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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude expérimentale et numérique d'un distributeur auto-régulant pour l'irrigation

Deborde, Julien 12 December 2011 (has links)
Dans le cadre d’une collaboration avec la société PHYTOREM, nous avons élaboré un prototype de distribution autorégulé afin d’épandre des Eaux Usées après un simple dégrillage et via la Phytorémédiation (dépollution par les plantes).La première approche du projet de thèse a été de comprendre les comportements rhéologiques des effluents, mis à disposition par Phytorem, et mécaniques du matériau élastomère de type EPDM. Nous avons exposé les différentes façons de retrouver leurs propriétés rhéologiques et mécaniques par le biais de divers tests de rhéométrie, concernant les effluents, et de traction uni-, bi- et équibi-axiale, pour la partie matériau. Ceci nous a permis d’obtenir d’une part, la viscosité de nos effluents, et d’autre part, la loi de comportement la mieux adaptée à notre matériau.La deuxième et dernière approche porte sur les interactions entre un fluide et une membrane hyperélastique ayant pour fonction de réguler un écoulement. Le comportement de la membrane contrainte par la pression a été simulé sous Abaqus. Ces résultats ont permis de modéliser l’écoulement (code CFD commercial) lorsque la membrane est déformée et de déterminer numériquement la loi débit/pression du dispositif. Ces développements numériques s’appuient sur la méthode des éléments finis et un couplage partitionné simple en une étape pour une première approche entre le fluide, la membrane et la structure. Les modèles numériques sont validés expérimentalement. Ces travaux participent à l’élaboration d’un prototype de distributeur auto-régulé. / In collaboration with PHYTOREM, we have developed a prototype of self-regulated drip emitter to spread the Wastewater after a simple screening using phytoremediation (remediation by plants).The first approach of the thesis project was to understand the rheological behaviour of waste provided by PHYTOREM, and mechanical properties behaviour of EPDM elastomer type. We have explained the different ways to find their rheological and mechanical properties through various rheometry tests on waste, and tension uni-, biand equibi-axiale, for the material part. This allowed us to obtain first, the viscosity of our waste, and secondly, the behaviour law of best suited to our material.The second and final approach focuses on the interactions between a fluid and a hyperelastic membrane whose function is to regulate flow. The membrane behaviour under pressure stress was simulated using Abaqus. These results were used to model the flow (commercial CFD) when the membrane is distorted and to determine numerically its flow versus pressure law. These developments are relying on numerical finite element method and partitionned into a single coupling step for a first approach between fluid, membrane and structure. The numerical models are validated experimentally. This work contributes to the development of a prototype of self-regulated drip emitter.

Modal Characterization and Structural Dynamic Response of a Crane Fly Forewing

Rubio, Jose E 18 December 2014 (has links)
This study describes a method for conducting the structural dynamic analysis of a crane fly (family Tipulidae) forewing under different airflow conditions. Wing geometry is captured via micro-computed tomography scanning. A finite element model of the forewing is developed from the reconstructed model of the scan. The finite element model is validated by comparing the natural frequencies of an elliptical membrane with similar dimensions of the crane fly forewing to its analytical solution. Furthermore, a simulation of the fluid-structure interaction of the forewing under different airflows is performed by coupling the finite element model of the wing with a computation fluid dynamics model. From the finite element model, the mode shapes and natural frequencies are investigated; similarly, from the fluid-structure interaction, the time-varying out-of-plane deformation, and the coefficients of drag and lift are determined.

Investigation of the Quenching Characteristics of Steel Components by Static and Dynamic Analyses

Sarker, Pratik 18 December 2014 (has links)
Machine components made of steel are subjected to heat treatment processes for improving mechanical properties in order to enhance product life and is usually done by quenching. During quenching, heat is transferred rapidly from the hot metal component to the quenchant and that rapid temperature drop induces phase transformation in the metal component. As a result, quenching generates some residual stresses and deformations in the material. Therefore, to estimate the temperature distribution, residual stress, and deformation computationally; three-dimensional finite element models are developed for two different steel components – a spur gear and a circular tube by a static and a dynamic quenching analyses, respectively. The time-varying nodal temperature distributions in both models are observed and the critical regions are identified. The variations of stress and deformation after quenching along different pathways for both models are studied. The convergence for both models is checked and validations of the models are done.

