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Revealing the forest hidden value : the case study of EritreaAraia, Mulugheta Ghebreslassie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor (Forest and Wood Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / Like in many developing countries, forest and woodland resources contribute significantly to ensure the sustainability of livelihoods of rural people of Eritrea. However, the contribution made by forest and woodland resources has been masked due to the inability of the traditional economic valuation methods to reveal the hidden values of forest resources. As a result they do not reflect in GDP accounting, development planning and conservation policymaking. The underestimation of the importance of forest and woodland resources to the rural subsistence economy results in both market and policy failures. These in turn lead to escalated forest degradation, livelihood insecurity, value conflicts and ineffective conservation programmes.
The forest and woodlands of administrative sub-zone Dighe were selected as a case study as they comprise trees, shrubs and other non-woody plants of outstanding importance both in terms of socio-economics and biodiversity richness. However, these resources are being rapidly depleted as a result of clearing for commercial agriculture and are under growing pressure due to resettlement of returnees and needs of other social actors. The study was carried out in three representative administrative areas of the sub-zone.
A literature survey was carried out to identify the best of traditional neo-classical economic valuation methods to use in this study. Complementary methods from various streams of economics, ethnobotany, ecological anthropology and rural sociology were reviewed. The sub-set of selected marketable items were quantified and monetised based on market-based valuation approaches; and compared with non-marketable roles to indicate the magnitude of full values of the forest and woodland resources. Values that could not be quantified were described qualitatively. A production-consumption analysis of dom palm scrub leaf harvesting for household utensils was carried out. Forest health was investigated based on observation, semi-structured interviews and secondary information. The study revealed that local forests and woodlands provide essential goods and services for subsistence use, to generate income and to reduce vulnerability during times of hardships. Riverine forests, acacia woodlands and scattered trees and shrubs of grassland are the three vegetation types found in the study area. The riverine forest, dominated by dom palm, is a most valuable resource as it provides for multiple uses. Among the many marketable and non-marketable benefits, forests and woodlands provide wild food, construction material, livestock feed, household utensils, firewood, traditional medicine, shade, climate amelioration, erosion control, cultural heritages and scenic values. All members of rural households regardless of age, gender and wealth extract forest products, which minor variation between households and administrative areas. Variability of consumptive use values between households and between administrative areas and other non-marketable values are determined by relative wealth status, seasonality, resource availability and distribution, market outlets and local institutions.
The study revealed that the riverine forests and woodland values of the Dighe administrative sub-zone alone have contributed economical values many times greater than US $ 1.43 million per annum for selected quantifiable items only. This would be higher if the other non-marketable forest values were monetised including the livestock grazing and access to watering points. Beyond any doubt, the high local values of forest and woodlands and consequently the contribution to the national economy justify the conservation of the remaining forest. Moreover, the production-consumption analyses showed that the present level of dom scrub leaf harvesting is sustainable. Forest health situation analysis indicates, however, that the entire forest is under immense pressure. Moreover, the findings of this study suggest that conserving forest resource for local values is compatible with the millennium global development agendas.
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The effect of South African provincial road condition on the efficiency of forest product transportNicholls, Stephen John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The context of the study is concern over declining provincial road condition due to
insufficient government funding of road maintenance. These roads are by their
public nature used by a wide variety of commercial and private interests contributing
a variety of axle loads. There was no information available on the use of these roads
by forest companies and the road conditions. Consequently a survey was conducted
to determine condition and length of each segment of provincial road in use by
forestry companies and the volume of wood transported over them. In addition data
was gathered on other users and their contribution to the volume transported over
each section.
The questionnaire indicated that the provincial roads are in a poor state. The
literature review suggested a significant reduction in total cost of transport can be
achieved by maintaining or rebuilding these roads. South African forest companies
provide the majority of the heaviest axle loading to these roads and must theretore
take responsibility tor damage caused to them. Also a variety of forest companies
use the same roads and consequently collaborative studies between companies are
A modified Dijkstra's algorithm was used to quantify the effect of the condition of
South African provincial roads on the efficiency of the transport ottorest products.
The model requires digitised raster road and forest map layers combined with
transport vehicle specification as input. The products of the model are optimum
routes from all source points to a single exit point or sink, the total volume
transported across all road nodes and the total cost to extract all wood from a map
section. This output allows managers to identify critical roads tor management
attention and make tentative estimates of possible reductions to total cost by altering
the road condition. The manager is able to test the sensitivity of the solution to
changes in variables and gain a better overall picture of the interactions within the
system. The model results, and improved understanding, will provide input to more
specific and collaborative studies.
South African forest managers can respond to the poor provincial road network by
conducting ad hue maintenance to these roads to prevent them becoming completely
impassable or to rebuild them to their design state and maintain them at that state.
The cost of taking no actions is that these roads would eventually become
impassable. The road network model determined that, for the study area, a unilateral
decision to rebuild and maintain all roads would result in a net increase in transport
costs ofR 2 million/year. When compared to the cost of ad hue road improvements
for the same area of R 8 million it is obvious that proper road management is a better
It was shown that 75% of the reduction in total cost is generated by improving only
31 % of the provincial road surface. Consequently, by improving selected roads
(20% of the total provincial road network for the area) it was possible to generate a
net cost R 2.9 million lower than if the roads were left as they are.
If reductions in operating costs are included the net cost to the forest industry is R 3.1
million/year lower than leaving the roads as they are. In addition to the cost being
lower, an improved road network would be in place and the current ad hue spending
would be unnecessary.
On a larger scale it was estimated that poor provincial road management costs the
industry as a whole R 26 million or R 1.52/m3/year. This money can be used to
offset the costs of maintaining and upgrading roads. It is therefore concluded that the
South African forest industry needs to assess its policy on provincial road
management and become more active in the managing of these roads. The tool
developed and presented is intended as a prototype decision support tool in
developing future policies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die inhoud van hierdie studie handelaar die verval van provinsiale paaie as gevolg
van die regering se onvoldoende fondse vir die instandhouding van die paaie.
