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Formulações especiais para sorvetes / Specials formulations to ice creamSilva Junior, Elieste da 07 November 2008 (has links)
A elaboração e caracterização de sistemas tão complexos quanto alimentos não são temas que se esgotem ao longo de um único trabalho. Assim, tomando como ponto de partida o desenvolvimento de formulações para sorvetes, são apresentados os princípios gerais da criação e estabilização de um dos gêneros alimentícios mais apreciados n.o mundo todo. O primeiro capítulo aborda interações que ocorrem entre componentes de uso comum na maioria dos alimentos processados e, de modo específico, o papel desempenhado por cada um deles em formulações para sorvetes. São apresentadas características das matérias-primas especiais empregadas no desenvolvimento das formulações propostas, bem como fundamentos de reologia. Tratam-se os princípios gerais do fenômeno speckle, ferramenta bastante útil em caracterizações estruturais, porém ainda pouco explorada na área alimentícia. O segundo capítulo apresenta as formulações para sorvetes que foram elaboradas para este trabalho e os resultados de caracterizações físico-químicas tomadas sobre alguns dos ingredientes utilizados, bem como sobre os produtos finais desenvolvidos. O terceiro capítulo exibe os resultados das avaliações reológicas feitas em ingredientes e misturas formuladas para este estudo. A partir do perfil demonstrado pelos reogramas, interações microscópicas puderam ser cogitadas. Mostram-se também, imagens tomadas por um sistema de videomicroscopia acoplado ao reômetro (módulo Rheoscope), onde puderam ser observadas deformações estruturais em tempo real ocorridas com as amostras durante as avaliações. O quarto capítulo propõe uma nova metodologia de investigação estrutural na qual a análíse dos resultados gerados a partir de um fenômeno de interferência possibilita mapear a evolução da microestrutura de sorvetes ao longo do tempo, quando submetidos a diferentes condições de temperatura. / Elaboration and characterization of systems with high leveI of complexity as foods cannot discussed in an only study. In this work, from development of special ice cream formulations are presenteei the general principIes of creation and stabílízation of one of the most appreciated foodstuffs. In first chapter the interactions that occur among components of current/y use in processed foods and, in a specific manner, the role of each one in ice cream formulations. Characteristics of the special raw materiais employed in development of the proposed formulatíons are presenteei, as well fundamental concepts of rheological behavior. Also, general principies of speckle phenomenon are presented, a very useful tool to structural investigations in several systems, but few explored in food science and technology. In second chapter are presented the ice cream formulations that were elaborated by this research and the results of analysis of both composition and chemical properties taken on some ingredients as well in developed products. In third chapter are exhibited the results from rheological assessments performed in ingredients and formulated ice cream mixes. From rheological curves, microscopic interactions could be cogitated. Images taken by a system of microscopy connected to rheometer shown structural deformatíons in real time occurred with the samples during the evaluations. In fourth chapter is showed a new methodology of structural investigation in which the analysis of results obtained from interference phenomenon allow to generate a map of temporal evolution of ice creams along the time, at different temperature conditions.
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Formulações especiais para sorvetes / Specials formulations to ice creamElieste da Silva Junior 07 November 2008 (has links)
A elaboração e caracterização de sistemas tão complexos quanto alimentos não são temas que se esgotem ao longo de um único trabalho. Assim, tomando como ponto de partida o desenvolvimento de formulações para sorvetes, são apresentados os princípios gerais da criação e estabilização de um dos gêneros alimentícios mais apreciados n.o mundo todo. O primeiro capítulo aborda interações que ocorrem entre componentes de uso comum na maioria dos alimentos processados e, de modo específico, o papel desempenhado por cada um deles em formulações para sorvetes. São apresentadas características das matérias-primas especiais empregadas no desenvolvimento das formulações propostas, bem como fundamentos de reologia. Tratam-se os princípios gerais do fenômeno speckle, ferramenta bastante útil em caracterizações estruturais, porém ainda pouco explorada na área alimentícia. O segundo capítulo apresenta as formulações para sorvetes que foram elaboradas para este trabalho e os resultados de caracterizações físico-químicas tomadas sobre alguns dos ingredientes utilizados, bem como sobre os produtos finais desenvolvidos. O terceiro capítulo exibe os resultados das avaliações reológicas feitas em ingredientes e misturas formuladas para este estudo. A partir do perfil demonstrado pelos reogramas, interações microscópicas puderam ser cogitadas. Mostram-se também, imagens tomadas por um sistema de videomicroscopia acoplado ao reômetro (módulo Rheoscope), onde puderam ser observadas deformações estruturais em tempo real ocorridas com as amostras durante as avaliações. O quarto capítulo propõe uma nova metodologia de investigação estrutural na qual a análíse dos resultados gerados a partir de um fenômeno de interferência possibilita mapear a evolução da microestrutura de sorvetes ao longo do tempo, quando submetidos a diferentes condições de temperatura. / Elaboration and characterization of systems with high leveI of complexity as foods cannot discussed in an only study. In this work, from development of special ice cream formulations are presenteei the general principIes of creation and stabílízation of one of the most appreciated foodstuffs. In first chapter the interactions that occur among components of current/y use in processed foods and, in a specific manner, the role of each one in ice cream formulations. Characteristics of the special raw materiais employed in development of the proposed formulatíons are presenteei, as well fundamental concepts of rheological behavior. Also, general principies of speckle phenomenon are presented, a very useful tool to structural investigations in several systems, but few explored in food science and technology. In second chapter are presented the ice cream formulations that were elaborated by this research and the results of analysis of both composition and chemical properties taken on some ingredients as well in developed products. In third chapter are exhibited the results from rheological assessments performed in ingredients and formulated ice cream mixes. From rheological curves, microscopic interactions could be cogitated. Images taken by a system of microscopy connected to rheometer shown structural deformatíons in real time occurred with the samples during the evaluations. In fourth chapter is showed a new methodology of structural investigation in which the analysis of results obtained from interference phenomenon allow to generate a map of temporal evolution of ice creams along the time, at different temperature conditions.
