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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Parking Garage: A Transformation from Infrastructure to Architecture

Mundy, Maria 25 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Naturally Urban

Thomas, Corey Lee 17 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Quantification of Carbonaceous Pollutants from On-Road Vehicles at Selected Inner-City Settings

Hu, Jiangchuan 18 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Weather or Not : Recreation of the most natural light in an underground space

André, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Natural light phenomena are a wide array of captivating occurrences. From the gentle diffusion of sunlight through clouds to the dramatic interplay of shadows during sunrise and sunset. Different phenomena of light appear daily, and through light and its meeting with materiality, situations and spaces appear, triggering different feelings and bodily experiences. Material and light are two fundamental parts of interior architecture and our bodily experience in a space. This project investigates how the qualities Shadowplay, Sunshine, Fog and a Cloudy sky, can be put into a spatial context, through light and materiality, to create a similar bodily experience of that in nature. This to remind us of genuine daylight in the absence thereof. The project aims to create an abstract recreation of the visual identity of the four different phenomena, together with a recreation of our experiences of it. This has been conducted in a garage space lacking all natural light to bring more emphasis to the created lightscape. This project and subject as a whole is important to bring more knowledge about the weight that light has in a space. Today light is often planned late in the process, even though it affect spaces significantly. Light together with surfaces and materials affects the space in different ways. Weather or Not takes the setting of a restaurant interior. A space where the visitor expects an interesting experience, not only from food, but also by the full environment surrounding it. The restaurant is set in a car garage at Åsögatan at Södermalm in Stockholm. A big underground space belonging to an apartment block, today filled with cars that slowly are pushed out from the city center. In a few years these big spaces will be left empty not serving their original purpose. In a time when discussions of living standards are on the agenda, I want to highlight these big spaces, with exterior qualities and foremost, its evident darkness. To have them serve another purpose. This project is looking into the possibility of working with light in this completely dark environment to remind us of natural light experiences in nature in the midst of the city. Through collecting keywords and descriptive texts, the project has been able to base the work on several people’s experiences of the different phenomena, giving them their own identities to work with onwards. The project has aimed to create an abstract recreation based on people’s experiences of the four phenomena with some visual resemblance. The design of the space was made in parallel with light installations resembling the phenomena. Within the project several different ways of working with space and objects has been tested. Light brings another dimension to the process. One that sometimes is difficult to translate into the different processes with obstacles of wanted light spread etc. Instead, working in full scale gave new realisations and opened up to new problems both with scale and measurements, but also with placement of one’s eye and body in the space. This was not visibly, felt or fully understood in models, sketches or digital visualisations, as well as in the real-life experience. The body is a tool with different measurements in our senses.

Where’s My Car? Ethical Hacking of a Smart Garage / Var är min bil? Etisk hackning av ett smart garage

Berner, Madeleine January 2020 (has links)
IoT products are breaking new ground into widespread industries and introducing potential attack vectors to unprepared environments. Even the new generation of garage openers, called smart garages, have entered into the world of IoT. They are connected to the Internet, and are delivered with the goal of providing more security by merging features from the home surveillance boom. But do they keep what they promise? This thesis has evaluated the security of one particular smart garage that is being sold worldwide – iSmartgate PRO. Penetration testing was conducted with focus on the web application. A total of eleven vulnerabilities were reported, including a one-click-root attack that combined three of them into providing an unauthenticated remote attacker with a root shell. It was concluded that the product lacked security measures in certain areas. / IoT-produkter bryter ny mark inom spridda branscher, och introducerar potentiella attackvektorer i oförberedda miljöer. Det är inte förvånande att till och med den nya generationen garageöppnare har tagit ett kliv in i världen av IoT. Vilket innebär att garageöppnarna är uppkopplade till Internet, kallas för smarta garage och levereras med målet att bidra till ökad säkerhet med sina nya funktioner tagna från trenden av hemmaövervakning. Men kan de hålla vad de lovar? Det här examensarbetet har utvärderat säkerheten av ett utvalt smart garage som säljs världen över – iSmartgate PRO. Penetrationstestning genomfördes med fokus på webbapplikationen. Totalt sett rapporterades elva sårbarheter, varav en inkluderade en one-click-root-attack som kombinerade tre sårbarheter till att ge en icke autentisierad fjärrangripare ett root-skal. Den dragna slutsatsen var att produkten hade utrymme för att förbättra säkerheten.

