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Sadržaj uree u mleku, parametri plodnosti i mlečnosti holštajn frizijskih krava u organskoj i konvencionalnoj proizvodnji / The milk urea content, parameters of fertility and milk yield of Holstein Friesian cows in the organic and conventional dairy farmingČobanović Ksenija 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Urea kao deo neproteinske frakcije azota mleka, predstavlja krajnji produkt metabolizma proteina u predželucima preživara. Portalnim krvotokom toksični amonijak, nastao mikrobiološkom razgradnjom proteina u rumenu dolazi do jetre gde se transformiše u ureu, koja kasnije krvotokom dospeva u mleko. Ishrana, odnosno sadržaj sirovih proteina u obroku ima najveći uticaj na sadržaj uree u mleku. Sadržaj uree sve više se koristi kao parametar pomoću kojeg je moguće pratiti unos sirovih proteina i energije obrokom kod mlečnih krava. Pored ishrane na sadržaj uree u mleku utiču i drugi faktori, kao što su sezona, prinos mleka, stadijum laktacije, paritet i dr.<br />Plodnost krava je veoma važna osobina mlečnih goveda na koju utiče veliki broj faktora. Dosadašnja istraživanja u ovoj oblasti ukazuju na moguću vezu između plodnosti krava i sadržaja uree u mleku.<br />Određivanje sadržaja uree u mleku primenom infracrvene spektrofotometrije u analizi mleka prilikom redovne mesečne kontrole mlečnosti krava pružilo je nove mogućnosti u praćenju kvaliteta mleka.<br />Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi:<br />1. variranje sadržaja uree u mleku unutar stada,<br />2. uticaj paragenetskih faktora (farma, sistem proizvodnje, sistem držanja, sezona, redni broj laktacije i stadijum laktacije) na sadržaj uree u mleku,<br />3. korelacija sadržaja uree sa parametrima mlečnosti krava i brojem somatskih ćelija i<br />4. korelacija između sadržaja uree u mleku i dužine servis perioda.</p><p>U okviru ovog istraživanja analizirano je 46.315 uzoraka mleka, u okviru redovne kontrole mlečnosti, sa 11 farmi sa područija Vojvodine. Od kojih je jedna sa organskom, a 10 farmi sa konvencionalnom proizvodnjom. Određivanje sadržaja uree u mleku vršeno je na aparatu MilcoScan.<br />Prosečan sadržaj uree u mleku (25,18 mg/dl) bio je u okviru optimalnih vrednosti sadržaja uree u mleku. Koeficijent varijacije za sadržaj uree (34,15%) bio je znatno veći od koeficijenta varijacije za ostale sastojke mleka.<br />Dobijeni rezultati u okviru ove doktorske disertacije ukazuju da najveći uticaj na sadržaj uree u mleku ima menadžment farme. Utvrđen je i statitički značajan uticaj ostalih ispitivanih paragenetskih faktora.<br />Sistem držanja statistički značajno utiče na sadržaj uree u mleku. Niži sadržaj uree u mleku bio je kod krava u slobodnom sistemu držanja.<br />Kao posledica specifičnosti organske proizvodnje konstatovane su statistički značajne razlike između organske i konvencionalne proizvodnje mleka. Razlike se ogledaju u smanjenom sadržaju uree u mleku i prinosu mleka, a povećanom sadržaju mlečne masti i proteina. Broj somatskih ćelija u mleku iz organske proizvodnje je znatno manji u odnosu na broj istih u mleku iz konvencionalne proizvodnje mleka, dok je servis period u posmatranom periodu bio duži kod krava u organskoj proizvodnji u odnosu na krave u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji mleka.<br />Posmatrano po sezonama kontrole najniži sadržaj uree u mleku bio je u jesenjem periodu (22,19 mg/dl), a najveći u letnjem period (27,11 mg/dl). Razlike u sadržaju uree po laktacijama su male, ali statistčki značajne.<br />Konstatovan je statistički značajan uticaj stadijuma laktacije na sadržaj uree u mleku. Najniži sadržaj bio je na početku laktacije (23,05 mg/dl), a maksimalan sadržaj uree u mleku od 26,40 mg/dl, bio je od 121 do 180 dana laktacije.<br />Utvrđene su pozitivne, statistički visoko značajne, korelacije između sadržaja uree i pojedinih sastojaka mleka, kao i između sadržaja uree i prinosa mleka. Korelacija između sadržaja uree i broja somatskih ćelija u mleku je negativna i visoko statistički značajna.<br />U okviru ovog istraživanja utvrđena je pozitivna i statistički visoko značajna korelacija između sadržaja uree u mleku i dužine servis perioda.<br />Dobijeni rezultati, tumačeni u kontekstu drugih istraživanja na ovu temu ukazuju na veliki značaj praćenja sadržaja uree u mleku, koji može doprineti poboljšanju menadžmenta ishrane i reprodukcije na farmama mlečnih krava, a sve u cilju smanjenja troškova na farmama, kroz smanjenje troškova ishrane i troškova veterinarskih usluga.