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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tax-Benefit Reform in Spain in a European Context: A non-behavioural and integrated microsimulation analysis

Levy Copello, Horacio 02 April 2004 (has links)
Los modelos de microsimulación de impuestos y subsidios sociales son instrumentos de análisis económico que permiten estudiar los efectos que las políticas fiscales tienen sobre la población. Para ello, utilizan bases de micro-datos con información detallada de individuos de una muestra que es representativa de la población estudiada. Al mismo tiempo, estos modelos simulan en detalle y de forma flexible cómo políticas fiscales (o su reforma) afectan la renta disponible de cada individuo. La combinación del uso de bases de micro-datos y el detalle de las simulaciones hacen de la microsimulación un instrumento riguroso y minucioso para el estudio de las políticas y las reformas fiscales tanto para la medición de agregados presupuestarios (gasto público o recaudación), como para la medición de efectos más complejos como la distribución de la renta, la pobreza, o los incentivos a decisiones económicas. Este trabajo desarrolla y utiliza el primer modelo integrado de microsimulación de impuestos y subsidios sociales para España - ESPASIM. Este modelo simula en detalle y de forma integrada el sistema fiscal español, y es comparable tanto en el alcance como en la fiabilidad de sus simulaciones a modelos de otros países con mayor tradición y experiencia en la microsimulación. El modelo español también ha sido integrado dentro modelo de microsimulación a escala europea - EUROMOD. EUROMOD fue desarrollado por 18 instituciones de los 15 países de la Unión Europea. Se trata de un instrumento capaz de llevar a cabo estudios comparados sobre sistemas fiscales de diferentes países usando una estructura común y consistente, y de analizar las políticas desde una perspectiva Europea. Esta tesis aplica ambos modelos en el estudio de dos reformas fiscales recientemente implementadas en España. La primera aplicación utiliza ESPASIM para analizar los efectos de la reforma del impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas de 1998 sobre la simplicidad. Los resultados obtenidos con ESPASIM demuestran que la reforma sólo alcanza parcialmente sus objetivos y que estos podrían ser mejorados con la eliminación de la declaración conjunta y de otras fuentes de diferencias entre el sistema de retenciones y la función impositiva de la declaración de la renta.La segunda aplicación utiliza EUROMOD para comparar las políticas de protección social a la familia utilizadas en España con las de otros países de la Unión Europea. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que España gasta significativamente menos en la protección familia y que dicho gasto tiene unos efectos de reducción de la desigualdad y de la pobreza muy inferiores al de los demás países estudiados. Los resultados con EUROMOD también demuestran que las recientes reformas han incrementado el gasto en políticas familiares, pero el impacto sobre la desigualdad y la pobreza se mantiene inalterado. Si España reformase sus políticas familiares equiparándolas a la de los demás países estudiados, manteniendo el nivel de gasto actual, la desigualdad y la pobreza disminuirían significativamente. / Tax-benefit microsimulation models are instruments of economic analysis that allow us to study the effects of fiscal reforms on the population. These models use micro-data with detailed individual information that is representative of the studied population. On the other hand, these models simulate in detail and with flexibility how fiscal policies (or their reform) affect the disposable income of each individual. The combination of micro-data and detailed simulation make microsimulation models a rigorous and comprehensive instrument to study fiscal policies and fiscal reforms. They are powerful tools measuring budget aggregates (such as public expenditure or revenue), as well as more detailed effects such as income distribution, poverty or incentives.This work develops and uses the first integrated tax-benefit microsimulation model for Spain - ESPASIM. This model simulates in detail the Spanish fiscal system and is comparable in terms of scope and reliability of simulation to the models of countries with greater tradition and experience in microsimulation. The Spanish model is also integrated within a European microsimulation framework - EUROMOD. EUROMOD is a multi-country microsimulation model developed by 18 institutions of the EU-15 countries. This instrument allows us to carry out international comparative studies on fiscal systems, as well as analyse policies from a European perspective.This thesis applies both models to study two reforms recently implemented in Spain. The first application used ESPASIM to analyse the effects of the 1998 personal income tax reform on simplicity. Results obtained using the Spanish microsimulation model suggest that the reform only partially achieves its objectives. The study also shows that significant improvements in terms of simplicity could be achieved with the elimination sources of differences between the withholding and the income tax function. The second application uses EUROMOD to compare the Spanish child-related benefits to those used in other countries from the European Union. Results demonstrate that the expenditure level and the poverty and inequality reduction effects of these benefits are significantly lower in Spain than in other analysed countries. The simulations with the European model also show that recent reforms in Spain have considerably increased social expenditure child benefits. However, this increase has not produced any change in terms of poverty or inequality reduction. On the other hand, if Spain had reformed it's policies making them similar to those from other EU countries, the inequality and poverty would fall significantly even under a expenditure-neutral constraint.

