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Regulace účetního výkaznictví ve Švýcarsku / The Regulation of Financial Reporting in SwitzerlandHelus, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The paper deals with the problems of financial reporting in Switzerland. In the introduction, the reader gets the idea of the concept of regulation which is structured in two levels. Both of them are focused on more deeply in the following chapters. The first chapter analyses the regulation included in the "Commercial Code" (Obligationenrecht). Furthermore, the framework of the current Swiss commercial-law and the regulation of auditing are addressed. The second chapter focuses on the regulation based on the Swiss generally accepted accounting principles (Swiss GAAP FER), including their Conceptual Framework. The third chapter is dedicated to examples of financial reporting according to Swiss GAAP FER (presentation of financial statements, provisions).
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Audit výroční zprávy (komparace ve vybraných podnicích) / Audit of the annual report (comparison of the selected companies)Mikšovská, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The goal of the submitted thesis "Audit of the annual report (comparison of the selected companies)" is to introduce the process of the audit of the annual report. I have compared the annual reports of selected companies because of the considerable differences between the annual reports prepared by the individual companies. At first I have analysed the each annual report of selected company in terms content and presentation and in the final part I have assessed gained knowledge.
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Využití účetních dat ve finanční analýze / Use of accounting information in the financial analysisCvik, Pavol January 2010 (has links)
This paper is about usage of accounting information in financial analysis. In the first part financial statements under Czech Accounting Standards and under International Financial Reporting Standards are described. The most important differences are discussed. In the second part methods of financial analysis are explained. In the third part practical financial analyses are done for the companies Vodafone Czech Republic, a.s. (reports under CAS) and Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s. (reports under IFRS). Main differences in financial analysis which rise from different accounting standards are discussed.
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Regulácia účtovníctva malých a stredných podnikov z medzinárodného hľadiska / Regulation accounting of small and medium enterprises from international perspectiveĽaš, Mikuláš January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this diploma work is to show the differences or similarities between financial reporting of small and medium enterprises based on International Financial Reporting Standard - IFRS for SMEs and British accounting standard - FRSSE. Introductory chapters are devoted to the principles of dividing enterprisies by the criteria of size on the first place, and also to the short characteristics of different kinds of regulation of accounting in the world, especially regulation based on IASB and British accounting standards. These introductory chapters serve as information basis for the main part of the diploma work. This part is represented by the analysis of financial reporting of small and medium enterprises based on IFRS for SMEs and British accounting standard FRSSE and consecutive comparison of these two ways of financial reporting of small and medium enterprises, which is also the last part of the diploma work. In the scope of this comparison there are, except for basic differencies, also analysis of differences in goodwill and leasing with occasional view on certain problems in the conditions of Czech Republic.
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Konsolidovaná účetní závěrka / Consolidated financial statementsKalvasová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The theoretical section includes basis of consolidation, procedures and methods of preparation of consolidated financial statements under Czech accounting legislation. The second part shows how to prepare consolidated financial statements of real companies.
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Valor adicionado: análise empírica de sua relevância para as companhias abertas que publicam a demonstração do valor adicionado / Value added: empirical analysis of its information content for the public companies that disclose the value added statementScherer, Luciano Marcio 29 November 2006 (has links)
