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Bogomilismo e dualismo iranico. Il "neomanicheismo"Detkova, Irina <1969> 08 July 2009 (has links)
L’idea che il bogomilismo sia “in una qualche maniera” da riconnettere al manicheismo è di per sè molto antica. Fin da quando giunsero le prime voci su questa nuova eresia che si era diffusa in terra bulgara, i bogomili vennero etichettati come manichei. Non necessariamente però chi è più vicino ad un fenomeno, sia nello spazio sia nel tempo, vede meglio i suoi contorni, le sue implicazioni e la sua essenza. Altri campi di studio ci insegnano che la natura umana tende a inquadrare ciò che non è noto all’interno degli schemi del “già conosciuto”: è così che spesso nomi di popoli si fissano al territorio divenendo concetti geografici anche quando i popoli cambiano; non a caso tutta la regione che si estendeva ad est della Germania veniva definita Sarmazia ed i numerosi popoli che si muovevano al seguito ed agli ordini del gran qan venivano chiamati Tartari; analogamente in semantica possiamo assistere al posizionamento di etichette consolidate e particolari su “oggetti” che ne condividono tratti pur essendo sotto molti aspetti del tutto estranei a quella che si potrebbe definire la matrice: il terrorista islamico che si fa esplodere viene chiamato sui giornali kamikaze e non casualmente lo tsunami porta questo nome: l’onda anomala che può sconvolgere coste distanti migliaia di chilometri dall’epicentro di un terremoto sottomarino ricorda la più familiare onda di porto.
Se il continuo riconnettere il bogomilismo al manicheismo delle fonti antiche rappresenta un indizio, ma non necessariamente una prova di certa connessione, la situazione si è notevolmente complicata nel corso del XX secolo. Dobbiamo al principe Obolensky l’introduzione del termine neomanicheismo per indicare le eresie di carattere dualistico sviluppatesi dal X secolo in avanti sul territorio europeo con particolare riferimento al bogomilismo. Il termine dal 1948 in avanti è stato ripetutamente utilizzato più o meno a proposito in svariati lavori a volte pubblicati in sedi editoriali d’eccellenza apparsi in Europa occidentale e nell’est europeo. Il problema principale resta definire il valore da attribuire al termine “neomanicheismo”: indica un forte dualismo religioso in generale, ben diffuso e studiato da tempo ad esempio nei lavori del Bianchi dedicati ai popoli siberiani e mongoli, oppure presuppone una reale catena di connessioni che ci conducono fino al manicheismo vero e proprio? A fronte di chi sostiene che il bogomilismo, così come l’eresia catara, può essere spiegato semplicemente come fenomeno interno al cristianesimo sulla base di un’interpretazione contrastante da quella ufficiale dei testi sacri vi è chi ritiene che sia stato un contatto diretto con gli ambienti manichei a generare le caratteristiche proprie del bogomilismo. Da qui nasce la parte più affascinante della ricerca che porta all’individuazione di possibili contatti attraverso gli spostamenti delle popolazioni, alla circolazione delle idee all’interno di quello che fu il commonwealth bizantino ed all’individuazione di quanto sia rimasto di tutto ciò all’interno della dottrina bogomila.
Il lavoro è suddiviso in tre capitoli, preceduti dalla bibliografia e seguiti da un indice analitico dei nomi di persona e luogo. Il primo capitolo prende in esame le fonti sul bogomilismo, il tempo ed il luogo in cui si è manifestato e la sua evoluzione. Il secondo analizza la dottrina bogomila, i suoi possibili contatti con le dottrine iraniche ed i possibili canali di trasmissione delle idee. Il terzo capitolo è costituito da una serie di racconti popoloari bulgari di matrice dualistica e da testi antico slavi usati dai bogomili. La maggior parte di questi testi viene presentata per la prima volta qui in traduzione italiana.
