Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fixation"" "subject:"fixated""
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Avaliação radiográfica, histomorfométrica e de função de vôo após fixação de osteotomias distais de úmero em pombas (Columba livia), com modelo inédito de fixador externo articulado. Estudo comparativo de fixador transarticular dinâmico e estático / Radiographic histomorphometric and of flight function evaluations after distal humeral osteotomies in pigeons (Columba livia), with inedit articulated external fixator. Comparative study of dynamic and static transarticular fixatorsVanessa Couto de Magalhães Ferraz 26 September 2008 (has links)
O tratamento de fraturas umerais distais em aves impõe grande dificuldade, devido a córtices muito finas dos ossos A artrodese com fixador externo da articulação úmero-rádio-ulnar é inviável para aves que se pretende reintroduzir ao meio ambiente. Doze animais foram divididos em dois grupos: cirurgias bilaterais com anquilose de uma asa (asa estática) e manutenção da articulação da outra (asa dinâmica) (grupo 1), e cirurgia unilateral, com manutenção da função da articulação (asa dinâmica), sendo a outra controle (asa intacta) (grupo 2). Foram feitas avaliações clínicas, radiológicas, morfológicas do osso, histomorfométricas (de ambos os grupos) e de capacidade de vôo (grupo 2). A 6 semanas, todos os animais apresentavam fraturas consolidadas, com excessão de dois animais do grupo 1, que somente apresentaram consolidação das asas dinâmicas às 9 semanas e das estáticas às 12 semanas. Todos os animais do grupo 2 apresentaram capacidade de vôo adequada, antes de 13 semanas após a cirurgia. No grupo 1 o úmero da asa dinâmica representava 99,1% do comprimento do da asa estática, e no grupo 2, estes eram 99,5% em relação à asa intacta. A amplitude da asa, no grupo 2, demonstrou que a relação da asa dinâmica/intacta foi de 93%, e no grupo 1 a relação asa dinâmica/estática foi de 105%. O volume do osso intacto foi de aproximadamente 29% da área estudada, enquanto o da asa estática foi de 19% e das asas dinâmicas, de 22%. Houve diferença entre o número de osteoblástos das asas intactas e dinâmicas, porém não houve diferença entre as asas estáticas e intactas e entre as dinâmicas e as estáticas, e também não houve diferença do número de osteoclástos entre nenhum tipo de asa. A razão da superfície óssea pelo volume ósseo indica a quantidade de áreas de reabsorção. Não houve diferença entre as asas estática e dinâmica, porém houve diferença entre estas e os controles. O método proposto de técnica para fixação de fraturas umerais distais, sem a anquilose da articulação úmero-rádio-ulnar, demonstrou ser efetivo em manter o comprimento ósseo, a amplitude da asa e assim, garantindo a capacidade de vôo das aves tratadas, além de demonstrar ser equivalente histológicamente à técnica tradicional e mais estável de anquilose da articulação, para este tipo de fratura, e até mesmo, no período estudado, ser equivalente ao osso são, sendo um método adequado para a reparação de fraturas distais de úmero em aves quando se pretende a reabilitação destes animais. / The treatment of humeral distal fractures in birds is very difficult, because these bones are very brittle. Ankylosis of the humeral-radio-ulnar joint with an external fixator is unviable for birds intended for re-habilitation and reintroduction. Twelve animals were used and they were divided in two groups: bilateral surgeries, with ankylosis of one wing (static wing) and maintenance of the joint function of the other wing (dynamic wing) (group 1), and unilateral surgery, with maintenance of the joint function of the wing (dynamic wing), and the other was used as control group (intact wing) (group 2). Clinical, radiographic, morphologic and histomorphometric evaluations of the wings and bones (of both groups) and of evaluations of flight capacity (in group 2) were made. At 6 weeks, all animals had healed fractures, except two animals in group 1, that only presented consolidation of the dynamic wing at 9 weeks and the static wings at 12 weeks. All animals in group 2 were capable of flying before 13 weeks after surgery. In group 1, the humerus of the dynamic wing was 99.1% the length of that of the static wing, and in group 2, these were 99.5% compared to the intact wing. Wing amplitude, in group 2, showed a dynamic/ intact ratio of 93%, and in group 1 the dynamic/ static wing ratio was 105%. The volume of the intact bone was approximately 29% of the studied area, while in the static wing it was of 19% and in the dynamic wing, 22%. There was a difference in the number of osteoblasts of the intact and dynamic wings, but there was no difference between static and intact, and between dynamic and static wings, and also, there was no difference in the numbers of osteoclasts between any wings. The bone surface/ volume ratio indicates the amount of resorption areas. There was no significant difference between static and dynamic wings, but there was a difference between static and intact wings. The proposed method of distal humeral fracture fixation technique, without ankylosis of the humerus-radius-ulna joint, demonstrated being effective in keeping bone length, wing amplitude e therefore, guaranteeing flight capacity of the birds treated, as well as being histologically equivalent to the tradicional, more stable, joint ankylosis technique, for thise kind of fracture, and even, for the studied period, being equivalent to healthy bone, being an adequate method for fracture repair for this kind of fracture in birds, when one intends rehabilitation of these animals.