O objetivo da contabilidade é definido como fornecer aos seus usuários informações relevantes para a tomada de decisões. Porém, quem são os usuários e qual informação é relevante? O enfoque dado pela Teoria Positiva da Contabilidade considera os investidores dos mercados de capitais como os usuários das informações contábeis e essas são relevantes quando possuem um grau de associação estatisticamente significativo com o preço ou retorno das ações. Tendo em vista as mudanças na legislação societária que estão tramitando no Câmara dos Deputados, o Brasil poderá tornar obrigatória a elaboração e publicação da Demonstração do Valor Adicionado pelas companhias abertas. De forma similar à Demonstração do Resultado do Exercício, a DVA é uma demonstração de características dedutivas em que a última linha representa um resultado, nesse caso, a riqueza gerada pela empresa durante um período. Porém, em adição a essa informação, é evidenciado de que forma essa riqueza é distribuída para uma série de stakeholders, além da parcela distribuída aos proprietários, sócios ou acionistas. Logo, é uma demonstração mais ampla que a DRE, destinada a vários usuários, não apenas aos proprietários, sócios ou acionistas, como a DRE, a princípio, parece ser destinada. Mas, quando se leva em conta os conceitos da Teoria Positiva da Contabilidade, convêm perguntar: O valor adicionado líquido para distribuição, evidenciado através da DVA das companhias abertas que publicam a demonstração, é relevante para os investidores da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo - BOVESPA? Buscar essa resposta é a proposta deste trabalho. Para tanto, utilizou-se de abordagem empírico-analítica para testar as hipóteses de pesquisa formuladas. A amostra de dados foi constituída pelas sociedades anônimas abertas que publicaram a DVA nos anos de 2000 a 2004. Para essa amostra de dados foi obtido o preço das ações quatro meses após o fechamento do exercício social (variável dependente), o valor adicionado líquido para distribuição por ação, o lucro líquido por ação e o patrimônio líquido por ação para os anos de 2000 a 2004 (variáveis independentes). A amostra final de dados foi constituída de 459 observações, sendo 202 para ações ordinárias e 257 para ações preferenciais. Todas variáveis foram ajustadas pelo preço da ação do período anterior. Os resultados dos testes empíricos demonstraram que o valor adicionado líquido para distribuição é relevante para os investidores do mercado de capitais, com grau de significância de 99%, o que confirma as evidências empíricas internacionais, entretanto, não houve um desempenho melhor tão evidente, medido pelo coeficiente R2, do valor adicionado líquido para distribuição sobre o lucro líquido e o patrimônio líquido, o que contraria as evidências empíricas internacionais. Quando se separou a amostra de dados entre as empresas com níveis diferenciados de governança corporativa da BOVESPA das demais empresas, observou-se que o poder explicativo do valor adicionado líquido para distribuição cresce de forma substancial nas empresas com níveis diferenciados de governança corporativa, especialmente no caso das ações preferenciais. Esses resultados demonstram a importância da DVA e contribuem para o debate acadêmico acerca da demonstração. / The objective of accounting is supply its users with relevant information to make useful decisions. However who are those users and which information are relevant? Under the focus of the Positive Accounting Theory, the users are the investors of financial markets and information is relevant when it has statistically association with prices or return of stocks. In Brazil, the mandatory preparation and publication of the Value Added Statement is close to near. Value Added Statement is a statement that demonstrates the generation of wealth of a company and how this wealth is distributed to several stakeholders and also to the stockholders. Therefore, it is a wider accounting statement than the Income Statement, because it is destined to several users. However, inside the perspectives of the Positive Accounting Theory a question seems to be necessary: The net value added generated by a company and disclosed in the Value Added Statement is relevant for the investors, or in other words, is relevant for financial markets? Look for an answer to this question is exactly what the present work intends to do. To do that, it was used an empiric-analytic approach to reach the objectives proposed for this study, and doing so, testing the research hypotheses related to the research problems proposed. The sample used was constituted by the public companies that published the Value Added Statement in the years 2000 to 2004. For this sample were obtained the price of the stocks four months after the closing of the fiscal year (dependent variable), the net value added for distribution, the net profit and the equity for the years from 2000 to 2004 (independent variables). After the process of discard of companies without data in the period, it was obtained a sample of data constituted by 459 firm-year observations, being 202 for common stocks and 257 for preferred stocks. All variables were considered by theirs per share value adjusted by the stock price of the previous year. The results of the empiric analysis demonstrated that the net value added for distribution is relevant to the financial market, with 99% degrees of significance, what confirms international empiric evidences presented in the theoretical framework, however, there?s not a better performance, measured for the coefficient R2 of the value added over net profit and equity, which goes contrary to international empirical evidences. When the sample was separated between companies with differentiated levels of corporate governance of BOVESPA of the other companies, it was observed that the explanatory power of the variable net value added for distribution increases enough in a general way for the ones, especially in the case of preferred stocks. Those results demonstrate the relevance of the Value Added Statement and contribute to the increase of the academic debate about this statement.
