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Vady zákonodárného procesu a zákonodárství vůbec / Flaws of the legislative procedure and of the legislation itselfZámečníková, Marie January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation called "Flaws of the legislative procedure and the legislation itself" aims to describe the main problems and flaws of the legislative procedure and the current condition of the legislature. It deals with the question of the cause of the current unintelligible and disorganized law. The paper analyses the situation in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. The thesis deals with four main questions. First, what kind of law the legislator should create. The question is answered by the description of the formal attributes of the law. Subsequently, it is put into question how the legislator should create such law. The duties of the legislator are described as those which were deduced by the German Federal Constitutional Court. In the chapter which deals with the question of how the legislator creates such law in reality, the particular safety measures and particular flaws of the legislative procedure are described. Finally, the last question analyses what kind of law is created by the legislator in reality, i. e. it deals with the problems of the current legislature which are specifically caused by the so called flood of laws. In conclusion, the thesis answers the question whether there is a connection between the particular flaws of the legislative procedure and the particular flaws...
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資料外洩稽核工具之設計與實作 / Design and implementation of an audit tool for data leakage高華志, Kao, Hua Chih Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內法令規範對於隱私政策更加重視,國內外企業組織因應鉅額罰款與政策的施行,再加上個人資料外洩事件頻傳,各企業無不擔心客戶資料的保護與落實內部資料控制。而大型政府機關或企業,由於服務範圍廣大,應用系統繁多,針對資料外洩的保護與落實,將更加的複雜。大部份的組織針對實體文件、安全性儲存設備管制、使用採購防火牆設備等,皆有進行相關的管理與設備的採購,但上述機制未能解決應用系統的資料外洩問題。對稽核人員而言稽查應用程式是否有資料外洩之虞,由應用程式原始程式碼相當實為不易,而新制定一套更安全存取控管的介面更需投入相當高的成本與時間。 / 本研究在設計與實作資料外洩稽核工具,參考國際標準ISO27002與ISO 13569資訊安全作法,摘選出應用系統資訊安全指引,並根據實務經驗與金融產業的系統特性,找出資料外洩存取規則(Rules)。除此之外需搭配資料庫執行指令記錄器(DB Logger),由大量的資料庫指令紀錄中快速產生稽核報表,藉以協助稽核人員查核資料外洩的線索並督促組織內部問題的改善,以落實內部資料控管政策與外部法令要求。 / The rapid spread of information technologies into every facet of our life results in a surge in attention to privacy recently. Bills are enacted and a comprehensive privacy policy becomes a sign of a responsible corporation. However, the complexity and diversity of application systems of information makes it very difficult to ensure that the information systems conform to all the privacy regulations and polices. Although most corporations have established some privacy policies for controlling physical documents and various hardware devices, the main problem for data leakage is at application layer. Application developers could retrieve sensitive data by exploiting application flaws. This poses great challenges to information system auditors. Firstly, it is rather difficult for auditors to review the code to spot the flaws. Secondly, it is impractical to make a new coding standard and re-write the legacy applications accordingly. Thirdly, application developers lack the motivation to improve the protection level of existing systems. / This thesis argues that a database audit tool can partly address the above difficulties faced by auditors. Specifically, we design and implement a tool for data leakage auditing. We derive right rules for identifying the potential sources of data leakage by referencing to information security practices such as ISO27002 and ISO 13569, and our practical experience in financial industry. Our tool makes good use of the database logger to produce an audit report based on those rules. The audit reports provide not only useful hints for auditors to detect possible data leakage, but also good evidence for urging developers to enhance their applications for privacy protection.