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Ovidio e Marziale tra poesia e retoricaCenni, Claudia <1979> 04 June 2009 (has links)
is dedicated
the study
poetic process
begun by
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Il Libro del naufragio. Edizione e commentoBaroncini, Lucia <1983> 27 May 2011 (has links)
Edizione e commento della raccolta di miracoli mariani denominata "Libro del Naufragio" secondo la lezione del ms Firenez, Laurenziana, Ashburham 546
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Modelos y formatos del discurso cultural massmediático en la sociedad globalizada.Fuente Soler, Manuel de la 17 October 2005 (has links)
Esta Tesis pretende ser una reflexión en torno a los discursos de la industria cultural y sus eventuales respuestas por cuanto éstos se constituyen en discursos dominantes que ocultan su artificio. EI estudio de la industria cultural implica una inmersión en eI terreno de la política, puesto que las prácticas ejercidas por la industria afectan a las relaciones entre administradores y administrados. Este estudio lleva consigo, por otra parte, una consideración sobre eI fenómeno de la globalización para así entender eI hecho de que las prácticas discursivas y las acciones políticas llevan contando, en los últimos años, con una rápida exportación. Este trabajo se centra en los Estados Unidos, percibiéndose que las características discursivas que se describen son, en gran parte, reconocibles en nuestro país. Además, eI objeto de estudio se circunscribe a los años 80, en eI momento de la consolidación del discurso de la denominada "revolución conservadora" del reaganismo. La respuesta ofrecida desde eI discurso de la música rock es estudiada en esta Tesis desde la obra de Frank Zappa. EI análisis de este marco de estudio resulta significativo porque en él quedan sistematizadas las réplicas de oposición a la práctica y discurso conservadores en la Norteamérica de Reagan. En primer lugar, se realiza un análisis de los fundamentos ideológicos de la obra de Zappa en oposición a los del reaganismo. En este sentido, Zappa entiende que eI origen del rock se explica en su vertiente de movimiento revulsivo de inconformismo que reacciona frente a los modelos dominantes de la industria cultural. Así, considera que eI músico tiene que ser un comentarista de la sociedadA continuación, se pasa a una reflexión sobre los mecanismos de poder ejercitados por eI gobierno estadounidense, empezando por sus prácticas discursivas y llegando hasta las aplicaciones del ejercicio de la política de Reagan: desde los distintos escándalos de corrupción hasta la censura puesta en marcha en connivencia con la industria cultural. A lo largo del estudio van surgiendo diversas conclusiones que se articulan en torno al máximo interés de la obra de Zappa: su preocupación por la educación de la juventud. Este trabajo, en resumen, pretende constatar la validez del rock como respuesta a la homogeneización ideológica del poder y puede suponer un punto de partida para eI estudio de los discursos que genera la industria cultural. / The aim of the thesis is to explore the culture industry's discourse and the ways it turns into a dominant discourse while concealing its artifice. The study of this industry is closely related to politics, as industrial practices involve complex interaction between administrators and administered. Furthermore, the study entails a reflection on globalisation with a view to unearthing the rapid spread of political actions and discourse practices seen recently displayed.Despite the fact that the analysis focuses on the United States, most of the discourse practices referred to could be easily applied to Spain. Besides, the object of this study is framed in the eighties, during the so-called conservative revolution inaugurated by Reagan. My analysis focuses on the cultural response to this political movement through Frank Zappa's work, as it provides a comprehensive mirror of the cultural responses to Reagan's conservative discourse and political actions. The first part of the study centres on a contrastive analysis between Zappa's and Reagan's ideological postulates. According to Zappa, rock music constitutes a non-conformist stimulus pitched against the culture industry's dominating paradigms. In this sense, the musician is a commentator on society.The second part analyses the different power mechanisms implemented by the American government, from its discourse practices to its political actions, with particular reference to corruption, scandals and the censorship within the culture industry.The conclusions drawn throughout the whole analysis revolve around Zappa's main objective, which was to educate young people by means of rock music. Therefore, the study intends to define rock music as a response to the establishment's ideological homogenisation and may be regarded as a starting point for the analysis of the discourses generated by the culture industry.
