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The Fountain Houses : Practicing EmpowermentUtzinger, Kerstin January 2021 (has links)
In the autumn of 2020, I was an intern at Fontänhuset Sköndal and there my curiosity was aroused to know more about the organization and the people in it. The purpose of my thesis was to investigate whether Fountain houses members' mental health has improved since they started participating in the activities, I wanted to investigate whether empowerment was the reason for the members possibly improved mental health. In this study, I interviewed four members and three employees / supervisors. My assumption that the well-being of the members of Fountain houses was positively affected was to some extent correct. All stated that they felt better since they started at Fontain Houses, but still they continued to medicate and have contact with the traditional psychiatric care. That empowerment in the form of joint work, participation, co-determination and autonomy was crucial in their perception of their mental health. Due to the current corona pandemic, the Fountain houses cannot be open as usual and members cannot participate in all the daily tasks.Hopefully the restrictions will soon end so that members can return to a structured existence with routines, join tasks and social company.Structure and routines are important for people with mental illness. The importance of Fountain houses is becoming more significant as mental illness spreads in the country. It is gratifying that several members are actively involved in establishing more Fountain houses in Sweden. / Hösten 2020 var jag praktikant på Fontänhuset Sköndal och där väcktes min nyfikenhet att veta mer om organisationen och människorna i den. Syftet med min uppsats var att undersöka om Fontänhusens medlemmars psykiska hälsa förbättrats sedan de började delta i verksamheten. Jag ville undersöka om empowerment var anledningen till medlemmarnas eventuellt förbättrade psykiska hälsa. I denna studie har jag intervjuat fyra medlemmar och tre anställda/handledare. Mitt antagande att Fontänhusens medlemmars mående påverkades positivt stämde till viss del. Samtliga uppgav att de mådde bättre sedan de började på Fontänhusen men likväl fortsatte de medicinera och ha kontakt med den traditionella psykiatriska vården. Att empowerment i form av gemensamt arbete, delaktighet, medbestämmande, egenmakt hade avgörande betydelse i deras uppfattning om sitt psykiska hälsotillstånd. På grund av den rådande coronapandemin kan inte Fontänhusen ha öppet som vanligt och många av husens normala, dagliga arbetsuppgifter kan inte alla medlemmar delta i. Förhoppningen är att begränsningarna snarast upphör så att medlemmarna kan återgå till en strukturerad tillvaro med rutiner, gemensamma arbetsuppgifter och social samvaro. Struktur och rutiner är viktigt för människor med psykisk ohälsa. Fontänhusens betydelse får ökad aktualitet i och med att den psykiska ohälsan breder ut sig i landet. Det är glädjande att flera medlemmar aktivt engagerar sig för att fler Fontänhus ska etableras i Sverige.
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Experiencing Flow in the Clubhouse Model of Psychosocial RehabilitationFrumento, Rebecca 01 January 2016 (has links)
Persons with mental illness struggle daily to overcome their illnesses that relentlessly attack the mind. In efforts to revolutionize mental health treatment, psychologists and doctors have attempted to go beyond symptom reduction. One such method is the Clubhouse Model of psychosocial rehabilitation that welcomes persons with severe mental illness into a socially supportive environment and involves them in meaningful and productive work (Doyle, Lanoil & Dudek, 2013). The Clubhouse Model works: its members report greater feelings of functionality, autonomy, and happiness (Tanaka & Davidson, 2015). However, it is not yet clear how exactly the Clubhouse Model is so effective. The current proposed study will apply the psychology phenomena of flow (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990) to the Clubhouse Model’s core structure, its work-ordered day.
This proposed study will collect data on Clubhouse members’ experience in three activities: the work-ordered day, free time, and therapy to determine if they are ever in a state of flow. The proposal will collect the data over a six-month period using the Experience Sampling Method (Hektner, Schmidt & Csikszentmihalyi, 2007). Additionally, the proposal will collect longitudinal data of the members’ quality of life (QoL) to determine if members’ QoL increase due to their Clubhouse membership. The proposal’s first hypothesis is that members will experience greater levels of flow during the activities of the work-ordered day over their free time and therapy. The proposal’s second hypothesis is that by experiencing flow, Clubhouse members will experience greater levels of QoL.
