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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Catalyst Toward Caring: Middle School Art Lessons that Embrace the Value of Compassion

Stovall, Lauren Ashley 12 August 2014 (has links)
This study discusses the importance of theories of care that are especially relevant to students in middle school art classes. Middle school students are going through an increasing number of changes emotionally, mentally, and cognitively that can be explored through an art curriculum that teaches them the value of caring for themselves and others, while also meeting their developmental needs. In this thesis research, teaching strategies are discussed that will cultivate an environment of care in the middle school classroom. This information will be used in the construction of developmentally sequenced art lessons that put these caring attitudes, strategies, and practices into action through art studio and criticism lessons incorporating the national art education standards.

Resocializace odsouzených k výkonu trestu odnětí svobody na doživotí. / Resocialization of convicts sentenced to the life imprisonment.

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Vendula January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis provides information about the fact whether there is possible a social rehabilitation for convicted persons sentenced to the lifelong imprisonment. In the theoretical part I deal with an issue of a punishment, what consequences the punishment has and with a prison environment associated with it. The next chapter consists of the treatment programme. With an imposition of the exceptional sentence there is undoubtedly connected also an explanation of the criminal activity, for which this penalty has been imposed. The last part of the theoretical part is focused on the social rehabilitation of convicts and an after-sentence care.The research part presents a quantitative and qualitative research that I carried out through a questionnaire survey and interviews. There are described characteristics of the research population and sample in this part. Further I present results of the data obtained and information about the fact whether the social rehabilitation of the lifelong-sentenced prisoners is real. The data collection took place in the months of March and April 2012 through questionnaires and interviews. The research was conducted in the high-security prison in Valdice. There were chosen the prison department E for the lifelong-sentenced prisoners and this prison staff. In total 20 questionnaires were distributed, the return made up 100%. Four employees of the prison were addressed. There were determined 5 hypotheses and 2 research questions. The first hypothesis presumed that more than 50% of lifelong-sentenced believe that their conviction to the lifelong imprisonment is unfair. The performed research disproved this hypothesis. The second hypothesis stated that working activities helped prisoners to manage their stay in the prison, this hypothesis was confirmed. The third hypothesis stated that more than 50% of life-sentenced considered the treatment programme sufficient for their social rehabilitation. The research confirmed this hypothesis. The fourth hypothesis stated than more than 50% of the prisoners had been changed by their stay in the prison, the hypothesis was confirmed. The fifth hypothesis was that the lifelong-sentenced prisoners did not suffer by any remorses. This hypothesis was disproved in the research. Answers to research questions were carried out in the research section.

Término e recomeço: da carreira atlética à aposentadoria / Ending and starting again from athletic carrer to retirement