Analýza zadluženosti obcí v ČR od roku 1993 v kontextu reformy veřejných financí / Analysis of the insolvency municipalities in Czech Republic from 1993 in context of fiscal reform

Hopfingerová, Erika January 2007 (has links)
This Thesis describes municipalities in Czech Republic, their authorities, budget system, budget revenues and budget spendings. The Thesis analyses the insolvency of municipalities of all Czech Republic from 1993 and insolvency of three municipalities - České Budějovice, Český Krumlov, Dolní Třebonín.

Essays on environmental and development economics : Public policy, resource prices and global warming

Sahlén, Linda January 2008 (has links)
This thesis consists of four self-contained papers, which are all related to important environmental and natural resource issues from a developing country perspective. Paper [I] concerns climate policy and addresses the potential welfare gains of introducing a technology transfer from the North (richer countries) to the South (poorer countries). The results largely depend on the environmental policy in the pre- transfer resource allocation and, in particular, whether or not the South abates its own emissions. Although the technology transfer is desirable from a “global social planners” point of view, it is shown that the incentives to use the transfer might be weak from the perspective of the North; at least if the South takes its own measures to reduce emissions. However, in a situation where the North is committed to emission reductions according to the Kyoto protocol, it is shown that there will clearly be incentives for the North to use the technology transfer in order to reach the Kyoto targets in a more cost efficient way. In paper [II], the likely effects of an environmental fiscal reform in Namibia are examined by means of a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. The results show that the introduction of an environmental fiscal reform, where taxes on natural and environmental resources (fish rents, energy and water) are recycled to the economy in different ways might give rise to benefits in terms of GDP, employment and income distribution, in addition to the environmental impacts. While subsidizing unskilled labour would give the most favourable outcome in terms of real GDP and employment impacts, a decrease in food taxes might be a more interesting option if GDP, employment, income distribution and environmental impacts are considered in combination. In paper [III], the value of irrigation water used for different crop alternatives in the Hardap region in Southern Namibia is estimated. The study finds that all crop alternatives that farmers in the region currently choose among, will remain financially viable after the planned increases in user charges. However, if full cost recovery is to be achieved in the future, substantial changes in the agricultural production will most likely be necessary. The method is also extended in order to study the potential effects on total water demand if further increases in user charges are implemented. Paper [IV] studies the likely effects of exogenous international food and oil price shocks on the Namibian economy. This is particularly interesting in a country where the domestic consumption of corn and petroleum products is mainly imported, and where water scarcity represents one of the main constraints to agricultural expansion. The results show that the Namibian economy will be negatively affected from the food and oil price increases, and water scarcity will further limit the ability of the economy to adapt to international oil and food price increases.

Revenu universel : pertinence pour accompagner les métamorphoses du travail, rôle dans la politique fiscale et macroéconomique, modalités de mise en oeuvre et effets redistributifs / Relevance of a basic income to address labor automation, contributions to macroeconomic and fiscal policy and fiscal reforms to implement it in the French case

