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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-sensing ultra-high performance concrete: A review

Guo, Y., Wang, D., Ashour, Ashraf, Ding, S., Han, B. 02 November 2023 (has links)
Yes / Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is an innovative cementitious composite, that has been widely applied in numerous structural projects because of its superior mechanical properties and durability. However, ensuring the safety of UHPC structures necessitates an urgent need for technology to continuously monitor and evaluate their condition during their extended periods of service. Self-sensing ultra-high performance concrete (SSUHPC) extends the functionality of UHPC system by integrating conductive fillers into the UHPC matrix, allowing it to address above demands with great potential and superiority. By measuring and analyzing the relationship between fraction change in resistivity (FCR) and external stimulates (force, stress, strain), SSUHPC can effectively monitor the crack initiation and propagation as well as damage events in UHPC structures, thus offering a promising pathway for structural health monitoring (SHM). Research on SSUHPC has attracted substantial interests from both academic and engineering practitioners in recent years, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive review on the state of the art of SSUHPC. It offers a detailed overview of material composition, mechanical properties and self-sensing capabilities, and the underlying mechanisms involved of SSUHPC with various functional fillers. Furthermore, based on the recent advancements in SSUHPC technology, the paper concludes that SSUHPC has superior self-sensing performance under tensile load but poor self-sensing performance under compressive load. The mechanical and self-sensing properties of UHPC are substantially dependent on the type and dosage of functional fillers. In addition, the practical engineering SHM application of SSUHPC, particularly in the context of large-scale structure, is met with certain challenges, such as environment effects on the response of SSUHPC. Therefore, it still requires further extensive investigation and empirical validation to bridge the gap between laboratory research and real engineering application of SSUHPC. / The full-text of this article will be released for public view at the end of the publisher embargo on 28 Dec 2024.

The use of various combinations of viscose, lime, and urea-formaldehyde resin as a binder for sawdust in the making of molded panels or forms

Jones, J. Lucien January 1945 (has links)

Desarrollo de formulaciones derivadas de ácido poliláctico (PLA), mediante plastificación e incorporación de aditivos de origen natural

Ferri Azor, José Miguel 06 July 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / "Development of polylactic acid (PLA)-derived formulations by plasticization and additives from renewable resources" The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the study, development and characterization of biodegradable or biocompatible materials from poly(lactic acid) (PLA) with improved properties for uses in several sectors such as food packaging, medical sector, etc. In order to modify the ductility and the stiffness of PLA, with the subsequent effects on its potential uses in different sectors, different fillers and/or additives were incorporated to PLA formulations by extrusion. Several plasticizers derived from vegetable oils and fatty acids were used; particularly, an epoxidized plasticizer derived from stearic acid (octyl epoxy stearate - OES) and a maleinized linseed oil - MLO were used. Another strategy that has been used in this research has focused on the development of binary blends with other polymers with increased ductility such as polycaprolactone (PCL) and thermoplastic starch (TPS). Finally, incorporation of several biocompatible/resorbable fillers derived from calcium orthophosphate (Ca3(PO4)2) such as ß-tricalcium phosphate (ß-TCP) and hydroxyapatite (HA), was carried out to widen the potential of these PLA-based materials in medical applications. / "Desarrollo de formulaciones derivadas de ácido poliláctico (PLA), mediante plastificación e incorporación de aditivos de origen natural" El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es el estudio, desarrollo y caracterización de materiales biodegradables o biocompatibles de ácido poliláctico (PLA) con propiedades mejoradas para su aplicación en diversos sectores como el envasado de alimentos, sector médico, etc. Para modificar la ductilidad o rigidez del PLA y con ello su aptitud en los distintos campos, se lleva a cabo un estudio de la incorporación de diferentes cargas o aditivos, mediante mezclado por extrusión. Se han utilizado plastificantes derivados de aceites vegetales y ácidos grasos; en particular, un plastificante epoxidado derivado del ácido esteárico (epoxi estearato de octilo - OES) y un derivado maleinizado de aceite de linaza - MLO. Otra de las estrategias que se han abordado se ha centrado en el desarrollo de mezclas binarias con otros biopolímeros con mayor ductilidad como la policaprolactona (PCL) y el almidón termoplástico (TPS). Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo la incorporación de cargas biocompatibles tipo ortofosfato cálcico (Ca3(PO4)2) como el ß-fosfato tricálcico (ß-TCP) y la hidroxiapatita (HA) para ampliar el potencial de estos materiales basados en PLA en el sector médico. / "Desenvolupament de formulacions derivades d'àcid polilàctic (PLA), mitjançant plastificació i incorporació d'additius d'origen natural" L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral és l'estudi, desenvolupament i caracterització de materials biodegradables i biocompatibles d'àcid polilàctic (PLA) amb propietats millorades per a la seua aplicació en diversos sectors com ara l'envasat d'aliments, sector mèdic, etc. Per tal de modificar la ductilitat o rigidesa del PLA, i amb això, la seua aptitud en els esmentats camps, s'ha fet un estudi de la incorporació de diferents càrregues o additius, mitjançant mesclat per extrusió. S'han utilitzat plastificants derivats d'olis vegetals i àcids grassos; en particular, un plastificant epoxidat derivat de l'àcid esteàric (epoxi estearat d'octil - OES) i un derivat maleinitzat d'oli llinós - MLO. Una altra estratègia que s'ha seguit s'ha centrat en el desenvolupament de mescles binàries amb altres polímers amb major ductilitat com ara la policaprolactona (PCL) i el midó termoplàstic (TPS). Finalment, s'ha dut a terme la incorporació de càrregues biocompatibles de tipus ortofosfat càlcic (Ca3(PO4)2) com ara el ß-fosfat tricàlcic (ß-TCP) i la hidroxiapatita (HA) per tal d'ampliar el potencial d'aquests materials basats en PLA al sector mèdic. / Ferri Azor, JM. (2017). Desarrollo de formulaciones derivadas de ácido poliláctico (PLA), mediante plastificación e incorporación de aditivos de origen natural [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86166 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales / Compendio

