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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da união por fricção e mistura mecânica entre aço austenítico alto Mn com efeito TRIP e aço automotivo ARBL / Study union friction and mechanical mixing between austenitic high Mn TRIP effect and automotive steel HSLA

Francisco, Brianda Rangel 06 March 2014 (has links)
A crescente escassez dos recursos energéticos renováveis, bem como o contínuo aumento dos seus custos tem requerido nas últimas décadas uma redução drástica no consumo de energia utilizada para o transporte de cargas e passageiros. A indústria siderúrgica pode contribuir decisivamente neste contexto, disponibilizando no mercado aços de maior resistência mecânica, os quais podem ser utilizados em estruturas mais esbeltas. Os aços com elevados teores de Mn (15-30%) representam um desenvolvimento muito recente de ligas ferrosas puramente austeníticas, que reúnem resistência mecânica elevada e grande ductilidade. Além disso, trata-se de ligas de baixo custo devido à eliminação dos elevados teores de Ni necessários para a estabilização da austenita e ao reduzido tempo de processamento, que dispensa tratamentos térmicos e processamentos termomecânicos controlados. Por outro lado, a redução de peso estrutural no setor automobilístico requer não somente a pesquisa de novos aços, mas também a utilização de componentes híbridos, resultantes, entre outros, da união dos aços austeníticos alto Mn com aços comerciais estruturais de alta resistência e baixa liga (ARBL). Nesta dissertação, estudou-se, portanto, a soldabilidade pelo processo de fricção e mistura mecânica (SFMM) de aço austenítico alto Mn com efeito TRIP (plasticidade induzida por transformação martensítica) com aço ARBL processado termomecanicamente tipo XABO500 (ThyssenKrupp Steel, limite de escoamento > 460 MPa). As placas de aço TRIP foram fabricadas na EESC-USP com composição Fe-22.5% Mn-0.4% C através de fundição sob atmosfera protetora de argônio, tratamento térmico de homogenização e laminação a quente a 1150°C. As juntas dissimilares TRIP-ARBL foram produzidas com chapas de 3.5 mm de espessura. Os ensaios de soldagem SFMM foram conduzidos com ferramenta de compósito PCBN-WRe. O aporte térmico de soldagem foi variado através do uso de três velocidades de rotação da ferramenta: 300, 400 e 500 rpm, e o avanço foi de 100 mm/min. Dois deslocamentos (offsets) da ferramenta foram investigados: +1.0 e +2.0 mm em direção ao aço TRIP. Os resultados revelaram um acabamento superficial satisfatório das juntas soldadas com 300 e 400 rpm. A penetração de soldagem aumentou com a velocidade de rotação da ferramenta e com um maior deslocamento da ferramenta em direção ao aço TRIP devido ao crescimento do aporte térmico. A SFMM produziu em ambos os lados das juntas dissimilares uma microestrutura caracterizada apenas por zona de mistura (ZM) e zona termicamente afetada (ZTA), não sendo observada a formação de zonas termomecanicamente afetadas (ZTMA). Na ZM do aço ARBL, a SFMM produziu uma microestrutura polifásica, contendo misturas de ferrita acicular, bainita e martensita. O lado TRIP da ZM não exibiu sinais de transformação martensítica induzida por deformação e sofreu recristalização dinâmica com a formação de uma austenita refinada em comparação com o metal de base. A junta produzida com menor aporte térmico (300 RPM e Offset +1) apresentou os maiores picos de dureza na ZM do aço TRIP devido à maior taxa de resfriamento e, consequentemente, a microestrutura mais fina. Apesar dos maiores picos de dureza, a junta produzida com 300 RPM e Offset +1 apresentou o melhor desempenho no ensaio de tração, atingindo o maior percentual de alongamento a fratura e