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Étude et conception d'un système automatisé de contrôle d'aspect des pièces optiques basé sur des techniques connexionnistes / Investigation and design of an automatic system for optical devices' defects detection and diagnosis based on connexionist approachVoiry, Matthieu 15 July 2008 (has links)
Dans différents domaines industriels, la problématique du diagnostic prend une place importante. Ainsi, le contrôle d’aspect des composants optiques est une étape incontournable pour garantir leurs performances opérationnelles. La méthode conventionnelle de contrôle par un opérateur humain souffre de limitations importantes qui deviennent insurmontables pour certaines optiques hautes performances. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse traite de la conception d’un système automatique capable d’assurer le contrôle d’aspect. Premièrement, une étude des capteurs pouvant être mis en oeuvre par ce système est menée. Afin de satisfaire à des contraintes de temps de contrôle, la solution proposée utilise deux capteurs travaillant à des échelles différentes. Un de ces capteurs est basé sur la microscopie Nomarski ; nous présentons ce capteur ainsi qu’un ensemble de méthodes de traitement de l’image qui permettent, à partir des données fournies par celui-ci, de détecter les défauts et de déterminer la rugosité, de manière robuste et répétable. L’élaboration d’un prototype opérationnel, capable de contrôler des pièces optiques de taille limitée valide ces différentes techniques. Par ailleurs, le diagnostic des composants optiques nécessite une phase de classification. En effet, si les défauts permanents sont détectés, il en est de même pour de nombreux « faux » défauts (poussières, traces de nettoyage. . . ). Ce problème complexe est traité par un réseau de neurones artificiels de type MLP tirant partie d’une description invariante des défauts. Cette description, issue de la transformée de Fourier-Mellin est d’une dimension élevée qui peut poser des problèmes liés au « fléau de la dimension ». Afin de limiter ces effets néfastes, différentes techniques de réduction de dimension (Self Organizing Map, Curvilinear Component Analysis et Curvilinear Distance Analysis) sont étudiées. On montre d’une part que les techniques CCA et CDA sont plus performantes que SOM en termes de qualité de projection, et d’autre part qu’elles permettent d’utiliser des classifieurs de taille plus modeste, à performances égales. Enfin, un réseau de neurones modulaire utilisant des modèles locaux est proposé. Nous développons une nouvelle approche de décomposition des problèmes de classification, fondée sur le concept de dimension intrinsèque. Les groupes de données de dimensionnalité homogène obtenus ont un sens physique et permettent de réduire considérablement la phase d’apprentissage du classifieur tout en améliorant ses performances en généralisation / In various industrial fields, the problem of diagnosis is of great interest. For example, the check of surface imperfections on an optical device is necessary to guarantee its operational performances. The conventional control method, based on human expert visual inspection, suffers from limitations, which become critical for some high-performances components. In this context, this thesis deals with the design of an automatic system, able to carry out the diagnosis of appearance flaws. To fulfil the time constraints, the suggested solution uses two sensors working on different scales. We present one of them based on Normarski microscopy, and the image processing methods which allow, starting from issued data, to detect the defects and to determine roughness in a reliable way. The development of an operational prototype, able to check small optical components, validates the proposed techniques. The final diagnosis also requires a classification phase. Indeed, if the permanent defects are detected, many “false” defects (dust, cleaning marks. . . ) are emphasized as well. This complex problem is solved by a MLP Artificial Neural Network using an invariant description of the defects. This representation, resulting from the Fourier-Mellin transform, is a high dimensional vector, what implies some problems linked to the “curse of dimensionality”. In order to limit these harmful effects, various dimensionality reduction techniques (Self Organizing Map, Curvilinear Component Analysis and Curvilinear Distance Analysis) are investigated. On one hand we show that CCA and CDA are more powerful than SOM in terms of projection quality. On the other hand, these methods allow using more simple classifiers with equal performances. Finally, a modular neural network, which exploits local models, is developed. We proposed a new classification problems decomposition scheme, based on the intrinsic dimension concept. The obtained data clusters of homogeneous dimensionality have a physical meaning and permit to reduce significantly the training phase of the classifier, while improving its generalization performances
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Kartläggning av OFP och defektrelaterade parametrar : Inriktning på termisk utmattning / Mapping of NDT and flaw related parameters : Focus on thermal fatigueLarsson, Niklas January 2006 (has links)
