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Estudo para otimização do projeto de um sistema de reatores para o tratamento fotoquímico de efluentes industriais. / Study for design optimization of a system of reactors for the photochemical treatment of industrial effluents.Débora Pereira Coutinho da Silva 09 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar aspectos relacionados ao projeto de processos de tratamento de águas efluentes industriais baseados em reatores fotoquímicos. Estudou-se uma unidade de tratamento constituída por um reator solar tubular com coletores parabólicos compostos, o qual opera acoplado a um reator com lâmpadas do tipo tanque. O modelo matemático para simulação do processo foi adaptado a partir dos resultados experimentais obtidos em trabalhos anteriores da equipe de pesquisa deste Departamento, principalmente por Ribeiro (2009). O modelo matemático foi validado por meio de simulações para o sistema operando em regime transiente. O modelo matemático foi adaptado à configuração aqui estudada, de modo a poder ser aplicado ao sistema de reatores operando em regime contínuo, isto é, com alimentação e retirada de material constantes ao longo do tempo. Foi realizado, inicialmente, um estudo de sensibilidade desse modelo em relação às variáveis de processo, baseado em simulações para volumes diferentes do reator solar e reator multi-lâmpadas. A otimização do sistema teve o objetivo de selecionar as configurações do sistema que representam mínimo custo, para os diferentes cenários estudados, para uma concentração especificada de contaminante na corrente de saída. O problema de otimização foi baseado no método da função de penalidade, em que a função de restrição é inserida na função objetivo, transformando assim o problema de otimização num problema irrestrito. O procedimento de busca utiliza o Método Simplex modificado de Nelder e Mead. Para os diferentes cenários estudados, foi comprovado que o fator determinante do custo horário de tratamento fotoquímico é o custo do reagente peróxido de hidrogênio, seguido pelo custo de energia elétrica, custo de investimento do reator de lâmpadas, custo de investimento do reator e das bombas e, por último, o custo de investimento do reator solar. A imposição de limites mais rigorosos para a concentração de saída do efluente faz com que o custo de tratamento seja proibitivo. Portanto, nestes casos é mais interessante, do ponto de vista econômico, utilizar primeiro o processo foto-Fenton até o efluente atingir o limite de biodegradabilidade de 300 mgC/L e, em seguida, submeter este efluente ao tratamento biológico (de menor custo). / The aim of the present study was to investigate aspects related to the design of processes for treating industrial wastewater based on photochemical reactors. The system consisted of a solar tubular reactor with compound parabolic collectors, which operates connected to a multi-lamp stirred tank reactor. The mathematical model for simulating the process was adapted from previous results obtained by the research team of this Department, mainly by Ribeiro (2009). The model was validated by comparing simulation and experimental results obtained with a pilot plant operating in transient regime. The mathematical model was adapted to the configuration in this paper, so that it could be applied to the reactor system operating in continuous regime, i.e., with constant flow rate of the input and output streams. A sensitivity analysis of this model was carried out in relation to process variables, based on simulations for different volumes of the solar reactor and multi-lamp reactor. The optimization of the system aimed to select configurations that represent minimum cost for different scenarios studied for a specified output contaminant concentration. The optimization was based on the penalty function method, in which the restriction function was inserted in the objective function, so as to transform the optimization problem into an unconstrained one. The search procedure was based on the modified Simplex method of Nelder and Mead. For the different scenarios studied, it was verified that the determining factor affecting the treatment cost is the cost of hydrogen peroxide, followed by the electricity cost, investment cost of the lamp reactor, investment cost of pumps and of the solar reactor. The treatment cost increases significantly when lower concentration limits are specified for the output stream. Therefore, as a general recommendation, it is more advantageous from the economic point of view to use the photo-Fenton process until the pollutant concentration is decreased to the threshold of biodegradability (adopted as 300mgC/L in the present study) and then submitting it to a biological treatment.
