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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concretos e pastas de elevado desempenho: contribuição aos estudos de reparos estruturais e ligações entre concretos novo e velho, com tratamento da zona de interface. / High-performance concrete and pastes: contribution to the studies of structural repairs and new-to-old concretes bonding, with interfacial zone treatment.

Samir Costa Fagury 28 March 2002 (has links)
A ligação entre concretos com cimento Portland de diferentes idades, composições e resistências é um dos problemas da tecnologia dos concretos estruturais. A continuidade desta ligação é prejudicada por uma diversidade de fatores que implicam desde a retomada de uma concretagem (junta fria) até a recuperação de estruturas de concreto deterioradas. Sob esse ponto de vista apresenta−se neste trabalho uma análise do comportamento de um sistema de reparos aplicados à recuperação de estruturas, ligações concretos velhos x concretos novos (caso das ampliações) e continuidades de concretagens. Um dos pontos mais frágeis de uma estrutura é a zona de interface, tanto dos materiais que a compõe quanto da transição entre os diferentes concretos. Utilizou−se como substrato corpos−de−prova prismáticos executados com concretos (fck=15MPa, 18MPa, 21MPa, 25MPa, 30MPa, 40MPa e 50MPa), que após ruptura completa através de ensaios de tração na flexão foi posteriormente executada ligação com concretos de reparo, e corpos−de−prova cilíndricos de concretos convencionais apresentando ninhos de concretagem. Com a finalidade de melhorar a zona de transição citada, utilizou−se como sistema de reparo, concretos de elevado desempenho executados com cimento Portland CP V ARI RS − NBR 5733⁄NBR 5737 − ABNT, agregados: miúdo de origem quartzosa, e graúdo de Dmáx ≤ 6,3 mm de origem basáltica, adições de sílica ativa (Fe−Si) de 5%, 10% e 15% e aditivo superplastificante de pega normal em teores de 1,5%, 1,8% e 2,0%, após prévio tratamento, através de desbaste superficial e imprimação com pastas de cimento de elevado desempenho. A eficácia da ligação é percebida principalmente pelo fato de que em resultados de ensaios de tração na flexão do corpo−de−prova prismático recuperado a ruptura ocorreu, em quase 100% dos casos na região do concreto velho. Em ensaios de compressão axial com corpos−de−prova cilíndricos com ninhos de concretagem recuperados, percebeu−se através do modo de ruptura, que as transferências de tensões ocorreram normalmente através do sistema de reparo, sem que houvesse desvio de tensões, além de um acréscimo de resistência em alguns casos. / The bonding among Portland cement concrete of different ages, compositions and resistances is one of the technological problems of structural concretes. The continuity of this connection is harmed by a several factors from the re−starting of a casting (cold joint) to the recovery of deteriorated concrete structures. From this point of view this paper presents an analysis of the behavior of a repair system applied to the recovery of structures, new−to−old concrete bonding (amplification cases) and casting continuities. One of the most fragile points of a concrete structure is the interface zone, of both materials that compose it and the transition among the different concretes. Prismatic specimens executed with concretes (fck=15MPa, 18MPa, 21MPa, 25 MPa, 30 MPa, 40 MPa and 50 MPa), were used as substratum after a previous complete rupture through a flexural strength test for a further connection, with repair concrete as a bond link, and cylindrical specimens of conventional concretes presenting intentionally \"holes\". High−performance concretes with Portland cement CP V ARI RS (NBR 5733⁄NBR 5737 − ABNT), small quartz aggregates, basaltic coarse aggregates with Dmáx ≤ 6,3mm, silica fume (Fe−Si) additions of 5%, 10% and 15%, and normal setting superplasticizer with contents of 1,5%, 1,8% and 2,0% were used as repair system to improve the transition zone mentioned. Such materials were used after the specimens had been treated superficially and primed with High−performance Portland cement paste. The effectiveness of the connection is noticed mainly by the fact that in results of the flexural strength test of recovered prismatic specimens, the rupture occurred in almost 100% of the cases in the area of the old concrete. In axial compression tests with cylindrical specimens presenting recovered \"holes\", the rupture way demonstrated that the transfers of tensions usually occurred through the repair system, with no tension deviation, and there was a resistance increase in some cases.