Hierdie paaie word as gevolg van hulle publieke aard deur 'n wye verskeidenheid
kommersiële en private belange gebruik, wat bydra tot 'n verskeidenheid van
asladings. Daar was geen inligting oor die bosbou maatskappye se gebruik van paaie
of die toestand van die paaie beskikbaar nie. Gevolglik is 'n opname gemaak 0111 die
kondisie en lengte van elke segment van die paaie wat deur die bosbou maatskappye
gebruik word, vas te stel, asook die volume hout wat oor die paaie vervoer word.
Data oor ander verbruikers van die paaie is verder ingesamel, asook hul bydrae tot
die volume wat oor die paaie vervoer word.
Die vraelys het aangedui dat die provinsiale paaie in 'n baie swak toestand is. 'n
Literatuurstudie het getoon dat 'n beduidende daling in die totale vervoerkoste
moontlik is deur hierdie paaie te onderhou afoor te bou. Die Suid-Afrikaanse
bosbou maatskappye voorsien die meerderheid van die swaarste asladings op hierdie
paaie en moet dus verantwoordelikheid neem vir beskadigde paaie, 'n
Verskeidenheid bosbou maatskappye gebruik die paaie; gevolglik is gesamentlike
studies tussen die maatskappye ook nodig.
'n Aangepaste Dijkstra algoritme is gebruik om die effek van die toestand van Suid-
Afrikaanse provinsiale paaie op die effektiwiteit van die vervoer van bosbou
produkte, vas te stel. Hierdie model benodig digitale inligting oor die hoofen
bosbou paaie, asook die spesifikasies van die voertuie wat gebruik word. Die
resultaat van die model is die optimale roetes vanaf alle bronpunt oorspronge tot by
'n enkele bestemming, die totale volume vervoer oor al die padnodusse en die totale koste verbonde aan die verwydering van alle hout uit 'n afgemerkte seksie op die
kaart. Hierdie produk of result ate stel bestuurders in staat 0111 kritieke paaie vir
aandag te identitiseer en om tentatiewe voorspellings van moontlike afname in die
totale kostes te maak indien die toestande van paaie verbeter sou word.
Die bestuurder kan die sensitiwiteit van die oplossing vir variasie in die
veranderlikes toets en sodoende 'n beter geheelbeeld kry van die interaksie binne die
sisteem. Die resultate van die model en n beter begrip daarvan, kan insterte lewer in
meer spesitieke studies en gesamentlike studies tussen maatskappye.
Suid Afrikaanse bosbou bestuurders kan teen die swak provinsiale padnetwerk
optree deur ad hoc instandhouding toe te pas op hierdie paaie om te voorkom dat
hulle totaal en alonbegaanbaar word. Ofhulle kan die paaie restoureer tot hul
oorspronklike toestand en hulle dan in stand hou. Die kostes daaraan verbonde om
nie op te tree nie, is dat hierdie paaie uiteindelik on-gaanbaar sal word. Die
padnetwerkmodel het gewys dat vir die spesitieke studie area, 'n eenparige besluit
0111 alle paaie te herbou en onderhou, 'n algehele toename in vervoerkostes van R2
miljoen/jaar tot gevolg sal hê. Wanneer dit vergelyk word met die R8 miljoen wat
die ad hoc padverbeterings kos, is dit duidelik dat geskikte padbestuur 'n beter opsie
Daar is bewys dat 75% van die daling in totale kostes genereer kan word deur
verbeteringe aan die oppervlaktes van slegs 31% van die provinsiale paaie te maak.
Gevolglik was dit moontlik om netto kostes van R2,9 miljoen ruinder te genereer as
vanneer geen instandhouding gedoen is nie. Dit is bewerkstellig deur verbeteringe
aan geselekteerde paaie aante bring (20% van die totale provinsiale padnetwerk vir
die area.)
As die daling in bedryfskoste ingesluit is, sal die netto koste vir die bedryf R3.1
millioen/jaar ruinder wees as om die paaie so te los sonder enige aandag. Verder, tot
laer koste sal daar 'n verbeterde pad netwerk in plek wees en die huidige ad hoc
spandeering aan die paaie nie meer nodig wees nie. Op groot skaal, is die benaderd voorspelling dat 'n swak provinsialepadbestuurstelsel
die bosbou bedryf R26 millioen of R 1.52/m3 uit die sakjaag. Hiedie misbruikde
geld kan eerder teruggeploeg word in pad onderhoud en opgradeerings
werksaamhede. Dit is dus nodig dat die bosbou bedryf sy beleid weer in oonskou
moet neem in verband met die bestuur van provinsiale paaie en ook meer aktief die
voortou sal moet neem in die instandhoudind van provinsiale paaie. Die metodiek
hier ontwikkel kan 'n inleidende doel dien in die ontwikkeling van toekoemstige
besluit neeming rakend die bestuur van provinsiale paaie.
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Prospects for sustained harvesting of mopane (Colophospermum mopane) on the Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve and its implications for browsing ungulatesCunningham, Peter Low 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc) -- Stellenbosch University, 1996. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:Principle objectives of this study were to investigate the ecological feasibility of sustained utilization of mopane, using Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve as a pilot study area. The study was limited to three different mopane dominated vegetation types on the reserve with most research being conducted in C.mopane woodland.
Results can be summarized as follows:
1. Colophospermum mopane is ubiquitous on VLNR.
2. C.mopane woodland has the deusest mopane growth of the three vegetation types and highest densities are found on soils (OaB, VaB, Du, SwB & VaA) in association with C.mopane woodland. There seems to be a correlation between
mopane density and soil type.
3. Largest mopane trees according to height and circumference were found in C.mopane/C.apiculatum open woodland. There is no significant difference between height and circumference on different soil types.
