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From 2001 A Space Odyssey to Minority Report : Reflections of Imagining Future on Science FictionErel, Sarper January 2012 (has links)
My Bachelor’s Thesis is a comparative analysis that identifies a paradigm shift based on how imagining and portraying futuristic technology and human - computer (or machine) interaction within science fiction works and explore how they depict the technology and the future thinking of their own era. I use two very popular and influential works from two different eras: 2001 A Space Odyssey from the late 1960s and Minority Report from the early 2000s. In the first part of this analysis, I analyze the technology and human interaction with technology in 2001: A Space Odyssey and argue what this tells about the technology thinking of the late 1960s, the high time of the Space Race. During the second part, the analysis continues with the other primary source, Minority Report. However, in this part I make direct comparisons with 2001: A Space Odyssey in order to illustrate the paradigm shift with clear examples.
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How to date future events? Cognitive processes supporting the temporal location of autobiographical events in healthy individuals and in schizophrenia / Comment dater les évènements futurs ? Exploration des processus cognitifs de localisation temporelle des évènements autobiographiques chez le sujet sain et dans la schizophrénieBen Malek, Mohamed Hédi 04 September 2019 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier les processus impliqués dans la localisation temporelle des événements personnels futurs chez les sujets sains et les patients atteints de schizophrénie. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé la méthode de réflexion à voix haute dans trois études expérimentales pour analyser les stratégies utilisées pour déterminer la localisation temporelle des événements autobiographiques. Dans l’Etude 1, nous avons constaté que les participants utilisaient principalement des processus de reconstruction/d’inférence pour dater les événements. Ils s’appuyaient le plus souvent sur des connaissances autobiographiques (c.-à-d., des périodes de vie/événements étendus) et des connaissances générales pour reconstruire ou inférer le moment des événements, à la fois pour les événements passés et futurs. Dans l'Etude 2, nous avons constaté que les buts personnels influençaient le processus de localisation temporelle en augmentant l'accès direct à la date des événements futurs importants et en favorisant l'utilisation de connaissances autobiographiques pour inférer le moment des événements lorsque les dates ne sont pas directement accessibles. Dans l’Etude 3, nous avons constaté que les patients atteints de schizophrénie avaient des difficultés à s’appuyer sur des informations épisodiques pour reconstruire ou inférer la date des événements personnels, et qu’ils commettaient davantage d’erreurs que les participants témoins lorsqu’on leur demandait de classer dans l’ordre chronologique les événements précédemment datés. Sur la base de ces nouvelles découvertes, nous proposons un modèle à double processus pour la localisation temporelle des événements autobiographiques qui articule les mécanismes cognitifs engagés dans la datation des événements passés et futurs. / The aim of this thesis was to investigate the processes involved in the temporal location of personal future events in healthy individuals and in patients with schizophrenia. To do so, we used a think-aloud procedure in three experimental studies to analyse the strategies used to determine the times of autobiographical events. In Study 1, we found that participants mostly used reconstructive/inferential processes to date events. They relied most frequently on autobiographical knowledge (i.e., lifetime periods/extended events) and general knowledge to reconstruct or infer the times of events, both for past and future events. In Study 2, we found that personal goals influenced the temporal location process by increasing the direct access to the times of important future events, and by favouring the use of autobiographical knowledge to infer the times of events when dates are not directly accessible. In Study 3, we found that patients with schizophrenia had difficulties to rely on episodic information to reconstruct or infer the times of personal events, and made more errors when they were asked to temporally order the previously dated events. Based on these novel findings, we propose a dual-process model of the temporal location of autobiographical events that articulates the cognitive mechanisms engaged in the dating of past and future events
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Time in Mind: Understanding the Role of Episodic Future Thinking in Intertemporal ChoiceKinley, Isaac January 2024 (has links)
Humans and other animals systematically discount the value of future rewards as a function of their delay, and individual differences in the steepness of this ``delay discounting'' are predictive of a range of important real-world outcomes. Episodic future thinking, the mental simulation of episodes in the personal future, is one means by which to curb delay discounting. This thesis seeks to contribute to our understanding of how this effect occurs. The account that predominates in the literature is that episodic future thinking simulates the experience of future rewards, enabling their undiscounted value to be appreciated in the present. This thesis takes this account as a starting point, formalizing it in a mathematical model and carrying out several experimental studies to test its predictions. We find that key predictions are not borne out and develop an alternative account in which simulated experience plays a less central role. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Pursuing our goals for the future usually means sacrificing immediate gratification, yet we often make decisions that are not in our best interest over the long term. This is because we assign lower subjective value to future rewards the further they are from the present. Individuals differ in how much they devalue future rewards, and these differences are related to many real-world outcomes. Our tendency to devalue future rewards is reduced when we vividly imagine the future in a process called ``episodic future thinking,'' and this thesis seeks to understand how this effect occurs. The most obvious explanation would seem to be that episodic future thinking ``simulates'' the experience of future rewards and allows us to recognize their value in the present. However, using results from several experimental studies, I argue that this may not be the best explanation after all, and I develop an alternative.