<p>I både kvalitets- och kontrollarbete finns det behov att kunskapsmässigt komma så nära verkligheten som möjligt vid fastställande av defektparametrar för oförstörande provning (OFP). Orsaken är att olika acceptanskrav och bedömningsgränser är svåra att klarlägga när man inte kan förlita sig på att uppgifter är realistiska. I projektet har olika erfarenheter använts för att få en bättre helhetsbild i området för defektparametrar och oförstörande provning.</p><p>Denna rapport redovisar den inledande delen av forskning och utvecklingsprojektet PLANT 2, där olika defektparametrar kartlagts och en teoretisk bedömning utförts med avseende på hur signalsvaret påverkas för OFP-metoderna virvelström (ET) och ultraljudsprovning (UT) i form av puls-eko (PE) och ”time-of-flight-diffraction” (TOFD).</p><p>Definitionen av redovisade defektparametrar följer i stort SKI-rapport 95:70 [1]. Defektparametrar i denna rapport redovisas i bilaga 1.</p><p>Vid bedömningen av defektparametrarnas inverkan på OFP-tekniker, har drift¬inducerande defekter och tillverkningsdefekter hanterats separat. För de driftinducerande defekterna delades bedömningen upp i en generell och en specifik bedömning. De defektparametrar som bedöms specifikt och klassats att påverka signalsvaret betydligt bör vara av mest intresse i nästkommande etapp. Följande defektparametrar bedömdes påverka signalsvaret betydligt:</p><p>• Form i ytan, antal sprickor och avstånd i gatstensmönster</p><p>(vid termisk ut¬mattning)</p><p>• Form i djupled</p><p>• Sprickbredd vid sprickspets och sprickspetsradie</p><p>För tillverkningsdefekter bedömdes defektparametrarnas form i djupled och geometri påverka signalsvaret betydligt för defekttyperna slagg och bindfel.</p><p>Vid utvärdering av UT-PE och UT-TOFD teknikerna överensstämde resultatet helt med den teoretiska bedömningen. För ET-tekniken stämde endast en av tre defektparametrar överens med den teoretiska bedömningen.</p> / <p>In quality control of defect parameters for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) it’s essential to have good knowledge about the defects. The reason is that different acceptance criteria and assessments must be based on defects that correspond to real defects. In this project different experience has been analyzed to get a better overview between defect parameters and non-destructive testing.</p><p>This report shows the beginning of the research & development project PLANT 2. There are different flaw parameters that have been mapped and a theoretical assessment has been performed with regard to how the signal response is influenced by the NDT techniques eddy current, ultrasonic pulse echo and ultrasonic time-of-flight-diffraction.</p><p>The definition of the reported flaw parameters does in general follow the one presented in SKI-report 95:70 [1]. The actual flaw parameters in this report are presented in appendix 1.</p><p>In the assessment of the influences on the NDT techniques with regard to flaw parameters, service-induced flaws and manufactured flaws have been separated in to two categories. The service-induced flaws have further on been separated in a general and a specific assessment. Those flaw parameters that have been assessed to be specific and classified to influence the signal response considerably should be the ones of most interest in future studies. The following flaw parameters were assessed to affect the signal response considerably:</p><p>• Macroscopic shape in the surface direction, number of cracks</p><p>and cobblestone stone pattern distance (for thermal fatigue)</p><p>• Macroscopic shape in the through thickness direction</p><p>• Crack width at the crack tip and the crack tip radius</p><p>For flaws caused by the manufacturing process, type slag and lack of fusion, the flaw parameters “Macroscopic shape in the through thickness direction” and “the geometry” were influenced by the signal response considerably.</p><p>In the evaluation of signal response with the UT pulse echo and UT TOFD techniques, the result corresponded to the theoretical assessment. For the eddy current technique only one of three flaw parameters corresponded to the theoretical assessment.</p>
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Kartläggning av OFP och defektrelaterade parametrar : Inriktning på termisk utmattning / Mapping of NDT and flaw related parameters : Focus on thermal fatigueLarsson, Niklas January 2006 (has links)
I både kvalitets- och kontrollarbete finns det behov att kunskapsmässigt komma så nära verkligheten som möjligt vid fastställande av defektparametrar för oförstörande provning (OFP). Orsaken är att olika acceptanskrav och bedömningsgränser är svåra att klarlägga när man inte kan förlita sig på att uppgifter är realistiska. I projektet har olika erfarenheter använts för att få en bättre helhetsbild i området för defektparametrar och oförstörande provning. Denna rapport redovisar den inledande delen av forskning och utvecklingsprojektet PLANT 2, där olika defektparametrar kartlagts och en teoretisk bedömning utförts med avseende på hur signalsvaret påverkas för OFP-metoderna virvelström (ET) och ultraljudsprovning (UT) i form av puls-eko (PE) och ”time-of-flight-diffraction” (TOFD). Definitionen av redovisade defektparametrar följer i stort SKI-rapport 95:70 [1]. Defektparametrar i denna rapport redovisas i bilaga 1. Vid bedömningen av defektparametrarnas inverkan på OFP-tekniker, har drift¬inducerande defekter och tillverkningsdefekter hanterats separat. För de driftinducerande defekterna delades bedömningen upp i en generell och en specifik bedömning. De defektparametrar som bedöms specifikt och klassats att påverka signalsvaret betydligt bör vara av mest intresse i nästkommande etapp. Följande defektparametrar bedömdes påverka signalsvaret betydligt: • Form i ytan, antal sprickor och avstånd i gatstensmönster (vid termisk ut¬mattning) • Form i djupled • Sprickbredd vid sprickspets och sprickspetsradie För tillverkningsdefekter bedömdes defektparametrarnas form i djupled och geometri påverka signalsvaret betydligt för defekttyperna slagg och bindfel. Vid utvärdering av UT-PE och UT-TOFD teknikerna