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A Generic BI Application for Real-time Monitoring of Care ProcessesBaffoe, Shirley A. 14 June 2013 (has links)
Patient wait times and care service times are key performance measures for care processes in hospitals. Managing the quality of care delivered by these processes in real-time is challenging. A key challenge is to correlate source medical events to infer the care process states that define patient wait times and care service times. Commercially available complex event processing engines do not have built in support for the concept of care process state. This makes it unnecessarily complex to define and maintain rules for inferring states from source medical events in a care process. Another challenge is how to present the data in a real-time BI dashboard and the underlying data model to use to support this BI dashboard. Data representation architecture can potentially lead to delays in processing and presenting the data in the BI dashboard.
In this research, we have investigated the problem of real-time monitoring of care processes, performed a gap analysis of current information system support for it, researched and assessed available technologies, and shown how to most effectively leverage event driven and BI architectures when building information support for real-time monitoring of care processes. We introduce a state monitoring engine for inferring and managing states based on an application model for care process monitoring. A BI architecture is also leveraged for the data model to support the real-time data processing and reporting requirements of the application’s portal. The research is validated with a case study to create a real-time care process monitoring application for an Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) clinical pathway in collaboration with IBM and Osler hospital. The research methodology is based on design-oriented research.
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Sensor óptico para monitoração de escoamento bifásico em golfadasDaum, Hilson Henrique 04 October 2013 (has links)
LACIT / Escoamentos bifásicos gás-líquido estão presentes em inúmeras aplicações de
engenharia, como por exemplo, na produção de petróleo, onde óleo e gás escoam nas linhas de produção. A monitoração online do escoamento bifásico é de grande importância para operação segura e eficiente dos processos de produção. Assim, nos últimos anos tem-se buscando o desenvolvimento de técnicas simples e de baixo custo para monitoração do escoamento da produção. Das diversas formas que um escoamento bifásico se apresenta, o padrão de escoamento em golfadas é o mais comum nas linhas de produção. Este trabalho apresenta um sistema óptico infravermelho que mede especificamente a velocidade das bolhas de gás em um escoamento em golfadas. Esse sistema emprega componentes optoeletrônicos operando a 950 nm juntamente com uma peça adutora utilizada para manter estáticos o emissor e receptor de luz. O circuito eletrônico responsável pelo funcionamento do sensor é composto por três canais de medição modulados em frequências diferentes. Dessa forma pelo tempo de trânsito que uma bolha leva no percurso entre os canais, pode-se calcular a velocidade da bolha. Essa técnica óptica traz a vantagem de ser um sistema de medição não invasivo e pode ser utilizado para outros fluidos, mas é necessário adaptar o comprimento de onda de trabalho de acordo com as características do fluido a ser detectado. O sistema desenvolvido foi testado em uma planta piloto sob diversas condições operacionais e comparado com sensores de referência (wire-mesh e câmera de alta velocidade). Resultados obtidos mostram o bom desempenho do sistema com relação aos sensores de referência. / Gas-liquid two-phase flows are present in many engineering applications such as in petroleum production, where oil and gas stream in the production lines. The online monitoring of two-phase flow is of great importance for safe and efficient operation of production processes. Thus, in recent years there has been an attempt to develop simple and low cost techniques for flow production monitoring. Among the various ways a two-phase flow may occur in a pipe, the flow pattern known as slug flow is the most common in production lines. This work presents an infrared optical system that specifically measures the translational speed of gas bubbles in slugs flow. This system employs optoelectronic components operating at 950 nm along with a mechanical assembly used to assure optical alignment of light emitters and receivers. The electronic circuitry responsible for operating the sensor consists of three measuring channels modulated at different frequencies, thus by measuring the time lag a gas bubble needs to travel from one channel to another, one can calculate speed of gas bubble. This optical technique has the advantage of being a noninvasive measurement system and can be used for other fluids, but it is necessary to adapt the working wavelength according to the characteristics of the fluid to be detected. The developed system was tested in a pilot plant under various operating conditions and compared with reference sensors (wire-mesh and high-speed camera). Results show the good performance of the system with respect to the reference sensors.