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Processamento mínimo de tangor 'Murcott': caracterização fisiológica e recobrimentos comestíveis. / Fresh-cut tangor Murcott: physiological characterization and edible coatings.Moreira, Raquel Capistrano 31 January 2005 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar o efeito do processamento mínimo e da temperatura de armazenamento na fisiologia do tangor Murcott minimamente processado e determinar os recobrimentos comestíveis que promovam a manutenção da qualidade microbiológica, sensorial e físicoquímica de tangor Murcott minimamente processado. No primeira etapa foram testados dois níveis de processamento (tangores inteiros sem a casca e tangores em gomos) e cinco temperaturas de armazenamento (1º, 6º, 11º, 21º e 31ºC). Frutos intactos foram utilizados como controle. No segundo experimento os tangores em gomos foram tratados com diversos recobrimentos comestíveis e armazenados sob duas temperaturas (6º e 12ºC). Os recobrimentos utilizados foram: gelatina a 4% p/p, gelatina a 8% p/p, concentrado protéico de soro de leite a 8% p/p e emulsão a base de parafina. Tangores sem recobrimentos foram utilizados como controle. No primeiro experimento foram determinadas as taxas respiratórias e de produção de etileno a cada hora durante as 10 primeiras horas após o processamento e, em seguida, a cada 24 horas por sete dias. Determinaram-se também os quocientes de temperatura (Q10). No segundo experimento determinaram-se: as características físico-químicas a cada dois dias por um período de seis dias; a taxa respiratória diariamente por oito dias; as características microbiológicas no quarto e sétimo dias após o processamento e as características sensoriais no quarto dia após o processamento. Os níveis de etileno foram baixos e inconstantes ao longo do tempo de avaliação. O aumento da temperatura de armazenamento e o nível de processamento mínimo influenciaram a taxa respiratória. Os recobrimentos comestíveis foram pouco efetivos na redução da taxa respiratória e na manutenção das características físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais de gomos de tangor Murcott. / The objectives of this work were to determine the effect of minimally processing and the storage temperature on the physiology of fresh-cut tangor Murcott and to determine the edible coatings that maintain the microbiological, sensorial and physico-chemical qualities of fresh-cut tangor Murcott. In the first experiment two processing levels (peeled fruits and segments) and five storage temperatures (1º, 6º, 11º, 21º and 31ºC) were tested. Whole fruits were used as control. In the second experiment the segments were treated with several edible coatings and stored under two temperatures (6º and 12ºC). The edible coatings were: gelatin 4% w/w, gelatin 8% w/w, whey protein 8% w/w and paraffin wax emulsion. Segments without recovering were used as control. In the first experiment the respiratory rate and the ethylene production were determined every hour for 10 hours and then, every day for 7 days. The temperature quotients (Q10) were also determined. In the second experiment were determined: the physico-chemical properties every two day for six days; the respiratory rate daily for eight days; the microbiological analysis on the fourth and seventh days of storage; and the sensorial analysis on the fourth day of storage. The storage temperature and the processing level did influence the respiratory rate. The ethylene levels were low and inconstant during the study. The edible coatings were little effective on reducing the respiratory rate and on maintaining the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensorial properties of fresh-cut tangor Murcott.
