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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The drivers of strategic innovation : an empirical study of selected companies in the South African financial industry

McKenzie, Kieran David 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Strategic innovation originated as a concept in academic literature in the 1990’s, and provides companies with the opportunity for substantial value creation. Previous research has shown how the learning or process aspects of a company foster strategic innovation capacity, or the ability of a company to systematically create strategic innovation initiatives. However, an understanding of the role of the content aspects or the drivers of strategic innovation – Strategy Processes, People, Culture and Resources – remains problematic. Despite a heightened awareness and interest by both scholars and practitioners in studying and better understanding strategic innovation, it is still regarded as an emerging field of inquiry. Additionally, limited research has been conducted on strategic innovation in a South African context. As such, a limited base of empirical research for strategic innovation exists. To address this lack of empirical research a literature review of strategic innovation was conducted, highlighting any research gaps; an empirical study was then executed. The literature review first investigated strategic innovation as a topic, identifying the antecedents to; the results of; and motivations for strategic innovation. Subsequently, a theoretical link between strategic innovation capacity and the drivers of strategic innovation was established. Lastly, each driver of strategic innovation was individually explored for the purpose of operationalising each driver for empirical analysis. The review of strategic innovation literature revealed a research gap that culminated in the following research question: How do the drivers of strategic innovation affect the strategic innovation capacity of selected banks? The empirical study consisted of a mixed-methodology design, conducted in two phases. First the sample was narrowed to include only the most appropriate banks, this being the most significant sector of the financial services sector in South Africa. The first phase of research consisted of semi-structured interviews conducted with the six most qualified individuals across the participating banks. This phase of research was used to refine the identified antecedent elements of the drivers of strategic innovation, and develop the sample for the second phase of research. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and subjected to thematic analysis to generate findings. The findings of the qualitative phase show that the antecedent elements of the drivers in South African banks are consistent with the literature. Although no new South African specific elements were discovered, external factors for managerial consideration were noted. This emphasises that South African banks should adopt global best practices for their field, whilst taking into consideration the unique South African circumstances. The second phase of research made use of cross-sectional electronic questionnaires to gather interval data on the drivers of strategic innovation and strategic innovation capacity. The questionnaire was developed from the findings of the first phase of research and distributed to 125 individuals, 53 completed responses were received, yielding a response rate of 42.4%. All the constructs were measured to be reliable using Cronbach’s alpha and the collected data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the quantitative phase indicate that the drivers of strategic innovation have a significant positive relationship with strategic innovation capacity. This finding underlines the important role managers can play in fostering a company’s ability to systematically create strategic innovation initiatives. The driver with the strongest relationship with strategic innovation capacity was shown to be Culture, emphasising the importance of creating an organisational culture geared towards innovation. The second strongest driver was Resources, followed by People, and lastly Strategy Processes which had the lowest significant positive relationship with strategic innovation capacity. The findings also showed that the inter-driver relationships were significantly positive, with Culture once again displaying the strongest correlation values. The most important contribution of this study is the empirical evaluation of the relationship between the drivers of strategic innovation and strategic innovation capacity in the South African banking context. The establishment of this relationship creates a solid platform upon which future studies may build through the highlighted areas for further study. The findings also provide management with a means to assess the levels of the drivers, as well as antecedents on which to focus when staging managerial interventions for their improvement. