Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fluid"" "subject:"flujo""
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Exfiltration Trenches for Post Construction Storm Water Management for Linear Transportation Projects: Field Study of Suspended MaterialsAbu Hajar, Husam A. 18 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Undersökning av regninsamlingssystem för Uppsala spårvagnsdepå: analys och implementeringvon Buxhoeveden, Ulrika, Pettersson, Emma, Larsson, Sofia, Malm, Daniel, Alexandersson, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med detta projekt var att förse Region Uppsala med ett förslag på ett hållbart regninsamlingssystem som kan användas vid den spårvagnsdepå som ska byggas utanför Uppsala. Detta i enlighet med regionens hållbarhetsmål, som bland annat anger att vattenkvalitet ska anpassas efter användningsområde. Projektet utfördes på beställning av Region Uppsala, i samarbete med STUNS energi. För att undersöka befintliga regninsamlingssystem i Sverige användes en semi-systematisk litteraturstudie. De system som undersöktes var huset Celsius i Uppsala, Sergelhusen i Stockholm och Citypassagen i Örebro. Dessa system jämfördes utifrån fyra kriterier och poängsattes baserat på hur väl de uppnådde dessa. Taktypers påverkan på det insamlade regnvattnets kvalitet jämfördes genom en litteraturstudie. Dessutom utvecklades ytterligare ett poängsystem baserat på Livsmedelsverkets kvalitetskrav för dricksvatten där kvalitetsparametrarna rangordnades utifrån hur allvarliga konsekvenser exponering för dessa skulle ge. För att avgöra vilket ändamål som det insamlade vattnet skulle kunna användas till inom spårvagnsdepån modellerades två system, ett för toalettspolning och ett för spårvagnstvätt. Systemet som Citypassagen använder är mest lämpat för implementering vid depån. Systemet är skyfallssäkert då det finns en dagvattentank innan reningen och eftersom dagvattentanken är av tillräckligt stor kapacitet för att hantera intensivt regn utan att omkringliggande ytor påverkas. Detta regninsamlingssystem har även kapacitet att täcka över 70 % av Citypassagens årliga vattenbehov för spolning av toaletter. Resultaten visar att galvaniserad metall var den mest lämpade taktypen om first flush används. First flush är en metod som används vid regninsamling där den första insamlade vattenvolymen avlägsnas före den faktiska regninsamlingen sker. Om first flush inte användes var gröna tak, takspån av trä eller takpannor av lera de mest lämpliga taktyperna på depåtaket. Gröna tak och takspån av trä bidrar till organiskt material i det insamlade regnvattnet som vid klorrening bildar flyktiga och giftiga biprodukter. Gröna tak och takspån av trä bör därför ej kombineras med regninsamling till en spårvagnstvätt där klorrening förekommer. Modelleringen av vatteninsamling och förbrukning, baserat på nederbördsdata från 1994–2023, visar att recirkulerat vatten och/eller regnvatten kan ersätta ungefär 99 % av det förväntade vattenbehovet inom depån oavsett val av användningsområde. Vid ett system anpassat för spolning av toaletter utnyttjas 28,4 % av tillgängligt vatten medan systemet för tvätt av spårvagnar utnyttjar 81,8 %. Utifrån resursutnyttjande av vatten anses därmed spårvagnstvätt vara det bättre lämpade användningsområdet. Dessa resultat är baserade på de största undersökta kapaciteterna hos dagvattentanken vilket motsvarar 105 m3 vid spolning av toaletter respektive 210 m3 vid spårvagnstvätt. Studien visar att implementering av ett regninsamlingssystem vid den planerade spårvagnsdepån är möjligt och att detta bidrar till en avsevärd minskning av användningen av kommunalt dricksvatten. Dessutom kan projektet och dess rekommendationer fungera som modell för framtida initiativ och därigenom främja hållbar utveckling.