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Processamento mínimo de rabanete: estudos físico-químicos, fisiológicos e microbiológicos. / Fresh cut radishes: physicochemical, physiological and microbiological studies.Saavedra Del Aguila, Juan 31 January 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as respostas fisiológicas, físicoquímicas e microbiológicas associadas ao processamento mínimo do rabanete, sendo que para isso foram realizados 5 experimentos. No primeiro experimento, foram avaliadas taxa respiratória e produção de etileno de raízes em retalhos, mantidas a 5ºC (±1ºC) e 90% (±5%) UR por 10 dias. No 10º dia, os rabanetes em retalhos apresentaram uma taxa de respiração 149% superior à verificada nas raízes inteiras (70,35 e 28,23 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1, respectivamente). Não foi detectada produção de etileno. No segundo, foram avaliados os aspectos microbiológicos após o corte e no 10º dia, de dois tratamentos (uma e duas sanitizações), em rabanete minimamente processado mantido a 5ºC (±1ºC) e 90% (±5%) UR. As contagens de bactérias psicrotróficas no tratamento com duas sanitizações mantiveram-se abaixo do limite aceitável; no tratamento com uma sanitização obteve-se, no 10º dia de armazenamento, 5,8 x 106 UFC/g, limite máximo recomendado. Não foi detectada presença de coliformes totais e Salmonella. No terceiro experimento, estudaram-se dois tipos de corte (rodelas e retalhos) e três temperaturas de armazenamento (1, 5 e 10ºC), por 10 dias, analisando-se taxa respiratória, produção de etileno e parâmetros físico-químicos. Após 12 horas do processamento obteve-se, nas raízes em retalhos, 0,14, 0,38 e 0,70 µL C2H4 kg-1 h-1 a 1, 5 e 10ºC, respectivamente. No 10º dia, as raízes inteiras a 1ºC apresentaram a menor taxa respiratória (5,72 mL CO2 kg- 1 h-1) e as raízes em retalhos a 10ºC, a maior taxa (26,71 mL CO2 kg-1h-1). Essas, também, apresentaram um decréscimo no teor de vitamina C. No quarto experimento, avaliaram-se embalagens de filme de PVC (14 e 17 µm de espessura) envolvendo bandejas de poliestireno expandido; filmes plásticos de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) com 20 µm; e embalagens de tereftalato de polietileno (PET), mantidas a 5ºC (±1ºC) e 90% (±5%) UR por 10 dias, sendo realizadas análises de O2, CO2 e físicoquímicas. O teor de equilíbrio de O2 nas embalagens de PVC foi de 12 e 11% para as espessuras 14 e 17 µm, respectivamente. O PEBD apresentou concentrações muito baixas de O2 (0,08% no 8º dia), tendo como conseqüência processos fermentativos. Entre o 2º e 10º dia, o nível de CO2 no interior da embalagem de PVC com 14 µm variou de 3,43 a 2,43%; na PET de 1,78 a 4% e no PEBD de 12 a 15,2%. Os valores de luminosidade (L*), decresceram no decorrer do experimento, indicando escurecimento do produto. No quinto experimento foram estudados antioxidantes (ácido cítrico e ascórbico) em rabanete minimamente processado mantido a 5ºC (±1ºC) e 90% (±5%) UR por 10 dias, avaliando-se taxa respiratória e análises físico-químicas. O tratamento com ácido ascórbico apresentou a maior taxa respiratória nas 4 primeiras horas após o processamento. No 10º dia, obteve-se 34,18; 30,54; 21,31 e 2,22 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1 nos tratamentos com ácido ascórbico, ácido cítrico + ácido ascórbico, controle e ácido cítrico, respectivamente. Os valores de L*, de maneira geral, foram decrescendo ao longo do armazenamento. Os valores de a* mostraram que os tratamentos com ácido cítrico conferiram uma coloração fortemente avermelhada às raízes. Nenhum dos tratamentos evitou o escurecimento do rabanete minimamente processado. / This research was carried out with the objective to determine the physicochemical, physiological and microbiological alterations associated to the fresh cutting of radish. Five experiments were evaluated. In the first, respiratory rate and ethylene production were evaluated in radishes shredded, and stored at 5ºC (±1ºC) and 90% (±5%) RH during 10 days. In the 10th day, the fresh cut radishes showed respiratory rate 149% higher if compared to the whole radishes (70.35 and 28.23 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1, respectively). Ethylene production was not detected. In the second experiment, microbiological evaluations after the cut and in the 10th day, were carried out in fresh cut radishes submitted to one or two sanitation and stored at 5ºC (±1ºC) and 90% (±5%) RH. The numbers of psychotropic bacteria in the treatment with two sanitations stayed on the acceptable limits. In the treatment with one sanitation it was obtained 5.8 x 106 CFU/g in the 10th of storage that is the maximum limit recommended. It was not detected the presence of total coliform and Salmonella. In the third experiment, it was studied two types of cut (slices and shredded) and three storage temperatures (1, 5 and 10ºC). Respiratory rate, ethylene production and physicochemical parameters were evaluated during 10 days. After 12 hours of the processing, it was obtained 0.14, 0.38 and 0.70 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1 to 1, 5 and 10ºC, respectively, in the shredded radishes. In the 10th day, the whole radishes at 1ºC showed the lower smallest respiratory rate (5.72 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1), while whole radishes showed the higher rate at 10ºC (26.71 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1). Also, in the last treatment it was verified a decrease in the contents of vitamin C. In the fourth experiment were evaluated different types of packages in fresh cut radishes stored at 5ºC and 90% RH during 10 days. The packages used were: PVC films with 14 and 17 µm thickness overwrapping expanded polystyrene trays, low density polyethylene film (LDPE) with 20 µm thickness, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Concentrations of O2 and CO2 within package and physicochemical analysis were evaluated. The equilibrium concentration of O2 in the package of PVC was 12 and 11% for the 14 and 17 µm thickness, respectively. The LDPE presented very low concentrations of O2 (0.08% on the 8th day), having as consequence fermentative processes. From 2nd to 10th day, the level of CO2 inside the packing of PVC film with 14 µm changed from 3.43 to 2.43%, in PET from 1.78 to 4% and in LDPE from 12 to 15.2%. The values of lightness (L*) decreased in all treatments during storage. In the fifth experiment, it were studied the use of antioxidants (citric and ascorbic acid) in fresh cut radishes, stored at 5ºC and 90% RH during 10 days. Respiratory rate and physicochemical analysis were evaluated. The treatment with ascorbic acid presented the higher respiratory rate in the first 4 hours after the processing. In the 10th day, it was obtained 34.18; 30.54; 21.31 and 2.22 mL CO2 kg-1h-1 in the treatments with ascorbic acid, citric acid + ascorbic acid, control and citric acid, respectively. The treatments with ascorbic acid showed an increment in TSS content on the 2nd day of storage. The values of L* decreased during cold storage. The values of the a* showed that treatments with citric acid presented a strongly red coloration in the roots minimally processed. None of the treatments have avoided the browning of the shredded fresh cut radishes cold stored.