Simulation des interactions fluide-structure dans le problème de l’aquaplaning / Numerical simulation of the fluid-structure interactions inside the aquaplaning problem

Hermange, Corentin 05 June 2017 (has links)
Le problème de l’hydroplannage a fait l’objet de peu de travaux de simulation jusqu’à présent du fait de sa complexité : couplage fluide-structure, complexité de la structure du pneu du fait des matériaux en présence, contact avec l’asphalte, complexité de l’écoulement fluide résultant (interface extrêmement complexe,assèchement de la route, ventilation, développement éventuel de la turbulence et de cavitation). Dans ce contexte, Michelin, Centrale Nantes et NextFlowSoftware ont cherché récemment à évaluer la capacité du solveur SPH développé par ces deux derniers pour classifier des pneumatiques en fonction de la géométrie de leurs structures surfaciques, sans prendre en compte la phase gazeuse. Cela a permis de démontrer la faisabilité de telles simulations par méthode SPH, et même d’obtenir de bons résultats avec pour avantages de s’absoudre des difficultés liées au maillage. L’autre avantage conséquent d’utiliser la méthode SPH pour modéliser le fluide dans ce contexte est apparu dans sa capacité à se coupler relativement aisément à des solveurs classiques de type Eléments Finis pour le problème structurel. L’objectif du doctorat est triple, poursuivre la qualification du couplage SPH–Eléments Finis, en particulier en termes énergétiques, développer des schémas permettant d’assurer un bon compromis stabilité / précision / temps de calcul. Deuxièmement quantifier l’influence des différents phénomènes physiques en jeu pour déterminer lesquels doivent être modélisés. Enfin adapter des modélisations SPH permettant de prendre en compte simultanément les différents phénomènes influant pour réaliser des simulations du problème complet. / The aquaplaning problem has been the topic of simulation works emphasizing its complexity: fluid structure interactions, structures modelling, materials involved, contact with asphalt and the complexity of the resulting fluid flow (extremely complex interface, drying up the road, ventilation, possible development of turbulence and cavitation). As additional difficulty, the tire is a highly deformable body and fluid-structure interaction effects should be considered, leading to a challenging problem for the numerical modelling. Then Michelin, Ecole Centrale Nantes and NextFlow Software have recently tested the ability of the SPH solver developed by the two latter to classify tires based on their surface structure geometries, without considering the gas phase. In this context, the interest of SPH for modelling efficiently the aquaplaning flow has been underlined. The meshless and Lagrangian feature of SPH naturally avoid the problem of fluid/solid grid compatibility. The other significant advantage of the SPH method, in this context, appears in its ability to be relatively easily coupled to with conventional Finite Element solvers. The aim of this workis three fold. First, qualify the SPH-FE coupling strategy, especially in terms of energy and then develop schemes to ensure a good compromise among stability, accuracy and computation time. Second, quantify the influence of different involved physical phenomena to determine which should be modelled. Finally, adapt SPH models to simultaneously consider different phenomena and to performe simulations of the complete problem.