</p> / <p>Urea as a part of non-protein fraction of nitrogen in milk represents the final product of protein metabolism in the rumen of ruminants. By portal bloodstream toxic ammonia comes into liver where it is transformed into urea, which comes later into milk by bloodstream. Nutrition and contents of crude proteins in the diet have the greatest influence on the milk urea content. The content of milk urea has been increasingly used as a parameter by which it is possible to monitor balance of energy and crude proteins in the feed of dairy cows.<br />Apart from feeding, milk urea content can be influenced by some other factors as season, milk yield, stage of lactation, parity etc.<br />A great number of factors influence cow’s fertility. Previous research in this field has indicated a possible relationship between the fertility of cows and urea content in milk.<br />Determination of urea content in milk, by infrared spectrophotometric, on monthly bases, for milk recording porpoises, offers new opportunities for milk quality monitor.<br />The aim of this study was to determine:<br />1. Variations of milk urea content within the herd,<br />2. The influence of paragenetic factors (a farm, production and housing system, season, parity and stage of lactation) on the milk urea content,<br />3. The correlation with milk urea content and parameters of milk yield as well as the somatic cells count,<br />4. The correlation between the milk urea content and the length of open days.<br />This research includes 46,315 samples of milk which were analysed as regular milk recording samples from 11 farms in Vojvodina. There are 10 farms with</p><p>conventional and only one farm with organic production.<br />Determination of the milk urea contents was carried out by MilkoScan FT+.<br />In the analyzed milk samples the average milk urea content (25.18 mg / dl) was within the optimum values. The coefficient of variation for the milk urea content (34.15%) was significantly higher than the coefficient of variation for the other ingredients in milk.<br />The obtained results in this PhD thesis indicate that the management of a farm has the greatest influence on the content of milk urea. Statistically some significant influence of other examined paragenetic factors was found.<br />According to statistics the housing system significantly influences the milk urea content. Lower milk urea content was found in cow's milk in free-stall system.<br />As the result of specific organic production some statistically significant differences between organic and conventional milk production were found. The differences shows lower milk urea content and milk yield, as well as higher milk fat and protein content. The somatic cells count in organic milk production is significantly lower than their number in milk from conventional milk production. The open days during observation period were longer in cows from an organic dairy farm then the cows from conventional dairy farms.<br />According to season and stage of lactation an important influence on milk urea was found. The seasonal observation shows the lowest milk urea content in autumn period (22.19 mg / dl) and the highest in summer period (27.11 mg / dl). The lowest content was at the beginning of lactation (23.05 mg / dl) and the maximum milk urea content (26.40 mg /dl) was from 121 to 180 days of lactation. Differences in the milk urea content between lactation were small, but statistically significant.<br />There are positive and statistically significant, correlations between the milk urea content and some ingredients of milk, as well as between milk urea content and milk yield. The correlation between the milk urea content and somatic cells count in milk is negative and high statistically significant.<br />It is shown in this research that high milk urea content has negative impact on the length of open days.<br />Obtained results, interpreted in the context of other studies on the same subject indicate the great importance of the observation of the milk urea content. It can contribute to improving the feeding and reproduction on dairy farms, and lead to reduction of both feeding and veterinary costs.</p>
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A study of the interactions between Holstein-Friesian genotypes and feeding systems, with emphasis on system performance and cow grazing ability : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science, Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University, New ZealandRossi, José Luis January 2006 (has links)