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Proxémica y comunicación intercultural: la comunicación no verbal en la enseñanza de E/LESchmidt, Sarah 10 July 2013 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar un aspecto de la comunicación interpersonal que ha sido objeto de pocos trabajos hasta el momento: estudiamos una de las tres grandes áreas de la comunicación no verbal, la proxémica. En concreto, investigamos un aspecto: el contacto físico. Para ello, presentamos el concepto de “territorio”. También incluimos un apartado sobre el “contexto”, concepto fundamental para el estudio del uso lingüístico. Ofrecemos, además, un sistema de notación del comportamiento proxémico. Tratamos sobre la comunicación no verbal, en general y exponemos el concepto de la “pluriculturalidad”, esencial en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Finalmente, incluimos un análisis prosódico para ver si las posibles diferencias culturales en el comportamiento táctil también se reflejan en la prosodia de la lengua nativa. Discutimos, asimismo, los tipos de contacto físico y explicamos la accesibilidad del cuerpo al mismo teniendo siempre en cuenta posibles diferencias culturales. Al final, presentamos la necesidad, la importancia y los efectos del tacto en la comunicación interpersonal e intercultural.
En cuanto al marco teórico que proponemos, la tesis doctoral que se inscribe en el ámbito del análisis de la conversación y especialmente se inspira en elementos que provienen de tres corrientes: la etnometodología, los estudios multimodales y la lingüística interaccional. En la configuración del corpus y la metodología detallamos tanto el proceso de selección del corpus fundamental como la búsqueda y posterior selección del corpus de contraste: dos series televisivas costumbristas. Describimos los criterios para su elección y presentamos brevemente las características de las series y de sus personajes. Justificamos el sistema de selección de la muestra del corpus fundamental y de contraste, explicamos los criterios de descripción y análisis que aplicamos y exponemos la elaboración de la forma en la que presentamos el corpus.
En una tercera parte presentamos el análisis del corpus, organizado en cuatro situaciones de comunicación. A continuación, ofrecemos los resultados del análisis: describimos las regularidades que nos ofrecen los datos de ambos corpus en cada una de las cuatro situaciones, comparamos estos datos y anotamos las similitudes y diferencias que apreciamos. Con esto, validamos la hipótesis de trabajo que lleva a reconocer que hay diferencias culturales en el comportamiento táctil y, por tanto, diferencias en el comportamiento no verbal en general.
En la aplicación de la comunicación no verbal a las aulas de español como lengua extranjera ofrecemos información general sobre seis manuales de dos editoriales diferentes que están adaptados al Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas. Presentamos el análisis de dichos manuales, a modo de ejemplo, para ver si y de qué manera incluyen la comunicación no verbal, contenido esencial tanto en el MCER como en el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes. Finalmente, proponemos algunos ejercicios didácticos para ejemplificar la manera de trabajar un aspecto gramatical que también transmite conocimientos conversacionales junto con el aspecto no verbal. / The aim of this PhD is to investigate a concrete aspect of interpersonal communication which has been object of just a few investigations so far, namely one of the three major areas of nonverbal communication: proxemics. Specifically, we investigate one aspect: the physical contact. To do this, we introduce the concept of “territory”. We also include a section on “context”, a fundamental concept in the study of language use. Furthermore, we offer a notation system for proxemic behaviour. We concern about nonverbal communication in general and we expose the concept of “pluriculturality”, essential in foreign language teaching. Then, we include a prosodic analysis to see if possible cultural differences in tactile behaviour are also reflected in the prosody of the native tongue. We discuss also the types of physical contact and explain the accessibility of the body to touch taking into account, at the same time, possible cultural differences. Finally, we present the need, the importance and the effects of touch in interpersonal and intercultural communication.
