Spelling suggestions: "subject:"water"" "subject:"later""
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Associations Between Moral Foundations and Healthy Eating Identity and Self-EfficacyJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Background: Previous research suggests a healthy eater schema (i.e., identifying yourself as a healthy eater) may be a useful concept to target in interventions. A "stealth" intervention that discussed the moral issues related to food worked better at promoting healthful eating than an intervention focused on the health benefits. No research has explored the relationship between moral foundations, a theoretical model focused on delineating core "foundations" for making a moral decision, and healthy eater self-identity or self-efficacy. Purpose: We explored the relationship between moral foundations (i.e., harm/care, fairness/reciprocity, in-group/loyalty, authority/respect, & purity/sanctity) and health eater self-identity and fruit and vegetable self-efficacy (FVSE). Methods: 542 participants completed an online cross-sectional survey, which included moral foundations (i.e., MFQ), political views, healthy eater self-identity (i.e., HESS), and FVSE measures. Logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between moral foundations between healthy eater self-identity after controlling for age, gender, major, BMI, and political beliefs. OLS regression was used to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and the moral foundations after controlling for the covariates. Results: 75.6% of the sample were college students, with a mean age of 25.27 (SD=8.61). 25.1% of students were nutrition majors. Harm/care, authority/respect, and ingroup/loyalty were significantly associated with healthy eater schema, (i.e., OR=1.7, p<.001, OR=1.5, p=.009, and OR=1.4, p=.027, respectively). Ingroup/loyalty, authority/respect, and purity/sanctity were related to FVSE (p=.006, p=.002, p=.04, respectively). Conclusion: Among college students, harm/care and authority/respect were associated with a healthy eater schema. Future research should explore possible uses of these moral foundations in interventions (e.g., a plant-based diet based on reduced harm to animals or eating fewer processed views based on "traditional" values). / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Nutrition 2013
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La géographie italienne des saveurs et des arômes dans l’imaginaire français contemporain / The Italian geography of tastes and flavours in the contemporary French imaginationZappalà, Daniele 10 February 2017 (has links)
La reconnaissance et la construction de la cuisine italienne en France relèvent d’un processus historique et social dont l’imaginaire des mangeurs français est le principal moteur, sur fond d’une communauté culturelle franco-italienne ancienne. Ce rôle performatif de l’imaginaire s’exerce à travers des concepts (rattachés à la cuisine) circulant entre la conscience des mangeurs, la sémiosphère française et les territoires culinaires italiens en France. Dans l’espace public, ces derniers sont représentés principalement par les établissements italiens de restauration. En considérant les trois dimensions (imaginaire des mangeurs, contenus circulant dans la sémiosphère, établissements culinaires), cette thèse analyse le rôle spécifique de l’imaginaire géographique dans la migration et la création contemporaines de la cuisine italienne en France. L’opérateur géographique du paysage joue encore un rôle essentiel dans cette construction, mais il est investi de plus en plus par un processus d’écologisation, au fur et à mesure que la cuisine italienne en France devient le symbole d’un voyage vers une nature désirée. L’opérateur trajectif du naturel (mouvement vers la nature) prend le relais du paysage, dans un contexte d’inquiétudes écologiques croissantes des mangeurs et de rejet des modèles alimentaires d’inspiration strictement moderniste, conçus à partir d’une séparation présumée entre homme et nature. La cuisine italienne en France devient une illustration de la quête contemporaine de nouveaux modes d’existence. En même temps, l’intensité de la reconnaissance culinaire franco-italienne pourrait ouvrir des perspectives dans le champ de la géopolitique planétaire du goût. / The recognition and the construction of the Italian cookery in France are the products of a historical and social process having its main motive in the eaters’ imagination, based on the old cultural affinity between France and Italy. This performative function of imagination is exercised through concepts (in connection with cookery) circulating among eaters’ consciousness, French semiosphere and the Italian culinary territories in France. In the public space, these territories coincide with the Italians eating-places. This Ph.D. thesis analyses the specific function of the geographical imagination in the contemporary migration and construction of the Italian cookery in France, by considering three dimensions (eaters’ imagination, semiosphere circulating contents, eating-places). A crucial role in this construction is still played by landscape as geographical actant, but this one is increasingly involved in a process of ecologization, as Italian cookery in France becomes the symbol of a travel towards a desired nature. Naturalness as a transitional actant (movement toward nature) takes over from landscape, in the context of increasing ecological anxieties by eaters and a rejection of strictly modernistic food models based on a presumed division between man and nature. Italian cookery in France becomes an illustration of contemporary quest for new ways of life. At the same time, French-Italian high culinary recognition could open new perspectives in the field of the global geopolitics of taste.