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Investigation of Ultimate Strength of Composite Open-Web Joist-GirdersShowalter, Sheldon Lee 15 February 2000 (has links)
The goal of this research was to study several methods of generating composite action using open-web joist-girders, designed and manufactured by Nucor Corporation. In addition to comparing the relative performance of these systems, it was intended to determine whether the current accepted design procedure for composite joists could be extended to joist-girders. / Master of Science
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Toward a Production Ready FBJ Process for Joining Dissimilar Combinations of GADP 1180 Steel and AA 7085-T76Shirley, Kevin Alexander 01 March 2018 (has links)
Friction Bit Joining (FBJ) is a new technology that can be used to join dissimilar materials together. This ability makes it a good candidate for creating light weight structures for the automotive industry by combining lightweight materials such as aluminum to stronger materials like advanced high-strength steels. The automotive industry and many other industries have great interest in reducing structure weight to increase fuel efficiency. The purpose of this research is to make FBJ of GADP 1180 to AA 7085-T76 a production ready process by (1) better understanding the effects of process parameters, bit design and tool design on joint strength and reliability especially as they relate to different joint configurations; (2) determining if consecutive FBJ joints on a part will be additive in strength; (3) improving surface finish for better coating adhesion so that joints can be made to withstand extended corrosion testing; and (4) determining the failure modes and fatigue life of joint components at high and low load amplitudes. No universal parameter set for optimizing peak load for T-peel, cross tension, and lap-shear tension configurations were found. Due to the extreme load conditions of T-peel and the smaller margin of safety it is better to optimize for T-peel. However, strength and reliability were still improved across the board. Cutting features and tapered shanks were found to not always be necessary. Removing cutting features from the bit design increased peak weld cycle loads, but a stiffer machine can overcome this. Consecutive FBJ joints on a part are mostly additive in nature. When the weakest joint fails, its load is distributed to the remaining joints and will limit the peak load of the whole part. If all joints are "good" then the peak load will be approximately additive. Most of the stress is localized on the side of the bit opposite of the pulling direction. Failure modes in lap-shear tend to change from weld nugget pullouts in single weld specimens to aluminum material failures in multi-weld specimens. This is because of the added stiffness that additional material and welds provide to resist coupons bending and creating a peeling action. Surface finish was improved by development of a floating carbide cutting system which cut aluminum flash as it was generated around the head of the bit. A new internal drive design provided the ability to drive bits flush with the aluminum top layer if desired with minimal reductions in strength. Flush bits provided benefits in safety, cosmetics, and coating adhesion.
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Using PCSWMM to simulate first flush and assess performance of extended dry detention ponds as structural stormwater BMPs in a large polluted urban watershedKabbani, Muhieddine Saadeddine 01 May 2015 (has links)
Urbanization and increase of impervious areas impact stormwater runoff and can pollute receiving waters. Total suspended solids (TSS) are of particular concern as they can act as a transport agent for other pollutants. Moreover, the existence of the first flush phenomenon (FF), whereby the first stage of storm runoff is the most concentrated, can also have profound ecological effects on receiving waters. Understanding the various types of pollutants in watershed stormwater, their correlation with rainfall parameters (precipitation depth and previous dry days) and with TSS, and the existence of FF is crucial to the design of the most suitable structural best management practice (BMP) that can mitigate their harm. Personal Computer Storm Water Management Model (PCSWMM) is a well-known computer model that can simulate urban runoff quantity and quality and model BMPs. The use of PCSWMM to simulate the first flush phenomenon and to evaluate the effectiveness of structural BMPs has not been previously investigated for a large urban watershed with seriously polluted stormwater runoff.