överensstämde resultatet helt med den teoretiska bedömningen. För ET-tekniken stämde endast en av tre defektparametrar överens med den teoretiska bedömningen. / In quality control of defect parameters for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) it’s essential to have good knowledge about the defects. The reason is that different acceptance criteria and assessments must be based on defects that correspond to real defects. In this project different experience has been analyzed to get a better overview between defect parameters and non-destructive testing. This report shows the beginning of the research & development project PLANT 2. There are different flaw parameters that have been mapped and a theoretical assessment has been performed with regard to how the signal response is influenced by the NDT techniques eddy current, ultrasonic pulse echo and ultrasonic time-of-flight-diffraction. The definition of the reported flaw parameters does in general follow the one presented in SKI-report 95:70 [1]. The actual flaw parameters in this report are presented in appendix 1. In the assessment of the influences on the NDT techniques with regard to flaw parameters, service-induced flaws and manufactured flaws have been separated in to two categories. The service-induced flaws have further on been separated in a general and a specific assessment. Those flaw parameters that have been assessed to be specific and classified to influence the signal response considerably should be the ones of most interest in future studies. The following flaw parameters were assessed to affect the signal response considerably: • Macroscopic shape in the surface direction, number of cracks and cobblestone stone pattern distance (for thermal fatigue) • Macroscopic shape in the through thickness direction • Crack width at the crack tip and the crack tip radius For flaws caused by the manufacturing process, type slag and lack of fusion, the flaw parameters “Macroscopic shape in the through thickness direction” and “the geometry” were influenced by the signal response considerably. In the evaluation of signal response with the UT pulse echo and UT TOFD techniques, the result corresponded to the theoretical assessment. For the eddy current technique only one of three flaw parameters corresponded to the theoretical assessment.
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Sakernas internet - En säkerhetsrisk : En kvantitativ studie om privatpersoners kunskap gällande IoT-enheters säkerhetJohansson, Christer, Andersson, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
With the constant growth of units connected to the internet, it’s becoming more and more common for private persons to get these units into their homes. With easier accessibility to smart units that can be connected straight to your smart home, and at the same time can make your everyday life easier, may also be the greatest securityrisk of your life. The focus of this essay is about the internet of things-units (IoT-units) that’s considered a large securityrisk. This work is made as a quantitative study about security deficiencies among private persons regarding IoT-units. The data produced from this work can be used as an answer of what a private person needs to be more vigilant of when it comes to IoT-units, and also what actions the manufacturing industry need to take for the connected community to be secured. To delve into this, we have chosen to use the methods literature study and a questionnaire study that will be performed to obtain data to answer our questions. Analysis has been made about what can be seen as an IoT-unit, what security deficiencies there are and then account for how to counteract these risks with help of knowledge. The result of the answers from the surveys and the picture we have received after a search for a sustainable and a more secure solution is that some knowledge exists, although not to the extent needed. The conclusion that can be drawn after the analysis of surveys and in the previous research how it should proceed in the current situation is that significantly more resources need to be spent on the right information for the right purpose, when it comes to this important IT-related issue.
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Обеспечение надежности гидроизоляции рабочих швов подземной части монолитных гражданских зданий : магистерская диссертация / Ensuring the reliability of waterproofing for the working seams in the underground part of monolithic civil buildingsСавватеев, В. А., Savvateev, V. A. January 2024 (has links)
В работе проанализированы виды защиты подземной части гражданских зданий от воздействия воды, установлены основные недостатки проектных решений и построечные дефекты, которые приводят к снижению надежности гидроизоляции рабочих швов монолитных железобетонных конструкций подземной части гражданских зданий, разработаны новые конструктивно-технологические решения по устройству гидроизоляции рабочих швов монолитных конструкций подземной части гражданских зданий, которые позволяют устранить выявленные недостатки проектных решений и построечные дефекты. / The paper analyzes the types of protection for the underground part of civil buildings against water damage; it identifies the main disadvantages of design solutions and structural defects, which lead to decreased reliability of waterproofing in working seams in monolithic reinforced concrete structures in the underground section of civil buildings. New structural and technological solutions for waterproofing working seams have been developed in monolith structures of underground civil buildings, eliminating the identified shortcomings in design solutions and defects in construction.
