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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produção e caracterização de Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)\" recombinante / Production and characterization of \"Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) recombinant

Miyamoto, Catarina Akiko 12 March 1992 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a produção dos FGFs básico bovino e ácido humano (há) em E. coli utilizando o vetor pET. Para expressar o haFGF utilizamos o cDNA nativo com pequenas modificações, obtendo cerca de 40 mg da proteína por litro de cultura induzida. No caso do bbFGF, cerca de 60 pares de bases da extremidade 5 do cDNA nativo foram substituídos por oligonucleotídeos sintéticos contendo condons frequentemente usados em genes bacterianos altamente expressos e apresentando menor conteúdo de C+G do que a sequência nativa. Com este cDNA modificado, obteve-se cerca de 10mg 1-1 de bbFGF. Os FGFs intracelulares solúveis foram purificados a partir do extrato bacteriano por chromatografia de afinidade em Heparina-Sepharose atingindo um grau de pureza da ordem de 95%. O haFGF sozinho é ativo sobre fibroblastos 3T3 em cultura na concentração de ng ml-1; na presença de heparina, a atividade desloca-se para a faixa de pg ml-1. O bbFGF é ativo na concentração de pg ml-1 e sua atividade não é significantemente potenciada pela heparina. O sequenciamento da extremidade N-terminal e a análise de aminoácidos mostraram somente uma forma de haFGF recombinante correspondente à proteína autêntica de 154 aminoácidos. Foram encontradas duas formas de bbFGF recombinante, uma correspondente à proteína autêntica de 154 resíduos e outra contendo 153, onde os dois primeiros foram removidos. / Here we describe the use of the pET expression system to produce the 154 amino acid bovine basic (bb) and human acidic (ha) FGFs. To express haFGF we have used the native cDNA sequencewith minor modifications, obtaining about 40 mg of growth factor per liter of bacterial culture. In the case of bbFGF, about 60 base pairs form the 5-end of the native cDND were replaced with synthetic oligonucleotides containing codons frequently used in highly expressed bacterial genes and having a lower G+C content than the native sequence. By using this modified cDNA about 10 mg 1-1 of bbFGF was obtained. The intracellular, soluble FGFs were partially purified from bacterial extracts by heparin-affinity chromatography and shown to be more than 95% pure. The haFGF alone is active upon 3T3 fibroblasts in culture at the level of ng ml-1 or in the range of pg ml-1 when heparin is added to the incubation medium. The bbFGF is active in the range of pg ml-1 and its activity is not significantly potentiated by heparin. Only one form of recombinant haFGF corresponding to the authentic protein of 154 amino acids was found by N-terminal protein sequencing and amino acid analysis. Two forms of recombinant bbFGF were found, one corresponding to the authentic protein of 154 amino acids (about 75%) and another containing 153 amino acids where the first two residues were removed (about 25%>).

Rôle du système vasculaire dans le contrôle de l'hématopoïèse chez la drosophile : étude de la voie de signalisation fibroblast growth factor / Role of the vascular system in controlling drosophila hematopoiesis : insight of the Fibroblast Growth Factor signaling pathway

Letourneau, Manon 24 September 2018 (has links)
Chez les mammifères adultes, les cellules souches et les progéniteurs hématopoïétiques (CSPH) présents dans la moelle osseuse sont à l'origine de la production des cellules sanguines tout au long de la vie. L'auto-renouvellement, la prolifération et la différenciation des CSPH sont sous le contrôle d'un microenvironnement cellulaire spécifique appelé " niche ". Deux niches sont identifiés dans la moelle osseuse : une niche endostéale et vasculaire. Les processus moléculaires contrôlant les communications cellulaires entre les niches et les HSPC sont complexes et demeurent mal connues. Du fait de la conservation des facteurs de transcription et des voies de signalisations entre les mammifères et la drosophile, l'organe hématopoïétique de la drosophile : la glande lymphatique s'est avéré être un excellent modèle pour étudier les communications cellulaires entre les niches et les CSPH. La glande lymphatique est accolée au tube cardiaque (système vasculaire), qui contrôle la morphologie et la fonction du PSC (Posterior Signaling Center), un centre de signalisation contrôlant la différenciation des cellules immunitaires/sanguines dans la glande lymphatique. Au cours de mes travaux de thèse, j'ai réalisé un crible fonctionnel in vivo, pour déterminer si indépendamment de son effet sur le PSC, les cellules du tube cardiaque étaient capables de contrôler directement l'homéostasie de la glande lymphatique. La réalisation de ce crible m'a permis d'identifier quatre ligands produits par les cellules du tube cardiaque et requis au maintien des progéniteurs hématopoïétiques dans la glande lymphatique, notamment le ligand Branchless de la voie de signalisation FGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor). La perte de fonction du ligand FGF/Branchless dans le tube cardiaque ou du récepteur FGF/Breathless dans les progéniteurs hématopoïétiques entraine une différenciation accrue et une diminution du pool de progéniteurs dans la glande lymphatique. Mes résultats indiquent que le tube cardiaque a un rôle équivalent à une niche pour contrôler l'hématopoïèse dans la glande lymphatique et que la voie de signalisation FGF joue un rôle clé dans ces communications cellulaires. [...] / In adult mammals, hematopoietic stem cell and progenitors (HSPC) are present in the bone marrow and produce all blood cell type along the life. Renewal, proliferation and differentiation of the HSPC are tightly control by a specific microenvironment called the "niche", composed by an endosteal and a vascular niche. Molecular processes controlling cellular communications between niches and HSPC are complex and remain poorly understood. Since many transcription factors and signalization pathway are conserved in controlling hematopoiesis both in mammals and Drosophila, the Drosophila hematopoietic organ: the lymph gland became an excellent model to decipher cellular communications between the niche and HSPC. The lymph gland is aligned the cardiac tube (vascular system), which control the size and the function of the PSC (Posterior Signaling Center). The PSC is a signaling center controlling the differentiation of immune/blood cells in the lymph gland. During my PhD, I performed an in vivo functional screen to determine whether independently of its role on the PSC, cardiac cells were able to control directly the lymph gland homeostasis. The realization of this screen, allowed me to identify four ligands produced by cardiac tube cells and required to maintain lymph gland hematopoietic progenitors. One of this ligand is a FGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor) ligand Branchless. Knock down of FGF/branchless ligand in cardiac tube cells or FGF/Breathless receptor in hematopoietic progenitors lead to an increase in immune cells differentiation at the expense of the progenitor pool. My results establish that the cardiac tube plays a role similar to a niche in controlling lymph gland homeostasis and the FGF pathway plays a key role in this cellular communication. [...]