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Estudos fisiológicos e tecnológicos de couve-flor e rúcula minimamente processadas. / Physiological and technological studies of fresh-cut cauliflower and salad rocket.Sigrist, José Maria Monteiro 12 February 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por finalidade avaliar os efeitos de temperatura nos metabolismos de couves-flores e rúculas inteiras e minimamente processadas e diferentes materiais de embalagem na sua qualidade. No primeiro experimento, couves-flores, seus floretes, rúculas e suas folhas foram mantidos a 1º, 5º e 11ºC e determinados suas taxas de respiração, produção de etileno e quocientes de temperatura (Q10). No segundo, os floretes foram colocados em embalagens de filmes de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), poliolefínicos coextrusados (PD - 941 e Clysar) e de policloreto de vinila, PVC esticável de 12 e 20 mm, envolvendo bandejas de poliestireno expandido mantidos a 5ºC. Análises físicas, químicas, físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais foram realizadas. No terceiro, folhas de rúculas foram colocadas em embalagens de filme de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD), laminado de polipropileno/polietileno (PP/PE), poliolefínicos coextrusados (PD - 900 e Clysar) e de policloreto de vinila, PVC esticável de 20 mm, envolvendo bandejas de poliestireno expandido e armazenados a 5ºC. Análises físicas, químicas, físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais foram realizadas. As taxas respiratórias das couves-flores inteiras e minimamente processadas foram iguais em quaisquer das temperaturas estudadas e sempre decrescentes até o 16º dia. A 1º e a 5ºC, tiveram a mesma taxa respiratória, diferindo das mantidas a 11ºC. Na faixa de 1º a 11ºC, o Q10 foi o mesmo para floretes e couves-flores; 2,1 e 2,2, respectivamente. Comportamento distinto tiveram as rúculas inteiras e as folhas soltas, pois, a 1ºC e a 5ºC, as taxas respiratórias foram significativamente iguais. A 11ºC, a partir do 4º dia, as folhas soltas começaram a apresentar taxas de respiração superiores às das inteiras, chegando a ser o dobro nos 14º e 16º dias de armazenamento. O Q10 médio para as rúculas inteiras situou-se ao redor de 3,54 e para as folhas soltas, 5,74, na faixa de 1º a 11ºC. Não foi detectada produção de etileno. As embalagens para floretes de couves-flores tiveram pouca ou nenhuma influência em seu pH, acidez, ºBrix, luminosidade, croma, Hue e firmeza. A embalagem PD - 941 foi a melhor por manter uma atmosfera modificada próxima à da recomendada para couves-flores (2-3% O2 e CO2 < 5%) e permitir menores perdas de vitamina C e melhores notas para vários atributos sensoriais de qualidade. Todas as embalagens mantiveram níveis de coliformes totais, bolores e leveduras bem abaixo dos limites permitidos pela Legislação Brasileira. As folhas de rúculas apresentaram níveis de coliformes totais ao redor de 10 5 UFC/g de produto no 10º dia a 5ºC, tornando-as impróprias para o consumo. Nestes 10 dias, as embalagens de PEBD e PP/PE se destacaram em relação às outras por reterem melhor a vitamina C e a coloração verde das folhas, por alcançarem melhores valores para sólidos solúveis, firmeza, presença de odor estranho, qualidade geral das folhas, deterioração e murchamento. As atmosferas modificadas desenvolvidas no interior destas embalagens, 5 a 7% O2 e 10 a 15% CO2, talvez sejam as mais indicadas para a conservação de rúculas minimamente processadas a 5ºC. / This work aimed at evaluating the effects of temperature on the metabolism of minimally processed and intact cauliflowers and salad rockets, and of different packaging materials on the quality of cauliflower florets and loose salad rocket minimally processed leaves. In the first experiment, intact cauliflowers, florets, intact salad rockets and loose salad rocket leaves were held at 1º, 5º and 11ºC and their respiration rates, ethylene production and temperature quotients (Q10) determined. In the second experiment, the florets were packed in low density polyethylene film (PEBD), co-extruded polyolefins (PD - 941 and Clysar AFG) and in 12 and 20 mm polyvinyl chloride (PVC) overwrapping expanded polystyrene trays, and maintained at 5ºC/85-95% relative humidity for 14 days. In the third experiment, loose salad rocket leaves were held under the same conditions in bags of low density polyethylene film (PEBD), laminated polypropylene/polyethylene film (PP/PE), co-extruded polyolefins, PD - 900 and Clysar HP and in expanded polystyrene trays overwrapped with 20 mm polyvinyl chloride (PVC). In the second and third experiments, physical, chemical, physical-chemical, microbiological and sensory analyses were performed. The respiration rates of both intact and fresh-cut cauliflowers declined over the 16-day period and were significantly the same at all temperatures studied. At 1º and 5ºC the respiration rates were the same but differed from those (cauliflower and florets) at 11ºC. From 1º to 11ºC, the Q10 for the cauliflowers was 2.2 and for the florets, 2.1. In contrast, the intact and fresh-cut salad rocket respiration rates were the same at 1º and 5ºC. At 11ºC, the fresh-cut salad rocket showed higher