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Theoretical study of electronic structure and magnetism in materials for spintronics / Etude théorique de la structure électronique et magnétique des matériaux pour la spintroniqueIbrahim, Fatima 31 January 2014 (has links)
L'avenir de la spintronique repose sur le développement de matériaux ayant des propriétés magnétiques remarquables. L'objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre la physique des deux matériaux fonctionnels proposés pour des applications spintroniques qui utilisent des simulations de la densité fonctionnelle.Nous nous sommes intéressés dans une première partie au ferrite de gallium pour lequel il a été montré que les propriétés dépendaient de la concentration de fer.Les spectres optiques ont été calculés et comparés aux spectres expérimentaux suggérant des niveaux élevés de désordre. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons montré une polarisation de spin à l’interface hybride formée entre la phthalocyanine de manganèse et la surface de cobalt,en accord avec les expériences de photoémission.La formation de la spinterface a été expliquée par différents mécanismes d'hybridation dans chaque canal de spin.Cette polarisation de spin est coordonnée avec des moments magnétiques induits sur les sites moléculaires. / The future of the spintronics technology requires developing functional materials with remarkable magnetic properties. The aim of this thesis is to understand the physics of functional materials proposed for spintronic applications using ab-initio density functional simulations. We investigated the properties of two different functional materials. We first studied the magnetoelectric gallium ferrite GFO. The dependence of the different properties on the iron concentration has been demonstrated and discussed. The optical spectra were calculated and compared to the experimental once suggesting high levels of iron disorder. In the second part, we demonstrated a highly spin polarized hybrid interface formed between manganese phthalocyanine and cobalt surface in agreement with photoemission experiments. The formation of this spinterface was described by different hybridization mechanisms in each spin channel. This high spin polarization is coordinated with induced magnetic moments on the molecular sites.
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Conception multi-physique de machines électriques à flux radial et axial pour des applications à entraînement direct / Multi-physics design of radial and axial flux electrical machines for direct drive applicationsAkiki, Paul 21 September 2017 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur la modélisation et l’optimisation de machines électriques pour des applications à entraînement direct. Ils s’inscrivent dans un contexte de réduction de l’utilisation des aimants en terres rares et d’amélioration du rendement énergétique. Un état de l’art des machines électriques est réalisé et l’accent est mis sur les machines à flux radial et axial pour les applications à fort couple et basse vitesse. Une classification est établie visant à identifier les structures intéressantes et innovantes. L’étude de la machine radiale est d’abord réalisée. Une étude comparative de différentes machines issues de l’étude bibliographique est effectuée. Cette étude a permis de choisir une structure originale à bobinage concentré sur dents et aimants en multi-V. Dans le but de calculer les performances du moteur avec un temps de calcul réduit, une modélisation analytique multi-physique de la structure est réalisée. Un premier dimensionnement de la machine a conduit à la définition d’un prototype qui a servi à la validation expérimentale du modèle multi-physique. Une approche de conception par optimisation multi-objectifs est adoptée pour obtenir les machines optimales répondant à un cahier des charges industriel. La suite de l’étude concerne une machine à flux axial à structure innovante. Il s’agit d’une machine à double rotor et simple stator avec plusieurs barrières de flux par pôle. Une étude par éléments finis est d’abord réalisée afin de valider le passage d’un modèle tridimensionnel à modèle bidimensionnel. L’analyse des pertes fer a permis de choisir les matériaux utilisés au stator et aux rotors. L’étape suivante consiste à établir un modèle analytique multiphysique de la machine à flux axial et de l’optimiser selon le même cahier des charges que celui de la machine radiale. Finalement, une comparaison entre les deux structures radiale et axiale est effectuée pour évaluer les avantages en termes de densité de couple. / The work presented in this thesis deals with the modeling and optimization of electrical machines for direct drive applications. The objective is to reduce the use of rare earth permanent magnets along with the improvement of the motor’s efficiency. A state of the art of electrical machines is realized. It focused on radial and axial flow structures for high torque and low speed applications. A classification is established to identify interesting and innovative structures. Firstly, the radial machine is studied. The choice of the structure is made after a finite element comparison of different machines resulting from the literature. This led to an original structure with concentrated winding and multi-V shape barriers. Then, a multi-physics analytical modeling of the structure is detailed in order to calculate the performances with a reduced calculation time. A preliminary design led to the definition of a prototype which was used to experimentally validate the multi-physics model. An optimization design approach is adopted to obtain optimal machines meeting industrial specifications. Secondly, a novel axial flux structure is studied. It is a machine with double rotor and single stator with several barriers per pole. A finite element study is carried out in order to validate the transition from a three dimensional to a two-dimensional model. The analysis of iron losses made it possible to choose the materials used in the stator and the rotors. Then, the development of a multi-physics analytical model for the axial machine is proposed. It is used to optimize the structure according to the same specifications defined for the radial machine. Finally, a comparison between the radial and axial structures is performed in order to evaluate the advantages in terms of torque density.