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Strategiese innovering het ontstaan as 'n konsep in die akademiese literatuur in die 1990's, en bied maatskappye ’n geleentheid vir aansienlike waardeskepping. Vorige navorsing het getoon hoe die leer- of prosesaspekte van ’n maatskappy strategiese innoveringskapasiteit, of die vermoë van ’n maatskappy om stelselmatig innoveringsinisiatiewe te skep, bevorder. ’n Begrip van die rol van die dryfkragte agter strategiese innovering – Strategieprosesse, Mense, Kultuur en Hulpbronne – bly egter problematies. Ten spyte van groter belangstelling in die studie van strategiese innovering vanuit die akademie sowel as die praktyk, word dit steeds as ’n ontluikende navorsingsveld beskou. Verder is slegs beperkte navorsing oor strategiese innovering in ’n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks reeds gedoen. Daar bestaan dus ’n beperkte basis van empiriese navorsing vir strategiese innovering. Om hierdie gebrek aan navorsing aan te spreek, is ’n literatuuroorsig van strategiese innovering gedoen wat navorsingsleemtes uitgewys het; ’n empiriese studie is toe uitgevoer. Die literatuuroorsig het eerstens strategiese innovering ondersoek deur die voorgangers van; resultate van; en motiverings vir strategiese innovering te identifiseer. Vervolgens is ’n teoretiese skakel tussen strategiese innoveringskapasiteit en die dryfkragte agter strategiese innovering vasgestel. Laastens is elke dryfkrag individueel ondersoek met die doel om dit te operasionaliseer vir empiriese ontleding. Die literatuuroorsig het ’n navorsingsleemte onthul wat tot die volgende navorsingsvraag gelei het: Hoe beïnvloed die dryfkragte agter strategiese innovering die strategiese innoveringskapasiteit van die gekose banke? Die studie het bestaan uit ’n gemengdemetodologie-ontwerp wat in twee fases uitgevoer is. Die eerste fase het bestaan uit semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met die ses mees gekwalifiseerde individue vanuit die deelnemende banke. Hierdie fase is gebruik om die geïdentifiseerde voorafgaande elemente van die dryfkragte agter strategiese innovering te verfyn, en om die steekproef vir die tweede fase te ontwikkel. Die onderhoude is opgeneem, getranskribeer en onderwerp aan tematiese ontleding om bevindinge te genereer. Die bevindinge van die kwalitatiewe fase wys dat die voorafgaande elemente van die dryfkragte in Suid-Afrikaanse banke strook met die literatuur. Alhoewel geen nuwe, spesifiek Suid- Afrikaanse elemente ontdek is nie, is eksterne faktore vir bestuursoorweging opgemerk. Dít beklemtoon dat Suid-Afrikaanse banke behoort te hou by die wêreldwye beste praktyke vir hulle veld, terwyl hulle steeds die unieke Suid-Afrikaanse omstandighede in ag moet neem. Die tweede fase het elektroniese deursnitvraelyste gebruik om intervaldata oor die dryfkragte agter strategiese innovering en strategiese innoveringskapasiteit in te samel. Die vraelys is ontwikkel uit die eerste fase se bevindinge en is versprei aan 125 individue; 53 volledige response is ontvang, ’n responskoers van 42.4%. Al die konstrukte is met Cronbach se alfa as betroubaar gemeet, en die ingesamelde data is ontleed met beskrywende en inferensiële statistiek. Die bevindinge van die kwantitatiewe fase dui daarop dat die dryfkragte agter strategiese innovering ’n beduidende positiewe verhouding het met strategiese innoveringskapasiteit. Hierdie bevinding onderstreep die belangrike rol wat bestuurders speel in ’n maatskappy se vermoë om stelselmatig strategiese innoveringsinisiatiewe te skep. Kultuur het na vore gekom as die dryfkrag met die sterkste verhouding met strategiese innoveringskapasiteit, wat die belangrikheid beklemtoon van die skep van ’n organisatoriese kultuur wat op innovering toegespits is. Die tweede sterkste dryfkrag was Hulpbronne, gevolg deur Mense, en laastens het Strategieprosesse die laagste beduidende positiewe verhouding met strategiese innoveringskapasiteit gehad. Die bevindinge het ook gewys dat die onderlinge verhoudings tussen die dryfkragte beduidend positief was, met Kultuur wat weereens die sterkste korrelasiewaardes toon. Die belangrikste bydrae van hierdie studie is die empiriese evaluering van die dryfkragte agter strategiese innovering en strategiese innoveringskapasiteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse bankwesekonteks. Die vasstelling van hierdie verhouding skep ’n platform waarop toekomstige studies kan bou. Die bevindinge bied aan bestuur ’n manier om dryfkragvlakke te assesseer, asook voorafgaande elemente om op te fokus wanneer bestuursintervensies gebruik word om hierdie vlakke te verbeter.