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The development of mental time travelBusby, Janie Amber Unknown Date (has links)
Adults can mentally relive experiences from their past and anticipate possible future events, a process called mental time travel (MTT). Recently, several theorists have argued that the ability to mentally travel through time may not emerge until 3- to 5-years of age. This proposal is based on evidence from a wide range of research, including investigations into childrens recall, planning and differentiation of the times of events in the past and the future. However, as yet there has been no dedicated effort to find out how and when MTT develops. The current series of studies brought together a wide range of resources with the aim of designing a series of novel paradigms to measure aspects of MTT development between 3- and 5-years of age. The first of these novel approaches asked children to report events that occurred to them yesterday and would occur to them tomorrow, revealing that by 4- to 5-years of age most children could accurately do so. Another series of studies examined childrens ability to anticipate a different, future situation, finding that only by 4- to 5-years did childrens behaviour reflect differences in an anticipated future environment. Subsequent studies focusing on childrens discrimination of past and future also suggested that by 4- to 5-years children could distinguish the different causal impact of past and future events on the present. Another task revealed that during the preschool years children become better at differentiating the times of events from throughout their own lifespan. These new data provide support for the claim that the ability to mentally travel into ones own past and future emerges during the preschool years. This thesis describes the first directed investigation into the development of MTT as a whole, bringing together much of the empirical and theoretical literature for the first time. The tasks designed are new approaches to investigating MTT and represent a starting point for future research. This thesis also introduces and discusses theories for the development of MTT, aiming to stimulate discussion not just of when it emerges, but how, and what processes may underlie the transition.
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The development of mental time travelBusby, Janie Amber Unknown Date (has links)
Adults can mentally relive experiences from their past and anticipate possible future events, a process called mental time travel (MTT). Recently, several theorists have argued that the ability to mentally travel through time may not emerge until 3- to 5-years of age. This proposal is based on evidence from a wide range of research, including investigations into childrens recall, planning and differentiation of the times of events in the past and the future. However, as yet there has been no dedicated effort to find out how and when MTT develops. The current series of studies brought together a wide range of resources with the aim of designing a series of novel paradigms to measure aspects of MTT development between 3- and 5-years of age. The first of these novel approaches asked children to report events that occurred to them yesterday and would occur to them tomorrow, revealing that by 4- to 5-years of age most children could accurately do so. Another series of studies examined childrens ability to anticipate a different, future situation, finding that only by 4- to 5-years did childrens behaviour reflect differences in an anticipated future environment. Subsequent studies focusing on childrens discrimination of past and future also suggested that by 4- to 5-years children could distinguish the different causal impact of past and future events on the present. Another task revealed that during the preschool years children become better at differentiating the times of events from throughout their own lifespan. These new data provide support for the claim that the ability to mentally travel into ones own past and future emerges during the preschool years. This thesis describes the first directed investigation into the development of MTT as a whole, bringing together much of the empirical and theoretical literature for the first time. The tasks designed are new approaches to investigating MTT and represent a starting point for future research. This thesis also introduces and discusses theories for the development of MTT, aiming to stimulate discussion not just of when it emerges, but how, and what processes may underlie the transition.
