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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expert systems for financial analysis of university auxiliary enterprises

McCart, Christina D. 09 September 2008 (has links)
An essential task of university administration is to monitor the financial position of its auxiliary enterprises. This is an ill-defined and complex task which often requires more administrative time and information than is available. In order to perform this task in an adequate manner a large amount of expertise is required to: (1) determine what constitutes reasonable performance, (2) define unacceptable levels of performance, and (3) suggest courses of action which will alleviate an unacceptable situation. Thorough analysis requires a substantial amount of an expert’s time. The purpose of this research is to explore the opportunities for the enhancement of the financial analysis of auxiliary enterprises through the use of expert systems. The research has included: (1) a comprehensive review of analytical techniques that can be used in financial position analysis, (2) a determination of the the applicability of such techniques to auxiliary enterprises, and (3) an assessment of their amenability to expert system development. As a part of the above described research, an expert system prototype was developed which addresses several of the above issues for one auxiliary enterprise at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. It integrates the knowledge of an expert with both accounting data from the VPI & SU accounting system and other types of data from the auxiliary enterprise operation. The system provides a comprehensive, systematic analysis of the financial position of the Tailor Shop at VPI & SU. This analysis is performed in much less time than would be required by an expert. As a result of the research conducted, it has been concluded that building such a system is possible and it can provide significant benefits to a user. However, financial position analysis requires a substantial amount of data and numerical calculations, both of which require large amounts of computer memory and computations. Therefore, designing an expert system to efficiently perform this task requires the use of a package or a language that efficiently utilizes computer memory and CPU. / Ph. D.

Intellectual capital: measurement, recognition and reporting

Moolman, Sindiswa January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to examine the need to modify the theory of accounting to ensure a standardised and comparable approach when accounting and reporting on intellectual capital. A literature review is used to describe intellectual capital categories and how to measure, recognise and report these assets in the financial statements on an entity. Financial reporting operates around strict requirements that are statement of financial position biased posing significant challenges in recognising and disclosing intellectual capital. The study also uses content analysis of corporate annual reports of the top 40 companies listed on the JSE Ltd in 2009 to determine the extent of intellectual capital reporting by these companies. Measuring and recognising intellectual capital in financial reporting is not limited by the requirements in respect of statutory disclosures, discretionary and contextual disclosures are recommended. Results of the content analysis show that companies use these discretionary and contextual disclosures to communicate information on intellectual capital. / Financial Accounting / M. Com. (Accounting)

A value added statement versus cash value added statement : a South African experience