Dagvattenhantering på underbyggda gårdar inom kvartersmark / Stormwater management on yards with underground garages

Borg Berggren, Alma January 2018 (has links)
I takt med expandering och förtätning av städer byggs gröna ytor bort medan andelen hårdgjorda ytor ökar. Regn och smältvatten kan inte infiltrera genom de hårdgjorda ytorna vilket innebär att det istället avrinner som dagvatten. Samtidigt som urbaniseringen bidrar till ökad dagvattenavrinning och nederbördsmängderna i ett framtida klimat förväntas öka, blir det allt viktigare att planera för hur dagvatten ska omhändertas i nya bebyggelseområden. Inom flera svenska kommuner ställs idag krav på att dagvatten skall omhändertas inom privata fastigheter innan det ansluts till det allmänna dagvattennätet. Parallellt med detta innebär förtätningen att byggherrar idag ofta åläggs anlägga gårdar med underliggande garage, så kallade underbyggda gårdar. Det fanns ett behov av att förtydliga och undersöka dagens situation gällande dagvattenhantering i kombination med underbyggda gårdar.Examensarbetets syfte var att samla och skapa ny kunskap om dagvattenhantering på underbyggda gårdar och undersöka hur olika aktörer ser på kraven som ställs på dagvattenhantering. Kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter från de tre aktörsgrupperna VA-huvudmän, ansvariga för detaljplan och byggherrar genomfördes. Syftet var även att utforma ett verktyg för att belysa beröringspunkter mellan dagvattenhantering på underbyggda gårdar och andra intressen inom privata fastigheter.Examensarbetet avgränsades till att studera dagvattenåtgärderna gröna tak, växtbäddar och fördröjningsmagasin. Förutom dagvattenhantering identifierades fem intressen inom kvartersmark som bör bejakas på underbyggda gårdar: landskapsarkitektur, arkitektur, konstruktion, förvaltning och VVS. Ett verktyg utformades och inkluderade de tre dagvattenåtgärderna samt de fem intressena. Checklistor utformades för att beskriva beröringspunkter mellan dagvattenhantering på underbyggda gårdar och de fem intressena. Verktyget består av fyra steg: Nutida och framtida bebyggelse, Dagvattenkrav, Val av dagvattenåtgärder samt Vidare rekommendationer eller förslag på korrigeringar.Intervjuresultaten påvisar att flera intervjupersoner upplever att det är svårt att ställa krav på dagvattenhantering då rättsläget är osäkert, samtidigt upplever byggherrar att kraven kan vara svåra att nå på underbyggda gårdar, främst på grund av platsbrist. Checklistornas punkter är tänkta att fungera som vägledande aspekter att beakta vid dagvattenhantering på underbyggda gårdar och behjälpa avvägning av olika intressen. Förhoppningen är att checklistorna kan bidra till en ökad förståelse för förhållandena mellan dagvattenhantering på underbyggda gårdar och andra intressen. Examensarbetets resultat visar på att en samverkan mellan de olika intressena behövs för att skapa förutsättningar för en god dagvattenhantering. För att funktionen ska hålla över tid är det även viktigt att gemensamt kommunicera kring syftet med den underbyggda gården. / With the expansion and densification of cities, green areas are removed while the proportion of hard surfaces are increased. Rain and melt water are not allowed to infiltrate through the hard surfaces, and instead it runs off like stormwater. With this and the expected increase of precipitation due to climate changes, it is becoming increasingly important to plan for the disposal of stormwater in new urban areas. Several Swedish municipalities are today providing restrictions regarding the diversion of stormwater on private properties and requirements that need to be met before connection to the public water network. Meanwhile, densification means that builders today are often forced to build residential yards on underground garages. There was a need to clarify and investigate today's situation regarding stormwater treatment in combination with underground garages.The purpose of this thesis was to analyse today's state of knowledge about stormwater treatment on yards with underground garages and to investigate how different actors experience the requirements. Qualitative interviews with representatives from the three groups of actors, stormwater sewer operators, planning divisions and developers were conducted. The aim was also to design a tool for highlighting connections between stormwater management and other interests on private properties.This thesis was delimited to study green roofs, plant beds and detention tanks. Five interests were identified on yards with underground garages: landscape architecture, architecture, construction, management and HVAC. A tool was designed including the stormwater facilities containing four steps: Today’s and future construction, Stormwater requirements, Choice of facilities and Further recommendations or suggestions for corrections. Within the tool, four checklists were established to describe connections between stormwater treatment on yards with underground garages and the interests.The interview results show that several interviewees find it difficult to impose restrictions for stormwater management due to legal uncertainties. Meanwhile developers find following the restrictions can be difficult with yards with underground garages, mainly due to lack of space. The checklists are intended to serve as guiding points that should be taken into consideration in stormwater management on underground garages and to help balance different interests. The hope is that the checklists can contribute to an increased understanding of the relationships between stormwater management with underground garages and other interests. The results of the thesis show that interaction between the various interests is needed to create conditions for a good stormwater management and that communication about a joint purpose for the yard with an underground garage is important for maintaining the function of the yard.