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Sensor óptico para monitoração de escoamento bifásico em golfadasDaum, Hilson Henrique 04 October 2013 (has links)
LACIT / Escoamentos bifásicos gás-líquido estão presentes em inúmeras aplicações de
engenharia, como por exemplo, na produção de petróleo, onde óleo e gás escoam nas linhas de produção. A monitoração online do escoamento bifásico é de grande importância para operação segura e eficiente dos processos de produção. Assim, nos últimos anos tem-se buscando o desenvolvimento de técnicas simples e de baixo custo para monitoração do escoamento da produção. Das diversas formas que um escoamento bifásico se apresenta, o padrão de escoamento em golfadas é o mais comum nas linhas de produção. Este trabalho apresenta um sistema óptico infravermelho que mede especificamente a velocidade das bolhas de gás em um escoamento em golfadas. Esse sistema emprega componentes optoeletrônicos operando a 950 nm juntamente com uma peça adutora utilizada para manter estáticos o emissor e receptor de luz. O circuito eletrônico responsável pelo funcionamento do sensor é composto por três canais de medição modulados em frequências diferentes. Dessa forma pelo tempo de trânsito que uma bolha leva no percurso entre os canais, pode-se calcular a velocidade da bolha. Essa técnica óptica traz a vantagem de ser um sistema de medição não invasivo e pode ser utilizado para outros fluidos, mas é necessário adaptar o comprimento de onda de trabalho de acordo com as características do fluido a ser detectado. O sistema desenvolvido foi testado em uma planta piloto sob diversas condições operacionais e comparado com sensores de referência (wire-mesh e câmera de alta velocidade). Resultados obtidos mostram o bom desempenho do sistema com relação aos sensores de referência. / Gas-liquid two-phase flows are present in many engineering applications such as in petroleum production, where oil and gas stream in the production lines. The online monitoring of two-phase flow is of great importance for safe and efficient operation of production processes. Thus, in recent years there has been an attempt to develop simple and low cost techniques for flow production monitoring. Among the various ways a two-phase flow may occur in a pipe, the flow pattern known as slug flow is the most common in production lines. This work presents an infrared optical system that specifically measures the translational speed of gas bubbles in slugs flow. This system employs optoelectronic components operating at 950 nm along with a mechanical assembly used to assure optical alignment of light emitters and receivers. The electronic circuitry responsible for operating the sensor consists of three measuring channels modulated at different frequencies, thus by measuring the time lag a gas bubble needs to travel from one channel to another, one can calculate speed of gas bubble. This optical technique has the advantage of being a noninvasive measurement system and can be used for other fluids, but it is necessary to adapt the working wavelength according to the characteristics of the fluid to be detected. The developed system was tested in a pilot plant under various operating conditions and compared with reference sensors (wire-mesh and high-speed camera). Results show the good performance of the system with respect to the reference sensors.
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A Generic BI Application for Real-time Monitoring of Care ProcessesBaffoe, Shirley A. January 2013 (has links)
Patient wait times and care service times are key performance measures for care processes in hospitals. Managing the quality of care delivered by these processes in real-time is challenging. A key challenge is to correlate source medical events to infer the care process states that define patient wait times and care service times. Commercially available complex event processing engines do not have built in support for the concept of care process state. This makes it unnecessarily complex to define and maintain rules for inferring states from source medical events in a care process. Another challenge is how to present the data in a real-time BI dashboard and the underlying data model to use to support this BI dashboard. Data representation architecture can potentially lead to delays in processing and presenting the data in the BI dashboard.
In this research, we have investigated the problem of real-time monitoring of care processes, performed a gap analysis of current information system support for it, researched and assessed available technologies, and shown how to most effectively leverage event driven and BI architectures when building information support for real-time monitoring of care processes. We introduce a state monitoring engine for inferring and managing states based on an application model for care process monitoring. A BI architecture is also leveraged for the data model to support the real-time data processing and reporting requirements of the application’s portal. The research is validated with a case study to create a real-time care process monitoring application for an Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) clinical pathway in collaboration with IBM and Osler hospital. The research methodology is based on design-oriented research.