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Elaboration et caractérisation de composites métal-ferrite nanostructurés, pour applications en moyennes et hautes fréquencesMoulin, Johan 15 November 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail a été mené dans le cadre du programme ‘matériaux' du CNRS. Il s'intègre à ce titre dans une étude plus vaste des matériaux magnétiques doux (projet n°154 : ‘matériaux magnétiques doux nanostructurés').<br /> Cette étude a consisté à élaborer puis caractériser des composites à base de ferrite commercial broyé et de poudres de Fe et FeNi nanométriques. L'objectif est de profiter de la résistivité du ferrite spinelle d'une part, ainsi que de la forte aimantation et des propriétés magnétiques douces de particules métalliques nanométriques d'autre part. La dispersion du métal dans le ferrite est réalisée par cobroyage.<br /> Nous rappelons tout d'abord certaines bases du magnétisme, en s'attardant plus longuement sur le ferromagnétisme et le ferrimagnétisme (chapitre I). Puis sont présentées les propriétés particulières physiques et magnétiques des matériaux nanométriques (chapitre II).<br />Le mode d'élaboration des composites nanostructurés – préparation des poudres, cobroyage, compactage et frittage – est ensuite détaillé (chapitre III), ainsi que les techniques de caractérisation structurale utilisées lors de ce travail (chapitre IV). Nous présentons enfin les résultats des différentes mesures, ainsi que leur interprétation (chapitre V), en mettant en avant l'influence des différentes étapes de l'élaboration sur les propriétés structurales et magnétiques des composites. <br /> Nous avons montré que la réaction d'oxydo-réduction entre le fer et le ferrite MnZn dégradait les propriétés magnétiques des deux composés. C'est pourquoi nous avons testé une combinaison Fe25Ni75-ferrite, qui s'est révélée chimiquement plus stable. Des microphotographies ont montré que la méthode d'élaboration réalise bien la dispersion des particules métalliques dans le ferrite, et que ces particules restent nanométriques après frittage. Les caractérisations magnétiques et structurales ont toutefois démontré que cette méthode introduit des contraintes et un taux de porosité non négligeables dans le matériau, qui sont préjudiciables à ses propriétés magnétiques.
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Magnetic Nanoparticles Based on Iron: Synthesis, Characterization, Design, and ApplicationShultz, Michael David 01 January 2008 (has links)
Magnetic nanoparticles are of great interest for a wide range of applications. This work has focused on three primary forms of iron based nanoparticles and combinations thereof: α-iron, iron oxide, and iron carbide or cementite. The synthesis of several core-shell particles including cementite-iron oxide, α-iron-cementite, and α-iron-iron oxide was accomplished through reverse micelle routes and high temperature decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl in various media. Structural analysis to confirm the structures was performed using extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) techniques. A rapid characterization technique was developed utilizing a correlation between Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and EXAFS to determine the full metal cation distribution between the octahedral and tetrahedral sites in manganese zinc ferrite (MZFO). This method was then used to show that the initial Fe3+ to Fe2+ ratio in MZFO synthesis could be used to design a desired cation distribution and affected the zinc incorporation levels into the resultant ferrite. Functionalization of nanoparticles for aqueous dispersions and ferrofluids has varying degrees of importance, depending on the application. In applications such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) where the targets are biological systems, it was important to produce solutions that will not aggregate in the high magnetic field of the MRI. It was also vital to characterize decomposition mechanisms and products that would be presented to the body after use as a contrast agent. This work has provided insight into both the preparation of magnetic samples for MRI applications and implications of the biocompatibility of reactive and decomposition products. Three successful methods of forming dispersions that would not aggregate in the high magnetic field of the MRI were comprised of cysteine/polyethylene glycol (PEG), PEG based ferrofluids, and dopamine/PEG. The dopamine functionalization however showed reactivity with the iron/iron oxide nanoparticles and led to the formation of the cytotoxic dopamine quinone and resulted in the destruction of the nanoparticles. Using all three types of dispersions to compare the iron based nanomaterials, the MRI measurements concluded with the iron oxide ferrofluid yielding the highest R2 enhancement.