Hyafil, Jean-Éric 13 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les propositions de revenu universel remplaçant les seules prestations sociales sous condition de ressource dans le système social français (RSA et éventuellement APL). Dans une première partie, nous nous demandons si l’automatisation des emplois et le souhait de désaliéner le travail justifient la mise en œuvre d’un revenu universel. Dans une deuxième partie, nous présentons les intérêts d’un revenu universel dans la politique macroéconomique et fiscale : pour compenser les effets anti-redistributifs d’une hausse de la fiscalité sur la consommation ou écologique, pour concilier austérité salariale et relance keynésienne, etc. Dans une troisième partie, nous nous intéressons aux réformes socio-fiscales permettant d’introduire un revenu universel et à leurs enjeux politiques et techniques : enjeu de la suppression des dépenses fiscales sur l’impôt sur le revenu, de l’individualisation du système socio-fiscal, possibilité d’intégrer les APL au revenu universel, conséquences pour l’allocataire du RSA et l’efficacité des services sociaux, pour le prélèvement à la source, etc. Dans la quatrième partie, nous formulons une proposition de réforme fiscale introduisant un revenu universel, que nous simulons sur un échantillon de 821 812 individus représentatifs de la population française afin de mettre en évidence ses effets redistributifs. Nous nous demandons dans quelle mesure le revenu universel pourrait remplacer les exonérations de cotisation sur les emplois à bas salaire. La dernière partie, plus sociologique, tente de poser les termes du débat sur les enjeux du revenu universel dans l’intégration par le travail et l’exclusion sociale. / This thesis focuses on proposals of basic income in lieu of means-tested cash transfers in the French welfare system. The first part questions whether job automation and a call for unalienating work can justify establishing a basic income. The second part presents the benefits of basic income for fiscal or macroeconomic policies, notably to compensate the anti-redistributive consequences of consumption or ecological taxes, and to conciliate wage wage-competitiveness with demand policies. The third part presents the characteristics of fiscal reforms that include a basic income and examines the specific case of the French socio-fiscal system: consequences of the removal of fiscal expenses on the income tax, individualization of the social and fiscal system, replacement of tax expenditures, consequences for the beneficiaries of means-tested transfers, on tax deduction at source, etc. In the fourth part, we formulate a proposal of fiscal reform that introduces a basic income, and we stimulate its redistributive consequences on a sample of 821,815 individuals representative of population in France. We investigate to what extent a basic income could replace subsidies on low-paid jobs. In the last part, we present key elements in the more sociological debate on the impact of basic income onto work incentives and social exclusion.

The dynamic relationships between public spending, economic growth and income inequality in China

Cheng, Xiangbin January 2015 (has links)
China's economic development has performed spectacularly during the period of China's economic transition as a result of radical economic reform in the all markets. The country has also gone through extensive fiscal reforms in the last three decades. However, a number of problems have been associated with such rapid economic growth. One of these has been raising inequality. In both Keynesian and neoclassical endogenous growth theories, public spending can play an important role for economic growth and inequality. The majority of previous studies have focused on the relationship between public spending and economic growth, or between public spending and inequality separately. There is no doubt that public spending has an effect on both economic growth and equity simultaneously. In this respect, this thesis attempts to address the problems that have emerged during the period of China's fiscal reforms, and seeks to examine the effects of public spending on economic growth and equality in the same model. This thesis investigates the dynamic relationships among these three variables in China. For aggregate national data, vector error correction model (VECM) has been used. Analysis at the provincial level is based on the panel vector auto-regression (PVAR) model. These methods help to solve the endogeneity in estimations. The national level analysis indicates that total public spending shows a long term Granger causality with GDP per capita, which supports the positive growth effect of public spending in the Keynesian and endogenous growth model. Social public spending has a negative effect on real output per capita in both the short term and long term, but it also has a negative impact on income inequality. Moreover, we find that a higher level of real GDP per capita will increase the level of inequality, but a higher level of inequality has a negative effect on real GDP per capita in the long term. Furthermore, total provincial public spending and provincial social spending have either a non-significant effect on economic growth. On the other hand, the SOEs' investment has a significant, positive growth effect at both the national and provincial level. As for the redistributive role of the public spending, the provincial total public spending and social spending have played an important role on income distribution. Furthermore, the Gini coefficient has a positive effect on the per capita growth rate at the provincial level, but the economic growth has no significant impact on the Gini coefficient.