Caractérisation de la différenciation de l'endoderme primitif : Coopération entre la voie de signalisation RTK-FGF et le facteur de transcription Gata 6 / Characterization of the differentiation of the primary endoderm : Cooperation between the RTK-FGF signalling pathway and the GATA6 transcription factor

Hermitte, Stephanie 23 October 2017 (has links)
A E3.5 jours de développement (E3.5), l’embryon murin se compose d’une monocouche de cellules externes correspondant au Trophectoderme (TE) et d’une masse cellulaire interne (MCI), hétérogène, constituée de deux sous-populations de cellules précurseurs : les cellules épiblastiques (Epi) et les cellules d’endoderme primitif (EPr). NANOG, marqueur épiblastique et GATA6, marqueur de l’EPr, sont co-exprimés à E3.5 dans la MCI puis adoptent une expression exclusive au sein de leur lignage respectif. La différenciation du lignage EPr nécessite l’expression de GATA6 et l’activation de la voie Récepteur Tyrosine Kinase (RTK) activée par le FGF (RTK-FGF) pour l’induction de gènes cibles de GATA6 tels que Sox17 et Gata4.Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai, dans un premier temps, étudié la relation GATA6/voie RTK-FGF lors de l’induction de l’expression des gènes de différenciation de l’EPr. J’ai utilisé des cellules souches embryonnaires murines ES sauvages ou mutantes pour Gata6 (ES Gata6-/-), dans lesquelles j’ai surexprimé différentes formes mutantes de Gata6 inactivées sur les différents résidus identifiés comme potentiellement phosphorylables par la voie RTK-FGF. Ainsi, j’ai analysé l’expression protéique des gènes Sox17 et Gata4 ainsi que des expressions ARN de ces cibles et d’autres gènes caractéristiques exprimés dans l’EPr dans les différentes conditions de surexpression des formes de Gata6 en absence ou présence d’inhibiteurs de la voie RTK-FGF. Ainsi, j’ai pu mettre en évidence que la transmission du signal s’effectue au travers de récepteur au FGF et qu’il existe une compensation entre les branches RTK-MEK-ERK et RTK-PI3K ciblant le résidu Sérine 37 de GATA6. Enfin, les résidus S34 et T509 sont nécessaires et les résidus S34, S37 et T509 semblent coopérer, au travers d’un mécanisme pour le moment non détaillé, pour l’induction des gènes cibles exprimés au sein de l’EPr.Dans un second temps, j’ai débuté la caractérisation phénotypique du rôle des facteurs Dickkopf1 (DKK1), un inhibiteur de la voie WNT/β-caténine, et NOGGIN, un inhibiteur de la voie des Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) lors de la différentiation de l’EPr en endoderme pariétal (EP) et viscéral (EV). A l’aide de modèles de souris KO pour DKK1 et NOGGIN, croisées en fond C57Bl6 pur, j’ai pu observer que l’expression d’OCT4 était maintenue au sein des embryons homozygotes mutants pour Dkk1 et double homozygotes mutants pour Dkk1 et Noggin. Cependant, le mécanisme potentiel de compensation ou de coopération de ces deux marqueurs n’est pour le moment pas détaillé précisément et mérite l’analyse d’un plus grand nombre d’embryons mutants. / At E3.5 days of development (E3.5), mouse embryo consists of a monolayer of external cells corresponding to Trophectoderme (TE) and of an intern cell mass (ICM), heterogeneous, constituted by two subpopulations of precursory cells: epiblastic cells (Epi) and primitive endoderm cells (EPr). NANOG, an Epi marker and GATA6, a PrE marker, are co-expressed at E3,5 in the MCI and then adopt an exclusive expression within their respective lineage. EPr differentiation requires both expression of GATA6 and RTK pathway, activated by FGF ligand, in order to induce late markers Sox17 and Gata4 expression.First, I studied the relation GATA6/RTK during this process to understand the mechanism of induction of these target genes during final EPr differentiation. I used embryonic stem cells ES WT or Gata6 mutants (ES Gata6-/-), in which I transfected various Gata6 mutant constructions on different residues characterized as potentially phosphorylable by the RTK pathway. So, I analyzed protein expression of Sox17 and Gata4 target genes as well as RNA expression of characteristic genes expressed in the EPr in different inhibition conditions of RTK pathway. So, I was able to highlight that the transmission of the signal is made through the FGF receptor (FGFR1) and that there is compensation between RTK-MEK-ERK and RTK-PI3K pathways highlighted by later Gata6 overexpression of certain mutant forms. Finally, residue S34, S37 and T509 seems to cooperate, through a mechanism not detailed for the moment, for the induction of the EPr target genes.Then, I was interested to phenotypically characterize the role of Dickkopf1 (DKK1), an inhibitor of the WNT/β-catenin pathway, and NOGGIN, an inhibitor of the Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) pathway during the EPr differentiation in parietal endoderm (EP) and visceral (EV). Using models of mouse KO for Dkk1 and Noggin, met in pure background C57Bl6, I was able to observe that OCT4 expression was maintained within the Dkk1-/-, and Dkk1-/- Noggin-/- embryos. However, the potential compensation or cooperation mechanism of these two markers is not understanding well for the moment and deserves the analysis of a largest mutant embryos number.

