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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification of fungicidal components in poplar bark from short rotation plantations

Einer, Daniela, Bremer, Martina, Oktaee, Javane, Fischer, Steffen, Wagenführ, André 13 August 2020 (has links)
Growth of mould fungi on packaging material reduces the product quality. Eco-fungicidal substances ensure an environmentally friendly approach to prevent this problem during the service life of the product. The bark of poplar trees, as a by-product of short rotation plantations, can be a new source for obtaining bio-fungicidal substances. The types and amount of the eco-fungicidal substances in different poplar clones were investigated with GC/MS and extracted from the raw material with different methods and adapted solvent series. After applying the eco-fungicidal substances to packaging material exposed to a mixture of mould fungi, the resistance against mould growth was monitored for several weeks. The bark extracts have shown promising results in reducing the growth speed of the mould and testing of separate fungicidal substances in the bark showed that substances such as phenol, chatecol and salicylic alcohol can prevent the mould growth.:1 Introduction 2 Material and Methods 2.1 Poplar bark 2.2 Bark Extraction 2.3 Bark fibre production 2.4 Laboratory sheets 2.5 Mould fungi 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Fungicidal components in poplar bark 3.2 Evaluating the fungicidal properties 4 Outlook 5 Acknowledgement 6 Literature / Ein Wachstum von Schimmelpilzen auf Verpackungsmaterialien reduziert deren Produktqualität. Biofungizide Substanzen stellen eine umweltfreundliche Variante zur Vermeidung dieses Problems während der Nutzungsdauer des Produktes dar. Pappelrinde als Nebenprodukt von Kurzumtriebsplantagen ist neue Quelle für die Gewinnung fungizider Substanzen. Art und Menge der biofungiziden Substanzen wurden mittels GC/MS untersucht, die geeigneten Substanzen wurden mittels verschiedener Methoden und angepasster Lösemittelreihen aus dem Rohmaterial gewonnen. Verpackungsmaterialien mit applizierten biofungiziden Substanzen wurden einer Mischung aus verschiedenen Schimmelpilzen ausgesetzt. Die Resistenz gegenüber dem Wachstum der Schimmelpilze wurde über mehrere Wochen beobachtet. Die Rindenextrakte zeigten vielversprechende Ergebnisse bei der Reduzierung der Geschwindigkeit des Wachstums der Schimmelpilze. Die Prüfung ausgewählter, in der Rinde vorhandener Substanzen hat gezeigt, dass beispielsweise Phenol, Brenzcatechin und Salizylalkohol das Wachstum von Schimmelpilzen einschränken kann.:1 Introduction 2 Material and Methods 2.1 Poplar bark 2.2 Bark Extraction 2.3 Bark fibre production 2.4 Laboratory sheets 2.5 Mould fungi 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Fungicidal components in poplar bark 3.2 Evaluating the fungicidal properties 4 Outlook 5 Acknowledgement 6 Literature

Studies of the impact of mycoflora associated with oryza sativa (rice) in South Africa

Hossain, Mohammed Tufazzal 17 March 2014 (has links)
The objective of this research was to investigate the occurrence of mycoflora in rice plants and rice seeds in South Africa and their negative impact. A total of six species of Fusarium were isolated from diseased rice plants and rice seeds and identified as F. anthophilum, F. chlamydosporum, F. compactum, F. equiseti, F. fujikuroi and F. semitectum. In the translation elongation factor data set, Fusarium equiseti isolates grouped together within the F. incarnatum - equiseti Species Complex (FIESC). The isolates from rice clustered together in a single clade with the F. equiseti and F. incarnatum isolates forming two separate sub-clades.The isolates of F. equiseti present a new phylogenetically distinct species in FIESC. In the pathogenicity tests, isolates of both F. anthophilum and F. fujikuroi caused bakanae disease to rice plants. Fifty four rice cultivars and lines were tested by the standardized test tube inoculation method for resistance and susceptibility against bakanae isolate of F. anthophilum and the bakanae isolate of F. fujikuroi. None of the rice cultivars and lines was found to be resistant to bakanae isolates of Fusarium spp. The fungicide, benomyl was found to be most effective as a seed treatment for controlling bakanae disease of rice due to isolates of both F. anthophilum and F. fujikuroi. Thiram was found to be the least effective fungicide for controlling bakanae disease of rice caused by isolates of both the Fusarium spp. Apart from Fusarium species, other fungi that were also isolated from diseased rice plants and rice seeds were identified as Alternaria alternata, Alternaria longipes, Cochliobolus miyabeanus, Nigrospora sphaerica, Phoma eupyrena, Phoma jolyana, Phoma sorghina and Pithomyces sp. In mycotoxin tests, the isolates of both F. anthophilum and F. fujikuroi produced moniliformin. None of the isolates of F. anthophilum and F. fujikuroi produced fumonisins. This research is important as it identifies many fungal species in rice plants and seeds in South Africa for the first time. Currently, there is very little literature that makes reference to such findings under South African conditions. In addition, this investigation unravels previously unknown information on the resistance of rice to bakanese disease. Finally, information is provided on the effectiveness of commonly used fungicides (benomyl and thiram) to control rice diseases. This knowledge is crucial information that is useful to plant pathologists, the farming community and the scientists that are involved in strategies of fighting or reducing rice diseases so as to help contribute to food security. / Environmental Sciences / D. Phil. (Environmental Science)

Genetic characterization and fungicide resistance profiles of Botrytis cinerea in rooibos nurseries and pear orchards in the Western Cape of South Africa