Território e guerra fiscal: a perversidade dos incentivos territoriais / Territory and fiscal war

Ibañez, Pablo 23 June 2006 (has links)
Ao longo da década de 90 algumas transformações marcaram o Brasil. Entre elas, se destacam: o ingresso do país no processo de globalização, o aumento dos fluxos internacionais de investimento, a maior descentralização político-administrativa promovida pela Constituição de 1988 e, ainda, a diminuição das políticas de desenvolvimento regional do governo federal. Nesse contexto, os governos subnacionais intensificaram a prática de políticas individuais e competitivas para atrair investimentos, evento que foi denominado guerra fiscal. O objetivo da presente dissertação é entender o papel do território na guerra fiscal e as conseqüências territoriais decorrentes desse evento. Para isso, analisamos a competição entre estados pela atração de investimentos do setor automotivo e o aprofundamento da guerra fiscal nos municípios. Sabemos que a tecnoesfera revela elementos fundamentais para a análise, mas demos também a devida ênfase à psicoesfera que envolve esse evento. E, finalmente, tratamos dos desdobramentos da Reforma Tributária do governo Lula, que de alguma forma conduziu a novos conflitos entre estados. Mais do que uma guerra fiscal, uma visão renovada da geografia permite entendê-la como uma guerra dos lugares. / Brazil has undergone a certain number of transformations throughout the 1990s. Amongst these, the insertion of the country in the globalization process, the intensification of the foreign investment flows, the greater political decentralization engendered by the 1988 Constitution and the debilitation of the Federal Government\'s regional development policies should be outlined. In this context, sub national governments intensified the practice of individual policies in order to attract investments, competing with each other. This process was given the name of \"Fiscal War\". The main aim of this dissertation is to understand the role of the territory in the Fiscal War, and the territorial consequences of this process. To accomplish this goal, the competition between States in order to attract investment in the Automobile Manufacturing sector, and the intensification of the fiscal war amongst municipalities were analyzed. As the technosphere reveals important elements for this analysis, proper emphasis was also given to the psycosphere that involved this event. At last, the consequences of the fiscal reform brought by the President Lula\'s administration and the new disputes between States that it engendered were also treated in this work. More than just a Fiscal War, a renewed geographical point of view allows it to be understood as a War Between Places.

Isenções tributárias relativas ao ICMS e guerra fiscal : análise à luz do preceito federativo / ICMS’tax exemption and fiscal war : study based on federative pact.

Silva, Willaine Araújo 08 June 2011 (has links)
By the process of democratization, wich occurred in the 80's at Brazil, brought by the constitutional order of 1988, significant changes have taken place in Brazil, among them the largest political and administrative decentralization of the state, the increasing of autonomy and the reduction of federal implement of policies to the regional development promoted by the Federal Union. Emerged from these concepts the dissemination of an anti-cooperative behavior among the sub nationals governments, especially the exercising of taxing authority by the members of the State and the Federal District unilaterally, through the granting of tax exemption without the actuation of CONFAZ, with a view to attract private initiative to promote regional development and job's creation, implying, in the other hand, negative effects at the Federation as a whole. In this way, and on a federal state whose parameters are unmodifiable, asks whether such approaches adopted by Member States and the Federal District are in strict observation with constitutional's principles, as well proposes ways of reducing the tax competition between the Brazilian political entities, guided by the lights of the federal rule. / Com o processo de redemocratização ocorrido no país na década de 80, trazido na ordem constitucional de 1988, significativas modificações tiveram lugar no Brasil, dentre elas a maior descentralização político-administrativa do Estado, aumento da extensão do âmbito de autonomia dos entes federativos e a diminuição do implemento de políticas de desenvolvimento regional promovidas pela União. Emergiu de tais conceitos a disseminação de condutas anti-cooperativas entre os entes federativos, principalmente no que condiz ao exercício da competência tributária relativa ao ICMS, passando os Estados-membros e Distrito Federal a exercerem sua autonomia de maneira unilateral, por meio da concessão de isenções tributárias do referido imposto sem a chancela do CONFAZ, com vistas a atrair a iniciativa privada para promoção do desenvolvimento regional e geração de empregos, implicando efeitos negativos na Federação como um todo. Dessa forma e diante de um Estado cujos parâmetros federativos foram erigidos como cláusula pétrea, indaga-se se tais condutas adotadas pelos Estados-membros e Distrito Federal estariam de acordo com os ditames constitucionais, bem assim propõe-se meios de diminuição da competição tributária entre os entes políticos brasileiros aos quais se atribui a competência relativa ao ICMS, sob as luzes do preceito federativo.

