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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On design methods for mechatronics : servo motor and gearhead

Roos, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
The number of electric powered sub-systems in road-vehicles is increasing fast. This development is primarily driven by the new and improved functionality that can be implemented with electro-mechanical sub-systems, but it is also necessary for the transition to electric and hybrid-electric drive trains. An electromechanical sub-system can be implemented as a physically integrated mechatronic module: controller, power electronics, electric motor, transmission and sensors, all integrated into one component. A mechatronic module, spans, as all mechatronic systems, over several closely coupled engineering disciplines: mechanics, electronics, electro-mechanics, control theory and computer science. In order to design and optimize a mechatronic system it is therefore desirable to design the system within all domains concurrently. Optimizing each domain or component separately will not result in the optimal system design. Furthermore, the very large production volumes of automotive sub-systems increase the freedom in the mechatronics design process. Instead of being limited to the selection from off-the shelf components, application specific components may be designed. The research presented in this thesis aims at development of an integrated design and optimization methodology for mechatronic modules. The target of the methodology is the conceptual design phase, where the number of design parameters is relatively small. So far, the focus has been on design methods for the electric motor and gearhead, two of the most important components in an actuation module. The thesis presents two methods for design and optimization of motor and gearhead in mechatronic applications. One discrete method, intended for the selection of off-the-shelf components, and one method mainly intended for high volume applications where new application specific components may be designed. Both methods can handle any type of load combination, which is important in mechatronic systems, where the load seldom can be classified as pure inertial or constant speed. Furthermore, design models relating spur gear weight, size and inertia to output torque and gear ratio are presented. It is shown that a gearhead has significantly lower inertia and weight than a motor. The results indicate that it almost always is favorable from a weight and size perspective to use a gearhead. A direct drive configuration may only be lighter for very high speed applications. The main contribution of this thesis is however the motor/gear ratio sizing methods that can be applied to any electromechanical actuation system that requires rotational motion. / QC 20101220

Application of Acoustic Emissions and High-Speed Imaging Techniques to Detect Gear Tooth Bending Fatigue Damage

Egbert, Haelie A. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Kvalitetssäkring av fläckanalys för hypoidväxlar / Quality Assurance of Contact Area Spot in Hypoid Gears

Engdahl, Philip, Aspelin, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
Det amerikanska företaget Meritor är en globalt ledande leverantör av lösningar för bland annat drivlinor, bromsning och rörlighet till både industri- och kommersiella fordon. Meritor HVS AB:s fabrik, belägen i Lindesberg, är främst inriktad på montering av kompletta hjulaxlar samt bearbetning av komponenter, inklusive kugghjul till hypoidväxlar, till tunga fordon såsom buss och lastbil. Hypoidväxlar används i bakaxlar då de klarar av höga vridmoment samtidigt som de har en hög hållbarhet och är relativt tysta i drift. Ett steg i monteringsprocessen för växlarna på Meritor är att passa in pinjong och kronhjul, två typer av kugghjul, så att de har god kontakt mellan kuggarna. En god kontaktyta behövs för att inte påverka kugghjulens livslängd samt säkerställa tyst drift. Kontaktytan verifieras bland annat genom okulär fläckanalys av montören. Syftet med examensarbetet var att utföra en undersökning om hur kvalitetssäkringen av fläckanalysen kan förbättras i Meritors centrumväxelmontering. Visionsystem är en metod som ansetts lämpad och extra intressant att undersöka.  Under arbetet har nuläget kartlagts genom bland annat observationer, intervjuer och interna dokument såsom arbetsinstruktioner. Undersökning av kvalitetssäkringslösningar har utförts genom bland annat studiebesök. Fem stycken lösningsförslag har tagits fram varav en kombination av några av dem skulle ge en mer fullständig kvalitetssäkring. För att bestämma exakt vilken lösning som är mest lämpad så behövs en kravspecifikation tas fram vilket i sin tur kan kräva att flera olika tester behövs genomföras för att kartlägga behov och önskemål. / he American company Meritor is a globally leading provider of solutions for drivetrain, braking and mobility for both industrial and commercial vehicles. Meritor HVS AB's factory, located in Lindesberg, is primarily focused on the assembly of complete wheel axles and gears but also machining of components, including gears for hypoid gears, for heavy vehicles such as busses and trucks. Hypoid gears are used in rear axles as they can handle high torque while having a high durability as well as begin relatively quiet in operation. One step in the assembly process of the gears at Meritor is to fit the pinion and ring gears, two types of gears, so that they have good contact (mesh) between the gears. A good contact surface is necessary to not impact the life-span of the gears and to ensure quiet operation. The contact is verified through ocular contact spot analysis by the assembly worker, where the assessment may be a difficult task as well may differentiate between the assembly workers, which is a risk of false assessment. The aim of this project was to carry out a study regarding how quality assurance of the contact spot analysis can be done in Meritor's gear assembly. Vision systems are a method that is considered suitable and of extra interest to investigate. During the work, the current situation has been mapped through observations, interviews and internal documents such as operation instructions. Investigation of quality assurance solutions has been done through e.g. study visit. Five proposals for solutions have been developed where a combination of some of them would provide a more complete quality assurance. In order to determine exactly which solution that is most suited, a specification of requirements is needed to be determined. Several tests could be required to establish requirements and requests.