The ethics programme : a new competitive advantage

Adam, Hassan Ali 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the world of business today, the reputation of an organisation matters tremendously. After the global financial crisis in 2008-2009, it has never been more difficult for organisations to maintain a positive reputation. The past decade differs from previous ones, as rules and regulations enforced by regulatory bodies are more rigid, public criticism and expectations are greater and the emotional contracts between employees and leadership are not as strong as they once were. The financial services industry, in South Africa and abroad, has been inundated by unethical behaviour and the global downturn has exacerbated this problem. In light of the revelations that have come to pass worldwide, the magnifying glass has been firmly fixed on companies operating within the financial services sector. The crisis has led to numerous companies questioning and reviewing their own compliance and organisational practices to establish whether they are ethical. In the South African financial services industry there has been a war raging among organisations fighting for market share. With the increased competition levels among businesses, there is a desire to find new and creative ways of achieving competitive advantage. Business ethics, therefore, has become essential in the conducting of any type of business. The competitive advantage of business ethics revolves around the building of relationships with organisational stakeholders based on its integrity, which will maintain these relationships. By establishing an ethics programme, an organisation could enable the management of business ethics in the workplace. Ethics programmes often convey the values of the organisation, making use of policies and codes to guide behaviour and the decision-making process of stakeholders. These programmes could be used, during turbulent times, to maintain a moral path, especially when leaders require a clear moral compass for guidance. This moral compass function is also very helpful for new employees, as they may need to be familiarised with ethically correct behaviour within the organisation that aligns with its values. If employees are satisfied with the ethics programme, it could work as a mechanism to stimulate productivity, teamwork and to motivate personnel. A study was conducted within a private sector organisation in the South African financial services industry with a focus on evaluating the effectiveness of their ethics programme. The findings from the fieldwork established that the ethics programme of the organisation was found to be highly effective, as perceived by both employees and directors. An effective ethics programme means that the ethical culture of the organisation is strong. The findings serve to confirm that, by monitoring the key variables that play an important role in predicting the effectiveness of ethics programmes, organisations can achieve a positive result by knowing what the impact of potentially harmful behaviour can have on the ethical climate and culture. The findings also serve to confirm that an effective ethics programme can become a source of competitive advantage if engaged correctly by the entire organisation. This study may be used to argue that sound business ethics and ethics programmes can be viewed as a new competitive advantage that organisations require for long-term sustainability and business success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In vandag se sakewêreld is die reputasie van ’n organisasie geweldig belangrik. Sedert die globale finansiële krisis in 2008-2009 is dit vir organisasies moeiliker as ooit om ’n positiewe reputasie te handhaaf. Die afgelope dekade is anders as die voriges omdat reëls en regulasies wat deur reguleringsliggame afgedwing word, meer rigied is, openbare kritiek en verwagtinge groter is, en die emosionele kontrakte tussen werknemers en leierskap nie meer so sterk is as vroeër nie. Die bedryf van finansiële dienste – in Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland – is erg geteister deur onetiese gedrag, en die globale insinking het dié probleem vererger. In die lig van onthullings wat wêreldwyd plaasvind, word die vergrootglas ferm gerig op maatskappye wat binne-in die finansiëledienste-sektor sake doen. Die krisis het tot gevolg gehad dat talle maatskappye hul eie reëlnakoming en organisatoriese praktyke bevraagteken en hersien om vas te stel of hulle wel eties is. In die Suid-Afrikaanse (SA) finansiëledienste-bedryf het daar onder organisasies ’n oorlog om markaandeel gewoed Met die toenemende vlakke van mededinging onder sake-ondernemings, is daar ’n begeerte om nuwe en kreatiewe maniere te vind om mededingende voordeel te bereik. Sake-etiek het dus noodsaaklik geword om enige soort besigheid te bedryf. Die mededingende voordeel van sake-etiek draai om die bou van verhoudings met organisatoriese aandeelhouers, gebaseer op hul integriteit wat hierdie verhoudings in stand gaan hou. Deur die vestiging van etiese programme kan ’n organisasie die bestuur van sake-etiek in die werkplek moontlik maak. ’n Etiese program dra dikwels die waardes van die organisasie oor met die gebruik van beleid en kodes as riglyne vir gedrag en die besluitnemingsproses van aandeelhouers. Hierdie programme kan in onstuimige tye gebruik word om ’n morele weg te handhaaf, veral wanneer leiers ’n helder morele kompas nodig het vir leiding. Die funksie van hierdie morele kompas is ook baie nuttig vir nuwe werknemers omdat hulle vertroud wil raak met eties korrekte gedrag binne-in die organisasie wat in lyn is met sy waardes. As werknemers tevrede is met die etiese program, kan dit dien as meganisme om produktiwiteit en spanwerk te stimuleer, asook om hulle te motiveer. ’n Studie wat binne-in ’n organisasie in die private sektor van die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiëledienste-bedryf gedoen is, het gefokus op evaluering van die doeltreffendheid van hul etiese program. Die bevindings van die veldwerk het gestaaf dat die etiese program van die organisasie hoogs doeltreffend was, soos waargeneem deur die werknemers en direkteure. ’n Doeltreffende etiese program beteken dat die etiese kultuur van die organisasie sterk is. Die bevindings dien as bevestiging dat, deur die monitering van die belangrikste veranderlikes wat ’n belangrike rol speel in die voorspelling van die doeltreffendheid van etiese programme, organisasies ’n positiewe uitslag kan bereik indien hulle weet wat die impak van potensieel skadelike gedrag op die etiese klimaat en kultuur kan hê. Die bevindings bevestig ook dat ’n doeltreffende etiese program ’n bron van mededingende voordeel kan word as dit korrek deur die hele organisasie omarm word. Hierdie studie kan gebruik word in ’n betoog dat gesonde sake-etiek en etiese programme beskou kan word as ’n nuwe mededingende voordeel wat organisasies benodig vir langtermynvolhoubaarheid en sake-sukses.

