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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Loin des Lumières : approche philosophique de Voyage au bout de la nuit, Bagatelles pour un massacre et Mea culpa de Louis-Ferdinand Céline / Far from Enlightenment : philosophical approaches to Voyage au bout de la nuit, Bagatelles pour un massacre and Mea culpa of Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Görke, Maxim 26 October 2018 (has links)
Plus que jamais, les débats que suscite le personnage de Louis-Ferdinand Céline s’apprêtent à prendre le pas sur la réception de son œuvre littéraire, pourtant exceptionnellement riche. Soumis à une lecture souvent approximative, imprégnée d’aprioris, ses écrits sont couramment victime d’une mise en perspective déformée, car abordés à rebours. Deux idées aussi tenaces que contradictoires se maintiennent alors : celle d’une œuvre principalement politique et celle d’un écrivain avant tout styliste. Donnant la priorité à une approche en accord avec le développement chronologique de l’œuvre, ce travail de thèse propose de remettre en valeur les intentions primaires de celle-ci. À partir d’une contextualisation dans l’histoire des idées de Voyage au bout de la nuit, Mea culpa et Bagatelles pour un massacre, elle soutient que les écrits de Céline s’appuient sur une interrogation philosophique qui s’élabore autour d’un même malaise vis-à-vis de l’héritage des Lumières, mais dont les conséquences, autant pour le fond que pour la forme, diffèrent selon les textes. Alors que Voyage au bout de la nuit présente une interrogation ontologique axée autour du motif du néant, Bagatelles pour un massacre poursuit une approche où la remise en question des Lumières donne naissance à des revendications esthétiques et sociologiques autant qu’à des diatribes idéologiques. Aux confins de l’un et de l’autre texte, Mea culpa pose les bases de ce passage de l’abstrait au concret, si lourd de conséquences pour l’appréhension de l’œuvre. Ainsi, ce travail de thèse contribue non seulement à une meilleure compréhension des textes abordés, mais montre l’univers intellectuel sous-jacent qui les relie. / More than ever, debates engaging the character of Louis–Ferdinand Céline prevail over assessments of his collected work. The latter tends to receive superficial treatment, falling victim to a distorted perspective, infused with pre-judgment and approached through the prism of the author rather than the work itself. Two ideas, as persistent as they are contradictory prevail: of work that is inherently political and of a writer who is above all a stylist. Emphasising an approach in sync with the chronological development of Celine’s work, this thesis proposes to resurrect the author’s primary intentions. Starting with a contextualisation of Voyage au bout de la nuit, Mea culpa and Bagatelles pour un massacre, it is submitted that the writings of Celine rely on philosophical questioning developed around the same unease as has been witnessed on the legacy of the Enlightenment, but whose consequences, as much for the substance as the form, differ as according to the text. Whilst Voyage au bout de la nuit presents an ontological question centred on the theme for nothingness, Bagatelles pour un massacre pursues an approach where the questioning of the Enlightenment gives rise to aesthetic and sociological claims as well as ideological denunciations. At the extremities of the various texts, Mea culpa forms the basis of this movement from the abstract to the concrete albeit fraught with consequences for the understanding of the work. Thus, this thesis not only contributes to a better understanding of the texts examined, but shows the underlying intellectual universe that connects them.

Die musikalische Bibliothek Carl Ferdinand Beckers: Ein neues DFG-Projekt

Geyer, Brigitte, Wiermann, Barbara 05 October 2010 (has links)
Bereits in jungen Jahren hatte Carl Ferdinand Becker eine Sammelleidenschaft an jeglicher Art von musikhistorischer Betrachtung. Vor allem Musikdrucke und –handschriften sowie musikhistorische Werke aus dem 15. Jahrhundert bis zu seiner Zeit gerieten in sein Blickfeld. Das zu seiner Zeit völlig vernachlässigte und unbekannte Repertoire wird heute als musikalische Universalbibliothek angesehen. Im Jahre 1865 übergab Becker seinen „Schatz“ an die Stadtbibliothek Leipzig. In den Jahren 2010-2012 wird die gesamte Sammlung nun in die internationale Quellendatenbank RISM und in den SWB eingepflegt.

Die Musikbibliothek von Carl Ferdinand Becker: Handschriften und Drucke der Becker-Bibliothek in einer Kabinettausstellung der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig

Staub, Alexander 04 March 2013 (has links)
Die Ausstellung veranschaulicht vom 24. Januar bis 14. April 2013 mittels einiger ausgewählter Handschriften und Drucke die Entstehung und Bedeutung der Bibliothek Carl Ferdinand Beckers. Es werden erste Stücke der Sammlung, seltene Drucke, unikale Quellen und Objekte gezeigt, die aufgrund ihrer Provenienz kulturgeschichtlich und musikhistorisch wertvolle Informationen enthalten. Oft besprochen, aber selten zu bewundern, überragt dabei das „Andreas- Bach-Buch“, eine Sammelhandschrift mit größtenteils einmaligen Klavier- und Orgelkompositionen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts aus dem Umfeld und partiell von der Hand Johann Sebastian Bachs die anderen Exponate.