Wessels, Andries Bernardus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr. [teleomorph Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel] causes serious losses of over 200 crops worldwide, including rooibos seedlings and pears. This pathogen is characterized by morphological, physiological and genetic diversity. The genetic diversity and population structure have not been investigated for B. cinerea populations in South Africa. Botrytis cinerea collected from rooibos seedlings and in pear orchards in the Western Cape of South Africa were investigated in the present study. The study was done with the aid of microsatellite markers, the amplification of mating type alleles MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 and determination of resistance towards various fungicides. Population dynamics was inferred and a similar picture emerged in both production systems. Botrytis cinerea annually causes severe losses of rooibos seedlings (Aspalathus linearis) in nurseries situated in the Clanwilliam region. Sampling was done in five nurseries and the cryptic species status of the isolates obtained was determined through restriction enzyme digestion of the Bc-hch gene. All but one (206 out of 207) of the isolates belonged to Group II or B. cinerea ‘sensu stricto’. Analysis of the B. cinerea Group II population, using seven microsatellite loci, was performed to assess the genetic population structure. Total gene diversity (H) was high, with a mean of 0.67. Two of the nurseries populations’ sample sizes were severely limited after clone correction, yet 100 genotypes were discerned among the 206 isolates genotyped. The percentage of maximal genotypic diversity (G) ranged between 16 and 68 for the five populations, with a total value of 17 for the 100 genotypes. One genotype, represented by 27 clones, was isolated from four nurseries. Relatively low but significant population differentiation was observed in total between nurseries (mean FST = 0.030, P = 0.001). The distribution of mating types MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 differed significantly from the ratio of 1:1 for the total population plus two of the nurseries’ populations. Three nursery populations had an equal mating type distribution. The index of association (IA) analyses suggests that the populations are asexually reproducing. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that 97% of the total genetic variation is distributed within subpopulations. Fungicide resistance frequency against iprodione for 198 of the genotyped isolates displayed highly varying levels of resistance amongst the five nurseries. The mean total incidence of resistance towards iprodione was 43%, ranging from 0% to 81% for the five nurseries. Baseline sensitivity towards pyrimethanil yielded an average EC50 value of 0.096 mg/L. Botrytis cinerea isolates were collected from pear blossoms (Pyrus communis) in four orchards. Two orchards in the Ceres area and two in the Grabouw area were sampled from. A total of 181 isolates were collected from the four orchards. Incidence of blossom infection in the orchards ranged from 3% to 17%. Overall, there was a high incidence of isolates that had only the Boty transposable element (74%) compared to those harbouring both (Boty and Flipper), simultaneously (transposa, 24%). One isolate examined had the Flipper element only. Cryptic species status according to restriction enzyme digestion of the Bc-hch gene indicated that all the isolates belonged to Group II or B. cinerea ‘sensu stricto’. Analysis of the Group II population, through the use of seven microsatellite loci, was performed to assess the genetic population structure. Total gene diversity (H) was high, with a mean of 0.69 across all populations. Although two of the subpopulations displayed a high clonal proportion, overall 91 genotypes were discerned among the 181 isolates. The percentage of maximal genotypic diversity (G) ranged between 18 and 33 for the four populations, with a total value of 14 for the 91 genotypes. One genotype, represented by 27 clones, was isolated from all orchards. Moderate, but significant population differentiation was present in total among orchards (mean FST = 0.118, P = 0.001). The distribution of the mating types, MAT1-1 and MAT1-2, did not differ significantly from a 1:1 ratio for the total population as well as the subpopulations. Index of association (IA) analyses, on the other hand, suggests that the populations reproduce asexually. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that 88% of the total genetic variation is distributed within subpopulations, 9% between subpopulations and only 3% between production areas. Fungicide resistance frequency against fenhexamid, iprodione and benomyl varied, with the highest levels of resistance present against benomyl and low levels of resistance seen towards iprodione and fenhexamid. In conclusion, this study has shown that there exist within the studied populations of B. cinerea, obtained from rooibos nurseries and pear orchards, an adaptive capacity to overcome current means of control. The use of population genetics to further our understanding of how plant pathogens interact and spread throughout a given environment is of cardinal importance in aiding the development of sustainable and integrated management strategies. Knowledge of the dispersal of B. cinerea in the two studied cropping systems has shed light on the inherent risk that it poses, and this together with knowledge of the levels of resistance that occurs should serve as an early warning to help divert possible loss of control in future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr. [teleomorf Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel] veroorsaak ernstige verliese van meer as 200 gewasse wêreldwyd, insluitende rooibossaailinge en pere. Hierdie patogeen word deur morfologiese, fisiologiese, asook genetiese diversiteit gekenmerk. Die genetiese diversiteit en populasie-struktuur van B. cinerea populasies wat in Suid-Afrika voorkom, is nog nie ondersoek nie. Botrytis cinerea verkryg vanaf rooibossaailinge en in peerboorde in die Wes-Kaap van Suid-Afrika is ondersoek. Hierdie studie is met behulp van mikrosatellietmerkers, amplifikasie van die twee paringstipe gene (MAT1-1 en MAT1-2), asook die bepaling van weerstandsvlakke teenoor verskeie swamdoders, uitgevoer. Populasie-dinamika is afgelei en ‘n soortgelyke tendens is in beide produksie-sisteme waargeneem. Botrytis cinerea veroorsaak jaarliks ernstige verliese van rooibossaailinge (Aspalathus linearis) in kwekerye in die Clanwilliam-area. Monsters is in vyf kwekerye versamel en die kriptiese spesiestatus van die verkrygde isolate is deur restriksie-ensiemvertering van die Bc-hch geen bepaal. Almal behalwe een (206 uit 207) isolaat het aan Groep II of B. cinerea ‘sensu stricto’ behoort. Analise van die B. cinerea Groep II populasie, deur middel van sewe mikrosatellietmerkers, is uitgevoer om die genetiese populasiestruktuur te bepaal. Totale geendiversiteit (H) was hoog, met ‘n gemiddelde van 0.67. Alhoewel twee van die kwekerye se monstergrootte erg ingeperk is ná kloonverwydering, is daar nogtans 100 genotipes onder die 206 isolate wat geïsoleer is, waargeneem. Die persentasie van maksimale genotipiese diversiteit (G) het tussen 16 en 68, vir die vyf populasies, gewissel, met ‘n totaal van 17 vir die 100 genotipes. Een genotipe, verteenwoordig deur 27 klone, is uit vier kwekerye geïsoleer. Relatief lae dog noemenswaardige populasie-differensiasie is in totaal tussen kwekerye waargeneem (gem. FST = 0.030, P = 0.001). Die verspreiding van die twee paringstipes (MAT1-1 en MAT1-2) het beduidend verskil van ‘n 1:1 verhouding vir die totale populasie, asook twee van die kwekerye se populasies. Die drie oorblywende kwekerye se populasies het egter ‘n gelyke verdeling van die twee paringstipes getoon. Die indeks van assosiasie (IA) analises toon dat die populasies ongeslagtelik voortplant. Analise van molekulêre variasie (AMOVA) het aangedui dat 97% van die totale genetiese variasie binne die subpopulasies versprei is. Hoogs variërende vlakke van weerstand tussen die vyf kwekerye teenoor die swamdoder iprodioon, is vir die 198 isolate wat getoets is, gevind. Die totale gemiddelde frekwensie van weerstand teenoor iprodioon was 43%, wat tussen 0% en 81% vir die vyf kwekerye gevarieer het. Fondasie-vlak-sensitiwiteit vir pyrimethanil het ‘n gemiddelde EC50 waarde van 0.096 mg/L opgelewer. Botrytis cinerea isolate is ook vanuit peerbloeisels (Pyrus communis L.) vanuit vier boorde versamel, twee uit elk van die Ceres- en Grabouw-areas. In totaal is 181 isolate vanuit die vier boorde versamel. Die frekwensie van bloeiselinfeksie het tussen 3% en 17% gewissel. Oor die algemeen was daar ‘n hoë frekwensie van isolate wat slegs die Boty transponeerbare element teenwoordig gehad het (74%) in vergelyking met dié wat tegelykertyd beide (Boty en Flipper) teenwoordig gehad het. Een isolaat het slegs die Flipper element gehad. Bepaling van die kriptiese spesiestatus met behulp van restriksie-ensiemvertering van die Bc-hch geen het aangedui dat alle versamelde isolate tot Groep II of B. cinerea ‘sensu stricto’ behoort het. Analise van die Groep II populasie, deur middel van sewe mikrosatellietmerkers, is uitgevoer om genetiese populasie-struktuur te bepaal. Totale geendiversiteit (H) was hoog, met ‘n gemiddelde van 0.69 oor alle populasies. Alhoewel twee subpopulasies ‘n hoë klonale fraksie getoon het, is 91 genotipes tussen die 181 isolate wat verkry is, onderskei. Die persentasie van maksimale genotipiese diversiteit (G) het tussen 18 en 33 vir die vier populasies gewissel, met ‘n totale waarde van 14 vir die 91 genotipes. Een genotipe, verteenwoordig deur 27 klone, was in al vier boorde teenwoordig. Gematigde dog beduidende populasie differensiasie was in totaal tussen boorde teenwoordig (gem. FST = 0.118, P = 0.001). Die verspreiding van die paringstipes (MAT1-1 en MAT1-2) het nie betekenisvol van ‘n 1:1 verhouding vir die totale populasie, insluitende die subpopulasies, verskil nie. Indeks van assosiasie (IA) analises het egter aangedui dat die populasies ongeslagtelik voortplant. Analise van molekulêre variasie (AMOVA) het aangedui dat 88% van die totale genetiese variasie in subpopulasies te vinde was, 9% tussen subpopulasies en slegs 3% tussen produksie-areas. Frekwensie van swamdoder weerstandbiedendheid vir fenhexamid, iprodioon en benomyl het gewissel, met die hoogste vlakke teenoor benomyl waargeneem, maar baie lae vlakke teenoor fenhexamid en iprodioon. Samevattend het hierdie studie getoon dat die populasies van B. cinerea wat in hierdie twee produksie-sisteme, op rooibossaailinge en in peer boorde, ondersoek is, ‘n aanpasbaarheid toon om huidige metodes van beheer te oorkom. Die gebruik van populasiegenetika as ‘n hulpmiddel om ons kennis van patogeen-interaksies en -verspreiding te verbreed, is van kardinale belang in die ontwikkeling van geïntegreerde en volhoubare beheermaatreëls. Kennis van die verspreiding van B. cinerea in die bestudeerde gewasproduksiestelsels, werp lig op die inherente risiko wat dié patogeen inhou. Dít, tesame met kennis van die weerstandsvlakke wat voorkom, kan as ‘n vroegtydige waarskuwing dien ten einde moontlike verlies van beheer in die toekoms te help teenwerk.

