Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forntida"" "subject:"forntiden""
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Forntida odling och bruk av cannabis i SverigeKjellström, Caesar January 2022 (has links)
This is a paper that partly has studied the uses of Cannabis sativa in Sweden during prehistoric and historic times (mainly prehistoric) and partly have discussed and analyzed the previous science on the matter. The use of the species as a fiber material for ropes and textiles has been well documented in historical times and the use of the medicinal properties of the plant has been vaguely speculated upon. The archaeological evidence from prehistoric and historic use has been gathered and analyzed. The paper concludes that cannabis mainly has been used as hemp in order to provide household textiles from around year 0 up to the modern age in varying degree.
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Vinaren i skolan : Forntiden i musikundervisningen / The hummer in school : The antiquity in music educationAndersson, Michael January 2017 (has links)
Det första musikinstrumentet som hittats är 35 000 år gammalt. Forskningen har visat att musikens funktion på den tid då skriftspråket fortfarande inte fanns, bör ha haft andra funktioner än vad musiken har idag. Samtidigt finns många likheter. Dessa kunskaper berikar vår förståelse för vår samtid. Dock visar denna studie att hälften av de musiklärare på högstadiet som deltagit, svarat att de inte nämner forntidens musik eller musikinstrument alls, eller bara i förbifarten. Orsaken till det skulle vara tidsbrist och egen brist på kunskap i ämnet. Läroplanen hjälper inte läraren att prioritera musikens ursprung och utveckling. / The first musical instrument found is 35 000 years old. Research has shown that music function at the time when the written language still not existed, should have had other functions than the music of today. While there are many similarities. This knowledge enriches our understanding of our times. However, this study shows that half of the music teachers in high school who participated, responded that they don´t mention the ancient music or musical instruments at all, or only in passing. The reason for this would be lack of time and their own lack of knowledge on the subject. The curriculum doesn´t help the teacher to give priority to the music's origin and evolution.
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En fornälskares utgrävningar. : En studie av den tidiga arkeologin i Sverige. / The excavations of an antiquarian. : A study of the early archaeology in Sweden.Magnusson Karlsson, Malena January 2017 (has links)
The essay deals with the early archaeology in Sweden during the 17th and 18th centuries in generally and with Henric Jacob Sivers excavations at Skrickerum in particularly. In the medieval, Christian Sweden, the relics from the antiquity was considered merely as symbols of the heathen past but with the foundation of Sweden as a united kingdom they awoke interest as symbols for the nation and were used as tools in the nation building. The interpretation of the antiquity and the ancient relics where done with the Bible and the ancient writers of Greece and Rome as guides and sources. With the new scientific approach, inspired by the Enlightenment, the Swedish antiquity and its relics gained other meanings and understandings and during the early 19th century Swedish archaeology developed into a scientific subject. The aim of this essay is to retain a deeper understanding for how Swedish antiquity was looked upon during the period between the Renaissance and 1800 among scholars of the time. What similarities and differences can be spotted in a comparison with archaeology of today? Due to this, the essay concentrate on a few, selected scholars from each century and takes a look at questions like; what was considered antiquities, how where they interpreted and what part did the Christianity, and later on the Enlightenment, play in the view upon Sweden´s ancient past. In order to find answers on a broader and deeper level, the essay makes a detailed study of excavations performed by Henric Jacob Sivers at Skrickerum, Östergötland in 1757. Sivers, who was a priest and a scholar born and educated in Germany, was inspired by the new scientific view and very interested in the ancient past, he collected antiques and called himself “fornälskare”, antique lover. The excavations at Skrickerum took place during two days in June 1757 and Sivers documented the work rather thoroughly in his publication Berättelse om några nyligen i Tryserums Sokn, Tiust Härad och Calmare Län, öpnade hedniska Grafhögar och the theruti fundna Saker (Sivers 1758). How were these excavations conducted and how did they differ from excavations of today, in theoretical, methodical and conductional aspects? Sivers’ publication will give the answers and help us get a glimpse of Swedish archaeology in its early state.
