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Les philosophes de l'exil republicain espagnol de 1939 / Spanish Republican philosophers in exile (1939 – 1965)Foehn, Salome 26 November 2011 (has links)
Les philosophes de l’exil républicain espagnol appartiennent au camp des défenseurs de la Seconde république légitimement proclamée le 14 avril 1931, et plus largement, de la lutte anti-fasciste des années trente. Ils se trouvent au côté du "peuple" lors de la guerre civile, qui dure trois ans. La victoire en 1939 du Général Francisco Franco, soutenu par l’Allemagne nazie et par l’Italie fasciste, les forcent à fuir l’Espagne en 1939 – au péril de leur vie. Certains intellectuels connaîtront les camps de concentration français, mais la plupart trouveront refuge en Amérique latine, en particulier au Mexique et au Venezuela. En exil, ils jurent de rester fidèles à la Seconde république et à l’esprit du peuple espagnol. Ces philosophes appartiennent au camp des vaincus, à l’instar de tous ceux qui, mus par des idéaux progressistes et d’humanité, partout en Europe se sont élevés contre la barbarie fasciste. C’est pourquoi leurs œuvres respectives demeurent aujourd’hui encore inconnues dans leur quasi intégralité – malgré les tentatives de "récupération" menées tout au long des cinquante ou soixante dernières années pour promouvoir leur pensée auprès d’un lectorat plus large. Au contexte de crise historique de l’entre-deux guerres, s’ajoute la situation particulière de la philosophie espagnole proprement dite. En effet, celle-ci n’est institutionnalisée que dans le premier tiers du vingtième siècle : on voit alors apparaître l’École de Madrid et l’École de Barcelone. L’Espagne en ce sens rattrape le "retard" pris par rapport aux autres pays européens, notamment l’Allemagne. Aussi la génération des philosophes que j’étudie, nés autour de 1900, est-elle la première bénéficiaire de cette politique de renouveau culturel et intellectuel : au moment où éclate la guerre d’Espagne, ce sont des philosophes professionnels jouissant d’une reconnaissance internationale qui s’engagent dans le conflit. Par conséquent, l’oubli qui recouvre leurs noms n’est pas seulement dû aux dramatiques circonstances historiques et politiques de la première moitié du vingtième siècle : il est également dû aux limites de la philosophie dogmatique elle-même. L’expérience de l’exil elle-même, à mon sens, s’avère un catalyseur : ceux-ci visent à s’émanciper des conventions académiques pour philosopher de façon autonome, c’est-à-dire en espagnol et dans l’esprit du peuple. Cet idéal de liberté est à n’en pas douter à la source de la "raison poétique", véritable invention de l’exil républicain espagnol. / Spanish Republican philosophers in exile sided with the Second Republic, legally proclaimed on April 14, 1931. They embraced the anti-fascist cause rising in the 1920s and 1930s in Europe. During the Civil war they stood among the people. The war lasted three years. 1939 saw the victory of General Francisco Franco, supported by Nazi Germany and the Italy of Mussolini. Threatened with death, they had no choice but to escape Spain. Some intellectuals experienced French concentration camps but, for the most part, they found refuge in Latin America, especially in Mexico and Venezuela. In exile, they swore to remain loyal to the Second Republic and to the spirit of the Spanish people. These philosophers belonged to the vainquished, as those everywhere in Europe who, moved by liberal views and humane ideals rised against Fascist barbarity. As a result, their respective works are still widely unknown today – despite restless efforts made to promote their thought to a larger audience for over half a century. In addition to the historical context of crisis during the interwar period, the situation of Spanish philosophy itself is suggestive. Indeed, Spanish philosophy was institutionalised at the beginning of the twentieth century only ; the Schools of Madrid and Barcelona were created. In this sense, Spain caught up on other European countries, Germany especially. These politics of cultural and intellectual renovation are first bestowed upon the generation of philosophers I study, born in the 1900s. When the Spanish war erupts, they had become professionals of international recognition. This shows the actual limits of academic philosophy, incapable of taking or unwilling to accept unorthodox ways of philosophising. The experience of exile itself serves in my opinion as a catalyst : Spanish republican philosophers in exile seek emancipation from academic conventions to philosophise freely ; that is, in Spanish and according to the spirit of the people. No doubt "poetic reason" – the true invention of Spanish republican exile – stems from this ideal of autonomous thinking.
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Mujeres Sumisas, Mujeres Transgresoras en el Siglo XIX Español: una Aproximación a la Obra de Francisca Navarro y Joaquina García BalmasedaZaera, Isabel María 05 1900 (has links)
This research discusses the changing role of women in Spanish society during the nineteenth century through the works of Francisca Navarro and Joaquina Garcia Balmaseda. The thesis shows the break with the traditional image of the "angel del hogar" and the gradual incorporation of the social changes affecting women which were reflected in the female protagonists of the comedies written by such playwrights. By reading theoretical texts of the emerging feminist theory and through analysis of the main female characters, this study examines the changes regarding the established canon and its own evolution within the nineteenth century, from the works of a pioneer like Francisca Navarro in the first third of the century to those of Joaquina Gracia Balmaseda towards the end of it.