Seleção de plantas resistentes e de fungicidas para o controle da "morte prematura" do maracujazeiro, causada por Nectria haematococca e Phytophthora parasitica. / Selection of resistant plants and fungicides for the control of passion fruit "premature death", caused by Nectria haematococca and Phytophthora parasitica.

Fischer, Ivan Herman 28 January 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar métodos de inoculação de Nectria haematococca e Phytophthora parasitica e idades de Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa suscetíveis à infecção; avaliar a ocorrência de damping-off e podridão de colo do maracujazeiro em solo infestado; avaliar o comportamento de diferentes Passsifloraceas e genótipos de maracujazeiro amarelo aos respectivos patógenos; realizar testes de controle químico in vitro, tratamento químico erradicante em solo infestado e tratamento químico curativo em P. edulis f. flavicarpa para os respectivos patógenos. Inoculações no colo das plantas de P. edulis f. flavicarpa proporcionaram maiores níveis de doença comparadas às inoculações no sistema radicular, previamente ferido. Os resultados sugerem que N. haematococca seja um patógeno que penetra através de ferimentos. A mortalidade foi maior quando a inoculação foi realizada em plantas mais jovens e quando os patógenos N. haematococca e P. parasitica estavam em associação. Dentre as 17 espécies de Passiflora avaliadas para resistência aos patógenos, as espécies P. nitida, P. laurifolia e P. alata apresentaram as menores médias de lesões de N. haematococca, enquanto que para P. parasitica foram as espécies P. suberosa, P. foetida e P. morifolia as menos afetadas. Passiflora sidaefolia, P. edulis f. flavicarpa e P. edulis f. edulis foram as mais suscetíveis a ambos os patógenos, com sintomas que culminaram com a morte de plantas. Os genótipos de P. edulis f. flavicarpa mais resistentes a N. haematococca foram os procedentes de Morretes (PR) e a variedade Maguari e de Sapucaí (SP), enquanto que para P. parasitica foram os genótipos de Morretes (PR), Jaboticabal (SP) e LE13P2 (IAC) os menos afetados. A variedade Sul-Brasil e o genótipo de Livramento (BA) foram altamente suscetíveis a ambos os patógenos, com sintomas que culminaram com a morte de plantas. No teste de fungitoxidade in vitro avaliou-se a eficiência dos fungicidas na inibição do crescimento micelial de N. haematococca e P. parasitica. Na dose 100 ppm somente prochloraz inibiu totalmente o crescimento micelial de N. haematococca e nenhum produto inibiu acima de 82 % o crescimento de P. parasitica. Os fungicidas prochloraz, thiabendazole, thiram+thiabendazole, carbendazim, triflumizole e captan exerceram controle erradicante em solo infestado com N. haematococca, inibindo a incidência da doença em plantas com seis semanas pós-germinação. O mesmo foi observado com os produtos kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb, mancozeb, cymoxanil+maneb e oxicloreto de cobre para P. parasitica. Os fungicidas testados em tratamento curativo inibiram o desenvolvimento da doença com melhores resultados quando aplicados dois dias após a inoculação, comparado a sete dias. Os fungicidas prochloraz e carbendazim destacaram-se por evitar a morte de plantas inoculadas com N. haematococca e os fungicidas kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb e cymoxanil+maneb apresentaram eficiência semelhante entre si e superior a fosetyl- Al no controle de P. parasitica. / The objectives of the present work were to evaluate methods of inoculation of Nectria haematococca and Phytophthora parasitica and ages of Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa which are susceptible to infection; to evaluate the damping-off and collar rot of passion fruit plant in infested soil; to evaluate the behavior of different Passsifloraceas and yellow genotypes of passion fruit to the respective pathogens; to carry out tests of chemical control in vitro, eradicative chemical treatment in infested soil and curative chemical treatment in P. edulis f. flavicarpa for the respective pathogens. Inoculations in the collar zone of P. edulis f. flavicarpa plants provided higher levels of disease when compared to the inoculations in the radicular system previously wounded. The results suggest that N. haematococca is a pathogen that penetrates through wounds. Mortality was higher when the inoculation was carried out in younger plants and when both pathogens were together. Amongst the 17 species of Passiflora tested for resistance to the pathogens, P. nitida, P. laurifolia, and P. alata showed the lowest average of N. haematococca lesions, while P. suberosa, P. morifolia, and P. foetida were the least affected species by P. parasitica. Passiflora sidaefolia, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, and P. edulis f. edulis were the most susceptible to both pathogens, showing symptoms that culminated with the death of the plants. The most resistant genotypes of P. edulis f. flavicarpa to N. haematococca were those from Morretes (PR), Maguari variety, and those from Sapucaí (SP); with respect to P. parasitica, the genotypes from Morretes (PR), Jaboticabal (SP), and LE13P2 (IAC) were the least affected. The Sul- Brasil variety and the genotype from Livramento (BA) had been highly susceptible to both pathogens, having symptoms that culminated with the death of plants. The in vitro efficiency of the fungicides in the inhibition of the mycelial growth of N. haematococca and P. parasitica was evaluated. At 100 ppm, only prochloraz inhibited totally the mycelial growth of N. haematococca and no product inhibited over 82 % the growth of P. parasitica. Prochloraz, thiabendazole, thiram+thiabendazole, carbendazim, triflumizole, and captan controlled eradicatively the soil infested by N. haematococca, inhibiting the incidence of the disease in plants which were six weeks old. The same was observed for the products kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb, mancozeb, cymoxanil+maneb, and copper oxychloride for P. parasitica. The tested fungicides in curative treatment inhibited the development of the disease with better results when applied two days after the inoculation, compared to seven days. Prochloraz and carbendazim were outstanding for preventing the death of plants inoculated with N. haematococca. Kif, dimethomorph, metalaxyl+mancozeb, and cymoxanil+maneb showed similar efficiency and were superior to fosetyl-Al in the control of P. parasitica.