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Tratamento de efluentes aquosos contendo clorofenóis por meio de processo oxidativo avançado foto-Fenton. / Treatment of wastewater containing chlorophenols by photo-Fenton advanced oxidation process.Úrsula María Juárez Cardeña 06 March 2009 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, os processos oxidativos avançados (POAs) têm emergido como métodos potencialmente poderosos para transformar poluentes orgânicos recalcitrantes em substâncias menos tóxicas. O presente trabalho visa estudar a degradação de clorofenóis 2,4-diclorofenol (2,4-DCF) e pentaclorofenol (PCF) em solução aquosa por meio do processo foto-Fenton. Os experimentos foram realizados em um reator fotoquímico, em regime batelada, com recirculação e admissão contínua de peróxido de hidrogênio. Os efeitos das concentrações iniciais de clorofenóis, H2O2 e Fe(II), bem como, da potência da lâmpada de vapor de mercúrio, foram estudados a partir de um planejamento experimental Doehlert em multiplos níveis e analisados segundo a metodologia de superfícies de respostas. A foto-oxidação foi monitorada por medidas da concentração de carbono orgânico total (TOC) e do espectro de absorção da solução ao longo do tempo e, em alguns casos, medidas de toxicidade por meio de bioensaios com Artemia sp. Os resultados dos experimentos realizados com 2,4-DCF evidenciaram degradação gradativa, com remoções de TOC superiores a 99%, após 1 hora de tratamento, além de remoção de toxicidade, mesmo para altas concentrações iniciais do poluente (até ca. 415 mgC L-1). Nos experimentos realizados com PCF observouse decaimento inicial de TOC bastante rápido (15 minutos), o que sugere que a degradação dos clorofenóis torna-se mais rápida com o aumento do número de átomos de cloro ligados ao anel aromático. Foi removida mais da metade do TOC inicial por volta de 30 minutos de reação, obtendo-se remoções de até 90,8% ao final do tratamento. Por outro lado, comparado ao 2,4-DCF, no caso do PCF observou-se redução acentuada da taxa de remoção de TOC após esse tempo, o que pode ser explicado a partir da maior concentração de íons cloreto em solução, da formação de complexo estável desses íons com Fe(III) e de espécies geradas a partir de reações envolvendo esse complexo. No conjunto, os resultados comprovam a viabilidade do processo foto-Fenton para remediação de efluentes aquosos contendo clorofenóis. / In recent years, advanced oxidation processes (AOP) have emerged as potentially powerful methods to transforming organic pollutants into harmless substances. The present work aims to study the degradation of chlorophenols (2,4-dichlorophenol and pentachlorophenol) in aqueous solution by the photo-Fenton process. The experiments were conducted in a batch recycle photochemical reactor with continuous feed of hydrogen peroxide solution. The effects of the initial concentrations of chlorophenols, H2O2, and Fe(II), as well as of the electric power of mercury vapor lamp, were studied by means of a Doehlert multivariate experimental design at multiple levels. Experimental results were analyzed according to the response surface methodology. In order to characterize the degradation of the pollutant, time-measurements of the total organic carbon concentration (TOC) as well as the absorbance spectra of the solution, were carried out. In some cases toxicity bioassays were carried out with Artemia sp. The results obtained from experiments with 2,4-dichlorophenol showed a gradual degradation, with more than 99% of TOC removals after 1 hour of treatment, along with toxicity removal, even for high initial pollutant concentrations (ca. 415 mgC L-1). In the case of pentachlorophenol, a fast initial TOC decrease (around 15 minutes) was observed, suggesting that chlorophenols degradation becomes faster with the increment of chloro atoms number bounded to the aromatic ring. More than a half of the initial TOC was removed around 30 minutes of reaction, rising 90.8% of TOC removal at the end of the treatment. In the other hand, comparing to 2,4-DCF, for PCF a marked reduction of the maximum rate of TOC removal after that time. This can be explained by higher concentrations of chloride ions in the solution, for the formation of stable complexes with Fe(III) ion and resulting species in reaction involving such complexes. As a whole, the results confirm the effectiveness of the photo-Fenton process for the remediation of aqueous solutions containing chlorophenols.