Imported genetic material of the Holstein-Friesian breed from overseas (OS), mainly from North America, has been used in New Zealand (NZ) since the late 1960's. This has diluted the genetic base of the former NZ Friesian genotype selected under intensive seasonal pasture-based systems. As a result, increased concerns have been raised about the negative influence of these overseas genes on the modern NZ Holstein- Friesian, as it is apparent that the OS Holstein-Friesian has a lower capacity to perform on grazed pasture. The objective of the present thesis was to investigate differences in production performance between three Holstein-Friesian genotypes farmed at different feed allowances (FA) on pasture-based systems; in addition, to investigate differences in the grazing process between strains under contrasting managements and sward conditions, and so to identify animal and pasture factors that affect the herbage intake (DMIH) and performance of the grazing cow. An accurate procedure was also established to estimate DMIH for cows fed forage and maize supplements, grazing in groups. Two modern high breeding worth (BW) Holstein-Friesian strains from NZ (NZ90) or overseas (OS90) origin and a low BW 1970's NZ Friesian genotype (NZ70) were farmed in two field experiments: (1) a long-term 'system' study that compared the yield performance of these genotypes in a range of systems with different feed allowance (FA) per cow, and a (2) a short-term 'component' study that compared the grazing capacity of the strains under contrasting sward conditions but at a common daily herbage allowance. The differences in productive performance between genotypes increased as the study progressed in the system study, with the largest observed in the last season. The mean milksolids (MS) yield per cow and per hectare were higher in NZ90 (395 kg cow-1 and 1,236 k ha-1) than in the NZ70 (336 kg cow-1 and 1,093 kg ha-1) and the OS90 (377 kg cow-1 and 1,154 kg ha-1). The higher production of NZ90 cows was supported by their higher mean daily MS yield than the NZ70 (1.45 vs. 1.21 kg MS cow-1 day-1) and more days in milk than OS90 cows (271 vs. 257 DIM). The lower lactation length of the OS90 strain occurred due to its lower body condition score (BCS) in late lactation, which determined an early dry-off for these cows. The lowest BCS of OS90 at the nadir (irrespective of FA), during lactation and at dry-off indicate these cows mobilised greater amount of body reserves and partitioned most of the energy ingested to yield. Genotype by FA interactions for milk and lactose yields, protein content in the milk and BCS were observed in the second and third seasons of the 'system' study. Milk yield increased as FA increased to a greater extent in OS90 than in the two NZ strains, whereas the content of solids in milk, particularly protein, increased to a greater extent for NZ90 than in both OS90 and NZ70. During lactation DMIH was higher for NZ90, intermediate in OS90 and lower in NZ70 (14.5, 13.9 and 12.6 kg DM cow-1 day-1 respectively for NZ90, OS90 and NZ70, as measured with nalkanes), and declined as lactation progressed, with a smaller difference for the total intake achieved (15.5, 15.2 and 13.1 kg DM cow-1 day-1 respectively) due to the increased supplement consumption. These results indicate that the OS90 needs more feed with a higher proportion of supplement in the diet to improve productive performance on pasture-based systems; the NZ90 would perform better when cow nutrition is mainly supported by grazing pasture, although further increments in performance could be expected from strategic supplementation, but requiring more feed than NZ70. The DMIH per unit of live weight (DMIH/LW) was highest in NZ90 strain in both the 'system' and in the short sward of the 'component' study (31.5 and 31.1 g DM kg-1 DM in NZ90 vs. 28.9 and 28.6 g DM kg-1 DM for OS90 in 'system' and 'component' studies respectively). The higher intake of NZ90 on pasture was sustained by a higher capacity to graze short swards than NZ70 and OS90, and to deal with the herbage of higher bulk density and lower quality present at the base of taller swards. The NZ90 can maintain DMIH in swards with different structures, indicating higher flexibility to perform under different managements and sward conditions. The size of the jaw is smaller in NZ90 than OS90 (88.4 vs. 92.4 mm) with effects on bite area and bite size, and this flexibility to adapt the size of the bite to swards of different structure may improve bite penetration under constraining sward conditions. The reduced ability of the OS90 to adjust ingestive behaviour to different swards would limit the capacity of this strain to perform on pasture. The fact that OS90 cows increased DMIH and DMIH/LW substantially in a leafy and taller sward (up to 21.6 kg cow-1 and 40.8 g DM kg-1Lw vs. 19.2 kg cow-1 and 41.0 g DM kg-1Lw in NZ90 during early lactation) suggests that yield performance can be improved in these cows even on pasture, by fine-tuning pasture management.