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Together in every bite: support your child to become a curious eaterDunay, Nadya Goldman 23 August 2022 (has links)
Eating and feeding are skills learned in early childhood that are important to human survival. These activities are complex and require physical, sensory, cognitive, and behavioral skills. Understanding the nature of picky eating and addressing it in this essential developmental period is critical to establishing healthy eating habits that persist into adulthood. Educating and equipping parents and caregivers with the tools they need to support their child will create healthy, sustainable eating habits.
Picky eating is a concern for parents of children at all developmental stages that is frequently associated with parent stress and mealtime disruptions. Researchers often refer to picky eating as a passing childhood phase; however, clinical studies and longitudinal results indicate that picky eating could persist into adulthood and cause obesity, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, and respiratory problems. Three main factors cause picky eating: the child, the caregiver, and the mealtime climate.
Together in Every Bite is a virtual hands-on parent education program that aims to educate parents and caregivers to establish healthy habits around mealtime and decrease picky eating behavior in children in their early developmental stages (6-24 months) and decrease mealtime stress and anxiety. Caregivers will engage in problem-solving and plan-building activities coinciding with the learned material, developing their self-efficacy and confidence while reducing stress and anxiety. The program director will also distribute valuable information provided through this platform to health professionals who work with parents of infants. This paper outlines the relevant literature and theory, and the evaluation, funding, and dissemination plans for Together in Every Bite.
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Born To Be Wild: Tiger Persecution and Advocacy From 1800 to the PresentNorris, Katheryn Malcolm 07 July 2005 (has links)
The tiger (Panthera tigris) was once abundant in many of Asia’s forests. The entire species now hovers dangerously close to extinction. Population declines within the last two centuries are blamed largely on loss of habitat, reductions in prey species, poaching, and human-tiger conflict. Modern tiger conservation efforts focus on reintroducing formerly captive tigers to designated protected wild areas.
Re-wilding and reintroduction programs teach survival skills to tiger cubs raised in zoo collections. Merging in situ and ex situ research collaborations is the twenty-first century’s interdisciplinary answer to the tiger’s plight in the wild. The zoo is viewed in terms of its role as an institution that represents societal values that shift in concurrence with shifting paradigms.
This thesis studies the human-tiger relationship and analyzes three defining periods that occurred between 1800 and the present. The first period occurred during the nineteenth century, the second took place from the early through the late twentieth century and the third picked up where the second left off and is the one we are presently engaged in. The tiger is investigated in two different ways throughout — for its importance in human history and culture conceptually, and in the biological sense in terms of its importance as umbrella species within its own ecosystem. / Master of Science
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Les expériences alimentaires des temps du cancer / The food experiences of cancerFontas, Marine 29 September 2016 (has links)
A l’intersection de la socio-anthropologie de l’alimentation et de la santé et s’inscrivant directement dans les réflexions entreprises par le monde biomédical sur la perte de poids des malades, cette thèse expose la réorganisation du rapport à l’alimentation des personnes atteintes d’un cancer bronchique et traitées par chimiothérapie. En s’intéressant à l’expertise même des malades, elle rend compte des stratégies d’adaptations alimentaires mises en place par ces derniers et/ou par leurs proches, pour pallier les perturbations alimentaires chimio-induites. La méthodologie de recherche employée s’appuie sur deux enquêtes longitudinales : une par entretiens semi-directifs et une par questionnaires, réalisées auprès des malades, au cours desquelles des observations de la prise en charge médicale et paramédicale des malades en cancérologie ont été menées.Alors que tant le monde biomédical que le monde profane n’identifient pas l’alimentation comme une causalité supposée des cancers bronchiques, cette thèse défend son inscription dans le modèle thérapeutique des malades. Pour ce faire, la thèse rend tout d’abord compte du contexte informationnel relatif à l’alimentation et au cancer, s’étirant de l’espace du préventif à l’espace du thérapeutique, et relevant de formes de légitimités académiques et non académiques. Puis, en détaillant minutieusement