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Tratamento de solos contaminados com bifenilas policloradas (PCBs). / Contaminated soils treatment with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).Nara Angélica Policarpo 30 April 2008 (has links)
Devido à alta toxicidade, a produção e comercialização dos PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls - Bifenilas Policloradas) estão proibidas no mundo todo. Esses compostos foram utilizados principalmente como base de misturas comerciais em óleos dielétricos para transformadores e capacitores. Hoje existem diversas áreas contaminadas com essas substâncias que são de difícil degradação ocasionada pela sua elevada estabilidade térmica e química. Há diversos estudos sobre diferentes técnicas de tratamento de áreas contaminadas por PCBs. A técnica proposta nesse trabalho foi a de oxidação química através do reagente de Fenton. Para isso, foi simulado em laboratório experimentos de tratamento de solo contaminados artificialmente por ascarel (mistura comercial de PCBs). A oxidação foi realizada segundo a técnica do planejamento experimental fatorial de dois níveis e duas variáveis. Manteve-se constante a concentração do contaminante - em torno de 6000 mg de PCB/ kg de solo - e variou-se a concentração de Fe2+ (0,04 a 0,1 mol/L) e H2O2 (2,07 a 4,15 mol/L). Os ensaios foram realizados ainda nos seguintes tempos de reação: 0, 5, 24 e 48 horas. A análise dos dados foi realizada através de cromatografia gasosa acoplada a um espectrômetro de massa - GC/MS. Dos resultados, concluiu-se que o experimento cuja concentração do reagente de Fenton era 4,15 mol/L de H2O2 e 0,04 mol/L de Fe2+, apresentou melhor percentual de remoção, em torno de 76% para o pentaclorobifenila, 67% para o hexaclorobifenila e 72% para o heptaclorobifenila. Além disso, observou-se que, dentro da região experimental estudada, o efeito da concentração de íons ferrosos foi mais significativo do que o causado pela concentração de peróxido de hidrogênio e que o mesmo tem um efeito negativo pois aumentando a concentração dos íons ferrosos diminui-se a remoção dos contaminantes. / Production and trading of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are prohibited at whole world due to their high toxicity. They were used mainly as dielectric oils for transformers and capacitors. Recently there are many contaminated areas with these compounds. The high thermic and chemistry stability of PCBs are responsible for their hard degradation. Many studies have been conducted about several techniques of soil remediation. The main purpose of this research is to study chemical oxidation using Fenton\'s reagent to soils treatment. It was simulated in laboratory experiments of soil treatment which was artificially contaminated with Ascarel (PCBs commercial mixture). Process oxidation was made according to factorial experimental planning technique of two levels and two variables (22). The contaminant concentration was constant - 6000 mg PCB/ kg soil - and it was varied the Fe2+ concentration (0,04 mol/L to 0,10 mol/L) and H2O2 concentration (2,07 mol/L to 4,15 mol/L). The times reaction of experiments were: 0, 5, 24 and 48 hours. It was used gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometer - GC/MS. The better result shown removal rate of 76% to pentachlorobiphenyl, 67% to hexachlorobiphenyl and 72% to heptachlorobiphenyl, experimental conditions were Fe2+ concentration of 0,04 mol/L and H2O2 concentration of 4,15 mol/L. Besides it was observed that studied region the concentration effect of ferrous ions was more significant than concentration effect of hydrogen peroxide. The concentration effect of ferrous ions was negative on system because removal rate of contaminants decreases when [Fe2+] increases.