Potencial de cruzamentos dialélicos de soja para precocidade, produtividade de grãos e tolerância à ferrugem / Potential of soybean diallel crosses for earliness, seed yield, and rust tolerance

Assunção Filho, José Ribamar de 29 September 2016 (has links)
A soja é uma cultura de importância econômica fundamental e o Brasil está entre os principais produtores mundiais. Nos programas de melhoramento, entre os métodos usados para escolha de genitores estão os cruzamentos dialélicos, em que todos os genitores são cruzados entre si, dois a dois. O uso desta metodologia tem sido eficiente na busca por genótipos superiores. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de cruzamentos de soja em termos de precocidade e produtividade(PG), por meio de estimativas de heterose e das capacidades geral (CGC) e específica(CEC) de combinação e, também, estimar a reação dos cruzamentos ao fungo da ferrugem asiática. Os genitores utilizados no dialelo completo 10x10 foram: 1) USP 233-4201-09; 2) USP 223-2113-09; 3) IAC-17; 4) FT- COMETA; 5) CD 216; 6) FT 81-2706; 7) CB 07-958-B; 8) BMX POTÊNCIA RR; 9) AS 7307 RR; 10) TMG 4011 RR. Foi utilizado o delineamento de blocos em todos os experimentos. Em 2013/14 foi avaliada a geração F2 do dialelo. Os genitores que mais se destacaram com CGC negativas, contribuindo para redução do ciclo (maior precocidade) foram USP 223-4201-09, USP 223-2113-09, TMG 4011 RR e, principalmente, CB 07-958-B com contribuição para redução superior a cinco dias no ciclo. Este genitor também se destacou em relação à heterose per se (heterose de variedades ou genitores = hi ), ao lado dos genitores CD 216 e FT-COMETA. Constatou-se que o genitor CB 07-958-B possui maior concentração de genes dominantes, os quais agem no sentido de tornar os genótipos mais precoces. O genitor que apresentou maior concentração de alelos favoráveis para PG foi 3) IAC-17. O cruzamento com maior destaque para PG foi 1 x 5 = USP 223-4201-09 x CD 216, com média de 5623Kg ha-1. Todos os cruzamentos apresentaram médias de PG superiores ao do melhor genitor. Em 2014/15 (geração F2:3) foram conduzidos dois experimentos com manejos de doenças por fungicidas: um com controle da ferrugem e outras doenças fúngicas, incluindo as doenças de fim de ciclo e outro com apenas o controle de outras doenças fúngicas, excluindo-se a ferrugem. O contraste entre os dois manejos com fungicidas permitiu uma estimativa da tolerância. As estimativas do efeito ferrugem foram significativas para sete e 17 cruzamentos, respectivamente para PG e peso de cem sementes (PCS); os demais cruzamentos foram considerados tolerantes. Foram obtidas as seguintes conclusões: a escolha dos genitores para compor o dialelo foi adequada, uma vez que as análises de capacidade combinatória e da heterose mostraram que eles contribuíram para o aumento da precocidade e da produtividade dos cruzamentos na geração F2, além da maioria dos cruzamentos mostrarem tolerância à ferrugem na geração F2:3; existe variabilidade para o ciclo da cultura, a qual pode ser aproveitada futuramente para selecionar linhagens mais precoces; os cruzamentos mostraram excelente potencial produtivo, com algumas médias superando a produtividade nacional; progressos adicionais para tolerância à ferrugem poderão ser obtidos com a prática de seleção entre e dentro de cruzamentos em gerações mais avançadas. / Soybean is an economicaly important culture worldwide, and Brazil is among the largest world producers. In breeding programs, a very useful method used to choice of parents is the diallel, where all parents are crossed in biparental combinations. The use of this methodology has been effective in generating superior genotypes. This research aimed to evaluate the potential of soybean crosses in terms of earliness and seed yield(PG) by estimating heterosis, general (CGC) and specific (CEC) combining abilities, besides to estimate the reaction of crosses to the fungus of soybean rust. The parents used in the 10x10 complete diallel system were: 1) USP 233-4201-09, 2) USP 223-2113-09, 3) IAC-17, 4) FT-COMETA, 5) CD 216, 6) FT 81-2706, 7) CB 07-958-B, 8) BMX POTENCIA RR, 9) AS 7307 RR, 10) TMG 4011 RR. The randomized complete-block design was used in all experiments. In 2013/14, it was evaluated the F2 generation of the 45 diallel crosses. The parents who stood out with negative estimates of CGC, helping to reduce cycle (higher earliness) were USP 223-4201-09, USP 223-2113-09, TMG 4011 RR and, especially CB 07-958-B with average reduction of more than five days in the cycle. This parent, jointly with CD 216 and FT-COMETA, also stood in relation to heterosis per se (varietal or parental heterosis = hi). It was found that the parent CB 07-958-B has the highest concentration of dominant genes for earliness. The parent with the highest concentration of favorable alleles for PG was 3) IAC-17. The most outstanding cross for PG was 1x5=USP 223-4201-09 CD x 216, averaging 5623Kg ha-1. All crosses showed average PG higher than the best parent. In 2014/15, the F2:3 generation was evaluated through two disease managements with fungicide applications designed to control: a) the rust and other late season leaf diseases (DFC); b) DFC, except rust. The contrast between adjusted means of these two managements with different fungicides allowed an estimation of the tolerance for each genotype. The estimates of rust effect were significants for seven and 17 crosses, respectively to PG and one-hundred seed weight (PCS); the remaining crosses were considered as rust tolerants. The following conclusions were obtained: the choice of parents to compose the diallel was adequate, since the analysis of combining abilities and heterosis showed that they contributed to increase earliness and PG of the crosses in the F2 generation, besides most crosses showed tolerance to rust in the F2:3 generation; there is variability in the crop cycle, which can allow the selection of earlier lines in the future; crosses showed great seed yield potential, with some surpassing the national soybean average; further progress to rust tolerance may be obtained from the practice of selection among and within crosses in later generations.

Caracterização agromorfológica, adaptabilidade e estabilidade de populações e divergência genética entre linhagens de soja / Agromorphological characterization, adaptability and stability of populations and genetic divergence among lines of soybean