Utvekling av blåmärkningsverktyg för högpresterande kuggväxlar / Tool development for gear tooth marking in high performance gearbox applications

Bremberg, Lukas, Fält, Adam January 2023 (has links)
Detta projekt undersöker möjligheten att utveckla ett nytt verktyg för blåmärkning av kuggväxlar. Projektet görs i samarbete med Siemens Energy i Finspång som bland annt tillverkar Gasturbiner för energiförsörjning. Gasturbinerna förses med högpresterande växellådor som dimensioneras för att klara av stora belastningar. Under tillverkninsprocessen utförs blåmärkning på dessa kuggar för att försäkra sig att kontakten mellan kuggtänderna i växellådan uppkommer på rätt del av kuggparets kuggytor vid obelastad drift. Med hjälp av blåmärkning kan man vidta åtgärder som minskar risken för kantanligg vilket kan resultera i utmattningsbrott och haveri. Uppdragsgivaren har problem med att lagret blåmärkningsfärg som appliceras ofta blir för tjocjt eller ojämnt. Ett nytt verktyg utveckas i detta arbete för att lösa problemet. Det resulterande verktyget applicerar blåmärkningsfärgen med hjälp av en generisk tvättsvamp. Dess materialegenskaper tillåter svampen att återabsorbera överflödig färg som appliceras på kontaktytorna och på så sätt skapa ett jämt och lagom tunt lager mycket enklare och mer tillförlitligt än med exempelvis en målarborste, vilket är de verktyg som främst används idag. Svampapplikatorn är installerad i ett munstycke som kan skruvas på direkt på färgtuben för att leverera färgen direkt in i svampen, samt använda färgtuben som ett handtag för extra portabilitet. Till munstycket medföljer även ett ergonomiskt handtag som kan ersätta färgtuben som handtag vid behov. Överlag uppfyller lösningen syftet med arbetet och tillåter även en oerfaren arbetare att uppnå ett bättre resultat på blåmärkningen än med uppdragsgivarens nuvarande metoder. / This project explores the possibility of developing a new tool for gear tooth marking. The project is done in collaboration with Siemens Energy in Finspång, which is a manufacturer of gas turbines for energy supply among others. The gas turbines are equipped with high-performance gearboxes that are dimensioned to cope with large loads. During the manufacturing process, gear tooth markings are carried out on these gears to ensure that the contact between the gear teeth in the gearbox is distributed correctly, reducing the risks of uneven forces resulting in breakdown or early fatigue. The client is experiencing problems with the application of the paint that is applied during the gear tooth marking process. The paint is often applied too thick or unevenly. A new tool is developed in this project to solve this problem. The resulting tool applies the paint using a generic sponge. The properties of the material allows the sponge to reabsorb excess paint that has been applied to the contact surfaces and thus creates an even and sufficiently thin layer with greater ease and better reliability than with a paint brush, which is the tool most commonly used today by Siemens Energy. The sponge is installed into a nozzle that can be screwed directly onto the paint tube. The tube can then deliver the paint directly into the sponge, and the user can use the paint tube as a handle for added portability. The nozzle also comes with an ergonomic handle that can replace the paint tube as a handle if necessary. Overall, the solution fulfills the purpose of the project and allows even an in experienced worker toachieve a better result on the gear tooth marking than with the current methods used by Siemens Energy.

