par microstructuration laser. L’étude expérimentale a consisté à texturer des surfaces d’acier inoxydable avec une source laser impulsionnelle à fibre dopée Yb (1030 nm, 300 fs), dans le but de contrôler leur mouillabilité et de les rendre superhydrophobes. Par une optimisation des conditions d’irradiation, il est possible de conférer à la surface une structuration à double échelle de rugosité. Des structures d’une dizaine de micromètres sont réalisées par ablations successives selon un motif de lignes croisées, sur lesquelles se forment des nanostructures auto-organisées. La simulation du couplage de l’énergie dans la cible a permis de déterminer les paramètres opératoires pour limiter l’accumulation thermique en surface. L’étude fait clairement apparaître le rôle de la texturation dans l’apparition du caractère superhydrophobe de la surface, tout en soulignant l’influence des propriétés physico-chimiques du matériau. / This PhD thesis is about surface functionalization by laser microstructuring. The experimental study consists in texturing stainless steel surfaces with a pulsed Yb fibre laser source (1030 nm, 300 fs), in order to control their wettability and confer to them superhydrophobic properties. With an optimization of the irradiating conditions on the target, it is possible to confer to the surface a dual-scale roughness. By successive ablations according to a pattern of crossed lines, microstructures in the range of tens of micrometres are realized, on which self-organized nanostructures are superimposed. Simulation of the energy coupling in the material allows to determine the process parameters to be used, in order to limit the thermal accumulation and avoid the melting of the surface. This study reveals the role of the laser texturing in the apparition of the superhydrophobic character and emphasizes the influence of the physicochemical properties of the material.
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Ultrafast Laser Inscribed Waveguides on Chalcogenide Glasses for Photonic ApplicationsSabapathy, Tamilarasan January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Chalcogenide glasses are highly nonlinear optical materials which can be used for fabricating active and passive photonic devices. This thesis work deals with the fabrication of buried, three dimensional, channel waveguides in chalcogenide glasses, using ultrafast laser inscription technique.
The femtosecond laser pulses are focused into rare earth ions doped and undoped chalcogenide glasses, few hundred microns below from the surface to modify the physical properties such as refractive index, density, etc. These changes are made use in the fabrication of active and passive photonic waveguides which have applications in integrated optics.
The first chapter provides an introduction to the fundamental aspects of femtosecond laser inscription, laser interaction with matter and chalcogenide glasses for photonic applications. The advantages and applications of chalcogenide glasses are also described. Motivation and overview of the present thesis work have been discussed at the end.
The methods of chalcogenide glass preparation, waveguide fabrication and characterization of the glasses investigated are described in the second chapter. Also, the details of the experiments undertaken, namely, loss (passive insertion loss) and gain measurements (active) and nanoindentation studies are outlined.
Chapter three presents a study on the effect of net fluence on waveguide formation. A heat diffusion model has been used to solve the waveguide cross-section. The waveguide formation in GeGaS chalcogenide glasses using the ultrafast laser, has been analyzed in the light of a finite element thermal diffusion model. The relation between the net fluence and waveguide cross section diameter has been verified using the experimentally measured properties and theoretically predicted values.
Chapter four presents a study on waveguide fabrication on Er doped Chalcogenide glass. The active and passive characterization is done and the optimal waveguide fabrication parameters are given, along with gain properties for Er doped GeGaS glass. A C-band waveguide amplifier has been demonstrated on Chalcogenide glasses using ultrafast laser inscription technique.
A study on the mechanical properties of the waveguide, undertaken using the nanoindentation technique, is presented in the fifth chapter. This work brings out the close relation between the change in mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and hardness of the material under the irradiation of ultrafast laser after the waveguide formation. Also, a threshold value of the modulus and hardness for characterizing the modes of the waveguide is suggested.
Finally, the chapter six provides a summary of work undertaken and also discusses the future work to be carried out.