rompendo no metal de base ARBL. Isso se deve provavelmente à formação de ferrita acicular mais fina na ZM do aço ARBL com microestrutura entrelaçada e de maior tenacidade, se comparado com o metal de base ARBL. / The increasing scarcity of renewable energy resources and their continuously rising costs have required in the last decades a drastic reduction in the energy consumption for the transportation of goods and passengers. The steel industry can decisively contribute in this context by providing the market with steel grades of increased mechanical strength, which can be incorporated into light-weight structures. Steels with high Mn contents (15-30%) represent a recent development of austenitic ferrous alloys that combine elevated mechanical strength with high ductility. In addition, those steel grades correspond to low cost alloys due to the replacement of the high Ni contents necessary to stabilize the austenite as well as the reduced manufacturing time that does not involve subsequent heat treatments or controlled thermo-mechanical processing. On the other hand, the reduction of structural weight in the automotive sector does not only require the research on novel steels, but also the use of hybrid components that result among others from joining austenitic high-Mn steels to commercial structural high-strength low-alloyed (HSLA) steel grades. In this work, we studied therefore the friction stir weldability of an austenitic high-Mn steel with TRIP (transformation induced plasticity) effect to the thermomechanically processed HSLA XABO500 steel grade (ThyssenKrupp Steel, yield strength > 460 MPa). High-Mn TRIP steel plates were produced at the EESC-USP with the chemical composition of Fe-22.5% Mn-0.4% C by casting under protective argon atmosphere, followed by homogenization treatment and hot rolling at 1150°C. The dissimilar TRIP-HSLA joints were produced using 3.5 mm thick plates. The friction stir welding (FSW) experiments were carried out with a tool made of a PCBN-WRe composite. The heat input was varied by using three tool rotational speeds: 300, 400 and 500 rpm. The welding speed was set to 100 mm/min. Two different tool offsets were investigated: +1.0 and +2.0 mm towards the high-Mn TRIP steel. The results revealed that a satisfactory surface finishing is achieved for the butt-joints produced with 300 and 400 rpm. The welding penetration increased for higher tool rotational speeds and larger tool offsets towards the TRIP steel because of an increased heat input. FSW produced at both sides of the dissimilar joints a microstructure characterized by only stir zone (SZ) and heat-affected zone (HAZ). Thermo-mechanical affected zones (TMAZ) could not be observed. In the SZ of the HSLA steel, FSW produced a multiphase microstructure that contains a mixture of acicular ferrite, bainite and martensite. The TRIP side of the SZ did not exhibit traces of strain induced martensitic transformation and underwent dynamic recrystallization with the formation of a fine-grained austenite in comparison to the base material. The butt-joint produced with the lowest heat input (300 RPM and Offset +1) developed the highest hardness peaks in the SZ of the TRIP steel because of the increased cooling rate and, consequently, the more refined microstructure. In spite of the hardest zones, the butt-joint produced with 300 RPM and offset +1 achieved the best performance in the tensile tests by reaching the largest elongation to fracture and having the failure in the HSLA base material. This is likely promoted by the formation of a more refined acicular ferrite in the SZ of the HSLA steel with interpenetrated microstructure and enhanced toughness in comparison to the HSLA base material.