4. Most senility occurs in C.mopane shrubland and there is a significant difference in senility between mopane associated with different soils on which this vegetation type occurs.
5. Oldest average ages per tree were fo•.md in C.mopane
woodland while growth rates were fastest in
C.moparse!C.apiculatum open woodland.
6. There is a significant positive correlation between total and charcoal weights for mopane. Total and charcoul weights per tree were highest for C.mopane/C.apiculatum open woodland, while weights per hectare were highest for C.mopane woodland. Soils could not positively be associated with this trend.
7. Mopar.e lends itself to harvesting, especially
C.mopane ••10odland in the Endora, Lizzulea and Hilda areas.
Winter months seem to be most desirable for harvesting activities. Hand felling in elongated patches (increases ecotone boundary) is recommended where labour is cheap. A harvesting strategy of between 25% and 50% would make the operation economically viable and ecologically acceptable. An optimum harvesting rate of 27% is suggested by a harvesting model developed specifically for this mopane data.
8. Total herbivore densities, distribution and species proportions can be expected to change following bush clearing. Habitat for grazers should increase due to
an increased grass production. Habitat for browsers should not be influenced much. Effect of noise and human disturbance during harvesting, especially for elephants is negligible, as hunting activities already take place on VLNR.
9. Grass production would increase but quality should
decrease after harvesting, due to an increase in low quality opportunistic species, especially if soil disturbance takes place. Grass quality is best in association with herbaceous species such as Salvadora angustifolia. Carrying capacity for grazers should
increase after harvesting as a result of habitat change and grass biomass increase.
10. Total browse production would decrease but leaf biomass should increase on remaining trees as they
have improved water availability due to Q lack of intra
specific competition. Higher seed production and more flowering takes place at lower tree densities. Greatest advantages for browsers after harvesting, is the fact that leaves become senescent later in autumn and that spring leaf flush takes place earlier thus prolonging bro\'se availability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die hoof doelwitte van hierdie studie was om te bepaal wat die invloed van die oes van mop nie op die ekologie sou wees as
dit op 'n volgehoue basis plaasvind en tot w•atter mate mopanie
geskik is vir hou skoolvervaardiging. Die navorsing is op die Venetia Limpopo Natuureservaat in slegs drie van die belangrikste mopanie veldtipes uitgevoer met die oorgrote meerderheid van die navorsing in die C.mopane bosveld.
Die resultate van die studie kan soos volg opgesom word:
1. Colophospermum mopane is alomteenwoordig op die
2. Die C.mopane bosveld het die hoogste digtheid van al drie veldtipes en word ook geassosieer met sekere grondtipes (OaB, VaB, Du, SwB & VaA) wat eie is aan hierdie spesifieke veldtipe. Daar blyk 'n korrelasie te wees tussen die digthede van mopanie
en grondtipes.
3. Die grootste mopanie borne, ten opsigte van hnogte en omtrek, word in die C.mopane/C.apiculatum oop
bosveld aangetref. Daar is nie 'n beduidende verskil tussen die hoogte en omtrek van mopanie op die verskillende grondtipes nie.
4. Die C.mopane struikveld toon die meeste seniliteit
ten opsigte van die persentasie kruin dood. Daar is
'n definitiewe aanduiding dat seniliteit ooreenstem met sekere grondtipes veral met betrekking tot die mopanie struikveld.
5. Die C.mopane bosveld het gemiddeld die oudste borne
terwyl die C.mopane/C.apiculatum oop bosveld die vinnigste groeikoers toon. Die bogenoemde feite het
'n ver0and met die grondtipes.
6. Daar is 'n posltiewe korrelasie tussen die totale gewig en die houtskoolgewig van mopanle. Die
S\vaarste borne is in die C.mopane!C.apiculatum oop bosveld aangetref, terwyl die swaarste gewig per hektaar in die C.mopane bosveld aangetref is. Gewig kon nie met grondt pes gekorreleer word nie.
7. Die mopanie in die C.mopane bosveld is geskik vir
die oes vir houtskool, veral in die Endora, Lizzulea en Hilda gebiede. Dit is raadsaam om die borne in verlengde stroke per hand af te kap (vergroot die ekotoongebied), veral waar arbeid goedkoop is. 'n Oesstrategie van tussen 25% en 50% vir mopanie word aanbeveel om dit ekonomies en ekologies aanvaarbaar te maak. 'n Optimum oesstrategie van 27% word aanbeveel deur 'n oes model wat spesifiak vir
hierdie mopane data opgestel is.
8. Daar kan verwag word dat na die oes van mopanie die getalle asook verspreidingspatrone van alle hoefdierspesies kan verander. 'n Voordeel van lae mopanie digthede is dat die verspreiding van die blaarbiomassa ewerediger oor die seisoene sal geskied. Grasvreters word bevoordeel vanwee die verandering in habitat. Die effek van geraas en ander oesbedrywighede op olifante behoort klein te wees aangesien jagaktiwiteite alreeds op diereservaat toegepas word en hulle redelik gewoond daaraan behoort te wees.
9. Grasproduksie behoort toe te neem terwyl die
kwaliteit daarvan afneem as gevolg van opportunistieslae kwaliteit grasspcsies wat
toeneem na die oes van mopanie, veral as die grand
tydens oesaktiwiteite versteur word. Die beste kwaliteit gras word in assosiasie met kruidagtige spesies, veral Salvadora angustifolia, gevi.nd. As gevolg van die verandering in habitat asook die toename in grasbiomassa neem die drakrag vir grasvreters na die oes an mopanietoe.
10. Di.e totale blaarbi.)massa behoort na die oes van mopanie af te neem, maar behoort terselfdertyd op die oorblywende borne as gevolg van die afname in kompetisie vi= watr en anrler natuurlike hulpbronne toe te neem. Hoer persentasies blomvorming en saadproduksie vind by laer boomdigthede plaas.