respiration rates than the intact ones as from the 4 th day. By the end of the experiment (14 th and 16 th days) the respiration rates of the fresh-cut salad rockets were twice those of the intact salad rockets, whose Q10 was about 3.45 from 1° to 11°C as compared to 5.74 for the fresh cut product. No ethylene production was detected by any sample at any temperature. The packaging materials had little or no effect on pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, luminosity, chroma, hue and firmness of the florets at 5ºC. PD - 941 seemed to be the best packaging for florets, maintaining the atmosphere closest to that recommended for intact cauliflower (2-3%O2, CO2 < 5%), showing the lowest vitamin C losses and the best scores for several of the quality attributes. In general, all the packaging materials kept the yeast and mold counts low and the total coliform counts far below the maximum values permitted by the Brazilian Legislation, during 14 days at 5ºC, except for fresh-cut salad rocket leaves, which presented 10 5 CFU/g total coliforms by the 10 th day, being inappropriate for consumption. For 10 day periods, PEBD and PP/PE were the best packaging materials for green color and vitamin C retention, higher soluble solids, firmness, lack of off-odors, overall quality, decay and shriveling. The modified atmosphere generated inside these packaging materials (5-7% O2, 10-15% CO2) seemed the best for maintaining the quality of fresh-cut salad rockets held at 5ºC.
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Processamento mínimo de tangor 'Murcott': caracterização fisiológica e recobrimentos comestíveis. / Fresh-cut tangor Murcott: physiological characterization and edible coatings.Raquel Capistrano Moreira 31 January 2005 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar o efeito do processamento mínimo e da temperatura de armazenamento na fisiologia do tangor Murcott minimamente processado e determinar os recobrimentos comestíveis que promovam a manutenção da qualidade microbiológica, sensorial e físicoquímica de tangor Murcott minimamente processado. No primeira etapa foram testados dois níveis de processamento (tangores inteiros sem a casca e tangores em gomos) e cinco temperaturas de armazenamento (1º, 6º, 11º, 21º e 31ºC). Frutos intactos foram utilizados como controle. No segundo experimento os tangores em gomos foram tratados com diversos recobrimentos comestíveis e armazenados sob duas temperaturas (6º e 12ºC). Os recobrimentos utilizados foram: gelatina a 4% p/p, gelatina a 8% p/p, concentrado protéico de soro de leite a 8% p/p e emulsão a base de parafina. Tangores sem recobrimentos foram utilizados como controle. No primeiro experimento foram determinadas as taxas respiratórias e de produção de etileno a cada hora durante as 10 primeiras horas após o processamento e, em seguida, a cada 24 horas por sete dias. Determinaram-se também os quocientes de temperatura (Q10). No segundo experimento determinaram-se: as características físico-químicas a cada dois dias por um período de seis dias; a taxa respiratória diariamente por oito dias; as características microbiológicas no quarto e sétimo dias após o processamento e as características sensoriais no quarto dia após o processamento. Os níveis de etileno foram baixos e inconstantes ao longo do tempo de avaliação. O aumento da temperatura de armazenamento e o nível de processamento mínimo influenciaram a taxa respiratória. Os recobrimentos comestíveis foram pouco efetivos na redução da taxa respiratória e na manutenção das características físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais de gomos de tangor Murcott. / The objectives of this work were to determine the effect of minimally processing and the storage temperature on the physiology of fresh-cut tangor Murcott and to determine the edible coatings that maintain the microbiological, sensorial and physico-chemical qualities of fresh-cut tangor Murcott. In the first experiment two processing levels (peeled fruits and segments) and five storage temperatures (1º, 6º, 11º, 21º and 31ºC) were tested. Whole fruits were used as control. In the second experiment the segments were treated with several edible coatings and stored under two temperatures (6º and 12ºC). The edible coatings were: gelatin 4% w/w, gelatin 8% w/w, whey protein 8% w/w and paraffin wax emulsion. Segments without recovering were used as control. In the first experiment the respiratory rate and the ethylene production were determined every hour for 10 hours and then, every day for 7 days. The temperature quotients (Q10) were also determined. In the second experiment were determined: the physico-chemical properties every two day for six days; the respiratory rate daily for eight days; the microbiological analysis on the fourth and seventh days of storage; and the sensorial analysis on the fourth day of storage. The storage temperature and the processing level did influence the respiratory rate. The ethylene levels were low and inconstant during the study. The edible coatings were little effective on reducing the respiratory rate and on maintaining the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensorial properties of fresh-cut tangor Murcott.