Estampagem incremental e soldagem FSW para fabricação de coletor solar

Schreiber, Rafael Gustavo January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um modelo inovador de coletor solar plano, com placa absorvedora fabricada por Estampagem Incremental e Soldagem FSW (Friction Stir Welding). Esta placa absorvedora é constituída de duas chapas de alumínio AA1200-H14 com espessura de 1 mm, estampadas e soldadas em simetria, a fim de que na união das chapas sejam deixados canais para passagem de água. Neste estudo foi realizada a caracterização do material por Ensaio de Tração e Ensaio Nakajima. Para determinação dos parâmetros de Estampagem Incremental foram realizados 16 experimentos com ferramenta de diâmetro df = 9,5 mm, variando a rotação de N = 50 rpm a 800 rpm e o incremento vertical de Δz = 2 mm a 0,2 mm, mantendo o avanço em = 250 mm/min. E também foram realizados 3 experimentos com ferramenta df = 22 mm, variando o incremento vertical de Δz = 2 mm a 0,5 mm, mantendo a rotação em N = 50 rpm e o avanço em = 250 mm/min. Para determinação dos parâmetros de Soldagem FSW foram realizados 4 experimentos com ferramenta de ombro de diâmetro 8 mm e pino roscado M3x0,5, mantendo a rotação em N = 1500 rpm e variando o avanço entre = 100 mm/min a 400 mm/min. Em seguida foi fabricado um protótipo de placa absorvedora de coletor solar com área de 0,12 m². Nos experimentos realizados foi constatado que é possível obter maiores deformações na Estampagem Incremental do que na Estampagem Convencional e que as deformações são mais elevadas quando se utiliza menores diâmetros, maiores rotações e menores incrementos verticais da ferramenta. Na Soldagem FSW não foi constatada influência na qualidade do cordão de solda em relação à variação do avanço da ferramenta. Neste estudo também se verificou que é possível fabricar protótipos de placas absorvedoras de coletores solares pelos processos de Estampagem Incremental e Soldagem FSW. No entanto, para coletores em tamanho comercial, novos estudos são necessários para melhorar a forma de fixação das chapas durante a Soldagem FSW. / This work presents an innovative model of flat plate solar collector, with absorber plate manufactured using Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) and Friction Stir Welding (FSW). This absorber plate consists of two AA1200-H14 aluminum sheets with a thickness of 1 mm, stamped and welded in symmetry, in order to leave channels for the passage of water. In this study the characterization of the material by Nakajima Test and Traction Test was performed. In order to determine the parameters of ISF, 16 experiments were performed with a tool of diameter df = 9.5 mm, varying the rotation speed of N = 50 rpm at 800 rpm and the step down of Δz = 2 mm to 0.2 mm, maintaining the feed rate at = 250 mm/min. Also, 3 experiments with tool df = 22 mm were performed, varying the step down of Δz = 2 mm to 0.5 mm, maintaining the rotation speed at N = 50 rpm and the feed rate at = 250 mm/min. For determination of FSW parameters, 4 experiments with 8 mm diameter shoulder tool and M3x0.5 pin were performed, maintaining the rotation speed at N = 1500 rpm and varying the feed rate from = 100 mm/min to 400 mm/min. A prototype solar collector absorber plate with a 0.12 m² area was then manufactured. In the experiments carried out, it was found that it is possible to obtain greater deformations in the ISF than in the Conventional Stamping and that the deformations are higher when using smaller diameters, higher rotations and smaller step downs of the tool. In FSW, no influence was observed in the quality of the weld bead in relation to the variation of the tool feed rate. In this study it was also verified that it is possible to manufacture prototypes of solar collector absorber plates by the processes of ISF and FSW. However, for commercial size collectors, further studies are needed to improve the way the plates are fixed during FSW.

Investigação da resistência à corrosão por pites do aço inoxidável duplex tipo 2404 (UNS S82441) submetido à soldagem por atrito com pino não-consumível (FSW) / Investigation of pitting corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steel LDX 2404 (UNS S82441) subjected to Friction Stir Welding (FSW)

Leite, Antonio Marcos dos Santos 23 June 2017 (has links)
Os aços inoxidáveis duplex são largamente utilizados na fabricação de equipamentos para a indústria de óleo e gás, utilizados tanto no ambiente onshore quanto offshore. Sua grande limitação é que, com o aumento de temperatura, ocorre precipitação de fases indesejáveis, que reduzem drasticamente a resistência à corrosão e as propriedades mecânicas desses materiais. Considerando o efeito deletério da soldagem a fusão nos aços inoxidáveis duplex, a soldagem por atrito com pino não-consumível (FSW) é amplamente considerada como alternativa aos processos convencionais. Como no FSW a união dos materiais ocorre no estado sólido, muitos dos problemas de soldabilidade associados às técnicas tradicionais de soldagem por fusão são evitados. Neste trabalho, amostras retiradas da zona misturada (ZM), das zonas afetadas pelo calor (ZTA e ZTMA) e do metal de base (MB) de chapas de aço inoxidável lean duplex LDX 2404&reg (UNS S82441) soldadas por atrito com pino não-consumível foram caracterizadas microestruturalmente e tiveram sua resistência à corrosão avaliada por meio de ensaios eletroquímicos. Os resultados obtidos nos ensaios eletroquímicos indicaram que as zonas afetadas pelo calor e a ZM se mantiveram tão resistentes à corrosão localizada quanto o MB. Permitiram concluir também que a excelente resistência à corrosão da liga está associada ao teor elevado de N. / Duplex stainless steels have been widely used in the manufacture of equipments and piping for oil & gas industry, in onshore and offshore service. However, whenever they are exposed to high temperatures the precipitation of deleterious phases might occur. The precipitates drastically reduce the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of these materials. The friction stir welding (FSW) process has been considered as an alternative to replace the conventional fusion welding processes in duplex stainless steels. FSW is a solid-state welding process avoiding many of the problems associated to conventional fusion techniques. In this study, specimens of the various zones affected and nearby the FSW, specifically the nugget or stir zone (SZ), the heat affected zones (HAZ/TMAZ) and the base metal (BM) of welded lean duplex UNS S82441 were characterized microstructurally and had their corrosion resistance evaluated by electrochemical tests. The results indicated that the HAZ/TMAZ and SZ regions presented similar localized corrosion resistance to that of the BM showing that it is a potential technique for replacing the conventional processes with advantageous corrosion resistance properties. They also concluded that the excellent corrosion resistance of the alloy is associated with the high N content.