Die grootste enkele voordeel vir blaarvreters, na
die oes van mopanie, is die feit dat die blare later in die herfs afval en vroeer in die lente uitbot en dus die voedselbeskikbaarheid vir blaarvreters verleng.
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Natural resource harvesting and disturbance in communal lands: assessing the roles of local ecological knowledge, dependency and market accessSteele, Melita Zoë January 2008 (has links)
A great deal of research has demonstrated that Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) play a crucial role in the livelihoods of the rural poor, and are particularly important to the most marginalised people throughout the developing world. However, these livelihood benefits are not without cost to the natural resource base that rural communities depend so heavily upon. The continued dependence on NTFPs as a major livelihood source must be contingent upon the minimisation of the level of disturbance created through this dependency. This study assesses the level of disturbance created through natural resource harvesting in eight study sites around South Africa, and applies a predictive conceptual model created by Shankaar et al. (2004b) to try and ascertain under what conditions the level of disturbance created through natural resource harvesting will be high. It assesses the three key factors that Shankaar et al. (2004b) identified (level of Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK), level of dependency and access to markets) in relation to the level of disturbance found at each of the study sites. It was found that there was a statistically significant relationship between the level of dependency and the level of disturbance, but there was no statistically significant relationship between either access to markets or the level of LEK and disturbance. Regulation of land use is a key issue, with weak local institutions in communal areas making effective resource management difficult. The significance of these findings is discussed, and priorities for future research are identified. This study adds to the body of knowledge related to NTFP harvesting and critically analyses the conflicts between the livelihood gains and the level of disturbance created through NTFP harvesting in an attempt to ascertain how livelihoods can be safeguarded. And in the longer-term, so that management strategies can be identified where resource extraction is not at the cost of undermining the very livelihoods that depend upon the natural resource base.
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Efeito de pertubações antrópicas crônicas sobre a diversidade da flora lenhosa da caatingaRIBEIRO, Elâine Maria dos Santos 25 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-07-15T14:44:30Z
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Elâine_Ribeiro_TESE_PPGBV.final_V2.pdf: 8805946 bytes, checksum: 49c5072b57c8b0d0264ac0e02e425dc3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-15T14:44:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / FACEPE / Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar quais os efeitos de perturbações antrópicas crônicas
(e.g. coleta de madeira e de produtos florestais não madeireiros, pastoreio extensivo, caça e
danos causados à vegetação pela introdução de espécies exóticas que ocorrem em áreas
remanescentes de floresta) sobre a diversidade taxonômica e filogenética da flora lenhosa da
Caatinga. Inicialmente, investigamos como se dá a questão da perturbação crônica da flora e
seus efeitos sobre a biodiversidade através da revisão de 51 artigos que tratam do tema.
Verificamos que estes estudos, em sua maioria, foram realizados em países em
desenvolvimento, cujas populações humanas utilizam a floresta para subsistência e comércio.
Os efeitos da perturbação foram acessados principalmente ao nível de populações e
comunidades, sendo a coleta de produtos florestais não madeireiros a fonte de impacto mais
analisada. Os efeitos sobre a biodiversidade foram em geral negativos, mas efeitos neutros e
positivos também foram registrados. O segundo capítulo traz um estudo de caso que verifica a
influência das perturbações humanas crônicas sobre a diversidade e composição taxonômica
da flora lenhosa da Caatinga, realizado em várias propriedades privadas na cidade de
Parnamirim-PE, Brasil. Neste estudo foram amostradas comunidades lenhosas de adultos,
jovens e plântulas, e como preditores da perturbação crônica utilizaram-se a densidade de
pessoas e animais domésticos (caprinos e bovinos), além de indicadores de acessibilidade às
áreas, como a distância ao centro urbano mais próximo, à estrada mais próxima e à
propriedade rural mais próxima às parcelas amostradas. Esses preditores tiveram em geral
efeitos negativos sobre a diversidade taxonômica independente do estágio ontogenético, sendo
a densidade de pessoas e de animais os preditores mais importantes desses efeitos. Verificouse
ainda que a composição das espécies nas áreas perturbadas foi distinta, sendo pouco
representada pela abundância de espécies de madeira densa nas áreas mais perturbadas. O
terceiro e último capítulo verificou como as comunidades lenhosas de adultos, jovens e
plântulas da Caatinga, amostradas no capítulo anterior, são afetadas pela perturbação crônica
do ponto de vista de diversidade e estrutura filogenética. Neste capítulo, utilizaram-se os
mesmos preditores da perturbação citados anteriormente, porém agora combinados em um
índice de perturbação crônica. A diversidade de famílias esperadas para história evolutiva da
região e a distância média entre os indivíduos dessas comunidades, medida em anos, foi
reduzida em ambientes mais perturbados e para todos os estágios ontogenéticos. As
comunidades de jovens e de plântulas apresentaram maior grau de parentesco em áreas mais
perturbadas, sendo os táxons Euphorbiaceae e Cnidoscolus responsáveis por esse aumento de
parentesco. Os resultados desta tese demonstram que as perturbações antrópicas crônicas na
Caatinga não podem ser negligenciadas, pois conferem efeitos negativos importantes à
diversidade taxonômica e filogenética da flora lenhosa. Dessa forma, estratégias de manejo
que conciliem o uso dessas florestas e a manutenção da biodiversidade da Caatinga são
urgentes. / The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of chronic anthropogenic disturbances (e.g.
harvesting of timber and non-timber forest products, hunting, livestock, and damage to
vegetation caused by exotic species that occur in natural remnant forests) on the taxonomic
and phylogenetic diversity of wood flora from Brazilian Caatinga. Initially, 51 scientific
papers were revised in order to investigate how chronic anthropogenic disturbances affect the
flora of natural ecosystems. Most studies were conducted at developing countries, where
human populations use forest resources for subsistence and commerce. Chronic disturbance
effects were accessed mainly at population and community levels, and harvesting of nontimber
forest products was the disturbance source more frequently analyzed in those papers.