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Phenotypic relationships between milk protein percentage, reproductive performance and body condition score in Irish dairy cattle : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Sciences (MSc) at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandYang, Linna January 2009 (has links)
A positive phenotypic correlation between milk protein percentage and reproductive performance in dairy cattle, especially during early lactation has been recently reported. The objective of this study was to quantify the relationship between milk protein percentage and different measures of fertility in Irish, seasonal calving, dairy cattle using data from experiments comparing strains of Holstein-Friesian cows under different feeding systems. The relationships between body condition score, milk production and fertility were also investigated. The data used in this study consisted of 584 lactation records over a 5-yr period. Principal component analysis and logistic regression was used to study the relationship between milk protein percentage and fertility performance of the cow. Greater milk protein percentage during the first 60 days post-calving was associated with better reproductive performance. The probability of a cow being submitted in the first 21 days of the breeding season increased with increased milk protein percentage during early lactation. Similarly, the probability of a cow becoming pregnant to its first service or to the whole breeding season also increased. Cows were classified as either high or low milk protein percentage based on their protein percentage over the whole lactation. Cows in the high milk protein group had a 7% greater conception rate compared to cows in the low protein percentage group. In conclusion, cows with higher protein percentage, especially during early lactation are submitted earlier in the breeding season, and have a higher conception rate. Physiologically, the shortage of glucose caused by negative energy balance restricts the synthesis of milk protein in the udder. On the other side, negative energy balance also causes the reduction of IGF-I, LH and oestradiol, which consequently delay the ovarian follicular development and finally reduces fertility. Therefore, there is a biological explanation for the association between milk protein percentage and fertility performance.
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Estudo das curvas de lactação de vacas leiteiras do sudoeste do Paraná: comparação entre modelos empíricos e mecanicistas / Study of the lactation curves of dairy cows in southwestern Paraná: comparison between empirical and mechanistic modelsFerreira, Abilio Galvão Trindade 28 February 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, com o objetivo de comparar diferentes modelos matemáticos de base empírica ou mecanicista, quanto à qualidade de ajuste e poder de predição das curvas de lactação, obtidas por meio de dados provenientes do controle leiteiro da APCBRH de rebanhos da região sudoeste do Paraná. Foram obtidos inicialmente 42.281 controles de produções leiteiras referentes aos anos de 2005 a 2011,dos quais foram excluídas as informações de animais que não possuíam a data de secagem e a produção total aos 305 dias, restando 15.142 controles referentes à 2441 vacas da raça holandesa. Os dados utilizados foram classificados de acordo com a ordem de parição das vacas (variando de um a seis), e dentro de cada ordem de parição os animais foram separados em quartis (Q25%, Q50%,Q75% e Q100%) conforme a produção total aos 305 dias. Para cada quartil, dentro de cada ordem de parição foram ajustados quatro modelos matemáticos, dois predominantemente empíricos (modelo de Brody e de Wood) e dois com características mais mecanicistas (modelo de Djikstra e de Pollot) usando o proc nlin do SAS método de Marquardt. O de Wood resultou na melhor qualidade de ajuste aos dados. Entretanto os modelos de Brody e Dijkstra também devem ser considerados para descrever as curvas de lactação de vacas holandesas criadas na região sudoeste do Paraná, por
apresentarem desempenho muito semelhante, em que o modelo Dijkistra possui uma descrição biológica dos parâmetros e permite uma conotação fisiológica da curva de lactação. Ressaltando o valor histórico do modelo de Brody como pioneiro em modelagem de curva de lactação. / His work was developed at Federal Technological University of Paraná, Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, aiming to analyze different mathematical models comparing empirical and mechanistic models, as their fit and predictive power of the lactation curves obtained using data from the control of dairy APCBRH herds in the southwest region of Paraná, where the evaluation and analysis of 42.281 controls milk production for