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Bakgrund: De senaste decennierna har socialpolitiska beslut präglats av en viljeinriktning att individer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning ska leva i samhället med andra, i en gemenskap. Det visar sig dock att många står utanför samhällets gemenskap och saknar ofta sysselsättning. Att ha sysselsättning kan vara en avgörande faktor som inte bara möjliggör att isolering bryts men även att vägen mot återhämtning från psykisk ohälsa kan påbörjas. Att få vara en del av ett sammanhang visar sig ha positiva effekter för återhämtningsprocessen som bidrar till att personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning kan leva ett tillfredsställande liv trots att hen aldrig blir helt symptomfri.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka fontänhusets betydelse för medlemmarnas återhämtningsprocess. Syftet har även varit att belysa om det finns erfarenheter av både främjande och hindrande faktorer på fontänhuset för medlemmarnas återhämtning. Metod: Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med medlemmar på fontänhuset som har erfarenhet av personlig återhämtning har genomförts och analyserats tematiskt.Resultat: Studien visar att fontänhuset är av betydelse för medlemmarnas återhämtningsprocess. Fontänhuset upplevs av flera av deltagarna i studien som en bidragande faktor till deras återhämtning. Studien påvisar också att det kan finnas problematik på fontänhuset som påverkar de sociala relationerna mellan medlemmarna. Vidare lyfts att återhämtningsprocessen består av fram och tillbakagångar men att ha en plats dit man kan gå bidrar till fler framgångar än motgångar. / Background: In recent decades, social policy decisions have been characterized by a determination that people with mental disabilities should live in society with others, in a community. However, it turns out that many people are outside society's community and often lack employment. Having employment can be a crucial factor that not only enables isolation to be broken but also that the path to recovery from mental illness can begin. Being part of a context proves to have a positive effect on the recovery process that helps people with mental disabilities live a satisfying life despite never becoming completely free from symptom.Purpose: The purpose of this study has been to investigate the importance of the fountain house for the members' recovery process. The purpose has also been to highlight whether there are experiences of both promotion and preventive factors in the fountain house for members' recovery.Method: Five semi-structured interviews with members of the fountain house who have experience of personal recovery have been conducted and analyzed thematically.Result: The study shows that the fountain house is important for the members' recovery process. The fountain house is experienced by several of the participants in the study as a contributing factor to their recovery. The study also shows that there may be problems at the fountain house that affect the social relations between the members. Furthermore, it is emphasized that the recovery process consists of advances and reversals, but having a place you can go contributes to more successes than adversities.
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Berättelser från Fountain House : En narrativ studieBaruch, Simon January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to study what the participation in the activities of the Fontain House in Stockholm means to its members. The research questions dealt with how the members describe their participation in the activities, whether they say that it has helped them, and, in that case, in which way. Furthermore, they dealt with how the members argue about their experiences of mental illness and of social help. The study was carried out within the framework of the narrative method. As tools for analyzing the narratives, parts of An-tonovsky’s theories as well as the theoretical concepts of inclusion and exclusion as described by Madsen, were used. Furthermore, earlier research on the Fontain House was applied in the analysis. The results of the study showed that all of the respondents said that the Fontain House was of great importance in their lives and that they could participate in its activities in regard to their own needs and resources. The thesis discusses whether the selection and the execution of the study may have affected the results toward a positive tendency. Concerning how the re-spondents argue about mental illness and about social help, the answers varied strongly.</p>
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Berättelser från Fountain House : En narrativ studieBaruch, Simon January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to study what the participation in the activities of the Fontain House in Stockholm means to its members. The research questions dealt with how the members describe their participation in the activities, whether they say that it has helped them, and, in that case, in which way. Furthermore, they dealt with how the members argue about their experiences of mental illness and of social help. The study was carried out within the framework of the narrative method. As tools for analyzing the narratives, parts of An-tonovsky’s theories as well as the theoretical concepts of inclusion and exclusion as described by Madsen, were used. Furthermore, earlier research on the Fontain House was applied in the analysis. The results of the study showed that all of the respondents said that the Fontain House was of great importance in their lives and that they could participate in its activities in regard to their own needs and resources. The thesis discusses whether the selection and the execution of the study may have affected the results toward a positive tendency. Concerning how the re-spondents argue about mental illness and about social help, the answers varied strongly.