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Modificações do fixador externo para osteossíntese Umeral em pombos domésticos (Columba livia) / Two types of external fixators to correct humeral Fracture in domestic pigeons (Columba livia)Dalmolin, Fabíola 06 February 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study was to evaluate two types of external fixators induced to correct humeral fracture in eighteen domestic pigeons. The reduction of an diaphyseal humeral
fracture was made with an intramedulary pin associated to another perpendicular one inserted into the distal segment (Group A - GA); in the other group (Group B - GB), an additional pin was used in the proximal fragment. All the pigeons were evaluated clinically and radiographically up to 60 days post surgery, except four of each group which were submitted to euthanasia at 15, 22 29 and 36 days for the macro and microscope exams. The flight test was successful in all pigeons. The bone calus was radiografically visible only in the GA; the mean time and the standard deviation for flight was 32,25 ± 6,5 days for the GA and 39,8 ± 3,83 for the GB. The mean time and standard deviation for fracture healing was 36 ± 0 days in the GA and 34 ± 3,4 in the GB. The anatomy pathological studies revealed that the bone
consolidation process in the GB ocurred earlier than in the GA. The two types of external fixator evaluated were efficient to stabilized the fracture site allowing complete consolidation
and return to function. The use of the external fixator with two perpendicular pins provide more stability at the fracture site although it s necessary more time for the surgery. / Este trabalho objetivou avaliar dois tipos de modificações no fixador externo para correção de fratura umeral em 18 pombos domésticos. Após realização de fratura umeral
diafisária reduziu-se essa com um pino intramedular associado a outro perpendicular inserido no segmento distal (Grupo A - GA); no Grupo B (GB) utilizou-se um pino adicional no
fragmento proximal. Todas as aves foram avaliadas clinica e radiograficamente até 60 dias de pós-operatório, exceto quatro de cada grupo que, respectivamente, aos 15, 22, 29 e 36 dias foram submetidas à eutanásia para exame macro e microscópico. Quanto ao vôo, todos os animais avaliados obtiveram êxito, sendo o tempo médio e o desvio padrão de 32,25 ± 6,5 dias no GA e de 39,8 ± 3,83 dias no GB. Observou-se presença de calo ósseo ao exame radiográfico somente nos animais do GA. O tempo médio e o desvio padrão para o tempo de consolidação da fratura foi de 36 ± 0 dias no GA e 34 ± 3,4 dias no GB. Os estudos anátomopatológicos revelaram que o processo de consolidação óssea no GB ocorreu mais precocemente que no GA nas etapas analisadas. Conclui-se que os dois fixadores são eficazes para o tratamento de fraturas diafisárias de úmero em pombos domésticos, sendo que o fixador com dois pinos perpendiculares promove maior estabilização do sítio da fratura
embora necessite de tempo cirúrgico superior para sua confecção.