Expression and Purification of Unlabelled and Isotopically Labelled Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-1 and its Receptor Relevance in Cancer Research

Filani, Oluwadamilola 01 October 2015 (has links)
Studies show that fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) control variety of cellular activities such as mitosis, cell differentiation, survival and angiogenesis. The FGF family consists of 23 different heparin-binding proteins. One of the most intensively studied members is human FGF-1 (hFGF-1) because of its critical role in the formation of blood vessels and cell proliferation in some types of cancer. The biological activities of FGFs are primarily mediated via interactions with fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) and are a potent target in cancer. In this study, we report an efficient affinity column purification of hFGF-1 and the D2 domain of FGFR-2 from bacterial expression followed by SDSPAGE analysis. Steady state fluorescence results showed that both proteins were in their native conformation. The 1 H-15N HSQC NMR analysis of hFGF-1 was further performed. The data confirmed the purity and well-conserved native state of the protein. The findings of this study can be used in designing hFGF-1 antagonists with competitive inhibition characteristics. These antagonists could result in possible inhibition of hFGF-1 cell proliferation and angiogenesis associated in tumorigenesis.

Avaliação sequencial do metabolismo de cálcio e fósforo com ênfase na determinação do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos 23 (FGF-23) e da excreção fracionada de fósforo urinária (uFEP) de cães com doença renal crônica submetidos a terapia com células-tronco mesenquimal / Sequential evaluation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism with emphasis on measurement of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) and urinary fractional excretion of phosphorus (uFEP) in dogs with chronic kidney disease treated with mesenchymal stem cell

Cínthia Ribas Martorelli 09 November 2016 (has links)
A hiperfosfatemia está relacionada com o hiperparatireoidismo secundário renal (HPTSR) e com a progressão da doença renal crônica (DRC). A retenção de fósforo estimula a síntese do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos 23 (FGF-23), o qual promove fosfatúria, com o objetivo de evitar o aparecimento de hiperfosfatemia. Atualmente, o tratamento disponível para DRC é de manutenção e, portanto, novas estratégias para evitar a progressão da DRC seriam de grande relevância. Recentemente têm sido demonstrado o papel da célula-tronco mesenquimal (CTM) em minimizar os mecanismos inflamatórios e imunológicos envolvidos na progressão da DRC. Portanto, o estudo teve como hipótese de que a CTM possa evitar ou controlar a progressão para o HPTSR, investigada por meio da avaliação de biomarcadores do metabolismo de fósforo, ou seja, as concentrações sérica de fósforo (sP), FGF-23, cálcio total e cálcio ionizado, bem como a excreção fracionada de fósforo urinária (uFEP) em cães com DRC nos estágios 2 (Grupo A) e 3 (Grupo B), submetidos ou não a terapia com CTM, bem como investigar se os valores elevados de FGF-23 estariam relacionados com o menor tempo de sobrevida. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, longitudinal, duplo-cego e randomizado em que foram avaliados 22 cães com DRC, tratados com solução fisiológica (SF) ou CTM, avaliados a cada 30 a 45 dias em 12 momentos (T0 a T12). No Grupo A (n= 9; SF: n= 6, CTM: n= 3) todos os cães eram normofosfatêmicos no momento inicial do acompanhamento (T0) e foi observado níveis elevados de FGF-23 em 33,3% dos cães (3 de 9), assim como o aumento de uFEP foi detectado em 33,3% dos casos (3 de 9). A média ± EPM dos valores de FGF-23 sérico do Grupo A foi de 481,5 ± 75,23pg/mL. Já no Grupo B (n = 13; SF: n = 6, CTM: n = 7), todos os cães apresentaram altas concentrações séricas de FGF-23 desde T0 (média ± EPM de 12744 ± 6879pg/mL), sendo que 53,8% dos cães eram normofosfatêmicos. A média ± EPM de fósforo sérico em T0, T6 e T12 ou momento do óbito no Grupo A e B foi de 3,74 ± 0,13mg/dL e 6,40 ± 0,54mg/dL. Ao longo do curso da doença, o desenvolvimento de hiperfosfatemia foi observada em apenas 11,1% dos cães do Grupo A e em 84,6% dos cães do Grupo B. O Grupo B (SF e CTM) apresentou valores mais elevados de FGF-23 do que o Grupo A (SF e CTM), e foi detectada diferença estatística entre os dois grupos. A uFEP nos cães dos Grupos A e B em T0, T6 e T12 ou óbito obteve média ± EPM de 20,93 ± 3,92% e 24,05 ± 2,22%, respectivamente. Além disso, a sobrevida foi menor no Grupo B, a qual estava associada com hiperfosfatemia intensa, altas concentrações de FGF-23 e diminuição da uFEP. Dessa forma, em cães DRC normofosfatêmicos, a presença de aumentos de uFEP e de FGF-23 parece terem atuado como marcador precoce do HPTSR. Em contrapartida, nos estágios tardios da DRC, o aumento de FGF-23 associado a diminuição da uFEP pode indicar mau prognóstico. Em relação à terapia com CTM nos cães com DRC, de acordo com o número de cães avaliados e os resultados obtidos, não foi possível concluir de forma contundente sobre o efeito da terapia com CTM na doença renal crônica de curso natural em cães, entretanto, os resultados obtidos foram relevantes, pois suscitaram questões quanto ao momento ou o estágio da DRC que seria o mais adequado para a indicação da terapia celular para que os efeitos benéficos possam ser obtidos. Assim, ainda se faz necessária a condução de mais pesquisas com um número maior de cães com DRC para avaliar efeito da CTM em evitar o distúrbio no metabolismo mineral, bem como a progressão da DRC em cães / Hyperphosphatemia is associated with renal secondary hyperparathyroidism (SRHP) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression. Phosphorus retention stimulates the synthesis of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23), which promotes phosphaturia in order to avoid the onset of hyperphosphatemia. Conservative treatment of CKD is currently avaliable and new strategies are needed and welcome to avoid the progression of renal injury. Recent studies have shown the role of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) in minimizing inflammatory and immunological mechanisms known as mediators of CKD progression. Therefore, it was hypothesized that MSCs could avoid or control the progression to SRHP, assessed by serum phosphorus (sP), FGF-23, total and ionized calcium and fractional excretion of phosphorus (uFEP) in CKD dogs in Stages 2 (Group A) and 3 (Group B), also was investigated whether high values of FGF-23 could be associatted with shorter survival time. Prospective, double-blind, randomized and longitudinal study was conducted enrolling 22 dogs with CKD treated with saline solution (SS) or MSC, which were evaluated every 30 to 45 days in 12 moments (T0 to T12). In Group A (n = 9; SF: n = 6, CTM: n = 3) all dogs were normophosphatemic at the beginning of the follow-up (T0) and high levels of FGF-23 were already detected in 33.3% of dogs (3 of 9), as well as increased in uFEP (33.3%; 3 of 9). The mean ± SEM of serum FGF-23 in Group A was 481.50 ± 75.23pg/mL. In Group B (n = 13; SS: n = 6, MSC: n = 7), all dogs showed high concentrations of serum FGF-23 since T0 (mean ± SEM of 12744 ± 6979pg/mL), and normophosphatemia detected in 53.8% of them. The mean ± SEM of serum phosphorus at T0, T6 and T12 or death in Group A and B was 3.74 ± 0.13mg/dL and 6.40 ± 0.54mg/dL. Hyperphosphatemia developed during the follow-up in only 11.1% of the dogs of Group A and 84.6% of the dogs of Group B. Group B (SS and MSC) had higher levels of FGF-23 than Group A (SS and MSC), and difference bewteen those groups detected. The uFEP in dogs of Groups A and B at T0, T6 and T12 or death obtained mean ± SEM of 20.93 ± 3.92% and 24.05 ± 2.22%, respectively. Furthermore, the survival rate was lower in Group B, which was associated with severe hyperphosphatemia, high values of serum FGF-23 and decreased uFEP. Therefore in normophophatemic CKD dogs, the increased in uFEP and high levels of FGF-23 may act as an early marker of SRHP. However, in later stages of CKD, increased levels of serum FGF-23 associated with decreased uFEP and hyperphosphatemia may indicate poor prognosis. Regarding to the MSC therapy in dogs with CKD, the number of dogs involved and also according to the results, it still has not allowed to conclude the effect of therapy with mesenchymal stem cell in spontaneous chronic kidney disease; however, the results obtained raised important questions such as the time or the stage of CKD that could be more suitable for the use of stem cell therapy in order to get its beneficial effects. Therefore, futher studies are needed, including greater number of dogs with CKD and then to evaluate the effect or action of MSC to avoid disturbances in mineral metabolism as well as the progression of CKD in dogs