Seema, Maitseo Josephine, Modisane, Kabo H. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Value Added Statement does not provide any information that does not already exist in the income statement. It only arranges the information and adds a new item, salaries and wages, to highlight the value created by the company and how that value is distributed amongst stakeholders. This information would assist users in their evaluation of the economic performance of the organisation. The study set out to show the composition, calculation and the reconciliation of both Cash Value Added Statement (CVAS) and the Value Added Statement (VAS). A database has been created for the years 1990-1998 for all the companies that published the CVASNAS during that period. The differences between CVAS and VAS can be determined by: a) Non-cash items (excluding depreciation). b) Movements in non-cash components of working capital. c) Differences between an income statement and cash flow statement relative to : • Extra-ordinary items • Exceptional items • Abnormal items • Associated income • A few sundry items Individual reconciliation was performed per company per year for the period 1990 to 1998 to enable the balancing of the CVAS total (Total A) with the VAS total (Total B)- see the example on Figure 3.1 to Figure 3.3. Items in both eVAS and VAS were then expressed about the two totals (see the line, Total A) to arrive at the common size for both CVAS and VAS (Tables 1(a) and 1(bj). Descriptive statistics were performed in order to find out how much each item constitutes to the value added. Due to the large amount of data, the initial raw data was excluded from the study project and is only available in the databank. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Toegevoegdewaardestaat verskaf geensins enige inligting wat nie reeds in die inkomstestaat verskyn nie. Die doel daarvan is slegs om inligting te rangskik en voeg nog 'n item by, nl. salarisse en lone. Die doel hiervan is om die waarde wat die maatskappy geskep het, uit te lig en ook hoe daardie bepaalde waarde onder belanghebbers verdeel word. Hierdie inligting kan gebruikers help by die evaluering van die ekonomiese prestasie van die betrokke organisasie. Die ondersoek dui die samestelling, berekening en die rekonsiliasie aan van beide die Kontant- Toegevoegdewaardestaat (KTWS) en die Toegevoegdewaardestaat (TWS). 'n Databasis is saamgestel vir die tydperk 1990 - 1998 vir alle maatskappye wat gedurende hierdie tyd KTWS/TWS gepubliseer het. Die verskille tussen KTWS en TWS word bepaal deur: a) Nie-kontant items (uitsluitend waardevermindering). b) Die bewegings in die nie-kontant komponente van bedryfskapitaal. Die verskille tussen 'n inkomstestaat en kontantvloeistaat met betrekking tot: • Buitengewone items • Besondere items • Abnormale items • Geassosieerde inkomste • Enkele diverse items Individuele rekonsiliasies is uitgevoer per maatskappy per jaar vir die tydperk 1990 - 1998 vir die balansering van die KTWS se totaal (Totaal A) met die TWS se totaal (Totaal B) - kyk na die voorbeeld in Figuur 3.1 tot Figuur 3.3. Items in beide KTWS en TWS is dan uitgedruk ten opsigte van die twee totale (kyk na die lyn, Totaal A) om by die gemeenskaplike grootte vir beide KTWS en TWS (Tabelle l(a) en l(b)) uit te kom. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om vas te stel hoeveel elke item bydra tot die toegevoegde waarde. Weens die geweldige hoeveelheid data/inligting, is die aanvanklike rou-data van die ondersoek uitgesluit. Dit is slegs beskikbaar in die databank.

Cash flows analysis with reference to direct and indirect method and value - added reporting of industrial commpanies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Mashalaba, T. L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / The investing public seeks to have knowledge on the future and anticipated enterprise performance. The starting point for gathering such information is presented in the enterprise financial statements. Secondary data presented by the Business School of the University of Stellenbosch was used. The study focused on finding out the magnitude of reporting cash flows from operating activities using the indirect or direct methods. The study also checked the frequency of reporting value - added statements, and took a forecast view on what the reporting nature is expected to look like in the next financial year-end. The database used in the study included 655 listed and delisted industrial companies in the Johannesburg Stock Exchangeover the ten-year period starting from January 1990 through to December 1999. It is noted that the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants, as stated in Statement AC 118, encourages enterprises to report cash flows from operating activities using the direct method. This is because the direct method provides information which may be useful in estimating future cash flows and which is not available under the indirect method. The study noted the rate at which newly listed enterprises report their initial cash flow statements, and the rate at which enterprises listed before 1996 are changing from reporting using the indirect method to the direct method. The results showed that at present South African enterprises are reporting cash flows from operating activities at a higher rate that in other notable Western Countries subscribing to the doctrines of the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). The number of enterprises presenting value - added statements has shown an increase, though reporting value - added statements is not yet statutory. For the forecasting exercise part of the study, Brown's linear double exponential smoothing technique was applied.