Daniela Carvalho Selingardi 03 May 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo compreender a experiência da transição para a aposentadoria em atletas profissionais de diferentes modalidades esportivas. Crianças e jovens enfrentam períodos de transição ao longo da prática esportiva e as orientações recebidas podem auxiliar em seu desenvolvimento. Diversos trabalhos apontam para prejuízos na vida dos atletas na fase da aposentadoria, porém pouco sabemos como vivenciaram o processo de transição. Buscamos compreender, pelo relato de atletas profissionais, a experiência da transição para a aposentadoria; a partir da sua recordação, investigar se houve planejamento para este momento e o que o atleta buscou como apoio. Desejamos produzir informações e reflexões que possam, a partir dos dados coletados, gerar propostas teóricas e intervenções psicológicas para oferecer apoio e suporte a atletas após a parada da atividade esportiva. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, tendo sido realizadas entrevistas abertas, com base na pergunta disparadora: Como foi a sua experiência no período de transição para a aposentadoria? Participaram deste estudo seis ex-atletas profissionais, duas mulheres e quatro homens de diferentes modalidades esportivas, que se aposentaram. Os colaboradores foram indicados por meio de pessoas conhecidas e aceitaram participar. Para a análise compreensiva das narrativas destacamos os trechos mais representativos e organizados em categorias temáticas, que foram surgindo e se estruturando a partir dos relatos, não tendo sido estabelecidas a priori. Compreendemos os relatos como experiências vividas pelos colaboradores, buscando uma aproximação da compreensão do fenômeno da experiência de transição para a aposentadoria de atletas. A análise mostrou que: 1) O processo de transição pode ser útil para que o atleta se organize nas questões práticas e emocionais, preparando-se para a aposentadoria; 2) Os atletas buscam apoio na família, num técnico ou em pessoas próximas; ao procurarem apoio profissional, esperam conseguir orientação prática sobre outra atividade. A maioria não busca apoio profissional para cuidados psicológicos; 3) Por mais preparados que estejam, os atletas vivenciam a aposentadoria como perda, podendo entrar em processo de luto. O acolhimento adequado pode ajudá-los a lidar com o processo de transição e com a aposentadoria. Tendo como base os aspectos observados, foram apresentadas orientações a profissionais da saúde, de educação física e esporte, técnicos, familiares e pessoas próximas dos atletas. Este trabalho pode contribuir com reflexões para técnicos e outros profissionais do esporte, na compreensão dos sentimentos vivenciados neste período e no sentido da importância do planejamento para a aposentadoria como forma de organização emocional. É fundamental envidar esforços a fim de auxiliar atletas aposentados em direção a uma maior comunicação e expressão de sentimentos relacionados à perda por morte simbólica, acreditando que um acolhimento adequado pode ajudá-los a lidar com esse momento e recomeço em outra atividade / The present study aimed to understand the experience of transition to retirement among athletes of different sports. Children and young people face periods of transition throughout sports practice and the guidance received can assist helps the development. Several studies point to the consequences in the lives of athletes during retirement, but little is known how they experienced the transition process. We collected the reports of professional athletes, the experience of the transition to retirement, and investigate whether there has been planning for this moment, what was sough as support. We aimed to produce information and reflections that can considering the data collected, generate theory and reflections about psychological interventions to provide support and assistance to athletes after interrupting sports activity. This is qualitative research and open interviews were conducted with a starting question: \"How was your experience during the transition to retirement?\" The study included six former professional athletes, four men and two women from different sports that have retired. The participants were indicated by acquaintances and accepted to participate. For a comprehensive analysis of the narratives were highlighted the most representative excerpts and organized into themes emerging from the accounts and have not been established a priori. The reports were understood as experiences of the participants, aiming to understand the phenomenon of the experience of transition to retirement in athletes. The analysis showed that: 1) The transition process can be useful for the athlete to organize practical and emotional issues in preparing for retirement; 2) Athletes seek support with family, coach or proxy. Most do not seek professional help for psychological care; 3) Though there is a preparation the athletes experience retirement as a loss and go through a bereavement process. A proper care can help them cope with the transition and retirement. Based on the observed aspects guidelines were presented to health, physical education and sport professionals, coaches, family, and people that are close to the athletes. This work may contribute to coaches and other professionals of the sport to understand the feelings experienced during this period and towards the importance of planning for retirement as a form of emotional organization. The efforts are essential to help retired athletes toward greater communication and expression of feelings related to the loss of the sport activity as Oaf symbolic death, believing that proper care can help deal with that moment and resume in another activity

Effects of the FRIENDS for Life Program on Anxiety, School Functioning, and Social Functioning