Signalisation FGF-10/FGFR2b dans les Malformations Adénomatoïdes Kystiques du Poumon (MAKP) / FGF-10 downstream signaling in human Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM)

Lezmi, Guillaume 19 December 2014 (has links)
Les Malformations Adénomatoïdes Kystiques du Poumon (MAKP) sont les malformations pulmonaires congénitales les plus fréquentes. Leur diagnostic est anatomopathologique. Elles sont classées en type I si elles comportent de larges kystes (>2cm), en type II si elles contiennent de multiples kystes plus petits (<1cm). Les MAKP de type III ont un aspect plus solide et contiennent des structures immatures ressemblant au poumon en développement. En général asymptomatiques, les MAKP peuvent se compliquer in utero d'hydramnios ou d'anasarque, à la naissance de détresse respiratoire, et plus tardivement d'infections ou de pneumothorax. Leur potentielle dégénérescence maligne reste débattue. L'origine des MAKP est inconnue. Les avancées récentes suggèrent une anomalie transitoire et focale du développement pulmonaire, qui pourrait être secondaire à une obstruction des voies aériennes. Le rôle du Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 (FGF10), facteur indispensable à la formation des ramifications pulmonaires, est supporté par différents modèles animaux. La surexpression localisée du FGF10 pourrait induire des dilatations kystiques des voies aériennes.L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les anomalies moléculaires à l'origine des MAKP.Dans une approche molécule candidate, nous avons comparé par immunohistochimie l'expression du FGF10, de son récepteur le FGFR2b, et d'un de ses inhibiteurs, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH), entre MAKP et tissus témoins. Nous avons également comparé l'expression de l'ARNm du FGF10 dans des cultures de fibroblastes isolés à partir de MAKP et de tissus témoins. Nous avons enfin élaboré un modèle de ligature trachéale in-utéro de lapins fœtaux, afin de modéliser les MAKP et d'étudier in-vivo en fin de gestation (J29/31) les conséquences morphologiques et moléculaires d'une obstruction trachéale précoce (J23/31). Dans une approche sans à-priori, nous avons microdissequé des MAKP et des tissus témoins, afin de séparer les compartiments épithélial et mésenchymateux et de comparer les transcriptomes issus de ces 2 compartiments entre MAKP et tissus sains. Nous avons également recherché l'existence d'anomalies génétiques in-situ, en comparant par CGH array le génome du tissu pathologique à celui obtenu à partir du sang périphérique provenant du même patient.Aucune différence d'expression du FGF10, du FGFR2b et de SHH n'était observée en immunohistochimie, entre MAKP et témoins. L'expression ARNm du FGF10 était cependant plus élevée dans les fibroblastes de MAKP que dans les fibroblastes de tissus témoins. Nous n'avons pas observé de dilatation des voies aériennes de conduction chez les fœtus ligaturés, mais une augmentation du nombre des alvéoles pulmonaires. La voie de signalisation FGF10 n'était pas surexprimée à J29 dans le poumon des fœtus ligaturés. Les premiers résultats de l'analyse CGH array ne montrent pas de différence entre le génome provenant de la lésion et le génome provenant du sang périphérique. L'analyse transcriptomique est en cours.Le FGF10 n'est pas surexprimée de façon permanente dans les MAKP, mais il est possible que sa surexpression soit transitoire, et que notre analyse ait été trop tardive. L'occlusion trachéale précoce n'affecte pas les voies aériennes de conduction, notre modèle animal n'est pas un modèle de MAKP. Un modèle fondé sur une occlusion bronchique précoce, sur des explants de poumon fœtal serait probablement plus adapté à l'étude des MAKP. L'absence d'anomalie génétique confirme l'hypothèse d'une anomalie localisée et transitoire du développement pulmonaire à l'origine des MAKP. / Les Malformations Adénomatoïdes Kystiques du Poumon (MAKP) sont les malformations pulmonaires congénitales les plus fréquentes. Leur diagnostic est anatomopathologique. Elles sont classées en type I si elles comportent de larges kystes (>2cm), en type II si elles contiennent de multiples kystes plus petits (<1cm). Les MAKP de type III ont un aspect plus solide et contiennent des structures immatures ressemblant au poumon en développement. En général asymptomatiques, les MAKP peuvent se compliquer in utero d'hydramnios ou d'anasarque, à la naissance de détresse respiratoire, et plus tardivement d'infections ou de pneumothorax. Leur potentielle dégénérescence maligne reste débattue. L'origine des MAKP est inconnue. Les avancées récentes suggèrent une anomalie transitoire et focale du développement pulmonaire, qui pourrait être secondaire à une obstruction des voies aériennes. Le rôle du Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 (FGF10), facteur indispensable à la formation des ramifications pulmonaires, est supporté par différents modèles animaux. La surexpression localisée du FGF10 pourrait induire des dilatations kystiques des voies aériennes.L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer les anomalies moléculaires à l'origine des MAKP.Dans une approche molécule candidate, nous avons comparé par immunohistochimie l'expression du FGF10, de son récepteur le FGFR2b, et d'un de