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Substituição do milho moído fino por polpa cítrica peletizada no concentrado de vacas leiteiras mantidas em pastagens de capim elefante durante o outono - inverno. / Partial substution of fine ground corn by peleted citrus pulp in the concentrate of lactating dairy cows, grazing intensive managed elephant-grass (Pennisetum purpureum, Shum).Junio Cesar Martinez 21 June 2004 (has links)
Objetivou-se estudar a substituição do milho por polpa cítrica peletizada no concentrado de vacas leiteiras em lactação, durante a estação chuvosa do ano, em pastejo de capim-elefante. Os trabalhos foram conduzidos no Departamento de Zootecnia da ESALQ/USP. O delineamento estatístico foi em Quadrado Latino 4 x 4, analisados utilizando-se o Proc GLM (SAS, 1999). Foi utilizada uma área de 7,8 ha de pastagem dividida em 39 piquetes de 0,2 ha cada, adubada com 80 kg N ha mês-1. Experimento I: Foram utilizadas oito vacas Holandesas com média de 82 dias de lactação e 522,9 kg de PV, no início do período experimental. Os tratamentos continham as seguintes proporções de milho e polpa cítrica: 100:0 (T0); 75:25 (T25); 50:50 (T50); 25:75 (T75). As vacas receberam 7,00 kg de concentrado dia-1 (6,3 kg MS), fracionado em duas vezes ao dia. A pastagem foi adubada com 80 kg N ha.mês-1. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) no tempo de pastejo (7h22), ruminação (8h36), ócio (5h56) e taxa de bocados (34,4 movimentos min-1). A temperatura retal (38,74 e 39,64ºC) e freqüência respiratória (47,44 e 61,20 movimentos min-1), mensuradas as 8:00 e as 15:30 horas, respectivamente, não foram afetadas pelos tratamentos (P>0,05). Não houve diferença (P>0,05) na produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura (18,5 kg vaca dia-1), percentagens de gordura (3,5%), proteína (3,06%), lactose (4,40%), sólidos totais (13,02%), N-uréico (15,01 mg dL-1) e contagem de células somáticas (203.000 mL-1). O peso vivo (536,8 kg), condição corporal (2,51), glicose plasmática (75,90 mg dL-1), N-uréico plasmático (16,96 mg dL-1) e ácidos graxos livres no plasma (456,12 mEq L-1) também não foram afetados pelos tratamentos (P>0,05). Experimento II: Foram utilizadas 11 vacas (7 Holandesas e 4 Jersey), com 427,5 kg de PV e 153,22 dias de lactação, no início do período experimental. Os concentrados continham 21,8% de PB e as respectivas proporções de milho e polpa cítrica: 100:0 (T0); 75:25 (T25); 50:50 (T50); 25:75 (T75). As vacas receberam 6,1 kg de concentrado dia-1 (5,5 kg de MS), fracionado em duas vezes ao dia, fornecido após cada ordenha. A pastagem era adubada com 80 kg N ha mês-1. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) na produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura (13,7 kg vaca dia-1), percentagens de gordura (3,8%), proteína (3,37%), sólidos totais (13,27%), N uréico (14,34 mg dL-1) e contagem de células somáticas (140.450 mL-1). A percentagem de lactose foi diferente (P<0,05) para a maior dose de substituição. O peso vivo (427,2 kg), condição corporal (2,74), glicose plasmática (74,63 mg dL-1), N uréico plasmático (16,74 mg dL-1), e ácidos graxos livres no plasma (417,81 mEq L-1) não foram afetados pelos tratamentos (P>0,05). Não houve diferença (P>0,05) no tempo de pastejo (7h51), ruminação (7h59), ócio (6h) e taxa de bocados (37,91 movimentos min-1). A Temperatura retal (38,76 e 39,61ºC) e freqüência respiratória (53,57 e 71,50 movimentos min-1), mensuradas às 8:00 e às 15:30 horas, respectivamente, não foram afetadas pelos tratamentos (P>0,05). O milho pode ser substituído pela polpa cítrica sem depreciar a produção e composição do leite. / Two experiments were conducted to study the partial substitution of fine ground corn by peleted pulp citric in the concentrate of lactating cows in middle lactation (Experiment I) and in late lactation (Experiment II), grazing elephant grass pasture. The trials were conducted at the Animal Science Department of ESALQ/USP. In both experiments, the animals were grouped according to milk yield, days in milk and parturition order. The statistical designs were repeated 4 x 4 Latin Square. The data were analysed using the Proc GLM of SAS (1999). Experiment I: Eight Holstein cows (82 DIM and 522.9 kg LBW), at the beginning of the trial were used. The concentrates contained the following corn:peleted citrus pulp proportions: 100:0 (T0); 75:25 (T25); 50:50 (T50); 25:75 (T75). The cows received 7 kg of concentrate day-1 (6.3 kg of DM), fractionated in 2 daily meals. The pasture was fertilized with 80 kg N ha.month-1. The forage offer was of 33,6 kg DM of green leaves cow day-1. There was not difference (P>0.05) in the grazing time (7h22), rumination time (8h36), leisure time (5h56) and biting rate (34.4 movements min-1). The rectal temperature (38.74 and 39.64ºC) and respiratory frequency (47.44 and 61.20 movements min-1), measured at 8:00 AM and at 3:30 PM, respectively, were not affected by treatments (P>0.05). There was not difference (P>0.05) in 