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Public health service delivery at the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam National HospitalBabooa, Sanjiv Kumar 30 November 2004 (has links)
This dissertation analyses public health service delivery at the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam National Hospital (S.S.R.N.H.) in Mauritius. Particular emphasis is laid on the historical development of public health service delivery at S.S.R.N.H. Public health service delivery has been approached from the view points of its nature and scope. The core components of the research survey have been on some major obstacles and flaws in effective public health service delivery at S.S.R.N.H. The measuring instrument used for the research survey was a self administered questionnaire. The main findings were discussed especially absenteeism, personnel turnover, stress, burnout, morale, sexual harassment, lethargy and disobedience, nepotism, shirking responsibility, alcohol and drug abuse, active political interference, bribery and corruption, dishonesty and retaliation and neglect of duty.
Attention was also devoted on the current national health policy for improving public health service delivery at S.S.R.N.H., inter-alia, the National Policy for Public Heath Act 17 of 2000 and the White Paper on Health Sector
Development and Reform of December 2003.
The public health environment is constantly altering. Therefore, it is essential to adjust to the changing health environment. This dissertation has addressed the future challenges in the micro health environment and macro health environment of S.S.R.N.H. Ultimately, a holistic instead of a parochial approach to addressing shortcomings identified in public health service delivery at S.S.R.N.H. has been advocated in this dissertation. / Public Administration / M.Admin. (Public Admin)
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運用使用者輸入欄位屬性偵測防禦資料隱碼攻擊 / Preventing SQL Injection Attacks Using the Field Attributes of User Input賴淑美, Lai, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
在網路的應用蓬勃發展與上網使用人口不斷遞增的情況之下,透過網路提供客戶服務及從事商業行為已經是趨勢與熱潮,而伴隨而來的風險也逐步顯現。在一個無國界的網路世界,威脅來自四面八方,隨著科技進步,攻擊手法也隨之加速且廣泛。網頁攻擊防範作法的演進似乎也只能一直追隨著攻擊手法而不斷改進。但最根本的方法應為回歸原始的程式設計,網頁欄位輸入資料的檢核。確實做好欄位內容檢核並遵守網頁安全設計原則,嚴謹的資料庫存取授權才能安心杜絕不斷變化的攻擊。但因既有系統對於輸入欄位內容,並無確切根據應輸入的欄位長度及屬性或是特殊表示式進行檢核,以致造成類似Injection Flaws[1]及部分XSS(Cross Site Scripting)[2]攻擊的形成。
本研究回歸網頁資料輸入檢核,根據輸入資料的長度及屬性或是特殊的表示式進行檢核,若能堅守此項原則應可抵禦大部分的攻擊。但因既有系統程式龐大,若要重新檢視所有輸入欄位屬性及進行修改恐為曠日費時。本文中研究以側錄分析、資料庫SCHEMA的結合及方便的欄位屬性定義等功能,自動化的處理流程,快速產生輸入欄位的檢核依據。再以網站動態欄位檢核的方式,於網站接收使用者需求,且應用程式尚未處理前攔截網頁輸入資料,根據事先明確定義的網站欄位屬性及長度進行資料檢核,如此既有系統即無須修改,能在最低的成本下達到有效防禦的目的。 / With the dynamic development of network application and the increasing population of using internet, providing customer service and making business through network has been a prevalent trend recently.
However, the risk appears with this trend. In a borderless net world, threaten comes from all directions. With the progress of information technology, the technique of network attack becomes timeless and widespread. It seems that defense methods have to develop against these attack techniques. But the root of all should regress on the original program design – check the input data of data fields. The prevention of unceasing network attack is precisely check the content of data field and adhere to the webpage security design on principle, furthermore, the authority to access database is essential. Since most existing systems do not have exactly checkpoints of those data fields such as the length, the data type, and the data format, as a result, those conditions resulted in several network attacks like Injection Flaws and XSS.
In response to various website attack constantly, the majority remodify the system source code, inspect vulnerabilities by the service of penetration test, and purchase the equipment of Intrusion Prevention Systems(IPS). However, several limitations influence the performance, such as the massive workload of remodify source code, the difficulty to implement the daily penetration test, and the costly expenses of IPS equipment.