This research is concerned with the study of a framework for designing structural best management practices (BMPs) for stormwater management in a large watershed that is based on comprehensive analysis of pollutants of concern, rainfall parameters of influence, and the existence of FF. The framework was examined using the PCSWMM computer model in the St Anthony Park watershed, an urban watershed in St Paul, Minnesota with a large drainage area of 3,418 acres that discharges directly into the Mississippi River via a storm tunnel. A comprehensive study was undertaken to characterize the overall St. Anthony Park watershed stormwater quality trends for the period of record 2005-2013 for heavy metals, nutrients (ammonia and total phosphorus), sediment (TSS), and bacteria (E. coli). Stormwater was found to be highly contaminated as measured by exceedance of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) water quality standards and as compared to data obtained from the National Stormwater Quality Database (NSQD). None of the examined parameters significantly correlated with precipitation depth. Concentrations of most heavy metals, total phosphorus and TSS positively correlated with previous dry days, and most pollutants correlated positively with TSS, which provided a strong rationale for using TSS as a representative pollutant in PCSWMM and in examining BMP efficiency. Moreover, BMPs that targeted the particulate fraction in stormwater would be the most efficient in reducing stormwater pollution.
A PCSWMM model was built based on the existing drainage system of the watershed, which consisted of inlet structures, manholes, pipes and deep manholes that connect the network pipes to a deep drainage tunnel discharging directly into Mississippi River. The model was calibrated and validated using recorded storm and runoff data. FF was numerically investigated by simulating pollutant generation and washoff. Using three different numerical definitions of FF, the existence of FF could be simulated, and was subsequently reduced by simulating extended dry detention ponds in the watershed.
Extended dry detention ponds (EDDPs) are basins whose outlets are designed to detain stormwater runoff for a calculated time that allows particles and associated pollutants to settle. Extended dry detention ponds are a potential BMP option that could efficiently control both water quantity (by diverting initial volumes of stormwater, thus addressing FF) and quality (by reducing suspending pollutants, thus addressing TSS and co-contaminants). Moreover, they are the least-expensive stormwater treatment practice on a cost per treated unit area. Two location-based designs were examined. The first was an EDDP at the main outfall (OFmain), while the second was a set of seven smaller EDDPs within the vicinity of deeper manholes of the deep tunnel (distributed EDDPs). Distributed EDDPs were similar to the OFmain EDDP at reducing peak stormwater flow (52-61%) but superior in reducing TSS loads (20-25% for small particles and 43-45% for larger particles based on the particle sedimentation rate removal constant k) and in reducing peak TSS loads (67-75%). These efficiencies were obtained using the dynamic and kinematic wave routing methods, indicating that they could be used interchangeably for this watershed. The steady state routing method produced unrealistic results and was subsequently excluded from FF analysis. Finally, distributed EDDPs were superior to OFmain EDDP at eliminating FF per the stringent fifth definition (Δ > 0.2). This was true for small values of k. However, larger values of k and other FF tests (above the 45º no-flush line and FF coefficient b < 1) showed that BMP implementation overall failed to completely eliminate FF. This suggested that the extended time required by EDDPs to efficiently remove pollutants from stormwater via settling would compromise their ability to completely eliminate FF.
In conclusion, a comprehensive framework was applied so as to better design the most efficient BMPs by characterizing the overall St. Anthony Park watershed stormwater pollutants, their correlation with rainfall parameters and with TSS, and the magnitude of FF. A cost-effective, rapid, and accurate method to simulate FF and study the optimal BMP design was thus implemented for a large urban watershed through the PCSWMM model.