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<div>The interactions of femtosecond lasers with gold targets were investigated with a numerical method combining molecular dynamics (MD) and the two-temperature model (TTM). Previous works using MD-TTM method did not consider all the thermodynamic parameters and the interatomic potential dependent of the electron temperature simultaneously. Therefore, we developed a LAMMPS function to achieve this. To accurately capture the physics behind the interactions, we also included the electron blast force from free electron pressure and the modified Fourier law with steep electron temperature gradient in our model. For bulk materials, a stress non-reflecting and heat conducting boundary is added between the atomistic and the continuum parts. The modified boundary force in our study greatly reduces the reflectivity of the atomistic-continuum boundary compared with its original form. Our model is the first to consider all these factors simultaneously and manage to predict four femtosecond laser ablation phenomena observed in the experiments. </div><div><br></div><div>In this dissertation, the thermodynamic parameters in the two-temperature model were extensively explored. We considered three different approaches to calculate these parameters: namely interpolation, <i>ab initio</i> calculation, and analytical expression. We found that simple interpolation between solid state and plasma state could lead to high level of inaccuracy, especially for electron thermal conductivity. Therefore, <i>ab initio</i> calculation and analytical expression were used for the calculation of the thermodynamic parameters in more advanced studies. The effects of electron thermal conductivity and electron-phonon coupling factor on electron and lattice temperatures were analyzed.</div><div><br></div><div>Our studies considered electron temperature dependent (ETD) and electron temperature independent (ETI) interatomic potentials. The ETI interatomic potential is easier to implement and therefore it is used in our phase change study to investigate the effects of target thickness on melting. Homogeneous melting occurred for thin films, while melting can be observed through the movement of the solid-liquid interface in thick or bulk materials. However, the ETI potential overestimated the bond strength at high temperatures. Therefore, ablation process was studied with the ETD potential. Three ablation mechanisms were found in our simulations at different laser fluences. Short nonthermal ablation was only observed at the ablation threshold. With increasing laser fluence, spallation was then seen. In high laser fluence regime, phase explosion occurred on the surface and coexisted with spallation.</div><div><br></div><div>Lastly, we researched on the effects of the delay time between two femtosecond laser pulses. Various delay times did not have much influence on melting depth. In low laser fluence regime, with increasing delay time, the target went through nonthermal ablation, to spallation and to no ablation. In high laser fluence regime, longer delay time encouraged phase explosion while suppressed spallation.</div>
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Laser-based technologies for targeted drug delivery and label-free diagnostics in HIV-1Malabi, Rudzani 04 1900 (has links)
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) still causes a chronic infection that affects millions of individuals worldwide. The infection remains incurable and presents a huge challenge for treatment, as it tends to disable a patient’s immune system. Although the current HIV-1 treatment regime possesses the ability to reduce the viral load to undetectable limits, complete eradication of the virus cannot be achieved while latent HIV-1 reservoirs go unchallenged. These viral reservoirs are established early on during HIV-1 infection and are a major hurdle since they remain unaffected by antiretroviral drugs and have the ability to replenish systemic infections once treatment is interrupted. Further ailments with the highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) include issues such as the cumbersome lifelong treatment, development of drug resistant strains of HIV-1 and adverse side effects. Contrarily, early diagnosis of the HIV-1 infection and HIV-1 treatment is a major challenge in resource-limited countries. The current available diagnostic tools for HIV-1 infection have shown to be highly accurate in monitoring CD4+ T lymphocyte count and viral load measurements. However, these tests such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which are highly efficient, are usually very expensive with complex operation, time consuming, require skilled personnel and training that makes them incompatible for the application in resource-limited areas. Therefore, this raises the urgent need for developing an HIV point of care (POC) diagnostic tool that is label-free, highly specific and sensitive as well as therapeutic modalities, which can be used to address the previously mentioned challenges. Much research has been conducted to resolve these problems but to date, there has not been application of laser and/or photonics in HIV research. Therefore, in this thesis a femtosecond laser was used in HIV infected cells for targeted antiretroviral drug delivery while preserving their viability. For the first time according to our knowledge, antiretrovirals (ARVs) that target all the life stages of the HIV-1 life cycle were utilized and they proved to be significant in reducing HIV-1 infection. Furthermore, through the employment of a continuous wave laser at 640 nm, for the first time, surface plasmon resonance was conducted to facilitate label-free detection of HIV-1. Success of these laser based technologies will open doors for incorporation in POC HIV diagnostic tools for the detection and treatment monitoring of HIV in resource-limited settings. / Physics / Ph. D. (Physics)
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