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Influência da estimulação ultra-sônica de baixa intensidade no reparo de osteotomias de tíbias com fixação flexível / The influence of low-intensity ultrasound on the tibia osteomy healing of rabbits, with flexible fixationJorge, Fernando Augusto Jeronymo 17 September 2004 (has links)
O ultra-som de baixa intensidade tem demonstrado ser um recurso acelerador do processo de consolidação óssea em fraturas. Este estudo experimental investigou a influência da estimulação ultra-sônica de baixa intensidade no processo de reparo ósseo em fraturas de tíbias tratadas por meio de fixação flexível. O estudo foi desenvolvido no laboratório de Bioengenharia da FMRP da Universidade de São Paulo Campus de Ribeirão Preto, utilizando 20 coelhos machos adolescentes da raça Nova Zelândia, que foram submetidos a uma osteotomia no terço médio da tíbia e tratados com fixador externo unilateral. Após o procedimento cirúrgico os animais foram divididos em três grupos: controle com n = 7 (membro contralateral, não fixado), grupo controle lesão com n = 7 (fixados e mantidos em gaiolas) e grupo ultra-som com n = 7, que recebeu estimulação com equipamento de ultra-som de baixa intensidade (30mW/'CM POT.2') e ciclo de trabalho de 1/5. No final de 20 dias de tratamento suas tíbias foram retiradas e submetidas a ensaio mecânico de torção. Na avaliação das propriedades mecânicas torque máximo e rigidez, não foi observada diferença significativa (p '< OU =' 0,05) entre os grupos estimulados e controle lesão. Estes resultados sugerem que a estimulação ultra-sônica de baixa intensidade aplicada ao reparo de fraturas na presença de fixação flexível não influencia a velocidade e o padrão de consolidação da fratura / The low-intensity ultrasound has demonstrated to be an accelerator device on the process of recovering of bone fractures. This experimental study investigated the influence of the low-intensity ultrasound stimulation on the process of bone repairing of fractures of tibia treated with flexible fixator. The study was developed at the FMRP Bioengineering laboratory, of the University of Sao Paulo, campus of Ribeirao Preto, using 20 teenager male rabbits from the New Zealand breed which were subjected to an osteomy in the median third of the tibia and treated with an unilateral external fixator. After the surgical procedure the animals were divided into three groups: control with n = 7 (paw contralateral, not fixed), group control injury with n = 7 (fixed and kept in cages) and group ultrasound with n = 7, that received stimulation with low-intensity ultrasound equipment (30mW/'CM POT.2') and duty cycle 1/5. At the end of 20 days of treatment, their tibia were removed and subjected to a mechanical twist test. At the evaluation of the mechanical properties: maximum torque and hardness, it was not observed significant differences (p '< OU =' 0,05) among the stimulated groups and the control injury. These outcomes suggest that the low-intensity ultrasound applied for fractures healing in the presence of flexible fixation does not have influence on the velocity nor the standard of the fracture recovering
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Compara??o da Avalia??o Mec?nica de Compress?o Axial em Seis Modelos de Fixadores Esquel?ticos Externos Confeccionados com Barras Estabilizadoras de polimetacrilato de metila ou de Madeira e Parafusos de A?o Inoxid?vel 304. / Comparison of the Mechanical Evaluation of Axial Compression in Six Models of External Skeleton Fixators Manufactured with Stabilized Bars of Methyl Methacrylate or of Wood and Stainless Steel Screws 304.Rocha, Carlos Ot?vio Jord?o Moreira da 29 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-08-29 / With the objective of testing the resistance and the biomechanical behavior
of external fixators of low cost used in veterinary medicine, were created 6
prototypes la type manufactured from alternative materials, using as orthopedic
implants, stainless steel screws 304 porous, and as stabilized bar the
methacrylate resin or wood poles (Pinnus ellioti). The models of the fixators tested
differ because they have 2, 3 or 4 implants per fractured segment. With the
purpose of doing biomechanical evaluations that are closer to the real clinical
situation, were selected 2 tubes of polyvinylchloride, commercially known as PVC,
with 10 cm length, internal diameter of 1,27 cm and external diameter of 1,95, far 5
cm from each other, representing, this way, the bone bands and the focus of an
unstable fracture. This kind of tube is like a long bone because it has an internal
space that represents the medullar area and external walls that represent the two
osseous cortical. To each external fixator model, were created 5 prototypes, which
were submitted to mechanic tests to evaluate the axial compression strength. The
device to evaluate the prototypes was the Instron model 4204, with a charge cell
of 5 KN (Kilogram-Newton) and the speed of the axial compression was 2
cm/minute, according the rules ASTM D695-92. The values of rigidity, drainage
point and maximum security charge were calculated, according to the