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Landscape preservation and biodiversity planning : the Kino Heritage Fruit Trees Project and beyondYaquinto, Robert Giacomo 01 October 2014 (has links)
This report argues that historic landscape preservation efforts need to embrace biodiversity planning. Historic landscape preservation sites need to develop biodiversity plans because they are uniquely qualified to provide the continuous monitoring that successful biodiversity planning requires. Not only will biodiversity monitoring at various historic landscape sites contribute to a nationwide collection of biodiversity planning data, but it will also provide a rich source of information that can be presented to draw a wider audience into the biodiversity discussion. After considering three precedents: Old Sturbridge Village, Old World Wisconsin, and Tucson Botanical Gardens, the report focuses on the Kino Heritage Fruit Trees Project and its real and potential impacts on biodiversity planning in southern Arizona and more broadly. Finally, the report considers how seed libraries and seed swaps might serve a similar purpose in other parts of the country. / text
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Z Andalusie do New Yorku: Evoluce Lorcovy poezie / From Andalusia to New York: The evolution of Lorca's poetryGozonová, Renata January 2012 (has links)
In my thesis, I focus on the evolution of the Spanish poet Federico García Lorca's poetry, from his stay in Andalusia to the period he passed in New York. At first, we present avant-garde literary movements of that age. In detail we focus on the Generation 27, whose Lorca was member, and on the poetry the poets cultivated. In Lorca, firstly, we take a look at his life, his personality and then we divide his production into two periods: Andalusia - we take look at his lecture about "cante jondo" and at two books, Poem of cante jondo and Gipsy romances. New York - we approximate to Lorca's stay in New York and the country, and how the environment was reflected in his book of poems Poet in New York. In conclusion we summarize both periods of his production.
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Le "réel merveilleux" chez Alejo Carpentier, René Depestre et Gabriel Garcia MarquezFauchier, Joël 01 October 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Notre travail naît d'une ambition : proposer une définition du réel merveilleux, et déterminer à cette fin s'il s'agit d'un genre littéraire, ou plutôt d'un ensemble de textes unis par un mode de rapport au monde. A cet effet, nous interrogeons les textes de trois auteurs majeurs du réel merveilleux caraïbe : du cubain Alejo Carpentier, de l'Haïtien René Depestre et du Colombien Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Notre démarche s'intéresse à la visée littéraire du réel merveilleux comme à sa visée anthropologique. Nous cherchons à déterminer chez ces trois auteurs la part du fantastique et la part du merveilleux, souvent en conflit dans leurs textes. Mais nous mettons aussi en lumière les enjeux historiques et culturels de leur écriture. De notre étude, il ressort que le réel merveilleux exprime, à travers des conflits narratifs, les contradictions qui parcourent le monde caraïbe, partagé entre les déchirures de l'Histoire, et l'utopie du Mythe. D'une part il ouvre sur un monde terrifiant : chaos tellurique où se désagrègent les repères spatio-temporels, hantise de la figure du métis, perception enfin d'une histoire pressentie comme un monstre. D'autre part, il ouvre sur ses propres mythes, qui sont souvent des mythes européens revisités : perception cosmique de l'univers, mythologie euphorique du métissage, réconciliation de l'homme avec le monde par une écriture qui conjugue poésie et carnavalesque. Qu'est-ce que donc que le réel merveilleux ? Non pas un genre littéraire ni une esthétique qui se confinerait dans "un réalisme magique" empreint d'artifice, mais plutôt une expression littéraire propre à l'Amérique latine et notamment aux Caraïbes, qui traduit les terreurs comme les aspirations d'une culture et développe sa quête identitaire aux confins de l'Histoire et du Mythe.
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Ausencia, prohibición y carencia : Estudio de los personajes y el deseo frustrado en tres obras de García LorcaLeon Vegas, Carolina January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, the main male characters in three of the plays written by Federico García Lorca are analysed with the aim of seeingthe role they play in the frustration of desire. After two chapters dedicated to a review of published critical studies on Lorca and tocertain theoretical considerations, Chapter Three examines desire drawing on Ubersfeld's actancial model and observes that thesemale characters can be divided into two groups: those who are desired and those who are undesired.In Chapter Four this classification is linked to an analysis of absence, prohibition and lack. Absence is here defined not asrelated to their non-appearance on stage but rather to their non-presence in the lives of the desiring female protagonists. It isobserved that a number of male characters are absent in the plays mainly due to death or a journey. As far as prohibition isconcerned, in two of the works, there is a moral code associated with concepts such as "honour" and "decency", which blocks thefemale characters' access to the males they desire. Chapter Four also shows how several characters can be considered as lacking inthe sense that they do not possess the ideal male qualities contained in the plays. This chapter reaches the conclusion that desiredmale characters are either absent or forbidden in the world of the desiring female, whereas undesired male characters are lacking inthe sense that they fail to live up to the ideal highlighted in the plays.Chapter Five analyses the female characters' perception of the male figures, making use of René Girard's notion of"transfiguration", which alludes to a process of idealisation of the object of desire. Our analysis reveals a connection betweendesire, denied access to the object of desire and transfiguration in the main subjects of desire. The phenomenon of "transfiguration"has several functions in the play: firstly, the creation of hyperbolical male characters; secondly, that of transmitting the intensity ofthe desire experienced and, finally, the highlighting of the lack of certain qualities in several male characters.We thus observe that, in these three plays written by García Lorca, Girard's pessimistic view of desire is confirmed, since desireneeds a series of obstacles, such as absence or prohibition, to survive. However, this is not the only explanation for the frustrationof desire: other factors, like the actions of certain male characters or destiny, also play a decisive role.