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Připrava magnetických nanočástic hydrotermální metodou / Preparation of magnetic nanoparticles by hydrothermal methodRepko, Anton January 2014 (has links)
Hydrothermal method of nanoparticle preparation, involving oleic acid, has received certain attention in the last years. However, the published works lack systematic approach to the subject, and the mechanism was not thoroughly investigated, so as to achieve a predictable outcome of the synthesis. The present work investigated the influence of composition of organic and water phase on the synthesis of cobalt ferrite (cobalt(II)-iron(III) oxide) and magnetite nanoparticles, and the mechanism of nanoparticle formation was proposed. Organic phase was based on pentanol, octanol or toluene, containing the precursor - metal oleate. Besides hydrophobic particles, it was even possible to directly prepare hydrophilic oleate-coated particles by using water phase with sodium oleate. Synthetic procedure was then simplified by a separate preparation of cobalt-iron oleate, which led also to a product of narrower size distribution and better phase purity. Size control in the range of 6-11 nm and a batch yield of ca. 500 mg was achieved. Attention was given also to the surface modification of the particles, thus imparting them hydrophilicity. Small di- or tricarboxylic acids were utilized, as well as carboxylmethyl dextran and titanium dioxide. Titanium dioxide required additional protection with...
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[pt] No presente trabalho foi feita inicialmente uma revisão
bibliográfica sobre a formação e redução da ferrita de
zinco. Em seguida fez-se um estudo cinético e
termodinâmico da sua formação a partir da mistura dos
óxidos de ferro puro, Fe2O3 e de zinco puro, ZnO, em
proporção mássica estequiométrica ã do composto Fe2O3/ZnO
= 2/1, considerando que este composto tem sido
considerado como o constituinte de maior porcentagem em
peso nos pós de aciaria elétrica (fornos elétricos a
arco).A ferrita de zinco, que geralmente se forma no
aquecimento de diferentes proporções de misturas dos
óxidos constituintes, incluindo a estequiométrica, foi
caracterizada térmica (DTA-TGA) e estruturalmente (XRD).
A temperatura onde começou a se formar a ferrita de zinco
e os resultados quantitativos das conversões da sua
síntese, foram calculadas pelo software Topas 2,1 Difracc
Plus, usando o método Reitveld XRD. Os seguintes
resultados da análise cinética da formação de ferrita de
zinco, foram obtidos; a baixas temperaturas (650-730 graus Celsius)
as conversões obtidas ajustaram-se ao modelo de reação de
interface ou modelo topoquímico, sendo a reação química o
mecanismo de controle obtendo-se uma Ea = 65,6 kcal / mol
e um k = 2,32 x 10-3 K-1 ; nas altas temperaturas (750 -
1000 graus Celsius) o ajuste ao modelo de crescimento populacional
modificado, foi o mais adequado, sendo o mecanismo de
controle o difusional e obtendo-se uma Ea =16,1 kcal /mol
e k = 570 K -1. Finalmente encontrou-se um estágio de
transição entre os dois mecanismos numa temperatura
aproximada de 745 graus Celsius (controle misto). Foram gerados
vários diagramas operacionais de predominância de fases
(DOPF)necessários para orientar os trabalhos perimentais.
Estes diagramas consistiram de uma análise termodinâmica
da redução de misturas de ZnO e Fe2O3 pelos gases
redutores CO e H2, focando primordialmente à formação
e a redução da ferrita de zinco. Foram utilizados os
seguintes software: HSC versão 5,0 e Mathcad versão 6,0.