ses inhibiteurs, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH), entre MAKP et tissus témoins. Nous avons également comparé l'expression de l'ARNm du FGF10 dans des cultures de fibroblastes isolés à partir de MAKP et de tissus témoins. Nous avons enfin élaboré un modèle de ligature trachéale in-utéro de lapins fœtaux, afin de modéliser les MAKP et d'étudier in-vivo en fin de gestation (J29/31) les conséquences morphologiques et moléculaires d'une obstruction trachéale précoce (J23/31). Dans une approche sans à-priori, nous avons microdissequé des MAKP et des tissus témoins, afin de séparer les compartiments épithélial et mésenchymateux et de comparer les transcriptomes issus de ces 2 compartiments entre MAKP et tissus sains. Nous avons également recherché l'existence d'anomalies génétiques in-situ, en comparant par CGH array le génome du tissu pathologique à celui obtenu à partir du sang périphérique provenant du même patient.Aucune différence d'expression du FGF10, du FGFR2b et de SHH n'était observée en immunohistochimie, entre MAKP et témoins. L'expression ARNm du FGF10 était cependant plus élevée dans les fibroblastes de MAKP que dans les fibroblastes de tissus témoins. Nous n'avons pas observé de dilatation des voies aériennes de conduction chez les fœtus ligaturés, mais une augmentation du nombre des alvéoles pulmonaires. La voie de signalisation FGF10 n'était pas surexprimée à J29 dans le poumon des fœtus ligaturés. Les premiers résultats de l'analyse CGH array ne montrent pas de différence entre le génome provenant de la lésion et le génome provenant du sang périphérique. L'analyse transcriptomique est en cours.Il semble donc que la voie du FGF10 ne soit pas surexprimée dans les MAKP, mais il est possible que la surexpression de ce facteur soit transitoire, et que notre analyse ait été trop tardive. L'occlusion trachéale précoce n'affecte pas les voies aériennes de conduction, notre modèle animal n'est pas un modèle de MAKP. Un modèle fondé sur une occlusion bronchique précoce, sur des explants de poumon fœtal serait probablement plus adapté à l'étude des MAKP. L'absence d'anomalie génétique confirme l'hypothèse d'une anomalie localisée et transitoire du développement pulmonaire à l'origine des MAKP.

Produção e caracterização de Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)\" recombinante / Production and characterization of \"Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) recombinant

Catarina Akiko Miyamoto 12 March 1992 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a produção dos FGFs básico bovino e ácido humano (há) em E. coli utilizando o vetor pET. Para expressar o haFGF utilizamos o cDNA nativo com pequenas modificações, obtendo cerca de 40 mg da proteína por litro de cultura induzida. No caso do bbFGF, cerca de 60 pares de bases da extremidade 5 do cDNA nativo foram substituídos por oligonucleotídeos sintéticos contendo condons frequentemente usados em genes bacterianos altamente expressos e apresentando menor conteúdo de C+G do que a sequência nativa. Com este cDNA modificado, obteve-se cerca de 10mg 1-1 de bbFGF. Os FGFs intracelulares solúveis foram purificados a partir do extrato bacteriano por chromatografia de afinidade em Heparina-Sepharose atingindo um grau de pureza da ordem de 95%. O haFGF sozinho é ativo sobre fibroblastos 3T3 em cultura na concentração de ng ml-1; na presença de heparina, a atividade desloca-se para a faixa de pg ml-1. O bbFGF é ativo na concentração de pg ml-1 e sua atividade não é significantemente potenciada pela heparina. O sequenciamento da extremidade N-terminal e a análise de aminoácidos mostraram somente uma forma de haFGF recombinante correspondente à proteína autêntica de 154 aminoácidos. Foram encontradas duas formas de bbFGF recombinante, uma correspondente à proteína autêntica de 154 resíduos e outra contendo 153, onde os dois primeiros foram removidos. / Here we describe the use of the pET expression system to produce the 154 amino acid bovine basic (bb) and human acidic (ha) FGFs. To express haFGF we have used the native cDNA sequencewith minor modifications, obtaining about 40 mg of growth factor per liter of bacterial culture. In the case of bbFGF, about 60 base pairs form the 5-end of the native cDND were replaced with synthetic oligonucleotides containing codons frequently used in highly expressed bacterial genes and having a lower G+C content than the native sequence. By using this modified cDNA about 10 mg 1-1 of bbFGF was obtained. The intracellular, soluble FGFs were partially purified from bacterial extracts by heparin-affinity chromatography and shown to be more than 95% pure. The haFGF alone is active upon 3T3 fibroblasts in culture at the level of ng ml-1 or in the range of pg ml-1 when heparin is added to the incubation medium. The bbFGF is active in the range of pg ml-1 and its activity is not significantly potentiated by heparin. Only one form of recombinant haFGF corresponding to the authentic protein of 154 amino acids was found by N-terminal protein sequencing and amino acid analysis. Two forms of recombinant bbFGF were found, one corresponding to the authentic protein of 154 amino acids (about 75%) and another containing 153 amino acids where the first two residues were removed (about 25%>).

