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Klimatfrågor i kinesisk media : En jämförande analys av rapporteringen om klimatförändringar i Folkets Dagblad den 30-05-2017 till 19-06-2017Haji, Saadia January 2019 (has links)
According to World Resources Institute, China burns as much coal as the whole world combined. This thesis aims to gain an insight into what the Chinese government thinks about climate change by examining 37 articles published by the state owned newspaper People’s Daily 30-05-2017 – 19-06-2017. This will be done in connection to the Paris agreement (CoP21), USA’s withdrawal from the agreement and by applying Good’s (2008), Semetko and Valkenburg’s (2000) news frames. In terms of Goods (2008) news frames, this research compares its results to another research done 25-11-2015 – 15-12-2015, to determine whether the reports have changed overtime. In addition, this study also examines how developing countries are portrayed in the newspaper with regard to climate change and with the help of Semetko and Valkenburg’s news frames. Both studies have shown that People's Daily mostly report about climate change in an economic and political context with a slight change in the economic frame that has seen an increase during the time period of this study. The newspaper also prefers to report about the solutions to counter climate change rather than causes. The articles praise China for its involvement in helping developing countries, and the developed countries are reported to be responsible for helping them (developing countries) fight climate change.
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Svensk opinionsbildning 1918 : En studie av tre socialistiska tidningar och riksdagens opinionsuttryck i anslutning till finska inbördeskrigetHenriksson, Joakim January 2015 (has links)
The civil war in Finland became a great political battle between the Swedish Social Demo- cratic Party (SAP) and the Swedish Social Democratic Left-Wing Party (SSV) during spring 1918. Few studies about Swedish media report have been published that has a connection to the Finnish civil war. This composition has compared three socialist newspapers – Folkets Dagblad Politiken (FDP), Norrskensflamman and Social-Demokraten – formation of opinion. In the Swedish parliament’s lower chamber a significant interpellation debate took place, which this composition compares with the newspapers, in order to identify if the debate affected the newspapers reports.This composition administers a qualitative method by the use of text analytical elements. This allows findings of differences in the media reports during February 1918. The newspapers media opinion and the lower chamber members’ statements’ has been studied throughout three aspects: which causalities they gave to the civil war, how they related to the Swedish government commitment to Finland and how they related to the national political “Finnish debate”. In general, the Left-Wing Party supported the Finnish social democrats rising, whereas the Swedish Social Democrats couldn’t authorize the rising. Instead they emphasized that they acted on the will of the Swedish population, by keeping Sweden out of the war.The differences between the Left-Wing Party and the Social Democrats were vast during the debate. One could understand this polemic by applying Gunnar Sjöbloms theoretical concept of how parties construct their political ambitions in a multiparty system. The Left-Wing was more idealistic in the debate, compared to the Social Democrats who were more practical. The Social Democrats was for the first time in Swedish history in a ministry cabinet, together with the Liberal Party. Thus the ambition for the SAP was to show their voters that the party was “governmental capable”. SAP couldn’t legitimize nor admit the Finnish rising, thus they accentuated the democratic inviolableness. SSVs’ more idealistic standpoint became clear when they supported the Finnish Social Democratic rising. Therefore, SAPs’ focus was to maximize their parliamentary influence, while SSVs’ focus was to realize their political, ideological program. Thus the parties’ had different political ambition, which became clear during the “Finland debate”.Keywords: Finnish civil war, SAP, SSV, Folkets Dagblad Politiken, Norrskensflamman, Social-Demokraten, formation of opinion.
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Ny Dag, Folkets Dagblad och Abessinienkrisen 1935Lundgren, Magnus January 2019 (has links)
År 1935 invaderar Italien under ledning av Benito Mussolini Etiopien, på den tiden kallat Abessinien. Kriget föregicks av en lång tids mobilisering och debatt, både i omvärlden och i Sverige. Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur tidningarna Ny Dag och Folkets Dagblad påverkades av Sovjetunionens politik gentemot Abessinienkrisen 1935 i deras egna ställningstaganden i Abessinienkrisen, samt hur det påverkade deras syn på antikrigsdemonstrationer i Sverige. Ny Dag var partitidning för Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti och Folkets Dagblad för Socialistiska Partiet. Källmaterialet i denna uppsats består av bevarade upplagor ifrån Ny Dag och Folkets Dagblad som finns i Kungliga bibliotekets mediearkiv. Undersökningen är uppdelad i två tidsperioder, mellan januari-juli 1935 samt juli-oktober 1935. Detta för att Kominterns kongress äger rum i augusti 1935 samt att kriget bryter ut i oktober. Även om båda tidningarna var motståndare till Italiens invasion av Abessinien visar resultatet av denna undersökning på att det rådde stora motsättningar mellan tidningarna om hur antikrigsarbetet skulle föras, samt att tidningarnas relationer till Sovjetunionen i hög grad präglade tidningarnas ställningstaganden. Detta var extra tydligt efter Kominterns 7:e kongress i augusti 1935, då tidningarna upptog en bitter och intensiv rivalitet gentemot varandra kring Abessinienfrågan. Medan Ny Dag i stort sett var helt eniga med Kominterns riktlinjer gällande Abessinienkrisen och på vilket sätt antikrigsarbetet skulle föras, ställde sig Folkets Dagblad skarpt kritiskt till Komintern och Ny Dag i dessa frågor. Ämnen som tidningarna kom att vara oense om var Sovjetunionens roll i Abessinienkrisen, Nationernas Förbunds roll samt Sveriges roll och hur antikrigsrörelsen i Sverige skulle mobiliseras.
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Medborgare, sträck ut din arm : Bloddonation och blodhandel i Folkets Dagblad 1985-1998 / Citizen, Give Me Your Arm : Blood Donation and Blood Selling in People’s Daily 1985-1998Engdahl, Lin January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this BA-study is to analyse articles about blood selling and blood donations in the Chinese daily newspaper People’s Daily between 1985 and 1998. With publications of popular scientific material, reports from rallies and portraits of blood donating “heroes” etc., the People’s Daily, i.e. the Chinese Communist Party, actively addresses the underlying cultural reluctance to give blood by different means. People’s Daily and the CCP resolutely aims to transform negative Confucian and other traditional notions of losing blood into representations of courage, honour, duty, etc. In a broader sense, the citizen’s donations become acts correlated to the social body and the nation’s future.
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