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Systém pro monitorování síťových protokolů / System for Monitoring of Network ProtocolsSelecký, Roman January 2018 (has links)
It is necessary to monitor networks namely for diagnostics, troubleshooting, detection of anomalies and suspicious header encapsulations. This thesis aims to design and implement a system for monitoring protocol structure on 10 Gb networks, which will be able to capture packets based on the sequence of encapsulated protocols. To achieve requested throughput some tasks like packet parsing and packet filtering were accelerated in FPGA. Flexibility is achieved by using a tool that maps P4 programs, which define packet parsing process, to VHDL language. Based on the information gained from packet parsing, flow records are created and stored via IPFIX protocol. This information is displayed through a graphical user interface in the form of protocol tree, whose nodes are associated with flow records.
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Untersuchung bildgebender Ultraschallmesstechnik für instationäre Strömungsvorgänge in der MagnetohydrodynamikNauber, Richard 16 April 2019 (has links)
Bei einer Reihe bedeutsamer industrieller Prozesse, wie dem Stahl-Strangguss oder der Kristallzucht für die Photovoltaik, ist die Strömung flüssiger Metalle oder Halbleiter entscheidend für den Energieaufwand bei der Herstellung und die Qualität des Endproduktes. Eine gezielte, berührungslose Einwirkung von Lorentzkräften auf die heißen Schmelzen kann dabei die Ressourceneffizienz eines Prozesses signifikant steigern. Die komplexe Interaktion von elektrisch leitfähigen Fluiden und magnetischen Wechselfeldern wird dazu in der Magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) durch Experimente im Labormaßstab an niedrigschmelzenden Metallen untersucht. Die dabei auftretenden instationären, dreidimensionalen Strömungsfelder erfordern eine nicht-invasive, bildgebende Strömungsmesstechnik für opake Fluide mit hoher Orts- und Zeitauflösung,
welche derzeitig nicht für die MHD zur Verfügung steht.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit soll mit den Mitteln der Elektrotechnik eine für MHD-Modellexperimente geeignete Messtechnik basierend auf dem Ultraschall-Doppler-Prinzip geschaffen werden. Dabei wird der Ansatz verfolgt, die Komplexität eines Messsystems vom mechanischen Aufbau hin zur Rechentechnik zu verlagern, um durch die dort in jüngster Zeit verfügbaren Ressourcen neuartige Signalverarbeitungsmethoden und eine höhere Flexibilität zu ermöglichen. Mit dem Ultrasound Array Doppler Velocimeter (UADV) wurde ein flexibles Messsystem für MHD-Modellexperimente geschaffen, welches eine mehrkomponentige Mehrebenenmessung durch Sensordatenfusion von bis zu neun linearen Wandlerarrays im kombinierten Zeit- und Ortsmultiplex erreicht.
Die Signalverarbeitung ist durch eine auf einem Field Programmable Gate Array implementierte Datenkompression onlinefähig. Sie reicht trotz geringer rechentechnischer Komplexität bis auf Faktor 3 an die fundamentale Grenze der Messunsicherheit, die Cramér-Rao-Schranke, heran. Das UADV wurde über ein Kalibrierexperiment mit interferometrischer Referenzmessung auf die SI-Einheiten zurückgeführt.
Das UADV wurde an einer magnetfeldgetriebenen Strömung in einem kubischen Gefäß angewandt. Numerische Simulationen sagen dort nicht-deterministisch einsetzende Instabilitäten im Übergangsbereich des laminaren zum turbulenten Strömungsregimes vorher. Durch eine simultane Zweiebenenmessung mit hoher örtlicher (3 ... 5 mm) und zeitlicher Auflösung (Bildrate 11,2 Hz) bei gleichzeitig langer Aufnahmedauer (> 1000 s) konnten die Instabilitäten erstmals experimentell charakterisiert werden. Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse identifizierte ein gekoppeltes Paar von Strömungsmoden, welche eine spontan anfachende harmonische Oszillation mit der Frequenz f = 0,072 Hz
beschreiben und durch komplexe Wirbel gekennzeichnet sind. Die Analyse der Messunsicherheit für das gegebene Experiment ergab, dass diese mit σ v,rel = 13,9 % hauptsächlich durch das räumliche Auflösungsvermögen bestimmt wird.