Fabricação de tijolos modulares de solo-cimento por prensagem manual com e sem adição de sílica ativa / Production of soil-cement modular bricks by manual pressing with and without silica fume addition

Fernando Mazzeo Grande 10 February 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho, por meio de uma metodologia experimental foram analisados vários aspectos de tijolos modulares compostos por misturas binárias e ternárias de solo-cimento e solo cimento-sílica produzidos em prensa manual modelo SAHARA, com a finalidade de se obter parâmetros e diretrizes que visam um melhor desempenho do material. Realizaram-se ensaios em corpos-de-prova cilíndricos de maneira acessória no decorrer do trabalho, o que resultou no suporte para fundamentação de diversas avaliações sobre as composições de traços utilizados na fabricação dos tijolos. Foram executados painéis de parede com o objetivo de verificar o comportamento da alvenaria em relação à resistência à compressão e à deformabilidade das paredes, possibilitando correlações com os resultados dos ensaios de prismas, tijolos e argamassa de assentamento. As contribuições da pesquisa permitem relacionar a tecnologia da fabricação de tijolos de solo-cimento com o contexto de construção sustentável e o aproveitamento de resíduos industriais, além de sistematizar informações para a elaboração de um projeto tecnológico com os tijolos modulares / In this work, several aspects of modular bricks composed by binary and ternary mixtures of soil-cement and soil-cement-silica, produced by manual press model SAHARA, were analyzed by means of an experimental methodology, with the purpose of obtaining parameters and guidelines to aim a better performance of the material. During the work, tests in cylindrical samples were executed in an accessory way, what resulted in the support for theoretical basement of several evaluations about the compositions of proportions used in brick's production. Wall panels were constructed with the objective of verifying the masonry’s behavior in relation to the compressive strength and wall’s strain, promoting correlation with the test’s results in prisms, bricks and mortar. The research’s contributions allow to relate the technology of the production of soil-cement bricks with the context of sustainable construction and the use of industrial residues in the production of construction materials, besides systematizing information for the elaboration of a technological project with the modular bricks

Estudo da influência das adições de sílica ativa e copolímero estireno acrílico nas propriedades de argamassas para assentamento de porcelanato / Study of the copolymer styrene acrylic and silica fume adittions influence in the properties of mortars to fix porcelain stoneware tiles

Alessandra Etuko Feuzicana de Souza Almeida 16 September 2005 (has links)
Apesar de suas excelentes características técnicas e estéticas, a aplicação de porcelanato em fachadas requer especial atenção devido ser um material diferente das cerâmicas convencionais, além de que as fachadas estão sujeitas a diversos agentes capazes de danificar os revestimentos cerâmicos. O baixo índice de absorção de água do porcelanato é a principal causa da perda ou falta de aderência entre o tardoz e a argamassa colante, pois não permite o mecanismo de aderência mecânica existente nas cerâmicas porosas. O presente trabalho visa o estudo de argamassas com adições de látex base estireno acrílico e sílica ativa para o assentamento de porcelanato em fachadas a fim de evitar o aparecimento de patologias decorrentes da falta de aderência. Foram realizados ensaios normalizados para a avaliação das propriedades das argamassas quanto à fixação do porcelanato, além de procedimentos experimentais para a avaliação da microestrutura tais como análises térmicas, difração de raios-X, porosimetria por intrusão de mercúrio, espectroscopia de infravermelho e microscopia eletrônica de varredura associada à espectrografia por dispersão de energia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a adição combinada de polímero e sílica ativa às argamassas resultou em elevadas propriedades mecânicas e alta resistência de aderência, decorrentes da melhora das propriedades microestruturais, ou seja, aumento da compacidade, diminuição da porosidade e refinamento do diâmetro médio dos poros, além da redução na quantidade do hidróxido de cálcio consumido para a produção de silicato de cálcio hidratado. / Despite the excellent characteristics of porcelain tiles, their application in building facades requires special attention, since this material differs from conventional ceramics and facades are exposed to weathering, which can damage ceramic revetments. The lower water absorption of porcelain tiles is the main cause of the poor adherence between them, as it prevents the mechanical interlocking adherence mechanism that occurs when more porous ceramic materials are applied. The present thesis aims to investigate the effect of silica fume and acrylic polymer together on the properties of mortars employed to install porcelain stoneware tiles to avoid detachment problems due to lack of adherence. An experimental investigation evaluated the fixing properties of the mortars, and a microstructural study including thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, mercury intrusion porosimetry, infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy was performed. The results showed that silica fume and acrylic polymer addition to the mortar resulted in improved properties to fix porcelain stoneware tiles, mainly adherence strength, as a consequence of the microstructural improvement due to the decrease in the porosity and the pore mean diameter, and the decrease in the calcium hydroxide to form hydrated calcium silicate