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Preparação e caracterização de compósitos a base de fosfatos de ferro suportados em carvões ativados de resíduos de caroços de açaí e do endocarpo de tucumã para aplicação ambientalBentes, Vera Lúcia Imbiriba, 92-99207-2810 17 March 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-17 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / Activated charcoal (CA) are widely used for the removal of environmental pollution through the process of absorption, and can be produced from the biomass of agro-industrial residues. The CA, when imbued with iron oxide leads to the formation of composites that usually have a high oxidative power and are capable of absorbing organic and inorganic contaminants. These composites when constituted of iron ions (Fe3+/Fe2+) in the presence of H2O2 under UV irradiation, generate highly oxidant hydroxyl radicals (HO•) that are capable of completely degrade organic pollutants. The reaction is classified as photo-Fenton heterogeneous, or rather Advanced Oxidative Process (POA). Therefore, composite materials (CP’s) were prepared based on iron phosphates (mixture of H3PO4 and Fe(NO3)3•9H2O) added on CA composed of residues of açaí seeds and tucumã endocarps, respectively, through pyrolysis at temperatures ranging from 400 to 500 oC, for removal of the methylene blue dye (AM) and lead ion (Pb2+) in aqueous solution. The materials obtained were characterized by the analytical techniques: FTIR. MEV, DRX, TGA/DTG and absorption/desorption of N2 (BET). The Rietveld refinement of the DRX data from the composites showed two crystalline phases of iron phosphates, Iron III tris-phosphates [Fe(PO3)3] and Iron II tetrametaphosphate (Fe2P4O12), both incorporated in the carbonate matrix (CA). The absorption tests of the materials towards AM were >90% for all CA’s and <23.5 % for CP’s after 180 min of contact. While, the removal capacity of trace metals, Pb2+, by the CA’s and CP’s tested, varied between 11.0 and 29.3 % of removal by absorptive process. All CP’s showed a removal capacity of > 97 %, for the time of contact of 240 min, combining the process of absorption and Photo-Fenton Heterogeneous oxidative degradation. / Os carvões ativados (CA’s) são amplamente utilizados na remoção de poluentes ambientais através do processo de adsorção, e podem ser produzidos de biomassas de resíduos agroindustriais, agregando valor e reduzindo o impacto ambiental devido aos descartes inadequados desses resíduos. A combinação do CA com íons ferro pela impregnação térmica forma compósitos (CP´s) com propriedades adsorvente e oxidativa capazes de remover contaminantes orgânicos e inorgânicos presentes em ambientes aquáticos. Esses CP´s quando constituídos de íons ferro (Fe3+/Fe2+) na presença H2O2 sob irradiação ultravioleta geram radicais hidroxilas (HO•), espécie altamente oxidante, com capacidade de degradar por completo os poluentes orgânicos via Processo Oxidativo Avançado do tipo foto-Fenton heterogêneo. No presente trabalho foram preparados CA´s a partir da impregnação térmica 400 e 500 oC, respectivamente, da mistura de resíduo (caroços de açaí ou endocarpo do tucumã moídos) e ácido fosfórico (H3PO4) na proporção 1:1. Para os CP´s repetiu-se o procedimento acrescentando a mistura, o nitrato férrico nonahidratado [Fe(NO3)39H2O]. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados pelas técnicas analíticas de FTIR, MEV, DRX, TGA/DTG e adsorção/dessorção de N2 (BET). Os dados de DRX dos CP´s submetidos ao refinamento Rietveld mostraram duas fases cristalinas majoritárias de fosfatos de ferro, tris-fosfato de Ferro III [Fe(PO3)3] e tetrametafosfato de Ferro II (Fe2P4O12), ambos incorporados na fase não cristalina, amorfa, típica de CA. Os testes de adsorção pelos CA’s apresentaram capacidade de remoção média de 92 % para 180 min, devido as suas elevadas áreas superficiais entre 904 a 1.137 m2 g-1. Enquanto que os CP’s, nas mesmas condições tiveram remoção média de 23,5 %, em seguida a esses sistemas foram adicionados H2O2 e irradiados com UVC de 233 nm por mais 60 min promovendo a degradação oxidativa via processo foto-Fenton heterogêneo que atingiu remoção acumulada média de 98,2 %. Os ensaios de remoção do íon metal traço Pb2+ pelos CA’s e CP’s tiveram valores médios de 11,0 e 29,3 %, respectivamente, de remoção via processo adsortivo.