Isabela I. Kastilská / Isabella I. of Castile

Konečná, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this work, was to elaborate on the topic of Isabella I. of Castile. The main focus was an emphasis on historical facts, of which I derived from Czech and foreign literatures and historical compendiums. The first part describes the political and economic situation in the Ibe c y I b ' coronation. Further, I look at her biography with a focus on details that could testify about her character and personality. This section provides the basis and support for the second part of this thesis. Besides the historical books, I explore also studies in the field of psychology. In the second part I deal with the motives which led I b g g z d I' interested in her tendency to her fanatical behavior. The theme of the Spanish inquisition in this work occupies a marginal position. The whole work is written with the need to view Isabel from the most different ways. This is supported by typologies of her personality and her tendency to achieve her goals from her position. In conclusion, I summarize the thesis defense, which I had already set out in the introduction of this thesis. I wanted to defend this theory: "Isabela as the only one in the history of her family, was able to effectively complete the Reconquista. What helped her was - religious fanaticism, coupled with unusually strong internal...

Passagem noturna: narração e linguagem em Voyage au bout de la nuit / Night passage: narrative and language in Voyage au bout de la nuit

Garroux, Daniel Santos 14 September 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação pretende interpretar o romance Voyage au bout de la nuit, de Louis- Ferdinand Céline, partindo de suas tensões mais elementares, cuja irradiação conduz, entre idas e vindas, a uma ampliação gradual dos termos da discussão. Tomando como ponto de partida a situação narrativa do romance, ou seja, a relação indissolúvel entre narrador e linguagem presente na obra, procura-se tensionar os procedimentos literários desencavados por meio da análise com a tradição do gênero. Em seu aspecto mais amplo, este trabalho visa explorar o caráter bifronte do romance. Tal como a imagem de Janus, Voyage au bout de la nuit se volta, ao mesmo tempo, para o futuro e para o passado: aparece como o último representante de uma linhagem subterrânea de obras cuja origem remonta a Rabelais e como o inaugurador de uma forma romanesca bastante original, profundamente ancorada na realidade de seu tempo. / The aim of this dissertation is to interpret the novel Voyage au bout de la nuit, by Louis-Ferdinand Céline, starting from its most elementary tensions, whose irradiation leads, in its backward and forward movements, to a gradual enlargement of the terms of discussion. Taking the novels narrative situation as a starting point, that is to say, the indissoluble relation between narrator and language present in the text, well try to compare the literary procedures, uncovered by means of the analyses, with the tradition of the genre. Such as the image of Janus, Voyage au bout de la nuit turns, at the same time, to the future and the past: It appears as the last representative of an underground lineage of works, whose origins date from Rabelais, and as the founder of a very original novel form, deeply anchored in the reality of its time.

Signe, nature, signature : parcours étymologiques dans l’œuvre de James Joyce – Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man et Ulysses / Sign, Nature, Signature : probing into James Joyce’s Etymological Strategies in Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Ulysses

Belluc, Sylvain 28 November 2014 (has links)
L’écriture joycienne se distingue par la conscience aiguë dont elle témoigne de l’histoire des mots. Cette tendance est le produit de l’émergence de la grammaire comparée et de la sémantique historique au XIXe siècle, disciplines qui avaient bouleversé le concept d’étymologie et légitimé, en apparence, la prise en compte du passé de la langue dans son emploi. Pourtant, quand Joyce écrit, cette approche est irrémédiablement dépassée, et ses nombreuses contradictions critiquées. Aussi les œuvres de l’écrivain, loin de constituer un reflet fidèle et stable du discours sur l’étymologie du siècle où il naquit, en mettent-elles à nu les paradoxes et les partis pris. La stratégie d’écriture de Dubliners, si elle repose sur une exploitation fréquente des données mises au jour par les comparatistes et les sémanticiens, prend ainsi le contrepied de toute démarche transcendantale et tire profit de la nature subjective et aléatoire de l’activation des potentialités étymologiques des mots par le lecteur. La volonté affichée par Stephen dans A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man de trouver une justesse supérieure dans la motivation directe puis indirecte des noms fait place, dans le roman suivant, à un rejet amer de « l’imposture des sons ». Mais Ulysses éclaire également les failles des théories linguistiques de son époque : sa mise en lumière du rôle joué par l’étymologie populaire dans le fonctionnement de la langue implique une critique du positivisme saussurien et s’inscrit dans une dénonciation plus large de toute conception pseudo-rationnelle et supra-individuelle de l’histoire. / One of the hallmarks of Joyce’s prose is the acute consciousness it reflects of the history of words. This tendency is the product of the emergence of comparative linguistics and historical semantics in the 19th century, both of which had revolutionized the concept of etymology and seemed to make the history of words relevant to their use. Yet that approach soon became irremediably outdated and its numerous contradictions had been subjected to severe criticism by the time Joyce wrote his books. Accordingly, his works, far from giving a faithful and stable image of the etymological discourse prevalent in the century of his birth, reflect its biases and contradictions. Although the writing strategy of Dubliners relies on a constant exploitation of the data unveiled by linguists, it opposes any transcendental philosophy and makes much of the subjective and random nature of the activation of words’ etymological potentialities by the reader. Stephen’s attempts at finding a superior meaning in the direct and then indirect motivation of names in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man evolves, in the next novel, into a bitter rejection of the “imposture of sounds”. Ulysses, however, also brings into relief the inconsistencies of the linguistic theories of its own time: in highlighting the role played by folk etymology in the use of language, it constitutes an implicit criticism of Saussure’s positivist claims and calls into question any pseudo-rational and supra-individual conception of history.