A survey of the accuracy of reporting and the extent of compliance to the disclosure provisions of AC101 by industrial companies listed in the Johannesburg Securities Exchange

Jarana, Vuyani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the extent to which the industrial companies listed in the Johannesburg Securities Exchange complied with the disclosure provisions of the Accounting Standards AC101 when publishing their financial statements for the years 2000 to 2002. This study further evaluates the accuracy of the reporting of the salaries and wages as presented in their Value Added Statements. Published financial statements for the years 2000 to 2002 of more than 160 companies were analysed and evaluated. The study also identifies companies that did not disclose staff costs and directors' emoluments in their financial statements as well as those companies that reported the labour portion of their wealth distribution accurately in their Value Added Statements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie dek die mate waarin genoteerde industriële maatskappye op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs voldoen het aan die openbaarmakingsvereistes van die Rekeningkundige Standaarde RE101 ten opsigte van hul finansiële state soos van 2000 tot 2002 gepubliseer. Die studie let verder ook op die akkuraatheid van die verslaggewing van salarisse en lone in die Toegevoegdewaardestate. Gepubliseerde finansiële state vir die jare 2000 tot 2002 van meer as 160 maatskappye is ontleed en geëvalueer. Die studie identifiseer ook daardie maatskappye wat nie salariskoste en direkteursvergoeding in hul finansiële state geopenbaar het nie, sowel as diegene wat hul salarisse korrek in die Toegevoegdewaardestate openbaar het.

Assessing company strength in South Africa using value added : 1990 - 2000

King, Cecilia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The publication of the Value Added Statement should be seen as an attempt to introduce financial results to all the stakeholders of an organisation that aided in its wealth creation process. However, the current practice to present Value Added Statements in a variety of ways is not conducive to financial analysis and users of the information find it difficult to compare company results. The information on the Value Added Statement provides useful knowledge of the contribution of employees and fixed assets, the relative relationship of dependency and control between the organisation and its suppliers and the long-term requirements of the organisation to meet market demands. This study project aims to determine if value added-based ratio analysis could be used to measure company strength and be useful as a tool in corporate strategy formulation. The areas of investigation included productivity of production factors, reinvestment in capital and overall business control. The measures used to determine productivity also provided insight into the capital and labour intensity of companies and sectors. The model that was developed in this section indicates how companies differ in terms of their intensity and how productive their production factors are. It was found that although some companies were able to exert high value added to sales ratios, they did not perform as well when their productivity levels were measured. This is an indication that an imbalance exists between the current production factor proportions and management should try to find the optimal solution for increased productivity. The search for the optimal point between labour and fixed assets could convince management to reduce employee numbers or fixed assets to increase their productivity ratios. This is not a favoured approach as companies are dependent on their production factors for continuous growth and prosperity. The aim is to determine if companies have the means to invest in their production factors to increase their levels of productivity. Reinvestment in capital refers to fixed assets, as well as investment in training and development of current employee skills. The investigation revealed that many companies have the ability to reinvest, while others appear to be in a less favourable position. The last section was an attempt to measure the overall business control of companies when their margins on sales and value added were compared. These ratios provided insight into the ability of companies to add value through their own production skills or by command of lucrative contracts with suppliers. Those companies that are able to show high values on both ratios are said to display a high degree of overall business control. In conclusion it was found that value added-based ratio analysis could be used to identify problem areas in corporate strategy. Management's reaction to those areas and their continuous drive to improve value creation in the organisation would eventually lead to increased national wealth creation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die publikasie van die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde moet gesien word as 'n poging om finansiële resultate aan alle belanghebbendes van 'n organisasie, wat bygedra het tot die proses van welvaartskepping, aan te bied. Die huidige praktyk om die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde op verskeie maniere aan te bied is egter nie bevorderlik vir finansiële analise nie en gebruikers van die inligting vind dit moeilik om maatskappy resultate te vergelyk. Die inligting op die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde verskaf waardevolle kennis oor die bydrae van werknemers en vaste bates, die relatiewe verhouding van afhanklikheid en beheer tussen die organisasie en sy verskaffers en die langtermyn behoeftes van die organisasie om aan markverwagtinge te voldoen. Hierdie studieprojek poog om vas te stel of toegevoegde waarde gebaseerde verhoudingsanalise gebruik kan word om maatskappyvermoë te bepaal en of dit 'n nuttige instrument in korporatiewe strategieformulering kan wees. Die areas van ondersoek het die produktiwiteit van produksiefaktore, herinvestering in kapitaal en algehele besigheidsbeheer ingesluit. Die maatstawwe wat gebruik is om produktiwiteit te bepaal het ook insig gegee oor die kapitaal- en arbeidsintensiteit van maatskappye en sektore. Die model wat ontwikkel is in hierdie afdeling wys hoe maatskappye verskil in terme van hul intensiteit en hoe produktief hul produksiefaktore is. Dit is gevind dat, alhoewel sommige maatskappye in staat was om hoë waardes vir die toegevoegde waarde tot verkope verhouding te openbaar, hulle nie so goed gevaar het toe hul produksie vlakke gemeet is nie. Dit is 'n aanduiding dat 'n wanbalans bestaan tussen die huidige produksiefaktor verhouding en bestuur moet probeer om 'n optimale oplossing te vind vir verhoogde produktiwiteit. Die soeke na die optimale punt tussen arbeid en vaste bates kan bestuur oortuig om werknemer getalle of vaste bates te verminder ten einde hul produktiwiteitsverhouding te verbeter. Dit is nie die aangewese benadering nie aangesien maatskappye afhanklik is van hul produksiefaktore vir volgehoue groei en welvaart. Die doel is om te bepaal of maatskappye die middele het om te investeer in hul produksiefaktore ten einde hul vlakke van produksie te verhoog. Herinvestering in kapitaal verwys na vaste bates, sowel as investering in opleiding en ontwikkeling van bestaande werknemer vaardighede. Die ondersoek het openbaar dat baie maatskappye wel oor die vermoë beskik om te herinvesteer, terwyl ander blyk om in 'n minder gunstige posisie te wees. Die laaste afdeling was 'n poging om die algehele besigheidsbeheer van maatskappye te bepaal wanneer die marge op verkope en toegevoegde waarde vergelyk word. Hierdie verhoudings bied insig oor die vermoë van maatskappye om waarde toe te voeg deur hul eie produksievaardighede of deur middel van winsgewende kontrakte met hul verskaffers. Maatskappye wat in staat is om hoë waardes vir beide verhoudingsgetalle te openbaar word beskou as maatskappye met 'n hoë algehele besigheidsbeheer.