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Águas pluviais para usos não potáveis em escolas municipais: estudo de caso na região da baixada de Jacarepaguá, RJ. / Rainwater for non potable uses in municipal schools: study of case in the region of Baixada de Jacarepaguá- RJ.Carla Ribeiro da Silva Peixe 12 March 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A captação de águas pluviais não constitui nova estratégia ou tecnologia. No entanto, recentemente tem sido proposta em regiões bem desenvolvidas ou em desenvolvimento (peri-urbanas) em resposta a grandes períodos de estiagens, aumento da demanda por água, maior conscientização pública das enchentes urbanas e sua gênese e, aumento do interesse em práticas de construções sustentáveis, que integram também o uso racional da água. As escolas constituem uma importante fundação da nação, e tem influência no desenvolvimento da sociedade e da sensibilização/ conscientização sobre as questões ambientais. Muitos dos usos da água nas escolas envolvem usos menos nobres da água. Neste contexto, nessa dissertação de mestrado além da análise de marcos legais nesse assunto, foi realizada pesquisa de opinião (entrevista e questionário) junto a atores que interferem no processo decisório da utilização das águas pluviais nas escolas para fins não potáveis. Foram observadas as condições físicas-construtivas das escolas do município do Rio de Janeiro, sobretudo na região da 7a. CRE, que abrange a região da Baixada de Jacarepaguá, área de expansão da cidade. Foi implementada uma unidade para coleta e caracterização da qualidade das águas pluviais, além da caracterização e estudo dos volumes de primeiro descarte (first flush). Os parâmetros de qualidade da água pH, T, OD, ORP, Tu, STD, Condutividade e Salinidade, foram observados com auxílio de sonda multiparâmetros e, através de análise laboratorial de acordo com o Standard Methods, os coliformes termotolerantes. No estudo de percepção foi verificada uma grande aceitação do aproveitamento de águas pluviais para fins não potáveis, embora diretores de escola tenham apresentado informações/percepção divergentes sobre consumo e contas de água das escolas, de sua coordenadoria. Na análise dos parâmetros de qualidade da água versus registros pluviométricos foi observada variabilidade nos eventos pluviométricos observados que limitaram a correlação entre os mesmos, e acabou limitando as conclusões dos estudos de volumes para primeira lavagem e descarte (first flush). Os resultados da pesquisa permitem recomendar a implementação de políticas públicas para aproveitamento de águas pluviais para fins não potáveis nas escolas, mas, com o devido apoio tecnológico. Recomenda-se o aperfeiçoamento e automatização do sistema de coleta de águas pluviais para os estudos de first-flush e otimização dos volumes de descarte. / Rainwater harvesting does not constitute a new strategy or technology. However, recently it has been proposed in well-developed regions or in development (peri-urban) in response to long periods of dryness, increased demand for water, greater public awareness of urban flooding and its genesis, and increased interest in sustainable construction practices, incorporating also the rational use of water. Schools are an important foundation of the nation and has influence in the development of society and awareness about environmental issues. Many of the uses of water in schools involve less noble uses of water. In this context, this dissertation in addition to the analysis of legal frameworks in this matter was held survey (interview and questionnaire) with actors who interfere in the decision-making process of the use of rainwater for non potable purposes in schools. Schools physical- constructive conditions were observed of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, especially in the region of the 7th CRE, which covers the region of Baixada de Jacarepaguá, area in expansion of the city. It was implemented a unit for collection and characterization of rainwater quality, plus the characterisation and study of volumes of first flush. The water quality parameters pH, T, DO, ORP, Tu, TDS, Conductivity and Salinity, were observed with the aid of multi-parameter probe and, through laboratory testing in accordance with the Standard Methods, the fecal coliforms. In the study of perception was verified a wide acceptance of the use of rainwater for drinking purposes, although school directors have submitted divergent perception/information about consumption and water bills of the schools in its coordination. In the analysis of water quality parameters versus rainfall records was observed a certain variability in the rainfall events observed that limited the correlation between them, and ended up limiting the conclusions of the studies of volumes for the first washing and disposal (first flush). The search results allowed to recommend the implementation of public policies for rainwater utilization for potable purposes in schools, but with a technological support. It is recommended the improvement and automation of the rainwater collection system for studies of first-flush and optimization of disposition volumes.