Os resultados desta avaliação foram os DOPF dos seguintes
sistemas: Zn-C-O, Zn-H-O, Zn-C-H-O, Fe-C-H-O e Zn-Fe-C-H-
O com a variação das atividades de suas fases metálicas e
de seus óxidos. / [en] The present work includes initially a bibliographical
revision on the formation and reduction of the zinc
ferrite. Further a thermodynamic and kinetic study was made,
focusing its formation from an equimolar mixture of pure
iron oxide Fe2O3, and pure zinc oxide ZnO, due to the fact
that this substance is often the major constituent in the
electric arc furnace dust. The zinc ferrite that is formed
during the operation of the electric arc furnaces doesn t
necessarily results from an equimolar mixture; it could be
produced from a wide range of constituents compositions.
Initially the equimolar mixture was characterized thermally
(DTA-TGA) and structurally (XRD). The temperature where
this compound began its formation and the quantitative
results regarding the zinc ferrite synthesis conversion
were calculated by the software Topas 2,1 Difracc Plus,
using the Reitveld XRD method. The following experimental
results from the kinetic analysis of the zinc ferrite
formation were obtained: at low temperatures (650-730 Celsius Degree)
the phenomena fitted the interface reaction model, or
topochemical model, being the chemical reaction the control
mechanism. The obtained data in this case was: Ea equal 65,6
kcal / mol and k equal 2,32 x 10-3 K-1. On the other hand, at
high temperatures (750-1000 Celsius Degree) the modified population
growth formalism showed the best fit, being the diffusional
mechanism the controlling process. Again the obtained data
was: Ea equal 16,1 kcal / mol and k equal 570 K-1. Finally a
transition between the two mechanisms was found to happen
at approximate 744 Celsius Degree (mixed control). Several DOPF (phase
predominance operational diagrams) were obtained based
upon the thermodynamic analysis of the Fe2O3 - ZnO mixtures
reduction driven by CO and H2 reducing gases, focusing the
formation and reduction of zinc ferrite compound. For that
purpose the softwares HSC 5,0 and MathCAD 6,0 were
utilized. The DOPF for the systems: Zn-C-O, Zn-H-O, Zn-C-H-
O, Fe-C-H-O and Zn-Fe-C-H-O, considering the activities of
their metallic and their oxides phases, were generated and
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[pt] O presente estudo foca o comportamento da redução da ferrita de zinco produzida em laboratório e a contida nos pós de aciaria elétrica (PAE) pelo CO puro e misturas COCO2, esta última tomada como exemplo de um caso real. Este trabalho se iniciou com a caracterização dos principais compostos presentes no PAE (óxido de ferro (III), óxido de zinco e ferrita de zinco) usando técnicas, metodologias e equipamentos para caracterizações térmica (ATD-ATG), estrutural (DRX), microscópica (MEV-MET analise de EDS), física (porosidade do briquete, massa especifica, tamanho médio e área superficial específica das partículas) e química. Constatou-se que as partículas dos materiais estudados são predominantemente de
geometria esférica e, em particular o estudo via MET da ferrita de zinco, revelou aglomerados micrométricos e homogêneos tipo clusters, formados por partículas arredondadas e constituídas por alguns monocristais com tamanhos da ordem de 100 nm. Com a finalidade de estudar a cinética de redução da
ferrita de zinco, foram realizados ensaios de redução por CO puro e misturas gasosas formadas por: 75 por cento CO-25 por cento CO2 e 50 por cento CO-50 por cento CO2 nas temperaturas de 1073, 1173, 1223, 1273 e 1373K. O tempo máximo de redução foi de 105 min. Os resultados obtidos permitiram propor uma
sequência cinética de redução, ao longo da qual os principais produtos de redução da ferrita de zinco foram caracterizados via MEV, visando estabelecer a fenomenologia/morfologia da redução. Conclui-se que a fenomenologia morfológica e cinética da redução da ferrita de zinco, embora complexa, é similar a da redução dos óxidos de ferro, dependendo das composições gasosas, temperatura e tempo de reação. O