Caracterização de junta soldada por atrito linear com mistura (FSW) da liga Al-Mg-Si AA 6063. / Friction stir welded joint characterization of 6063 aluminum alloy.

Paiva, Flávio Gil Alves 06 November 2009 (has links)
O processo de soldagem por atrito linear com mistura (SALM), ou Friction Stir Welding, surgiu do desejo de se aplicar os princípios e vantagens da soldagem em estado sólido do processo por atrito tradicional em outras geometrias que não fossem axi-simétricas. Assim, foi acrescentada uma velocidade de translação e uma ferramenta rotativa especial, sendo possível realizar cordões de solda em ligas antes com soldabilidade bem ruim. O fator chave para se ter uma solda por atrito linear com mistura sã é a combinação correta entre o a geometria da ferramenta, os parâmetros de soldagem e o fluxo de material durante a soldagem. O lado do avanço, em relação à velocidade de translação da ferramenta, está sob tração, enquanto que o lado do retrocesso está sob compressão. Cada um destes lados possui características diferenciadas, tanto microestruturais como de propriedades mecânicas. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar o cordão de solda feito em liga AA6063T6 com 3 mm de espessura. O material foi soldado com uma ferramenta tipo Three flats, com rotação de 1120 rpm e velocidade de soldagem de 5,3 mm/s. Os corpos de prova foram caracterizados por microscopia óptica, microdureza e ensaio de tração. Os resultados mostraram que o cordão de solda é assimétrico, sendo 20% maior do lado do avanço da ferramenta. Além disto, houve um refino de grão e, na transição entre a zona termomecanicamente afetada (ZTMA) e a zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC), os grãos alongados apresentaram fator de forma maior no lado do avanço (entre 1,73 e 2,74) do que no lado do retrocesso (entre 1,40 e 1,59). As extensões da zona termomecanicamente afetada e da zona afetada pelo calor são maiores do lado do avanço que do lado do retrocesso. / Friction Stir Welding process arose from a desire to apply the principles and benefits of traditional solid state friction welding friction in non axi-symmetric geometries. Thus, it was added a traveling speed and a special rotating tool that allows welding aluminum alloys with bad weldability. The key factor to have a linear friction welding with sound bead is a combination of tool geometry, welding parameters and material flow during welding, which is under tension stress in the advancing side and in compression in the retrieving side. Thus, each side has different microstructures and mechanical properties. The objective of this work is to characterize the 3,0 mm weld bead of an alloy 6063 T6. This material was welded with a tool type \"Three flats\" with a rotation speed of 1120 rpm and welding traveling speed of 5.3 mm/s. The samples were characterized by optical microscopy, microhardness testing and tensile test. The results showed that the weld bead is asymmetric, with an area 20% higher in the advancing side. Moreover, a grain refining process occurred in the weld bead and, in the transition region between thermomechanically affected zone (TMAZ) and heat affected zone (HAZ) the elongated grains presented a shape factor higher in the advancing side (1,73 to 2,74) than in the retrieving side (1,40 to 1,59). Also, the thermomechanically affected zone and the heat affected zone presented a larger width in the advancing side than in the retrieving side.