Sousa, Iradenia da Silva 12 January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar e estimar a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade de 24 populações e quantificar a divergência genética entre 480 (20 linhagens x 24 populações) linhagens de soja, por meio de caracteres agromorfológicos. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em três locais (Anhumas, Areão e ESALQ), localizados no município de Piracicaba - SP. Nos anos agrícolas 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10 e 2011/12 foram realizados dois experimentos por ano, delineados em blocos ao acaso e constituídos por repetições estratificadas em dois conjuntos experimentais, formados por 12 populações e duas testemunhas comuns (BRS 133 e Monsoy 8001 ou Conquista). Em 2011/12, de cada uma das 24 populações, foram colhidas, trilhadas e pesadas as sementes de 36 plantas individuais; a seguir, foram selecionadas as 20 plantas (linhagens F15:16) mais produtivas para compor os experimentos de 2012/13; em 2013/14, foram avaliadas as linhagens F15:17; foram realizados dois experimentos por ano, no delineamento de blocos aumentados de Federer, estratificando-se as 480 linhagens em 24 conjuntos experimentais; cada conjunto recebeu as 20 linhagens de uma dada população, mais as duas testemunhas comuns (BRS 133 e Monsoy 8001), totalizando 22 parcelas. Em todos os anos agrícolas foram conduzidos dois experimentos vizinhos, um com manejo FAS, que recebeu aplicações sucessivas de fungicidas para controle da ferrugem asiática e outras doenças de fim de ciclo (DFC); e, outro experimento com manejo DFC, no qual foram feitas aplicações de um fungicida que controla as DFC, exceto a ferrugem. Vinte caracteres agromorfológicos foram avaliados e também foram estimadas as taxas de reação à ferrugem baseada na produtividade de grãos (FP) e no tamanho das sementes (FT, representado pelo peso de cem sementes); FP e FT foram estimadas para cada genótipo, calculando-se a diferença entre as médias ajustadas nos manejos DFC e FAS, dividindo-se pela média DFC e multiplicando por 100. Para a análise de adaptabilidade e estabilidade, foram utilizados os métodos de Eberhart e Russel e AMMI. No estudo de divergência genética foi usada a distância Euclidiana Média, e os agrupamentos foram obtidos pelo Método de Tocher. Com exceção da cor do tegumento, uniformemente amarelo, foi observada variabilidade genética para todos os demais 19 caracteres, incluindo-se as FP e FT. A população USP 98-13.009 (P21) destacou-se por apresentar médias relativamente altas para produtividade de grãos e para peso de cem sementes e níveis satisfatórios de tolerância à ferrugem. As metodologias Eberhart & Russel e AMMI foram capazes de identificar populações comuns, com médias elevadas para produtividade de grãos, com estabilidade de produtividade e adaptadas aos 16 ambientes em estudo. Os ambientes, principalmente os locais, foram bem distinguidos pela metodologia AMMI. Na análise de divergência, a variabilidade genética, permitiu a observação de linhagens dissimilares. Foram observados diferentes tipos de agrupamento para os experimentos com manejo de doenças (manejos FAS, DFC e combinação FAS + DFC), o que pode ser explicado pela interação genótipos x anos. O agrupamento realizado com os dados obtidos nos experimentos combinados dos manejos (FAS + DFC) foi o mais conciso e adequado com a dissimilaridade entre as linhagens. / This work aimed to characterize and to estimate adaptability and stability of 24 populations, besides to quantify the genetic divergence between 480 (20 lines x 24 populations) lines of soybean, through agromorphological characters. The experiments were conducted in three locations (Anhumas, Areão, ESALQ), located in Piracicaba - SP. In the crop years 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10 and 2011/12, were performed two experiments per year in randomized complete block design, consisting of replications stratified in two experimental sets, constituted by 12 populations and two common checks (BRS 133 and Monsoy 8001 or Conquista). In 2011/12, in each of the 24 populations were harvested, trashed and weighted the seeds of 36 individual plants; then, the most productive 20 plants were selected for obtaining F15:16 lines and composing the experiments of 2012/13; in 2013/14, were evaluated the F15:17 lines. There were conducted two experiments per year designed in augmented block of Federer, by stratifying the 480 soybean lines in 24 experimental sets. Each set consisted of 20 lines of a given population and two common checks (BRS 133 and Monsoy 8001), totaling 22 plots. In each year, there were conducted two experiments, one with FAS management which received successive applications of fungicides for controlling the Asian soybean rust and other late season leaf diseases (DFC); the other experiment received the DFC management in which it was made applications of a fungicide to control the DFC, except rust. Twenty agromorphological characters were evaluated and also estimated the rate of reaction to rust based on seed yield (FP) and seed size (FT, represented by the weight of one hundred seeds or PCS); FP and FT were estimated for each genotype, by calculating the difference between the adjusted means in DFC and FAS managements, dividing by DFC mean and multiplying by 100. For the analysis of adaptability and stability were used Eberhart & Russell and AMMI methods. In the study of genetic divergence was used the Average Mean Euclidean distance, and the clusters was obtained by Tocher method. With exception of color of seed coat, with an uniform yellow color, it was observed genetic variability for the other 19 traits, including FP and FT. The USP 98-13.009 (P21) population highlighted by present relatively high averages for seed yield and weight of one hundred seeds, besides the satisfactory levels of rust tolerance. Both methodologies, Eberhart & Russell and AMMI, were able to identify common populations with high means of seed yield, yield stability and adaptation to of the 16 environments in study. The environments, mainly locations, were well distinguished by the AMMI methodology. In the divergence analysis, the genetic variability allowed the observation of dissimilar lines. Different types of clusters were observed for disease managements (FAS, DFC, and FAS + DFC) which could be explained by the genotypes x years interaction. The grouping performed with the combination FAS + DFC data was the more concise and appropriate to estimate the dissimilarity among lines.

Análise de cruzamentos dialélicos para o desenvolvimento de soja tipo hortaliça com tolerância à ferrugem / Diallel analysis for the development of vegetable soybean with tolerance to Asian rust