the years 2005 to 2011, where information from animals that didn´t have the date of drying and total output to 305 days were excluded from the set of data analysis, leaving 15.142 controls concerning the 2.441 Holstein cows, classifying the data according to the order of calving cows (ranging from one to six) and within each order of calving animals were divided into quartiles (Q25% Q50%, Q75% and Q100%) as
the total output to 305 days. For each quartile within each lactation numbers were adjusted four mathematical models, two predominantly empirical model (Brody and Wood) and two with more mechanistic characteristics (model Djikstra and Pollot) using SAS proc nlin Marquardt method. Obtaining the Wood model as a result of best fit to the data. However the use of models and Brody Dijkstra to describe lactation
curves of Holstein cows raised in the southwestern region of Paraná, should be considered as an option because they have very similar performance, where the model Dijkistra has a biological description of the parameters and allows a connotation physiological lactation curve. Emphasizing the historical value of the model Brody as a pioneer in modeling lactation curve.
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Estudo das curvas de lactação de vacas leiteiras do sudoeste do Paraná: comparação entre modelos empíricos e mecanicistas / Study of the lactation curves of dairy cows in southwestern Paraná: comparison between empirical and mechanistic modelsFerreira, Abilio Galvão Trindade 28 February 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, com o objetivo de comparar diferentes modelos matemáticos de base empírica ou mecanicista, quanto à qualidade de ajuste e poder de predição das curvas de lactação, obtidas por meio de dados provenientes do controle leiteiro da APCBRH de rebanhos da região sudoeste do Paraná. Foram obtidos inicialmente 42.281 controles de produções leiteiras referentes aos anos de 2005 a 2011,dos quais foram excluídas as informações de animais que não possuíam a data de secagem e a produção total aos 305 dias, restando 15.142 controles referentes à 2441 vacas da raça holandesa. Os dados utilizados foram classificados de acordo com a ordem de parição das vacas (variando de um a seis), e dentro de cada ordem de parição os animais foram separados em quartis (Q25%, Q50%,Q75% e Q100%) conforme a produção total aos 305 dias. Para cada quartil, dentro de cada ordem de parição foram ajustados quatro modelos matemáticos, dois predominantemente empíricos (modelo de Brody e de Wood) e dois com características mais mecanicistas (modelo de Djikstra e de Pollot) usando o proc nlin do SAS método de Marquardt. O de Wood resultou na melhor qualidade de ajuste aos dados. Entretanto os modelos de Brody e Dijkstra também devem ser considerados para descrever as curvas de lactação de vacas holandesas criadas na região sudoeste do Paraná, por
apresentarem desempenho muito semelhante, em que o modelo Dijkistra possui uma descrição biológica dos parâmetros e permite uma conotação fisiológica da curva de lactação. Ressaltando o valor histórico do modelo de Brody como pioneiro em modelagem de curva de lactação. / His work was developed at Federal Technological University of Paraná, Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, aiming to analyze different mathematical models comparing empirical and mechanistic models, as their fit and predictive power of the lactation curves obtained using data from the control of dairy APCBRH herds in the southwest region of Paraná, where the evaluation and analysis of 42.281 controls milk production for
the years 2005 to 2011, where information from animals that didn´t have the date of drying and total output to 305 days were excluded from the set of data analysis, leaving 15.142 controls concerning the 2.441 Holstein cows, classifying the data according to the order of calving cows (ranging from one to six) and within each order of calving animals were divided into quartiles (Q25% Q50%, Q75% and Q100%) as
the total output to 305 days. For each quartile within each lactation numbers were adjusted four mathematical models, two predominantly empirical model (Brody and Wood) and two with more mechanistic characteristics (model Djikstra and Pollot) using SAS proc nlin Marquardt method. Obtaining the Wood model as a result of best fit to the data. However the use of models and Brody Dijkstra to describe lactation
curves of Holstein cows raised in the southwestern region of Paraná, should be considered as an option because they have very similar performance, where the model Dijkistra has a biological description of the parameters and allows a connotation physiological lactation curve. Emphasizing the historical value of the model Brody as a pioneer in modeling lactation curve.