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Processamento mínimo de rabanete: estudos físico-químicos, fisiológicos e microbiológicos. / Fresh cut radishes: physicochemical, physiological and microbiological studies.Juan Saavedra Del Aguila 31 January 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as respostas fisiológicas, físicoquímicas e microbiológicas associadas ao processamento mínimo do rabanete, sendo que para isso foram realizados 5 experimentos. No primeiro experimento, foram avaliadas taxa respiratória e produção de etileno de raízes em retalhos, mantidas a 5ºC (±1ºC) e 90% (±5%) UR por 10 dias. No 10º dia, os rabanetes em retalhos apresentaram uma taxa de respiração 149% superior à verificada nas raízes inteiras (70,35 e 28,23 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1, respectivamente). Não foi detectada produção de etileno. No segundo, foram avaliados os aspectos microbiológicos após o corte e no 10º dia, de dois tratamentos (uma e duas sanitizações), em rabanete minimamente processado mantido a 5ºC (±1ºC) e 90% (±5%) UR. As contagens de bactérias psicrotróficas no tratamento com duas sanitizações mantiveram-se abaixo do limite aceitável; no tratamento com uma sanitização obteve-se, no 10º dia de armazenamento, 5,8 x 106 UFC/g, limite máximo recomendado. Não foi detectada presença de coliformes totais e Salmonella. No terceiro experimento, estudaram-se dois tipos de corte (rodelas e retalhos) e três temperaturas de armazenamento (1, 5 e 10ºC), por 10 dias, analisando-se taxa respiratória, produção de etileno e parâmetros físico-químicos. Após 12 horas do processamento obteve-se, nas raízes em retalhos, 0,14, 0,38 e 0,70 µL C2H4 kg-1 h-1 a 1, 5 e 10ºC, respectivamente. No 10º dia, as raízes inteiras a 1ºC apresentaram a menor taxa respiratória (5,72 mL CO2 kg- 1 h-1) e as raízes em retalhos a 10ºC, a maior taxa (26,71 mL CO2 kg-1h-1). Essas, também, apresentaram um decréscimo no teor de vitamina C. No quarto experimento, avaliaram-se embalagens de filme de PVC (14 e 17 µm de espessura) envolvendo bandejas de poliestireno expandido; filmes plásticos de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) com 20 µm; e embalagens de tereftalato de polietileno (PET), mantidas a 5ºC (±1ºC) e 90% (±5%) UR por 10 dias, sendo realizadas análises de O2, CO2 e físicoquímicas. O teor de equilíbrio de O2 nas embalagens de PVC foi de 12 e 11% para as espessuras 14 e 17 µm, respectivamente. O PEBD apresentou concentrações muito baixas de O2 (0,08% no 8º dia), tendo como conseqüência processos fermentativos. Entre o 2º e 10º dia, o nível de CO2 no interior da embalagem de PVC com 14 µm variou de 3,43 a 2,43%; na PET de 1,78 a 4% e no PEBD de 12 a 15,2%. Os valores de luminosidade (L*), decresceram no decorrer do experimento, indicando escurecimento do produto. No quinto experimento foram estudados antioxidantes (ácido cítrico e ascórbico) em rabanete minimamente processado mantido a 5ºC (±1ºC) e 90% (±5%) UR por 10 dias, avaliando-se taxa respiratória e análises físico-químicas. O tratamento com ácido ascórbico apresentou a maior taxa respiratória nas 4 primeiras horas após o processamento. No 10º dia, obteve-se 34,18; 30,54; 21,31 e 2,22 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1 nos tratamentos com ácido ascórbico, ácido cítrico + ácido ascórbico, controle e ácido cítrico, respectivamente. Os valores de L*, de maneira geral, foram decrescendo ao longo do armazenamento. Os valores de a* mostraram que os tratamentos com ácido cítrico conferiram uma coloração fortemente avermelhada às raízes. Nenhum dos tratamentos evitou o escurecimento do rabanete minimamente processado. / This research was carried out with the objective to determine the physicochemical, physiological and microbiological alterations associated to the fresh cutting of radish. Five experiments were evaluated. In the first, respiratory rate and ethylene production were evaluated in radishes shredded, and stored at 5ºC (±1ºC) and 90% (±5%) RH during 10 days. In the 10th day, the fresh cut radishes showed respiratory rate 149% higher if compared to the whole radishes (70.35 and 28.23 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1, respectively). Ethylene production was not detected. In the second experiment, microbiological evaluations after the cut and in the 10th day, were carried out in fresh cut radishes submitted to one or two sanitation and stored at 5ºC (±1ºC) and 90% (±5%) RH. The numbers of psychotropic bacteria in the treatment with two sanitations stayed on the acceptable limits. In the treatment with one sanitation it was obtained 5.8 x 106 CFU/g in the 10th of storage that is the maximum limit recommended. It was not detected the presence of total coliform and Salmonella. In the third experiment, it was studied two types of cut (slices and shredded) and three storage temperatures (1, 5 and 10ºC). Respiratory rate, ethylene production and physicochemical parameters were evaluated during 10 days. After 12 hours of the processing, it was obtained 0.14, 0.38 and 0.70 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1 to 1, 5 and 10ºC, respectively, in the shredded radishes. In the 10th day, the whole radishes at 1ºC showed the lower smallest respiratory rate (5.72 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1), while whole radishes showed the higher rate at 10ºC (26.71 mL CO2 kg-1 h-1). Also, in the last treatment it was verified a decrease in the contents of vitamin C. In the fourth experiment were evaluated different types of packages in fresh cut radishes stored at 5ºC and 90% RH during 10 days. The packages used were: PVC films with 14 and 17 µm thickness overwrapping expanded polystyrene trays, low density polyethylene film (LDPE) with 20 µm thickness, and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Concentrations of O2 and CO2 within package and physicochemical analysis were