Das Schallfeld ist bei ultraschallbasierten Messverfahren ausschlaggebend für die Eigenschaften der Bildgebung. Mit dem Phased Array Doppler Velocimeter (PAUDV) wurde ein modulares Messsystem mit adaptiven Schallfeld aufgebaut, wobei durch digitale Strahlformung die örtliche und zeitliche Auflösung signifikant erhöht werden kann. Eine aktive Kontrolle des Schallfeldes ermöglicht zudem die Messung durch Objekte mit komplexen, unbekannten Ausbreitungseigenschaften. Mit dem Time Reversal Virtual Array (TRVA) wird dabei eine effiziente Methode zur Bildgebung vorgestellt und auf die Strömungsmessung durch einen Multimode-Wellenleiter angewandt. Damit kann die Beschränkung bildgebender Ultraschallmesstechnik hinsichtlich der Betriebstemperatur der Wandler umgangen und heiße Schmelzen industrieller und technischer Prozesse für nichtinvasive In-Prozess-Bildgebung zugänglich gemacht werden. / In many important industrial processes, such as continuous steel casting or crystal
growth for photovoltaic silicon, the flow of liquid metals or semiconductors determines the energy consumption of the process and the quality of the product. Influencing the hot melts contactlessly through Lorentz forces for a targeted flow control can significantly improve the resource-efficiency of a process. The complex interaction of electrically conductive fluids and alternating magnetic fields is investigated in the field of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) through laboratory-scale experiments in low melting metals. The emerging instationary, three-dimensional flows require a temporally and spatially high-resolved non-invasive flow imaging system, which currently is not available for MHD research.
In this work, a flow instrumentation for MHD experiments based on the ultrasound Doppler principle is created through means of electrical engineering. The general
approach is to shift the complexity of a system from mechanics over electronics to an algorithmic implementation in order to exploit the recent computational advances, enabling novel signal processing methods and increasing the flexibility.
The ultrasound array Doppler velocimeter (UADV) has been created as a flexible instrumentation system for MHD experiments. It supports multicomponent, multiplane velocity measurements through sensor fusion of up to nine linear transducer arrays with spatiotemporal multiplexing. An online signal processing is realized through data compression on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). It achieves an uncertainty as low as a factor 3 of the Cramér-Rao lower bound despite a low computational complexity of the algorithm.
The UADV has been applied to a magnetically-driven flow in a cubic vessel. Numerical simulations predicted a non-deterministic instability in the transitory region between laminar and turbulent flow regimes. A simultaneous two-dimensional two-component flow measurement with high spatial (3 ... 5 mm) and temporal resolution (frame rate 11,2 Hz) over long durations (> 1000 s) allowed to characterize those instabilities experimentally for the first time. A principal component analysis identified a pair of coupled modes with a complex vortex structure that performs a spontaneously onsetting oscillation at f = 0,072 Hz. The measurement uncertainty for the experiment has been evaluated to be σ v,rel = 13,9 % and is primarily caused by the spatial resolution of the system.
The properties of ultrasound-based imaging are primarily determined by the sound field. The phased array Doppler velocimeter (PAUDV) has been developed as a modular flow instrumentation system with an adaptive sound field, which allows to increase the spatial and temporal resolution. Furthermore, an active control of the sound field enables measurements despite a complex, unknown sound propagation. A method to image through strong aberrations efficiently has been proposed with the time reversal virtual array (TRVA). It has been applied to flow imaging through a multimode waveguide, thus allowing to circumvent the limitation of common ultrasound imaging systems regarding their maximum operating temperature. This paves the way for in-process flow imaging of hot, opaque liquids in technical and industrial processes.
