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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulations And Experiments Of Plasma-Induced Effects In Silicon Detectors

Gomez L, Ana Maria January 2023 (has links)
When an atomic nucleus undergoes fission, two fragments with different mass and kinetic energy are emitted. The highly unstable fission fragments (FFs) evaporate prompt neutrons soon after the nucleus splits. A precise measurement of both, the mass yield distribution of the FFs and the average prompt neutron emission, $\bar{\nu}$, is important not only for current nuclear technologies but also for the development of future technologies such as Generation IV nuclear power plants. Moreover, the experimental determination of the mass yield distributions, both pre- and post-neutron emission, is valuable for testing fission models. Additionally, a precise measurement of the average neutron multiplicity as a function of the FFs mass, <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?$%5Cbar%7B%5Cnu%7D(A)$" data-classname="equation" data-title="" />, is crucial in the understanding of how the excitation energy is shared between nascent FFs.  The VElocity foR DIrect particle identification spectrometer (VERDI) is designed to achieve pre- and post-fission mass distributions with resolutions between 1-2 u. VERDI is a double-energy double-velocity instrument that consists of two arms. On each arm is operated one Microchannel Plate detector (MCP) for the collection of the FFs start time and up to 32 Passive Implanted Planar Silicon (PIPS) detectors for the stop time and energy detection of the FFs. However, challenges in the experimental measurements with VERDI arise due to the high degree of ionization (plasma) in the detector material from the interaction with the FFs. The plasma causes a delay in the charge carriers' migration for the signal start, known as the plasma delay time effect (PDT). Furthermore, the recombination of charge carriers in the plasma causes a shrinking in the signal's height, known as pulse height defect (PHD). This phenomenon leads to inaccuracies in the measurement of FFs mass distributions and increased systematic uncertainties.  Previous studies on PDT and PHD have shown varying behaviors across different detector types, which motivated dedicated studies in the type of PIPS detectors used in VERDI. An experimental campaign to characterize the PDT and PHD in PIPS detectors was conducted in the LOHENGRIN recoil separator, which is part of the ILL nuclear facility in Grenoble, France. Measurements of FFs in a range of masses between 80 u and 149 u, with energies between 20 MeV to 110 MeV, were taken to fully characterize six PIPS detectors. The resulting PDT and PHD values were 1 ns to 4 ns and 2 MeV to 10 MeV respectively. The PDT and PHD exhibited consistent energy and mass dependencies across the detectors, which enables the possibility of an event-by-event correction of VERDI data. In this thesis, the basis for discussing the results of the studies of the PDT and PHD effects will be presented.

Britain and the atomic bomb: MAUD to Nagasaki.

Gorman, Claire L. January 2009 (has links)
There is a brief introduction explaining the themes in the literature available to date and how this thesis aims to add to available material. In chapter one I give an account of early British research into nuclear science, including collaboration between British universities and the effect the MAUD Report had on accelerating the United States atomic programme. I introduce the main British scientists here . In chapter two I focus on diplomacy between Britain and the United States in the period up to the Quebec Agreement. The two countries had their own atomic programmes at this stage and I discuss the lead up to the amalgamation of both programmes in August 1943. Chapter three examines the British raids on German heavy water facilities and the efforts to stop Germany acquiring the means to make an atomic bomb before the Allies. Co-operation between the British and U.S teams at Los Alamos is discussed, along with the crucial role played by Britain in assisting the American scientists. The British nuclear spies are featured in chapter four, focusing on Alan Nunn May and Klaus Fuchs. Their actions are discussed along with their arrests and trials. Effects of their cases on British atomic diplomacy with the Americans are highlighted. The final section sums up the legacies of Britain¿s nuclear programme and its effect on British Cold War politics with America and the U.S.S.R. The fusion, or hydrogen, bomb is mentioned briefly and an overall assessment of the achievements of the British scientists is included.