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Águas pluviais para usos não potáveis em escolas municipais: estudo de caso na região da baixada de Jacarepaguá, RJ. / Rainwater for non potable uses in municipal schools: study of case in the region of Baixada de Jacarepaguá- RJ.Carla Ribeiro da Silva Peixe 12 March 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A captação de águas pluviais não constitui nova estratégia ou tecnologia. No entanto, recentemente tem sido proposta em regiões bem desenvolvidas ou em desenvolvimento (peri-urbanas) em resposta a grandes períodos de estiagens, aumento da demanda por água, maior conscientização pública das enchentes urbanas e sua gênese e, aumento do interesse em práticas de construções sustentáveis, que integram também o uso racional da água. As escolas constituem uma importante fundação da nação, e tem influência no desenvolvimento da sociedade e da sensibilização/ conscientização sobre as questões ambientais. Muitos dos usos da água nas escolas envolvem usos menos nobres da água. Neste contexto, nessa dissertação de mestrado além da análise de marcos legais nesse assunto, foi realizada pesquisa de opinião (entrevista e questionário) junto a atores que interferem no processo decisório da utilização das águas pluviais nas escolas para fins não potáveis. Foram observadas as condições físicas-construtivas das escolas do município do Rio de Janeiro, sobretudo na região da 7a. CRE, que abrange a região da Baixada de Jacarepaguá, área de expansão da cidade. Foi implementada uma unidade para coleta e caracterização da qualidade das águas pluviais, além da caracterização e estudo dos volumes de primeiro descarte (first flush). Os parâmetros de qualidade da água pH, T, OD, ORP, Tu, STD, Condutividade e Salinidade, foram observados com auxílio de sonda multiparâmetros e, através de análise laboratorial de acordo com o Standard Methods, os coliformes termotolerantes. No estudo de percepção foi verificada uma grande aceitação do aproveitamento de águas pluviais para fins não potáveis, embora diretores de escola tenham apresentado informações/percepção divergentes sobre consumo e contas de água das escolas, de sua coordenadoria. Na análise dos parâmetros de qualidade da água versus registros pluviométricos foi observada variabilidade nos eventos pluviométricos observados que limitaram a correlação entre os mesmos, e acabou limitando as conclusões dos estudos de volumes para primeira lavagem e descarte (first flush). Os resultados da pesquisa permitem recomendar a implementação de políticas públicas para aproveitamento de águas pluviais para fins não potáveis nas escolas, mas, com o devido apoio tecnológico. Recomenda-se o aperfeiçoamento e automatização do sistema de coleta de águas pluviais para os estudos de first-flush e otimização dos volumes de descarte. / Rainwater harvesting does not constitute a new strategy or technology. However, recently it has been proposed in well-developed regions or in development (peri-urban) in response to long periods of dryness, increased demand for water, greater public awareness of urban flooding and its genesis, and increased interest in sustainable construction practices, incorporating also the rational use of water. Schools are an important foundation of the nation and has influence in the development of society and awareness about environmental issues. Many of the uses of water in schools involve less noble uses of water. In this context, this dissertation in addition to the analysis of legal frameworks in this matter was held survey (interview and questionnaire) with actors who interfere in the decision-making process of the use of rainwater for non potable purposes in schools. Schools physical- constructive conditions were observed of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, especially in the region of the 7th CRE, which covers the region of Baixada de Jacarepaguá, area in expansion of the city. It was implemented a unit for collection and characterization of rainwater quality, plus the characterisation and study of volumes of first flush. The water quality parameters pH, T, DO, ORP, Tu, TDS, Conductivity and Salinity, were observed with the aid of multi-parameter probe and, through laboratory testing in accordance with the Standard Methods, the fecal coliforms. In the study of perception was verified a wide acceptance of the use of rainwater for drinking purposes, although school directors have submitted divergent perception/information about consumption and water bills of the schools in its coordination. In the analysis of water quality parameters versus rainfall records was observed a certain variability in the rainfall events observed that limited the correlation between them, and ended up limiting the conclusions of the studies of volumes for the first washing and disposal (first flush). The search results allowed to recommend the implementation of public policies for rainwater utilization for potable purposes in schools, but with a technological support. It is recommended the improvement and automation of the rainwater collection system for studies of first-flush and optimization of disposition volumes.