la trajectoire alimentaire des mangeurs-malades dès lors du diagnostic, elle définit un vécu alimentaire marqué par des situations de confort et d’inconfort à s’alimenter. Enfin, elle s’intéresse au soutien alimentaire matériel et émotionnel apporté par les proches. Ces trois entrées rendent compte de formes de stratégies d’adaptation alimentaires d’ordres nutritionnel, sensoriel et organisationnel s’inscrivant dans une dynamique d’autorégulation constante aux perturbations alimentaires chimio-induites qui retrace les expériences alimentaires des mangeurs-malades. / At the intersection of food and health anthropology and in connection with the reflections undertaken by the biomedical world about the weight loss of patients, this thesis outlines the food relation reorganization of people with lung cancer and treated with chemotherapy. By focusing on the patients experience, it reflects the food adaptation strategies implemented by them and / or their relatives, to alleviate the chemically induced food disturbances. The research methodology relies on two longitudinal patient surveys : one is based on semi-structured interviews and the other one is based on questionnaires. During those surveys, observations of the medical and paramedical care of oncology patients were conducted. While both the biomedical world and the uninitiated do not recognize food as a supposed causation of lung cancer , this thesis defends its inclusion in the therapeutic model of patients. In order to do this, the thesis makes first account of the informational context on nutrition and cancer, stretching from the preventive space to the therapeutic space , and within academic and non-academic forms. Then, carefully detailing the food trajectory of eater-patient since the diagnosis, it defines their food experience induced by situations of comfort and discomfort in feeding. Finally, it focused on food material and emotional support from loved ones. These three inputs account for forms of dietary adaptations strategies of nutritional , sensory and organizational orders taking part in a dynamic which is self-regulated to chemically induced food disturbances and which traces the food experience of eater-patient.
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Kött? Nej tack, jag äter inte likdelar! : En studie i hur veganer och köttätare talar olika om kött.Turesson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Köttätande är i dag en fråga som engagerar många. Vissa menar att det är farligt både för klimat och hälsa medan andra menar att det är nödvändigt för människans överlevnad. När frågan kring köttätandet lyfts och köttkonsumtionen ifrågasätts i debatten mellan köttätare och veganer händer något och heta känslor uppstår. Debatten provocerar och upprör och inte sällan slutar det i osämja de båda parterna emellan. Det är därför av intresse att analysera hur de båda sidorna uttrycker sig när de talar om kött för att ta reda på hur de skiljer sig åt. Det här ämnar denna uppsats undersöka. Detta görs genom att bland annat analysera olika typer av bildspråk som förekommer i de båda sidornas sätt att uttrycka sig kring kött. George Lakoffs och Mark Johnsons teori om konceptuella metaforer fungerar även som inspirationskälla för denna analys. Genom att synliggöra underliggande diskurser som ligger till grund för hur vi i samhället talar, tänker och ser på kött kan vi ta reda på hur veganers terminologi kring kött skiljer sig åt från köttätarnas. På så sätt kan vi få en förståelse för varför de heta känslorna uppstår, att konflikten kanske snarare bottnar i en brist på förståelse över de olika sidornas sätt att tala om kött.
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Přehled základních aspektů hnízdní biologie ptáků rodu Merops ve vztahu k jejich chovu. / Overview of the basic aspects of the nesting biology of birds of the genus Merops in relation to their breeding.ZEMANOVÁ, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
The European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster) is species of open landscapes with solitary trees with expressive and unmistakable colour. The origin is in North Africa and southern Europe, in the Czech republic is found in southern Moravia. The expansion of this kind is shifting to the north due to changes in landscape. For European bee-eater is typical of nesting burrows in the sand wall. The aim of this thesis was to describe the biology of African species of the genus Merops, to assess the situation of nature conditions for the kind of Merops apiaster, to describe the breeding of this species in captivity and to evaluate the success existing rearings in selected breeding institutions. In this thesis was described the breeding of European Bee-eater in Vienna Zoo, Dresden Zoo and Frankfurt Zoo, the breeding of Northern Carmine Bee-eater (Merops nubicus) in Zoo in Plzeň and the breeding of White-fronted Bee-eater (Merops bullocoides) in Vienna Zoo. Farther was described the breeding of all three species in private breeding of Mr. Drozdek in the Český Rudolec.