Utveckling av stabila och hållbara kartongmodeller : En studie av förpackningsmodeller som alternativ till traditionella fillers / Development of stable and sustainable cardboard models : A study of packaging models as alternatives to traditional fillers

Arman, Rahman, Elmi, Amal January 2024 (has links)
This study focuses on addressing inefficiencies in packaging processes at Spaljisten AB caused by extensive filler usage, aiming to enhance efficiency and reduce environmental impact. After a thorough review of existing literature and packaging techniques, four alternative packaging models were evaluated through SWOT analyses. Model 3, utilizing tabs to fold cardboard edges for product protection, emerged as the most promising solution, balancing efficiency, sustainability, and technical feasibility by significantly reducing fillers dependency and waste. Further research is suggested to explore scalability and long-term sustainability, ensuring Spaljisten AB meets evolving market demands and consumer expectations for sustainability.

Lignocellulosic fractions from rice and coffee husks to improve functionality of biodegradable films based on starch and poly-lactic acid

Collazo Bigliardi, Sofía 03 June 2019 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La presente Tesis Doctoral se ha centrado en el aislamiento y caracterización de materiales celulósicos y extractos activos, procedentes de las cascarillas de arroz y café, y su incorporación a películas de almidón y mezclas compatibilizadas de almidón-PLA, para mejorar sus propiedades funcionales como materiales para el envasado de alimentos. Las fibras de celulosa (CF) se obtuvieron mediante tratamiento alcalino y de blanqueo, con un rendimiento de 41 y 53 g fibras/100 g cascarilla, respectivamente para cascarilla de arroz y café. Los nanocristales de celulosa (CNC) se aislaron de las fibras mediante hidrólisis ácida, con un rendimiento del 5% respecto a las fibras y con alta cristalinidad (90-92%), resistencia térmica y relación de aspecto (L/d: 20-40). Los compuestos activos se obtuvieron mediante extracción hidrotérmica (180 ºC; 9,5 bares), con un rendimiento de 17-18 g/ 100 g de cascarilla. Dichos extractos exhibieron capacidad antioxidante (EC50: 5,37-5,29 mg sólidos extraídos/ mg DPPH) y antimicrobiana (cuantificada en términos de concentración mínima inhibitoria: MIC) frente a L. innocua (MIC: 48-52 mg polvo/mL) y E. coli (MIC: 50-66 mg polvo/mL). Los materiales celulósicos procedentes de cascarilla de arroz y café se incorporaron a películas de almidón termoplástico (TPS), obtenidas mediante mezclado en fundido y moldeo por compresión. El módulo elástico aumentó un 186 y 121% cuando se incorporó a la matriz un 1% (p/p) de CNC de cascarilla de arroz y café, respectivamente. Del mismo modo, las CF se añadieron a las películas de TPS al 1, 5 y 10 pt%. Ambas CF aumentaron la rigidez y redujeron la extensibilidad de los films, aunque las CF de cascarilla de café mantuvieron mejor la ductilidad al 1 y 5% (p/p). La permeabilidad al vapor de agua de las películas de TPS no se redujo en los materiales compuestos, aunque la permeabilidad al oxígeno se redujo en aproximadamente un 17%. Al incorporar extractos activos a los films de almidón, mejoraron sus propiedades de tracción; el módulo elástico aumentó un 350%, a la vez que se hicieron menos extensibles. Las fibras de celulosa de ambos residuos fueron más efectivas como agentes de refuerzo en los films con extractos sólidos que en los de almidón solo. Se estudiaron también mezclas de almidón-PLA utilizando como compatibilizador policaprolactona funcionalizada con anhídrido maléico y/o glicidil metacrilato (PCLMG o PCLG). Se analizó el efecto de la proporción de PLA en la mezcla (20 y 40% respecto al almidón), y la de ambos compatibilizadores (2,5 y 5%), en las propiedades de los films. Los análisis de la microestructura, el comportamiento térmico y las propiedades funcionales (mecánicas, ópticas y de barrera) de los films, demostraron que sustituir el 20% del almidón por PLA e incorporar el 5% de PCLG podría ser una buena estrategia para obtener materiales adecuados para envasado de