Aanspreeklikheid van maatskappy-ouditeure teenoor derdes op grond van wanvoorstelling in die finansiële state

12 August 2015 (has links)
LL.D. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Fianční analýza společnosti Eurest ČR / Financial analysis of Eurest ČR

Šuran, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the financial analysis of company Eurest, ltd. Its goal is to demonstrate appropriate methods of financial analysis, to apply them to a specific company and to interpret the results. The goal will be achieved through methods like analysis of financial statements, calculation of various financial ratios and ultimately bankruptcy model and analysis of financial health of the company.

Příprava obchodní společnosti na účetní závěrku / Preparing of the company on final accounts

Dvořáková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the preparation of joint stock companies on the final accounts, therefore, preparation of financial statements. There are described and listed the various operations to be performed before the closure of the books and then assembling the financial statements. Subsequently, the entire theoretical part of the thesis are applied to the company Inovační technologické centrum - VÚK, a.s..

HARMONIZACE ÚČETNICTVÍ SE ZAMĚŘENÍM NA PROCES KONVERGENCE IFRS A U. S. GAAP / Harmonization of accounting and financial reporting focussed on convergence process between IFRS and US GAAP

Vlčková, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explains the main purposes and aims of the convergence process between International Financial Reporting Standards and the American Generally Accepted Accounting Prinicples in a join projects between IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) and FASB (Financial Accounting Standard Board). In respect of the join projects, two are described. These are: "Revenue recognition" and "Presentation of financial statements". A major part of the financial statement element is the draft of statement of comprehensive income. Readers of this thesis will find included information about IFRS conceptual framework and in addition details of its planned replacement, which comes from convergence process.

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