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Traffic monitoring in home networks : from theory to practice / Supervision du trafic dans les réseaux domestiques : de la théorie à la pratiqueAouini, Zied 15 December 2017 (has links)
Les réseaux domestiques sont confrontés à une évolution continue et deviennent de plus en plus complexes. Leur complexité a évolué selon deux dimensions interdépendantes. D'une part, la topologie du réseau domestique devient plus complexe avec la multiplication des équipements et des technologies de connectivité. D'autre part, l'ensemble des services accessibles via le réseau domestique ne cesse de s’élargir. Un tel contexte a rendu la gestion du réseau domestique plus difficile pour les Fournisseurs d’Accès Internet (FAI) et les utilisateurs finaux. Dans ce manuscrit, nous nous concentrons sur la deuxième dimension de la complexité décrite ci-dessus liée au trafic circulant depuis/vers le réseau domestique. Notre première contribution consiste à proposer une architecture pour la supervision du trafic dans les réseaux domestiques. Nous fournissons une étude comparative de certains outils open source existants. Ensuite, nous effectuons une évaluation de performances expérimentale d’un sous ensemble des processus impliqués dans notre architecture. Sur la base des résultats obtenus, nous discutons les limites et les possibilités de déploiement de ce type de solution. Dans notre deuxième contribution, nous présentons notre analyse à large échelle des usages et du trafic résidentiel basée sur une trace de trafic réelle impliquant plus de 34 000 clients. Premièrement, nous présentons notre méthode de collecte et de traitement des données. Deuxièmement, nous présentons nos observations statistiques vis-à-vis des différentes couches de l’architecture Internet. Ensuite, nous effectuons une analyse subjective auprès de 645 clients résidentiels. Enfin, nos résultats fournissent une synthèse complète des usages et des caractéristiques des applications résidentielles. Dans notre troisième contribution, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode pour la classification en temps réel du trafic résidentiel. Notre méthode, laquelle est basée sur l’utilisation d’un algorithme d’apprentissage statistique de type C5.0, vise à combler les carences identifiées dans la littérature. Ensuite, nous détaillons notre implémentation d’une sonde légère sur un prototype de passerelle résidentielle capable de capturer, de suivre et d'identifier d’une manière fine les applications actives dans le réseau domestique. Cette implémentation nous permet, en outre, de valider nos principes de conception via un banc d'essai réaliste mis en place à cet effet. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que notre solution est efficace et faisable. / Home networks are facing a continuous evolution and are becoming more and more complex. Their complexity has evolved according to two interrelated dimensions. On the one hand, the home network topology (devices and connectivity technologies) tends to produce more complex configurations. On the other hand, the set of services accessed through the home network is growing in a tremendous fashion. Such context has made the home network management more challenging for both Internet Service Provider (ISP) and end-users. In this dissertation, we focus on the traffic dimension of the above described complexity. Our first contribution consists on proposing an architecture for traffic monitoring in home networks. We provide a comparative study of some existing open source tools. Then, we perform a testbed evaluation of the main software components implied in our architecture. Based on the experiments results, we discuss several deployment limits and possibilities. In our second contribution, we conduct a residential traffic and usages analysis based on real trace involving more than 34 000 customers. First, we present our data collection and processing methodology. Second, we present our findings with respect to the different layers of the TCP/IP protocol stack characteristics. Then, we perform a subjective analysis across 645 of residential customers. The results of both evaluations provide a complete synthesis of residential usage patterns and applications characteristics. In our third contribution, we propose a novel scheme for real-time residential traffic classification. Our scheme, which is based on a machine learning approach called C5.0, aims to fulfil the lacks identified in the literature. At this aim, our algorithm is evaluated using several traffic inputs. Then, we detail how we implemented a lightweight probe able to capture, track and identify finely applications running in the home network. This implementation allowed us to validate our designing principles upon realistic test conditions. The obtained results show clearly the efficiency and feasibility of our solution.