Localising a global brand within the financial services industry : with a focus on Franklin Templeton Investments in South Africa

Botha, Jaco 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Expanding business operations and exploring additional sources of revenue to ensure sustainability and longevity are some of the key business drivers of any organisation. These drivers have many organisations consider the opportunity of expanding business operations to foreign territories. Some of the major challenges when expanding business operations to new territories are those of competing against local brands in the same industry or introducing a whole new product or service to a new market. It therefore seems much of a demand versus supply consideration when organisations do decide to venture to new territories. Introducing a whole new product or service to a new market addresses the demand issue based on the premise that a need for this product or service exists. The existence of competition, not only directly with industry related brands but also other brands, addresses the supply of the particular product or service. This demand and supply dynamic forms the basis of this research paper. Given this context, considering the complexities of a new market from both an internal business and external industry point of view, is critical in establishing if an opportunity set exists in this new potential market which can be exploited. Once the opportunity set has been confirmed, organisations can shift their focus to the intended business and brand management strategy to be followed when entering this new market. Product and service organisations do, however, face many different challenges when entering new markets. One of the primary differences is that of tangibility of their respective offerings. This complexity leaves services organisations with few instruments to leverage in competing against product providers for the share of wallet of the consumer. As consumers associated with products and services do not have a tangible product per se, the emphasis is placed on the brand of services organisations as the associative connection from a consumer point of view. Given the two mentioned concepts of entering new markets and different challenges which product and service providers face when doing so, the contextual environment of this study is set in the Financial Services Industry. This study explores the key considerations that financial services organisations should be cognisant of, from a branding point of view, when entering new markets.

Access to finance and financial inclusion in Namibia

Hasheela, Elisa Tulipohamba 03 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study seeks to analyse the financial sector’s (commercial banks and the Bank of Namibia) policy interventions towards creating an inclusive financial system. To achieve this the objective of this study is in three folds, firstly to examine the level and extent of financial inclusiveness in Namibia, secondly to evaluate financial sector (commercial banks and the Bank of Namibia) policies to ascertain their effectiveness in promoting access to finance in Namibia, and thirdly to review international experiences to provide key learning lessons for Namibia’s financial system improvement. It is important that the problems associated with the high level of financial exclusion are understood. Through an analysis of the theoretical information and empirical results it is possible to establish how to improve financial inclusion which is critical for development and economic growth. Financial Inclusion (FI) has become a key pillar of development policy in a number of countries around the world on account of the fact that exclusive development is not sustainable. The paper explored the role of Mobile Money Services (MMS) in enhancing financial inclusion. The study was motivated by the proliferation of mobile phones amongst low income earners, the prepaid billing system sensitive to users’ incomes, adoption of ICT by government and the private sector that has enhanced e-commerce readiness of Uganda, as well as the launch of three Mobile Money Services in the country. A qualitative analysis of the web content of the three MMS providers was undertaken and focused on issues related to services provided; transaction charges; number of registered customers; number and volume of transactions; stakeholders; user interfaces and security; institutional relationships; policy and regulation; as well as appropriateness of the current business model(s). The findings indicate that while the MMS have enormous potential to enhance FI, it would require an open business model that involves all stakeholders to establish a truly national solution. Furthermore, the initial contribution of MMS to FI is in improving money transfer by lowering the transaction costs for small volumes. As a way forward, the regulatory authorities need to establish a legal framework that does not stifle innovation but ensures safety for customers’ savings. From the literature it becomes clear that there are various advantages associated with inclusive financial system. Various studies have demonstrated the positive correlation between financial inclusion and economic growth and poverty alleviation. Most of the data used in the study were collected by means of desk review for secondary data. Various articles and annual reports of commercial banks and regulators were analysed to provide an overview of the current state of financial inclusion in Namibia. However, primary data were also used to analyse the current initiatives of the commercial banks. The study finds that there are policy interventions that are in place and are being pursued by various players aimed at improving the public access to financial services. Results of the recently published FinMark2011 Survey report also indicate that 51 percent of adults are now included in the financial system compared to 31 percent recorded during the 2007 survey. Finally the study’s recommendations highlight various initiatives and activities which different stakeholders should undertake to improve the level of financial inclusion in the economy.