Sections efficaces neutroniques via la méthode de substitution / Neutron-induced cross-sections via the surrogate method

Boutoux, Guillaume 25 November 2011 (has links)
Les sections efficaces neutroniques des noyaux de courte durée de vie sont des données cruciales pour la physique fondamentale et appliquée dans des domaines tels que la physique des réacteurs ou l’astrophysique nucléaire. En général, l’extrême radioactivité de ces noyaux ne nous permet pas de procéder à des mesures induites par neutrons. Cependant, il existe une méthode de substitution (« surrogate » dans la littérature) qui permet de déterminer ces sections efficaces neutroniques par l’intermédiaire de réactions de transfert ou de réactions de diffusion inélastique. Son intérêt principal est de pouvoir utiliser des cibles moins radioactives et ainsi d’accéder à des sections efficaces neutroniques qui ne pourraient pas être mesurées directement. La méthode est basée sur l’hypothèse de formation d’un noyau composé et sur le fait que la désexcitation ne dépend essentiellement que de l’énergie d’excitation et du spin et parité de l'état composé peuplé. Toutefois, les distributions de moments angulaires et parités peuplés dans des réactions de transfert et celles induites par neutrons sont susceptibles d’être différentes. Ce travail fait l’état de l’art sur la méthode substitution et sa validité. En général, la méthode de substitution fonctionne très bien pour extraire des sections efficaces de fission. Par contre, la méthode de substitution dédiée à la capture radiative est mise à mal par la comparaison aux réactions induites par neutrons. Nous avons réalisé une expérience afin de déterminer les probabilités de désexcitation gamma du 176Lu et du 173Yb à partir des réactions de substitution 174Yb(3He,p)176Lu* et 174Yb(3He,alpha)173Yb*, respectivement, et nous les avons comparées avec les probabilités de capture radiative correspondantes aux réactions 175Lu(n,gamma) et 172Yb(n,gamma) qui sont bien connues. Cette expérience a permis de comprendre pourquoi, dans le cas de la désexcitation gamma, la méthode de substitution donne des écarts importants par rapport à la réaction neutronique correspondante. Ce travail dans la région de terres rares a permis d'évaluer dans quelle mesure la méthode de substitution peut s’appliquer pour extraire des probabilités de capture dans la région des actinides. Des expériences précédentes sur la fission ont aussi pu être réinterprétées. Ce travail apporte donc un éclairage nouveau sur la méthode de substitution. / Neutron-induced cross sections of short-lived nuclei are needed for fundamental and applied physics as nuclear energy or astrophysics. However, very often the high radioactivity of the samples makes the direct measurement of these cross sections extremely difficult. The surrogate reaction method is an indirect way of determining neutron-induced cross sections through transfer or inelastic scattering reactions. This method presents the advantage that in some cases the target material is stable or less radioactive than the material required for a neutron-induced measurement. The method is based on the hypothesis that the excited nucleus is a compound nucleus whose decay depends essentially on its excitation energy and on the spin and parity state of the populated compound state. Nevertheless, the spin and parity population differences between the compound-nuclei produced in the neutron and transfer-induced reactions may be different. This work reviews the surrogate method and its validity. Neutron-induced fission cross sections obtained with the surrogate method are in general good agreement. However, it is not yet clear to what extent the surrogate method can be applied to infer radiative capture cross sections. We performed an experiment to determine the gamma-decay probabilities for 176Lu and 173Yb by using the surrogate reactions 174Yb(3He,p)176Lu* and 174Yb(3He,alpha)173Yb*, respectively, and compare them with the well-known corresponding probabilities obtained in the 175Lu(n,gamma) and 172Yb(n,gamma) reactions. This experiment provides answers to understand why, in the case of gamma-decay, the surrogate method gives significant deviations compared to the corresponding neutron-induced reaction. In this work, we have also assessed whether the surrogate method can be applied to extract capture probabilities in the actinide region. Previous experiments on fission have also been reinterpreted. Thus, this work provides new insights into the surrogate method.