The fundamental method of this research is to check the input data of data fields which bases on the length, the data type and the data format to check input data. The hypothesis is that to implement the original design principle should prevent most website attacks. Unfortunately, most legacy system programs are massive and numerous. It is time-consuming to review and remodify all the data fields. This research investigates the analysis of network interception, integrates with the database schema and the easy-defined data type, to automatically process these procedures and rapidly generates the checklist of input data. Then, using the method of website dynamic captures technique to receive user request first and webpage input data before the system application commences to process it.
According to those input data can be checked by the predefined data filed type and the length, there is no necessary to modify existing systems and can achieve the goal to prevent web attack with the minimum cost.
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La protection des données personnelles en droit international privéBertaud du Chazaud, Justine BDC. 12 1900 (has links)
Les nouvelles technologies et l’arrivée de l’Internet ont considérablement facilité les échanges transnationaux de données entre les entreprises publiques et/ou privées et également entre les personnes elles-mêmes. Cependant cette révolution numérique n’a pas été sans conséquences sur l’utilisation de nos données personnelles puisque cette abondance de données à la portée de tiers peut conduire à des atteintes : la commercialisation des données personnelles sans le consentement de l’intéressé par des entreprises ou encore la diffusion de sa photographie, de son nom, de son prénom à son insu en sont des exemples.
La question qui vient alors se poser est en cas de litige, c’est-à-dire en cas d’atteintes au droit à la protection de nos données personnelles, présentant un ou des éléments d’extranéité, quels tribunaux pouvons-nous saisir ? Et quelle est la loi qui sera applicable ?
Les droits québécois, de l’Union européenne, et suisse présentent différents critères de rattachement intéressants et adaptés à des situations prenant place hors et sur internet. Le droit commun de chacun de ces systèmes est envisagé, puis appliqué aux données personnelles dans le cadre d’une situation normale, et ensuite à internet si la situation diffère. La doctrine est également analysée dans la mesure où certaines solutions sont tout à fait intéressantes, et cela notamment sur internet.
Un premier chapitre est consacré à la compétence internationale des tribunaux et aux critères de rattachement envisageables en droit commun à savoir notamment : le tribunal de l’État de survenance du préjudice, le tribunal de l’État de la faute ou encore le tribunal du domicile de la victime. Et ceux prévus ou non par la doctrine tels que l’accessibilité et le ciblage par exemple.
Les conflits de lois sont étudiés dans un deuxième chapitre avec également l’énumération les différents facteurs de rattachement envisageables en droit commun comme la loi de l’État du préjudice, la loi de l’État de la faute ou encore la loi de l’État favorisant la victime. Et également ceux prévus par la doctrine : la loi de l’État « offrant la meilleure protection des données à caractère personnel » ou encore la loi de l’État où est établi le « maître du fichier ».
Le tribunal le plus compétent au regard des principes généraux de droit international privé en cas d’atteintes au droit de la protection des données personnelles hors et sur internet est le tribunal de l’État du domicile de la victime.
Et la meilleure loi applicable est la loi de l’État du domicile ou de la résidence principale du demandeur et du défendeur à l’instance, et dans le cas où la situation ne présente pas d’éléments d’extranéité, la meilleure loi est la loi favorisant la victime. / New technologies and the rising of the Internet boosted international data trade between public and/or private companies and even between individuals. However, this digital revolution is coming with its consequences: this exchange of data leads to personal data transactions (personal information or pictures for example) without users’ will.
In case of violation of personal data, it is still unclear how to bring a case before the courts? Which Law is applicable?
Quebec Law, European Union Law and Swiss Legislation show similarities in real life and on the internet. First, we consider the common law, then personal data real life and on the Internet if there are any differences. The conceptual doctrine is also analysed as it reveals new Internet specific issues.
The first chapter tackles the international jurisdiction of the courts, potential criteria of ordinary law: the court where the damage occurs, the court where the conduct occurred or the court where the plaintiff lives; and those that are and are not covered by the doctrine as the accessibility and the targeting for example.
Law conflicts and multiple potential criteria of ordinary law are studied in the second chapter. The State of the damage, the State of the misconduct and the State that benefit to the victim among others. The regulation that ensures the best personal data protection and the law that identifies the file master.
From the international private law perspective, the most competent court is the one located in the State where the plaintiff is living when damage occurs. And the best regulation to follow is the he law of the country of domicile or the law of the law that promotes and protects the victim.
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