Pedagogové ve službách trůnu. Privátní učitelé následníků trůnu Rakousko-Uherska / Educators in the Service of the Throne. Private Teachers of the Austrian-Hungarian Imperial Heirs

Mádrová, Kamila January 2015 (has links)
- Educators in the Service of the Throne. Private Teachers of the Austrian- Hungarian Imperial Heirs Several potential successors were growing up during the lengthy reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I. But two of them, the Emperor's own son Crown Prince Rudolph and his nephew Franz Ferdinand, could never ascend to the throne due to their premature deaths. His grandnephew, Archduke Charles Franz Joseph, claimed the throne in the tense times of the First World War. For a would-be successor, not only military education was essential, but also language skills and such subjects as history, law and economy that the future ruler of a vast and ethnically diverse state was expected to have a good command of. This paper focuses on the lives of teachers who attended both the Emperor's and the Archduke's courts.

Passagem noturna: narração e linguagem em Voyage au bout de la nuit / Night passage: narrative and language in Voyage au bout de la nuit

Daniel Santos Garroux 14 September 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação pretende interpretar o romance Voyage au bout de la nuit, de Louis- Ferdinand Céline, partindo de suas tensões mais elementares, cuja irradiação conduz, entre idas e vindas, a uma ampliação gradual dos termos da discussão. Tomando como ponto de partida a situação narrativa do romance, ou seja, a relação indissolúvel entre narrador e linguagem presente na obra, procura-se tensionar os procedimentos literários desencavados por meio da análise com a tradição do gênero. Em seu aspecto mais amplo, este trabalho visa explorar o caráter bifronte do romance. Tal como a imagem de Janus, Voyage au bout de la nuit se volta, ao mesmo tempo, para o futuro e para o passado: aparece como o último representante de uma linhagem subterrânea de obras cuja origem remonta a Rabelais e como o inaugurador de uma forma romanesca bastante original, profundamente ancorada na realidade de seu tempo. / The aim of this dissertation is to interpret the novel Voyage au bout de la nuit, by Louis-Ferdinand Céline, starting from its most elementary tensions, whose irradiation leads, in its backward and forward movements, to a gradual enlargement of the terms of discussion. Taking the novels narrative situation as a starting point, that is to say, the indissoluble relation between narrator and language present in the text, well try to compare the literary procedures, uncovered by means of the analyses, with the tradition of the genre. Such as the image of Janus, Voyage au bout de la nuit turns, at the same time, to the future and the past: It appears as the last representative of an underground lineage of works, whose origins date from Rabelais, and as the founder of a very original novel form, deeply anchored in the reality of its time.

Le premier cours de linguistique générale professé par Ferdinand de Saussure à Genève (C1Ca/FV) / cours I et Sténographie CAILLE – Transcriptions et commentaires