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Métodos ópticos para caracterização de petróleo e dióxido de carbono / Optical methods for petroleum and carbon dioxide characterizationPatyk, Rodolfo Luiz 10 November 2015 (has links)
CAPES / O presente trabalho visa auxiliar no desenvolvimento da instrumentação óptica para a detecção do petróleo e do dióxido de carbono; essa instrumentação servirá de base para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitoração do escoamento bifásico envolvendo dióxido de carbono (CO2 ) e petróleo. Na primeira parte foram efetuados estudos das propriedades ópticas do petró-leo e do CO2 na região do visível (VIS), NIR e infravermelho médio (MIR). Na região do NIR foram realizados trabalhos de caracterização óptica do CO2 , água e petróleo em regime estático e em regime dinâmico foram estudados o escoamento bifásico envolvendo água e ar. No estudo do CO2 foram apresentados resultados referentes à obtenção das linhas características de absorção na região de 1, 5 μm e 2, 0 μm, utilizando metodologias experimentais diferentes: com uma câmara de gás, com o uso fibras ópticas de cristal fotônico (PCF) e por fim com o uso de câmara com multi reflexões. Os resultados experimentais obtidos com o CO2 foram comparados com os resultados encontrados na literatura, coincidindo com valores da ordem de décimos de nanômetros para a região de 1, 5 μm. Ainda no estudo do CO2 foram observados, no experimento da câmara de gás, a relação da pressão na câmara com a amplitude das linhas características de absorção. Para o petróleo foram obtidos dados referentes à sua absorbância óptica nas regiões do VIS, NIR, MIR e infravermelho distante (FIR) através de inúmeras técnicas de espectroscopia analíticas comerciais e experimentais: espectroscopia no visível, de refletância (ATR) e por transformada de Fourier (FTIR). Os resultados do FTIR possibilitaram escolher regiões iniciais de menor absorbância do petróleo nas regiões do NIR e do MIR onde no futuro poderá ser aplicada a técnica óptica para a monitoração do CO2 diluído no petróleo, no NIR é a região de 1, 57 μm e no MIR a região espectral de 2, 0 μm e 4, 3 μm. Nas medidas experimentais na região de 4, 3 μm foi encontrado o valor da absorbância do petróleo de 0, 11 u.a./cm o que difere em duas ordens de grandeza com os resultados obtidos com o FTIR. Outro experimento feito com petróleo teve como objetivo resultados para a absorção de uma filme fino de petróleo usando uma fonte supercontínua e uma Análise de Espectro Óptico (OSA), e a obtenção de um coeficiente de atenuação óptica como o uso do PCF, os resultados foram comparados. Para trabalhos referentes à região espectral do FIR estão sendo estudados os efeitos da emissividade da radiação para diferentes corpos com o uso de uma câmara CCD operando na região do NIR e FAR. Todos os resultados obtidos para a absorbância do petróleo e CO2 foram comparados. Por fim no estudo óptico de soluções de petróleo foi observada a ressonância de plasmons de superfície (SPR) com luz incidente com um ângulo de 5 o com a normal do filme metálico encontrando uma variação de 45 nm por unidade de índice de refração. No trabalho de doutorado os melhores resultados foram obtidos na região de IR em 4, 3 μm, utilizando como fonte elementos resistivos e como detectores termopilhas, esses resultados foram obtidos para uma espessura de petróleo de 6 cm. / This work aims to assist the optical instrumentation development for oil and carbon dioxide detection: this instrumentation will serve as basis for the development of a monitoring system involving two-phase flow of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and oil. In the first part studies were develo- ped on the optical properties of oil and CO2 in the visible region (VIS), NIR and mid infrared (MIR). In the NIR region were performed works of optical characterization of CO2 , water and oil in static regime and dynamic regime were studied the two-phase flow involving water and air. In the study of CO2 were presented results for obtaining the absorption characteristic lines in the region of 1.5 μm and 2.0 μm, using different experimental techniques: with the gas chamber with the use of photonic crystal optical fiber (PCF) and finally with the use camera with multi-reflections. The experimental results obtained from the CO2 were compared with the results found in the literature, coinciding with values of tenths of a nanometer order to the region of 1.5 μm. Still in the CO2 were observed, in the gas chamber, the relation between camera pressure with characteristics of absorption lines. Data were obtained for oil fot its optical absorbance in regions of the VIS, NIR, MIR and far infrared (FIR) through numerous techniques of commercial and experimental spectroscopy: Spectroscopy in visible reflectance (ATR) and Fourier transform (FTIR). The FTIR results allowed to choose the regions of lower initial absorbance of oil in the regions of the NIR and MIR which in the future may be applied to optical technique for monitoring the CO2 diluted in oil; this is in the NIR region of 1.57 μm and MIR spectral region of 2.0 μm and 4.3 μm. In the experimental measurements in the region of 4.3 μm was found the amount of oil absorbance of 0.11 u.a./cm which differ by two orders of magnitude with the results obtained with FTIR. Another experiment performed with oil was aimed to obtain results for absorption into a thin film oil using a supercontinuum source and an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), and obtaining optical attenuation coefficient by using the PCF, the results were compared. For work on the spectral region of the FIR the effects of radiation emissivity to different materials with use of a CCD camera operating in the NIR and FAR region have being studied. All the results for the absorbance of the oil and CO2 were compared. Finally the optical study of oil solutions was observed at surface plasmon resonance (SPR) with incident light at an angle of 5 o with the metal film, finding a variation the 45 nm of refractive index unit. In the doctorate work the best results were obtained in the IR region of 4.3 μm , using as a source resistive elements and how detectors was utilized a thermopile, these results were obtained for a thick of oil of 6 cm.