Influence of Chemical and Physical Properties of Poorly-Ordered Silica on Reactivity and Rheology of Cementitious Materials

Jedadiah Floyd Burroughs (8065844) 02 December 2019 (has links)
<p>Silica fume is a widely used pozzolan in the concrete industry that has been shown to have numerous benefits for concrete including improved mechanical properties, refined pore structure, and densification of the interfacial transition zone between paste and aggregates. Traditionally, silica fume is used as a 5% to 10% replacement of cement; however, newer classes of higher strength concretes use silica fume contents of 30% or greater. At these high silica fume contents, many detrimental effects, such as poor workability and inconsistent strength development, become much more prominent. </p> <p> </p> <p>In order to understand the fundamental reasons why high silica fume contents can have these detrimental effects on concrete mixtures, eight commercially available silica fumes were characterized for their physical and chemical properties. These included traditional properties such as density, particle size, and surface area. A non-traditional property, absorption capacity, was also determined. These properties or raw material characteristics were then related to the hydration and rheological behavior of pastes and concrete mixtures. Other tests were performed including isothermal calorimetry, which showed that each silica fume reacted differently than other silica fumes when exposed to the same reactive environment. Traditional hydration models for ordinary portland cement were expanded to include the effects that silica fumes have on water consumption, volumes of hydration products, and final degree of hydration. </p> <p> </p> <p>As a result of this research, it was determined necessary to account for the volume and surface area of unhydrated cement and unreacted silica fume particles in water-starved mixture proportions. An adjustment factor was developed to more accurately apply the results from hydration modeling. By combining the results from hydration modeling with the surface area adjustments, an analytical model was developed to determine the thickness of paste (hydration products and capillary water) that surrounds all of the inert and unreacted particles in the system. This model, denoted as the “Paste Thickness Model,” was shown to be a strong predictor of compressive strength results. The results of this research suggest that increasing the paste thickness decreases the expected compressive strength of concretes at ages or states of hydration.</p> <p> </p> <p>The rheological behavior of cement pastes containing silica fume was studied using a rotational rheometer. The Herschel-Bulkley model was fit to the rheological data to characterize the rheological behavior. A multilinear model was developed to relate the specific surface area of the silica fume, water content, and silica fume content to the Herschel-Bulkley rate index. The Herschel-Bulkley rate index is practically related to the ease at which the paste mixes. This multilinear model was shown to have strong predictive capability when used on randomly generated paste compositions. </p> <p> </p> <p>Additionally, an analytical model was developed that defines a single parameter, idealized as the thickness of water surrounding each particle in the cementitious system. This model, denoted as the “Water Thickness Model,” incorporated the absorption capacity of silica fumes discovered during the characterization phase of this study and was shown to correlate strongly with the Herschel-Bulkley rate index. The Water Thickness Model demonstrates how small changes in water content can have a drastic effect on the rheology of low w/c or high silica fume content pastes due to the combined effects of surface area and absorption. The effect of additional water on higher w/c mixtures is significantly less.</p>

Characterization of Stainless Steel Welding Fume Particles : Influence of Stainless Steel Grade, Welding Parameters and Particle Size

Mei, Nanxuan January 2016 (has links)
Welding is a widely used method to join two pieces of stainless steel. Since it produces a large amount of fume during the process, it can cause adverse health effects. The welding fume particles contain many elements. Among them Cr, Mn and Ni are of concern. These three elements can cause diseases if inhaled by humans, especially Cr(VI). In this project, welding fume particles are collected during welding of different stainless steel grades (austenitic AISI 304L and duplex LDX2101). Furthermore, different welding types (manual metal arc welding and metal active gas welding), shielding gas (MISON 2, MISON 18 and CORGON 18) and welding electrodes were varied (solid and flux cored wire). The particles were tested by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry and atomic absorption spectroscopy. The composition of the particles was measured and the surface chemical speciation estimated. In addition, metal release (Fe, Cr, Mn, and Ni) in phosphate buffered saline solution (pH 7.4, 37℃, 24h) from the particles was tested. Fe, Cr and Mn were found on the surface of the particles and released to different extent in the phosphate buffered saline solution (dominated by Cr).