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En ny forntid? : – förändringar i basutställningar om forntiden 1972-2005 / A new prehistory? : – Changes in permanent exhibitions about prehistoric times 1972-2005Odengrund, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this thesis is to study how the arranging of archaeological objects in permanent exhibitions has changed over time. To find out about this I have been analysing three museums with prehistorical permanent exhibitions. The exhibition at Statens Historiska museum was produced in 2005, Nationalmuseum in Köpenhamn was produced in 1972 with additions from 1988 and 1995 and, finally, Malmö Museer exhibition which was produced in 1977. These exhibitions have been compared to analyse developments during the last 30 years. The result shows that there are different ideals within the exhibitions. Over time, these ideals have been focused more on the visitors and they have tried to appeal to the visitors through themes where the objects have been placed into a narrative. However there are many styles of exhibiting prevalent today that go back all the way to the beginning of the 20th century.</p> / <p>Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på hur sättet att ställa ut arkeologiska föremål i basutställningar har förändrats över tid. Detta har jag undersökt genom tre utställningsbesök på Statens Historisk museum som hade en forntidsutställning som var producerad 2005, Nationalmuseum i Köpenhamn vars utställning var från 1972 med tillägg 1988 och 1995 samt Malmö Museer utställning från 1977. Dessa utställningar har sedan jämförts för att se vad som har hänt under de senaste 30 åren. Resultatet blev att det finns olika ideal inom utställningarna. Över tid har idealen blivet mer publikvänliga och har försökt tilltala publiken i större utsträckning genom teman där föremålen sätts in i en berättelse. Dock finns det mycket gestaltningsmässiga grepp som lever kvar sedan början av 1900-talet.</p>
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En ny forntid? : – förändringar i basutställningar om forntiden 1972-2005 / A new prehistory? : – Changes in permanent exhibitions about prehistoric times 1972-2005Odengrund, Anna January 2006 (has links)
The purpose with this thesis is to study how the arranging of archaeological objects in permanent exhibitions has changed over time. To find out about this I have been analysing three museums with prehistorical permanent exhibitions. The exhibition at Statens Historiska museum was produced in 2005, Nationalmuseum in Köpenhamn was produced in 1972 with additions from 1988 and 1995 and, finally, Malmö Museer exhibition which was produced in 1977. These exhibitions have been compared to analyse developments during the last 30 years. The result shows that there are different ideals within the exhibitions. Over time, these ideals have been focused more on the visitors and they have tried to appeal to the visitors through themes where the objects have been placed into a narrative. However there are many styles of exhibiting prevalent today that go back all the way to the beginning of the 20th century. / Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på hur sättet att ställa ut arkeologiska föremål i basutställningar har förändrats över tid. Detta har jag undersökt genom tre utställningsbesök på Statens Historisk museum som hade en forntidsutställning som var producerad 2005, Nationalmuseum i Köpenhamn vars utställning var från 1972 med tillägg 1988 och 1995 samt Malmö Museer utställning från 1977. Dessa utställningar har sedan jämförts för att se vad som har hänt under de senaste 30 åren. Resultatet blev att det finns olika ideal inom utställningarna. Över tid har idealen blivet mer publikvänliga och har försökt tilltala publiken i större utsträckning genom teman där föremålen sätts in i en berättelse. Dock finns det mycket gestaltningsmässiga grepp som lever kvar sedan början av 1900-talet.
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Framtida/Modern/Ny/Samtida Svensk bostad : Hur kan vi inspireras av historien för att rita bostäder idag? / Future/Modern/New/Contemporary Swedish Dwelling : using history to create contemporary dwellingsFransson, Johan, Norlin, Olivia January 2015 (has links)
En undersökning av den svenska bostadens historia från forntid (13 000 f. Kr.) fram till modernismens genombrott (1930 e. Kr.), indelad i fyra olika epoker. Projektets första del består av en genomgång av historien, som grundar sig på litteratur av främst arkitekten Erik Lundberg och etnologen Sigurd Erixon, samt analyser i diagramform av epokernas bostadstypologier. Undersökningen resulterar i fyra moderna enfamiljshus, som vardera representerar en av de fyra epokerna. / A study concerning the history of Swedish dwellings and typologies, 13000 B.C. – 1930 A.D., divided into four different eras.The first part of the project included reading literature, foremost by the architect Erik Lundberg and the ethnologist Sigurd Erixon, together with a diagrammatic analysis of examples of buildings representative of each era. The project resulted in the design of four modern single-family houses, each based on one of the four eras in the Swedish history.
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