Souza, Renan Silva e 06 February 2018 (has links)
Entre os maiores desafios existentes para a cultura da soja, os estresses bióticos e abióticos se destacam e a incidência de patógenos como a ferrugem asiática, causam grandes perdas aos produtores. No Brasil, a ferrugem é a principal causa de prejuízos nas lavouras e estratégias para o seu controle mais eficiente são necessárias. O melhoramento genético para a tolerância constitui uma importante ferramenta para manter a ferrugem em níveis abaixo de dano econômico por um período mais duradouro. Outro aspecto importante da cultura da soja é relacionado com a sua utilização, destacando-se a produção de farelo com alto teor de proteína e de óleo comestível e combustível. Apesar de apresentar uma rica composição nutricional, o seu uso direto na alimentação humana ainda não é comum no Brasil. Uma das formas de incluir a soja na dieta é na forma de hortaliça, também conhecida como Edamame, em que as vagens são colhidas ainda verdes ou imaturas (estádio R6) e os grãos consumidos após breve cozimento. Contudo, poucos esforços têm sido dedicados para desenvolver novos genótipos com boa performance agronômica e adequados ao consumo humano. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar genótipos de soja para a produção de soja hortaliça que apresentem tolerância à ferrugem. Para isto foram realizados cruzamentos entre seis genitores com boas características agronômicas em um esquema dialélico 6x6, gerando 15 cruzamentos. Estes genótipos foram avaliados nas gerações F2 e F3 para a produtividade e o tamanho das sementes, sendo que na geração F3, foram adicionados outros dez caracteres. Nas duas gerações, foi estimada a sua tolerância à ferrugem, utilizando manejos diferentes da doença com fungicidas. Foram realizadas análises de variância individuais e conjuntas, agrupamento de médias, análises dialélicas, tendo sido estimados os coeficientes de herdabilidade e correlações entre os caracteres. As análises mostraram a existência de variabilidade entre os genótipos avaliados e indicaram que os cruzamentos apresentaram desempenho superior aos genitores para caracteres importantes. O uso dos diferentes manejos da ferrugem com fungicidas mostrou-se eficiente uma vez que foi possível identificar genótipos tolerantes. Além disso, foram detectadas interações genótipos x ambientes significativas, fato que representou um desafio para a seleção dos melhores genótipos. Os genitores BRS 267, USP 13-66.136 e USP 13-19.007 destacaram-se por apresentar estimativas altas de capacidade de combinação e os cruzamentos USP 13-66.136 x USP 13-19.007, USP 13-66.136 x USP 13-19.034, BRS 267 x USP 13-19.007 e Tengamine x USP 13-19.007 apresentaram os melhores desempenhos. As estimativas de capacidade específica de combinação (Sii) dos genitores indicaram a existência de divergência entre eles e os caracteres apresentaram altas herdabilidades. A magnitude e a significância das correlações indicaram a possibilidade de seleção de genótipos precoces com sementes grandes e, também, evidenciaram que a seleção de genótipos com período mais longo entre R6 e R7 (SGR6) beneficia a produtividade. Portanto, foi possível identificar genitores e cruzamentos promissores para o desenvolvimento de novas linhagens apropriadas para a produção de soja hortaliça com tolerância à ferrugem. / Among the major challenges for soybean cultivation, biotic and abiotic stresses stand out and the incidence of pathogens such as Asian rust can cause extensive losses to farmers. In Brazil, rust is the main cause of crop damage and strategies for a more efficient control are necessary. Breeding for tolerance is an important tool to keep rust below economic damage for a longer period. Another important aspect of the soybean crop is related to its use, which is directed to the production of high-protein meal, edible oil and fuel. Although this legume has a rich nutritional composition, its direct use in the diet is still not common in Brazil. One of the ways to use soybean as food is in the form of vegetable, also known as Edamame, in which the pods are harvested green or immature (R6 stage) and the grains consumed after brief cooking. However, few efforts have been devoted to developing new soybean genotypes with good agronomic performance and characteristics suitable for human consumption. The present research had the objective of evaluating soybean genotypes for the production of vegetable soybean with rust tolerance. For this, crosses between six parents with good agronomic characteristics were performed in a 6x6 diallel scheme, generating 15 crosses. These genotypes were evaluated in the F2 and F3 generations for seed yield and size, and in the F3 generation, ten other traits were added. In both generations, tolerance to rust was estimated in experiments designed for different managements of the disease with fungicides. Individual and joint analyzes of variance, grouping of means, diallel analyzes, and estimation of heritability and correlation coefficients were performed. The analyzes showed the existence of variability among the evaluated genotypes and indicated that the crosses presented superior performance to the parents for important traits. The use of different rust managements with fungicides was efficient, since it was possible to identify tolerant genotypes. In addition, significant genotypes x environments interactions were detected, a fact that represented a challenge for the selection of the best genotypes. The parents BRS 267, USP 13-66136 and USP 13-19007 stood out for presenting high estimates of general combining ability and the crosses USP 13-66136 x USP 13-19007, USP 13-66136 x USP 13-19034, BRS 267 x USP 13-19007 and Tengamine x USP 13-19.007 presented the best performances. Estimates of specific combining ability (Sii) of the parents indicated divergence between them and the traits showed high estimates of heritability. The magnitude and significance of the correlations indicated the possibility of selecting early genotypes with large seeds and showed that the selection of genotypes with a longer period between R6 and R7 (SGR6) benefits seed yield. Therefore, it was possible to identify promising parents and crosses for the development of new lines suitable for the production of vegetable soybean with rust tolerance.

Bioprospecção de actinobactérias associadas à esponja marinha Aplysina fulva: isolamento, caracterização e produção de compostos bioativos / Bioprospecting of actinobacteria associated with marine sponge Aplysina fulva: isolation, characterization and production of bioactive compounds

Silva, Fábio Sérgio Paulino da 03 November 2015 (has links)
Este estudo descreve a diversidade de actinobactérias isoladas da esponja marinha Aplysina fulva e o potencial destes microorganismos como produtores de metabólitos bioativos com propriedades fungicidas e herbicidas. Actinobactérias são prolíficas produtoras de compostos farmacologicamente importantes, pois cerca de 70% dos antibióticos naturalmente derivados que estão atualmente em uso clínico são produzidos por estes microorganismos. Entretanto este valor é ainda inexpressivo na indústria agrícola. Agroquímicos sintéticos ainda são dominantes no mercado apesar de estarem menos efetivos contra plantas daninhas e patógenos cada vez mais resistentes. Neste trabalho, um total de 21 actinobactérias foram isoladas com a utilização de meios seletivos. Análises filogenéticas baseadas no sequenciamento parcial do gene que codifica para o rRNA 16S mostrou que estes microorganismos pertencem a oito gêneros do filo Actinobacteria: Kocuria; Citricoccus; Terrabacter; Gordonia; Agrococcus; Tsukamurella; Brevibacterium e Streptomyces. Os extratos de todos os isolados foram testados para verificar a produção de metabólitos secundários com propriedades fungicidas contra os fungos fitopagênicos de importância agrícola: Pythium aphanidermatum; Phytophthora capsici e Magnaporthe grisea. O extrato bruto de 43% dos isolados mostrou atividade fungicida para ao menos um dos patógenos. O perfil químico do extrato dos isolados com bioatividade positiva foram similares mesmo entre gêneros diferentes. Os metabólitos do Streptomyces ASPSP 103 foram mais eficientes devido à forte inibição contra todos os patógenos testados. Portanto este isolado foi selecionado e testado para atividade herbicida por meio de screening que teve início com testes de atividade algicida contra a microalga Selenastrum capricornutum. Acreditamos que actinobactérias associadas a esponjas marinhas desempenham um papel de defesa química contra microalgas que possam obstruir os porócitos asfixiando o animal, e que estes compostos algicidas possivelmente tenham ação herbicida. Foi verificada atividade do extrato bruto do Streptomyces ASPSP 103 contra S. capricornutum, e a atividade herbicida pré-emergência com um efeito fraco em Lactuca sativa (dicotiledônea) e uma forte inibição em Agrostis stolonifera (monocotiledônea). A purificação do extrato bruto para isolamento do composto bioativo foi guiado por bioensaio contra Pythium aphanidermatum, um oomiceto de rápido crescimento e sensível aos metabólitos de ASPSP 103 previamente testados. Foi identificado o composto da classe butenolida com atividade herbicida préemergência contra Agrostis stolonifera (IC50 33.43 μg/mL). Este é o primeiro relato da atividade de butenolida para atividade herbicida. Estudos aprofundados em taxonomia mostraram que as características filogenéticas, morfológicas e químicas do isolado ASPSP 103 são consistentes com o gênero Streptomyces. Portanto devido algumas diferenças em parâmetros taxonômicos, ASPSP 103T foi proposto como linhagem tipo para uma nova espécie de Streptomyces, para qual o nome Streptomyces atlanticus sp. nov. foi sugerido. Estes resultados enfatizam o potencial de Streptomyces marinhos para produzir compostos bioativos com potencial de aplicação em agrobiotecnologia. / Actinobacteria are producers of important pharmacological compounds. About 70% of natural antibiotics are derived from these microorganisms. However, the use of natural compounds are still limited in the agricultural industry, even considering that synthetic pesticides are less effective against pathogens and weed plants. This study describes the diversity of actinobacteria associated with the marine sponge Aplysina fulva and their potential as producers of bioactive compounds with fungicidal and herbicidal properties. In this study, a total of 21 actinomycetes were isolated with the use of selective media. Phylogenetic analyzes based on partial sequencing of the gene encoding for 16S rRNA showed that these microorganisms belong to eight Actinobacteria genera, including Kocuria, Citricoccus, Terrabacter, Gordonia, Agrococcus, Tsukamurella, Brevibacterium and Streptomyces. The extracts of all isolates were tested for the production of secondary metabolites with fungicidal properties against the following phytopathogenic fungi: of Pythium aphanidermatum, Phytophthora capsici and Magnaporthe grisea. The crude extract of 43% of the isolates showed fungicidal activity for at least one of the pathogens. The chemical profiles of the actinobacteria extracts with positive bioactivity were similar even among different genus. The metabolites of Streptomyces ASPSP 103 were more efficient because of the strong inhibition against all tested pathogens. So, the isolate ASPSP 103 was selected and tested for herbicide activity through screening for algaecide activity towards microalgae Selenastrum capricornutum. We believe that actinobacteria associated with marine sponges play a role in chemical defense against algae that can obstruct the pores, choking the animal. These algaecides compounds possibly have herbicide action. Activity of the Streptomyces ASPSP 103 crude extract against S. capricornutum was observed. In addition, it was observed a weak pre-emergence herbicide activity on Lactuca sativa (dicot) and a strong inhibition in Agrostis stolonifera (monocot). The purification of the crude extract to isolate the bioactive compound was guided by bioassay against Pythium aphanidermatum, a fast growing oomycete and sensitive to metabolites from ASPSP 103 previously tested. The butenolide compound was identified with pre-emergence herbicidal activity against Agrostis stolonifera (IC50 33.43 μg/mL). This is the first report of butenolide activity with herbicide activity. Taxonomy studies showed that the phylogenetic, morphological and chemical characteristics of the isolated ASPSP 103 are consistent with the Streptomyces genus. Then, considering some differences in taxonomic parameters, ASPSP 103T was proposed as line type for a new species of Streptomyces, for which the name Streptomyces atlanticus sp. nov. was suggested. These results emphasize the potential of marine Streptomyces to produce bioactive compounds with potential biotechnological application in agricultural industry.