Investigação da resistência à corrosão por pites do aço inoxidável duplex tipo 2404 (UNS S82441) submetido à soldagem por atrito com pino não-consumível (FSW) / Investigation of pitting corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steel LDX 2404 (UNS S82441) subjected to Friction Stir Welding (FSW)

Antonio Marcos dos Santos Leite 23 June 2017 (has links)
Os aços inoxidáveis duplex são largamente utilizados na fabricação de equipamentos para a indústria de óleo e gás, utilizados tanto no ambiente onshore quanto offshore. Sua grande limitação é que, com o aumento de temperatura, ocorre precipitação de fases indesejáveis, que reduzem drasticamente a resistência à corrosão e as propriedades mecânicas desses materiais. Considerando o efeito deletério da soldagem a fusão nos aços inoxidáveis duplex, a soldagem por atrito com pino não-consumível (FSW) é amplamente considerada como alternativa aos processos convencionais. Como no FSW a união dos materiais ocorre no estado sólido, muitos dos problemas de soldabilidade associados às técnicas tradicionais de soldagem por fusão são evitados. Neste trabalho, amostras retiradas da zona misturada (ZM), das zonas afetadas pelo calor (ZTA e ZTMA) e do metal de base (MB) de chapas de aço inoxidável lean duplex LDX 2404&reg (UNS S82441) soldadas por atrito com pino não-consumível foram caracterizadas microestruturalmente e tiveram sua resistência à corrosão avaliada por meio de ensaios eletroquímicos. Os resultados obtidos nos ensaios eletroquímicos indicaram que as zonas afetadas pelo calor e a ZM se mantiveram tão resistentes à corrosão localizada quanto o MB. Permitiram concluir também que a excelente resistência à corrosão da liga está associada ao teor elevado de N. / Duplex stainless steels have been widely used in the manufacture of equipments and piping for oil & gas industry, in onshore and offshore service. However, whenever they are exposed to high temperatures the precipitation of deleterious phases might occur. The precipitates drastically reduce the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of these materials. The friction stir welding (FSW) process has been considered as an alternative to replace the conventional fusion welding processes in duplex stainless steels. FSW is a solid-state welding process avoiding many of the problems associated to conventional fusion techniques. In this study, specimens of the various zones affected and nearby the FSW, specifically the nugget or stir zone (SZ), the heat affected zones (HAZ/TMAZ) and the base metal (BM) of welded lean duplex UNS S82441 were characterized microstructurally and had their corrosion resistance evaluated by electrochemical tests. The results indicated that the HAZ/TMAZ and SZ regions presented similar localized corrosion resistance to that of the BM showing that it is a potential technique for replacing the conventional processes with advantageous corrosion resistance properties. They also concluded that the excellent corrosion resistance of the alloy is associated with the high N content.

Modelagem numérica e experimental da conformabilidade de chapas da liga de alumínio AA5083 O processadas por fricção e mistura linear. / Numerical and experimental modeling of formability of AA5083 O aluminium sheets processed by friction stir processing.