evaluated. The equilibrium concentration of O2 in the package of PVC was 12 and 11% for the 14 and 17 µm thickness, respectively. The LDPE presented very low concentrations of O2 (0.08% on the 8th day), having as consequence fermentative processes. From 2nd to 10th day, the level of CO2 inside the packing of PVC film with 14 µm changed from 3.43 to 2.43%, in PET from 1.78 to 4% and in LDPE from 12 to 15.2%. The values of lightness (L*) decreased in all treatments during storage. In the fifth experiment, it were studied the use of antioxidants (citric and ascorbic acid) in fresh cut radishes, stored at 5ºC and 90% RH during 10 days. Respiratory rate and physicochemical analysis were evaluated. The treatment with ascorbic acid presented the higher respiratory rate in the first 4 hours after the processing. In the 10th day, it was obtained 34.18; 30.54; 21.31 and 2.22 mL CO2 kg-1h-1 in the treatments with ascorbic acid, citric acid + ascorbic acid, control and citric acid, respectively. The treatments with ascorbic acid showed an increment in TSS content on the 2nd day of storage. The values of L* decreased during cold storage. The values of the a* showed that treatments with citric acid presented a strongly red coloration in the roots minimally processed. None of the treatments have avoided the browning of the shredded fresh cut radishes cold stored.
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Modeling Microbial Inactivation Subjected to Nonisothermal and Non-thermal Food Processing TechnologiesGabriella Mendes Candido De Oliveira (7451486) 17 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Modeling microbial
inactivation has a great influence on the optimization, control and design of
food processes. In
the area of food safety, modeling is a valuable tool for characterizing survival curves and for
supporting food safety decisions. The modeling of microbial behavior is based
on the premise that the response of the microbial population to the environment
factors is reproducible. And that from the past, it is possible to predict how
these microorganisms would respond in other similar environments. Thus, the use
of mathematical models has become an attractive and relevant tool in the food
<p>This research provides
tools to relate the inactivation of microorganisms of public health importance
with processing conditions used in nonisothermal and non-thermal food
processing technologies. Current models employ simple approaches that do not capture the realistic behavior of microbial inactivation. This oversight brings a number of fundamental and practical
issues, such as excessive or insufficient processing, which can result in
quality problems (when foods are over-processed) or safety problems (when foods
are under-processed). Given these issues, there is an urgent need to
develop reliable models that accurately
describe the inactivation of dangerous microbial
cells under more realistic processing conditions and that take into account the
variability on microbial population, for instance their resistance to lethal
agents. To address this urgency, this dissertation focused on mathematical
models, combined mathematical tools with
microbiological science to develop models that, by resembling realistic and practical processing conditions, can
provide a better estimation of the efficacy of food processes. The objective of
the approach is to relate the processing conditions to microbial inactivation. The
development of the modeling approach went through all the phases of a modeling
cycle from planning, data collection, formulation of the model approach
according to the data analysis, and validation of the model under different
conditions than those that the approach was developed.</p>
<p>A non-linear ordinary differential equation was used to
describe the inactivation curves with the hypothesis that the momentary
inactivation rate is not constant and depends on the instantaneous processing
conditions. The inactivation rate was related to
key process parameters to describe the
inactivation kinetics under more realistic processing conditions. From
the solution of the non-linear ordinary differential equation and the
optimization algorithm, safety inferences in the microbial response can be
retrieved, such as the critical lethal variable that increases microbial
inactivation. For example, for nonisothermal processes such as microwave
heating, time-temperature profiles were modeled and incorporated into the
inactivation rate equation. The critical temperature required to increase the
microbial inactivation was obtained from the optimization analysis. For
non-thermal processes, such as cold plasma, the time-varying concentration of
reactive gas species was incorporated into the
inactivation rate equation. The approach allowed the estimation of the critical
gas concentration above which microbial inactivation becomes effective. For
Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF), the energy density is the integral parameter that
groups the wide range of parameters of the PEF process, such as the electric
field strength, the treatment time and the electrical conductivity of the
sample. The literature has shown that all of these parameters impact microbial
inactivation. It has been hyphothesized that the inactivation rate is a
function of the energy density and that above a threshold value significant
microbial inactivation begins. </p>
<p>The differential equation was solved
numerically using the Runge-Kutta
method (<i>ode45</i> in MATLAB ®). The<i> lsqcurvefit</i> function in MATLAB ®
estimated the kinetic parameters. The approach to model microbial inactivation,
whether when samples were subjected to nonisothermal or to non-thermal food
processes, was validated using data published in the literature and/or in other
samples and treatment conditions. The modeling approaches developed by this dissertation