Deficit veřejných rozpočtů a daňové příjmy státu / Deficit Financing Public Budgets and Tax Incomes of State

ČERNÁ, Stanislava January 2008 (has links)
The very important instrument of public policy is a public budgets system, which is one of the most significant parts of the budgetary scale. Public budget performs an allocation, redistribution and stabilization function and as an account balance it balances ordinary and capital incomes and outlays. Public budget consists of state budget and municipal authorities budget. Nowadays most of European public budgets are deficient. Fiscal deficit is a result of a short-term imbalance. In the Czech Republic the public budgets have been deficient since 1996, when the balance of public incomes and outlays was -11,5 milliard CZK. After the admission of the Czech Republic to the European Union the public deficit within convergence criteria has been still declining under the norm of 3 % GDP. In order to public budgets deficit reducing the public finances reform is in progress in the Czech Republic. Its integral part is a fiscal reform with objective to transfer a tax load from direct taxes to indirect taxes and actively stimulate tax revenues of public budgets.

Aplikace daně z příjmů fyzických osob ze závislé činnosti v obchodní společnosti / Application of personal income taxes in a company

AIZNEROVÁ, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is focused on one part of the tax system of the Czech Republic. It is the part of personal income taxes. The aim of this work is to analyze this tax and describe its application in a company. The theoretical part of this thesis contains whole legal regulations of personal income taxes. The main aim of this part is to show the changes that occurred after the tax revision in the year 2007. So it compares the situation in the year 2007 and in the year 2008. The second part of the thesis attends to the practical matter of the system of the personal income taxes. At first it shows tax incidence on taxpayers after the tax revision. The main part is focused on the application of this tax in chosen trading company. The tax system was studied in one join-stock company that is a part of one big international holding company. This company use very sophisticated software SAP R/3. This software was examined especially in the area of personal income taxes and in the area of the system of wages. Last but not least one example is shown, how the whole process of taxation looks (calculation of tax liability, all necessary forms, annual summation of tax).

Território e guerra fiscal: a perversidade dos incentivos territoriais / Territory and fiscal war

Pablo Ibañez 23 June 2006 (has links)
Ao longo da década de 90 algumas transformações marcaram o Brasil. Entre elas, se destacam: o ingresso do país no processo de globalização, o aumento dos fluxos internacionais de investimento, a maior descentralização político-administrativa promovida pela Constituição de 1988 e, ainda, a diminuição das políticas de desenvolvimento regional do governo federal. Nesse contexto, os governos subnacionais intensificaram a prática de políticas individuais e competitivas para atrair investimentos, evento que foi denominado guerra fiscal. O objetivo da presente dissertação é entender o papel do território na guerra fiscal e as conseqüências territoriais decorrentes desse evento. Para isso, analisamos a competição entre estados pela atração de investimentos do setor automotivo e o aprofundamento da guerra fiscal nos municípios. Sabemos que a tecnoesfera revela elementos fundamentais para a análise, mas demos também a devida ênfase à psicoesfera que envolve esse evento. E, finalmente, tratamos dos desdobramentos da Reforma Tributária do governo Lula, que de alguma forma conduziu a novos conflitos entre estados. Mais do que uma guerra fiscal, uma visão renovada da geografia permite entendê-la como uma guerra dos lugares. / Brazil has undergone a certain number of transformations throughout the 1990s. Amongst these, the insertion of the country in the globalization process, the intensification of the foreign investment flows, the greater political decentralization engendered by the 1988 Constitution and the debilitation of the Federal Government\'s regional development policies should be outlined. In this context, sub national governments intensified the practice of individual policies in order to attract investments, competing with each other. This process was given the name of \"Fiscal War\". The main aim of this dissertation is to understand the role of the territory in the Fiscal War, and the territorial consequences of this process. To accomplish this goal, the competition between States in order to attract investment in the Automobile Manufacturing sector, and the intensification of the fiscal war amongst municipalities were analyzed. As the technosphere reveals important elements for this analysis, proper emphasis was also given to the psycosphere that involved this event. At last, the consequences of the fiscal reform brought by the President Lula\'s administration and the new disputes between States that it engendered were also treated in this work. More than just a Fiscal War, a renewed geographical point of view allows it to be understood as a War Between Places.

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