Effects of the chronic disturbances were in general negative, however positive and neutral
effects were also documented. The second chapter brings a case study that evaluates the
influence of chronic disturbances on the taxonomic diversity and composition of Caatinga
wood flora from private propreties at the municipality of Parnamirim-PE, Brazil. Adult,
sapling and seedling of wood plant communities were sampled, and the density of people and
livestock (goats and catle) near the plot were used as predictors of chronic disturbance, as
well as the distances to the nearest urban centre, road and rural property. In general, these
disturbance predictors showed negative effects on taxonomic diversity irrespective to
ontogenetic stage. Moreover, the density of people and livestock near the plot were the main
predictors of these negative effects. Species composition differed between plots with low and
high level of disturbance, especially in relation to hard wood species, which were rare in the
plots highly disturbed. The third and last chapter analyzed how the adult, sapling and seedling
communities, surveyed previously, were affected by chronic disturbances from the viewpoint
of the phylogenetic diversity and structure. In this chapter the chronic disturbance predictors
described above were combined into a chronic disturbance index. The diversity of families
expected to the local evolutionary history and the mean phylogenetic distance between the
individuals were reduced in plots with higher level of disturbance for all ontogenetic stages.
Sapling and seeedling communities had higher degree of relatedness in most disturbed sites,
being Euphorbiaceas and Cinidoscolus taxa responsible for this increasing in the relatedness
degree. Overall, this thesis demonstrates that chronic anthropogenic disturbance at Caatinga
could not continue to be neglected, as it imposes deleterious effects to the taxonomic and
phylogenetic diversity of wood plant assemblages. Management strategies conciliating forest
use and the maintenance of Caatinga biodiversity are urgent.
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Fatores determinantes da viabilidade da coleta de múltiplos produtos florestais não madeireiros: estudo em sete localidades da Amazônia central / Determinant factors for the feasibility of collecting multiple non-timber forest products: a study in seven sites at central AmazonRafael de Carvalho Sposito 02 March 2016 (has links)
O uso múltiplo florestal é apontado na literatura científica como mais uma das estratégias win-win de conservação e desenvolvimento local. Porém, pode haver limitações, as quais ainda não foram totalmente elucidadas. A ausência de múltiplos produtos florestais não madeireiros (PFNM) disponíveis em um contexto local e a falta do interesse e capacidade das pessoas de coletarem tais produtos restringe o sucesso dessa estratégia. Este estudo teve, portanto, o objetivo de avaliar como diferentes fatores afetam esses aspectos citados e, consequentemente, a viabilidade da coleta de múltiplos PFNM, assim como o potencial de geração de renda monetária. Foram avaliados fatores ambientais, socioeconômicos, culturais e de percepção no contexto de sete localidades da Reserva Mamirauá, na Amazônia Central. A disponibilidade (ocorrência e abundância) dos PFNM fornecidos por cinco espécies de importância comercial na região (frutos de açaí, buriti e camu-camu, e sementes de andiroba e murumuru), o potencial econômico desses PFNM e os fatores ambientais foram avaliados no nível da localidade. O interesse e a capacidade das pessoas coletarem os múltiplos PFNM, bem como o fator de percepção (gosto pela coleta), foram avaliados no nível do indivíduo. Já os fatores socioeconômicos e culturais foram avaliados no nível da unidade doméstica. Para avaliar a disponibilidade, foram estabelecidos um total de 24 transectos entre as sete localidades, onde também foram estimados três fatores ambientais (radiação solar, topografia e quantidade de matéria orgânica no solo). O potencial econômico foi estimado a partir da abundância das espécies, da taxa anual da produção de frutos e sementes e do preço dos produtos. O interesse e a capacidade dos indivíduos de coletar, bem como os fatores socioeconômicos, culturais e de percepção (gosto pela coleta) foram estimados através de survey, por meio de entrevistas. Ao todo foram realizadas 195 entrevistas, sendo 75 no nível da unidade doméstica e 120 no nível do indivíduo. Notou-se que a ocorrência e abundância das espécies variaram entre as localidades, sendo que apenas E. precatoria e A. murumuru são abundantes em todas as localidades. Além disso, a disponibilidade dos PFNM também varia de acordo com a frutificação das espécies, que pode ser baixa em determinado ano. Portanto, a disponibilidade de PFNM pode ser o primeiro fator limitante para geração de renda monetária com a coleta de múltiplos PFNM. As variações nos fatores ambientais parecem afetar a concentração dos indivíduos das espécies, que possuem distribuição agregada. Em todas as localidades, a maioria dos indivíduos declarou interesse em coletar os cinco PFNM pesquisados, exceto o murumuru. Além das pessoas terem mais interesse em coletar os produtos que são mais consumidos e vendidos, o gosto pela coleta também é importante. Por último, a maioria dos indivíduos das sete localidades é apta a coletar todos os produtos avaliados, apesar das dificuldades envolvidas na coleta. Portanto, os resultados sugerem que os principais fatores limitantes para a coleta de múltiplos PFNM nas sete localidades da RDS Mamirauá estão relacionados a pouca quantidade de árvores ou palmeiras e à falta de interesse em coletar, que é desencadeada, por sua vez, pela falta do gosto de coletar, assim como pelo não costume de consumir e pela dificuldade de comercializar os PFNM. / The use of multiple forest resources has been pointed in the scientific literature as one of the most win-win strategies for conservation and local development. However, the limitations of this approach have not been completely determined. The unavailability of diverse non-timber forest products (NTFP) in a local context as well as the lack of motivation and ability of people to collect such products limits the success of this strategy. In this regard, our study aimed to evaluate the contribution of different factors to the above mentioned aspects, including the feasibility of the collection of multiple NTFP and its potential generation of monetary income. We evaluated the environmental, the socioeconomic, the cultural and the perception factors in seven sites of the central Amazon, at Mamirauá Reserve. In a local context, the economic potential and availability (presence and abundance) of NTFP provided by fruits and seeds of five important species found specifically in that region (açaí, buriti, camu-camu, andiroba and murumuru) were examined. In an individual level, we evaluated the personal