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Literary Case Histories and Medical Narratives in Nineteenth-Century BritainAustin, Travis Wade 07 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Literature and medicine are not usually seen as related disciplines, but scholars have already begun producing fruitful scholarship regarding historical and aesthetic interactions between them. This thesis adds to that scholarship by examining medicine and literature in nineteenth-century Britain. More specifically, Thomas De Quincey's Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde both use nineteenth-century medical case conventions to tell their stories. Furthermore, because both works deal with addiction, divided selves, and the power that physical substances can have on morality and character, these two works provide an excellent comparison coming 65 years apart. As such, they are a great point from which to begin looking more closely at how the interactions between medicine and literature evolved during the nineteenth-century in Britain. This thesis examines the role that "scientific" discourse has played in medicine and literature as interpretive disciplines, the rhetorical techniques and innovations surrounding the intersection of the two disciplines, and the authority that each discipline derived by implicitly borrowing ideological assumptions and textual forms from the other. Confessions is a wonderful example of a Romantic, autobiographical text that clearly uses the medical case study conventions; in fact, De Quincey was often cited in the years following the publication of Confessions as an authority on opium and its uses. By the time Jekyll and Hyde was published, however, a work like Confessions could no longer hold its own in medical debates. The professional institutions of medicine and literature had changed too much. Hence, by analyzing these two works side-by-side, I intend to illustrate different narrative approaches to similar issues at the beginning and end of the century. More importantly, I hope to use these texts in conjunction with specific medical case histories to discuss each text's reliance on interdisciplinary authority.
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"Enough! or too much" : forms of textual excess in Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge and De QuinceyKellett, Lucy January 2016 (has links)
My thesis explores the potential and the peril of Romantic literature's increasingly complex forms through a close comparative study of the works of William Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Thomas De Quincey. These writers exemplify the Romantic predicament of how to make vision manifest – how to communicate one's imaginative and intellectual expansiveness without diminishing it. They sought different strategies for increasing the capacity of literary form, ostensibly in the hope of communicating more: clarifying meaning, increasing accessibility and intensifying original experience. But textual expansion – materially, stylistically and intellectually – often threatens more opportunities for confused and partial meanings to proliferate, overwhelming the reader by dividing texts and undermining attempts at coherent thought. Expansion thus becomes excess, with all its worrying associations of superfluity. To further complicate matters, Burke's influential tenet of the Sublime makes a virtue out of excess and obscurity, raising the problematic spectre of deliberately confused/confusing texts that embody an aesthetic of incomprehension. I explore these paradoxes through four types of 'textual excess' demonstrated by the writers under discussion: firstly, the tension between poetry and prose adjuncts, such as prefaces and notes, in Wordsworth and Coleridge; secondly, De Quincey's indulgent verbosity and struggle to control the freeing shapelessness of prose; thirdly, Wordsworth's and De Quincey's parallel experiences of revision as both uncontrollably diffusive and statically concentrated; and lastly, Blake's more deliberate, systematic attempt to enact a literary Sublime in which the reader is forced out of passivity by the competing demands of verbal and visual media. All are motivated and thwarted in varying degrees by their anxious preoccupation with saying "Enough", and the difficulty of determining when this becomes “Too much”. These authorial dilemmas also incorporate larger concerns with man's (over)ambition at a time of rapid and unprecedented economic, social and intellectual acceleration from the Enlightenment to industrialism. The fear that the concept and process of 'progress', or 'improvement', marks deficiency rather than fulfilment haunts Romantic writers.
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La notion de denrées alimentaires / Concept of food denreeDalmet, Christophe 18 December 2009 (has links)
Avec l’apparition massive des borderline products, les frontières traditionnelles entre la denrée alimentaire et les autres catégories de produits que l’on ingère ne cessent de se brouiller. Certes des éléments de définition de cette denrée se trouvent dans divers textes juridiques, notamment communautaires à l’image du règlement Food Law, mais toujours est-il que malgré tout demeure en partie le mystère identitaire qui entoure cette notion. Aussi, afin de pouvoir appliquer aux produits litigieux un statut adéquat et déterminer par la même le régime juridique qui doit être le leur, des références précises de l’aliment doivent être mises en évidence au travers de son analyse d’ensemble, l’étude tant de sa fonction que de sa présentation s’avérant indispensable pour résoudre cette problématique non dépourvue d’importance pratique / With the widespread appearance of borderline products, the traditional boundaries between the food and other categories of products that we ingest are constantly blurred. Then of course the defining elements of this commodity are in various legal texts, including the Community Food Law Regulation image, but the fact that still remains part of the mystery surrounding the identity concept. Also, in order to apply the products at issue and determine an appropriate status by the same legal regime that should be theirs, precise references to the food must be demonstrated through its comprehensive analysis, the study as its function as their presentation proving indispensable to solve this problem is not without practical importance
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