estudo morfológico permitiu constatar que a redução da ferrita de zinco evidencia sua decomposição nos óxidos constituintes (ZnO e Fe2O3), na faixa de 1073 a 1273K e a redução sequencial do óxido de zinco e dos óxidos de ferro. Os típicos produtos sólidos da redução são: óxido de zinco (ZnO), wüstita (FeO), óxidos mistos do tipo (Zn, Fe)O e ferro metálico. O estudo cinético estabeleceu ainda que ocorre uma rápida redução do óxido de zinco, liberando zinco gasoso, evidenciando a seguinte sequência de redução:
primeiramente, o óxido de zinco se reduz, seguido dos óxidos de ferro. Isto ocorre significativamente nas
temperaturas entre 1223 e 1373K. Estabeleceu-se um modelo geral de redução da ferrita de zinco usando a metodologia de superfície resposta (RSM), que envolveu o planejamento estatístico fatorial 3(4) para
avaliar a influência dos fatores preestabelecidos sobre a (porcentagem) Redução (temperatura e tempo
de reação, composição gasosa, e massa da amostra). Os modelos cinéticos que melhor ajustaram os mecanismos de redução foram: o modelo de reação química de interface-simetria esférica, seguido pelo modelo exponencial de reação contínua, representados por: [1 - raiz cúbica de (1 -alfa)] = kt e −ln(1 -alfa) igual a kt , respectivamente. O modelo de reação química de interface - simetria esférica, representado por: [1 - raiz cúbica de (1 - alfa)] = kt foi o que melhor adequou-se à redução da ferrita de zinco sintética. Os parâmetros cinéticos obtidos foram: (a) 100 por cento CO: Ea de 55,60 kJ/mol e A igual a 8,833 mHz;
(b) 75 por cento CO-25 por cento CO2: Ea igual a 88,21 kJ/mol e A igual a 127,74 mHz; (c) 50 por cento CO-50 por cento CO2: Ea igual a 95,21 kJ/mol e A igual a 193,37 mHz; De maneira similar, no caso da redução da ferrita de zinco presente no PAE, o modelo que melhor representou o processo, também foi o modelo de reação química de interface - simetria esférica, representado por: [1 - raiz cúbica de (1 - alfa)] igual a kt , sendo, Ea (energia de ativação aparente) e A (constante pré-exponencial de Arrhenius), os
parâmetros cinéticos obtidos: (d) 100 por cento CO: Ea igual a 52,34 kJ/mol, e A igual a 4,98 mHz; (b) 75 por cento CO-25 por cento CO2: Ea igual a 66,70 kJ/mol e A igual a 76,06 mHz; (c) 50 por cento CO-50 por cento CO2: Ea igual a 86,28 kJ/mol e A igual a 289,59 mHz. A comparação entre as energias de ativação aparente, permitiu concluir que tanto a redução da ferrita de zinco sintética como a redução dos Pós de Aciaria Elétrica-PAE, tiveram como etapa controladora da reação global a redução dos óxidos de ferro, particularmente para a redução com 100 por cento CO. No caso da redução com misturas COCO2, isto não foi observado para a ferrita de zinco sintética, embora possa ser válida para os Pós de Aciaria Elétrica-PAE, considerando seu baixo teor de zinco. Assim, para o caso da redução da ferrita de zinco por misturas CO-CO2, propõe-se como etapa controladora a redução simultânea do óxido de zinco e dos óxidos de ferro. / [en] This work deals with the behavior of the synthetic zinc ferrite reduction as well as a case study for the same process using electric arc furnace dusts (EAFD). These processes were conducted under pure CO atmosphere and CO-CO2 gas mixtures. The research here reported onsets with the characterization
of the compounds present in EAFD - Iron (III) oxide, zinc oxide and zinc ferrite - using techniques, methodologies and equipments for thermal characterization (DTA-TGA), structural (XRD), microscopic
(SEM-TEM coupled to EDS), physical (briquette porosity, specific gravity, average size and particle specific surface) and chemical analysis. It was found that the studied materials particles showed predominantly spherical geometry and in particular, the TEM scans in the zinc ferrite, reveled cluster type micrometric and homogeneous agglomerates formed from single crystal round particles having the size of circa 100 nm.