Adaptabilidade e estabilidade de linhagens experimentais de soja convencional e transgênica com ênfase em produtividade e tolerância à ferrugem / Adaptability and stability of conventional and transgenic soybean experimental lines with emphasis on productivity and tolerance to rust

Nazato, Felipe Maniero 12 February 2019 (has links)
Estudou-se a interação GE e suas implicações no desempenho agronômico, adaptabilidade e estabilidade de linhagens experimentais de soja transgênicas (tolerantes a herbicidas, RR) e convencionais visando contribuir com a ampliação da base genética da cultura, aumento da produtividade e tolerância/resistência à ferrugem asiática da soja (Phakopsora pachyrhizi). Para isso, 100 linhagens experimentais (50 convencionais e 50 RR) desenvolvidas a partir de dois dialelos parciais 5x2 foram avaliadas. As tecnologias RR e convencional tiveram diferentes manejos com herbicidas. Para cada tecnologia, foram considerados 12 ambientes experimentais formados pela combinação de três anos agrícolas, três localidades e dois manejos com fungicidas (OP = fungicidas para controle de ferrugem, D = fungicida para controle de outras doenças, exceto ferrugem). Os experimentos foram planejados em blocos casualizados com duas repetições e testemunhas em comum. Os dados coletados de produtividade de grãos (PG), peso de cem sementes (PCS), número de dias para a maturidade (NDM) e área abaixo da curva de progresso da ferrugem (AUC) foram analisados com auxílio de modelos mistos, sendo os genótipos considerados como aleatórios. Os componentes da variância foram estimados por REML e os valores genotípicos foram preditos por BLUP. Diversos parâmetros genéticos foram estimados. Um índice ICT (Incremental Crop Tolerance) foi calculado a partir dos efeitos genéticos e foi utilizado para avaliar a tolerância, enquanto que os valores de AUC foram utilizados para verificar a resistência dos genótipos à ferrugem. Também foram realizadas análises de adaptabilidade e estabilidade fenotípica e genotípica com auxílio das metodologias GGE-biplot (Genotype Main Effects and Genotype Environment Interaction) e MHPRVG (Média harmônica da performance relativa dos valores genotípicos). Concluiu-se que: a) Os caracteres PG e PCS foram os mais afetados pela interação GE; b) A existência de interação do tipo complexa reduziu as estimativas de herdabilidade no sentido restrito para PG, PCS, NDM e AUC nas análises conjuntas; c) A seleção de linhagens promissoras para PG, PCS, NDM e AUC utilizando valores genotípicos se assemelhou à seleção utilizando médias ajustadas; d) Os caracteres PG, PCS e NDM foram negativamente afetados pela presença da ferrugem; e) Houve evidências da existência de poligenes agindo no controle da resistência dos genótipos RR e convencionais à ferrugem; f) A tolerância dos genótipos à ferrugem apresentou-se como uma combinação da capacidade intrínseca de suportar certos níveis da doença e também da capacidade de evitar um ataque mais severo da doença apresentada por genótipos de menor ciclo médio; g) A tolerância à ferrugem mostrou-se diretamente relacionada com PG, PCS, adaptabilidade ampla e estabilidade; h) Na metodologia GGE-biplot, utilizar valores genotípicos ao invés de médias fenotípicas ajustadas permitiu explorar melhor a variação disponível para PG, PCS, NDM e AUC; i) O efeito de anos agrícolas agiu fortemente na formação de mega-ambientes para PG e PCS; j) As metodologias GGE-biplot e MHPRVG foram bastante semelhantes na recomendação de genótipos promissores em termos de adaptabilidade ampla, estabilidade e produtividade, mas também foram complementares, ao ponto que GGE-biplot explorou melhor os ambientes experimentais e permitiu indicar genótipos adaptados a ambientes específicos, enquanto que MHPRVG resultou em um ordenamento mais simples e direto, facilitando a seleção de genótipos simultaneamente para adaptabilidade ampla, estabilidade e PG; k) Apesar da tecnologia RR ter tendências de ser mais produtiva, mais resistente à ferrugem e mais tolerante em termos de NDM na média geral, ambas as tecnologias foram consideradas potencialmente análogas para a seleção de genótipos promissores para produtividade, tamanho de sementes, ciclo, estabilidade, adaptabilidade (ampla e específica), tolerância e resistência à ferrugem; l) A linhagem RR 42 (BRS 245 RR x USP 70.007) e as linhagens convencionais 69 (Conquista x USP 70.007) e 76 (BRS 133 x USP 70.108) foram consideradas as melhores linhagens simultaneamente para produtividade, para tolerância e resistência à ferrugem e para estabilidade e ampla adaptação aos ambientes diversos em termos de PG. / This research evaluated the GE interaction and its implications on the agronomic performance, adaptability and stability of transgenic (herbicide tolerant, RR) and conventional soybean experimental lines in order to contribute to increase the soybean genetic base, productivity and tolerance/resistance to rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi). One hundred experimental lines (50 conventional and 50 RR) developed from two 5x2 partial diallel were evaluated. The conventional and RR technologies had different herbicide managements. For each technology, 12 environments were considered by the combination of three years, three locations and two fungicide managements (O&P = fungicides for rust control, D = fungicide against other diseases, except rust). The experiments were designed in randomized blocks with two replications and two checks. The data of seed yield (PG, kg.ha -1), seed size (PCS, g), number of days to maturity (NDM) and area under the rust progress curve (AUC) were analyzed by mixed models. Genotypes were considered as random effects. The variance components were estimated by REML and the genotypic values were predicted by BLUP. Several genetic parameters were estimated. An Incremental Crop Tolerance index (ICT) was calculated from the genetic effects and was used to assess the genotypes tolerance to rust, while AUC values were used to verify the resistance of genotypes to rust. Phenotypic and genotypic stability and adaptability were performed using the GGE-biplot (Genotype Main Effects and Genotype Environment Interaction) and MHPRVG (Harmonic Mean of Relative Performance of Genotypic Values) methodologies. It was concluded that: a) PG and PCS were the most affected traits by the GE interaction; b) The complex type interaction reduced narrow-sense heritability estimates for PG, PCS, NDM and AUC in the combined analyzes; c) The line selection for PG, PCS, NDM and AUC using genotypic values was the same that using adjusted means; d) PG, PCS and NDM were negatively affected by the presence of rust; e) There was evidence of polygenes acting on the resistance control of rust in the genotypes (RR and conventional); f) The tolerance of genotypes to rust was a combination of the intrinsic capacity of the genotype to support certain levels of the disease and also the ability to avoid a severe attack of the disease presented by early genotypes; g) Rust tolerance was directly related to PG, PCS, wide adaptability and stability; h) Using genotypic values instead of adjusted phenotypic means in GGE-biplot methodology allowed a better exploration of the available variation for PG, PCS, NDM and AUC; i) The year effect was very strong in the formation of mega-environments for PG and PCS; j) The ranking for wide adaptability, stability and productivity by GGE-biplot and MHPRVG methodologies were very similar but the GGE methodology exploited better the environments and indicated genotypes adapted to specific environments while the MHPRVG methodology allowed a simple and direct ordering for broad adaptability, stability and productivity; k) Although RR technology tends in general mean to be more productive, more resistant and more tolerant to rust in terms of NDM, both technologies (RR and conventional) were considered potentially analogous for genotype selection for seed yield, seed size, maturity cycle, stability, adaptability (wide and specific), tolerance and resistance to rust; l) The line 42 RR (BRS 245 RR x USP 70.007) and the conventional lines 69 (Conquista x USP 70.007) and 76 (BRS 133 x USP 70.108) were considered the best genotypes simultaneously for seed yield, tolerance and resistance to rust and for stability and wide adaptation to different environments in terms of PG.