Gelson Freitas Miori 01 September 2014 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo determinar a estampabilidade de chapas de alumínio 5083 O processadas pelo processo de fricção e mistura (PFM). Para atingir os objetivos propostos o processo de fricção por mistura foi estudado e uma ferramenta de soldagem PFM construída, a verificação da qualidade da solda foi realizada com metalografia da região processada para verificar a presença de vazios, obtidas as melhores condições a superplasticidade através do processo PFM é estudada com os ensaios de tração a quente e de saltos. Ensaios de tração a frio foram realizados nos corpos de prova com o processamento e sem o processamento com o objetivo de obter a curva tensão versus deformação do material processado e sem processamento. Foi efetuado o ensaio de microdureza da região soldada. A estampabilidade das chapas foi verificada através do ensaio de expansão hidrostática e empregadas na determinação da conformabilidade das chapas processadas e sem processar. Os ensaios de expansão hidrostática foram realizados em software de elementos finitos com o objetivo de comparar os resultados práticos e teóricos. Este estudo simulou pelo método dos elementos finitos a determinação da curva limite de conformação de chapas de alumínio 5083 O processadas através do processo PFM. A simulação de elementos finitos implicou em utilizar o método não linear e os softwares MSC MARC e Abaqus para simulação. Determinou-se neste estudo que a resistência à tração de chapas após processo PFM é 30% maior do que sem processamento, a estampabilidade à frio das chapas manteve-se a mesma. Os testes práticos determinaram que os softwares Abaqus e MSC MARC possuem boa aproximação para o teste de expansão hidrostática à frio. O Software Abaqus apresentou dificuldades para convergir e tempo de processamento muito superior ao MSC MARC nos estudos de expansão hidrostática à frio e na condição superplástica. Através dos ensaios de saltos determinou-se que a condição 328 rpm e 65 mm/min possui coeficiente de sensibilidade à taxa de deformação m muito superior ao do alumínio 5083 O sem PFM, isto resultou em uma melhor distribuição de espessura da chapa após o ensaio de expansão hidrostática superplástico em software. / The aim of this study is to determine the sheet metal formability of 5083 O aluminum sheets after friction stir processing \"FSP\". To achieve the proposed objectives the friction stir processing was be reviewed and modeled in order to enable the design and manufacture of a proper FSP tool. The quality of the process was carried out through metallographic tests of the FSP region looking for the presence of voids. The best conditions for plasticity and superplastic forming after FSP was studied by means of an approach of jump steps in the hot tensile tests, looking for a coefficient of strain rate sensitivity. The micro hardness tests and tensile tests at room temperature were carried out for the specimens with and without FSP processing in order to characterize their material mechanical behavior. The formability of the FSP blanks was evaluated through Bulge tests. The results enable to plot Forming Limit Curves friction stir processed blanks after FSP and without FSP. The numerical simulation of the Free Bulge tests was carried out using a Finite Element Method model in order to compare the numerical theoretical and experimental practical results. The numerical simulation approach allows for the determination the forming limit curve of 5083 O aluminum sheets processed by the FSP process. The Finite Element Method modeling and simulation have employed two nonlinear FEM codes: the MSC MARC and Abaqus were compared as software for the simulations. The Yeld Strength of specimens with FSP increased 30% in comparison with specimens without FSP in cold tensile tests, the formability of shapes with and without FSP was de same. The practical tests showed that Abaqus and MSC MARC results has a good approach, the processing time in Abaqus was much greater than in MSC MARC, Abaqus had convergence problems when contact condition is applied. Through the jump tensile tests the 328 rpm and 65 mm/min condition showed a m factor much higher in comparison with condition without FSP in AA 5083 O, this results led in a better thickness distribution after the superplastic bulge test in software.

Temperature Control in Friction Stir Welding Using Model Predictive Control

Taysom, Brandon Scott 01 June 2015 (has links)
Temperature is a very important process parameter in Friction Stir Welding (FSW), but until lately active control of temperature has not been practiced. Recently, temperature control via a PID controller has proven to be effective. Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a control method that holds promise, but has not been attempted in FSW before. Two different model forms are developed for MPC and are evaluated. The first is a simple first-order plus dead time (FOPDT) model. The second is the Hybrid Heat Source model and is more complex; it combines the heat source method and a 1D discretized thermal model of the FSW tool. Model parameters were determined by fitting model predictions to actual weld data. The models were evaluated for their performance in modeled and unmodeled disturbances once the process was already at a quasi steady state condition and also were evaluated for control immediately after plunge. The FOPDT based MPC controller has very good performance and was comparable in performance to previously proven and well-tuned PID controllers. For small modeled disturbances the FOPDT controller settled within 1°C of the setpoint in 10s with almost no oscillations and only 2°C of overshoot. For large unmodeled disturbances, the FOPDT controller settled within 1°C of the setpoint in 30s with no oscillations and 16°C of overshoot. For the same disturbances, the PID servo controller settled in 30s with no oscillations and 9°C of overshoot, and the PID regulator controller settled in 15s but had almost a full oscillation and 13°C of overshoot.The Hybrid Heat Source MPC controller and the PID regulator controller were also able to control temperature within 5°C of the setpoint immediately after the plunge during the highly transient portion of the weld, which previously had been assumed to be too difficult to control. The PID regulator controller had a high degree of variability between the two runs (a settling time of 10s and 30s, and .5 and 4.5 oscillations before settling), but settled quickly and once settled was able to hold the temperature within 2°C of the setpoint. The HHS MPC controller on the other hand had far fewer oscillations (0 and 1 oscillation) before settling, but could only hold the temperature within 5°C of the setpoint. Both of these controllers performed far better than the FOPDT MPC and PID servo controllers.