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[pt] A água potável é essencial para uma boa qualidade de vida e saúde da população. Nos mananciais, a água naturalmente encontrada possui matéria orgânica e microorganismos, alguns até mesmo patogênicos, sendo necessário o seu tratamento em estações de tratamento de água (ETAs). O cloro é o principal reagente atualmente utilizado como pré-oxidante da matéria orgânica em ETAs, gerando compostos organo-halogenados de características cancerígenas. Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo do reagente de Fenton como pré-oxidante com o fim de degradar os ácidos húmicos (AH), que são os principais constituintes da matéria orgânica naturalmente encontrada em águas de mananciais, sem a geração dos compostos organo-halogenados. Para isto, foram realizados experimentos de acordo com um planejamento fatorial 23 que investigou a influência de três variáveis na degradação de AH: pH, dosagem de peróxido de hidrogênio e razão molar [H2O2]:[Fe elevado a 2 positivo]. Os resultados obtidos a partir destes experimentos mostraram que todas as variáveis influenciaram na degradação do AH, de forma que o aumento tanto da dosagem de peróxido de hidrogênio quanto da razão molar [H2O2]:[Fe elevado a 2 positivo] gera o aumento na degradação de AH. Com relação ao pH, o aumento desta variável gerou uma ligeira queda na degradação de AH. Assim, a partir de todos os experimentos verificou-se que aquele de melhor resultado apresenta as seguintes condições operacionais: dosagem de peróxido de hidrogênio igual a 42,98 mg/L, [H2O2]:[Fe elevado a 2 positivo] igual 3:1, pH igual a 7. Nestas condições operacionais, após 5 minutos de reação, a redução de AH foi de 95,66 por cento, a redução de COT de 24,94 por cento e a velocidade inicial de degradação de AH de 9,38 mg/L.min. / [en] Drinking water is essential to a good quality of life and health of the populations. In the surface, the water found naturally contains organic matter and microorganisms, some even pathogenic, requiring their removal in water treatment plants (WTPs). Chlorine is the main reagent currently used as pre-oxidant of the organic matter in WTPs, generating chlorinated organic compounds of carcinogenic characteristics. In this project a study of the Fenton reagent as pre-oxidant has been conducted in order to degrade the humic acids (HA), which are the main constituents of the organic matter naturally found in water sources without generating the chlorinated organics. For this, experiments have been conducted according to a factorial design 23 which investigated the influence of three variables in the HA degradation: pH; hydrogen peroxide dosage; and molar ratio [H2O2]:[Fe to the power of 2 positive]. The results obtained from these experiments showed that all variables influence the degradation of HA, so that the increase of the hydrogen peroxide dosage as well as the molar ratio [H2O2]:[Fe to the power of 2 positive] increase HA degradation. With regard to the pH, the increase of this variable generates a slight drop in AH degradation. Thus, from all experiments it has been verified that that the best result were obtained in the following operating conditions: hydrogen peroxide dosage equal 42,98 mg/L, [H2O2]:[Fe to the power of 2 positive] equal 3:1, pH equal 7. Under these operating conditions, after 5 minutes of batch reaction, the reduction of HA was 95,66 percent, the TOC reduction of 24,94 percent and the initial rate of HA degradation of 9,38 mg/L.min.
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Dégradation oxydative d'une quinolone par la nano-magnétite via l'interaction Fe(II) / O2 / Oxidative degradation of a model quinolone by nano-magnetite via Fe2+/O2 mediated reactionsArdo, Sandy 18 December 2014 (has links)
La magnétite, Fe3O4, est un oxyde de fer naturel à valence mixte Fe(II-III), qui sous sa forme nanométrique, a un fort potentiel d’applications technologiques dans des domaines allant de la biomédecine au traitement des eaux. Les nano-magnétites sont très efficaces pour l’adsorption ainsi que la réduction et l’oxydation de divers polluants environnementaux. Elles peuvent catalyser l’oxydation de type Fenton hétérogène induisant une dégradation efficace des polluants organiques et ceci dans un large domaine de pH. Cependant, les mécanismes impliqués restent mal connus. L’objectif principal de cette étude est d’explorer la capacité de la nano-magnétite à catalyser des réactions radicalaires de type Fenton hétérogène sans ajout d’oxydants forts, mais en utilisant uniquement l’oxygène de l’air. Ces réactions pourraient par la suite constituer la base de nouveaux procédés de remédiation efficace et éco-compatible pour l’élimination des polluants organiques dans différents compartiments de l’environnement. L’acide nalidixique, un antibiotique appartenant à la famille des quinolones, a été utilisé comme contaminant modèle, car ce composé polaire et ionisable se révèle persistant dans l’environnement et récalcitrant aux traitements classiques.Après synthèse de nano-magnétite offrant une surface spécifique élevée, la sorption de l’acide nalidixique sur ce support a été étudiée en conditions anoxiques et une adsorption supérieure à 98 % a été obtenue. En présence d’oxygène, cette sorption est suivie d’une transformation du contaminant modèle. Après désorption selon un protocole qui a été développé, un taux de dégradation d’environ 60 % a été évalué après seulement 30 minutes d’oxygénation, et 80% après 90 minutes. Cinq sous-produits de NAL ont été identifiés par chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse (UHPLC-MS/MS) et un schéma de dégradation a été proposé. L’analyse de la phase solide par la diffraction