Performance de cruzamentos de soja em gerações sucessivas de endogamia, com ênfase em produtividade, reação à ferrugem e precocidade / Performance of soybean crosses in successive generations of inbreeding, with emphasis on yield, tolerance to rust and earliness

Carvalho, Renato Sérgio Batista 30 June 2015 (has links)
Entre as principais demandas da agricultura brasileira nos últimos anos, destaca-se a necessidade de cultivares de soja com elevado potencial produtivo, resistentes/tolerantes a doenças, em especial à ferrugem asiática da soja e com ciclo reduzido. O trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar cruzamentos de soja em diferentes gerações de endogamia e seleção, com ênfase nos caracteres produtividade de grãos, resistência/tolerância à ferrugem e ciclo (precocidade). Os 49 cruzamentos foram obtidos em um dialelo parcial 7x7, avaliados nas gerações F2 e F2:3 por Oliveira (2011) e, neste trabalho, nas gerações F2:4, F2:5, F5:6 e F5:7. Um total de dez experimentos (combinações de anos agrícolas, locais e manejos de doenças) foram realizados em blocos aumentados e ou blocos casualizados. Os dois manejos de doenças compreenderam um experimento com controle das doenças de fim de ciclo (DFC) e da ferrugem, enquanto que no segundo experimento envolveu somente o controle das DFC. Os caracteres avaliados foram: produtividade de grãos (PG), peso de cem sementes (PCS, representando o tamanho das sementes), número de dias para a maturidade (NDM), altura da planta na maturidade (APM), acamamento (AC), valor agronômico (VA), notas de severidade da ferrugem (NF) e taxas de reação à ferrugem (TRF). As TRFs foram estimadas para cada caráter por meio da diferença entre as médias ajustadas de cada genótipo nos dois experimentos com manejos de doenças. Foram realizadas análises de variância, estimativas de herdabilidade, capacidades médias de combinação (CMC), correlações das CMC entre as gerações, correlações entre caracteres, seleção de linhagens experimentais superiores e estimativas dos ganhos com a seleção. As metodologias de avaliação da resistência (NF) e da tolerância (TRF) possibilitaram a discriminação de genótipos superiores quanto à reação à ferrugem, demonstrando evidências de serem complementares e úteis para uso em conjunto. Observou-se maior tendência de haver correlações das CMC entre as gerações para caracteres de alta herdabilidade. A magnitude da variabilidade dentro de cruzamentos oscilou em consequência da seleção e da abertura de progênies e ou linhagens para a maior parte dos caracteres. Apesar das correlações entre os caracteres (NDM x PG e NDM x NF), foram observados ganhos na seleção de genótipos superiores. Os genitores que mais contribuíram para a obtenção de linhagens experimentais com alta produtividade de grãos, resistentes/tolerantes à ferrugem e precoces foram M-Soy 8001 e IAC 100 no Grupo I e USP 70.080 e USP 70.123 no Grupo II do dialelo. / Among the main demands of Brazilian agriculture in recent years highlights the need for soybean cultivars with high yield potential, resistance / tolerance to diseases, mainly Asian soybean rust (FAS) and reduced cycle. The research aimed to study the genetic relationships of soybean crosses in different generations of inbreeding and selection, with an emphasis on the seed yield, resistance/tolerance to rust and cycle (earliness). The 49 crosses was obtained in a partial diallel 7x7, researching the generations F2 and F2: 3 by Oliveira (2011) and, in this work, the generations F2:4, F2:5, F5:6 and F5:7. A total of ten experiments (combinations of agricultural years, locations and disease managements) were performed in augmented block and or randomized complete-block designs. The two managements involved one experiment with control of the late season leaf diseases (DFC) and rust, whereas the second experiment only involved the control of the DFC. The following traits were evaluated : seed yield (PG), one hundred seed weight (PCS, representing the seed size), number of days to maturity (NDM), plant height at maturity (APM), lodging (AC), agronomic value (VA), notes of rust severity (NF) and the rust reaction rates (TRF). The TRFs for each trait were estimated by the difference between the adjusted means of each genotype in the two experiments with diseases managements. There were obtained analyses of variance and estimates of heritability, average combining ability (CMC), the CMC correlations between generations, correlations between traits, selection of superior experimental lines and the selection gains. The methodologies for measuring the rust resistance by severity notes (NF) and the rust tolerance (TRF) allowed the discrimination of genotypes and showed evidences of being complementary and with benefits for use together. Higher evidences of CMC correlations between generations were observed in the high heritability traits. The magnitude of the variability within crosses oscillated due the selection and the progeny/line opening, for most of the traits. Even with negative correlations between traits ( NDM x PG and NDM x NF), there were observed gains in the selection of superior genotypes. The parents who contributed most to obtain experimental lines with high seed yield, rust resistance / tolerance and earliness were M-Soy 8001 and IAC 100 in the Group I, and USP 70.080 and USP 70.123 in the Group II of the diallel.

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