methodology used by Willer et al., (1991) and by Falc?o (2004). The mechanical
evaluation was done in the Instituto de Macromol?culas Elo?sa Mano in the
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. We concluded that the models with the
stabilized bar made of resin required a larger load than the models made of wood
to suffer a plastic deformation. The model with 3 screws per segment of PVC tube
and a resin stabilized bar showed to tolerate a higher weight than the others,
before showing a plastic deformation, this way it s indicated to dogs that weight up
to 26,5Kg with fractures in the thoracic limbs and for dogs that weight up to 44Kg
that have fractures in the pelvic limbs. / Com objetivo de testar a resist?ncia e o comportamento biomec?nico de
fixadores externos de baixo custo utilizados em medicina veterin?ria, foram
criados 6 modelos de prot?tipos do tipo Ia confeccionados a partir de materiais
alternativos, utilizando-se como implantes ortop?dicos parafusos de a?o
inoxid?vel 304 porosos e totalmente rosqueados, e como barra estabilizadora a
resina de metacrilato ou hastes de madeira (Pinnus ellioti). Os modelos dos
fixadores testados ainda se diferenciam por apresentarem 2, 3 ou 4 implantes por
segmento fraturado. Com a finalidade de realizar avalia??es biomec?nicas o mais
pr?ximo poss?vel da situa??o cl?nica, optou-se pela escolha de 2 tubos de
policloreto de vinila, comercialmente conhecido como PVC, apresentando 10 cm
de comprimento, 1,27 cm de di?metro interno e 1,95 cm de di?metro externo,
afastados 5 cm entre si, representando assim os fragmentos ?sseos e o foco de
uma fratura inst?vel. Este tipo de tubo se assemelha a um osso longo por
apresentar um espa?o interno que representa a ?rea medular enquanto que as
paredes externas representam as duas corticais ?sseas. Para cada modelo de
fixador externo foram criados 5 prot?tipos, submetidos a testes mec?nicos para
avalia??o da for?a de compress?o axial. O aparelho para avalia??o dos prot?tipos
foi o Instron modelo 4204, com c?lula de carga de 5 KN (Quilograma-Newton) e a
velocidade da compress?o axial foi de 2 cm/minuto, seguindo as normas ASTM
D695-91. Calculamos as cargas de rigidez, ponto de escoamento e carga de
seguran?a m?xima. A avalia??o mec?nica foi realizada no Instituto de
Macromol?culas Elo?sa Mano na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Conclu?mos que os modelos com barra estabilizadora em resina necessitou de
uma carga maior do que os modelos de madeira para sofrer deforma??o pl?stica.
O modelo com 3 parafusos por segmento de tubo de PVC e barra estabilizadora
de resina mostrou suportar maior peso que os demais, antes de apresentar uma
deforma??o pl?stica, sendo indicado para c?es com peso corporal de at? 26,5 Kg
portadores de fraturas nos membros tor?cicos e para c?es com peso de at? 44 Kg
que apresentem fraturas nos membros p?lvicos.
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Taylor Spatial Frame : kinematics, mechanical properties and automationNikonovas, Arkadijus January 2005 (has links)
The Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) is a recently introduced form of a circular external orthopaedic fixator for long bone fracture reduction and deformity correction. The TSF is constructed from two circular rings interconnected with six variable-length struts. Its kinematics are based on the Stewart-Gough platform. The TSF is attached to the patient's anatomy using fine wires and half-pins. In this thesis, three aspects of the TSF are analysed. First, the solution to non-trivial forward and inverse kinematics has been addressed. Second, the mechanical properties of the TSF fixator are investigated. Individual component stiffness is assessed separately and then the complete fixator is modelled. Simple stiffuess models of fine wires and half-pins are derived. Considerations for the use of the TSF for the peri-articular fractures are investigated and potential modifications are proposed. The effect of backlash in the frame components on the accuracy of the fixator has been analysed. Finally, in rder to validate the kinematics solution, to provide a training aid for surgeons and to demonstrate the concept of accurately controlled interfragmentary motion, a prototype of an active TSF was designed and built. Computationally efficient algorithms for solving the forward and inverse kinematics have been developed that require little numerical processing overhead and can be implemented on a mobile computing device. It was found that the TSF fixator has similar axial stiffuess to the circular Ilizarov ring fixator, since wires and half-pins are significantly less stiff than the frames. Furthermore, the TSF exhibits more uniform stiffuess for a range of off-axis loads and is significantly stiffer for torsional loads than the Ilizarov fixator. Slack, in the form of a backlash, can lead to severe strains in the unloaded frames and therefore fractures, and hence precautions are recommended. Finally, considerations and prototype for the automated TSF are presented that can be utilised for demonstration purposes and surgeon training.