Aiming at the study of the kinetics of the zinc ferrite reduction experiments were conducted using synthetic and EAFD materials submitted to pure CO gas and mixtures of it with CO2 in the following proportions: 75 per cent CO-25 per cent CO2 e 50 per cent CO-50 per cent CO2. The runs were conducted at the temperatures 1073, 1173, 1223, 1273 e 1373K and the maximum reaction time was 105 min. The obtained results permitted the proposal of a kinetic reduction reaction chain. In the course of the study, also, the main zinc ferrite reduction products were characterized by the SEM analysis. This analysis also permitted the observation of phenomenological and morphological correlations during the process. It was concluded that the morphological and kinetic zinc ferrite reduction, in spite being a complex process, it is similar to iron oxides reduction, meaning, dependent on the gaseous compositions, temperature and reaction times. The morphological prism permitted to propose that the zinc ferrite reduction denounces its instantaneous decomposition in their constituent oxides (ZnO and Fe2O3) when submitted to temperatures in the range of 1073 to 1273K and also the sequential reduction of zinc and iron oxides. The typical reduction products were zinc oxide (ZnO), wüstite (FeO) and mix oxides type (Zn, Fe) O and metallic iron. Again, the kinetic study established that a rapid reduction of the zinc oxide occurs, as compared to the
other present oxides, through the sequence: firstly the zinc oxide reduction takes place, and this is followed by the iron oxides reduction. The last processes occur significantly for temperatures in the range of
circa 1223 to 1373K. A general model of the zinc ferrite reduction by the gaseous mixture of CO-CO2 was
proposed using the response surface methodology (RSM) for the factorial analysis 3(4). This was done evaluating the effect of the following variables: temperature, reducing atmosphere composition, specimen mass and reaction time over the (percentage)Reduction. The kinetic models that presented the better adjustment for the reduction were the boundary chemical reaction model for spherical symmetry
(BCRM ss) with the equation [1 - cubic root (1 - alfa)] equal kt and the model of simple exponential continuous reaction obeying the relation: − ln(1 - alfa) equal kt . The kinetic parameters obtained (Ea, apparent activation energy, and A, Arrhenius preexponential frequency fator) were for the first model, that is synthetic zinc ferrite: (a) 100 per cent CO gas: Ea equal 55,60 kJ/mol & A equal 8,83 mHz; (b) 75 per cent CO-25 per cent CO2: Ea equal 88,21 kJ/mol and Aequal 127,74 mHz; (c) 50 per cent CO-50 per cent CO2: Ea equal 95,21 kJ/mol and A equal 193,37 mHz. And for the second material, zinc ferrite contained in the EAF dusts: (a) 100 per cent CO gas: Ea equal 52,34 kJ/mol and A equal 4,98 mHz; (b) 75 per cent CO-25 per cent CO2: Ea equal 66,70 kJ/mol and A equal 76,06 mHz; (c) 50 per cent CO-50 per cent CO2: Ea equal 86,28 kJ/mol and A equal 289,59 mHz. The comparison between the apparent activation energy
obtained from the best fitting kinetic models permitted to conclude that the zinc ferrite reduction as well as the electric arc furnace dusts reduction global reactions rates are controlled by iron oxides reduction,
this in particular for the case of the reduction with 100 per cent CO. As for the reduction with the
CO-CO2 gas mixtures, this was not observed for the synthetic zinc ferrite, although, for
the reduction of the electric arc furnace dust, this could be the case due to their low zinc
content. Considering these facts and the experimental results of this work, it is suggested
that the zinc ferrite reduction by CO-CO2 gas mixtures has the global reaction rate
controlled simultaneously by the reduction of both zinc and iron oxides.