Regarding the theoretical framework which we propose, the PhD falls into the scope of conversation analysis and is especially inspired by elements from three streams: ethnomethodology, multimodal studies and interactional linguistics. In the configuration and methodology part we particularize the process of selection of the fundamental corpus and the research and posterior selection of the corpus of contrast: two costumbrista television series. Then we describe the criteria for election and we briefly present the characteristics of the series and its characters. Furthermore, we justify the system of sample selection of both corpus, we explain the criteria of description and analysis we apply and we expose the way we present the corpus.
In a third part we present the analysis of the corpus, organized in four communication situations. Then we offer the results of the analysis: we describe the regularities that provide the data from both corpus in each of the four situations, we compare these data and we note the similarities and differences that we appreciate. With this, we validate the working hypothesis which recognizes that there are cultural differences in tactile behaviour and, therefore, differences in nonverbal behaviour in general.
In the application of nonverbal communication in the classroom of Spanish as a foreign language we offer general information about six manuals from two different editorials which are adapted to the Common European Framework of References for Languages. By way of illustration, we present the analysis of these manuals in order to see if and how they include nonverbal communication, an essential content in the CEFR as well as in the curriculum plan of the Cervantes Institute. Finally, we propose some didactic exercises to illustrate how to work a grammatical aspect that also conveys conversational skills along with the nonverbal aspect.
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A Transcultural Approach to EIL in Secondary Education: A Case StudyJacob Abad, Karen Lesley 20 September 2013 (has links)
Aquesta tesi mostra la importància de l’Anglès com a Llengua Internacional i el seu ús com a forma de comunicació que suposa un corrent i una mescla multidireccional entre els parlants. Això ha portat els investigadors a utilitzar els termes “translingual” i “transcultural” per a referir-se a les competències requerides per tal que els parlants d’anglès com a llengua internacional puguin desenvolupar-se a nivell global, especialment quan l’anglès és utilitzat per individus no nadius.
Un enfocament transcultural a l’ensenyament de l’anglès com a llengua estrangera es va implementar a tres grups d’alumnes de secundària de Mallorca (Espanya) i Opole (Polònia) durant el curs 2010-2011. El projecte de blog “EIL in Poland and Spain” va ser dut a terme per als fins específics de l’estudi. Es va realitzar un anàlisi qualitatiu i quantitatiu de les dades per tal de respondre a la principal pregunta d’investigació: com una metodologia transcultural a l’ensenyament de l’anglès com a llengua estrangera fomenta la competència transcultural?
Els resultats van mostrar que aquest enfocament innovador a l’ensenyament de l’anglès com a llengua estrangera representà una experiència positiva per als participants i que va ser especialment efectiva com a manera de desenvolupar una identitat transnacional i una competència transcultural. / Esta tesis subraya la importancia del Inglés como Lengua Internacional y su uso como una forma de comunicación que supone una corriente y una mezcla multidireccional entre hablantes. Esto ha llevado a los investigadores a usar los términos “translingual” y “transcultural” para referirse a las competencias requeridas para que los hablantes de inglés como lengua internacional puedan desenvolverse a nivel global, especialmente cuando el inglés es usado por individuos no nativos.
Un enfoque transcultural a la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera se implementó en tres grupos de alumnos de secundaria de Mallorca (España) y Opole (Polonia) durante el curso 2010-2011. El proyecto de blog “EIL in Poland and Spain” fue llevado a cabo para los fines específicos del estudio. Se realizó un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de los datos para responder a la principal pregunta de investigación: ¿Cómo una metodología transcultural a la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera fomenta la competencia transcultural?