des rayons X et par spectroscopie d’absorption au seuil K du fer (XANES et EXAFS) démontre une oxydation significative de la magnétite en maghémite (jusqu’à 40 %). Complétés d’une part par le suivi de la teneur en Fe(II) dissous, et des expériences réalisées en présence d’un piège à radicaux hydroxyles, et d’autres part par l’interprétation des effets du pH et de son évolution lors de la réaction, ces résultats ont permis de proposer un mécanisme réactionnel qui implique la formation des espèces réactives d’oxygène suite à l’oxydation de la magnétite.Les conclusions tirées des résultats expérimentaux prouvent les potentialités prometteuses des oxydes de fer mixte dans la remédiation des sols et eaux contaminés par des composés organiques. / Magnetite, Fe3O4, is a natural mixed iron oxide Fe(II-III), that has a wide range of applications in biomedicine as well as in water treatment. Nanosized magnetite presents high capacities to adsorb and transform a wide range of contaminants via oxidative or reductive reactions. It was shown as an active catalyst for heterogeneous Fenton reactions in the removal of organic compounds under a broad range of pH. However, the mechanisms of these reactions are not well defined.The main objective of this study was to explore the nanomagnetite capacity to catalyze heterogeneous Fenton reactions in presence of dissolved oxygen, thus avoiding the use of strong chemical oxidants. These reactions could form the basis of a new efficient and eco-friendly process for the removal of organic pollutants. Nalidixic acid (NAL), an ionizable quinolone antibiotic known for being persistent and recalcitrant to classical treatments, was used as a model contaminant.We synthesized large surface area single-cristalline nanomagnetite with high NAL sorption ability (98%) under anoxic conditions. Furthermore, a desorption protocol was developed to recover the sorbed amount of NAL in order to measure the degradation percentage.Moreover, under oxic conditions, the model contaminant was transformed, up to nearly 60% and 80 % after a 30 and 90 minutes exposure to air bubbling, respectively. Five by-products issuing from the nalidixic acid oxidative degradation were identified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and a degradation pathway was suggested. X-ray powder diffraction and Iron K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy were used to investigate mineralogical and iron redox changes in the solid phase over the course of the reaction. Magnetite was oxidized (up to about 40%) into maghemite, -Fe2O3, as the sole product of the oxidation, and without significant change in the size of the particles. These results, in addition to the monitoring of dissolved Fe(II), and experiences conducted in the presence of ethanol as hydroxyl radicals scavenger and at static pH, lead to a better understanding of the reaction mechanism and on the role of pH in the reaction efficiency. In conclusion, this study points out the promising potentialities of mixed valence iron oxides for the treatment of contaminated soils and wastewater by organic pollutants.
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Rational Design of Photothermal Material for Clean Water Generation Driven by Solar EnergyShi, Le 11 1900 (has links)
An ancient technology of solar-driven water evaporation and distillation has recently been revived due to the concept of interfacial solar evaporation and the development of photothermal materials. There have been many research interests in improving solar light harvesting and solar-to-water evaporation efficiency within these systems, including new photothermal materials search, structural engineering, and thermal management. The application horizon of both solar-driven water evaporation and distillation has been broadly expanded beyond their conventional domain, including now wastewater treatment, seawater desalination, steam sterilization, electric generation, and chemicals/fuels productions. This dissertation focused on designing of photothermal materials and their applications to clean water production. More specifically: (1) a bi-layered porous rGO membrane with a polystyrene (PS) foam as the heat insulator was designed and proved to be effective for reducing heat conduction to the bulk water and to improve the solar-to-water evaporation efficiency, (2) a tandem-structured SiC-C ceramic monolith was prepared and demonstrated to be mechanically and chemically stable to withstand physical or chemical cleaning during long-term use in real seawater and wastewater, (3) in order to simultaneously treat the contaminated water and get clean distillate water, multi-functional SiC foam modified with mesoporous Au/TiO2 nanocomposites has been prepared, which was demonstrated to possess both photocatalytic reduction and oxidation abilities for complex wastewater treatment, and (4) when the water source was contaminated by VOCs, another efficient multi-functional photothermal material was designed with a honeycomb ceramic plate as the matrix material, and a CuFeMnO4 nanocomposite coating layer acting as both photothermal material and Fenton agent for VOCs removal. Therefore, the light absorption property of photothermal material could be improved by using a porous structure, tandem-structure, porous foam or 3D structure. The solar-to-water evaporation efficiency was improved by including a heat insulator and the reduction of the water channels’ dimension. The ceramic-based material showed potential for long-term use with high mechanical strength to endure physical cleaning. Multi-functional photothermal materials were successfully developed for complex wastewater treatment and clean water generation.