motivation and ability of collecting the multiple NTFP, in addition to the perception factor (characterized by the pleasure of collecting). Further, we investigated the socioeconomic and cultural factors in the context of the domestic units. In order to measure the availability, 24 transects where established in seven Amazon sites. Environmental factors such as solar radiation, topography and the amount of organic compounds in the soil were also accessed. In order to estimate the economic potential, we considered the abundance of the species, the annual rate of fruits and seeds production and the product prices. To better address the individual motivation and ability in collecting the products and the socioeconomic, cultural and perception factors, surveys and interviews were performed. A total of 195 interviews were done: 75 at the domestic unit level and 120 at the individual level. Our study demonstrates that the presence and abundance of the species vary among the different localities, being the E. precatoria and A. murumuru the common species found in all the localities. Moreover, the availability of NTFP vary seasonally, according to the characteristics of fructification of every species. Hence, the availability of the NTFP might be the first limiting factor compromising the generation of monetary income. Changes in the environmental factors were found to affect the concentration of the individual of the species, which show an aggregated distribution. In all the localities, the vast majority of the subjects demonstrated to be interested in collecting the species, except the murumuru. We observed a higher motivation of people in collecting that products with a higher consumption and commercial rates. Finally, we found that a significant amount of subjects in the seven sites were able to collect all the products evaluated, regardless the difficulties underlain the collection process. In conclusion, our data suggest that the main limiting factors for the collection of multiple NTFPs in the seven localities of the Mamirauá RDS are related to a small number of trees or palms and the lack of motivation in collecting, which is triggered in turn by the lack of pleasure of collecting as well as for the non-habit of consuming and for the difficulty of commercializing.
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Why do people participate in monitoring the effects of natural resource harvest and trade? Assessing multiple drivers of participation. / Por que os povos da floresta se envolvem no monitoramento participativo da coleta e do comércio de recursos naturais? Avaliando múltiplos determinantes da participaçãoAlice Dantas Brites 03 March 2015 (has links)
Participatory monitoring of ecological and socioeconomic effects of harvesting and trading natural resources is advocated as a promoter of natural resource conservation and local communitiy empowerment. Nevertheless, the strategys success depends upon peoples willingness and availability to participate. Yet little is known about the factors that drive local communities to volunteer in participatory monitoring, particularly in relation to small-scale communities living in remote locations. This thesis investigated whether a number of candidate factors were able to predict peoples participation in monitoring. To do so, we conducted a study in a forest community of the Brazilian Amazon that harvested and traded Carapa guianensis (andiroba), a non-timber forest product (NTFP). Two methods of data gathering were employed: (i) an interview-based survey of 166 adults ( 18 y.o.; 51 households) to estimate peoples self-stated intention to participate and the drivers of their participation, and (ii) experimentally-implemented monitoring tasks of the effects of harvesting and trading C. guianensis to measure peoples actual participation. Results are presented in three chapters. In Chapter 1, we evaluated whether economic benefits received from the NTFP trade or, alternatively peoples cooperativeness, were more important in predicting peoples participation. Results indicated that both variables raised peoples intention and actual levels of participation in monitoring, but cooperativeness was a stronger and better predictor across monitoring tasks. In Chapter 2, we investigated the psychology of engaging in monitoring, departing from the theoretical framework of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) for understanding whether the variables in the model were appropriate to predict the willingness to volunteer in monitoring tasks. We found that the TPB model, in general, was able to predict peoples intention to volunteer in monitoring tasks. Specifically, one of the attitude indicators (attitude pleasure) explained the intention to engage in all monitoring tasks assessed. Subjective norms were also important to predict the intention to collect data on natural resource populations and to interview community inhabitants, whereas perceived behavioral control predicted the intention to collect data on natural resources and to deal with data management and storage. Finally, in Chapter 3 we hypothesized that the awareness of ecological and socioeconomic impacts of NTFP harvest and trade should explain peoples participation in monitoring. Results indicated that both factors were important, particularly regarding to peoples actual participation, although factors such as gender, age and schooling were occasionally stronger predictors. Nevertheless, there is evidence that combining monitoring of ecological and socioeconomic factors will boost the practices success. The study conclusions contribute to lessons aimed at stimulating participation in monitoring. Among those, we highlight the importance of strategies to increase levels of cooperativeness among people, spreading information about the possible negative effects of natural resource harvest and trade, and granting financial compensations equivalent to the opportunity costs of participation. / O monitoramento participativo dos efeitos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da coleta e do comércio de recursos naturais é uma estratégia considerada promotora tanto da conservação ambiental, quanto do empoderamento das comunidades locais. O sucesso da estratégia, todavia, depende, sobretudo, da disponibilidade e disposição dos indivíduos em participarem. Apesar disso, sabe-se pouco sobre os fatores que determinam a participação voluntária no monitoramento, especialmente em comunidades de pequena escala habitantes de áreas remotas. Sendo assim, esta tese teve por objetivo investigar o efeito de determinantes da participação no monitoramento. Para tal, foi estudada uma comunidade da Amazônia brasileira que coleta e comercializa Carapa guianensis (andiroba), um produto florestal não madeireiro (PFNM). Dois métodos de coleta de dados foram utilizados: (i) survey por meio de entrevistas a 166 adultos ( 18 anos; 51 unidades