Los resultados mostraron que este enfoque innovador a la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera representó una experiencia positiva para los participantes y que fue especialmente efectiva como una manera de desarrollar una identidad transnacional y una competencia transcultural. / This thesis highlights the prominence of English as an International Language (EIL) and stresses its use as a form of communication that implies a multi-directionality of flow and mixing between speakers. This has led scholars to use the terms “translingual” and “transcultural” to refer to the competences required by EIL speakers to function at a global level, especially when English is employed by non-natives.
A transcultural approach to the teaching of English as a foreign language to three groups of secondary school students in Mallorca, Spain and Opole, Poland was implemented during the school year 2010-2011. The “EIL in Poland and Spain” blog project was set up specifically for the research. A quantitative and qualitative data analysis was performed in order to answer the principal research question: How, if at all, does a transcultural approach to ELT foster transcultural competence?
The results showed that this innovative approach to ELT was a positive experience for the participants and was especially effective as a means of developing a transnational identity and transcultural competence.
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Attenuation of information during native/non-native interactionsRodríguez Cuadrado, Sara, 1984- 20 December 2013 (has links)
The current dissertation deals with how attenuation of information works in relation to non-nativeness. It also deals with
the nature of the attenuation of information phenomenon per se. Attenuation of information refers to the fact that when
words are repeated, they got attenuated in a number of ways, as in word duration, intensity, pitch, pitch excursion and
pitch range. When natives speak to natives, attenuation is beneficial for comprehension as it signals the informational
status of words. Also, it is known that when natives speak to non-natives, they simplify speech performing foreigner
talk. The first question of this thesis is whether foreigner talk and attenuation interact to enhance non-natives
comprehensibility. Secondly, I address whether non-native speakers attenuate information, in spite of their production
difficulties in a second language. Thirdly, I investigate whether speakers attenuate second mentioned words because it
is the second time that the concept is evoked or that the word is articulated. The main findings of this dissertation are:
first, that natives shape attenuation under some circumstances when talking to non-natives while performing foreigner
talk to improve the signal. Second, that non-natives attenuate information both in monologue and in dialogue. Finally,
that attenuation is mainly modulated by semantics. / Esta tesis trata de cómo funciona la atenuación de la información en interacciones en las que participa un hablante no
nativo. También trata sobre la naturaleza de la atenuación. La atenuación de la información se refiere al hecho de que
cuando las palabras se repiten, se ven reducidas en diferentes maneras, como en la duración de la palabra, intensidad,
tono, tono máximo y rango de tono. Cuando los nativos hablan con no-nativos, la atenuación es beneficiosa para la
comprensión, ya que señala el estado informacional de las palabras. También sabemos que cuando los nativos hablan
con no-nativos, el habla se simplifica mediante foreigner talk. La primera pregunta de esta tesis es si el foreigner talk y
la atenuación interactúan a fin de mejorar la comprensión de los no-nativos. En segundo lugar, investigamos si los
hablantes no-nativos atenúan la infomación, a pesar de las dificultades que los no-nativos tienen al hablar en un idioma
extranjero. En tercer lugar, exploramos si los hablantes atenúan las segundas producciones de las palabras porque es la
segunda vez que evocan un concepto o que articulan una palabra. Los principales resultados de esta tesis son: primero,
que los nativos modulan la atenuación bajo ciertas circunstancias a la vez que usan foreigner talk cuando hablan con nonativos
para mejorar la comunicación. En segundo lugar, que los no-nativos atenúan información en situaciones de
monólogo y de diálogo. Finalmente, la atenuación es principalmente modulada por la semántica.
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Estudi lingüístic, literari i textual de la poesia de Vicent Andrés Estellés en un marc d'interessos traductològics i didàcticsMonferrer Palmer, Aina 09 February 2015 (has links)
After the many existing studies about the poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés, it is now considered the convenience to carry out a systematic study about Estellés' poetical style with the support of some Corpus Linguistics' techniques. The main aim of this new study, over some topics that have been already analysed (but always from a partial point of view), is to provide the research with a new perspective and to suggest new thoughts over the studied question.