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Immunoglobulin response and growth performance of new born Holstein calves fed Garlic (Allium savitum) powder and probiotics as feed additivesKekana, Thapelo Wilton 18 February 2015 (has links)
Department of Animal Science / MSCAGR (Animal Science)
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Ausbleibende Trächtigkeit gesunder Milchkühe: Untersuchung der Stoffwechselsituation und der Stressbelastung anhand von endokrinen und metabolischen Parametern sowie der Uterusschleimhaut als Ursache für die ausbleibende Trächtigkeit äußerlich gesunder MilchküheJung, Markus, Mense, Kirsten, Peter, Sarah, Jessen, Levke 16 November 2020 (has links)
In der Studie wurde untersucht, wie relevant eine durch hohe Milchleistung bedingte höhere Stress- bzw. Stoffwechselbelastung für das Ausbleiben der Fruchtbarkeit bei ansonsten klinisch gesunden Milchkühen ist und inwieweit eine längere freiwillige Wartezeit die Bereitschaft der Kühe für eine wiederholte Trächtigkeit verbessern kann. Die Kühe mit einer freiwilligen Wartezeit von 120 Tagen konnten alle innerhalb von 60 Tagen nach Beendigung der freiwilligen Wartezeit besamt werden, während es in der Vergleichsgruppe nur 92 % waren. Die Trächtigkeitsrate nach der ersten Besamung lag bei 120-tägiger Wartezeit mit 40,7 % um 10,3 % höher als in der Vergleichsgruppe. In der spät besamten Gruppe traten keine embryonalen Fruchtverluste auf, während dieses in der Vergleichsgruppe 8,9 % der Trächtigkeiten betraf.
Redaktionsschluss: 26.03.2020
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Impact d'un supplément alimentaire d'acide palmitoléique sur le profil en acides gras des classes lipidiques du liquide folliculaire chez la vache en début de lactationPlante-Dubé, Marguerite 18 December 2019 (has links)
La fertilité de la vache laitière haute-productrice semble altérée par les teneurs élevées en acides gras (AG) libres du liquide folliculaire observées en début de lactation. Toutefois, les effets diffèreraient selon le type d’AG du microenvironnement de l’ovocyte. La présence d’AG monoinsaturés est associée à des ovocytes ayant un potentiel de développement embryonnaire amélioré. Cette étude visait à évaluer le transfert et l’incorporation des AG alimentaires dans les classes lipidiques du plasma et du liquide folliculaire et son impact sur la fertilité de la vache laitière. Vingt vaches Holstein ont été attribuées aléatoirement à un supplément lipidique alimentaire enrichi soit en acide palmitique (Palmit 80; 82 % 16:0; PA) ou en acide palmitoléique (huile d’argousier; 27 % 16:1 cis-9 et 28 % 16:0; POA). L’administration des traitements (200 g/jour) s’est échelonnée de 20 jours avant à 67 jours après le vêlage. Les performances ont été enregistrées et des échantillons de lait recueillis aux jours 8 à 10 ± 3, 35 à 37 ± 2 et 63 à 65 ± 2 post partum. Aux jours 46 et 67 ± 2 d post partum, les complexes ovocyte-cumulus, les cellules de la granulosa, le liquide folliculaire et des échantillons sanguins ont été prélevés. En comparaison avec PA, POA a augmenté les teneurs en 16:1 cis-9 dans les lipides estérifiés du plasma, dans la matière grasse laitière, et dans les AG libres et les esters de cholestérol du liquide folliculaire. L’expression du gène récepteur à l’insuline tendait à diminuer dans les cellules de la granulosa du groupe POA. Le supplément POA a réduit la folliculogenèse, sans toutefois influencer la compétence au développement des ovocytes. Il est possible de moduler le profil en AG du liquide folliculaire via des stratégies nutritionnelles et de potentiellement influencer le métabolisme des cellules de la granulosa et la folliculogenèse. / In high-yielding dairy cows, fertility is impaired by the increase of non-esterified fatty acid concentrations in follicular fluid during early lactation, but the effects may depend on fatty acid (FA) composition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of dietary supplements enriched in specific FA to influence the FA composition of follicular fluid, and consequently fertility of early-lactation dairy cows. Twenty Holstein