Förtätningsprojekt i Umeå : Gestaltning av Stadsliden 2:3 på sluttande mark / Densification project in Umeå : Formation of Stadsliden 2:3 on sloping ground

Lindmark Starkenberg, Frida, Nilsson, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
Umeå är en växande stad som ligger längs norrlandskusten. Kommunen har starka mål och ambitioner för att staden ska växa de närmaste 25 åren. Kommunen planerar att komplettera ett område vid namn Berghem med 80-100 lägenheter. Ett helt nytt kvarter ska bildas på nuvarande naturmark i sluttande terräng. Kvarteret ligger nära Umeå centrum och bara ett stenkast ifrån Berghems eget centrum. Berghem är en av de dyraste stadsdelarna i Umeå att köpa en bostad på och kötiderna är bland de längsta för hyresrätter. Vid byggnation på denna plats behöver många faktorer beaktas. Att anpassa byggnaden efter platsen och dess terräng har varit arbetets stora utmaning och fokus har lagts på förstudiearbetet med en ingående platsanalys över planområdet och dess omgivning. Förstudiearbetet och platsanalysen består bland annat av resonemang kring hur solen påverkar byggnadernas placering, hur omkringliggande byggnader påverkar exploateringsgraden och hur markens terräng inverkar på utformningen. Detta arbete har som syfte att gestalta ett förslag för det nya kvarteret. Visionen har varit att skapa ett kvarter med stark anknytning till omkringliggande natur. / Umeå is a growing city that lies along the coast of Norrland. The municipality has strong goals and ambitions for the city to grow over the next 25 years. The municipality plans to complete an area named Berghem with 80-100 apartments. A new block shall be formed on current natural land on sloping ground. The area is near Umeå city center and just a stone throw away from Berghem’s own center. Berghem is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Umeå to buy an apartment and queues for rental apartments are among the longest. Building on this area needs a lot of factors to take into account. To adapt the buildings to the area and its terrain has been the works greatest challenge, focus has been placed on the pilot study with a detailed site analysis of the area and its surroundings. Pilot study and site analysis consists among others on reasoning about how the sun affects the placement of the buildings, how the surrounding buildings affects on the rate of exploitation and how soil terrain affecting the composition. This work aims to design concept drawings for the new area. The vision was been to create a neighborhood with strong ties to the surrounding nature.

Saved, by becoming a slave to the rhythm!

Holland, Duane Lee, Jr 01 January 2015 (has links)
Saved, By Becoming a Slave to the Rhythm!, is a choreographic work that demonstrates how an individual finds purpose through a rite of passage filled with freedom, music, and movement of the House dancing scene. Saved, reveals how DJ Larry Levan gained recognition from the community of the Paradise Garage Club, as one of the best DJs of his time. The work is split into three sections community, individual, and movement. The community section highlights the universal love, freedom, and multiculturalism of Paradise Garage that was generated by the charismatic control of Larry Levan's DJ mastery. Levan's charismatic mastery is what moved the Paradise Garage community to deem him one of the best DJs in House music history. The community section transitions into the individual section. The individual section showcases the demons of Levan's life. A solo, performed to the words of Levan's best friend, Frankie Knuckles, displays how his excessive lifestyle of drugs and sex became the key to his demise. The third section is an homage to Larry Levan, and members of the Paradise Garage community whom have passed on. I title this section the movement section, because it unveils the progression and stability of the House dance community. In addition to this cultural stability, the movement terminology of House dance is solidified. I want the audience to leave Saved, By Becoming a Slave to the Rhythm!, inspired to search for their purpose in life, find it, and live it lovingly, joyfully, and peacefully.

Changing parking building in the Texas Capitol Complex

Na, Aena 03 January 2014 (has links)
The site is in a garage area in the state capitol complex, Austin Texas. Even though this place is located near by important government facilities and public park and links between UT Campus and Central Business District, there are no people who enjoy the place because there are no function except parking. There are just authoritative and mono-cultural office buildings and boring parking buildings. On the street, there are no trees, retails, and galleries for pedestrians. Existing parking buildings are same type and structure. Because the city has several plans to develop this area in the future such as Waller Creek Development, UT Medical School Master Plan, and Austin's Urban Rail, you can see the importance of this area. The most critical problem is this area is cutting the relationship between UT Campus and Downtown. My question is "How can a new type of parking building contribute to make the Texas Capitol Complex good place?" So I suggest a new type of mix-used parking building. The project goal is to gather people, link separated places: The State Capitol, Waller Creek, UT Campus, CBD, intermingle different functions: garage, gallery, shop, theater, restaurant, lounge, pool, park, and then make the place more dynamic, enjoyable and energetic place. Further, I expect that Austin become interesting city to live and visit through like this new place. / text

Budoucnost brněnského výstaviště / Brno Trade Fairs Future

Mičková, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis follows the urban planning analysis of the BVV area, which was elaborated in the subject TG02 –Specializovanýateliér. The Diploma Project processes an architectural study of the hotel with a congress center. The request for the proposal was the classification of the building into First Class (**** hotel) according to the Official Uniform Classification of Accommodation Facilities of the Czech Republic, as well as the number of rooms 250. The congressional part should serve more than 2,000 persons. The design responds to the historical urbanism of the BVV area, where it retains and optically complements the view axis to the Z-pavilion. The building also reacts to the height next to the standing mansion. In its close proximity is the lower part of the building with the congress center, the height part with rooms is located on the opposite side, at the sports hall. The object is optically divided into two parts - a lower base and a "growing" height part with room. The congress and the hotel part are optically separated by planing offsets and façade solutions. Lower, congress, part orbit horizontal aluminum lamellas, instead, the hotel creates vertical lamellas. These lamellas serve not only as optical separation but also as shading.

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