Avaliação sequencial do metabolismo de cálcio e fósforo com ênfase na determinação do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos 23 (FGF-23) e da excreção fracionada de fósforo urinária (uFEP) de cães com doença renal crônica submetidos a terapia com células-tronco mesenquimal / Sequential evaluation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism with emphasis on measurement of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) and urinary fractional excretion of phosphorus (uFEP) in dogs with chronic kidney disease treated with mesenchymal stem cell

Martorelli, Cínthia Ribas 09 November 2016 (has links)
A hiperfosfatemia está relacionada com o hiperparatireoidismo secundário renal (HPTSR) e com a progressão da doença renal crônica (DRC). A retenção de fósforo estimula a síntese do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos 23 (FGF-23), o qual promove fosfatúria, com o objetivo de evitar o aparecimento de hiperfosfatemia. Atualmente, o tratamento disponível para DRC é de manutenção e, portanto, novas estratégias para evitar a progressão da DRC seriam de grande relevância. Recentemente têm sido demonstrado o papel da célula-tronco mesenquimal (CTM) em minimizar os mecanismos inflamatórios e imunológicos envolvidos na progressão da DRC. Portanto, o estudo teve como hipótese de que a CTM possa evitar ou controlar a progressão para o HPTSR, investigada por meio da avaliação de biomarcadores do metabolismo de fósforo, ou seja, as concentrações sérica de fósforo (sP), FGF-23, cálcio total e cálcio ionizado, bem como a excreção fracionada de fósforo urinária (uFEP) em cães com DRC nos estágios 2 (Grupo A) e 3 (Grupo B), submetidos ou não a terapia com CTM, bem como investigar se os valores elevados de FGF-23 estariam relacionados com o menor tempo de sobrevida. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, longitudinal, duplo-cego e randomizado em que foram avaliados 22 cães com DRC, tratados com solução fisiológica (SF) ou CTM, avaliados a cada 30 a 45 dias em 12 momentos (T0 a T12). No Grupo A (n= 9; SF: n= 6, CTM: n= 3) todos os cães eram normofosfatêmicos no momento inicial do acompanhamento (T0) e foi observado níveis elevados de FGF-23 em 33,3% dos cães (3 de 9), assim como o aumento de uFEP foi detectado em 33,3% dos casos (3 de 9). A média ± EPM dos valores de FGF-23 sérico do Grupo A foi de 481,5 ± 75,23pg/mL. Já no Grupo B (n = 13; SF: n = 6, CTM: n = 7), todos os cães apresentaram altas concentrações séricas de FGF-23 desde T0 (média ± EPM de 12744 ± 6879pg/mL), sendo que 53,8% dos cães eram normofosfatêmicos. A média ± EPM de fósforo sérico em T0, T6 e T12 ou momento do óbito no Grupo A e B foi de 3,74 ± 0,13mg/dL e 6,40 ± 0,54mg/dL. Ao longo do curso da doença, o desenvolvimento de hiperfosfatemia foi observada em apenas 11,1% dos cães do Grupo A e em 84,6% dos cães do Grupo B. O Grupo B (SF e CTM) apresentou valores mais elevados de FGF-23 do que o Grupo A (SF e CTM), e foi detectada diferença estatística entre os dois grupos. A uFEP nos cães dos Grupos A e B em T0, T6 e T12 ou óbito obteve média ± EPM de 20,93 ± 3,92% e 24,05 ± 2,22%, respectivamente. Além disso, a sobrevida foi menor no Grupo B, a qual estava associada com hiperfosfatemia intensa, altas concentrações de FGF-23 e diminuição da uFEP. Dessa forma, em cães DRC normofosfatêmicos, a presença de aumentos de uFEP e de FGF-23 parece terem atuado como marcador precoce do HPTSR. Em contrapartida, nos estágios tardios da DRC, o aumento de FGF-23 associado a diminuição da uFEP pode indicar mau prognóstico. Em relação à terapia com CTM nos cães com DRC, de acordo com o número de cães avaliados e os resultados obtidos, não foi possível concluir de forma contundente sobre o efeito da terapia com CTM na doença renal crônica de curso natural em cães, entretanto, os resultados obtidos foram relevantes, pois suscitaram questões quanto ao momento ou o estágio da DRC que seria o mais adequado para a indicação da terapia celular para que os efeitos benéficos possam ser obtidos. Assim, ainda se faz necessária a condução de mais pesquisas com um número maior de cães com DRC para avaliar efeito da CTM em evitar o distúrbio no metabolismo mineral, bem como a progressão da DRC em cães / Hyperphosphatemia is associated with renal secondary hyperparathyroidism (SRHP) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression. Phosphorus retention stimulates the synthesis of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23), which promotes phosphaturia in order to avoid the onset of hyperphosphatemia. Conservative treatment of CKD is currently avaliable and new strategies are needed and welcome to avoid the progression of renal injury. Recent studies have shown the role of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) in minimizing inflammatory and immunological mechanisms known as mediators of CKD progression. Therefore, it was hypothesized that MSCs could avoid or control the progression to SRHP, assessed by serum phosphorus (sP), FGF-23, total and ionized calcium and fractional excretion of phosphorus (uFEP) in CKD dogs in Stages 2 (Group A) and 3 (Group B), also was investigated whether high values of FGF-23 could be associatted with shorter survival time. Prospective, double-blind, randomized and longitudinal study was conducted enrolling 22 dogs with CKD treated with saline solution (SS) or MSC, which were evaluated every 30 to 45 days in 12 moments (T0 to T12). In Group A (n = 9; SF: n = 6, CTM: n = 3) all dogs were normophosphatemic at the beginning of the follow-up (T0) and high levels of FGF-23 were already detected in 33.3% of dogs (3 of 9), as well as increased in uFEP (33.3%; 3 of 9). The mean ± SEM of serum FGF-23 in Group A was 481.50 ± 75.23pg/mL. In Group B (n = 13; SS: n = 6, MSC: n = 7), all dogs showed high concentrations of serum FGF-23 since T0 (mean ± SEM of 12744 ± 6979pg/mL), and normophosphatemia detected in 53.8% of them. The mean ± SEM of serum phosphorus at T0, T6 and T12 or death in Group A and B was 3.74 ± 0.13mg/dL and 6.40 ± 0.54mg/dL. Hyperphosphatemia developed during the follow-up in only 11.1% of the dogs of Group A and 84.6% of the dogs of Group B. Group B (SS and MSC) had higher levels of FGF-23 than Group A (SS and MSC), and difference bewteen those groups detected. The uFEP in dogs of Groups A and B at T0, T6 and T12 or death obtained mean ± SEM of 20.93 ± 3.92% and 24.05 ± 2.22%, respectively. Furthermore, the survival rate was lower in Group B, which was associated with severe hyperphosphatemia, high values of serum FGF-23 and decreased uFEP. Therefore in normophophatemic CKD dogs, the increased in uFEP and high levels of FGF-23 may act as an early marker of SRHP. However, in later stages of CKD, increased levels of serum FGF-23 associated with decreased uFEP and hyperphosphatemia may indicate poor prognosis. Regarding to the MSC therapy in dogs with CKD, the number of dogs involved and also according to the results, it still has not allowed to conclude the effect of therapy with mesenchymal stem cell in spontaneous chronic kidney disease; however, the results obtained raised important questions such as the time or the stage of CKD that could be more suitable for the use of stem cell therapy in order to get its beneficial effects. Therefore, futher studies are needed, including greater number of dogs with CKD and then to evaluate the effect or action of MSC to avoid disturbances in mineral metabolism as well as the progression of CKD in dogs