multiparous cows in late gestation were randomly assigned to 200 g/d of FA supplements enriched in i) palmitic acid (PA; control treatment; Palmit 80; Natu’oil Services Inc.; 82% 16:0) in the rumen or ii) palmitoleic acid (POA; Sea buckthorn oil; New Directions Aromatics Inc.; 27% cis-9 16:1, 28% 16:0, and 22% cis-9 18:1) in the abomasum. The treatment period ranged from 20 ± 5 d precalving to 67± 2 d postcalving. Performance was recorded, and milk samples collected from days 8 to 10 ± 3 (mean SD), 35 to 37 ± 2, and 63 to 65 ± 2 postcalving. On days 46 and 67± 2 d postcalving, cumulus-oocyte complexes, granulosa cells and follicular fluid were recovered, and blood was collected. Treatment did not affect milk yield or milk fat. Compared with PA, POA increased cis-9 16:1 concentration in milk fat, in plasma esterified lipid classes, and in follicular fluid non-esterified fatty acids and cholesterol esters. Abundances of mRNA for stearoyl-CoA desaturase and perilipin 2 in granulosa cells were not different between treatments. Moreover, POA treatment tended to decrease the expression of gene encoding for insulin receptor. Treatment did not affect oocyte quality and developmental capacity, or embryo lipid metabolism, but POA altered folliculogenesis. These results suggest that dietary lipid supplements enriched in specific FA may modulate FA profile of the oocyte microenvironment, energy granulosa cell metabolism and folliculogenesis in early lactation cows.
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L'effet de l'environnement sur le comportement des vaches en lactationBoucher, Alexandra 17 July 2024 (has links)
Le temps passé couché est un aspect important du bien-être des vaches en lactation. Pendant leur cycle de production, celles-ci sont confrontées à plusieurs facteurs de stress pouvant l'entraver. Notamment, la chaleur est reconnue pour diminuer le temps passé couché quotidien de 2 à 4 h/jr chez les vaches en lactation. Plusieurs stratégies peuvent être utilisées afin d'atténuer les réponses physiologiques au stress de chaleur, dont l'inflammation, mais on retrouve peu d'informations sur les changements comportementaux qui y sont associés. Le projet présenté dans ce mémoire avait comme objectifs de déterminer les impacts du stress de chaleur sur le temps passé couché quotidien ainsi que sur le rythme circadien chez des vaches en lactation logées en stabulation entravée et d'évaluer si l'atténuation de l'inflammation par une infusion abomasale d'Oméga-3 peut moduler ces impacts. Nos résultats indiquent une association modérée entre le temps passé couché et les réponses physiologiques au stress de chaleur. Le temps passé couché quotidien (min/jr) des vaches exposées au stress de chaleur était réduit de 2 h/jr comparativement aux vaches gardées en conditions de thermoneutralité. Pour sa part, le temps passé couché quotidien des vaches exposées au stress de chaleur et recevant l'infusion abomasale était plus élevé (+ 1 h/jr) que celui des vaches exposées au stress de chaleur. Une interaction significative entre le traitement et le temps a été mesurée alors que le temps passé couché était réduit pour les deux traitements de stress de chaleur le matin (0000 - 0600 h) et en soirée (1800 - 2400 h) comparativement au traitement de thermoneutralité. Un rythme circadien a été décelé chez tous les traitements. Les vaches gardées en conditions de thermoneutralité avaient la moyenne de temps passé couché par heure, la fluctuation (31,9 min/h) et l'amplitude (11,5 min/h) les plus élevées. Le pic de temps passé couché se produisait chez tous les traitements après minuit, mais plus tôt chez les vaches gardées en thermoneutralité. Ces résultats indiquent que les vaches subissant un stress de chaleur adaptent leur comportement de repos afin de dissiper plus de chaleur et que la réduction de l'inflammation permet de moduler ces adaptations. / Lying time is paramount to dairy cows' welfare. During their production cycle, they are faced with several stress factors that can hinder their resting behavior. Heat is known to reduce daily lying time by 2 to 4 h/d. Several strategies can be