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Métodos ópticos para caracterização de petróleo e dióxido de carbono / Optical methods for petroleum and carbon dioxide characterizationPatyk, Rodolfo Luiz 10 November 2015 (has links)
CAPES / O presente trabalho visa auxiliar no desenvolvimento da instrumentação óptica para a detecção do petróleo e do dióxido de carbono; essa instrumentação servirá de base para o desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitoração do escoamento bifásico envolvendo dióxido de carbono (CO2 ) e petróleo. Na primeira parte foram efetuados estudos das propriedades ópticas do petró-leo e do CO2 na região do visível (VIS), NIR e infravermelho médio (MIR). Na região do NIR foram realizados trabalhos de caracterização óptica do CO2 , água e petróleo em regime estático e em regime dinâmico foram estudados o escoamento bifásico envolvendo água e ar. No estudo do CO2 foram apresentados resultados referentes à obtenção das linhas características de absorção na região de 1, 5 μm e 2, 0 μm, utilizando metodologias experimentais diferentes: com uma câmara de gás, com o uso fibras ópticas de cristal fotônico (PCF) e por fim com o uso de câmara com multi reflexões. Os resultados experimentais obtidos com o CO2 foram comparados com os resultados encontrados na literatura, coincidindo com valores da ordem de décimos de nanômetros para a região de 1, 5 μm. Ainda no estudo do CO2 foram observados, no experimento da câmara de gás, a relação da pressão na câmara com a amplitude das linhas características de absorção. Para o petróleo foram obtidos dados referentes à sua absorbância óptica nas regiões do VIS, NIR, MIR e infravermelho distante (FIR) através de inúmeras técnicas de espectroscopia analíticas comerciais e experimentais: espectroscopia no visível, de refletância (ATR) e por transformada de Fourier (FTIR). Os resultados do FTIR possibilitaram escolher regiões iniciais de menor absorbância do petróleo nas regiões do NIR e do MIR onde no futuro poderá ser aplicada a técnica óptica para a monitoração do CO2 diluído no petróleo, no NIR é a região de 1, 57 μm e no MIR a região espectral de 2, 0 μm e 4, 3 μm. Nas medidas experimentais na região de 4, 3 μm foi encontrado o valor da absorbância do petróleo de 0, 11 u.a./cm o que difere em duas ordens de grandeza com os resultados obtidos com o FTIR. Outro experimento feito com petróleo teve como objetivo resultados para a absorção de uma filme fino de petróleo usando uma fonte supercontínua e uma Análise de Espectro Óptico (OSA), e a obtenção de um coeficiente de atenuação óptica como o uso do PCF, os resultados foram comparados. Para trabalhos referentes à região espectral do FIR estão sendo estudados os efeitos da emissividade da radiação para diferentes corpos com o uso de uma câmara CCD operando na região do NIR e FAR. Todos os resultados obtidos para a absorbância do petróleo e CO2 foram comparados. Por fim no estudo óptico de soluções de petróleo foi observada a ressonância de plasmons de superfície (SPR) com luz incidente com um ângulo de 5 o com a normal do filme metálico encontrando uma variação de 45 nm por unidade de índice de refração. No trabalho de doutorado os melhores resultados foram obtidos na região de IR em 4, 3 μm, utilizando como fonte elementos resistivos e como detectores termopilhas, esses resultados foram obtidos para uma espessura de petróleo de 6 cm. / This work aims to assist the optical instrumentation development for oil and carbon dioxide detection: this instrumentation will serve as basis for the development of a monitoring system involving two-phase flow of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and oil. In the first part studies were develo- ped on the optical properties of oil and CO2 in the visible region (VIS), NIR and mid infrared (MIR). In the NIR region were performed works of optical characterization of CO2 , water and oil in static regime and dynamic regime were studied the two-phase flow involving water and air. In the study of CO2 were presented results for obtaining the absorption characteristic lines in the region of 1.5 μm and 2.0 μm, using different experimental techniques: with the gas chamber with the use of photonic crystal optical fiber (PCF) and finally with the use camera with multi-reflections. The