Caracterização do processo de fusão - fissão em sistemas nucleares / Characterization of the process of fusion - fission in nuclear systems

Anjos, Roberto Meigikos dos 29 September 1992 (has links)
Medidas das seções de choque de fusão, de processos fortemente amortecidos e de espalhamento elástico foram realizadas para os sistemas 16,17,18O + 10,11B e 19F + 9Be no intervalo de energia de bombardeio compreendido entre 22 ELAB64 Mev. São apresentadas evidências de que processos binários fortemente amortecidos observados nestes sistemas originam-se preferencialmente de um processo de fusão-fissão e não de um mecanismo de orbiting dinuclear. A importância relativa do processo de fusão-fissão nestes sistemas muito leves é comprovada pelos resultados experimentais, que indicam a ocorrência de um processo de fissão de um núcleo composto estatisticamente equilibrado, assim como por cálculos de modelos teóricos. Os números atômicos e os de massa dos produtos de reação e dos resíduos de evaporação foram identificados usando-se duas câmaras de ionização e um sistema de tempo de voo. / Cross sections for fusion, strongly energy-damped processes and elastic scattering were measured for the 16 ,17, 18O + 10 11B and 19F + 9Be systems in the energy range 22 ELAB 64 HeV. Evidence that the fully energy-damped binary products observed in these reactions originate from a fusion-fission process, rather than through a deep-inelastic orbiting mechanism, is presented. The relative importance of the fusion-fission process in these very light systems is supported by experimental results which points towards the fission of a statistically equilibrated compound nucleus and also by model calculations. Charges and masses of the reaction products and evaporation residues were indentified using two ionization chamber and a time-of-flight system.

Development and Characterization of Parallel-Plate Avalanche Counters for Nuclear Physics Experiments

Carlsson, Matthias January 2018 (has links)
Parallel-plate avalanche counters, PPACs, are commonly used to detect fission fragments. The PPAC detects them and mark (very accurately) the time of detection. Such measurements can be used to measure the neutron energy (via time-of-flight) to study neutron-induced fission.This project report provides a method that, together with the discussed improvements, allows the fabrication of good quality PPAC detectors. Several PPACs are manufactured and the electrodes are built from 0.9 µm thick mylar foils which are evaporated with a 40-80 nm thin layer of aluminum.The developed PPACs are characterized with well known radioactive Cf and Am sources (the source characterization also found in this report), and compared against each other. Additionally, the PPAC signal amplitude spectrum are found to follow theoretical expectations with regards to angular dependence, gas pressure and an applied electrode voltage.At a specific applied electrode voltage and range of gas pressures (3-9 mbar), the measured time resolutions are 2.24-1.38 ns. A trend is observed for finer time resolutions at higher gas pressures. / Parallel-plate avalanche counters, PPACs, används ofta för att detektera fissionsfragment. PPAC:en detekterar fragmenten med väldigt god tidsupplösning och således kan PPAC detektorer användas till att mäta neutron energier (mha. flygtidsmetoden), vilka uppmätts för att studera neutroninducerad fission.Det här projektet och den här rapporten beskriver en metod, med föreslagna förbättringar, som möjliggör tillverkning av PPAC detektorer av bra kvalitet. Under projektet har flera PPACs byggts med elektroder gjorda av 0.9 µm tunn mylar förångade med 40-80 nm aluminium. De tillverkade PPAC detektorerna är karaktäriserade med väl kända radioaktiva Cf- och Am-källor (dessa karaktäriseras även i den här rapporten). Detektorerna är sedan jämförda mot varandra och är funna att följa teoretiska förväntningar med avseende på vinkel-, gastryck- och pålagd elektrodspänningsberoende.Resultaten av projektet, som besvarar flera tidigare frågeställningar och bekräftar vissa antaganden, flyttar utsikten och förståelsen framåt för hur PPACs fungerar och vad forskarna kan uppnå med dem.

Exhumation Cénozoïque dans les Andes Vénézuéliennes: apport de la thermochronologie par traces de fission