Modélisation des pales d'éoliennes ou d'hydroliennes en environnement naturel à l'aide d'un code fluide-structure / Fluid-structure interaction on wind turbine blades

Lothodé, Corentin 24 September 2018 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la mise en œuvre de simulations sur des pales de machines tournantes. Une première partie de la thèse porte sur l’amélioration des performances du couplage fluide-structure. Des nouveaux algorithmes sont présentés. Une nouvelle méthode de déformation de maillage est évaluée. Les développements sont validés à partir de plusieurs cas tests. La deuxième partie porte sur l’application des avancées à des machines tournantes. Une première validation est faite sur une hydrolienne. La vibration d’une pale au passage du mat est étudiée. Enfin, des résultats sur une hydrolienne industrielle sont exposés. / A methodology to simulate blades of turbines is developed. A first part is dedicated to improving the performance of the fluid-structure coupling. New algorithms are presented. A new mesh morphing solution is shown. Developments are validated on many test cases. A second part is dedicated to applying the developments on turbines. A first validation is made on a water turbine. The vibration of a blade interacting with a mast is studied. Finally, some results of an industrial water turbine are shown.

Análise do problema harmônico de radiação e difusão acústica, usando o método dos elementos de contorno. / Harmonic analysis of the acoustic radiation and scattering problems, using boundary element methods.

Greco, Marcelo 24 February 2000 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudam-se problemas bidimensionais de propagação de ondas acústicas e elásticas, no domínio da freqüência, formulados através do Método dos Elementos de Contorno. A formulação é baseada nas representações integrais das equações diferenciais que governam os fenômenos de propagação de ondas acústicas num meio fluido e de ondas elásticas numa estrutura elástica. Analisa-se também a interação entre o fluido e a estrutura com o uso de sistemas de equações acoplados. As soluções fundamentais utilizadas são expressões exatas e não há necessidade de subdivisão dos domínios em células de integração. São aplicadas técnicas de integração alternativas na escolha das equações algébricas no domínio do fluido, visando a melhora das respostas globais do conjunto. Apresentam-se ainda exemplos numéricos, com o objetivo de possibilitar a modelagem numérica de problemas de acoplamento fluido-estrutura e de radiação e difusão acústica. / In this work, acoustic and elastic wave propagation problems in 2D, in frequency domain, are studied and formulated with the Boundary Element Methods. The formulation is based on the integral representations derived from the differential equations that govern the phenomena of acoustic wave propagation in a fluid medium and elastic wave propagation inside an elastic domain. The fluid-structure interaction is also formulated by coupling appropriately the corresponding systems of equations. The fundamental solutions adopted in this work are conveniently chosen to avoid the mass integral terms in the elastic wave integral representation and the equivalent terms in the acoustic integral equation. Thus, the algebraic representations of both problems are written only in terms of boundary values. Subdivisions of the domain to perform integrals over cells are not required. In an attempt to improve the global answers of the fluid problem, several integration techniques have been experimented to build alternative algebraic matrix equations. Numerical examples are presented in order to shown the accuracy of the studied acoustic radiation and scattering problems and also to verify the proposed fluid-structure coupling.

Noise radiation from small steps and cubic roughness elements in turbulent boundary layer flow

Unknown Date (has links)
Ji and Wang (2010) propose that the dominant source of sound from a forward facing step is the stream wise dipole on the face of the step and that sources acting normal to the flow are negligible. Sound radiation normal to flow of forward facing steps has been measured in wind tunnel experiments previously by Farabee and Casarella (1986, 1991) and Catlett (2010). A method for evaluating sound radiation from surface roughness proposed in Glegg and Devenport (2009) has been adapted and applied to flow over a forward facing step which addresses the sound normal to the flow that was previously unaccounted for. Far-field radiation predictions based on this method have been compared with wind tunnel measurements and show good agreement. A second method which evaluates the forcing from a vortex convected past surface roughness using RANS calculations and potential flow information is also evaluated. / by Benjamin Skyler Bryan. / Thesis (M.S.C.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

Noise Radiation From A Cylindrical Embossment Immersed In Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow

Unknown Date (has links)
This dissertation will consider the sound radiation from forward-facing steps and a three dimensional cylindrical embossment of very low aspect ratio mounted on a plate. Glegg et al (2014) outlined a theory for predicting the sound radiation from separated flows and applied the method to predicting the sound from forward-facing steps. In order to validate this theory it has been applied to the results of Catlett et al (2014) and Ji and Wang (2010). This validation study revealed that the original theory could be adjusted to include a mixed scaling which gives a better prediction. RANS simulations have been performed and used to support the similarities between the forward-facing step and the cylindrical embossment. The simulations revealed that the cylindrical embossment exhibits a separation zone similar to that of the forward-facing step. This separation zone has been shown to be the dominant source of noise on the forward-facing step in previous works and therefore was expected to be the major source of sound from the cylindrical embossment. The sensitivity of this separation zone to the different parameters of the flow has been investigated by performing several simulations with different conditions and geometries. The separation zone was seen to be independent of Reynolds number based on boundary layer thickness but was directly dependent on the height of the cylinder. The theory outlined in Glegg et al (2014) was then reformulated for use with a cylindrical embossment and the predictions have been compared with wind tunnel measurements. The final predictions show good agreement with the wind tunnel measurements and the far-field sound shows a clearly defined directionality that is similar to an axial dipole at low frequencies. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Simulação computacional do comportamento elástico de materiais pelo método de partículas Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS). / Computer simulation of elastic behavior of materials by the particle method Moving Particle Semi-Implicit (MPS).

Amaro Junior, Rubens Augusto 08 August 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho um método de partículas para simular a dinâmica de sólidos elásticos e interação fluido estrutura e implementado. O método e baseado no Moving Particle Semi-implicit (MPS), originalmente desenvolvido para escoamentos incompressíveis com superfície livre. A estratégia principal do MPS e substituir os operadores diferenciais das equações governantes por operadores diferenciais discretos em uma distribuição de nos irregulares, derivados de um modelo de interação entre partículas. Inicialmente são apresentados os detalhes da formulação do método e modelos constitutivos utilizados. Uma condição simplificada de fragmentação e proposta, assim como um algoritmo de detecção de contato, permitindo a fragmentação entre vários sólidos. No caso da interação fluido-estrutura, as partículas de superfície do solido são tratadas como partículas de fluido e as pressões destas partículas são calculadas pela resolução da equação de Poisson para a pressão, tal como as partículas de fluido. Desta forma, o acoplamento entre solido e fluido e realizado utilizando o deslocamento e velocidade do solido elástico, como condições de contorno do fluido, e a pressão na interface, obtida pela resolução do movimento do fluido, e aplicada ao movimento do solido elástico. São apresentados e detalhados os algoritmos de solido elástico, fragmentação, colisão e acoplamento fluido-estrutura. Validações qualitativas e quantitativas do método são realizadas para casos estáticos e dinâmicos sujeitos a diferentes condições de contorno, comparando os resultados numéricos obtidos pelo MPS, outros métodos numéricos, soluções analíticas e medições experimentais presentes na literatura. / In this work a particle method to simulate the dynamics of elastic solids and fluid-structure interaction is implemented. It is based on the Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method (MPS), which was originally developed for incompressible flows with free surface. The main strategy of the MPS is to replace the differential operators of the governing equations by discrete differential operators on irregular nodes, which are derived from a model of interaction between particles. Initially details of the method and constitutive equations are shown. A simplified condition of fragmentation and collision between solids are proposed to allow the investigation of fragmentation amount multiple solids. In case of fluid-structure interaction, the solid\'s surface particles are treated as a fluid particle and the pressures of the surface particles are computed by solving Poisson equation for the pressure, just as the fluid particles. Therefore, the coupling between solid and fluid is done by using the displacement and velocity of elastic solid as the boundary conditions of the fluid, and the pressure at the interface, which is obtained when solving the fluid motion, is used to calculate the motion of the elastic solid. The algorithms for elastic solid, fragmentation, collision and fluid-structure interaction are presented and detailed. The qualitative and quantitative validations of the method are carried out herein considering static and dynamic cases subjected to deferent boundary conditions by comparing the numerical results from MPS with other numerical, analytical and experimental results available in the literature.