Assessment of changes in crack density parameter and dynamic shear modulus of sustainable concrete mixtures with silica fume and fly ash replacement after exposure to moderate temperatures.

Subedi, Sujan January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Influence de la microstructure sur le transport diffusif des pâtes, mortiers et bétons à base de CEM I avec ajout de fumée de silice / Influence of microstructure on the diffusive transport in pastes, mortars and concretes made with cement Portland and silica fume

Bajja, Zineb 02 December 2016 (has links)
Au regard de son importante résistance mécanique mais surtout de ses capacités de confinement potentielles conférées par une microstructure compacte, le béton s’avère le matériau le plus adapté pour composer la barrière ouvragée de la structure de stockage et l’enrobage de certains déchets radioactifs. La connaissance des propriétés de diffusion et de microstructure de ces matériaux cimentaires sont donc des éléments indispensables à l’étude de leurs durabilités à long terme. Dans un contexte plus particulier de confinement des déchets de faible à moyenne activité, l'utilisation des formulations avec ajout de fumée de silice (FS) s'avère d'une grande importance. La démarche expérimentale consiste d’abord à sélectionner des formulations de pâtes et de mortiers à tester en diffusion HTO. Leurs compositions initiales (rapport e/liant, teneur en FS, teneur en sable et granulométrie du sable) ont été variées de telle façon à balayer des microstructures et des propriétés diffusives différentes, et à voir l’influence de chaque paramètre (eau, FS, teneur et granulométrie du sable) sur l’évolution de la diffusivité au sein de ces matériaux. La microstructure a été investiguée afin d’interpréter les valeurs des coefficients de diffusion obtenus. Différentes techniques complémentaires ont été utilisées pour caractériser cette structure poreuse (porosimétrie à l’eau, au mercure, l’adsorption d’azote,), pour vérifier la réactivité de la FS (ATG, MEB associé à l’EDS), et pour déterminer le profil de porosité au niveau de l’ITZ (MEB associé à l’analyse d’images).Le lien entre les propriétés de la microstructure et le coefficient de diffusion a ensuite été discuté. L’objectif ultime étant de trouver un lien entre les propriétés de la microstructure et les paramètres de transport nous permettant, in fine, à partir d’une simple caractérisation, d’estimer le DeHTO du béton, très difficile à obtenir par l’essai en cellules de diffusion HTO. D’autres tentatives ont également été faites pour essayer d’évaluer ce coefficient de béton, comme la démarche de modélisation multi-échelle (de l’échelle des hydrates au modèle 3D), ou la diffusion d’autres éléments (en l’occurrence ici de gaz O2 et N2).La présente étude montre que des agglomérats de fumée de silice (slurry) observés dans la pâte de ciment et dans le mortier à faible teneur volumique en sable normalisé (ici 10%), impactent les rôles filler et pouzzolanique de la FS et par conséquent les paramètres de durabilité de ces matériaux. Cependant, la présence d’une forte teneur en granulats (>30%) pendant le malaxage du mortier améliore considérablement la dispersion des particules de FS et aide à cisailler et à briser ces agglomérats en fournissant une meilleure homogénéité du mélange et en améliorant les propriétés microstructuraux et diffusionnels. Il a également été montré que l’utilisation de la FS sous forme slurry dans un mélange cimentaire est malgré tout nettement meilleure que la FS densifiée, communément utilisée dans la littérature. Des relations DeHTO et rayon critique, ou DeHTO et porosité accessible au mercure ont était établies et ont permis d’approcher plus ou moins des coefficients de diffusion HTO de bétons avec et sans ajout de FS. / Thanks to its high mechanical strength and its potential containment capacity conferred by a compact microstructure, concrete is considered as the most suitable material to compose the engineered barrier of some radioactive waste storage structure. Knowledge of diffusion properties and microstructure of these cementitious materials is then essential to study their long-term durability. In a more specific context of low and intermediate waste management, the use of formulations containing silica fume (SF) appears of great importance. The experimental approach consists in selecting many formulations of pastes and mortars to test by the HTO through-out diffusion test. Their initial compositions (water to binder ratio, SF content, sand content and particle size) were varied in order to browse different microstructures and diffusion properties, and to see the influence of each parameter (water, SF, content and grain size of sand) on the evolution of diffusivity within these materials. The microstructure was investigated to interpret the obtained values of diffusion coefficients. Different complementary techniques have been used to characterize the porous structure (water and mercury intrusion porosimetry, nitrogen adsorption), to verify SF reactivity (TGA, SEM associated to EDS) or to determine the profile porosity at ITZ (SEM combined with image analysis).The relationship between microstructure and diffusion coefficients (DeHTO) was then discussed. The ultimate goal was to find a link between microstructure properties and transport parameters to estimate from a simple characterization, the DeHTO of concrete, difficult to get from HTO diffusion cells test. Other attempts have also been made to try to assess the concrete diffusion coefficient, such as the multi-scale modeling approach (the scale of hydrates 3D model), or the diffusion of other elements ( like oxygen or nitrogen).This study shows that silica fume agglomerates (slurry) observed in cement paste and mortar with low standardized sand content (10%), impact the filler and pozzolanic roles of the SF and therefore sustainability parameters of these materials. On the other side, the presence of high aggregates content (> 30%) during mortar’s mixing greatly improves the dispersion of SF particles and helps shearing these agglomerates by providing better homogeneity of the mixture and enhancing microstructural and diffusional properties. It was also shown that the use of the SF as a slurry form in a cementitious mixture is still significantly better than the use of the densified FS, commonly used in the literature. Relations between the DeHTO and the critical pore radius, or the DeHTO and mercury porosity have been established and helped to estimate more or less the HTO diffusion coefficients of two concretes with or without SF.