Bermudez Cella, Mauricio Alberto 23 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente les résultats d'une étude de l'histoire à long terme (Miocène – actuel) de l'exhumation des Andes vénézuéliennes, ses rapports avec des structures héritées et le développement de la topographie en réponse à la tectonique et les processus de surface. Les Andes vénézuéliennes constituent un exemple idéal pour étudier les rapports entre ces processus. Elles montrent des inversions et réactivations de structures pré-existantes et sont associées à un gradient climatique majeur dû à l'effet orographique de la chaîne. Par ailleurs, de nombreuses données sont disponibles concernant leur récente évolution tectonique. Cette chaîne de montagne résulte de la transpression causée par la convergence oblique du bloc continental de Maracaibo et de la plaque Amérique du Sud contrôlée, à plus grande échelle, par la jonction triple entre les plaques Amérique du Sud, Caraïbe et Nazca. La cinématique complexe de cette interaction triple et l'évolution continue des structures qui y sont liées, couplée avec les processus de surface, ont profondément affecté l'évolution des Andes vénézuéliennes. Une base de données thermochronologiques de basse température est présentée dans cette thèse, composée de 47 nouveaux âges par traces de fission sur apatite (AFT): 24 échantillons in-situ provenant du substratum rocheux, 15 échantillons de sédiments synorogéniques et 8 échantillons de sédiments de rivières actuelles. La base de données a été augmentée de 27 âges AFT du substratum rocheux et 10 âges AFT existants ont été révisés, ces derniers 37 âges ayant été fournis par B.P Kohn (Université de Melbourne, Australie). Les âges AFT ont été convertis en taux d'exhumation à long terme en utilisant des modélisations numériques de l'évolution thermique. Les analyses des données AFT in-situ ont permis de délimiter sept blocs tectoniques avec des histoires d'exhumation variables à travers les Andes Vénézuéliennes. Les blocs de Caparo et de Valera sur les deux extrémités de la chaîne, qui ont été séparés par le mouvement dextre de la faille du Boconó, montrent des âges entre 7 et 27 Ma et entre 11 et 145 Ma respectivement. Ces blocs représentent des zones d'exhumation relativement lente. Dans la partie centrale des Andes Vénézuéliennes, les âges AFT des blocs de la Sierra La Culata (5-8 Ma), d'El Carmen (2-3 Ma) et de la Sierra Nevada (5-8 Ma) enregistrent une exhumation majeure récente qui répond à la transpression et l'érosion au long du système de failles du Boconó. Sur les deux flancs de la chaîne, les âges AFT dans le bloc d'El Escalante (5-6 Ma) au nord, et le bloc chevauché du Cerro Azul (5-8 Ma âge AFT) au sud indiquent une phase de compression importante, à l'origine de la structure à double vergence des Andes vénézuéliennes, pendant le Miocène Supérieur. Les analyses AFT sur apatite détritique dérivé de l'échantillonnage des rivières actuelles ont permis a) d'extrapoler les âges in-situ à travers les Andes vénézuéliennes, b) de déterminer la provenance des sédiments, et c) d'analyser les rapports entre taux d'exhumation et les facteurs de contrôle potentiels. Les résultats indiquent une forte corrélation entre le relief et le taux d'exhumation à long terme mais une absence de corrélation entre les taux d'exhumation à long terme et les précipitations actuelles ou la libération d'énergie sismique (mesurées au cours des 20 dernières années), indiquant que le contrôle de la tectonique et / ou des processus climatiques sur l'exhumation ne peut être distingué d'une manière simple. L'analyse AFT sur des sédiments syn-orogéniques des bassins d'avant-pays de Maracaibo et de Barinas ont permis d'établir un schéma de l'exhumation depuis le Miocène tardif jusqu'à l'actuel. Des analyses Rock-Eval sur sédiments Mio-Pliocènes montrent que ces séries n'ont pas été enfouies plus profondément que la zone de recuit partiel des AFT (PAZ), au moins sur les sections étudiées. Des âges AFT jeunes dans des échantillons provenant de la Formation Parángula sur le flanc sud indiquent que cette formation a probablement un âge Miocène moyen, nettement plus jeune que précédemment admis. Les données AFT combinées avec des analyses palynologiques révèlent que la Formation Pliocène de Betijoque sur le flanc nord correspond à la partie supérieure de la Formation Río Yuca au sud des Andes vénézuéliennes.