Kavanagh, Candice January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the current pilot trial was to evaluate the effects of the group-based FRIENDS for Life (FFL) program on school and social functioning in children with elevated levels of anxiety. Participants were 15 children aged eight to 12 identified by their parents as experiencing elevated levels of anxiety. Children attended six two-hour sessions of the FFL program and completed measures of anxiety, school functioning, and social functioning at pre- and post-treatment. Results indicated nonsignificant reductions from pre- to post-treatment in both child- and parent-report anxiety with large and medium effect sizes, respectively. Working memory scores increased significantly and there was a trend toward a significant increase in academic performance; large within group effects were found for both increases. The increase in academic functioning scores was significant with a moderate effect size only for child-report scores. A significant improvement with a large effect size was found for child-report peer relations scores and significant decreases were found for parent-report asocial behaviour and relational aggression scores, both with moderate effect sizes. Overall, children in this study demonstrated improvements in anxiety, school functioning, and social functioning. While reduction in anxiety is the primary focus of the FFL program additional benefits include improvements in school and social functioning. Though results are encouraging it is important to note that this was an uncontrolled pilot study with a small sample size. Thus results should be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, the generally positive findings of this trial suggest a larger controlled trial is warranted. If these findings are replicated in a larger trial, the FFL may be a cost-effective, easily implemented, and versatile anxiety prevention program that can help change the trajectory of anxious children’s school and social functioning.

The perspectives of stakeholders about the impact of incorporating chess into the curriculum practice in King Cetshwayo District Primary Schools

Dlamini, NtandokaMenzi Penelope, Maphalala, M.C 12 1900 (has links)
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy for the Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies, Faculty of Education at the University of Zululand, 2018. / The continuous protest from various quarters of society about the weakening education standard are a concern. Chess has been found to be a solution to remedy this problem in many countries through studies testing its effectiveness on the learners. However, very little is said about the teachers who are key in the success of this integration. This study aimed at getting the perspectives of the stakeholders regarding the incorporation of chess into the curriculum in the four subjects in the Foundation Phase, namely, isiZulu, English, Mathematics and Life skills. This qualitative design research looks at the perspectives of the stakeholders about the impact of incorporating chess into the curriculum practice through the Tsogo Sun Moves for Life programme piloted in the King Cetshwayo district. Through interviews, observations and document analysis, this study acquired the insights of 14 teachers who work as Tsogo Sun Moves for Life facilitators in schools under the programme, the district official who is tasked with ensuring that the curriculum is well delivered in schools, and the Tsogo Sun Moves for Life co-ordinator who assist the facilitators in incorporating chess into the curriculum. The study reveals that teachers find chess to be helpful as it helps the learners learn better while having fun, their attention span is increased, and they tend to concentrate better when chess is integrated. However, the teachers face many challenges as they struggle to merge chess into the curriculum, from those who view it as an add- on detached from the curriculum, and therefore see it as additional workload for them. The language used in the chess instruction appeared to be a challenge as the chess resources are not written in the learners’ home language.

Žmogaus gelbėjimo sąlygų, įvykus nelaimingiems atsitikimams žemės ūkio darbuose, tyrimas / Nelaimingas atsitikimas darbe, žemės ūkis, pasirengimas gelbėti, mirtinai traumuotas