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Balanco social : demonstra????o cont??bil ou marketing corporativo? um estudo explorat??rio sobre a percep????o das empresas do Estado de S??o PauloAmaral, Wilson Rodrigues do 24 August 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-24 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the use of the Social Balance Sheet as accountantship demonstration or Corporation Marketing tool for companies which have obtained the Social Accountability Seal. The social accountability is a thoroughly discussed and spread subject by companies who publish and publicize the Social Balance Sheet. By such means, this study aims at data retrieving about the employment of the organizational Vision and Mission application of social accountability practices, as well as Corporative Governance in companies who diffuses their Social Balances to identify if these sheets succeed as effective social practices or limit to social marketing instruments only. The research was motivated by the hypothesis that companies release their Social Balance Sheet as mere Social Marketing instrument. Its relevance bases on the evidence of the Social Balance Sheet advertising true objectives, as well as the existence of official methodology for this application. The theoretical basis was elaborated to be supported by bibliographic researches and official figures. For context and elucidation of the Social Balance aspects, there were discussed the concepts of Corporative Governance practices, Social Accountability, Social Marketing and Corporative Vision and Mission. To produce this research it was utilized the deductive-hypothetic method provided through field research, with questionnaires sent to managers of accounting sectors, controller department, personnel department, marketing sectors and other correlative areas, elaborated in a way to induce the respondents to the waited results as for objectivity of the Social Balance spreading. / O prop??sito deste estudo ?? analisar a utiliza????o do Balan??o Social como Demonstra????o Cont??bil ou ferramenta de Marketing Corporativo, pelas empresas que receberam o Selo de Responsabilidade Social. A responsabilidade social ?? um assunto bastante discutido e difundido pelas empresas que publicam e divulgam o Balan??o Social. Nesse sentido, o estudo visa levantar dados quanto ao emprego da filosofia de Vis??o e Miss??o Empresarial, de pr??ticas de Responsabilidade Social, bem como, dos princ??pios de Governan??a Corporativa, nas empresas que divulgam seus Balan??os Sociais, a fim de identificar se os referidos balan??os objetivam a demonstra????o efetiva das pr??ticas sociais ou constituem-se apenas em instrumentos de marketing social. A pesquisa foi motivada pela hip??tese de que as referidas empresas divulgam o Balan??o Social como um mero instrumento de Marketing Social. Sua relev??ncia fundamenta-se na evidencia????o dos reais objetivos da divulga????o do Balan??o Social, bem como, da exist??ncia de metodologia oficial para tal aplica????o. Sua fundamenta????o te??rica foi elaborada com base em pesquisas bibliogr??ficas e indicadores oficiais. Para contextualiza????o e explicita????o dos aspectos relacionados ao tema "Balan??o Social" foram discutidos os conceitos de pr??ticas de Governan??a Corporativa, Responsabilidade Social, Marketing Social, Vis??o e Miss??o empresarial. Na operacionaliza????o da pesquisa, foi utilizado o m??todo hipot??tico-dedutivo obtido atrav??s de pesquisa de campo, com aplica????o de question??rios enviados aos gestores das ??reas de contabilidade, controladoria, recursos humanos, marketing e outras correlatas, elaborados de forma a induzir os respondentes aos resultados esperados quanto ?? objetividade da divulga????o do Balan??o Social.
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A utiliza????o das demonstra????es financeiras projetadas e simuladas e suas contribui????es ao processo decis??rio : um estudo de caso em uma ind??stria qu??micaBernardinelli, Alecia Buarque 21 August 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-08-21 / The present aims at the contribution of the forecast and simulation of the main financial statements and its contribution to the decision process. The research is initiated with the conceptualization of the main financial statements made by accounting department - Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss. After that, it treats to explain the main inside and outside variables and as they affect the elaboration of these statements. The following step is to know the process of management through the budget. The simulation of the main financial statements is the last topic to be studied. In order to corroborate with the bibliographical survey a study of case with the purpose of ratifying the conclusions found in the bibliography was made, proving, thus, the formulated hypothesis. The company searched is one of the chemical branch and it is established in Brazil for almost fifty years. The answers to this research were tabulated and demonstrated, in its majority, by graphs to better explain the incidence of the pointed conclusions. The conclusions confirm the evidence of the projection contributes to the decision process generating establishment of future results, communication of goals and objectives in one determined period of time, strategically decision and elaboration of plans of action, measurement and control of performance, allocation of operational resources and decisions of capital investment. Can be said about the simulation that this generates the knowledge of the threats and chances of the company through measurement evaluating the possible impacts of the taken decisions and the anticipation of the impacts of the modifications of the variables in its result. / O presente trabalho trata das contribui????es da proje????o e da simula????o das principais demonstra????es financeiras ao processo decis??rio. Para tanto, apresenta-se a conceitua????o das principais demonstra????es financeiras elaboradas pela contabilidade - o Balan??o Patrimonial e a Demonstra????o do Resultado do Exerc??cio. Em seguida, explicam-se as principais vari??veis end??genas e ex??genas e como elas afetam a elabora????o das demonstra????es, prop??e-se um processo de gest??o atrav??s da ferramenta do or??amento. Por fim, ?? apresentada a simula????o das principais demonstra????es financeiras. A fim de corroborar com o trabalho bibliogr??fico, foi elaborado um estudo de caso com o prop??sito de ratificar as conclus??es encontradas na bibliografia, comprovando, assim, a hip??tese formulada. A empresa pesquisada ?? do ramo qu??mico e est?? estabelecida no Brasil h?? quase cinquenta anos. As respostas ??s pesquisas foram tabuladas e demonstradas, na sua maioria, em gr??ficos para melhor exemplificar a incid??ncia das conclus??es apontadas. As conclus??es apontam para a comprova????o de que a proje????o contribui ao processo decis??rio gerando estabelecimento de resultados futuros, comunica????o de metas e objetivos num determinado per??odo de tempo, decis??o estrat??gica e elabora????o de planos de a????o, medi????o e controle de desempenho, aloca????o de recursos operacionais e decis??es de investimento de capital. Com rela????o ?? simula????o pode-se dizer que esta gera o conhecimento das amea??as e oportunidades da empresa atrav??s de uma mensura????o, avaliando os poss??veis impactos das decis??es tomadas e a antecipa????o dos impactos das modifica????es das vari??veis end??genas e ex??genas no seu resultado.