The inflammatory role of angiogenic growth factors : a neutrophil perspective

Haddad, Lydia Edma 02 1900 (has links)
De par sa présence dans tous les vaisseaux sanguins, l'endothélium joue un rôle clef dans le processus d’hémostase, tant par sa libération de facteurs anticoagulants que par ses changements protéiques qui permettent à l’organisme de déclencher la réparation tissulaire. La fonction anticoagulante de l’endothélium peut être mise en défaut en cas d’atteinte de son intégrité, entrainant la formation de thrombus, le rejet précoce de greffes ou encore l’induction de l’athérosclérose. L’intégrité de l’endothélium est donc capitale pour la prévention de nombreuses maladies cardiovasculaires. Chez l’adulte, les cellules endothéliales (CE), normalement quiescentes, sont rapidement activées en cas d’hypoxie ou d’inflammation, leur permettant ainsi d’amorcer le processus angiogénique comme suit: Tout d’abord, l’induction de l’hyperperméabilité vasculaire permet l’extravasation des protéines plasmatiques. Ensuite, la dégradation de la lame basale par des métalloprotéases permet aux CE de se détacher, de proliférer, de migrer et de s’organiser pour former l’ébauche du futur vaisseau. La dernière étape consiste en la maturation du vaisseau, c’est-à-dire son recouvrement par des cellules murales, telles que les cellules musculaires lisses et les péricytes. Ces processus sont régulés par de nombreux facteurs angiogéniques tels que les membres de la famille Notch, du vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), du fibroblast growth factor (FGF), des angiopoïétines, et des matrix metalloproteases (MMP). L’angiogenèse pathologique, soit une insuffisance ou un excès de vascularisation, est impliquée dans les blessures chroniques, les accidents cardiovasculaires, les pathologies coronariennes artérielles, les pathologies tumorales, l’arthrite rhumatoïde, la rétinopathie diabétique, l’athérosclérose, le psoriasis et l’asthme. Ces pathologies sont souvent issues d’une dérégulation de l’activité endothéliale, fréquemment observée conjointement à l’expression continue de molécules d’adhésion leucocytaires, à l’augmentation de la perméabilité vasculaire, et aux anomalies de la vasoréactivité. L’activation non-contrôlée de l’endothélium entraîne ainsi une inflammation chronique et la formation de structures vasculaires anarchiques. Les premiers leucocytes à répondre à l’appel inflammatoire sont les neutrophiles. Equippées d’une panoplie de produits antibactériens puissants mais aussi nocifs pour les tissus qui les entourent, ces cellules polylobées participent à chaque étape du processus inflammatoire, depuis l’induction de l’hyperperméabilité vasculaire jusqu’à la résolution. En effet, grâce à leurs récepteurs, les neutrophiles détectent et interprètent les signaux biochimiques présents dans la circulation et à la surface de l’endothélium, et libèrent aussi leurs propres médiateurs tels le VEGF, les MMP, et l’interleukine-8 (IL-8), dont les effets sont à la fois paracrines et autocrines. Existent-ils d’autres modulateurs typiques de la fonction endothéliale capables d’influencer le comportement des neutrophiles? En effet, notre laboratoire a démontré que chez l’humain, une stimulation directe aux angiopoïétines incitait les neutrophiles à adhérer aux CE, à migrer, à synthétiser et à relâcher l’IL-8, voire même à vivre plus longtemps. La présence du récepteur des angiopoïétines, Tie2, à la surface des neutrophiles laisse présager que la famille possèderait d’autres fonctions leucocytaires encore non-identifiées. Par ailleurs, dans un modèle classique de l’angiogenèse in vivo (matrigel), nous avons observé que sous l’effet du FGF1 et 2, les ébauches des nouveaux vaisseaux étaient parfois accompagnées d’une infiltration de cellules granulocytaires. Ainsi, en partant de ces observations, l’objectif de nos études (présentées ci-après) était d’approfondir nos connaissances sur la relation entre neutrophiles et facteurs angiogéniques, notamment les FGF et les angiopoïétines. Par tests in vitro, nous avons confirmé que les neutrophiles humains exprimaient plusieurs récepteurs du FGF (FGFR1-4) d’une façon hétérogène, et qu’ils migraient vers un gradient des ligands FGF1 et 2. Par ailleurs, nous nous sommes intéressés aux voies de signalisation inflammatoires activées par les ligands FGF1, FGF2, Ang1 et Ang2. Grâce à une stratégie génique ciblant 84 gènes inflammatoires, nous avons identifié plusieurs cibles d’intérêt touchées par Ang1, dont certains membres de la famille de l’IL-1, alors qu’aucun des gènes testés n’avait changé de façon significative sous l’effet des FGF ou d’Ang2. Suite à des cinétiques approfondies, nous avons démontré qu’Ang1 stimulait la transcription de l’ARN messager de l’IL-1β, et augmentait simultanément la quantité de protéine immature (pro-IL-1β; inactive) et clivée (IL-1β « mature »; active). En parallèle, Ang1 augmentait la sécrétion de l’antagoniste naturel de l’IL-1β, l’IL-1RA, sans pour autant stimuler la relâche de l’IL-1β. A l’instar des endotoxines bactériennes