domésticas) para estimar a intenção de participar e os determinantes da participação, e (ii) implementação de monitoramento experimental dos efeitos da coleta e do comércio de C. guianensis para quantificar a participação real no monitoramento. Os resultados são apresentados em três capítulos. No Capítulo 1, avaliamos se os benefícios econômicos obtidos com o comércio de PFNM ou, alternativamente, o comportamento cooperativo são determinantes mais importantes da participação. Os resultados indicaram que as duas variáveis aumentam a intenção e a participação real no monitoramento. Porém, o comportamento cooperativo foi um indicador mais forte da participação entre as diferentes atividades de monitoramento avaliadas. No Capítulo 2, investigamos os fatores psicológicos que afetam a participação, utilizando como base a Teoria do comportamento planejado (TCP) e avaliando o efeito das variáveis deste modelo sobre a probabilidade da participação voluntária no monitoramento. Os resultados indicaram que, em geral, o modelo da TCP é adequado para prever a intenção de participar em diferentes etapas do monitoramento avaliadas. Em particular, um dos indicadores de atitude (prazer) é capaz de explicar a participação nas quatro etapas de monitoramento. Normas subjetivas também foram importantes preditores da intenção de participar da coleta de dados da população de andiroba e entrevistar outros moradores da comunidade. Já o controle comportamental percebido previu a intenção de participar da coleta de dados sobre a população do recurso natural e a entrada e armazenamento de dados. No Capítulo 3, partimos da hipótese de que a percepção dos impactos ecológicos e socioeconômicos da coleta e do comércio de PFNM pode explicar a participação no monitoramento. Os resultados indicaram que a percepção dos dois tipos de impactos é importante, sobretudo para a participação real. Porém, outros fatores como gênero, idade e escolaridade são determinantes mais fortes da participação em algumas atividades. Ademais, encontramos evidências de que aliar o monitoramento de impactos ecológicos e socioeconômicos aumenta o sucesso da prática. As conclusões do estudo contribuem com lições práticas para aumentar a participação no monitoramento. Destacamos, dentre elas, a importância de estratégias para aumentar a cooperação entre os comunitários, a disseminação de informações sobre os possíveis impactos negativos da coleta e do comércio de recursos naturais, e o fornecimento de compensações financeiras equivalentes ao custo de oportunidade de participação
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Participative Innovation Platforms (PIP): Guideline for analysis and development of commercial forest product value chains in Sudan and EthiopiaAuch, Eckhard, Alemu Abtew, Asmamaw 22 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This working paper was developed with the intention to provide a guideline for participatory analysis and development of commercial forest product value chains, in the context of developing countries. Basically, it was designed for identification and implementation of interventions or upgrading measures for the improvement of commercial forest product (Bamboo, Natural gum and resin, and Gum Arabic) value chains in Ethiopia and Sudan within the framework of a collaborative research project - CHAnces IN Sustainability: promoting natural resource based product chains in East Africa (CHAINS). The PIP instrument could also be applied for other commercial non-timber forest products (NTFPs), by adjusting to the local contexts and environments. It can be an important guide for value chain analysts, especially in the process of designing and verifying upgrading actions through the application of tools like interviewing actors, group discussions, or facilitated workshops.
This working paper particularly provides:
- Background information on basic concepts of value chain analysis and development;
- Review of methodological frameworks for participatory value chain analysis and development;
- Practical details for participatory value chain analysis as implemented by the CHAINS project, including checklists, diagrams, and tools used in the participatory process;
- Critical reflection on the practical application of the approach / Das als Leitfaden gestaltete Arbeitspapier beschreibt Schritt für Schritt das Vorgehen bei der Implementierung von ‚Participative Innovation Platforms‘ (PIP). Das PIP Methodenpaket zur partizipativen Analyse und Entwicklung von Wertschöpfungsketten in Entwicklungsländern wird an Beispielen von kommerziellen Nichtholz-Waldprodukten aus Trockenwäldern Ostafrikas erklärt und gibt praktische Unterstützung zur Durchführung der PIP Workshops mit dem Ziel, Aktivitäten und Interventionen für Innovationen mit Relevanz für die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette gemeinsam mit den beteiligten Akteuren zu vereinbaren.
Das PIP Konzept wurde im Rahmen des entwicklungsorientierten Forschungsprojekts CHAINS (CHAnces IN Sustainability: promoting natural resource based product chains in East Africa) entwickelt, um Bambus -, Weihrauch- und Gummi arabicum Wertschöpfungsketten in Äthiopien und dem Sudan zu verbessern. Das PIP Instrument stellt die Akteure in den Mittelpunkt und kann deshalb sehr flexibel auch für andere Produkte angewendet werden.
Der Leitfaden bietet:
- Hintergrundinformationen zum Konzept von Wertschöpfungsketten;
- Einführung in den methodischen Rahmen für partizipative Analyse und Entwicklung von Wertschöpfungsketten;
- Praktische Anleitung für die partizipative Analyse von Wertschöpfungsketten nach dem im CHAINS Projekt entwickelten Methodenpaket, einschließlich Checklisten, Diagrammen und Methoden;
- Kritische Reflektion zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des PIP Methodenpakets.
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The impact of urban expansion and population growth on productivity of forestlands : study area: Rustenburg Local Municipality.Seokwang, Modise. January 2007 (has links)
The survey has been carried out in North West Province within Rustenburg Local
Municipality. This is an Urban Forestry research in which six sites including peri-urban,
urban, suburban and semi-rural areas were selected for the study. The aim of the study
was to determine the relationship between households and their local trees and forests.
Forest in this context included community gardens, vegetation cover, open spaces, soil,
water, productive sites and animals that form part of forest. Data collection was mainly
based on questionnaires and covered sample of 272 households. Statistical Package of
Social Sciences (SPSS) 15.0 using 5% sampling intensity (confidence level) was used in
which the data has been represented by numbers. Analysis was based on determining
households’ relationship with their trees and local forest, and how they influence forest
productivity or development.