alimentos. Además, se estudió el efecto de la adición de rellenos celulósicos (CF y CNC) y del extracto antioxidante de cascarilla de café en la mezcla de almidón-PLA compatibilizada seleccionada. Las propiedades antioxidantes de los films se probaron a través de su eficacia para preservar al aceite de girasol de la oxidación. Se observaron diferencias significativas en las propiedades funcionales de los films cuando los CNC se incorporaron mediante dos métodos diferentes. El efecto de refuerzo de los materiales celulósicos en mezclas de S-PLA fue menos notable que en las películas de almidón, probablemente debido a la superposición del efecto de refuerzo de PLA. El extracto antioxidante no mejoró el comportamiento mecánico en la mezcla, pero le confirió capacidad antioxidante, adecuada para aplicaciones en el envasado de alimentos. / [CA] La present Tesi Doctoral s'ha centrat en l'aïllament i caracteritzaciò de materials cel.lulòsics i extractes actius, procedents de pellorfa d'arròs i café, i la seua incorporació a pel·lícules de midó i mescles compatibilitzades de midò-PLA, per a millorar les seues propietats funcionals com materials per al envasat d'aliments. Les fibres de cel.lulosa (CF) s'obtingueren mitjançant tractament alcalí i de blanqueig, amb un rendiment de 41 i 53 g fibres/100g pellorfa, respectivament per a pellorfa d'arròs i cafè. Els nanocristalls de cel·lulosa (CNC) es van aïllar de les fibres de cel·lulosa per mig d'hidròlosi àcida, amb un rendiment del 5% respecte a les fibres; en tots dos casos, amb alta cristal·línitat (90-92%), resistència tèrmica i relaciò d'aspecte (L/d: 20-40). Els composts actius s'obtingueren mitjançant l'extracció hidrotèrmica (180 ºC; 9,5 bars), amb un rendiment del 17-18 g/100 g de pellorfa. Aquests composts exhibiren capacitat antioxidant (EC50: 5,37-5,29 mg extracte solit/ mg DPPH) i antimicrobiana, (quantificada en termes de concentració mínima inhibitòria: CMC) enfront a L. innocua (MIC: 48-52 mg pols/mL) i E. coli (MIC: 50-66 mg pols/ mL). Els materials cel·lulòsics procedents de pellorfa d'arròs i cafè es van incorporar a pel·lícules de midó termoplàstic (TPS), obtingudes mitjançant mesclat en fos i modelatge per compressió. El mòdul elàstic va augmentar un 186 i 121% quan es va incorporar a la matriu un 1 pt% CNC de pellorfa d'arròs i café, respectivament. De la mateixa manera, les CF es van afegir a les pel·lícules de TPS al 1, 5 i 10 pt%. Ambdues CF va augmentar la rigidesa de les pel·lícules i es va reduir la seua capacitat d'estirament. No obstant, les CF de pellorfa de cafè mantingueren millor la ductilitat al 1 i 5%. La permeabilitat al vapor d'aigua de les pel·lícules de TPS no es va reduir en els materials compostos, encara que la permeabilitat a l'oxigen es va reduir en aproximadament un 17%. A l'incorporar extractes actius a les pel·lícules de midó, milloraren les propietats de tracció de les pel·lícules ; el mòdul elàstic va augmentar un 350%, mentre que les pel·lícules es feren menys extensibles. Les CF dels dos residus foren més efectives com agents de reforç en pel·lícules que contenien extractes actius, que en pel·lícules de midó pur. També es van estudiar mescles de midò-PLA utilitzant com a compatibilitzador policaprolactona funcionalitzada amb anhídrid maleic i/o glicidil metacrilat (PCLMG o PCLG). Es va analitzar l'efecte de la proporció de PLA en la mescla (20 i 40% respecte al midó), i de la tots dues compatibilitzadors (2,5 i 5%), en les propietats de les pel·lícules. Els anàlisis de la microestructura, el comportament tèrmic i les propietats funcionals (mecàniques, óptiques i de barrera) de les pel·lícules, demostraren que substituir el 20% del midó per PLA i incorporar el 5% de PCLG podria ser una bona estratègia per a obtindré pel·lícules adequades per a l'envasat d'aliments. A demés, es va estudiar l'efecte de l'addició de reforçaments cel·lulòsics (CF i CNC) i extracte antioxidant de pellorfa de cafè, en mescles de midó-PLA compatibilitzades. Les propietats antioxidants de les pel·lícules s'analitzaren a través de la seua eficàcia per a preservar de l'oxidació l'oli de gira-sol. S'observaren diferències significatives en les propietats