Sections efficaces neutroniques via la méthode de substitution

Boutoux, Guillaume 25 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les sections efficaces neutroniques des noyaux de courte durée de vie sont des données cruciales pour la physique fondamentale et appliquée dans des domaines tels que la physique des réacteurs ou l'astrophysique nucléaire. En général, l'extrême radioactivité de ces noyaux ne nous permet pas de procéder à des mesures induites par neutrons. Cependant, il existe une méthode de substitution (" surrogate " dans la littérature) qui permet de déterminer ces sections efficaces neutroniques par l'intermédiaire de réactions de transfert ou de réactions de diffusion inélastique. Son intérêt principal est de pouvoir utiliser des cibles moins radioactives et ainsi d'accéder à des sections efficaces neutroniques qui ne pourraient pas être mesurées directement. La méthode est basée sur l'hypothèse de formation d'un noyau composé et sur le fait que la désexcitation ne dépend essentiellement que de l'énergie d'excitation et du spin et parité de l'état composé peuplé. Toutefois, les distributions de moments angulaires et parités peuplés dans des réactions de transfert et celles induites par neutrons sont susceptibles d'être différentes. Ce travail fait l'état de l'art sur la méthode substitution et sa validité. En général, la méthode de substitution fonctionne très bien pour extraire des sections efficaces de fission. Par contre, la méthode de substitution dédiée à la capture radiative est mise à mal par la comparaison aux réactions induites par neutrons. Nous avons réalisé une expérience afin de déterminer les probabilités de désexcitation gamma du 176Lu et du 173Yb à partir des réactions de substitution 174Yb(3He,p)176Lu* et 174Yb(3He,alpha)173Yb*, respectivement, et nous les avons comparées avec les probabilités de capture radiative correspondantes aux réactions 175Lu(n,gamma) et 172Yb(n,gamma) qui sont bien connues. Cette expérience a permis de comprendre pourquoi, dans le cas de la désexcitation gamma, la méthode de substitution donne des écarts importants par rapport à la réaction neutronique correspondante. Ce travail dans la région de terres rares a permis d'évaluer dans quelle mesure la méthode de substitution peut s'appliquer pour extraire des probabilités de capture dans la région des actinides. Des expériences précédentes sur la fission ont aussi pu être réinterprétées. Ce travail apporte donc un éclairage nouveau sur la méthode de substitution.

Studies of Accelerator-Driven Systems for Transmutation of Nuclear Waste / Studier av acceleratordrivna system för transmutation av kärnavfall

Dahlfors, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
<p>Accelerator-driven systems for transmutation of nuclear waste have been suggested as a means for dealing with spent fuel components that pose potential radiological hazard for long periods of time. While not entirely removing the need for underground waste repositories, this nuclear waste incineration technology provides a viable method for reducing both waste volumes and storage times. Potentially, the time spans could be diminished from hundreds of thousand years to merely 1.000 years or even less. A central aspect for accelerator-driven systems design is the prediction of safety parameters and fuel economy. The simulations performed rely heavily on nuclear data and especially on the precision of the neutron cross section representations of essential nuclides over a wide energy range, from the thermal to the fast energy regime. In combination with a more demanding neutron flux distribution as compared with ordinary light-water reactors, the expanded nuclear data energy regime makes exploration of the cross section sensitivity for simulations of accelerator-driven systems a necessity. This fact was observed throughout the work and a significant portion of the study is devoted to investigations of nuclear data related effects. The computer code package EA-MC, based on 3-D Monte Carlo techniques, is the main computational tool employed for the analyses presented. Directly related to the development of the code is the extensive IAEA ADS Benchmark 3.2, and an account of the results of the benchmark exercises as implemented with EA-MC is given. CERN's Energy Amplifier prototype is studied from the perspectives of neutron source types, nuclear data sensitivity and transmutation. The commissioning of the n_TOF experiment, which is a neutron cross section measurement project at CERN, is also described.</p>

Microstructure of radiation damage in the uranium film and its backing materials irradiated with 136 MeV �������Xe�������� / Microstructure of radiation damage in the uranium film and its backing materials irradiated with 136 MeV 136Xe+26