With SPSS two techniques, regression model and descriptive statistics were applied to
analyze quantitative and qualitative data. Regression model was significant in prediction
of the dependent variable (Y) using independent variables (X), and proved to be a good
model to analyze data for fuelwood, timber and forest food production. Descriptive
statistics was important in counting number of times each category or variable is used.
Participants had varying perceptions regarding the use of forest due to factors such as
availability of forest resource, type of residence, and their living standard. Generally,
households in suburban and urban areas value the forests for economic and
environmental benefit, while the peri-urban and semi-rural households utilized their trees
and forest to meet their energy demand. A large number of households consume forest
food as compared to timber and fuelwood due to the availability of the resources.
The Municipality as a whole is undergoing rapid development expected to continue
throughout years. These developments are stimulated by mining activities and influx of
people in the area. All these factors threaten the existing natural resources especially
forest areas and water. Areas of these resources are declining due to the current demand
for housing, new mining sites and continuous establishment of informal settlements. Trees and forest within peri-urban and semi-rural areas are in poor conditions as
compared to urban and suburban areas. Poor waste management and poverty are issues
aggravating the situation especially in poor developing sites that have been studied. Most
agricultural sites have been transformed into residential areas, and thus exacerbating
problems of food insecurity in the whole country. Household size has major influence in
fuelwood, timber and forest food production as an increase or decrease in the size will
determine the amount of consumption, production or development. Value for forest,
access to forest, level of interaction and restrictions regarding the use of forest are also
significant aspects contributing to forest productivity and development as they show the
relationship that exists between forest and households. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.
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The impact of plant product harvesting on Derre Miombo woodlands, Mozambique / by Maria Cruz.Cruz, Maria (Maria Regina Torres) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates how information on plant products can be used to incorporate
local users into joint forest management planning by developing guidelines for
sustainable collaborative management in Derre miombo woodland in the Zambézia
Province in Mozambique. From the participatory appraisal, it was found that 46
woody miombo species were used in the five villages for at least 29 different
purposes. Five of these species (Brachystegia boehmii, B. spiciformis, Pterocarpus
angolensis, Terminalia sericea and Swartzia madagascariensis) were selected for
analysis because of their multiple uses and the unknown impact of their harvesting on
the future survival of those hardwood trees species.
In order to determine the impact of human resource extraction on the forest and on the
dynamics of tree canopy populations an inventory of woody plants was.carried out for
two categories of forest land-use, namely selective harvesting and fallow land
(approximately 15 years old). This was done for Golombe and Arame villages and for
selective harvesting only for Mphoto village, on 23, I-ha random selected plots in the
woodland adjacent to the three villages.
The population structure of the five species T sericea, S. madagascariensis, P.
angolensis, B. boehmii and B. spiciformis showed different trends in each of the
three villages. Size class distribution of the first tree species gave evidence that the
species were being harvested for building poles.
This study has shown that, through plant species products, miombo contribute to the
livelihoods of the local communities living in Derre woodlands. In this study it was
found that usually more than one species were used for one product as well as most of
the species being trees with multiple uses.
This study has also provided some evidence that P. angolensis and S.
madagascariensis can benefit from shifting cultivation and fire, which encourages
coppice regeneration. More research is required to further validate this evidence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die moontlikhede wat inligting oor spesifieke plantprodukte
bied, in die betrekking van plaaslike gemeenskappe in die proses van gesamentlike
bosbestuurs- en beplanningspraktyke. Verder word riglyne opgestel aangaande die
volhoubaarheid van die gesamentlike bestuurs- en beplanningspraktyke in die Derre
miombo bosveld, in die Zambézia Provinsie in Mozambique. Inligting verkry vanuit
die deelnemende opname dui aan dat in die vyf nedersettings wat ondersoek is, 46
houtagtige miombo spesies vir ten minste 29 verskillende doeleindes aangewend
word. Vyf van die spesies (Brachystegia boehmii, B. spiciformis, Pterocarpus
angolensis, Terminalia sericea en Swartzia madagascariensis) is geselekteer vir
gebruik in analises as gevolg van hul benutbaarheid deur plaaslike inwoners en die
feit dat minimale inligting beskikbaar is oor die impak van gebruik van die harde hout
spesies op hul volhoubare benutting en voortbestaan.
'n Opname van houtagtige spesies is uitgevoer in areas wat val in een van twee bosgrondgebruiks
kategoriee nl. areas wat selektief geoes en benut word, en braaklande
(ongeveer 15 jaar oud). Dit is gedoen om die impak wat verwydering van
boshulpbronne deur mense op die boomkruin populasies het, vas te stel. Die opname
strategie is gevolg in 23 ha persele, uitgelê in die gebiede wat die Golombe, Arame en
Mphoto nedersettings omring - in die geval van laasgenoemde nedersetting is slegs
die impak van selektiewe benutting ondersoek.
Die populasie struktuur van die vyf studiespesies (T sericea, S. madagascariensis, P.
angolensis, B. boehmii en B. spiciformis) het verkil vir elk van die drie nedersettings
wat ondersoek is. Die verspreiding van grootte klasse vir die eerste spesie, het
aangedui dat die spesie vir gebruik as konstruksie pale geoes word.
Die miombo bosveld plantegroei-tipe dra by tot die lewensonderhoud van plaaslike
gemeenskappe in die vorm van plant produkte, in die Derre omgewing. Daar is
verder gevind dat meer as een spesie dikwels vir dieselfde doel aangewend kan word
en die meeste van die spesies wat benut word is boomagtig met meer as een gebruik.
In die studie is verder aanduidings gevind dat P. angolensis en S. madagascariensis
kan baatvind by grondverbouings praktyke wat gereeld verskuif word en ook brande,
omdat beide praktyke kreupelhout regenerasie stimuleer. Verdere navorsing word
egter benodig om dié bevinding te ondersteun.
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