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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Snedrekryteringens dimensioner : En kartläggning av forskningstraditioner inom studiet av sociala gruppers ojämlika deltagande i nordisk högre utbildning / Dimensions of Unequal Participation : A Review of Research Traditions Within the Study of Social Inequalities in Higher Education Participation in the Nordic Countries

Bryntesson, André January 2022 (has links)
The following study categorises, summarises and analyses research on unequal participation of social groups in Nordic higher education. While it does not give an exhaustive account of all research, the ambition has been to capture the main strands of contemporary literature and its results. I categorise the literature into three main research traditions, as well as into studies that may best be characterised by their object of study. This typology forms the structure in which research is presented in the study. The summary of research results show that in parallel with the efforts to expand higher education and include larger parts of the population, the relationship between family background and children’s years of education has weakened and the rate of participation in higher education has increased among underrepresented groups. At the same time, however, patterns where students tend to study different study programmes or at different higher education institutions depending on gender and social or national background have remained largely intact, and in some cases even grown stronger. These differences in participation rates and enrolment patterns can be traced to inequalities in school achievement, unequal access to knowledge and information, differences in family support and expectations from the social environment, different horizons of opportunities, as well as different preferences regarding the length of the study programme, its degree of labour market connection and the importance placed on the geographical proximity to family and friends. One of the contributions of the analysis is showing how questions and methods in different research traditions generate different types of results, which at first glance may seem incompatible. Upon closer inspection, however, the research results in fact paint a highly congruent picture. A consistent theme throughout is how more detailed, multidimensional or intersectional indicators and classifications of education, social background or other social groupings often reveal important differences and inequalities that are invisible in studies that use more aggregated or linear indicators and groupings. / <p>Uppsatsen skrevs ursprungligen i rapportform på uppdrag av Universitetskanslersämbetet (UKÄ) och publicerades 2021 inom ramen för UKÄ:s regeringsuppdrag att utvärdera lärosätenas arbete med breddad rekrytering. Texten har nu när den läggs fram som uppsats på några ställen omarbetats eller justerats, men är i stora drag identisk med uppdragsrapporten, där professor Mikael Börjesson som uppsatshandledare stod som garant för studiens kvalitet gentemot UKÄ.</p><p>Bryntesson, A., &amp; Börjesson, M. (2021). <em>Forskning om rekrytering till högre utbildning i de nordiska länderna, 2010–2021. En kunskapsöversikt</em> (Rapporter från Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi Nr 64). SEC, Uppsala universitet</p>

Våld i film : En evolutionärbiologisk förklaring till vår fascination

Felsing, Alexander January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsatsen undersöker varför våld i film är så utbrett och populärt. Jag använder mig av ett evolutionärbiologiskt perspektiv, som tidigare inte använts vid filmforskning i så stor utsträckning. Istället har filmforskning och andra studier på människans beteende oftast utgått ifrån ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen är av typen ”forskningsöversikt” vilket innebär att jag inte har gjort någon klassisk analys på ett filmiskt verk eller empiriskt material, utan har sammanställt en stor mängd forskning från andra forskare. För att kunna svara på min frågeställning har jag behövt forska inom mänsklig evolution, audiovisuell perception samt våld i film. Den viktigaste bokenför uppsatsen kom att bli Torben Grodals Embodied Visions. Huvudfrågan i min frågeställning löd: Vilka faktorer ligger enligt tidigare forskning bakom populariteten av våldsskildringar?Svar: 1. Film är utformad för att påverka oss, aktivera känslor. 2. Det som påverkar ossallra mest är de bilder som påminner om de djupast rotade mekanismerna inuti oss. 3. Av evolutionära skäl ingår våld och aggressivitet bland dessa djupt rotade mekanismer. / This paper examines why violence in films is so widespread and popular. I use an evolutionary biological perspective, that has not previously been used in film research as much. Instead, the film research and other studies on human behavior usually originate from a social constructionist perspective. The essay is a "research review", which means that I have not made a classic analysis of a cinematic work or empirical data, but have collected a large amount of research from other scientists. To be able to answer my question, I had to do research in human evolution, audio visual perception and violence in film. The most important book for the essay came to be Torben Grodals Embodied Visions. The main question in my research question was: What factors are in accordance with previous research behind the popularity of graphic violence? Answer: 1. Film is designed to affect us, activating emotions. 2. what affects us the most is images that reminds us of deeply rooted mechanisms inside us. 3. of evolutionary reasons, violence and aggression are among these deep-rooted mechanisms.

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