funcionals de les pel·lícules quan els CNC s'incorporaren mitjançant dos mètodes diferents. L'efecte de reforç dels materials cel·lulòsics en mescles de S-PLA va ser menys notable que en les pel·lícules de midó, provablement degut a la superposició de l'efecte de reforç del PLA. L'extracte antioxidant no va millorar el comportament mecànic en les mescles, però li va conferir la capacitat antioxidant adequada per a aplicacions a l'envasat d'aliments. / [EN] This Doctoral Thesis has focused on the isolation and characterisation of cellulosic materials and active extracts from coffee and rice husks, and their incorporation into starch films and starch-PLA compatibilised blend films in order to improve their functional properties as food packaging materials. Cellulose fibres were obtained through alkali and bleaching treatment with a final yield of 41 and 53 g fibres/100 g husk, respectively for rice and coffee husks. Cellulose nanocrystals were isolated from the bleached fibres by acid hydrolysis, with a yield of 5% with respect to bleached fibres, in both cases, with high crystallinity (90-92%), thermal resistance and aspect ratio (L/d: 20-40). The active compounds were obtained by hydrothermal extraction (180 ºC, 9.5 bar) with yields of 17 -18 g/100 g husks. They exhibited antioxidant properties (EC50: 5.37-5.29 mg extract solids/mg DPPH) and antibacterial activity against L. innocua (MIC: 48-52 mg powder/mL) and E. coli (MIC: 50-66 mg powder/mL), which were quantified in terms of the minimal inhibitory concentration. Cellulosic material from rice and coffee husks were incorporated into thermoplastic starch films (TPS) by melt blending and compression moulding. The elastic modulus increased by 186 and 121% when 1 wt% of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) from rice and coffee husks, respectively, was incorporated into the matrix. Likewise, cellulose fibres (CF) were incorporated into TPS films at 1, 5 and 10 wt%. Both CF increased the film stiffness while reducing its stretchability. However, CF from coffee husk better maintained the film ductility at 1 and 5 wt%. The water vapour permeability of TPS films was not reduced in composites, although oxygen permeability was lowered by about 17%. When active extracts were incorporated into starch films, they improved the tensile properties; the elastic modulus increased by about 350%, while films became less stretchable. The cellulosic fibres from both residues were more effective as reinforcing agents in films containing extract solids than in net starch films. Starch-PLA blend films were also studied using grafted polycaprolactone with maleic anhydride and/or glycidyl methacrylate (PCLMG or PCLG) as compatibilisers. The effect of both the PLA ratio in the blend (20 and 40% with respect to starch) and the amount of both compatibilisers (2.5 and 5%) on the film properties was analysed. The analyses of microstructure, thermal behaviour and functional properties (mechanical, optical and barrier) of the films led to the conclusion that substituting 20% of the starch by PLA, and incorporating 5% of PCLG would be a good strategy to obtain films suitable for food packaging. The effect of the addition of cellulosic fillers (CF and CNC) and antioxidant aqueous extract from coffee husk to compatibilised starch-PLA blends was also studied. The antioxidant properties of the films were tested through their efficacy at preserving sunflower oil from oxidation. Significant differences were observed in the functional properties of the films when CNC was incorporated by two different methods. The reinforcing effect of cellulosic materials in S-PLA blends was less noticeable than in starch films, probably due to the overlapping of the PLA reinforcing effect. The antioxidant extract did not improve the mechanical performance in the blends, but conferred antioxidant capacity suitable for food packaging applications. / Collazo Bigliardi, S. (2019). Lignocellulosic fractions from rice and coffee husks to improve functionality of biodegradable films based on starch and poly-lactic acid [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/123055 / Compendio