used to attenuate physiological responses to heat stress, including inflammation, but there is little information on the behavioral changes associated with it. The project presented in this dissertation had the objectives of determining the impacts of heat stress on the daily lying time as well as on its circadian rhythm in lactating cows housed in tie-stalls and to evaluate whether the attenuation of inflammation by an abomasal infusion of Omega-3 can modulate these impacts. Our results indicate a moderate association between time spent lying down and physiological responses to heat stress. The daily lying time of cows exposed to heat stress was reduced by 2 h/d compared to cows kept in thermoneutrality conditions. For its part, the daily lying time of cows exposed to heat stress and receiving the abomasal infusion was higher (+ 1 h/d) than that of cows exposed to heat stress. A significant interaction between treatment and time was measured as the time spent lying down was reduced for both heat stress treatments in the morning (0000 - 0600 h) and evening (1800 - 2400 h) compared to the thermoneutrality treatment. A circadian rhythm was detected in all treatments. Cows kept in thermoneutrality conditions had the highest average time spent lying down per hour, fluctuation (31.9 min/h) and amplitude (11.5 min/h). The peak time spent lying down occurred in all treatments after midnight, but earlier in cows kept in thermoneutrality relative to other treatments. These results indicate that cows experiencing heat stress adapt their resting behavior to dissipate more heat and that reducing inflammation helps modulate these adaptations.
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Improving the nutritional and textural properties of dairy products by feeding Holstein cows processed flaxseedOeffner, Scott P. 12 October 2011 (has links)
There is growing public concern about the high proportion of saturated fatty acids in milk fat; however, feed intake, energy partitioning toward milk synthesis, and milk fat concentrations can decrease when cows are fed high concentrations of unsaturated lipids. The objective of this study was to identify the optimal rate for feeding OmegaBoostTM (a flaxseed supplement that was processed using a proprietary technique by Double Pass LLC, Tualatin, OR) to dairy cows. The central hypothesis was that supplementation with OmegaBoost will decrease the proportion of saturated fatty acids in milk fat in a dose dependent manner. Using a latin-square design, 10 Holstein cows in mid to late lactation were fed for two-week periods 0, 2, 4, or 6 lbs/d of OmegaBoost or 4lbs/d ground flax as top dressing to their total mixed ration. Feed intake, body weight, activity and resting time, milk production and milk composition were measured daily. At the end of each two-week period, milk and serum samples were taken and analyzed for fatty acid composition using gas chromatography. In addition, fresh Mozzarella cheese and butter was manufactured and tested to determine the fatty acid composition and the effects of flaxseed supplementation on texture. Feeding OmegaBoost at 2, 4, and 6 lbs/d linearly decreased the proportion of saturated fatty acids in milk by 6, 15, and 18%, respectively, and linearly increased the proportion of mono-unsaturated fatty acids (14, 32, and 35%), poly-unsaturated fatty acids (16, 49, and 82%), and α-linolenic acid (26,
52, and 70%). Similar changes in fatty acid composition were observed in butter and
cheese samples, resulting in butter that was less hard and adhesive at refrigeration
temperature in response to feeding cows increasing concentrations of OmegaBoost. Feed
intake, body weight, serum metabolite concentrations, milk production and composition,
and butter and cheese yield were not significantly affected by feeding processed flaxseed.
Therefore, feeding 4 or 6 lbs/d of OmegaBoost to dairy cows is effective in improving the
nutritional and textural profile of dairy products without negatively affecting feed intake,
milk production, or weight gain. / Graduation date: 2012
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