Sadi, Supriyadi 14 March 2012 (has links)
Microstructure changes in uranium and uranium/metal alloys due to radiation damage are of great interest in nuclear science and engineering. Titanium has attracted attention because of its similarity to Zr. It has been proposed for use in the second generation of fusion reactors due to its resistance to radiation-induced swelling. Aluminum can be regarded as a standard absorbing material or backing material for irradiation targets. Initial study of thin aluminum films irradiation by �������Cf fission fragments and alpha particles from source has been conducted in the Radiation Center, Oregon State University. Initial study of thin aluminum films irradiation by �������Cf fission fragments and alpha particles from source has been conducted in the Radiation Center, Oregon State University. Aluminum can be regarded as a standard absorbing material or backing material for irradiation targets. The AFM investigation of microstructure damages of thin aluminum surfaces revealed that the voids, dislocation loops and dislocation lines, formed in the thin aluminum films after bombardment by �������Cf fission fragments and alpha particles, depends on the irradiation dose. The void swelling and diameter and depth of voids increase linearly with the fluence of particles and dose; however, the areal density of voids decreased when formation of dislocation loops began. Study of deposition of uranium on titanium backing material by molecular plating and characterization of produced U/Ti film has been performed. The U/Ti film has smooth and uniform surfaces but the composition of the deposits is complex and does not include water molecules which probably involve the presence of U (VI). A possible structure for the deposits has been suggested. X-ray diffraction pattern of U/Ti films showed that The U/Ti film has an amorphous structure. Uranium films (0.500 mg/cm��) and stack of titanium foils (thickness 0.904 mg/cm��) were used to study the microstructural damage of the uranium film and its backing material. Irradiation of U/Ti film and Ti foils with 1 MeV/u (136 MeV) �������Xe�������� ions in was performed in the Positive Ion Injector (PII) unit at the Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator System (ATLAS) Facility at Argonne National Laboratory, IL. Pre- and post- irradiation of samples was analyzed by X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The irradiation of U/Ti films results in the formation of a crystalline U���O��� phase and polycrystalline Ti phase. Annealing of the thin uranium deposit on a titanium backing at 800��C in the air atmosphere condition for an hour produced a mixture of UO���, U���O���, Ti, TiO and TiO��� (rutile) phases; meanwhile, annealing at 800oC for an hour in the argon environment produced a mixture of ��-U���O���, Ti and TiO��� (rutile) phases. These phenomena indicate that the damage during irradiation was not due to foil heating. Microstructural damage of irradiated uranium film was dominated by void and bubble formation. The microstructure of irradiated titanium foils is characterized by hillocks, voids, polygonal ridge networks, dislocation lines and dislocation networks. Theory predicts that titanium undergoes an allotropic phase transformation at 882.5 ��C, changing from a closed-packed hexagonal crystal structure (��-phase) into a body-centered cubic crystal structure (��- phase). When the titanium foils were irradiated with 136MeV �������Xe�������� at beam intensity of 3 pnA corresponding to 966��C, it was expected that its structure can change from hexagonal-close packed (hcp) to body-centered cubic (bcc). However, in contrast to the theory, transformation from ��-Ti (hcp) phase to fcc-Ti phase was observed. This phenomenon indicates that during irradiation with high energy and elevated temperature, the fcc-Ti phase more stable than the hcp-Ti Phase. / Graduation date: 2012

Studies of Accelerator-Driven Systems for Transmutation of Nuclear Waste / Studier av acceleratordrivna system för transmutation av kärnavfall

Dahlfors, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
Accelerator-driven systems for transmutation of nuclear waste have been suggested as a means for dealing with spent fuel components that pose potential radiological hazard for long periods of time. While not entirely removing the need for underground waste repositories, this nuclear waste incineration technology provides a viable method for reducing both waste volumes and storage times. Potentially, the time spans could be diminished from hundreds of thousand years to merely 1.000 years or even less. A central aspect for accelerator-driven systems design is the prediction of safety parameters and fuel economy. The simulations performed rely heavily on nuclear data and especially on the precision of the neutron cross section representations of essential nuclides over a wide energy range, from the thermal to the fast energy regime. In combination with a more demanding neutron flux distribution as compared with ordinary light-water reactors, the expanded nuclear data energy regime makes exploration of the cross section sensitivity for simulations of accelerator-driven systems a necessity. This fact was observed throughout the work and a significant portion of the study is devoted to investigations of nuclear data related effects. The computer code package EA-MC, based on 3-D Monte Carlo techniques, is the main computational tool employed for the analyses presented. Directly related to the development of the code is the extensive IAEA ADS Benchmark 3.2, and an account of the results of the benchmark exercises as implemented with EA-MC is given. CERN's Energy Amplifier prototype is studied from the perspectives of neutron source types, nuclear data sensitivity and transmutation. The commissioning of the n_TOF experiment, which is a neutron cross section measurement project at CERN, is also described.

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