experimental results obtained from the CO2 were compared with the results found in the literature, coinciding with values of tenths of a nanometer order to the region of 1.5 μm. Still in the CO2 were observed, in the gas chamber, the relation between camera pressure with characteristics of absorption lines. Data were obtained for oil fot its optical absorbance in regions of the VIS, NIR, MIR and far infrared (FIR) through numerous techniques of commercial and experimental spectroscopy: Spectroscopy in visible reflectance (ATR) and Fourier transform (FTIR). The FTIR results allowed to choose the regions of lower initial absorbance of oil in the regions of the NIR and MIR which in the future may be applied to optical technique for monitoring the CO2 diluted in oil; this is in the NIR region of 1.57 μm and MIR spectral region of 2.0 μm and 4.3 μm. In the experimental measurements in the region of 4.3 μm was found the amount of oil absorbance of 0.11 u.a./cm which differ by two orders of magnitude with the results obtained with FTIR. Another experiment performed with oil was aimed to obtain results for absorption into a thin film oil using a supercontinuum source and an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), and obtaining optical attenuation coefficient by using the PCF, the results were compared. For work on the spectral region of the FIR the effects of radiation emissivity to different materials with use of a CCD camera operating in the NIR and FAR region have being studied. All the results for the absorbance of the oil and CO2 were compared. Finally the optical study of oil solutions was observed at surface plasmon resonance (SPR) with incident light at an angle of 5 o with the metal film, finding a variation the 45 nm of refractive index unit. In the doctorate work the best results were obtained in the IR region of 4.3 μm , using as a source resistive elements and how detectors was utilized a thermopile, these results were obtained for a thick of oil of 6 cm.
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Hardware and Software Fault-Tolerance of Softcore Processors Implemented in SRAM-Based FPGAsRollins, Nathaniel Hatley 09 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Softcore processors are an attractive alternative to using expensive radiation-hardened processors for space-based applications. Since they can be implemented in the latest SRAM-based FPGA technologies, they are fast, flexible and significantly less expensive. However, unlike ASIC-based processors, the logic and routing of a softcore processor are vulnerable to the effects of single-event upsets (SEUs). To protect softcore processors from SEUs, this dissertation explores the processor design-space for the LEON3 softcore processor implemented in a commercial SRAM-based FPGA. The traditional mitigation techniques of triple modular redundancy (TMR) and duplication with compare (DWC) and checkpointing provide reliability to a softcore processor at great spatial cost. To reduce the spatial cost, terrestrial ASIC-based processor protection techniques are applied to the LEON3 processor. These techniques come at the cost of time instead of area. The software fault-tolerance techniques used to protect the logic and routing of the LEON3 softcore processor include a modified version of software implemented fault tolerance (SWIFT), consistency checks, software indications, and checkpointing. To measure the reliability of a mitigated LEON3 softcore processor, an updated hardware fault-injection model is created, and novel reliability metrics are employed. The improvement in reliabilty over an unmitigated LEON3 is measured using four metrics: architectural vulnerability factor (AVF), mean time to failure (MTTF), mean useful instructions to failure (MuITF), and reliability-area-performance (RAP). Traditional reliability techniques provide the best reliability: DWC with checkpointing improves the MTTF and MuITF by almost 35x and TMR with triplicated input and outputs improves the MTTF and MuITF by almost 6000x. Software fault-tolerance provides significant reliability for a much lower area cost. Each of these techniques provides greater processor protection than a popular state-of-the-art rad-hard processor.
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