Exploration of bioactive additives for hyaluronan based hydrogels : A literature study / Undersökning av bioaktiva tillsatser till hyaluronan-baserade hydrogeler

Eriksson, Tilda, Quakkelaar, Lisa, Parkstam, Alexander, Karlsson, Alina, Askari, Mansourah, Said Ahmed, Shukri January 2022 (has links)
Hyaluronan (HA) is a substance that is commonly used in biomedical applications in the form of hydrogels. One of these biomedical applications is dermatological fillers where HA is cross-linked with 1,4-Butanediol diglycidyl ether (BDDE) to reduce its rapid turnover within tissue. The filler gives a volumetric effect that can fill out wrinkles. This literature study was conducted in collaboration with Galderma to determine if there is research that explores additives to HA hydrogels that give both volumetric and biological effects when applied as filler. Biological effects that improve the skin's appearance and complexion such as a rejuvenation of the skin was preferable. Both polynucleotides and mannitol show great potential to act as additives in injectable hyaluronan hydrogels.  The main effect of polynucleotides (PN) added in hydrogels is that it is collagen stimulating and provides a more natural tissue regeneration. Rheological properties of the filler change with the addition of PN, where elasticity, viscosity and viscoelasticity have been shown to increase. PNs show no toxicity and are considered safe to inject. The study of mannitol has shown that it does not give a volumetric effect after the injected hydrogel has been broken down. What mannitol can help with, is to prolong the life of the hydrogel and reduce the swelling that is a common side effect after an injection. In addition to this, mannitol is a safe substance to inject.

Avaliação do impacto do uso de fíler calcário como substituição ao cimento no comportamento reológico e retração de microconcretos. / Evaluation of the impact of the use of limestone fillers as replacement for cement in the rheological behavior and shrinkage of microconcretes.

Varhen Garcia, Christian Mario 31 March 2017 (has links)
Atualmente o maior impacto ambiental do concreto como material de construção origina-se das emissões de CO2 durante a produção do cimento. Uma das alternativas atualmente utilizadas para minimizar este impacto, é a utilização de adições minerais como substituição ao cimento. Entre as diferentes adições utilizadas, o uso de fíler calcário parece ser uma alternativa interessante para melhorar a sustentabilidade do uso do concreto na construção. Consequentemente, o presente estudo foca a análise do impacto da substituição do cimento por fílers de origem calcária (dolomita) no comportamento do concreto em estado fresco e endurecido, especialmente focando-se numa avaliação reológica e na retração por secagem do material. Para tal fim, foram formulados três microconcretos com teores de fíler calcário de 80%, 60% e 20% em relação ao peso dos finos totais (cimento mais fíler calcário). O teor de finos totais e de água foram mantidos constantes para todas as formulações resultando em misturas com similar volume de pasta. O comportamento reológico das misturas foi avaliado num reômetro de movimento planetário. Foram moldados corpos de prova para caracterização mecânica e acompanhamento da retração por secagem. A porosidade das pastas também foi avaliada usando a porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio. As propriedades reológicas como a tensão de escoamento e a viscosidade foram influenciadas pelo teor de substituição de cimento por fílers. Maiores volumes de fílers na pasta produziram menores tensões de escoamento e, por consequência, maiores valores de abatimento foram obtidos. No entanto, a viscosidade plástica aumentou com teor de fílers. No estado endurecido, a maior substituição de cimento por fílers diminui a intensidade da retração por secagem devido ao menor teor de cimento na pasta e a modificações na estrutura porosa do material. Os resultados experimentais da retração foram comparados com os valores obtidos pelos modelos de previsão da retração: ACI 209, CEB-FIP, B3 e GL2000. Observou-se que os modelos superestimam os valores da retração conforme aumenta a substituição de cimento por fílers na pasta. Portanto, esses modelos devem ser calibrados considerando outros fatores, tais como: a quantidade de fíler utilizado em substituição de cimento. Esta consideração poderia otimizar o uso dos modelos em fase de projeto para verificar se os valores da retração esperados estão dentro dos limites normalmente aceitos. / Currently the biggest environmental impact of concrete as a building material originates in CO2 emissions during the production of cement. For this reason, one of the alternatives currently used to reduce these emissions is the use of mineral additions as cement replacement. Among the different additions used, the use of limestone fillers to replace cement appears to be an interesting alternative for improve the sustainability of the concrete used in construction. Consequently, this study focuses on the analysis of the impact of the replacement of cement by limestone fillers in fresh and hardened concrete, especially focusing on rheological behavior and shrinkage of the material. To this end, three microconcretos were formulated with fillers limestone content of 80%, 60% and 20% by weight relative to the total fine (limestone fillers and cement). The total content of fine and water were held constant for all formulations resulted in mixtures with similar volume of paste. The rheological behavior of the mixes was evaluated in a planetary motion rheometer. For mechanical characterization and measurement of shrinkage, specimens were molded. The porosity of the pastes was also evaluated using mercury intrusion porosimetry. The rheological properties such as yield stress and viscosity were influenced by the amount of cement that was replaced by fillers. Further filers volumes in the pulp produced smaller flow stress and, consequently, higher allowance values were obtained. Larger volumes of filler in the paste produced lower yield stresses and, consequently, higher slump values were obtained. However, the plastic viscosity increased with filers content. In the hardened condition, the largest cement replacement by limestone fillers reduced the intensity of shrinkage due to the lower content of cement paste and changes in the porous structure of the material. The experimental results of shrinkage were compared with the values obtained by shrinkage prediction models: ACI 209, CEB-FIP, B3 and GL2000. It was observed that the models overestimate the shrinkage values with increasing cement replacement by limestone fillers. Therefore, these models must be calibrated considering other factors such as the amount of fillers used as cement replacement This consideration would optimize the use of these models in the design phase to verify that the values of the expected shrinkage are within the limits normally accepted.