The relationship between financial sector development and savings mobilisation in South Africa : an empirical study

Mingiri, Kapingura Forget 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African financial sector is developed by world standards, surpassing those of other emerging and developed countries. However, despite all this development in the financial sector, the country has low levels of savings. This contradicts some of the available literature which explains the link between financial development and savings. Based on this background, the study empirically examines the relationship between financial development and savings mobilization in South Africa, employing the Johansen cointegration test for the period 1980 to 2012. Based on the lifecycle hypothesis, a model linking savings and its determinants was specified. The empirical results revealed that there is a long-term relationship between savings and the other variables used in the model. The different measures which were employed to measure financial development were found to be positive and significant, implying that financial sector development impacts positively on savings. An interesting observation from the empirical results is the negative relationship between the rate of interest and savings which implies that South Africans are net borrowers as the income effect surpasses the substitution effect. This in part explains the low levels of savings being experienced by the country since an increase in the rate of interest results in people paying more to service their debt and hence a reduction in savings.

The microfinance industry in Uganda : sustainability, outreach and regulation

Okumu, Luka Jovita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Economics)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Using an econometric approach on panel data collected from 53 microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Uganda over a period of six years (annual), this study has identified the determinants of sustainability and outreach of MFIs. In addition, the study has also used survey data from 31 non-Bank of Uganda (BOU) regulated MFIs or Tier 4 MFIs, four BOU-regulated non-bank MFIs, 12 commercial banks and the BOU itself to assess the effects of financial regulation of MFIs on their sustainability and outreach. The results indicate that sustainability is positively and significantly driven by real effective lending rates and age of an MFI, and negatively by the ratio of gross outstanding loan portfolio to total assets, the ratio of average loan size to the national per capita income, the unit cost of loans disbursed, and a group-based delivery mechanism compared to an individual-based delivery mechanism. Outreach is positively and significantly driven by an MFI being a savings and credit co-operative (SACCO) compared to being a private company, effectiveness of governance, the age of an MFI, the ratio of gross outstanding loan portfolio to total assets, and the ratio of salary/wage paid to staff to the national per capita income, and negatively by the ratio of average loan size to the national per capita income and the unit cost of loans disbursed. In the short run, financial regulation negatively influences the outreach of MFIs, but positively affects their sustainability. In the long term, financial regulation positively influences both the sustainability and the outreach of MFIs. The results suggest a number of policy options. First, the MFIs should focus on the real effective lending rate, given its significance in their sustainability. Second, for a real effective lending rate to be relatively low, the rate of inflation should be low. This calls for prudent monetary policy management by the government. Thirdly, the cost of doing business should be kept low. This calls for prudence in business management by the MFIs and creating a cost-effective business environment by the government. While the results are tentative, in order to expand outreach more SACCOs should be established and the MFIs should commit more funds to lending purposes compared to other investments. Finally, before enacting financial legislation, it is important that its benefits and costs are adequately assessed to ensure that the benefits outweigh the costs both in the short and long term.

From life insurance to financial services : a historical analysis of Sanlam's client base, 1918-2004