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Future Thinking and Depression / Framtidsorienterat tänkande och depressionSarkohi, Ali January 2011 (has links)
The ability to imagine negative or positive future events is associated with psychological well-being. The present thesis deals with depressed individual’s ability to imagine negative or positive future events. It consists of three quantitative studies (I-III) and one qualitative study (IV). Participants in studies I-III were assessed in connection with a randomized controlled trial of two ways to deliver Internet-based treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD). Their ages ranged between 19-65 years. In addition to receiving treatment participants completed the Controlled Word Association Test; the Autobiographical Memory test (AMT) and the Future Thinking Task (FTT). Participants in study IV were recruited from a psychiatric clinic in Sweden. The sample sizes varied between study I (N=40), II (N=88), III (N=47) and IV (N=15). The aim of the first study was to compare positive and negative future thinking in a group of depressed individuals (n=20) who were compared with a matched group of non-depressed persons (n=20). The results showed that depressed persons report lower scores regarding anticipated future positive events, but that they do not differ in terms of future negative events. The aim of the second study was to examine the association between FTT and AMT in a depressed sample. The results showed that positive future thinking was significantly correlated with retrieval of specific positive autobiographical memories (r = 0.23). The results only gave weak support for an association between FTT and AMT. The aim of the third study was to investigate if scores on the FTT would change following two forms of Internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for major depression (guided self-help and e-mail therapy). A second aim was to study if changes in depression scores as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory would correlate with changes in future thinking. The results showed that FTT index scores for negative events were reduced after treatment. There was no increase for the positive events. Change scores for the FTT negative events and depression symptoms were significantly correlated. The aim of the fourth study was to investigate representations of the future in depressed individuals by using open-ended methodology inspired by grounded theory. The results showed that depressed individuals experienced a state of “ambivalence”. Ambivalence and its negative emotional and cognitive effects were substantially reduced in strength when participants were asked about their distant future. The conclusions drawn from these studies are that depressed persons report lower scores regarding anticipated future positive events (Study I). There is some support for a positive association between FTT and AMT, but the association is weak and only concern positive FTT and positive AMT (Study II). Negative future thinking may be reduced after Internet-delivered treatment, and changes in depressive symptoms correlate to some extent with reductions in negative future thinking (Study III). The concept of ambivalence may be an important feature of depression which deserves more attention from both a theoretical and clinical perspective (Study VI). / Förmågan att föreställa sig negativa eller positiva framtida händelser är förknippad med vårt psykiska välbefinnande. Denna avhandling fokuserar deprimerade individers förmåga att föreställa sig negativa eller positiva framtida händelser. Den består av tre kvantitativa studier (I-III) och en kvalitativ studie (IV). Deltagare i studie I-III rekryterades i samband med en randomiserad kontrollerad studie av två sätt att ge Internet-baserad behandling för egentlig depression (vägledd självhjälp och e-postterapi) . Deltagarnas ålder varierade mellan 19-65 år. Förutom att gå igenom behandling fick deltagarna genomföra olika tester ( Controlled Word Association Test (COWAT), Autobiographical Memory test (AMT) och Future Thinking Task (FTT)). Deltagarna i studie IV rekryterades från en vuxenpsykiatrisk klinik i Sverige. Sampelstorleken varierade mellan studie I (n = 40), II (n = 88), III (n = 47) och IV (n = 15). Syftet med den första studien var att undersöka positiva och negativa framtidstankar hos deprimerade individer (n = 20) vilka jämfördes med en matchad grupp av icke-deprimerade individer (n = 20). Resultaten visade att deprimerade individer rapporterade färre förväntade framtida positiva händelser, men att de inte skiljer sig åt vad gäller framtida negativa händelser. Syftet med den andra studien var att undersöka sambandet mellan FTT och AMT hos deprimerade individer. Resultaten visade att positivt framtidstänkande var signifikant korrelerat med specifika positiva självbiografiska minnen (r = 0.23). Dock visade resultaten enbart ett svagt stöd för ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan FTT och AMT. Syftet med den tredje studien var att undersöka om poäng på FTT ändrades som en följd av två former av Internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi hos deprimerade individer. Ett andra syfte var att studera om förändringar i depressionspoäng mätt med Beck Depression Inventory skulle korrelera med förändringar i FTT. Resultaten visade att FTT indexpoäng för negativa händelser minskade efter behandling. Det fanns ingen ökning gällande positiva händelser. Ändrade poäng för FTT negativa händelser och depressionssymtom var signifikant korrelerade. Syftet med den fjärde studien var att undersöka representationer av framtiden hos deprimerade individer genom att använda en ”open-ended” metodik inspirerad av grundad teori. Resultaten visade att deprimerade individer upplevde ett tillstånd av "ambivalens". Ambivalensen och dess negativa emotionella och kognitiva effekter minskade betydligt i styrka när de tillfrågades om en mer avlägsen framtid. Slutsatserna från dessa studier är att deprimerade individer rapporter färre förväntade framtida positiva händelser, men att de inte skiljer sig från en kontrollgrupp avseende antal negativa framtida händelser (Studie I). Det finns visst stöd för ett positivt samband mellan FTT och AMT, men sambandet är svag och avser endast positiva FTT och positiva AMT (Studie II). Negativt framtidstänkande kan reduceras efter Internetbaserad behandling, och förändringar i depressionssymtom korrelerar till viss del med minskning av negativt framtidstänkande (studie III). Koncepten ambivalens vid depression kan vara ett viktigt inslag av depression som förtjänar mer uppmärksamhet från både ett teoretiskt och kliniskt perspektiv (Studie VI).
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