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Influência da estimulação ultra-sônica de baixa intensidade no reparo de osteotomias de tíbias com fixação flexível / The influence of low-intensity ultrasound on the tibia osteomy healing of rabbits, with flexible fixationFernando Augusto Jeronymo Jorge 17 September 2004 (has links)
O ultra-som de baixa intensidade tem demonstrado ser um recurso acelerador do processo de consolidação óssea em fraturas. Este estudo experimental investigou a influência da estimulação ultra-sônica de baixa intensidade no processo de reparo ósseo em fraturas de tíbias tratadas por meio de fixação flexível. O estudo foi desenvolvido no laboratório de Bioengenharia da FMRP da Universidade de São Paulo Campus de Ribeirão Preto, utilizando 20 coelhos machos adolescentes da raça Nova Zelândia, que foram submetidos a uma osteotomia no terço médio da tíbia e tratados com fixador externo unilateral. Após o procedimento cirúrgico os animais foram divididos em três grupos: controle com n = 7 (membro contralateral, não fixado), grupo controle lesão com n = 7 (fixados e mantidos em gaiolas) e grupo ultra-som com n = 7, que recebeu estimulação com equipamento de ultra-som de baixa intensidade (30mW/'CM POT.2') e ciclo de trabalho de 1/5. No final de 20 dias de tratamento suas tíbias foram retiradas e submetidas a ensaio mecânico de torção. Na avaliação das propriedades mecânicas torque máximo e rigidez, não foi observada diferença significativa (p '< OU =' 0,05) entre os grupos estimulados e controle lesão. Estes resultados sugerem que a estimulação ultra-sônica de baixa intensidade aplicada ao reparo de fraturas na presença de fixação flexível não influencia a velocidade e o padrão de consolidação da fratura / The low-intensity ultrasound has demonstrated to be an accelerator device on the process of recovering of bone fractures. This experimental study investigated the influence of the low-intensity ultrasound stimulation on the process of bone repairing of fractures of tibia treated with flexible fixator. The study was developed at the FMRP Bioengineering laboratory, of the University of Sao Paulo, campus of Ribeirao Preto, using 20 teenager male rabbits from the New Zealand breed which were subjected to an osteomy in the median third of the tibia and treated with an unilateral external fixator. After the surgical procedure the animals were divided into three groups: control with n = 7 (paw contralateral, not fixed), group control injury with n = 7 (fixed and kept in cages) and group ultrasound with n = 7, that received stimulation with low-intensity ultrasound equipment (30mW/'CM POT.2') and duty cycle 1/5. At the end of 20 days of treatment, their tibia were removed and subjected to a mechanical twist test. At the evaluation of the mechanical properties: maximum torque and hardness, it was not observed significant differences (p '< OU =' 0,05) among the stimulated groups and the control injury. These outcomes suggest that the low-intensity ultrasound applied for fractures healing in the presence of flexible fixation does not have influence on the velocity nor the standard of the fracture recovering
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Deformačně napěťová analýza fixátoru dolní končetiny Poldi 7 / Stress - strain analysis of inferios limb with fixator type Poldi 7Pásek, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with stress-strain analysis of inferious limb fixator type Poldi VII and tibia, whereupon is applied. In work is discribed creation of a geometry model of fixator and tibia, her discretization, loading and solving. Tibia was load by torsional moment and his magnitude was 10Nm. Then was perform a numerical solution in FEM system ANSYS Workbench 11.0. Further was effect biomechanical study about osification of broken part. Tibia was load by force, which evokes upright standing on both limbs.
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Biomechanická studie fixátorů aplikovaných na tibii / BIOMECHANICAL STUDY OF EXTERNAL FIXATORS APPLIED TO TIBIAMrázek, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
External fixators are used in a treatment of complicated fractures and their properties have a crucial impact on treatment quality. Therefore, this thesis is concerned with a biomechanical study of a bone (tibia) with applied external fixators via strain-stress analysis and their comparison with a state of tibia without applied fixator (physiological state). After creating the volume models of geometry of tibia and seven variants of external axial fixators, the corresponding finite element method (FEM) models are created. The analysis of tibia without applied fixator and tibia with all studied fixators is made for three states of load which correspond to characteristic load states during the first stage of treatment. The strain-stress analysis is made using finite element method. Furthermore, the methods of displacement and rotation evaluation during loading are proposed. One can conclude from the results of the strain-stress analysis how the different variants of fixators prevent the displacement and rotation of the bone during the different load states and the comparisons with the physiological state of bone are made. Bone tissue loading is determined from the distribution and the values of the first and the third principal stresses. Finally, comparing the results of all variants the influence of the fixator length, the gap between the fixation elements near the fracture, the number and the setting of the fixation elements on the fixation properties is analysed.