Vincent, François 31 October 2013 (has links)
A Genève, Ferdinand de Saussure a professé, en élaborant progressivement son exposé, trois cours de linguistique générale répartis entre 1907 et 1911. Après en avoir examiné les notions fondamentales en suivant, entre autres cotextes, des notes de lecture du maître, l’auteur revient sur les sources et l’élaboration du premier cours. Louis Caille et Albert Riedlinger sont parmi les élèves qui ont bénéficié de ce cours.L’auteur complète la transcription de la sténographie Caille, et effectue la transcription d’un manuscrit intermédiaire mis au jour par Daniele Gambarara en aout 2011, et peut ainsi comparer avec les cahiers Riedlinger déjà connus. La triple transcription - détaillée selon les indices des articles de la remarquable édition de Rudolf Engler – permet de préciser les conditions d’élaboration du texte du Cours I.Outre l’examen des manuscrits, du manuscrit Caille et de ses annotations marginales, des recherches supplémentaires sont faites, tant sur les conditions historiques - généalogiques et administratives concernant les élèves immatriculés (au cours), inscrits (à l’examen) ou examinés (à l’épreuve) -, qu’aux archives de l’université concernant cette période pour les vérifications indispensables. L’ensemble de ces informations permet de privilégier la conjecture selon laquelle Louis Caille tenait le rôle de secrétaire de séance pour ce cours neuf dont l’introduction modifiait par ailleurs plusieurs programmes de cette université.Il en résulte que, de facto, la seule source à proprement parler du Cours I est cette sténographie Caille, contrairement à ce que suggérait jusqu’ici la connaissance des textes considérés nécessairement dans l’ordre historique de leurs acquisitions ; les éléments de la synthèse des trois cours – le Cours de Linguistique Général (CLG), publié par Ch. Bally et A. Séchehaye – sont distingués les uns des autres, et son élaboration est analysable en détail. / In Geneva, Ferdinand de Saussure professed, by developing gradually his presentation, three lectures of general linguistics between 1907 and 1911. Having examined the fundamental notions by following, among others texts, reading notes of the teacher, the author focused on sources and elaboration of the first lecture. Louis Caille and Albert Riedlinger are among the students who benefited from this lecture.The author completes the transcription of the stenography by Caille, and makes the transcription of a new manuscript releaved by Daniele Gambarara in august 2011, and therefore can compare with the Riedlinger’s already known notetakings. The triple transcription - detailed according to the ranking of the articles of the remarkable Engler’s edition - allows to specify the conditions of elaboration of the text of Cours I.Besides the examination of manuscripts, of the Caille manuscript, and of its marginal notes, additional researches are made, as well on the historical conditions - genealogical and administrative concerning the registered and examined candidates -, that on the archives of the university concerning this period for the essential checks. All these informations allow to favor the hypothesis that Louis Caille acted as a transcriber for this new lecture whose introduction also modified several programs of this university.As a result, de facto, the only source strictly speaking of Cours I is this Caille stenography, contrary to what suggested until now the knowledge of texts considered inevitably in the historic order of their acquisitions; the elements of the synthesis of the three lectures – the Cours de Linguistique Générale (CLG), published by Ch. Bally and A. Séchehaye - are distinguished from each other, and its elaboration is analyzable accurately.

Three opéras comiques of the 1830s : Fra Diavolo, Zampa and Le pré aux clercs and the placement of musical soli within the drama

Regaudie-McIsaac, Francine Yvonne January 1985 (has links)
In the 1830s the opera-comique genre evolves from the simple "comedies melee d'ariettes" to a true operatic form with musico-dramatic significance. One primary area of development is found in the placement and dramatic function of solo forms which begin to play a markedly different role than they had in operas comiques of earlier periods. Despite the evidence suggesting significant musico-dramatic development, few scholars have attempted to identify the practices governing the placement and function of musical soli in the operas comiques of the 1830s. For this reason we have undertaken a detailed study of these elements in three libretti: Fra Diavolo (1830), Zampa (1831) and Le Pre aux Clercs (1832). In a preliminary examination, these libretti were found to exhibit traits representative of many works of the period. Our research has led us to conclude that solo forms are employed in one or more of the following four dramatic situations: (1) to convey background information to the plot or to characters, or to reveal pre-curtain events; (2) to paint a character's true personality; (3) to expose a character's emotional state of mind or train of thought at a given moment; and (4) to distribute the number of soli through the opera in a manner that reflects a character's importance in the drama. Although such uses of solo forms are not unique to the 1830s, the extent to which they were employed represents a significant departure from earlier practice. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter--by way of introduction--contrasts the roles of musical numbers in 1830s operas comiques with those of their predecessors. It also discusses the literary and musical conventions of the works of this period. The second chapter first presents a synopsis of Scribe's and Auber's opera comique Frat Diavolo, and a view of the well made play elements as displayed in the libretto, before focusing on a discussion of the placement of musical soli in the drama. Similarly, chapters three and four discuss Melesvilie's and Herold's Zampa, ou la Fiancee de marbre and Planard's and Herold's Le Pre aux Clercs respectively. The final chapter outlines the practices observed in the placement and dramatic function of soli in the three selected operas and relates the significance of these practices to the genre's development. / Arts, Faculty of / Music, School of / Graduate

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