Kuliešius, Edgaras 09 June 2009 (has links)
58 teksto puslapiai, 15 lentelių, 9 paveikslų, 52 literatūros šaltiniai, 5 priedai. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti žmonių gelbėjimo, įvykus nelaimingam atsitikimui, aktualumą, atskleisti problemos aktualumą žemės ūkio gamyboje, ištirti žemės ūkio darbuotojų pasirengimą gelbėti mirtinai traumuotą žmogų ir pasiūlyti priemones šiam pasirengimui gerinti. Nustatyta, kad 60-70 proc. iš visų nelaimingų atsitikimų (NA) įvyksta dėl neteisingų dirbančiojo veiksmų. Išnagrinėtos žmogaus psichofizinės savybės, dėl jų susiformuojantys veiksniai, kurie tampa NA priežastimi. Nustatytos kai kurios priemonės, mažinančios šių priežasčių pasireiškimą. Aukštesnis saugumo lygmuo gali būti pasiektas diegiant naujų, sudėtingesnių pažangios technologijos pavojų kontrolę, tam kad aukšto lygio saugumas panaikintų pažangios technologijos pavojus bei tos priemonės butų įgyvendintos. Lietuvoje žemės ūkis pagal įvykusių NA darbe skaičių yra šeštoje vietoje iš penkiolikos tarp visų ekonominės veiklos rūšių. Atlikus sociologinį tyrimą, kuriame dalyvavo 241 žemės ūkio darbuotojai iš įvairių Lietuvos regionų, buvo nustatyta, kad ūkininkai du kartus dažniau nei samdomi darbuotojai sugebėtų gaivinti staiga mirusį žmogų. Atlikus eksperimentinius tyrimus, paaiškėjo, kad pirmosios pagalbos mokymo efektyvumas priklauso nuo mokymo metodų. / Thesis of Master: 58 pages, 15 tables, 9 pictures, 52 sources of literature, 5 appendixes. Research goal – analyse people life saving urgency during accident, discover problem importance in agriculture industry, examine agriculturists preparation for life saving to man who is deadly traumatized and propose a new measures to improve this preparation. It is established, that 60-70 proc. of all accidents are occurred because of wrong worker actions. Person‘s psychophysical characteristics, factors caused by these characteristics that become the reasons of accidents werw investigated. It was foreseen some means that decrease display of these reasons. A higher level of safety may be achieved through control of the new, more complicated risks of advanced technology if high-level safety complicated risks of advanced technology if high-level safety engineering has been implemented. In Lithuania agriculture industry is the sixth from the top in the list of fifteen kinds of economical activity in means of number of work accidents. After sociological investigation among 241 agriculture workers from different regions of Lithuania, we have discovered twice more farmers, comparing with hired labour men, know, how to act, when work accident has occured. The expermental investigation results proved dependence of right training methods to higher effectiveness of first aid training.

Football for Life, så mycket mer än bara fotboll

Johansson, Agnes, Sandgren, Eric January 2019 (has links)
FC Rosengård bedriver flertalet sociala projekt. Ett av dessa projekt är Football for Life som i Sydafrika har som målsättning att stärka unga kvinnors självbild och rättigheter. Studien “Football for Life, så mycket mer än bara fotboll” ämnar att utvärdera denna verksamhet med hjälp av Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility modellen. Detta för att visualisera i vilken mån deltagarna i verksamheten erhåller ett ökat personligt- och socialt ansvarstagande. Studiens slutgiltiga målsättning är att stärka argumentet för att en liknande verksamhet ska initieras i Sverige genom att påvisa vilken inverkan Football for Life har haft för de deltagande tjejerna i Sydafrika. Tvärsnittsstudien är av kvantitativ karaktär där enkäter har varit den primära källan till empiri. Vidare har även relevant litteratur på ämnet Positive Youth Development bidragit till den slutgiltiga produkten. De huvudsakliga aspekter som undersökts i studien är deltagarnas upplevda effort, caring/helping, respect och self-direction kopplat till hur Football for Life har/har haft en inverkan på individen inom dessa områden. Enkäten distribuerades av personalen på plats i Sydafrika där en grupp individer som inte har deltagit i verksamheten agerade som kontrollgrupp. Dessa deltog i studien tillsammans med deltagare som i olika utsträckning varit en del av Football for Life’s verksamhet i olika utsträckning. På förhand förväntades de som haft ett djupare engagemang i Football for Life uppvisa större upplevt personligt- och socialt ansvarstagande jämfört med de som inte deltagit i verksamheten. Resultaten påvisar i viss mån att så inte var fallet, den största skillnaden mellan deltagarnas upplevda personliga- och sociala ansvarstagande återfanns mellan de som inte deltagit vid något tillfälle och de som deltagit ett fåtal gånger. Det återfanns dock skillnader mellan de som inte deltagit och de som haft en stor involvering i verksamheten, men inte i den utsträckning som kunnat tänkas på förhand. Vidare förs en diskussion som resonerar kring de resultat som framkom för att besvara bad resultatet kan bero på. Utöver detta behandlas även Teaching and Personal Responsibility modellens lämplighet vid utvärdering av ett program med anknytning till Positive Youth Development. / Football for Life in South Africa is one of many social project that is managed by the football club FC Rosengård. Football for Life is a Positive Youth Development program which aims to strengthen the young female participants regarding their confidence as well as to educate them regarding their personal rights in the South African society. The sex roles in South Africa is in many regards skew, especially seeing that women are barely allowed to participate in physical activities, which is one of FC Rosengård’s major driving forces for managing Football for Life. In order to ensure the quality of the activities, as well as to examine the possibilities of initiating a project of similar characteristics in Sweden, this essay was set of on the behalf of FC Rosengård. By studying the participants at scene in South Africa by utilising a questionnaire, their perceived personal- and social responsibility was investigated. The participants in the study was categorized depending on their involvement in Football for Life in order to visualise whether the project has a positive effect regarding the development of personal- and social responsibility.