The Mechanics of War: Procedural Rhetoric and the Masculine Subject in the Gears of War and Mass Effect Series

Snyder, Shane Michael 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

An Experimental Investigation of the System-Level Behavior of Planetary Gear Sets

Boguski, Brian C. 16 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

A Study of Geometry and Deformable-body Characteristics of Non-right Angle Worm Gear Pairs

Madhavan, Sriram 29 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Designing of two load bearing surfaces in a modern high-speed steam engine / Utformning av två lastbärande ytor i en modern högvarvig ångmotor

Söderbäck, Anders January 2022 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the designing of two load bearing surfaces in a modern high-speed steam expander. One of the surfaces is a synchronizing gear structure and the other a conical surface. The goal besides the design is to calculate the contact pressure these surfaces experience during operation. This is achieved by using a machine element design software called KISSsoft for the gear’s more complex geometry. The design process for the conical surfaces is based on analytical calculations that utilizes Hertzian contact theory and the contact pressures the designs amount to is investigated by the use of FEA. The designing process used for the surfaces with regards to placement and geometry resulted in two different concepts. The main difference between the two resulting concepts were how the surfaces were located relative to each other. The gear structure for both concepts were so-called spiral bevel gears, which are conical gears with spiral teeth. The conical surfaces of each concept utilizes crowing of one of the surfaces. The crowing was deemed as a necessary design detail and the magnitude of the crowning radius was used to control the resulting contact pressure. / Ämnet för denna avhandling är utformningen av två lastbärande ytor i en högvarvig modern ångmotor. En av ytorna är en synkroniserande kuggkonstruktion och den andra en konisk yta. Målet förutom utformningen är att beräkna det kontakttryck som dessa ytor upplever under drift. Detta uppnås genom att använda en mjukvara som är specialiserat på design av maskinelement som heter KISSsoft för kuggkonstruktionens mer komplexa geometri. Designprocessen för de koniska ytorna är baserad på analytiska beräkningar som använder Hertz kontaktteori och kontakttrycken i dessa ytor undersöks närmare med hjälp av FEA. Designprocessen som användes for placeringen av ytorna men också deras geometri resulterade i två vinnande koncept. Den största skillnaden mellan dessa koncept var hur ytorna är placerade relativt till varandra. Kuggkonstruktionen var för båda koncepten koniska kuggväxlar med spiralformade tänder. De koniska ytorna for båda koncepten använde bombering av en av ytorna. Bomberingen ansågs som ett nödvändigt detalj i utformningen and dess krökningsradie kunde användas för att kontrollera kontakttrycket mellan ytorna.

The application of meta-heuristics to optimise load distribution in machine elements and assemblies / Примена метахеуристика на оптимизацију расподеле оптерећења код машинских елемената и склопова / Primena metaheuristika na optimizaciju raspodele opterećenja kod mašinskih elemenata i sklopova

Milojević Jevrić Marija 02 October 2015 (has links)
<p>In this Phd thesis, heuristic, meta-heuristic and predictive methods are<br />considered. Meta-heuristics optimisation of the transverse load distribution<br />factor of helical and spur gears is conducted. The multi-objective optimisation<br />problem of the planetary gear train is done using Genetic Algorithm method.<br />A comparative study of several meta-heuristic methods is given for solving<br />the problem of dynamic load capacity and working life at radial ball bearings.<br />Bayesian network, as a predictive method, is implemented in the software to<br />support the decision making in complex mechanical plants.</p> / <p>Докторска дисертација се бави темама везаним за хеуристичке,<br />метахеуристичке и предикционе методе. Извршена је метахеуристичка<br />оптимизација проблема трансверзалног фактора расподеле<br />оптерећења код цилиндричног зупчастог пара. Вишекритеријумски<br />проблем геометрије планетарног преносника је решаван применом<br />генетских алгоритама. Поређење неколико метахеуристичких метода је<br />дато на решавању оптимизационог проблема радног века и динамичке<br />носивости код котрљајних кугличних лежаја. Бајесове мреже, као<br />предикциона метода, су уграђене у софтвер за подршку одлучивању у<br />комплексним машинским постројењима.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija se bavi temama vezanim za heurističke,<br />metaheurističke i predikcione metode. Izvršena je metaheuristička<br />optimizacija problema transverzalnog faktora raspodele<br />opterećenja kod cilindričnog zupčastog para. Višekriterijumski<br />problem geometrije planetarnog prenosnika je rešavan primenom<br />genetskih algoritama. Poređenje nekoliko metaheurističkih metoda je<br />dato na rešavanju optimizacionog problema radnog veka i dinamičke<br />nosivosti kod kotrljajnih kugličnih ležaja. Bajesove mreže, kao<br />predikciona metoda, su ugrađene u softver za podršku odlučivanju u<br />kompleksnim mašinskim postrojenjima.</p>