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A qualidade da informa????o cont??bil na administra????o p??blica : uma proposta de melhoria da divulga????o da informa????o, com enfoque nos atos de gest??oTardoque, Paulo Ricardo 14 December 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-12-14 / This paper studied the disclosure of administrative acts in the Brazilian public administration, which is the object of this research. The administrative acts are events not directly linked to heritage itself, but that have the potential to affect it, such as contracts and guarantees. The Brazilian Government Accounting provides the record of this type of information in the memorandum accounts, which are among the groups balance sheet account, and during the process of NBCASP creating, a process that aims at the convergence of Brazilian standards with international standards, among many other matters, was treated in the manner of disclosure of administrative acts, and records kept in memorandum accounts and these remained within the Balance Sheet of the Brazilian public administration, even at odds with the provisions of IPSAS. It was found that so far there is no consensus as to how disclosure of such information, so the paper started with the assumption that there is opportunity for improvement. The objective of this research was to provide a proposal for the disclosure of the administrative acts, which more adequately disclose this type of information. To do this proposed demonstrative, was investigated the perception of TCU's user and the quality of information. The research methodology was through a qualitative approach, and data collection relied on literature and documentary, and finally the data were analyzed by using content analysis. Compared with the literature presented, the analysis revealed that information from the administrative acts of the Brazilian public administration is relevant to the TCU's user, however the form of disclosure needs to be modernized. The goal was achieved, therefore the demonstrative proposal will help to improve the disclosure of administrative acts. Because there is also demand for this type of control in private entities, for-profit or nonprofit, it is suggested that the demonstrative proposed to be applied in this study also for private companies. / O presente trabalho estudou a divulga????o dos atos de gest??o na administra????o p??blica brasileira, sendo este o objeto da pesquisa. Os atos de gest??o s??o eventos n??o ligados diretamente ao patrim??nio, mas que t??m potencial de afet??-lo, como por exemplo, contratos e garantias. A Contabilidade governamental brasileira prev?? o registro deste tipo de informa????es nas contas de compensa????o, que est??o entre os grupos de contas do Balan??o Patrimonial, e durante processo de cria????o das NBCASP, processo este que objetivou a converg??ncia das normas brasileiras ??s normas internacionais, entre tantos outros assuntos, foi tratado da forma de divulga????o dos atos de gest??o, e manteve-se os registros nas contas de compensa????o e estas permaneceram dentro do Balan??o Patrimonial da administra????o p??blica brasileira, mesmo em diverg??ncia ao disposto nas IPSAS. Constatou-se que at?? o momento n??o h?? consenso quanto ?? forma de divulga????o deste tipo de informa????o, e por isso partiu-se do pressuposto que h?? oportunidade de melhorias. O objetivo da pesquisa foi oferecer uma proposta de evidencia????o dos atos de gest??o, que divulgue de forma mais adequada, tais informa????es. Para elaborar a proposta de demonstrativo, buscou-se conhecer a percep????o do usu??rio TCU quanto ?? qualidade da informa????o. A metodologia da pesquisa foi atrav??s de abordagem qualitativa, e para a coleta dos dados valeu-se de pesquisa bibliogr??fica e documental, por fim os dados foram analisados pelo m??todo de an??lise de conte??do. Em confronto com a literatura apresentada, a an??lise revelou que a informa????o dos atos de gest??o da administra????o p??blica brasileira ?? relevante ao usu??rio TCU, todavia a forma de divulga????o necessita ser modernizada. O objetivo foi alcan??ado, haja vista que o demonstrativo proposto auxiliar?? a melhorar a forma de divulga????o dos atos de gest??o. Por haver tamb??m a demanda deste tipo de controle nas entidades privadas, com ou sem fins lucrativos, sugere-se que seja aplicado o demonstrativo proposto na presente pesquisa, tamb??m para as empresas privadas.