Understanding the material flow path of the friction stir weld process

Sanders, Johnny Ray, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.) -- Mississippi State University. Department of Mechanical Engineering. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

Investigation and modelling of friction stir welded copper canisters

Källgren, Therese January 2010 (has links)
This work has been focused on characterisation of FSW joints, and modelling of the process, both analytically and numerically. The Swedish model for final deposit of nuclear fuel waste is based on copper canisters as a corrosion barrier with an inner pressure holding insert of cast iron. Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is the method to seal the copper canister, a technique invented by The Welding Institute (TWI). The first simulations were based on Rosenthal’s analytical medium plate model. The model is simple to use, but has limitations. Finite element models (FEM) were developed, initially with a two-dimensional geometry. Due to the requirements of describing both the heat flow and the tool movement, three-dimensional models were developed. These models take into account heat transfer, material flow, and continuum mechanics. The geometries of the models are based on the simulation experiments carried out at TWI and at Swedish Nuclear Fuel Waste and Management Co (SKB). Temperature distribution, material flow and their effects on the thermal expansion were predicted for a full-scale canister and lid. The steady state solutions have been compared with temperature measurements, showing good agreement. In order to understand the material flow during welding a marker technique is used, which involves inserting dissimilar material into the weld zone before joining. Different materials are tested showing that brass rods are the most suitable material in these welds. After welding, the weld line is sliced, etched and examined by optical microscope. To understand the material flow further, and in the future predict the flow, a FEM is developed. This model and the etched samples are compared showing similar features. Furthermore, by using this model the area that is recrystallised can be predicted. The predicted area and the grain size and hardness profile agree well. Microstructure and hardness profiles have been investigated by optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Back Scatter Diffraction (EBSD) and Rockwell hardness measurements. EBSD visualisation has been used to determine the grain size distribution and the appearance of twins and misorientation within grains. The orientation maps show a fine uniform equiaxed grain structure. The root of the weld exhibits the smallest grains and many annealing twins. The appearance of the nugget and the grain size depends on the position of the weld. A large difference can be seen both in hardness and grain size between the start of the weld and when the steady state is reached. / QC20100719

Fatigue Strength of Friction Stir Welded Joints in Aluminium

Ericsson, Mats January 2005 (has links)
Solid state Friction stir welding (FSW) is of major interest in the welding of aluminium since it improves the joint properties. Many applications where Al-alloys are used are subject to varying load conditions, making fatigue failure a critical issue. In the scope of this thesis, the fatigue performance of friction stir welded AlMgSi-alloy 6082 has been investigated. Static and dynamic properties of different joint configurations and welds produced with varying process parameters have been determined. Microstructures of fractured surfaces have been studied to evaluate the effect of weld discontinuities on fatigue. The mechanical strength of the friction stir welds was set in relation to that of conventional fusion welds, and that of other FS welded Al-alloys. The friction stir process produced aluminium butt welds with high and consistent fatigue strengths, which exceeded the strengths of similar fusion welded samples. A smooth weld geometry showed to be of great importance for the fatigue performance, favouring the friction stir welds. Welding speed in a tested range of 0.35-1.4 m/min had only a modest influence on the properties of the friction stir welds; properties were not deteriorating at the highest speed. The softening of the alloy around the weldline was modelled. A fair description of the hardness profiles across the weld was obtained. At a low and high welding speed a full and partial softening respectively was predicted, indicating that full softening is not required to obtain a flawless weld. In case of friction stir overlap welds, tool design is even more important than in butt welding to secure weld quality. A broad tool shoulder with a concave pin end gave the best performance. In particular, the minimal influence on the sheet interface when welding with such a tool was beneficial for the fatigue strength. The stress distribution in overlap and T-type test specimens has been modelled. The stress intensity factors were determined. The corresponding crack propagation rates were in fair accordance with the experimental results. It was found that a simplified approach, developed to estimate ∆K for overlap spot welds, could be used also for friction stir overlap joints. / QC 20101008

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