Estudo e aperfeiçoamento de técnicas experimentais para análise modal vibroacústica em baixas freqüências / Vibroacoustic modal testing of automobile interior including structural modifications

Mamede, Whisner Fraga 28 May 2003 (has links)
A interação entre as ondas vibratórias geradas pela resposta estrutural de uma placa e os modos acústicos de uma cavidade, que é uma das principais fontes de ruído no interior de cabines de automóveis, é estudada empregando técnicas computacionais e experimentais. Para investigar este fenômeno foi construído um protótipo que consiste de uma cavidade feita de acrílico que simula o interior de um veículo. O teto deste modelo pode ser substituído por uma placa de alumínio flexível, para que se possa gerar efeitos de acoplamento entre o campo acústico e a resposta estrutural. Inicialmente, foi feito um estudo analítico do modelo, empregando-se técnicas de elementos finitos com o objetivo de extrair as freqüências naturais e modos vibroacústicos em uma faixa de freqüência abaixo de 300 Hz, em dois casos diferentes: com e sem a presença de assentos dentro da cavidade. Depois disso, o modelo foi submetido a vários testes experimentais, para se obterem as funções de resposta em freqüência, as freqüências naturais vibroacústicas e os modos acústicos e estruturais, usando excitação acústica e estrutural e empregando métodos padrões de análise modal. Para fins de comparação, as FRF\'s vibroacústicas foram obtidas de duas maneiras diferentes: com excitação estrutural e resposta acústica e com excitação acústica e resposta estrutural. As freqüências naturais e os modos vibroacústicos foram medidos usando excitação acústica e estrutural. Neste caso, é mostrada a importância do controle da força excitadora. Alguns parâmetros experimentais foram variados, tais como posicionamento das excitações acústica e estrutural e o tipo de suspensão. Finalmente, é apresentada uma compilação das diferentes técnicas para a extração dos parâmetros modais vibroacústicos, propondo novas metodologias para a medição dos modos acústicos e estruturais em freqüências abaixo de 70 Hz, controlando a força excitadora e utilizando métodos de ajuste de curvas. É mostrado que o uso de excitação acústica e estrutural merece alguns cuidados, visto que a aplicação dos métodos traz restrições de acordo com a faixa de freqüência e a escolha da melhor forma de extração dos modos vibroacústicos depende da freqüência estudada. / The interaction between the vibration waves generated by the structural response of a plate and the acoustic modes of a cavity, which is one of the main noise sources in automobile passenger cabin, is addressed employing both computational and experimental techniques. In order to investigate this phenomenon a prototype which consists of a cavity made of acrylic that resembles a vehicle interior was built. The roof of this model can be replaced by a flexible aluminum plate in order to generate coupling effects between the acoustic field and the structural response. Initially an analytical study was performed on the model employing finite element techniques with the aim of extracting the vibroacoustic natural frequencies and mode shapes in a frequency range below 300 Hz in two different cases: with and without the presence of seats inside the cavity. After that, the model was submitted to several experimental tests in order to obtain the frequency response functions, vibroacoustic natural frequencies and mode shapes, using acoustic and structural excitation and employing standard modal testing methods. For comparison purposes, the vibroacoustic FRF\'s were obtained in two different manners: with the structural excitation and acoustic response and with acoustic excitation and structural response. The vibroacoustic natural frequencies and mode shapes were measured employing both acoustic and structural excitation. In this case, it is shown the importance of the control of the exciting force. Some experimental parameters were varied, such as positioning of the acoustic and structural sources and the suspension type. Finally, a compilation of different techniques for the vibroacoustic modal parameters extraction is presented, proposing new methodologies for the acoustic and structural modes measurements in frequencies below 70 Hz, using force control and curve fitting methods. It is shown that both acoustic and structural excitations have restrictions concerning the frequency range and the choice of the better method for the extraction of the vibroacoustic mode shapes and natural frequencies depends on it.

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