The effect of South African quaternary supplementary cementitious blends on corrosion behaviour of concrete reinforcement in chloride and Sulphate media

Akinwale, Abiodun Ebebezer 10 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to assess the strength, durability properties and corrosion resistance of concrete samples using supplementary cementitious blended materials. In this investigation, three supplementary concrete materials (SCMs) were used together with ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) to form cementitious blends at different proportions. The supplementary materials are silica fume (SF), ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and fly ash (FA). Sixteen (16) different proportions of the cementitious blends were produced. Tests carried out on concrete samples include slump test, compressive strength, oxygen permeability, sorptivity, porosity, chloride conductivity test, resistance to chloride and sulphate attack. The electrode potentials of tested samples were also observed using electrochemical measurements. Concrete specimens prepared with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, up to 60% of blended cements replacement levels were evaluated for their compressive strength at, 7, 14, 28, 90 and 120 days while the specimens were evaluated for durability tests at 28, and 90 days respectively. The results were compared with ordinary Portland cement concrete without blended cement. Voltage, and temperature measurements were also carried out to understand the quality of concrete. The corrosion performance of steel in reinforced concrete was studied and evaluated by electrochemical half-cell potential technique in both sodium chloride, and magnesium sulphate solutions respectively. The reinforced concrete specimens with centrally embedded 12mm steel bar were exposed to chloride and sulphate solutions with the 0.5 M NaCl and MgSO4 concentrations respectively. An impressed voltage technique was carried out to evaluate the corrosion resistance of the combination of quaternary cementitious blended cement, so as to get the combination with optimum performance. Improvement of strength, durability, and corrosion resistance properties of blended concrete samples are observed at different optimum percentages for binary, ternary and quaternary samples. The effect of cementitious blends is recognized in limiting the corrosion potential of the tested SCM concrete samples. Generally, the cementitious blends with limited quantity of SF to 10% have the potential to produce satisfactory concrete. These should however be used for low cost construction, where high quality concrete is not required. / Civil and Chemical Engineering / M. Tech. (Chemical Engineering)

Total Fume Emissions and Emission Factors Applicable to Gas Metal Arc Welding

de Souza, Nayara 23 May 2019 (has links)
Welding is a common industrial practice that has the potential to emit air pollutants. Emission factors are useful indicators to help in the understanding of the extent of pollution from a process and managing them to reduce or minimize health impacts. The objective of this thesis is to determine emission factors applicable to the gas metal arc welding (GMAW), under varying current and voltage conditions. The most used base metals and an electrode for the shipbuilding industry were considered. A weld fume chamber was used to achieve the project goals along with standard sampling and analytical procedures. Three test runs were performed for each sampling scenario to ensure repeatability. The EPA EF average for MS experiments with the ER70S-6 electrode is 5.2 g/kg, and for SS experiments with the ER316L-Si electrode is 3.2 g/kg, while the average results for this study were 6.81 g/kg and 3.28 g/kg respectively.