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Administrativní objekt - Brno,Medlánky / Administrative object - Brno,MedlánkyDoležal, Filip January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is the processing of the project documentation of an office building. The structure is designed as a detached building with five floors and with one basement. A garage for 10 cars is situated in the basement and there is office space located on the floors. The structural system of the building is reinforced concrete skeleton. Exterior building envelope si made of glazed curtain wall. The roof of the building is flat.
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Impact of Water Management and Agronomic Practices on the Performance of Insecticide Seed Treatments against Rice Water Weevil, Lissorhoptrus Oryzophilus Kuschel, in Mississippi RiceAdams, Charles Andrew 11 May 2013 (has links)
Two field trials were conducted to determine the impact of water management on the efficacy of insecticide seed treatments against rice water weevil, Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, in rice at the Delta Research and Extension Center during 2011 and 2012. The performance of thiamethoxam, chlorantraniliprole, and clothianidin was evaluated when the permanent flood was established at different timings (6 and 8 weeks after planting) and the effect of flush number (0, 1, or 2) on seed treatment performance was evaluated. Seed treatment efficacy was not impacted by delayed flooding, but 2 flushes reduced efficacy of some seed treatments. Experiments were also conducted to determine the impact of reduced seeding rates found in hybrid rice production on the efficacy of insecticide seed treatments targeting rice water weevil. Efficacy was similar when comparing currently labeled rates of thiamethoxam, chlorantraniliprole, and clothianidin with higher rates of these products.
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A Study of the Effect of Load and Displacement Control Strategies on Joint Strength in Friction Bit Joining of GA DP 1180 Steel and AA 7085-T71Berg, Taylor George 10 December 2021 (has links)
Friction Bit Joining (FBJ) is a new technology that can be used to join dissimilar materials together. This ability makes it a good candidate for creating lightweight structures for the automotive industry by combining lightweight materials such as aluminum to stronger materials like advanced high-strength steels. The automotive industry is putting significant effort into interest in reducing vehicle structure weight to increase fuel efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Joining of dissimilar materials is a challenge they face in the light weighting the body of the vehicle. The purpose of the current research is to employ FBJ in the joining of a very challenging material combination: GA DP 1180 to AA 7085-T71. In accomplishing this purpose, the goal is to move FBJ toward a more production ready process by better understanding the effects of tooling, bit design, and process parameters on joint strength and reliability as they relate to load profiles captured during the joining process. It was found that the joint strength variation was influenced strongly by the hardness and the geometric consistency of the consumable bits. Bit hardness below 45 HRC led to joint strength that was less than the required specification (5kN in lap shear tension, and 1.5kN in cross-tension and T-peel). Variation in bit height and diameter also led to excessive scatter in joint strength values, where it was not possible to meet the standard for 10 consecutive specimens (for each of the three tests). Implementation of high-speed data acquisition (1000Hz) enabled the capture of load curve profiles generated during FBJ. Load curve profiles were correlated with destructive testing results to discover the impact of process parameter combinations. Analysis of load curve profiles led to improvements in parameter selections of spindle speeds (revolutions per minute) and spindle feed-rates (inches per minute). Process parameters of 5000 RPM and 15 IPM reduced variation in load-curve profiles and destructive testing. Satisfactory joint strength was achieved in lap shear tension, cross-tension, and T-peel testing configurations with values of 10.1 kN, 4.1 kN, and 1.8 kN, respectively. The presence of wet adhesive had little impact on joint performance. Finally, the analysis of a load-curve profiles resulted in a criterion that allowed for distinguishing "good" welds from "bad" ones, where a threshold load of 6kN, or higher, during the dwell phase of welding was required in order to meet joint strength standards.
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