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Study on Decolorization of Reactive-dyed Cotton through Fenton-oxidation as a Pre-treatment for Textile RecyclingMeurs, Elise January 2023 (has links)
In this master thesis, the feasibility of Fenton-oxidation for the decolorization of reactive dyed cotton is investigated as a potentially environmental-friendly preparatory treatment for mechanical/chemical recycling. Raw, knitted cotton is dyed with a black and a blue dye, whereafter preliminary tests are performed to investigate the influence of increasing Fenton- solution concentrations and different iron-sources on the efficiency of the discoloration, without carrying out complete optimization of the process-parameters. Based on the preliminary test-results, Fenton-treatments of the reactive-dyed cotton are upscaled, with discoloration efficiencies of 62 and 73% (for the black- and blue-dyed cotton respectively). Thermal analysis (TGA, DSC and FTIR) and mechanical analysis (tensile tests and shredding of the fabric) of the upscaled treated samples are performed, and the results indicate no major alterations of the main cellulosic structure of the cotton fibers. However, besides the degradation of the dye-molecules, also some oxidation (and therefore damage) of the cellulose-chains of the cotton fibers occurs, leading to reduced mechanical properties. Although this facilitates the mechanical recycling process, it possibly also reduces the quality of the re-spun yarns. Nevertheless, the Fenton-oxidation in the context of decolorization of reactive-dyed cotton forms an interesting future research-topic with many opportunities and prospects for increasing the efficiency and sustainability of the recycling process, and therefor increasing the sustainability of the textile industry in general.
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Protein Oxidation Products Generated by Different Types of Oxidative StressSenanayake, Waruni 22 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Generation And Scavenging Of Radicals Via Cerium And NanoceriaHeckert, Eric Glenn 01 January 2007 (has links)
Cerium is the most abundant of the rare earth metals, found on average at a level of 66 parts per million in the earth's crust. The unique redox properties of cerium and cerium oxide nanoparticles have led to its use in a wide variety of industrial and commercial uses such as oxygen sensors, fertilizers and as a catalyst to remove toxic gases in automobile exhaust. The use of cerium has also garnered interest in the nanotechnology field. Nanoceria has been generated in its oxide form as nanoparticles and nanorods. Recently, nanoceria has been shown to protect against oxidative stress in both animal and cell culture models. Although not fully understood, this observed protective effect of nanoceria is believed to be the result of recently identified SOD mimetic activity. Currently there is little understanding as to how nanoceria is capable of scavenging radicals or what properties makes nanoceria an effective SOD mimetic. Our data shows strong evidence that the oxidation state of nanoceria is directly related to its reported SOD mimetic activity. As such, future studies of nanoceria should be mindful of the oxidation state of nanoceria preparations as only nanoceria with a high concentration of cerium (III) have shown effective SOD mimetic activity. In addition to the characterization of nanoceria and its SOD mimetic activity, we have evidence that free cerium is capable of generating radicals and damaging DNA in vitro in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. These data strongly suggests that the rare earth inner-transition metal cerium is capable of generating hydroxyl radicals via a Fenton-like reaction. Based on these results the use of free cerium salts should be monitored to limit environmental exposure to cerium. Altogether our data would suggest that cerium by virtue of its unique redox chemistry is quite capable of accepting and donating electrons from its surroundings. In its free form cerium is able to redox cycle easily and can generate radicals. However, paradoxically nanoceria may not easily redox cycle due to the bound lattice structure of the particle. The unique nature of nanoceria and cerium leads to a unique circumstance where nanoceria is a radical scavenger while free cerium generates radicals. As such, further investigation is needed to insure that leeching or cerium from nanoceria does not abrogate any potential benefit nanoceria may provide.
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