Influência da incorporação de cinza da casca do arroz e sílica ativa no cimento Portland frente à reação álcali-sílica : desenvolvimento de uma nova proposta de método para avaliação da RAS em materiais suplementares ao cimento Portland

Trindade, Guilherme Hoehr January 2015 (has links)
Alguns materiais, constituídos quase que exclusivamente por sílica, são empregados, de forma suplementar ao cimento Portland, por promoverem melhorias ao concreto, devido aos seus efeitos físicos e pozolânicos, além de atenderem a questões ambientais. No entanto, essa sílica pode gerar produtos indesejados na presença de álcalis, sendo este fenômeno conhecido como reação álcali sílica (RAS). Na presença de água, esses produtos são capazes de expandir no interior da massa de concreto, provocando fissuras internas e externas e, em casos mais graves, a degradação do elemento estrutural. Com a finalidade de evitar essa manifestação patológica, o presente trabalho propõe-se avaliar o potencial reativo frente à RAS da sílica ativa e dois tipos de cinzas da casca do arroz (CCA), uma comercial e outra residual. Nessa investigação foram adotados os teores de 5 a 50 %, utilizados como substituição parcial ao cimento Portland padrão. Os métodos de ensaio adotados nesta pesquisa foram o método acelerado em barras de argamassa segundo a NBR 15577 - 4/5, e dois novos métodos acelerados (cubos de pasta e prismas). O métodos acelerado em cubos de pasta avaliou a resistência à compressão, enquanto o método em prismas de pasta avaliou a variação dimensional. Os resultados obtidos em barras de argamassa apontaram que ambas as CCA investigadas, foram reativos frente à RAS. No entanto, o teor de 50 %, em ambas as CCA, se mostrou inócuo para essa reação. A sílica ativa foi considerada inócua em todos os teores avaliados. O aditivo superplastificante empregado não foi eficiente em reduzir a expansão provocada pela CCA. Os ensaios que avaliaram a expansão em prismas de pasta apresentaram uma ótima correlação positiva com o método normalizado em barras de argamassa. Nos prismas de pasta com 25 % de CCA industrial foram identificados os compostos franzinite, chessexite e thaumasite. Estes compostos apresentaram morfologia de acículas ora tortuosas ora delgadas e retilíneas compondo todas as amostras coletadas dessa pasta. A análise termogravimétrica apontou o alto poder adsorvente de água dessa pasta. Em conclusão, o ensaio em prismas de pastas a 48°C com 1,25 % de Na2Oeq demonstrou ser um método prático laboratorialmente e apresentou um grande potencial para avaliar os materiais suplementares ao cimento Portland frente a RAS, além de facilitar identificação dos produtos que provocaram expansão. / Some materials, consisting almost exclusively for silica, are employed, supplementary form to Portland cement, for promoting improvements to concrete, due to their physical and pozzolanic effects and environmental issues. However, this silica may generate unwanted products in presence of alkalis. This phenomenon is known as alkali-silica reaction (ASR). In the presence of water, these products are able to expand inside concrete, generating internal and external cracks and, in severe cases, structural element degradation. In order to prevent this pathologic manifestation, the aim of the present study was to evaluate reactive potential in ASR of fume silica and two types of rice husk ash (RHA), a manufacturing and residual. Levels of 5 to 50 % were used as partial replacement to standard Portland cement. In the present study, accelerated method in mortar bars according to NBR 15577 - 4/5 and two new accelerated methods (pastes cubes and prisms) were used. Accelerated method in paste cubes evaluated compressive strength, while method in paste prims evaluated dimensional change. Results in mortar bars demonstrated, both RHA, were reactive to ASR. However, level of 50 %, both RHA, was innocuous to ASR. Fume silica was innocuous to ASR at all levels evaluated. Superplasticizer additive was not effective to reduce to expansion caused by RHA. In the cubes assay was possible to evaluate the reactive potential to ASR by analysis of variation coefficient. Results demonstrated a positive correlation between expansion in paste prism and standard method in mortar bars. In the paste prism with 25 % of RHA manufacturing were identified compounds of franzinite, chessexite and thaumasite. These compounds presented morphology of needles sometimes tortuous and sometimes thin and straight in all samples. Thermogravimetric analysis showed the high adsorbent power of water in this paste. In conclusion, paste prims assay at 48ºC with Na2Oeq 1.25 % demonstrated to be a practical laboratory method and presented a great potential to evaluate additional material to Portland cement in front of ARS, and this assay facilitates the identifications of products that cause expansion.

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