dont les effets liés à l’IL-1 dépendaient de la kinase p38, ceux d’Ang1 découlaient presque entièrement des voies de signalisation du p42/44. / Endothelial cells (ECs) form a monolayer that lines the inside of all blood vessels; thus, as the first barrier that separates blood elements from all things that fall beyond the blood vessel, ECs are strategically placed to play a central role in many essential physiological processes. While it is found mostly in a quiescent state in adult organisms, the endothelium retains a high level of plasticity that allows it to react to stimulus and dynamically control the passage of blood components to and from the bloodstream. For instance, upon detecting an activating angiogenic signal, ECs forgo their quiescence and undergo biochemical and structural changes necessary for the initiation of angiogenesis. Thus, activated ECs down-regulate their own expression of junctional molecules and secrete proteins to digest the extracellular matrix (ECM), thereby giving them the space to proliferate and migrate. Relaxing endothelial junctions also increases permeability, opening up the doorway for leukocyte infiltration. These cells can then modulate angiogenesis via their own set of mediators. Though the instigating stimuli may differ, the biochemical sequence of events that initiates angiogenesis is also common to the inflammatory response. In the latter case, changes in EC biochemistry include the release of chemotactic agents and expression of surface adhesion molecules, increasing the efficiency of leukocyte infiltration, particularly those of the myeloid lineage. Evidently, because angiogenesis and inflammation can be initiated by the same sequence of events, they will inevitably share effector molecules. Of the recruited leukocytes, neutrophils are generally the first responders at the site of inflammation, contributing mediators that propagate and eventually resolve inflammation. We and other groups have shown that endothelial modulators such as angiogenic growth factors exert a direct action on neutrophil activity independently of the presence of the endothelium. In particular, our laboratory has shown that members of the angiopoietin family and their receptor Tie2 are expressed by neutrophils and are capable of activating neutrophil intracellular signalling pathways that impact their survival, adhesion, migration, and protein production. The ability of angiopoietins to directly engage neutrophils illustrates an intimate link between angiogenesis and inflammation, and provides an explanation for why vascular pathologies are often accompanied by an exacerbated inflammatory response. In the studies presented herein, we sought to expand our understanding of the relationship between angiogenic growth factors and neutrophil behavior. In a pilot experiment using in vivo subcutaneous matrigel plugs, short-term treatment with fibroblast growth factors (FGF) 1 and 2 resulted in significant neovascularization; interestingly, the tissues surrounding the matrigel plug showed an increase in polymorphonuclear cell infiltration. Encouraged by the paucity of information in the literature regarding FGF-neutrophil interaction, we looked at the expression of FGF receptors (FGFRs) on neutrophils from different human donors, as well as the ability of FGFs to induce neutrophil chemotaxis. We demonstrated that the expression of FGFR was strongly dependent on genetic background: Overall, FGFR2 showed the highest incidence as a neutrophil cell-surface receptor, but none of the receptors were universally or uniformly expressed. Despite the genetic factor, neutrophils migrated in response to both FGF1 and FGF2 in vitro, suggesting that other neutrophil adaptors may be engaging FGFs. Given the shared ability of FGFs and angiopoietins (Ang) to induce neutrophil migration, we performed a wide-scale RNA assay to determine which genes were being engaged by the main ligands of both families. While none of FGF1, FGF2 or Ang2 had a strong effect on the 84 inflammatory cytokine genes tested (FGFs - unpublished data, 2011), at least two target genes belonging to the interleukin-1 (IL-1) family were significantly upregulated following Ang1 treatment. Further analysis showed that Ang1 not only stimulates gene transcription, but also translation and processing of the precursor of IL-1β (pro-IL-1β), and both precursor and mature proteins accumulate in the cell simultaneously. Interestingly, although no IL-1β is secreted from neutrophils after Ang1 or endotoxin (LPS) treatment, substantial quantities of the naturally occurring IL-1β antagonist (IL-1RA) are released, thereby tipping the balance in favor of inhibiting IL-1β activity. Finally, the activities of Ang1 on IL-1β and IL-1RA production and/or release are largely mediated by p42/44 MAPK; in contrast, the effects of LPS are driven by recruitment of p38.

Proteolytic Processing of Drosophila melanogaster FGFs

Rieß, Eva-Maria 15 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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