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La estética de la obra sinfónica de Manuel Berná GarcíaGiner Tormo, María Consuelo 07 June 2003 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo principal el estudio de las veintidós obras sinfónicas del compositor Manuel Berná, (Albatera, Alicante-España 22/ agosto/ 1915). Se subraya la importancia de su estilo propio, encuadrado en la armonía tonal alterada, que huye de la duplicación de la octava, prefiriendo sextas y séptimas alteradas. Asimila el impresionismo, con gran dominio del color de la orquesta; el puntillismo, donde tienen valor las notas individualmente, fragmentando mucho las melodías; y el simbolismo, buscando la representación de la esencia del objeto o la psicología del personaje. Esto unido a una mentalidad contemporánea, elevando la música popular a la categoría de sinfónica. Predomina el tono sobre el modo: dentro de la politonalidad e incluso de una pantonalidad, aportando la idea estética de la influencia del semitono.Atento a las nuevas corrientes, vivo ejemplo de tenacidad, sabiendo evolucionar y aportar su estética a futuras generaciones, como compositor clásico. - / The aim of this thesis is to study the twenty-two symphonic works of the composer Manuel Berná, (born Albatera, Alicante, Spain, 22/08/1915).It emphasises the importance of his style within the framework of altered tonal harmony, which avoids doubling the octave, rather using altered sixths and sevenths. It assimilates Impressionism with its command of the orchestral colours; Pointillism, in which every note has equal importance, producing fragmentation in the melodies; and Symbolism, with its search for the representation of the essence of the objects or the psychology of the characters. These techniques and his contemporary mentality raise Popular Music to the category of Symphonic Music. Key takes precedence over mode within polytonality and even pantonality, contributing the aesthetic idea of influence of the semitone. As a classical composer, he was up to date with new trends, a living example of tenacity, evolving and contributing his aesthetics to new generations.
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La Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Murcia, a través del periodismo médico murciano (1907-1933)Pérez Gómez, Cayetano 01 July 2011 (has links)
Se estudia la actividad científica de los Miembros de la Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Murcia durante el primer tercio del siglo XX. Las fuentes principales fueron las revistas, Murcia Médica (Murcia, 1915-1918), Estudios Médicos (Murcia, 1920, 1924-1933), junto a su Boletín (1920) y Suplemento (1924-1933), y Gaceta Médica de Murcia (Murcia, 1907-1916); se recurrió además a las actas de la Academia, a los fondos documentales del Colegio de Médicos y al Archivo Municipal de la capital murciana.
En conclusión, la actividad científica de la Academia murciana estuvo centralizada en las revistas y limitada al ámbito local, aunque destacan figuras de cierto relieve como las de Pascual Ríos, Pérez Mateos, Albaladejo García y Guillamón Conesa. La materia más frecuente en las publicaciones fue la enfermedad infecciosa y aspectos relacionados. La orientación de los artículos fue fundamentalmente clínica y están prácticamente ausentes los temas relacionados con la salud pública. / This work is focused on the scientific activity of the Members of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Murcia during the first third of the 20th Century. The main sources were the journals Murcia Médica (Murcia, 1915-1918), Estudios Médicos (Murcia, 1920, 1924-1933), and Gaceta Médica de Murcia (Murcia,1907-1916). In order to enrich this research, the Academy’s Acts, the documentary funds of the College of Physicians and the Local Archives of the capital city were resorted to.
As conclusion, the Murcian scientific activity was focused in the journals and limited to the local scope, although it must be stressed out the presence of certain prominent figures such as Pascual Ríos, Pérez Mateos, Albadalejo García and Guillamón Conesa. The most common speciality in the journals was Microbiology, Infectious and Parasitary diseases.
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El conflicto entre la realidad y el deseo en la poesía surrealista de la Generación del 27Castro, María Elena 25 March 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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Cuerpo presente : imaginería corporal, representación histórica y textura narrativa en Yo el Supremo (1974), Noticias del Imperio (1987) y el General en su Laberinto (1989)Vázquez-Medina, Olivia January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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