Moreover, with this research, we would also like to contribute with the proposal of a model grid to analyse the style of literary texts. There is also a need to propose a reasonable and optimal use of Corpus Linguistics' tools to the analysis of the style in literary texts. Putting it all together, we have tried to design an adequate system to co-ordinately use both the pragmastylistical analysis and the Corpus Linguistics' tools.
To carry out this research, it was necessary to count on the whole poetry written by Estellés which has been published in a digital format. Equally, there was a need of collecting the whole Estellés' complete poetry work to publish his Nova edició revisada in 2014 by Tres i Quatre publishing house.
So, there was a need of deepen the knowledge, the categorisation and the analysis of the Estellés' poetical style. Similarly, the review of his poetry's translation has been also useful in the same way. In addition, these analyses have provided new possibilities of using Estellés' poetry in education.
All in all, this PhD research offers some new contributions in three ways: the knowledge of poetical style, the translations of his poetry, and the applications of Vicent Andrés Estellés' poetry in teaching, and above all, to review the place of poetry in education.
1.1. Hypothesis.
This research stems from the following hypothesis:
- The examination of the functional language variation in the poems contributed to the interpretation of the literary work and the role of the author in the history of the relevant literature.
- The tools of Corpus Linguistics (CL), applied from the perspective of the theoretical and methodological pragmatics of style, can help to improve the understanding of an author's style and his work.
- The analysis of a poet's translated texts can lead to a better understanding of his writing style.
- The analysis of a poet's translated texts can help future translators in the work of translating his writings.
- The analysis of a poet's translated texts can be positive for educational purposes.
- The better understanding over the style of a poet, the better educational uses of this poetry could be carried out.
- CL applied to small literary corpora may have educational applications.
- Poetry offers invaluable and diverse educational applications, the limits of which are yet to be explored and exploited.
All these assumptions are general in scope, but in this PhD dissertation have been specifically applied to the poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés.
1.2. Objectives
Objectives of Chapter 2: pragmatics of style
- To digitalise the poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés.
- To progress in the knowledge of the style of Vicent Andrés Estellés' poetical works.
- To provide a model for the analysis of the style in literary texts in Catalan, with the help of CL technology as a methodological support.
- To know and put into practice possible options of Corpus Linguistics tools for stylistic analysis of literary texts, as well as its limitations.
Objectives of Chapter 3: translation
- To make progress on the study of translations of Estellés' poems into Spanish (and, in part, into other languages such as French and English).
- To provide guidance on some possible translating problems that the translator of Estellés might have to deal with. Those problems could be due to two reasons: either structural differences between both languages or some specificities of Estellés' poetical style.
- To provide useful guidelines for the translation of poetry in general.
Objectives of Chapter 4: educational applications
- To analyse the educational applications of the poetry of Estellés that already exist.
- To provide new educational applications based on the deeper knowledge of the work of this poet.
- To think about the potentialities of poetry in education, from a more general point of view.
1.3. Methodology
This PhD dissertation combines the use of several methods, which vary in each of the three analytical blocks into which it is divided (chapters two, three and four). In the second chapter, focusing on the pragmastylistical analysis, there is the use of Corpus Linguistics techniques applied in those parts of the analytical scheme in which we have considered the need of a specific quantitative or statistical analysis, to optimise the chances of the subsequent qualitative analysis. In point 2.1.1, we describe the specific theoretical framework that underlies our pragmastylistical analysis: specifically, our approaches into phraseology, metaphor and intertextuality. The aim of this definition of concepts is to avoid interpretative inaccuracies in our analysis. Aspects relating to CL are specified in point 2.1.3.
In the third chapter, focused on the analysis of translations, we have used the same conceptual apparatus that is synthesized in pragmastylistics (see 2.1.1), all complemented by the theoretical perspectives in the field of literary translation, duly entered in point 3.1.4. Again, in this section, CL is present, in the sense that the original and translated texts have been digitised and confronted verse to verse for their comparative analysis, using the group IVITRA's tools designed for this purpose.