Hybrid modular models for the dynamic study of high-speed thin -rimmed/-webbed gears / Modèles modulaires hybrides pour l'étude dynamique à haute-vitesse des engrenages à voile-minces

Guilbert, Bérengère 08 December 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse ont été réalisés grâce à une collaboration entre Safran Helicopter Engines (anciennement Turbomeca) et le Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures (LaMCoS) de l’INSA de Lyon (UMR CNRS 5259). Les boîtes de transmission par engrenages des moteurs d’hélicoptères convoient la puissance mécanique du turbomoteur aux accessoires (pompes, démarreur) et au rotor. Leur conception dépend des nécessités des équipements embarqués, en particulier l’allègement pour réduire la consommation en carburant. Les engrenages haute vitesse de la transmission sont allégés grâce à des enlèvements de matière dans les corps sous la denture, les voiles-minces. Un modèle dynamique d’engrenages a été développé pendant ce projet de recherche. Son approche modulaire permet l’inclusion conjointe des sollicitations dues aux vibrations de l’engrenage et de la nouvelle flexibilité des voiles-minces. Il dérive d’un modèle à paramètres concentrés, comprenant des arbres en poutre, des paliers et carters sous forme de raideurs additionnelles et un élément d’engrenage rigide inclus par son nœud central. Hypothèse est faite que tous les contacts sont situés sur les lignes de contact du plan d’action. Ces lignes sont discrétisées selon des tranches-minces dans les dents et la déviation normale des cellules est recalculée à chaque pas de temps selon la déflexion de la denture. Le nouveau modèle remplace l’engrenage rigide par une modélisation EF du pignon et/ou de la roue condensée sur les nœuds de jante. Une interface lie les raideurs du plan d’action discrétisé aux éléments finis du corps d’engrenage. L’élément prend donc en compte à la fois les sollicitations de l’engrenage et le comportement statique et modal des corps flexibles en dynamique. Des comparaisons sont faites avec des données numériques et expérimentales. Elles attestent de la capacité du nouveau modèle à prédire le comportement dynamique des engrenages flexibles à hauts régimes de rotation. Ces résultats intègrent entre autres des données locales et globales en dynamique. Finalement, le modèle est utilisé sur les deux cas académiques validés pour visualiser les effets des corps flexibles plus en détails. Un premier focus sera fait sur la déflexion statique due aux charges d’engrènement et sur l’optimisation sur le fonctionnement dynamique possible. Puis, les impacts des sollicitations de l’engrènement sur le voile en rotation seront étudiés. Enfin, le pignon et la roue seront affinés, afin de visualiser l’optimisation massique possible et son impact sur la dynamique de l’engrenage. / The research work presented in this manuscript was conducted in the Contact and Structural Mechanics Laboratory (LaMCoS) at INSA Lyon, in partnership with Safran Helicopter Engines (formerly-Turbomeca). In helicopters, the power from the turboshaft is transmitted to the rotor and the various accessories (pumps, starters etc…) via transmission gearboxes. In the context of high-speed, light-weight aeronautical applications, mechanical parts such as gears have to meet somehow contradictory design requirements in terms of reliability and mass reduction thus justifying precise dynamic simulations. The present work focuses on the definition of modular gear dynamic models, capable of integrating both the local phenomena associated with the instant contact conditions between the tooth flanks and the more global aspects related to shafts, bearings and particularly the contributions of light thin-rimmed /-webbed gear bodies. The proposed models rely on combinations of condensed sub-structures, lumped parameter and beam elements to simulate a pinion-gear pair, shafts, bearings and housing. Mesh elasticity is time-varying, possibly non-linear and is accounted for by Winkler foundations derived from a classic thin-slice model. The contact lines in the base plane are therefore discretised into elemental segments which are all attributed a mesh stiffness function and a normal deviation which are updated depending on the pinion and gear angular positions. The main originality in this PhD consists in inserting condensed finite elements models to simulate flexible gear bodies while keeping the simple and faster rigid-body approach for solid gears. To this end, a specific interface has been developed to connect the discretised tooth contact lines to the continuous finite element gear body models and avoid numerical spikes in the tooth load distributions for example. A number of comparisons with numerical and experimental results show that the proposed modelling is sound and can capture most of the quasi-static and dynamic behaviour of single stage reduction units with thin-webbed gears and/or pinions. The model is then applied to the analysis of academic and industrial gears with the objective of analysing the contributions of thin, flexible bodies. Results are presented which highlight the role of centrifugal effects and tooth shape modifications at high speeds. Finally, the possibility to further improve gear web design with regard to mass reduction is investigated and commented upon.

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