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Efeito da temperatura de pré-aquecimento e características do pulso na microestrutura de aço estrutural de alta resistência e baixa liga soldado com arco elétrico e proteção gasosa /Godoy, Wagner Lopes de. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Yukio Kobayashi / Banca: Carlos Alberto Soufen / Banca: Antônio de Padua Lima Filho / Resumo: A identificação e a qualificação dos constituintes microestruturais de uma junta soldada são de grande importância pela relação que existe entre a microestrutura do cordão e as propriedades mecânicas, particularmente a tenacidade. Trabalhando com variações nos parâmetros de pulso, corrente de pico e tempo de pico, e também na temperatura de pré-aquecimento, foram quantificados os constituintes ferrita acicular e microfases presentes no metal de solda; sendo ambos considerados controladores da tenacidade. Os resultados deste trabalho demonstraram que aumentou a quantidade de ferrita acicular para os menores níveis dos parâmetros de pulso e da temperatura de pré-aquecimento. Quanto às microfases, ocorreu uma redução na quantidade à medida que se elevaram os níveis dos parâmetros de pulso e da temperatura de pré-aquecimento. Observou-se, também, qual foi a influência da velocidade de resfriamento na microestrutura final do metal de solda. Foi utilizado o processo de soldagem a arco elétrico com proteção gasosa, no modo pulsado e arame tubular. A soldagem foi realizada em chapa de aço estrutural de alta resistência e baixa liga (COS-AR 50), com chanfro em "X" e ângulo de 30º. Como metal de adição foi utilizado o arame tubular de fluxo metálico E70C-6M, com diâmetro de 1,2 mm. / Abstract: The identification and qualification of the microstructural constituents present in the welded joint are very important for the relationship between the microstructure of the weld beads with the mechanical properties, particularly toughness. Working with variations of pulse parameters, peak current and peak time, and also preheating temperature, had been quantified the constituents acicular ferrite and microphases present in weld metal; being both considered controllers of toughness. The results of this work demostrated that greater amounts of acicular ferrite had been occurred in the lowest levels of pulse parameters and preheating temperature. As for microphases, it has a reduction of the amount with the increase of pulse parameters and preheating temperature. It was observed, also, the influence of the cooling speed in the final microstructure of the weld metal. The samples were welded by the metal gas arc welding, using pulsed arc and tubular wire. As metal base was used HSLA structural steel plate (COS-AR 50), with "X"-groove and bevel angle 30º. The addition metal was the tubular metal-cored wire "E70C-6M" with diameter of 1.2 mm. / Mestre
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Transdutor híbrido para medidas susceptométricas e ultrassônicas simultaneamente / Hybrid transducer for susceptométricas and ultrasonic measures simultaneously.Bruno, Alexandre Colello 26 March 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a construção e caracterização de um novo transdutor dedicado às medições susceptométricas e ultrassônicas de amostras marcadas com partículas magnéticas. Este transdutor, denominado de magnetoacústico, consiste de um sistema híbrido formado pela junção de um Biossusceptômetro de Corrente Alternada (BCA) e um transdutor ultrassônico. Seu principio básico de funcionamento consiste na medida simultânea da magnetização de um meio material marcado com partículas magnéticas e das microvibrações da estrutura interna deste meio quando excitado por um campo magnético alternado externo gerado pelas próprias bobinas de excitação do BCA. Estudos in vitro foram realizados para auxiliar no desenvolvimento e caracterização do protótipo apresentado neste trabalho. A técnica de medida empregando este transdutor híbrido foi denominada de vibromagnetoacustografia. As amostras utilizadas consistiram de meios fluidos marcados com traçadores magnéticos (micropartículas de ferrita de tamanhos variando entre 30 m e 70 m de diâmetro). Foi avaliada a dependência da resposta do sistema com diferentes parâmetros físicos tais como: viscosidade do material base o qual foi misturado as partículas ferromagnéticas; concentração dessas partículas misturadas ao material base; frequência de oscilação do campo magnético de excitação; tensão nas bobinas de excitação e a distância entre a amostra e o transdutores. A resposta do transdutor magnetoacústico apresentou melhor relação sinal/ruído em torno de 200 Hz de frequência de magnetização, considerando uma concentração de 4% de ferrita. Acima desta concentração a viscosidade do material base era alterada e interferia na medida. As respostas do susceptômetro e do ultrassom Doppler contínuo possuem uma relação linear com o nível de tensão aplicada nas bobinas de excitação e uma dependência quase linear com baixas concentrações de partículas ferromagnéticas ( 4%). Também foi realizado um teste de repetibilidade no protótipo obtendo um desvio relativo de 0,94% e 0,25% nas medições Doppler e susceptométricas, respectivamente. A medida de vibração das micropartículas ferromagnéticas realizadas in vitro, usando um transdutor Doppler contínuo, apresentou alta sensibilidade para baixas concentrações de material ferromagnético inseridos em meio fluido (~ 