A Statistical Treatment of Non-Normal SEM Data and the Application to Designed Fiber/Filler/Polymer Structures

Peterson, Fern Sterling 13 December 2004 (has links)
One of the primary objectives of this thesis was to design fiber/filler/polymer structures for newsprint and in the process develop a greater understanding of fiber/filler/ polymer structures. Five different designed structures were created for study. The designed structures were composed of virgin, hydrosulfite bleached, TMP southern pine, Georgian kaolin clay and various polymers. Five filler levels from 0% to 20% were employed with each of these different structures. Numerous physical tests were used to gather data which would help to develop an understanding for the macroscopic properties of the structures. Paper structures were created and data from bulk physical tests and particle based SEM image analyses were compared. Comparisons were made using a statistical method called Principal Component Analysis (PCA) where the data is grouped and reduced to find data correlations not readily apparent in the raw data.

K parazitickým slovům v české slovní zásobě / Fillers in Czech Vocabulary

PILOUŠKOVÁ, Darina January 2015 (has links)
This paper deals with defining and mapping of fillers in the Czech vocabulary. It also analyzes its problematic function in Czech language system. The analysis is divided into two parts- methodology and research. The first part is dedicated to fillers' purpose in the Czech vocabulary and classification of fillers into word classes. It also deals with other linguistic publications on this topic. The research is aiming to analyze certain authentic speeches and to specify the position of fillers in the communication of Czech speakers.

We need to talk about erm linguistic fillers : Students' use of linguistic fillers in varying situation

Jonsson, Oskar January 2016 (has links)
The following essay presents a case study based on participant observation of a group of Swedish secondary school students’ interaction in English. The study focused on what is commonly referred to as communicative competence, or more specifically strategic competence, which represents how language speakers overcome linguistic breakdowns or gaps in their communicative skill. The aim of the study was to better understand how students use linguistic fillers in different situations. By observing students in two different situations, one stressful and one regular conversational situation, it was found that when in a stressful situation, students are more likely to use linguistic fillers in general and also that some students rely on their first language, Swedish, when using linguistic fillers. In this case study, it was found that some students experience difficulties in using English linguistic fillers. Based on these findings, there is a need for teachers to address this problem if students are to develop confidence and skill in using them. For this reason, there is a need for further research on developing and testing different teaching methods on the use of linguistic fillers.   Keywords: communicative competence, EFL, language didactics, linguistic fillers, participant observation, secondary school students, strategic competence.

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