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Evidencia????o: ??ndice de conformidade aplicado ao setor aeron??utico brasileiroSchiavette, Marcia Aparecida Ferreira 07 November 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-07 / A good look at the evolution of mankind throughout history reveals a litany of key discoveries in the evolution of mankind. Occupying the top echelon of these discoveries albeit distinctive is mankind s ability to communicate with each other via gestures, mime, and speech. Precisely thus rooted on this historical landmark is the entirety of this work based. In addition communication is the backdrop by which ideas, discoveries and goals are conveyed. Each objective is unique and peculiar, subject to communication evolution as required respectively not dissimilar however from accounting. Just as scientists and researchers identify historical milestones, the field of accounting science also experience and witness evolution by means of communicating facts naturally in terms of binding, relevance and timeliness. Regardless of the classification, the information is useful only if it contains the attributes of importance to be defined by different types of users. With the purpose of obtaining the compliance of disclosure index (ECI), this study chose to attribute measurement and disclosure required in notes issued by companies in the airline industry, for the year 2011, members at forty-one (414) pronouncements technical, fifteen (15) interpretations and two guidelines (02) issued by the Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC). The methodology of applied research is characterized as qualitative and quantitative and documentary character. As a result of our analysis, the Disclosure Compliance Index was calculated as 76,98% and 76,59% for the TAM and 74,21% and 76,19% for the GOL company, which had 187 and 194 items and 192 and 193 items of disclosure of a total of 252 items required for the years 2010 and 2011 respectively. This paper hopes to contribute to future studies on the adoption of a new index for evaluation of companies in the capital market in Brazil compared with foreign companies that adopted IFRS related to the CPC's policies adopted in Brazil, where companies with a high rate of compliance the disclosure (ICE) have a lower risk and there was a decrease or absence of items volunteers, as expected the increase of the items required / Quando analisamos a evolu????o do Ser Humano, ao longo de sua hist??ria, podemos elencar muitas descobertas importantes. Dentre as muitas registradas, a mais importante ?? aquela que fez com que os homens pudessem, atrav??s dos gestos, m??micas e da fala se comunicarem uns com os outros. ?? exatamente neste marco hist??rico que este trabalho tem a sua raiz. Atrav??s da comunica????o conseguimos transmitir nossas ideias, nossas descobertas, nossos desejos e objetivos. Para cada objetivo existe uma maneira diferente de se comunicar e esta comunica????o precisa evoluir conforme as necessidades, e n??o seria diferente para a Ci??ncia Cont??bil. Assim como os cientistas e pesquisadores identificam marcos na hist??ria, na ??rea de atua????o das ci??ncias cont??beis tamb??m vivenciamos e presenciamos a evolu????o na forma de comunicar os fatos, classificando-os em obrigat??rios, n??o obrigat??rios, relevantes, n??o relevantes, tempestivos ou n??o tempestivos, ou seja, independente da classifica????o, a informa????o s?? ser?? ??til se ela contiver os atributos de import??ncia a ser definida pelos diferentes tipos de usu??rios. Com o prop??sito de auferir o ??ndice de conformidade de evidencia????o (ICE), este trabalho escolheu como atributos a mensura????o e a evidencia????o obrigat??rias publicadas nas notas explicativas das empresas do setor a??reo, referentes aos anos de 2010 e 2011, aderentes aos quarenta e um (41) pronunciamentos t??cnicos (CPC), quinze (15) interpreta????es (ICPC) e duas (02) orienta????es (OCPC), emitidos pelo Comit?? de Pronunciamentos Cont??beis (CPC). A Metodologia da pesquisa aplicada caracteriza-se como quali-quantitativa e de car??ter documental. Como resultado da nossa an??lise, o ??ndice de Conformidade de Evidencia????o apurado foi de 76,98% e 76,59% para a empresa TAM e 74,21% e 76,19% para a empresa GOL, que apresentaram 187 e 194 itens e 192 e 193 itens de evidencia????o de um total de 252 itens obrigat??rios para o ano de 2010 e 2011 respectivamente. Este trabalho espera contribuir para futuros estudos sobre a ado????o de um novo ??ndice para avalia????o das empresas no mercado de capitais no Brasil em compara????o com empresas no exterior que adotaram as IFRS s correlacionadas aos CPC s adotados no Brasil, se as empresas com um alto ??ndice de conformidade de evidencia????o (ICE) possuem riscos menores e se houve uma diminui????o ou n??o dos itens volunt??rios, uma vez que se espera o aumento dos itens obrigat??rios
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