The fourth chapter is dedicated to educational purposes of Estellés' poetry, from a heterogeneous point of view regarding the methodology. There is a combination of the socioconstructivist, multilingual and multidisciplinary learning conceptions, which will be defined precisely in point 4.1.1. All in all, we propose the design and implementation of a series of educational activities by using the multiple-sided poetry of Vicent Andrés Estellés, after having evaluated their potential as well as their educational limitations.
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La scuola di Gundēšābūr. La conoscenza del corpo umano (anatomia e fisiologia) e la trasmissione delle teorie medico-scientifiche nel mondo sasanide e post-sasanide. / The Gundēšābūr school. The knowledge of the human body (Anatomy and Physiology) and the transmission of medical-scientific theories in Sasanian and post-Sasanian Times.Delaini, Paolo <1966> 05 July 2012 (has links)
Questo lavoro traccia un quadro della diffusione e trasmissione delle conoscenze riguardanti l’anatomia e la fisiologia del corpo umano nel mondo iranico in età sasanide (III-VII sec. d.C.). La tesi analizza il ruolo delle scuole di medicina in territorio iranico, come quelle sorte a Nisibi e Gundēšābūr, delle figure dei re sasanidi interessati alla filosofia e alla scienza greca, e dei centri di studio teologico e medico che, ad opera dei cristiani siro-orientali, si fecero promotori della conoscenza medico-scientifica greca in terra d’Iran. / This paper provides an overview of the spread and transmission of knowledge about the anatomy and physiology of the human body in the Iranian world in Sasanian times (3rd to 7th Century AD). The thesis analyzes the role of medical schools in the Iranian territory, such as those arising in Nisibis and Gundēšābūr, the figures of the Sasanian kings interested in philosophy and Greek science, and theological study centers and physicians who, by the work of East-Syrian Christians, became promoters of Greek scientific medical knowledge in the Iranian world.
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The Bilingual cost in speech production : studies of phonological and articulatory processesSadat Schaffai, Jasmin, 1982- 14 December 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this dissertation is to examine the consequences of bilingualism on speech production. Previous research has shown that bilingual speakers experience a cost compared to monolinguals in a variety of linguistic experiments. We investigated the origins of the bilingual cost by exploring influences of particular variables such as phonological similarity. Moreover, we investigated the scope of the bilingual cost by assessing speech performance, focusing on articulatory durations and noun-phrase production. We provide evidence that increased phonological similarity among words within one language slows speech, whereas increased phonological similarity across translations helps bilinguals to overcome the bilingual cost. In addition, our results show that the bilingual cost generalizes to articulatory durations and noun-phrase production. The current dissertation provides a more specific understanding of speech processing at phonological and articulatory stages in mono- and bilinguals, and extends our knowledge on the bilingual cost in speech production. / El objetivo principal de esta tesis es examinar las consecuencias del bilingüismo en la producción del habla. Estudios anteriores han demostrado que los hablantes bilingües presentan una mayor dificultad que los monolingües durante la realización de diferentes experimentos lingüísticos. Investigamos los orígenes del coste del bilingüismo, explorando los efectos de variables como la similitud fonológica. Además, investigamos el alcance del coste, evaluando las duraciones articulatorias durante el habla y la producción de sintagmas nominales. Mostramos que una mayor similitud fonológica entre palabras de una lengua ralentiza el habla, mientras que una mayor similitud entre traducciones ayudó a los bilingües a superar el coste. Finalmente, demostramos que el coste bilingüe se extiende a las duraciones articulatorias y a la producción de sintagmas nominales. Esta tesis aporta nuevas evidencias acerca del efecto que la similitud fonológica tiene sobre la producción del habla y proporciona un conocimiento más específico sobre cómo el bilingüismo influye durante las últimas fases del procesamiento del habla.
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