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Θεραπεία ασταθών καταγμάτων κάτω πέρατος κερκίδος με κυκλοτερές, χωρίς γεφύρωση, σύστημα εξωτερικής οστεοσύνθεσης IlizarovΜυλωνάς, Σπύρος 26 July 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή αποσκοπεί στη διερεύνηση της βέλτιστης μεθόδου θεραπείας για τα ασταθή κατάγματα κάτω πέρατος κερκίδας. Προς τούτο, μετά από μια σύντομη εισαγωγή, στο γενικό της μέρος η διατριβή παρουσιάζει στοιχεία ανατομικής και κινηματικής της πηχεοκαρπικής και της κάτω κερκιδοωλενικής.
Στη συνέχεια γίνεται αναφορά στα κατάγματα του κάτω πέρατος της κερκίδος, τα προβλήματα που προκύπτουν κατά τη θεραπεία τους και το ρόλο των κυκλοτερών συστημάτων εξωτερικής οστεοσύνθεσης (Ilizarov).
Στο ειδικό μέρος της διατριβής παρουσιάζεται η κλινική μελέτη που έγινε στην Ορθοπαιδική Κλινική του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών και αφορούσε σε ασθενείς με κατάγματα κάτω πέρατος κερκίδος που αντιμετωπίστηκαν με κυκλοτερές σύστημα εξωτερικής οστεοσύνθεσης. / Unstable distal radius fractures remain a challenge for the treating orthopaedic surgeon. We present a retrospective follow-up study (mean follow-up 12.5 months) of 20 patients with 21 unstable distal radius fractures that were reduced in a closed manner and stabilized with a nonbridging Ilizarov external fixator. Subsequent insertion of olive wires for interfragmentary compression was performed in cases with intra-articular fractures. According to the overall evaluation proposed by Gartland and Werley scoring system 12 wrists were classified as excellent, 6 as good, 2 as fair and 1 as poor. Grade II pin-tract infection in distal fracture fragment was detected in 3 wires from a total of 78 (3.8%) and in 4 half pins out of a total of 9 (44.4%). Pronation was the most frequently impaired movement. This was restricted in 4 patients (19%) in whom a radioulnar transfixing wire was applied. Symptoms of irritation of superficial sensory branch of the radial nerve occurred in 3 patients with an olive wire applied in a closed manner in the distal fragment.
Ilizarov method yields functional results comparable to that of other methods whilst it avoids wrist immobilization, open reduction and reoperation for implant removal. The method is associated with a low rate of major complication and satisfactory functional outcome.
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Congenital clubfoot : Aspects on epidemiology, residual deformity and patient reported outcomeWallander, Henrik M January 2009 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis on congenital clubfoot was to estimate the incidence with a national perspective, analyse residual deformities and their management, and evaluate patient reported long-term quality of life and foot function. Paper I was a prospective, nationwide sampling of 280 children with congenital clubfoot during 1995-96. The average incidence was 1.4‰. There was regional heterogeneity but no seasonal variation. Paper II evaluated ultrasonography on 54 newborn, prospectively followed up to 12 months of age. Significant increase of medial malleolus to navicular distance (MM-N-distance) and of soft tissue thickness with increasing age was seen and with acceptable reliability. Paper III assessed 35 children (47 feet) after previous posterior release, mean age of 4.5 years, and the MM-N-distance was shorter in unilateral clubfeet (21 patients) than in contralateral normal feet. No association between navicular position and forefoot adduction (FFA) was determined. Smaller FFA yielded better subjective and functional outcome. Paper IV reviewed distraction treatment with Ilizarov External Fixator in seven patients (10 feet), 6-15 years of age, with relapsed deformities. All patients, except one, reported satisfaction with the overall result but less stiffness was experienced in only 4/10 feet. Paper V evaluated self-estimated outcome in 83 patients (63 males, 20 females), mean age of 64 years, through SF-36 and EQ-5D, and through AAOS foot and ankle score. Age and gender adjusted norm groups were used. Female patients scored worse than male patients did. Both males and females reported negative influence on foot and ankle function. Conclusion: The incidence of congenital clubfoot in Sweden is higher than in previous Scandinavian studies. Ultrasonography is reliable for describing pathoanatomy of the talo-navicular joint in clubfeet and can detect "spurious" (false) correction. Distraction treatment with the Ilizarov External Fixator yields subjective improvement but stiffness remains. Long-term influence on daily life activities is limited to foot and ankle function for both genders, but only female patients report negative influence on physical aspects of quality of life.
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