Halleen, Simone 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sanlam has long been stereotyped as an Afrikaans company. It has been positioned in Afrikaner nationalist historiography as one of a number of Afrikaner economic, cultural and political institutions that emerged alongside British ones in the early twentieth century as Afrikaners strove to assert their identity and independence. Much of the existing literature on the history of Sanlam has focused on the role that the company played in promoting this independence by mobilising savings for investment in Afrikaner businesses. This study challenges this conventional view of Sanlam. It argues that Sanlam was established as a South African company in a British industry of which the inclusion and empowerment of Afrikaners formed one aspect. It was a national institution that tried to represent South Africa at all levels. This study demonstrates Sanlam’s inclusiveness as a South African company by analysing its client profile from its establishment as a modest life insurance company in 1918 to its transformation into a diversified financial services group by 2004. It shows that Sanlam did not only target and attract Afrikaans-speaking clients, but included as wide a spectrum of clients as possible within the political and market constraints of the time. It did this by operating as a bilingual company, including working classes through industrial insurance and group schemes and by offering non-traditional life insurance products and ancillary financial services that met a range of needs. In this way Sanlam set itself apart from its competitors. Its clients included people from both sides of the demographic and social divide. Clients included English and Afrikaans-speakers, blacks and whites, young and old, male and female, and lower and upper class. Restrictions and exclusions were based on risk and not on race, sex or class. Sanlam broadened its prospects even further into the South African market during the second half of its history. This was in response to events such as the formation of the Republic in 1961, the growth of the South African economy, the deregulation of the financial sector in the 1980s and 1990s, and the collapse of Apartheid in the early 1990s. By 2004 Sanlam had completed its transformation into a diversified financial services group that provided a range of life insurance and financial services solutions for individuals, groups and businesses from various walks of life. The Group could now shift its focus not only onto further expansion into the South African and neighbouring African markets, but onto the rest of Africa and other emerging markets abroad. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sanlam is lank reeds bekend as ‘n Afrikaanse maatskappy, een van ‘n aantal ekonomiese, kulturele en politieke instellings wat gedurende die vroeë twintigste eeu ontwikkel het met die doel om die Afrikaner se identitieit en onhafhanklikheid te bevorder. Bestaande literatuur oor die geskiedenis van Sanlam fokus sterk op die rol van die maatskappy deur sy verkryging van belegggings vir Afrikanerbesighede. Hierdie studie betwis so ‘n konvensionele siening van Sanlam. Dit betoog dat Sanlam gestig is as ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappy in ‘n Britse industrie, waar die insluiting en bemagtiging van die Afrikaner slegs een aspek gevorm het. Sanlam was ‘n nasionale genootskap wat Suid-Afrika op alle vlakke probeer verteenwoordig het. Die studie toon Sanlam se insluiting as ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappy, deur ‘n ontleding van sy kliënteprofiel sedert sy stigting as ‘n beskeie lewensversekeringsmaatskappy in 1918 tot met sy transformasie in 2004 as ‘n gediversifieerde finansiële dienste groep. Dit wys dat Sanlam nie net Afrikaanssprekende kliënte bedien het nie, maar ‘n wye teikengroep binne die politieke en mark beperkinge van die spesifieke era. Albei amptelike landstale is gebruik, die werkersklas is deur industriële versekering en groepskemas betrek en nie-tradisionele lewensversekeringsprodukte en finansiële dienste is aangebied. Hierin het Sanlam homself van sy mededingers onderskei. Kliënte het mense van alle demografiese en sosiale verskille ingesluit. Daar was Engels- en Afrikaanstaliges, swart en wit, jonk en oud, manlik en vroulik, en polishouers van die laer en hoër klasse. Sanlam het gedurende die tweede helfte van sy geskiedenis verder in die Suid-Afrikaanse mark uitgebrei. Dit was in antwoord op gebeure soos die stigting van die Republiek in 1961, die groei van die ekonomie, die deregulering van die finansiële sektor in die 1980s en 1990s, en die beëindiging van apartheid gedurende die vroeë 1990s. Teen 2004 was Sanlam volkome getransformeer tot ‘n gediversifiseerde finansiële dienste groep met ‘n reeks lewensversekering- en finansiële produkte beskikbaar aan individue, groepe en besighede uit alle dele van die bevolking. Die Groep kon nou uitbrei, nie net in Suid-Afrika en sy buurlande nie, maar na die res van Afrika en ander opkomende markte oorsee.

The anticipated impact of GATS on the financial service industry in Africa.

Mkiwa, Halfan. January 2007 (has links)
<p>This study was on the anticipated impact of GATS on the financial services industry in Africa. The paper examined the possible positive and negative impact of the GATS agreement on the financial services industry in the African countries. The research focused on the banking sector and the insurance sector as the main financial sectors under investigation.</p>

Legal and institutional frameworks as determinants of access to capital by developing countries.

Gitonga, Gitau Robert. January 2007 (has links)
<p>The objective of this research was to draw a relationship between legal and institutional frameworks in a country, and the competitiveness of that country as a destination for investment either as real investment or portfolio investment for infrastructure development.</p>

Learnerships and transformation in the insurance industry.

Stemmers, Jacqueline Veraness January 2005 (has links)
This case study explored the lessons arising from the implementation of the Insurance Preparedness Project. This was a pilot project funded by the Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority as part of a strategy for transforming the insurance industry and to establish a model for learnership implementation.Financial services industry.

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