A Study of the Democratic Approach to the Problem of Educating for Life in a Changing World

McAlister, Elbert W. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the need for a democratic approach to the problem of educating for life in a changing world and to show, too, how this approach can be made through a democratic administration, a democratic curriculum, and democratic methods.

A beacon for information: youth narratives on school-based anxiety prevention

Felix, Andrea 27 April 2017 (has links)
The newly revised 2017-2018 British Columbian high school curriculum, as a prevention education response to a growing concern around children and youths’ mental health, indicates that students will learn the signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression and be able to explain strategies to promote mental well-being (Province of British Columbia, 2016). Youth voices may help in shaping this curriculum objective. This study explores the meaning that five high school students, who were trained to facilitate an anxiety-prevention program, make of the problem of anxiety and prevention through their narratives, applying a narrative methodology and analysis. These youth narratives do not provide a singular explanation, truth or understanding of anxiety; like all narratives, they hold multiple truths. The youth narratives are drawn from the participants’ local experiential knowledge as well as prevailing discourses that shape their understanding. The types of narratives in this inquiry include: i) the quest for problem-free childhoods; ii) the genesis of knowledge; and iii) overcoming giant stigma by connecting. There are implications and considerations pulled from the narratives, including how a prevailing psychologized discourse may obscure contextual factors in making sense of anxiety and prevention. This inquiry may help educators and other professionals to imagine what else could be possible in conceptualizing the problem of anxiety and implementing prevention programs. It is hoped that this study will add to the current dialogue around prevention and support strategies in British Columbian schools and beyond. / Graduate / 0525 / 0680 / 0519 / 0533 / 0347 / arfelix3@gmail.com


Edwards, Emily A 01 September 2015 (has links)
Anxiety is a commonly diagnosed disorder in middle childhood that affects many aspects of the child’s life. Effective treatment is needed so that children are able to experience fewer or no symptoms of anxiety and to manage anxiety. Cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) is widely used as a treatment for children with anxiety. CBT can either be facilitated in an individual or group format but there are inconsistencies in the literature regarding which modality is most effective. A meta-analysis was conducted to compare the effectiveness of individual CBT (ICBT) and group CBT (GCBT) in treating school-aged children with anxiety disorders. Eligible studies focused on the Coping Cat program for ICBT or GCBT programs such as FRIENDS. Participants from the selected studies were between the ages of 5-12 years and were treated by either ICBT or GCBT. Effect sizes were calculated from post-intervention measures and combined to examine group differences. It was found that ICBT was associated with a very large effect size (1.05) and GCBT (0.54) had a large effect size. This suggests that ICBT is the superior treatment modality as children who received individualized treatment reported a greater reduction or elimination of anxiety symptoms. Individual treatment allows opportunity for the therapist to work with the child and their families whereas in GCBT, there is less time to create treatment plans that are uniquely tailored. A proposed ICBT program is outlined that addresses a richer family component and social skills training.

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