are expected to assist the food industry in the development and validation
process to achieve the level of microbial reduction required by regulatory
agencies. In addition, it is expected to
assist the food industry in managing food safety systems through support food
safety decision-making, such as the designation of the minimal critical
parameter that may increase microbial inactivation. Finally, this dissertation
will contribute in depth to the field of
food safety and engineering, with the ultimate outcome of having a broad and highly positive impact on human health by ensuring the consumption of
safe food products.</p>
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Responsabilité civile et dommage à l'environnement. / Tort law and offenses to the environmentJean-Francois, Flore 05 October 2018 (has links)
La situation environnementale actuelle et les prévisions y afférentes des experts,obligent à questionner l’appréhension du dommage à l’environnement par la responsabilitécivile et plus largement, des atteintes et risques d’atteintes à celui-ci.Cette réflexion porte ainsi sur les outils et mécanismes de ladite responsabilité, afin devérifier leur adaptation à ce dommage. Il s’agit d’identifier les carences du régime, et deformuler des propositions théoriques, techniques, ou pratiques, car d’importants efforts restentà fournir, tous domaines confondus, pour un droit effectif et efficace.Se trouvant à la croisée des problèmes et enjeux abordés, le secteur agroalimentairefait office de secteur-témoin, comme il en va de la responsabilité relative singulièrement à lasanté humaine, sans préjudice d’impacts autres des pollutions.Ces dommages étant majoritairement très difficiles à constater avec rigueur et àévaluer, en plus d’être onéreux à réparer –lorsqu’ils ne sont pas irréversibles–, leraisonnement suivi consiste à démontrer l’urgence de mieux adapter la responsabilité civile àceux-ci, par l’analyse de ses différents éléments, en tenant compte de la dualité qui lacaractérise. De même, il s’agit de tirer les conséquences des résultats du raisonnement, etpartant, de repenser le droit inadapté à la responsabilité civile environnementale. Il convientalors, entre autres, de tenir compte de la place plus importante à accorder à l’environnementdans nos choix sociaux ; l’approche anthropocentriste retenue tend à remettre en cause lescepticisme à l’encontre des préoccupations environnementales, et à souligner le caractèrefondamentalement transfrontalier dudit dommage. / The present environmental situation, and expert forecasting related to it, compel toquestion how tort law might be a useful vehicle of both redressing harms, offenses and risksof such to the environment, or better, anticipating them into avoiding them or limiting theirconsequences. The following thesis considers the shortcomings and adequacy of tort law’stools and mechanisms for addressing these environmental concerns. Indeed, it is particularlydifficult to even ascertain most environmental offenses and estimate their cost, particularlywith regard to irreversible harms. Thus, the reasoning demonstrates the emergency of a betteradaptation of both corresponding liability and responsibility, through their different elements,including the duality that characterizes them. Here, we then offer theoretical, technical orpractical considerations, which may be of use in navigating this route.In considering these issues, the food proceeding industry serves as a particularly usefulmodel sector for the demonstration, as it has grappled with many of the same problems andstakes, including liability for human health, without prejudice to other pollutions’ impacts.Furthermore, we aim at rethinking the ill-adapted law to consider liability andresponsibility; this requires that we learn lessons from the results of the reasoning, andmanage with the particularities of interests and actors that intervene, or the larger room thatmust be devoted to the environment in social choices. Specifically, the goal of theanthropocentric approach is to enable to overcome skepticism towards environmentalconcerns, and to underline the fact that these offenses are fundamentally borderless.
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Food Defense Among Meat Processing and Food Service Establishments in KentuckyWebb-Yeates, Morgan 01 May 2013 (has links)
Agroterrorism is the deliberate introduction of a plant or animal disease with thegoal of causing fear, economic instability, illness, or death. After the 2002 terroristattacks on the World Trade Center, the security of the food supply is of increasingconcern to the United States. A major incidence of agroterrorism or food tampering would have far reaching impacts on the economy and public health. The first objective of this project was to determine knowledge and concern of agroterrorism in meat processing facilities in Kentucky, and to determine knowledge and concern of food tampering and food defense in food service establishments in Warren County, Kentucky. The second objective was to determine security strategies that were being implemented by these facilities. Two separate surveys, one for meat processors and the other for food service establishments, were designed to meet these objectives. An observational study was conducted for meat processing facilities. It was found that these facilities were generally unconcerned with agroterrorism, although a reasonable amount of security implementations were in place at these facilities. A statistical comparison between restaurants and non-restaurant food service establishments, such as schools, hospitals, and hotels, was performed. Both types of food service establishments expressed little concern about a food tampering event. Non- restaurant food service establishments were slightly more concerned than restaurants about both food tampering and food defense.
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