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Psykisk ohälsa : En kvalitativ studie om attityder och stigmatisering av psykisk ohälsa / : A qualitative study on attitudes and stigma of mental illnessJäger, Felicia, Fastén, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är ett begrepp som vi människor ofta kommer i kontakt med i vårat dagliga liv. I Sverige är många människor sjukskrivna med just psykisk ohälsa och syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur attityder och stigmatisering av dessa individer ser ut bland organisationerna. Detta är en kvalitativ studie där intervjuer skett med fem olika organisationer som på ett eller annat sätt kommer i kontakt med psykisk ohälsa. För att begränsa vårat arbete har vi valt att använda oss av tre begrepp: psykiska besvär, psykiatriska funktionshinder, och psykossjukdomar. Teorier som används för att analysera vårat resultat är Erving Goffmans stigmateori och Thomas, J. Scheffs teori kring primär och sekundär stämpling och ”the sick role”. Vidare har vi använt den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden och utfört en kvalitativ intervju med semistrukturerade frågor. Genom semistrukturerade frågor har vi fått utrymme att ställa uppföljningsfrågor och informanterna har kunnat svara mer fritt. Den insamlade empirin bearbetades i en tematisk analys med förutbestämda teman. Resultatet visar att de fem organisationer som intervjuats i studien har liknande erfarenheter kring stigmatiserade attityder mot de tre grupperna. Det framkommer att personer som lider av psykossjukdomar stigmatiseras oftare än personer som har lättare psykiska besvär. Resultatet visar också att organisationerna menar att det blir svårare att komma tillbaka till en vardag med arbete och sociala relationer ju mer en människa har stigmatiserats av omgivning och samhälle. / Mental illness is a term that we come in contact with in our daily life. In Sweden, a lot of people are on sick leave due to mental illness and the focus of our study is to research how the attitudes and stigma look like for these individuals inside of the organizations. This is a qualitative study where five different organizations have come in contact with mental illness. To limit our work we have chosen to use three terms that follows mental illness: psychiatrics, functionality, and psychosis. Theories that has been used to analyze our results is Erving Goffman’s stigma and Thomas, J. Scheff’s theory around primary and secondary labeling, as well as “the sick role”. Furthermore we have used the qualitative research method and performed a qualitative interview with semi-structured questions. Through the semi-structured questions we managed to get space to ask follow-up questions and the informants were able to answer more freely. The collected empirical research was processed in a thematic analysis with predetermined themes. The results shows that the five organizations that were interviewed in the study have similar experiences around stigmatized attitudes toward the three groups. It appears that people who suffer from psychosis are stigmatized more often than people with lighter mental issues. The results also shows that the organizations wants to tell us that it will get harder to find the way back to a life with social relations and work the more a person has been stigmatized due to surroundings and society.
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ἄριστον μέν ὕδωρ: URBAN PLANNING AND WATER IN AKRAGAS AND METAPONTOVasilodimitrakis-Hart, Seraphina 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the water resource management in two Greek colonies in Magna Graecia, Akragas and Metaponto, and the relationship between resource management and political regimes. It asks how similar ancient urban theory was to the practical reality, and if different forms of government made different provisions for water management. Chapter 1 outlines urban and health theories found in the works of ancient theorists. It debunks the idea that Hippodamos was the inventor of grid planning, while introducing the concept of ‘total’ city planning. The focus of Classical scholarship on Athens necessitates discussions of several Athenian water systems and how resource management changed (or continued) through different governments in Athens as a point of comparison for Akragas and Metaponto. This chapter focuses on literary analysis and introduces the controversial Southeast Fountain House, with an in-depth consideration of the fountain’s naming and dating problems. Chapter 2 contains the case studies of Akragas and Metaponto and an exploration of the hydrogeology at the two sites, with an introduction to the hydrological phenomenon of karst activity. A discussion of their unique water features—the kolymbethra at Akragas and the canals in the chora of Metaponto—connects the deliberate planning that occurred in both cities to Hippodamos and the urban theorists. Chapter 3 more fully explores the role of tyrants and democracies in water management. Regardless of authorship, water resource management and water systems are necessary for any city, and so most tyrannical water infrastructure continued to be used and expanded and improved upon even under different governments. Even under tyranny water management is a provision of the state and is engaged with and managed by the citizens of the city. Water management is an essential part of siting and establishing a city, so that it is inseparable from urban planning. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)
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