3.5 % FCM yield (18.5 kg cow day-1), in the contents of milk fat (3.5%), protein (3.06%), lactose (4.40%) and total solids (13.02%), milk urea-N (15.01 mg dL-1) and of somatic cells (203.000 mL-1) were not affected by treatments (P>0.05). The LBW (536.8 kg), BCS (2.51), plasma glucose (75.90 mg dL-1), plasma urea-N (16.96 mg dL-1) and plasma free fat acids (456.12 mEq L-1) were not affected by treatments (P>0.05). Experiment II: Eleven cows were used, 7 Holstein and 4 Jersey (427.5 kg LBW and 153.22 DIM), at the beginning of the trial. The concentrates were 21.8% of CP (DM bases), and the respective corn:peleted citric pulp ratio were: 100:0 (T0); 75:25 (T25); 50:50 (T50); 25:75 (T75). The cows were fed 6.1 kg day-1 of concentrate (5.5 kg of DM), fractionated in 2 daily meals, after each milking. There was not difference (P>0.05) in 3.5 FCM yield (13.7 kg cow day-1), in the content of milk fat (3.8%), protein (3.37%) and total solids (13.27%), milk urea-N (14.34 mg dL-1) and somatic cells (140,450 mL-1). The lactose content was lower (P<0.05) for the 25:75 diet. The LBW (427.2 kg), BCS (2.74), plasma glucose (74.63 mg dL-1), plasma urea-N (16.74 mg dL-1), and plasma free fat acids (417.81 mEq L-1) were not affected by treatments (P>0.05). There were no difference (P>0.05) in the grazing time (7h51), rumination time (7h59), leisure time (6h) and biting rate (37.91 movements min-1). The rectal temperature (38.76 and 39.61ºC) and respiratory frequency (53.57 and 71.50 movements min-1), measured at 8:00 and at 15:30 hours, respectively, were not affected by treatments (P>0.05). The corn can be substituted by the citric pulp without depreciating the milk yield and content.
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Přídavek probiotické složky do výrobků pro dětskou výživu / Addition of probiotics to baby food productsDudrová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with preparation of probiotic cultures Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium breve enriched with prebiotics meant for application in baby food products. Natural extracts from matcha, moringa, young beat, young barley, chlorella and spirulina were selected as prebiotics. The theoretical part is focused on probiotic bacteria, their biological effects and their effects on the child´s body. The experimental part deals with the cultivation of probiotic bacteria with plant extracts, monitoring their viability and stabilization in an encapsulated form. Mixtures of probiotic cells with prebiotics were encapsulated into alginate particles to increase stability. Some of the alginate particles were processed by freeze drying. Mixtures of probiotic cultures with plant extracts were subjected to model human digestion by the action of model digestive juices in unencapsulated, encapsulated and lyophilized form. Selected extracts of plant materials were characterized in terms of amount of total and reducing sugars, total phenolic substances, individual phenolic substances and antioxidant activity. Further, two baby commercial dietary supplements containing probiotics were selected, which were characterized in terms of cell number and viability. Probiotic products were also subjected to model digestion.
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La notion de denrées alimentaires / Concept of food denreeDalmet, Christophe 18 December 2009 (has links)
Avec l’apparition massive des borderline products, les frontières traditionnelles entre la denrée alimentaire et les autres catégories de produits que l’on ingère ne cessent de se brouiller. Certes des éléments de définition de cette denrée se trouvent dans divers textes juridiques, notamment communautaires à l’image du règlement Food Law, mais toujours est-il que malgré tout demeure en partie le mystère identitaire qui entoure cette notion. Aussi, afin de pouvoir appliquer aux produits litigieux un statut adéquat et déterminer par la même le régime juridique qui doit être le leur, des références précises de l’aliment doivent être mises en évidence au travers de son analyse d’ensemble, l’étude tant de sa fonction que de sa présentation s’avérant indispensable pour résoudre cette problématique non dépourvue d’importance pratique / With the widespread appearance of borderline products, the traditional boundaries between the food and other categories of products that we ingest are constantly blurred. Then of course the defining elements of this commodity are in various legal texts, including the Community Food Law Regulation image, but the fact that still remains part of the mystery surrounding the identity concept. Also, in order to apply the products at issue and determine an appropriate status by the same legal regime that should be theirs, precise references to the food must be demonstrated through its comprehensive analysis, the study as its function as their presentation proving indispensable to solve this problem is not without practical importance
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