1%). / This work describes the construction and characterization of a new transducer dedicated to the susceptometrics and ultrasonic measurements of samples labeled with magnetic particles. This transducer, called magneto-acoustic, consists of a hybrid system formed by the junction of an Alternating Current Biosusceptometer (ACB) and an ultrasonic transducer. Its basic operation principle is the simultaneous measurement of the magnetization and the internal structure micro-vibrations of a medium labeled with magnetic particles when excited by an external alternating magnetic field generated by the ACB excitation coils. In vitro measurements were performed to support the prototype development and characterization presented in this work. The measurement technique employing this hybrid transducer was called vibromagnetoacoustography. The samples consisted of fluid medium labeled with magnetic tracers (ferrite micro particles of diameter ranging from 30 m and 70 m). It was evaluated the system response dependence with different physical parameters such as: base material viscosity in which ferromagnetic particles was mixed; the particles concentration in the base material; the oscillation frequency of the magnetic field excitation; the voltage applied on magnetizing coils and the distance between sample and transducers. The magneto-acoustic transducer response showed a better signal to noise ratio for magnetization frequency around 200 Hz and a 4% ferrite concentration. Above this concentration the base material viscosity changed disrupting the measurements. The responses of susceptometer and Doppler ultrasound have a linear dependence with the applied voltage level in the magnetizing coils and an quasi linear dependence with low ferromagnetic particles concentrations (4%). A repeatability test was also performed to the prototype which indicated a deviation of 0.94% and 0.25% in the Doppler and susceptometric measurements, respectively. The vibration measurement of ferromagnetic micro-particles performed in vitro, using a Doppler transducer, showed high sensitivity to low ferromagnetic material concentrations (~1%) immersed in a fluid medium.
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Investigation of novel multi-layer spoke-type ferrite interior permanent magnet machinesXia, Bing January 2017 (has links)
The permanent magnet synchronous machines have been attracting more and more attention due to the advantages of high torque density, outstanding efficiency and maturing technologies. Under the urges of mandatory energy efficiency requirements, they are considered as the most potential candidates to replace the comparatively low-efficient induction machines which dominate the industrial market. However, most of the high performance permanent magnet machines are based on high cost rare-earth materials. Thus, there will be huge demands for low-cost high-performance permanent magnet machines. Ferrite magnet is inexpensive and abundant in supply, and is considered as the most promising alternative to achieve the goal of low cost and high performance. In consideration of the low magnetic energy, this thesis explored the recent developments and possible ideas of ferrite machines, and proposed a novel multi-layer spoke-type interior permanent magnet configuration combining the advantages of flux focusing technique and multi-layer structure. With comparable material cost to induction machines, the proposed ferrite magnet design could deliver 27% higher power with 2-4% higher efficiency with exactly the same frame size. Based on the data base of International Energy Agency (IEA), electricity consumed by electric machines reached 7.1PWh in 2006 [1]. Considering that induction machines take up 90% of the overall industrial installation, the potential energy savings is enormous. This thesis contributes in five key aspects towards the investigation and design of low-cost high-performance ferrite permanent magnet machines. Firstly, accurate analytical models for the multi-layer configurations were developed with the consideration of spatial harmonics, and provided effective yet simple way for preliminary design. Secondly, the influence of key design parameters on performance of the multi-layer ferrite machines were comprehensively investigated, and optimal design could be carried out based on the insightful knowledge revealed. Thirdly, systematic investigation of the demagnetization mechanism was carried out, focusing on the three key factors: armature MMF, intrinsic coercivity and working temperature. Anti-demagnetization designs were presented accordingly to reduce the risk of performance degradation and guarantee the safe operation under various loading conditions. Then, comparative study was carried out with a commercial induction machine for verification of the superior performance of the proposed ferrite machine. Without loss of generality, the two machines had identical stator cores, same rotor diameter and stacking length. Under the operating condition of same stator copper loss, the results confirmed the superior performance of the ferrite machine in terms of torque density, power factor and efficiency. Lastly, mechanical design was discussed to reduce the cost of mass production, and the experimental effort on the prototype machine validates the advantageous performance as well as the analytical and FEA predictions.
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